Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, October 06, 1904, Image 1

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Ix*a< h that they might find whether any
evidence of tbe ti-Ksel or her crew had
drifted aaliorv. Thia had always fieen
United states Senator Hoar Passes
Absence of News Trom Pori Arthur
their cualom and small boat» and demi
From Earth.
Alarms the Slava.
Ixxlira had often taen found even ao Newsy Items Gathered from All
Worcester, Mass., Oct. I.—George Flood Works Ruin in Colo­
soon after great catastrophes.
St. Petersburg, Sept. 29.—Tbe entire
Parts of the World.
Friable Hoar, senior United States
In ■ few hours the sear* hers liegan
rado and New Mexico.
ahaence ol news horn Port Arthur, it
■enator from Masaaibusetta, died at
to return to the village empty-handed.
is feared, indicate* a closer blockade
liia home in this city st 1 .36 o'clock
Aa they came each reported in turn
Hitherto, dispatches
yea ter day morning. Th* end followsd ALL RAILROAD ARE TIED UP there.
that nothing hail been found. It had
a period of unconai iousneaa that had
I we n a severe storm, however, snd
General Htoeesel have been coming
By Paul De Loney
everything had prolialdy taen dashed General Review of Important Happen- lasted since early Tuerxiay, and came thirty Blocks In Trinidad ate Un­ through *emi-w*ealy. Tbe admiralty
to piece* against the rock» alxrut Cape
•o gently that only the attending phy-
pcnlgs Presented In a Brief snd
Au Ihor uf ‘•|ord of Ihr Drwrt.** “Orryon Slict<h«t.M
der Two to Four Tcct of Vater
ha* not received any detaila of the re­
■icisn* were awais of tbe exact moment
l>iMp|Miintm* nt, and the taxi lee of the
«ii<l uthrr Paclfk (< mi »I Murkr»
Condensed Eorm.
-Loss Vil! B< Very Heavy.
ported wa fight off Aniva, at the south­
crew, they thought had lieen sent to
of liia ending.
The attend'ng physicians despaired
the bottom of the aea or were Ixabed to
eastern extremity of Habalin.
Th* Japan««* have begun a general of the senator's Ife six weeks sgo, but
the remnant* ot the vessel where all
it is understood,
( IIAFn.lt 1.
The storm grew stronger in it* fury, muât ta dred.
such wa* th* vitality exhibited by their flood struck the city of Trinidad and
advance on Mukden.
ia still in tbe harbor. The cannonad­
j As if angry at the prolonged life of the
dialinguiahed patient that even they tbe whole valley along the Las Animas
The forward party which followed
The Ktorni.
The condition of Postmaster General
dliiiiaiitle.1 I hip, it gathered over the the beach toward the ocean, and had
were surprised, end the public wa* at river, today, devastating a wide section ing at Aniva waa probably a Japanese
"flown »lie went!"
■pot »bereit wa* making it* last ti-elile pria-eeded about a mile waa «tartled by Payne is very serious.
time* led to cherish faith in an ulti­ and causing a money loss which at attack on blockade runners.
"All aboard were list.'*
! tight to live. The sheet» of rain grew a noise while climbing among the dr ill-
Mobile, Alabarn, is having the warm­ mate recovery.
A telegram received here from Bat-
present cannot be eatimated, but which
"Hhe made • gallant tight."
thicker, the steady wind gn-w stronger, woxsl in a little cove.
est weather in ita history for the t me
On Sunday last, however, all hope may reach several hundred thousand*of oum reporting that reaervas are being
"Heel Bite comes to the aurface the wave* dashed together behind her
of year.
"A wharf rat!” exclaimed one,
wa* abndoned after a last unsuccessful dollar*.
transported along th* Caucasian const
■ nd r.-ariel high up lido tin- ait. Thon
"No, a weasel,” said another.
Kvery bridge in the city of Trinidad
Tl a Japanese have adopted tactics attempt to administer medicine and
Th« foreoglng eiclamatlona can e they broke apart snd those receding
"It la the voice ot a human being, aa intended to prevent th* return of iii» nourishment.
Brief lucid interval* ia out, the Santa Fe station ia demol­ brings the first intimation that troop«
from • group of fl-herimn who alixxl •ent the vessel on more rapidly. The sure aa you Jive!” shouted a third,
were followed by longer duration* of ished, all ol the railroads are tied up, ar* being mobilized there. There are
upon the ■hurva of Baker'* tay and •pray from th» icean and the sheets of who waa nearer the aouud than tbe main Russian force to Mukden.
unconwiousriea* until Tuesday morning, ■ nd the telephone and telegraph service» only two army corp* in the Caucasus,
watched a ahip tattling with th« wave* rain from the heavens formed a veil other*.
