will I h * assiitant mniiaper. The carp "iit< is are siili al wmk un file bulldiri/ ami radicai ehang-s ara lirlllg inaili In lie ariaiigemenl of tlle riunii» on the tirsi Ibsir so that THl'RsDAY. M |-| I Minile “I, HMM. Wlli n Im building is completed Klam- Ut 11 I Tills can !»-• ist of on., of 1 I h - finest local m vs and lies! 1 piipp’ I hotels In ¡Soullu rn Lnegi 11. f,. Alvu I ew Is fi.r elo -lts. Mr». Me MIII..1 |s in Ideal landlady J. F'. Adams iif Tula Luke wut in am) h r l,,,( I the dly Killiirdny. business,whl’ li hasi-xh-nili-d thiuugh- noi ugual poli.un ..ri infunila.gl ics L. Alvu L< w 1» for rings. ■* Mrs. Dan Maloy of Lakeview, IH ber un Intimale ae-pialut : lice vvilli tlle liecds of thè travi llng pubi le. visiting her inotlx-r Mrs. 1-, Ii. 11« Manager Ross Anderson Is also well Hell. kuown ami hls courtemis niunncr «Ili L. Alva Lewis fur jewelry. m.ike film a generai favorite uiiiong W. I*. Ilhuuils, the sawmill man of thè ,sit rons of hotel». ilerr III uml wife were III tlie city TOll.ERS Ol lllt. COLI MIRA TucsrUy. L. Alvu Lewis fur vest ehiilns, Tel)» In the a...st graphic way of t For first elii-n k < hh | h mxl prompt de- tlic wars animi;’ Ihr flshernu n of the livery «rrvii e i »Il on Grshsui A O'Sull, ('ohnnbla River Ivvrnty years ago,»nd 'Plione 173. there Is a beautiful love story and L. Alvu Lew 1» tor wi-dihiig rings. Other I|IIII|»|I evi-nls tulli by the au­ Virgil Culm, wife an«! children of thor, Paul l>e l.imy, In 11 way that i'slalry, were rrglM. n d at the Link • wins the reader oil the start ami ♦lllc, Friday. maintains Interest to th- end. i'll -»■• who arc tn gissi standing on our sute L. Alvu !.i-*is fur watches. script Ion list will bi uro to hale tills First class »lux- r<-[i.iiiin.’ done by up-to-date workmen. Klamatli Kmn- story Mimi. S upplement KLAMATH REPÜBIICW :\ bicrclMl Kmn|i.my. L. Alvu l.i-wls for gold pens. K. Erl. Martin mi-l wife and Ml»» Marks canie up from Merrill Nilurday to remain over Sunday. L. Alva Lewis' watch repair de­ partment. Fauillle« ean I k * supplied me* with ‘•Tony’» Best" nt tlx- < ■ nti.il Dining 1‘arkir« with or without m- d». L. Alva Lewi» fur silverware. Mrs. A. J. Nellim will tie ii Klinuith F'allx alsiut October 1st, with.i-min plctc line of full amt winter mllllm-i} L. Alva ¡x*w|» fur locket». New F'all and Winter stock of La­ dles ami MI sm -» trltnin<-<1 to ♦ us their very dlsudrous ex|M'rlem*c of last Spring, when hay went skyward», make» them all bold li.u k. M>«t of the cuttle, from what 1 ean learn, will Is-sold In tin- market und the balance fed In Shnsta, until there Is a railroad. It don't look as If the Merrill country can compete wMh places near the center of shipping, as th«-drive uml lie.ny expense during tin’ winter lake all the prulita of the f eerier», Fred M>-lhisc bought 2-' • tons of alfalfa of N. S. Merrill at the dollars a ton. Mr. Swanson has the Wlntni-y hay Isinght. some »mi tons, lands Gerlier bought the crop of Ottteld A Graham, about Too ton». (Tins. Horton has about tioO tons bought near the Gap. Mr- Martin, the miller, 1» doing a large business with Ins grist mill, lie I» selling flour just ns fast u.s ho can tur»» It out uml ex|»< ts to run about four months. Klamath <-minty will lutnlsh flour for a l>lg portion of Lake mid Mortis* < uni les. Mi rrill 1 1 pt., 2 Occasional. lit. Mil Ol PE T HDi I MAN. IL r<» • to wh'wky n a «pirli» It «.i t* upon the mind, It iitftk«** n man talk " tivù b« dm-nu’i i« vi Inclined. It act« without a figure, Il art» K itliout a rule. It inAkva a muh think he’« w im.» hen hr I» only « !