The Russian squadron at Port Ar­ when the venerable statesman sank into
completely suspended. More than 30 and one of them ha* apparently been
on th* Columbia bar.
which olsu-tired all (or a brief time.
"On then,” repliod the man who thur haa made another attempt to en- a «late of coma, from which all effort* city blocks in the residence and bu*i-
ordered to the Far East.
Th« rain fell In long, alanting, twill­
The fishermen *tiee| like •tatuo* for had tlrat spoken.
cape, but were driven beck,
Another to rouse him proved futile. During
nesa section* were two to four feet under
ing sheets. It ap|H*arwi ■■ if th* heav­ ■ few moments. Night wa* dialing in.
Prince Hviatopolk-Miraky was re­
The membera of the party all ruahed •ally ia expacted.
the last hours there was not a move­ water along the rvier
en* wer« u t**l waterlall »aayed and But fur one brief instant there »»« a to the place from which tbe sound em­
ment of the body, and only a scarcely
ceived in sudience yesterday by tbe
tiiMed by all ot the gist* <>( luty.
Th« glimmer from the departing day anJ the ana ted.
not go on to Harbin and the problem perceptible pulse evidenced the final were lo*t, but there were many narrow emperor.
Th« prince will
wind lio* led »fol n>o*n««l like a |K»w«r- men ashore saw the stranded vessel
"Didn't 1 tell youT” said the man
charge of the ministry of tbe interior
ful moiiati-r, making the earth and •landing with moi» in the sand while who had proclaimed it a human voice, of wintering hie troops is a serious one
There were present at the bedside
The fLxxl was caused by the heavy today.
everything upon it tremble while It the victorious wave* were |x>unding when be reached the place.
when death came the senator'* son, rain which has been falling for two
the Japanese at Mukden.
The latest developments in the ritu­
piirancd its way a* alnedy •• a tide from her at a rale that must soon break her
"Well, 1 told you that it waa a
Rockwood Hoar, hi* dangther, Mary day*. At 8 o’clock last night the al ion at tbe front ia tbe definite eatab-
th« deep.
Souvenir Lewis and Clark doll*» Hoar, and D. Warren R. Gilman, who
' to pieces.
■mall human being, and it ia," replied
storm assumed cloudburst proportions, liahment of the fact that Field Marshal
Tree* l«emled tlicir leiiigha to th«
Hut to render aid to those aleiard the the man who had pronounced the cry have been *ent to President R<x»*evdl for weeks I a* been in almost constant
and at 2 o’clock this morning the low Oyama has now begun to move up his
ground an<l writhed an<l quivereal to ■Inking chip wa* lm|>o*«ilil*.
■ nd mem! er of congress who were II- attendance upon tbe senior.
No aa coming from a wharf rat.
Animas river went over its banks.
Kuropatkin’s report
the end of their ttiiii-at roots.
Ilouae* earthly craft could live in such a
"It’s mate ia old enough for you," trumental In *ecuring the apptopr.s-
At 3:30 it was impossible to «et shows that tbe Japanese have reached
rockad and awayed like a weather vane ■ca. Hlowly
and aa-lly the tollera id remarked one of the fishermen,
within a block ot the river bed at any Davan. on tire weet bank of the Liao
The more the < i.hiluii ia wi-nde-l their way to their
u|x>n thrir foundation*,
"Yes, but he is ot little uae now, he
A mail car from Pari* to Havre, con­
point, and Commercial street was flood- river. A considerable concentration of
timid of tlie men and the women and home* in th« village where they tulli ia deail," was the reply.
taining about 100 pouches of American Hcarf Dixasc Develop« In Marked w| for three blocks in the heart of the Japanese is observed st Hianchan, on
children, though accustomed to atorros, the story of the wreck.
"Not much, see, he >>|>eria hla eyes!" mail, was broken into and 91 pouches
Poem In Postmaster.
business district. Meantime the elee- the Hun river. 36 miles southwest ot
crouched and lr«inl>i«d with ■ wed 11
■houtol one of them joyfully.
opened and rifled of such valuable* as
Washington, Get. 1. __ Poatmaster ' u',ic ,j«h» •,»d
P**nt* had bren flood- Mukden, and Japanese cavalry ia mass­
preaaiol a U|Hin tlirti fa ea •■ th<-y lis­
A Md pii-ture, yet one that gave they may have contained
There ia no
ed, and the city waa in complete dark- ing in the vicinity of the Pu river.
tenn-l to th« deafening din ts liich wa«
pleasure to the flshermeu, presented record of their conten * or of the valu­
Age ami Infancy Drift Ariiore.
Tbe latter is a tributary of tbe Hun
■ wm-ping Ilia earth.
ill at his apartments at the Hotel nee*.
itself. A short, stout old men, with ables abstracted.
Th« water* at the btoarl trewith ol
With the cloaing in of darknea* the gray hair and whiskers, lay laahed to
Arlington nere.
here. ..larzeu
Marked symptom* or
r of citizen*
-------- --------
•»— the
— river, which crosses the line of railwsy
heart trouble have developed, and bi* *Are*!B on 1 16 *■'*!<* °‘
submerged midway between Tie pas- and Mukden,
the Collin l>la river aroae like wild •torrn abated. Aa if rebuked by the
W. J. Bryan i* a grandfather.
a broken spar of a ship,
He was
■teed* *• they met the »torin-drlvi n | deep ahailea ol night it skulked away
condition lxx-ar.es., serious during the
«nterns and doing and may furnish a natural line of ad­
protably three acore and ten. The
Disease i* claiming many Japanese
their best to provide those diiven from vance from the west.
Only its
wave« of the l'a< itic and iiattled with Hikes aulalued trvspaaaer.
• lay as to cause grave concern.
spar lay upon bia right leg and he soldier*.
Oyama's armies now appsrently cov­
their homes with shelter.
them for aupremacy. The combatting -ambling. diMp|«aring footsteps ci uld
' could not move, Hail thia not been
Warning of the flood was given when er a front of 60 miles for enveloping
element* formed like a mountain rang- I m - heard in the distance.
j the caae he cotibl never have relaered
along the liar, showing, with th* rapid
But for the booming of old ocean’* himself from the timber, for he waa •uccec«fully launched.
improved, though I.is htalth haa been the river left its bonk* by revolver shots movements, ffis wings are extended
to the northeast and weet of Mukden.
Ity of a ka trblcM tiplr View, | Vuk», mad wave*, who seemed to feel that she
for a long time. He went to the ami the ringing of the Are alarm, fol­
numb and dazed, more dead than liv­
The Russian cruiser Orel brok* a
lowed by the blowing of all the loco Thus far the Russians have found little
fulchru am! < any«>i>N an th«* wnU'rn r>««* had conquered *11 within her grasp ami
ing and the chorda had drawn deep in­ cylinder on her trial trip and will be While House to attend the meeting of motive and shop whistle* in town. strength of pressure from the Japanese
ami clinchml ami than id! ami divided was reaching out her arina for the sky
tbe cabinet last Tuesday and that night
to hi* lx«iy. But in the aged man's dlayd aix month*.
center. 0/sma seems to be moving
for another attack.
■ml r>x ks to catch all above and atanit : clasp, like that ot the deail, he held
was very restlees. He was at hi* desk Citizens upon raft* made of section* of
sidewalk* paddled through the streets, with great deliberation, probably gath­
Saturn gavr her picture additional lier, a «1 illness would hate pretailed
chaw to bia heart a crying infant.
ed from Mukden, leaving only a small forenoon yesterday, although feeling rescuing families who were in danger ering strength for a rapid advance of
grandeur hy tin* coloring.
Tha ap •uch »■ only exist« in a calm after a
... . not
..... ........................
The new Barca hotel, a two story both wings when an attempt ia made
proach <d night through ouch • atom», great atorm.
force to guard the rear.
very ™«..
badly, ...
and . did
return to tbe
departm.-nt "after' iuncheom 'remaining "‘rocture just reaching completion at to close the net.
while thrrr wan atill nnoiigh fhadtnl
Ol<l Keadog Rejoice*.
1 lie fl«herm«n tagau to emerge from
The Japat.e e army haa captured Da
\ . room. ** He i became ver* • ill
• «'ex-*
Although tbe imaginary line connect­
liglit to caat a lurid haac over th«* amn«», their hollies. The news of the t rrihle
cost zv.f
of ton
»20 nn<Y
000 ««
on »k«
tbe river bank,
Long tafore the old man and the pass.
in Ms
Lit room. He became very 1». last • ...