<>*>!. Here I« toc<»ld water Fill tin* k I nm to th* brltn, For water U» glorlotm thitia V bru a Irllow want» Io »w iin. Oft it ha«qnrnrhrd m\ weary thlrM, And soothed toy sorrowed brow, Hut It hasn't for a long lime now. San Frantiscti, Sept. 22, 1904. Editor Klamath Republli* in: iS’iir Sir. Il was the request of my husband to let hls friends know of Ills dentIi. ■yes, In a lonely s|iot at Montgomery Creek he is nt rest. In spite of all, the dreadful consumption fastemsi Itself upon him until he w .- ih compelled lostop in th.it lonely place lodle. Nothing could lif don«’to H’lleve the sulTi-l'Iiig of the diiom <1 man. Die end came Saturday, lie said be had been n mail that drank to excess, mid lived a »1 ranger to G ih I, that If he could only tell the Is,vs and men of the I'luted States, wliat whiskey would bring u man to, that they would let It nlone. He knew everything until tlie last mid he wrote a little toast that 1 will enclose to voii , A Inuit I o'clock he knelt and taking my hand, asked (¡oil to forgive him, mid then he bld all the people giMKi- bye. mid kissed me mid requested mo not to worry, that lie was bettxr off than he would be here. He thought a good deal of your town, as the peo­ ple there were kind to him. lie was known on thestage as Prof. Frank llolTman, but his real ii uno was (isborii. lie was from (.'levcliuid, Ohio mid wns 10 years of age. Ii you see tit you can publish this letter w it li Hie warning to tl q I toys. Y oiiis Truly. Mrs. Frank Hoffruan. THE NEW HOTEL. Mr». M. Me Millan of Clilcq, I’allf., lAsumed the management of tlie tilnkvllln Hotel on Tuesday. The liAine of the hotel has been changed and will be known ax the Lnkemde See the new line of shirt wriists at iKf.i 0. Rn.«s Anderson of Lakeview the City Novelty. E¡G MILITARY POST. TO BE ESTAGL'SHED IN OREGON. Etin nt- anti IL '■tburu arg Afler tlt« L« aft«.ii. VtLv \«>i Kiatii- MORE SUCCESSFUL THAN EVER KI.- iii . ti h Countv Tcm-licrs fluid Their Kegul.Tr Annual M i i,r '¡, -»...r it vf / -• loir h 1« reo OIIX lek 1 Io III« I III" <1 . till.•» (¡Oli’in- nx ni the .-»Iablislini'-nt of an army |x>st at tome point In the Willamette V.-i'l, > to a< eorn'«.l.i' ■ a r<. iin'-nt of Cavalry, All th«’ iiilll' iry men .itllll iil«d with th. United St ate« ai my and ()ri-i’.>n mill)in ar«’ n u'llt in faior of H iir . imp. It is kti .wti that the unit t«-r of an Oregon military camp wasiecc'itiy bought to General .Mac- Arthur's notli-«’ by Colonel Jam«» Juekhon "f Eugene. it tlie proposed military <”itnp Is <•»• tiilili',!ie«l it will mean tlie <*xpendl- tur<- of nearly S700 annually, in fuml for iu« n and imnu-s, In addition to '-obstructrm ••xpeusi'» In tin-d.ff.-r- ini camp buildings. A r«-'.din«’nt of cavalry <»f *1'» officer» and men hi , I a'«> ii I2u<; hms« ,. Govern­ ment lepirts .li'iw tbit tlx' <’ost of k'-cping a hors- per inmitli 1» between »s an- an Im (»riant oppor tunity for th- I -al fanners. Colon-1 Jai.i- s Jackson, rt-tl*<"l I'tiltcl Stat--» Army, says: "we are all ngri-.-'l ns t i the tidvisabillty t’f »ueli a plan,wli«’r« hy the J'.i-Ttl«’ Coast c.in get It.» sh ir•• of armament, ah i ¡f with other portions of the country.' W-- haie only one military [»»st hi (begun, Fort Sleveus, n Mdlua, Imt another mt«- was selected, wliich has not pruved entirely »a: isfactory. The at­ tention <>f th«’ official» was. drawn to the advantages of Swan Lake valley, as a location f r an Ideal military camp. Tliere Is no m«re natural or auliable sit-for ii nllltary camp and rifle rang«-in tlie Wist than can be found in Kl im.iiii < unty. 1!