Practically no reaiatance waa in
The water ty,en ate itf ing the extreme Japanese advance and
thn mingling <»( thn bl«M«d ird uatrra ol fata of tlie ship ami her crew had - child were found, other fishermen bad
offered by the Russian*.
way through 50 fevt ot the ground to west of Mukden still passes ten miles
thv river will» thr gturn and wliitn oi • pr*ad alxiut the village. While there launched their tmata and had pulled out
ever tince.
below that city, it is evident that tbe
A Puget sound tug just in from Alas­
«M'ran Rtrtakrtj thn u hoi© with a hut ■ a* none of timer hardy (ellowa who on the bay.
Dr. Magruder, who was his physician tbe Banta Fe depot, which waa carried
fate of Mukden cannot long be delayed.
emblematic of rontnat and death.
Home went to the fiahtrap* and oth­ ka, teport* having lighted a Russian during b>s severe illnere oi some away.
would <lai* the wl>ite-cap|Mx| waves,
If General Kuropatkin intend* to try
is »...
divided by
Tim thin© from Ilia tlmp MN*mn«l to I m * yet they could not sleep w bile succor er« made straight sctom to the wreck. gunboat at Unimak pasa.
month* sgo, iimb
has own
been ■tw'uuiiin
attending mm,
. -
. »
to hold the city fighting on bi* flanks
angrrrti by thr iMittln above thnlf linadi» i might l*c rendered in some manner.
But old Heedog had pre|«red to go
A dispatch from Cons'antinople *ay* ami Dr. Rixey, the ron.«**« general of Anlm*’ ’•_’«* «hich is »panned by six will begin almost immediately.
and roa© higbnt and higlmr* with a
tteacon lights were kindled upon the
that the village of Rainra, Anusuia, ‘.he navy, aleo ha* ticen - all -d. During
pownr that
iiiailr Ilin r»M'kdM>umi liill* along it*« shore and atx*vc the safe , it against all cornet a until ta should was the arene of a maanai re of Armen­ the evening Free.dent and Mrs. Roose­ weie washed out and many residents
A lex i err to come home .
aliorra «liakr, to rruah out thn wild con- landing pla***-a so that it any craft carry out liia plana.
Firearm* had ian* by Kurd*. l>etails are lacking.
velt called at the hotel and made in­ were unable to reach their homes or to
trat betwran rixrr and wavaa. Thr should have survived the storm it lx-en aecretmi in his amall taint before
quiries regarding the postmaster gen­ communicate with their families, the
Hop* have advanced two and tore»
•pray da<d>©<! up rvan to thn timber might st<wt tor the place w h-re landing leaving shore anil these were trans­
HI» Position Will Be That ot An
eral's condition.
Dr. Magruder on telephone system being wrecked.
cent* throughout the Willamette val­
l>rlt abuvn tha brach, orating a f«>g on did not mean certain death, though the ferred to the wreck.
Advisor to the Emperor.
later tonight
th© window« of thn high-prr« bed light- beet wa« haiardous
One of the boya waa left on guard
gave out a statement which admitted
Hept. 29.—Although
hntiaa that ma«lr the newly lighted
"More wood!" they shouted, as the while the <dd man leading tlie other*
the serious nature ot Mr. Payne's con­
30 cents.
to the effect
lamp ap|»TAr <!im, ami the wholanioun fires Ix-gan to die down and in every di­ went on a »«arching tour of the ship
dition, but said the patient was retting Effort Is Being Made to Annex Part
tain range along th© count to the m»itl> rection apectro-llke forma were seen
is not expected immediately, since it
They soon found that the v«e*el poe-
Heavy rains have caused serious easier then.
of Kansas to Colorado.
quivered to ita fotimlation while May* moving shout like shadows among the xeeMxl lint little that waa of value for it damage to railroads in Western Texas,
will require some little time to get Rur­
Pueblo, Colo., Oct. 3.—An effort at
ing thr mighty ruah of the aatrra from hig I revs that lined the lulls near the had discharged it* cargo at Kan Fran­ New Mexico and Northern Mexico,
al*'■ second army in tbe field, the des­
Um (M*ran.
cisco, ami ha I come to the Columbia Several washout* are reported on the
water suit is in pr «rese, and if the ignation of
Grand Duka Nicholas
A group of tlaherfnrn atood at a point
O hers lined up near the w ater's edge for ■ return consignment.