« .»id- s Eugene, |{..»ebtirg. A.- aland ami otli i towns along tIm S ur ue rn PiK'l*)«* all li.vve co'nuutiie» nf tlie state militia, wlill* Klamath, La';«’. Crook ami nearly the whole --f s«>utheni ore;? n are entirely uiipr’ tec’.eil. K'tii« atb I Ils •> | i. ?a, l"O|. V< i. I I In ’1 ' J has lx - ii an <•»< din, .y pli-asinl ,'il<- one m, I Wbcfea*, we, the tea«-!ier», f< -1 that th«’ credit is large. , due to Supl, Wight and th- ah'• hist rm-tors m - cured by him. tliere ire, l> - it resolved That "e hi- only nd - im - the iix-tli- oi. I-1 i ’ i -■ • md Work in Soulh<-rfi ti '-. ii n’l.o 'hat wr thank bdpl. Willits for bls g'-tn.ii pies--ni')' and he i in this « »-*»- r it’ ! il to mir lorf; I bat •-■-■ are I'K-iil Instiuctors; tf it we think th” local editors, also L it . Smith and bthi-r citizens for th ir attendane« and Interest. W : lereas wc, t 10 greatly Interested in the suei-ess of Klamath County s-'i-io',.»; B it futli- grinore ri-Milvad, t i.it we call iqs i the patrons to aid » in tlie work of rhe various public «-I. ois am! more »-•■¡M-i’ially in cstal- sir ig and main­ taining a count» hi ’if school, and • hat call up'll the citlz ns of Klamath county t i provide a suitable biillfling and equipment for tlie lil.Ji w-luHil. Iti-Miivi.d further, that cop­ ies of tlx* above I»* ¡urnlsbed to tlie county press for publ -alien. Ri - ;x-< I fully siUunit ted. • Eleven Me li Year Hid J *hn Uilli Serious Sta tike) Accf- In* Ktitute. < ti I i CitimiV? SHOT HIS FOOT OFF J. (.. S wan , E l V A (. VLL0W XV. A nna F.. ArvusuATK. Last Sunday mornh 7 A. F. Stan- key of this city and Ids tuo young »oris went down tin river, in a »» it, hunting. Wil­ ’ll about five miles lie- low town, Mr. Hl -ik- ., seeing > >me du-’ka, reai-lie«! for t ¡o- gun « flieh was laying in tit” bottom <,f ti,c boat.. Tin two I r 'IS Were »itting in the rear witli their f« < t i-Tse- togather. As Mr. Stankey pi' ki-d up tlie gun, the trigger <-atigtit in th -boat and the gun was *'• iwliarg«-«!. tlx- content« en- t- ting Hi-- fo,,f of Un olil.-i lx.y. The gull wars-d'w that tli'-slx.t tore the ffeah and acuttcred piece«, of terne in the boat. mtities <,f rutile r and cloth werediiv.-u Into tlx-t' -sh remaining. Mr. Stankev rowed back to town a» fast ..» peed hie and the teiy was taken to Dr. ii »rg.i»' oft! c, where later In the day the foot was amputated atxive the ankle. Tile I miv displayed a wonderful am«.nut of ix-ri- during the long ride. JI«- is doing nirely sin. e the >>peratlon, although he Miffcrs a great deal dur­ ing the nights. FAIRBANKS AT PORTLAND. Meetirt» Will Have Largest At­ tendance in the History of the St te. Although the Fairbanks-H >11iver meeting is practical!y one week off, the r. fpifst for seats has lurcome so gnat that it i» doubtful whether the Armory will h >id all who wish to lis­ ten to Republican doctrines as ennn-. c! it • I by the candidate for Vice-I res- id’-nt on <>-tuber 1. S i's have been can’d for to the ex­ tent of 33Oo by tlie cournlttee ap­ pointed by Chairman Baker, of tlie ts’.ite Cent al Committee, and music w ill ¡end its charms,as a like conrnit- tec has ae ur -1 s-uue of the ix..»t lai* ent in the city. Outside districts are knocking at tlie door for admission and a given amount of room, Every county in the state has notified liiairtnan Baker through the conin'.? 'cir.rn thr.t It wsr's r«. • ! for some of its people.and In a number of instances c<«untv chair­ men asked wliat couhl I* d«.n« for tn.-iu iu tile way of getting special trains. Fr«»tu the country repli *» are com­ ing in just as thickly, but tach letter is a plea fur st*3ts.fur "we don't want to miss the big meeting'' is tlie cry. Mr. F.aker is depending on Major Mt* l»"nr>”)l to s at tlie people, and it ail cannot be accomodated there will be .m riv. rtk.w meetiug with the »h>- gan, «’30.1KIU fur Kuuaevclt and Fair­ banks. '* (' miinille*. Prof. Preston W. F arc«, of Wor­ cester, Mass., one of the instructors of the Teach« rs I«-.til te just Closed remarked that Kiann ' Il County i'ffd one of tlie most eu'in »iasttc a:id in­ telligent lot of tci'cheis It h id been Ids ph-.isute to meet in nil L s trave!» tli-m.gh tlie ('tilled F lies and It .s so. Anyone who «,:» present tl;c tfist three days ol tins Week and w.l- nesned the whole-Miukjd enthii.lnstn uml int«-re»t displayed by the t- ichers tn tlieir work cannot b- Jp to feel that, witli such Instruct«.rs i.i our s.*h.«’•!•«, great Is the lutuic of Klanat'i enm- ly, fur it 1» a true saying tint the making uf a nation rests iu our homes and In our yu' ¡;? f,c!i . ¡s. The day s«.. »ions ware n«-t a rcgrlar series of dry lectu.e» :.» is soconi.n--«! in Institutes of this kind, but wore ovi-ill'.ivving witli iiuncsiiug discus­ sionsand experiences by Hi” d fferent t'-ac m is un f« r tlie a' .e .» ip-.-ni.»i >n of the instructors. Pi f. F -an h wh««se liie 1 ii_ w rk lias been devoted u> tlie r.iiif’iif eiiucatirai gave much from his vast torr of knowledge and hin tnihtc ,ee and personality »id have a lasting etf”ct on iie t -a- h>-rs pr--s -nt. r »w nt Molkt ga* •* sonie dciiglit- O.'e ’-vn Ik s .'I-, i :: k -¡ i Le.ipie Pass IU1 tll.sS -11 .ti-i ■ St idy”. Mr. TOWN TRLASLRt.R'i NOTICE. M T.or. I is a »ay of utting l is Résolu*.¡or.s al Grar.ls l\;ss whole «Ml .¡1 NN tic.- is hereby given that tliere on Militar ; Past. cusslotl, t-IHl are fun . in tlie town treasury tor will him. ni tlie r« leuipt.-ni f the following wtr- Re.«.lied I'irrt, that It is the »ui ruundii gs. ra;d : 1 Hi. 1117, ,111«, ill«». u>, m< st vain .oil nev scuse of ibi» Le ague tlmt said MUÍ- 1121, 1U.G, 1,22, 1123, 11J4, mi 112«. tary 1’ x.t Is’ I" it’d and tn l'ut i:..e,f r»t of ill Pn>f -.*■ Kirs Sw a; ..'Ki lol. -i mid «(.ss at seine eh/lbl«- site in S< u:l: rn Or- G:dlo<’ ay re su ail . i ent ;etic ;:iid lnlervat w l!( cc ise from tills date. 1 1; at k i.. ,t.. i‘Or.» 1 h-s ex-on, i- ni-iiie'it t i tile S-.uthern I a- en'I.u: l.- .tic workers ;.-id t -.eir v du- loti: day ot Si ; tewb-i. 1!«O|. citte Ime of railway, mid midway U> a ile c. :. ril tun » to tb ■ s »» >-i idd- J. W. S ieves ». Town Treasurer. tin Pielite ii van. and the country Iv- ed to th ir . -put .liv.. us capable iu- alt u. tors. Ing east of tlie Caacide Mountains. Tlie evening f .»si s were held' in S c.ndly, the necessity for su-' fhe Opera 1 >ause. < >:i M 'i;.lay even- p's! In S 'it hern Ore; m is appai ;i' Ing Prut, bear« h h.lured o.i TI10 In view of it.» vast area, and of its Ideal Sclmol." His wi.ij ev¡. rie,ice g.-ographli il |s>sltloii relative to tl»e mid extended tr: vel through Europe and Aniei lea ii.ivc I. ide him a niwst « hole stati-, tile slate contiguous, ami Interesting and instructive s,.eak.-r. to th ■ unprotected ara coast; the area tils intimate kr.owkdge of bis ».jb- of Southern Oregon alone, equallin' jvet was pr--of that lie is a uiep that of twice the size of New Hamp­ thinker and a caret; I student. I bi Tuesday i .«-in mr Southern shire. or ot t li<-combined area of N< w Oregon orator a <1 instructor, Pre.si- —O—0—0—o— Jeisey and New Hampshire ami h s d< lit Benj. F’. Mulkey, of the Ash­ I am now located in my new un approximate area of 17,000 s.