Santa Fe in New Mexico and on all Chicago School Children Wrongly
efforts of those most interested in the Nicholaevitch, the inspector general of
on th© aliotr© of tlie l»«v. Th©y w««rr with ro|w*s in hand, and strained their I
But it »as not wealth of the kind ro«<ls train* are delayed.
Believe Negress Is to Teach.
case are sucessful a strip of the western
dr©ncli<M| to thn akin, but they did not ■ yea and rars for a glimpse or a aound that the world consider* valuable that
cavalry, a* commander in chief is re­
Two mors of the Billings, Mon’..
Chicago, Hept. 30.—Fifty boy pickets portion of Kansas, about 160 miles
mind thia. They were im tn inhnt that would direct them to a place old Hvadog wa* haiking for, it wa* that
garded as practically settled. Tbe sit­
stationed about the McAllister public wide, will be annexed to the state of
U|»on Matching an object battling fur ita where humanity's rm-at charitable act whit b would remove all cloud from the jail breaker* have l<een captured.
uation at tbe front, with two, and per­
Itfa on tli© liar of th© river. It wi.a coitld ta- l<esluWed.
title to hi* own wealth.
Unofficial estimate* by Japanese offi­
thraa who had mad** the eai lamation*
Il was while thu* engaged in ran­ cer* place the number of their sick and tering today None of the pickets was fore the supreme court at Washington haps ultimately three, big armies, is
But it waa a night of work and vigi- j
wi.l be thrown out.
more than 16 year* old.
given at the introduction of thia chap lane** without reward. No. an object sacking the unfortunate vessel that the wounded soldiers at 46,000.
considered to demand, above all ela%
Politicians in both Kansas and Colo­
Outside the picket cordon, a crowd
was seen, not a sound liranl save that advance guard of the fishermen arrived
that the supreme commander be of
of 700 boys and girls hooted and yelled rado are working for tbe passage ol a
It waa the aevereat storm for many <d the rwrding waters ■■ they returned in their small boat*. Ohl Hoadog wa*
tache of the British eniloasy and later at the teachers looking from windows. bill through the legislature* of both such personal authority as to be be­
year«. They hod Iw-en partially drawn, to the deep from which they came.
always first appesle<l to by hla aona ta­
found h* bail exceeded his authority. Every infant striker wore a badge to states whereby the western portion of yond jealousies and tbe possibility of
practically thrown ashore in their crude
The sun shot above the Inirizon the fore action was taka n and the one on He has apologised.
show that he or she belonged to a Kansas can be taken into Colorado. intrigue on tie part of subordinate*,
flailing Ixiata by th* rtcnling water* following morning with a ttasli.
Tlir guard called to hi* father and informed
from the conflict lwrtwe*n ocean ami *kv was aa clear as a eryetal.
“union.” Some of the badges were This, it is thought by those who have and such a man tbe emperor now rea­
The him of the approach of their neigh­
While anxioua eye* watch*-*! water» were as arnooth on the bay aa n bors .
merely scraps of paper with the word given the irrigation question much lizes can only be supplied by a member
them from the window« of the fl-hing lawn. Only out on the bar did an oc-
"union” scrawl, d across it.
Other* study,will solve tbedifficulty. and both of the imperial family. Grand Duke
Timber Land. Act Jun* 1 1ST*.
The old man ruahed upon deck and
ft ’ ulicativ N.
village In the rear, which wa« wrapped cMlonal whitecap show its bead.
wore union buttons which thrir father* states will be benefitted to a great ex­ Nicholas is regarded as extremely well
■adzing a gun, he preaented it and Mill:
I'nllel State* Land Office,
L. P. Worden, of Syracuse, fitted for this great responsibility.
had worn, Many of the strikers car- tent.
In the landslorm, they l<s*k*<l more
latke*lew, ure»ou, July 15. 1WM.
"Upon your lives, come no chwer,
The b*-aeh was a*x>n lined with men,
Notice la hereby given that in compli­ risd dull*.
Grand Duke Nicholas will not rely
anxloualy out to •*«. Having lawn women and children. The amoldering men! Stop where you are and return
The* threatened vióleme Kas., and C. C. Kennison, of Garden
ance with the provisions ot the act ot
upon a single adviser, but on a staff
handled so mercileaaiy by tlie waters lire« on the hillsides sent swirling j to your Ixiata or I will shoot!”
luue J. is"», entitled "An act tor the against any child daring to enter the City, Kae., a candidate for representa­
sale ot timber lands in the States ot school yard.
tive from that county are in Pueblo in comprising the ablest strategists of tbs
which had a|*enl their fury and were te- streams of white amoke »freight toward |
"What r ght have you to the craft?” California.
Oregon, Nevada and Wash­
genera staff, who in reality will con-
al... heaven*.
.... -
_ .-a a tr**eaaliove
_____ 4......... sk...
treating from the battiest tlie bar, they I the
The picketing was the result of a the interest of the plan.
Tlie great
th»- asked the bolder of the party.
ington Territory,” as extended to all the
"It would settle the water question stiute a board ot direction of military
lot nd Htate* by act ot August L "strike” which was caused by a mis­
tremble*) at the fate id an object which | te-arh lisd straightened their boughs
"The right * f sahag* men, the right i'ubllc
IMkl. the following peraons have this da>
in Western Kansas forever and the suit operations.
they diacovered in th* center of the rag and no evidence remained of the tattle of salvage! We were first to taiard her nie<i
In this office their sworn statement* taken belief of the children that an as-
Viceroy Alexieff is regarded as al­
Ing conflict.
sis'ant kindergarten teacher was colored. now in the courts would be dropped as
with the storm save the broken limb« 1 after «lie went aground,” replied Hie
Uvorge Mechen. of San Joae. County ot
The re­
ft to««e<l and leaped and roae and fell and the high pile* of diiftwixol tlmt ol*l man.
Alter a detail of six policemen had there would no longer be any reason most cet tain to return here.
Santa Clara. State ot California, sworn
like a woumhil and l*ew ilderiwl animal littered the shore.
"Well, we will report you to th* statement. No So«, tor the purchase ot been sent to the school to preserve or for continuing it" arid Mr. Worden to­ port that he may become chancellor of
the nw<*. Section 15 Township J> 8.
the empire, however, is exploded. He
pierced by it bullet from some liunter'a
der, the "strike” was "settled.” A day.
On the approach of a newcomer a law ." shouted one of the fishermen a* Kang« lit* East W. M.
Both Mr. Worden and Mr. Kennison is more likely to retain bis title and
rifle. Now on a |« nk, which shot up tlret glance was cast out over the bay. they left the place, some returning to
John B. Sinnott, ot
Boulder Creek. committee appointed by the youthful
Ilk* a riM'ket from the depth* below; It ««« folloaixl by a cloud of diaap the village ami others pulling for thrir County ot Santa Crus, Stat* ot Cali­ strikers learned that tbe rumor of a appeared before the government com­ come to St. Petersburg, nominally ia
fornia, eworn statement No. 28*7. tor tha
now on the brink of a deep canyon, pointliu'iit on his or her face.
purchase ot lite swt* Section 10, Town­ colored teacher having been employed mission when it was in session here, the capacity of adviser to the emperor,
Hand traps further up th* tay.
ship 37 South. Hang» lit* East W. M
formed III the tw inkling of an eye; now | Island liml rlaiined many victims and |
in the school was false. About SO per and are thoroughly familial with the snd will thus efface himself aa a factor
(To be continued)
Mark It. Chase, ot San Jose. County of
on a narrow ledge pending over a deep | another disaster was to ta added to her !
Santa Clara. 8taie ot California, sworn cent of the strikers went back to their situation. They ray they are supported of tbe military situation in the Far
statement No. Joo, for the purchase ot classes.
abyaa, and then in the depth* of a record.
Truant officers began a search by practically every reeident of West­ East.
lia* Into • Woír» Pen.
the et» ot set*, se^ of ll«1» Section ». and
ern Kansas.
gulch, whose watery walla were ctaah-
Buried deep into her Mnds was the I An Oklahoman named lawioD hail ■ wl* of nw^ Section 10. Township 17 for the absentees.
Hang« 11*» East W. M
Attempt to Ruin Warships.
Ing down upon it—then it di-appeared hull of another vessel.
Only a few mi unpleasant experience whll* visiting South,
That they will off«r proof to ahow that
Would Try to Reach Arctic.
from view!
Inventor Dies a Charity Patient.
New York, Hept. 29.—With the in­
stumps ot masts remained above the Ills brother-in-law, Milo Blodgett, who th« land sought la more valuable for Ita
"Down aha went!" said one fisher- wreck. Strain their eyes as they would Ilves near Adolie Walla in the Texas timber or atone than for agricultural
Christiana, Norway, Oct. 1.—The
New York, Oct. 3.—Ome wealthy tention of ruining the hnll of tbe battle­
purposes and to establish their claims
under the shadow of their Lands or [ panhandle. Lawson went wolf hunt­ to said land before the Register and Re­ Duke of Orlesns has asked permission and with a host of friends among prom­ ship Connecticut, which will be
"All ab oard were lost,” Mid another. through their strongest glasses, not a ing alone. Next day Ills horse was ceiver at lutkovlew. Oregon, on Wednes­ of the government to have the An tic inent and veatby men in the coun­ launched today, an obstruction was
the 5th day ot October, 1*04.
"Hhe made a gallant tight,” remark­ living thing could be dlacovered on or found saddled, but without a bridle. day.
When it
They name as witnesses:
H. steamer Eram, in which Dr. Nansen try, Charles Y. Yeaton, the inventor, placed on the ways.
ed a third.
about the rentaina of the vessel which Blodgett auiiimoned about thirty neigh- Chaae. Han Joae. California; T. H. Shan­ made hie voyage to the Arctic regions, is dead at the home of incurables, a placed there, or by whom is not
Hhe comes to the surface had made such a gallant fight the pre- l>ora and began searching for Lawson,
Paralysis, from known, as it was not discovered until
Ealla, Oregon; John B Sinnott. Boulder for the purpose of an arctic expedition charity
agalnl" exclaimed the man who had vioua day.
' who waa located after nearly a day's v’reek, California; George Mechen, Han in 1906. It is understood that the ad­ which he had suffered two years, caused divers were sent down to make an in­
first spoken.
miralty will require that the Captain his death. Yeaton invented a number vestigation.
This investigation was
Suddenly a boat shot out from the ........
hunt. Ills feet were sticking from tlie Joae.
Any and all twraona claiming adveraS-
The ship had Instantly *p|x>*reil shore to tin- east. An involuntary hiss
ly the above-described land* are request­ Otto Sverdrup, the former commander of machines, among which was a type­ made as a matter of precaution and tbe
top of a wolf den and about three feet ed
again. But It writlusl in the roaring eeeaped through the lips of the other
of the Fram, shall command the vessel, setting machine, the Srst ever offered naval officers then learned that an ob­
of dirt rested on his body. Lawson before said 6th day of October, 1»(M.
eur! like a stritken serpent. It had fishermen. It »»« old Seadog and his
if the go ernment agrees to the propo­ for said. He enjoyed an intimate ac­ struction had been placed on the ways
J. N. WATSON. Register.
been a flue rigged sailing vessel, but boy*.
sition of the duke. The plan of the quaintance with President Andrew that would have destroyed the work of
They l ad slept through the tricate himself.
now it was a mere hull with part of a night while others kept ths beacon fires
expedition has l>een submitted lor the Johnson, who offered him a diplo­ months.
He had dug down In the wolf den
dc< k and a few stumps of mast* left. burning. They were not now on a mis
approval of the authorities.
Timber Land. Act June 3. 1ST*.
matic poet at St. Petersburg.
feet on a alant In a manner
It had l>een the pride of a country and, sion of charity l>ent. They had gone
Carshops are Closed.
United States land Office,
something like the entrance to a dug-
like a brave soldier wounded and dia- for plunder before.
Russia Orders Warships.
Lakeview. Ore., July 11, 1KH.
Aldermen Indicted for Grafting.
Chicago, Sept. 29.—The Chicago,
Notice I* hereby given that In compli­
arnieil, It waa tighting th* enemy even
But old Hesdog had othet motives in reach In after some coyote pups, He ance
Pari*, Oct. 1.—A dispatch from
Buffalo. Oct. 3.—As the result of Rock Island A Pacific railroad company
with the provisions of the act of
in its dying gasps.
view. Ilia keen eyes had pierced deep­ caught one mid threw It out and It la Congress of June 3. 1873, entitled "An Toulon states that the Russian govern­ District Attorney Coatsworth’s investi- today practically closed down its car
act for the sslo ot timber land* In th* ment has just orderedfromtheCom-
It lunged this way and that. One er into the storm the previous day.
agtion of charges of alleged "grafting” and locomotive shops hers. The en­
State* of California. Oregon. Nevada and
moment itcsreeiied on it*side; another He had also been reading the marine supposed that tills frightened bls horse, Washington Territory.” aa extended to pagnie des Forg s el Chintiers de la on the part of city officials, three pres­ forced idleness came unexpectedly.
it stoisl on its beam; then It reared up news, besides letters and newspapers
Mediterranee 11 torpedo boat destroy­ ent aidermen and four foimer aidermen The union boiler makers employed in
grass near the hole. The horse, making Augtat 4, IKK.
like an animal in deaiieratinn, and with from a foreign land.
He thought lie
ers of the latest pattern, the constru • have been indicted. They are: John the shops had made demands for high­
of Klamath Falla. County ot Klamath. tion of which is to be l*evnn at once. Thomae Harp, Henry Moest and Orrin er wages a few days Irefore the shut­
the agility of a cat regain« d Its position recognised tbe vessel's country, by the
of Oregon, haa thia day filed In
on a wil<l wave and rode it with a gal­ vessel itself and had a motive for being dirt falling on the prostrate body of State
General Superintendent
thia offic* hla sworn statement. No. 2W7, Four will be built in the dockyards at F. Bierce, Aldermen, and Edward C. down came.
lantry that charmed the fisherman. flrat aboard should hie surmise be true the man, covering lili* body and head. for the purchase of the seu ot ae!4 ot Havre, four in the Norman dockyards Reiser, Ixruie G. Roedel, Henry G. of Motive Power Reed, however, denied
The dirt caught him with his arm* Section No. ». In Township No. 33 South,
Then lost for a moment It appeared
On they dashed, propelled by the
Range No. » East, and will offer proof snd three at leseyne. They will take Schneider and John G. Bosch, former that the shutdown wa* in any way at­
again as if it had been discharged from skilled oarsmen, growing leas and leas stretched out In front so he could not to show that the land »ought la mor* 16 months to build. Russia has also aidermen. All tire indicted men were tributable to these demands.
for its tlmlx-r or atone than for
one of Neptune's greatest guns sta­ until like young jackals they lifted their
purpose*, and to eatabllah ordered four cruisers of the Bayan type. arraigned today and pleaded not guilty.
nianuged to work Ills hands and shove agricultural
tioned on a morn of the deep.
his claim to said land before Oeorge T.
boat on the sands and climlied over in­
Torpedoboat Lost.
the dirt down the hole until his head Ilaldwln. County Judge of Klamath
"Bravo!” shouted a fisherman.
wills city *250,000.
to the hull of the stranded veasel.
British Steamer Stopped.
London, Sept. 29.—Ths British tor­
County. Oregon, at Klamath Falla. Ore­
"Hhe deserves to live," said another.
The |>eople began to break away In
gon. on Saturday, the 8th day of Octo­
Boston, Oct. 1.—Public bequests ag­
Chefoo Oct. 3.—The Billish steamer pedo boat destroyer Chamois has '—en
"But lookl" shrieked a third.
small groups. They were silent but from the top. He lay in thia position ber, 1104.
aa witnesses: K. M. Colson, gregating over 11,000,000, the largest Yik Sang, trading in China aaea, ar­ lost off the islsnd of Cephalonia, in
Th* shattered vessel had crossed the old Neadog and hie boy* were con­ from 6 o'clock Thursday afternoon till R. He C. names
Short, Martin Robert, and T. H. being a gift of »260,000 to the 'ity of rived today and reports she waa stopped the Mediterranean.
All on board were
ali of Klamath Falla, Oregon. New Bedford, are contained in the will
bar and was heading straight for Haml demned in the minds of many.
Still 19 o'clock Bunday morning.—Kansas ■hannan,
by a Japanese torpedo boat deatroyer saved. While going at full speed on a
all persona claiming adverse­
Island. Caught on the receding waters they did not know the real motive that City fltar.
ly the above-described land* are request­ of the late Mrs. Bsrah Potter, of Bos­ outside of the harbor of Chefoo.
After trial yesterday, a ecrew blade came off,
she was dragged mercilessly toward her prompted the land pirates.
ed to file their claim* In thia office on or ton, which was filed for probate thia
her papers had been examined, the pierced the botton of the destroyer and
Laplander* have been known to akat* before Mid 3th day of October. 1304.
The men scattered up aud down the a distune* ot 159 mita* in ou* tkf.
Yik Sang waa allowed to proceed.
J. N. WATSON, Raglatar.
she sank.