|iia.'e land Noiiimi, lc. tut ii «-ii Alexander store next to miles, count Ing from t tie summit f Hamilton. By Ids strong (K-isonality Mr. Mulkey e.iptu ed h;» audience Hie C.il.ipHila mountains, on the fr tn the st.ut and ' y his fluency and north. In all this vast territory. smooth flow of beau' Iful thoughts ex­ 1 have the finest line of there Is imt a single fort, garrlst.n < r pressed in tx-autifu. language, tills in­ other nati« nal defense, Fort Klam terest did not tlag for mi inslunt uu- Matches. Clocks, Jewelry and Opti­ tii the curtain led oil the last i-.et. cal Goods in the county. at h, ins ut hern Oregon, having for A most eutertaiuing program was many years Is-eti the Iasi military arinnged mid pies«- iied on Wednes­ N’-.-w Goods at Kight Pric- s. Be sure and see me before buying else­ post south of Portland, in ( begun. day evening, the c islng day of the where fur I can save you money. < >uly . Lwu cximpanlcs of National institute, which W;;.i as follows: I'uuio S.iio l'rof. Delmorc. H. J. WivrriM, (■until la-long to Southern Oregon. Trio-Mrs. ILnrv, Mis. Mills and Watchmaker and Optician. In i-artv years, it was tlie policy of Miss Louise Lee. Repairing a s|x-eialiy. the Gm« rnmeiit to maintain numer­ Solo Dr. Bei nurd. Recitation-Mrs. F. W. Jennings. ous Military Posta in this section of Solo l’rof. Seircll. the Stale, t'nited States troops be­ Recitation Mamie Boyd. ing stationed at Fort Oil,od, Fort Duet Mrs. 1» rau.se ami Mrs. Gates. I’mqui. Foil. Lane and Fort »lum­ Lectuie Prol. Search. ai h. I i . iiio Suio—I’li-f, Delinere. The following officers of tlie Insti­ Thirdly, tbr* strategical Importance tute were elec ed: J. G. Wight, of a post in Southern Oregon is fur­ President; Miss Alice Applegate, ther shewn In tlie many highway» to Vice President, ami Miss l.iva (i.ilim the sea shore, connecting with the way, Sei ietary. Tin* teachers pres- Klamatli F'alis: different luirlsns, and svilii tlie vast «nt were: From The Greet PaciLc Coast country east of tlie Cascade moun Alice A. Appleg.tie, Dollie W. Badg­ Story er, Restora Frem h, Kiva Galloway, alns. ami with Callfoi nia and Nevada Dovie Nowton, Gertrude Ricliai Jso’n, on tlie Month ami Southeast. Several i, i. swan. W. S. Slough, M. V. lines of railway ar -now in eon'cin- Klougli, Geneva WTIhei'.sou, mid Helen platioii which are to connect Calif- Zumwalt: B'-dli.-ld: A. I. Alton, Starts in This Pcpcr Dora A. Eglington, and katlienne orina and Southern Oregon, by the Hughes; Kello: Amite E. Applegate, Soon nay of tlie coast, and only • di ff-t, slid Sirs. Gertie McCormick; Fries!: distance over tlie Oregon mid Calif Mrs. S. L. Burt-m; Vistula#: Zells ornia line, a ralhoiid from the Sotuh ' Hussey; Dairy: l-.niimi l>. Bussey; cm Pacific railload lias lieen complet­ •My: N«tR. Drew; Lorv'ia: Mis. Ali­ na Fox and (.'. 11. Fox; Bonanza: ed Into tlie Klamath Luke region Doris A. Goss, DaUy Patterson ami J. G Wight: Tok gniua: Netti«' I,. toilers of mu voi.unriA. McIntire; Ros.. •• iiig: Annie Conn; Lakeview: J. c iinv perMin -v persons founB^»t)Rtjf o^ stealing or altering tbi -nurlh, or,, brands of any stock belonging to any nii mber of this association. Address Chas. Horton, President ci J. O. IIamaker,Secretary. T.'tT bUfFY CCxlFA^Y. By PAUL DeiJXNEY « .7 •* THE NEW STORE. Of the Columbia ) A GENTLEMAN’S SMOKE GET THE i - - GASTON - - i liso Carry the FJbniag' Ü.dtids of Him Cigvi BUY YOUR CIGARS MANNING'S 3£ La Florence Bella Vista La Bell* CrtxÆè Major 1 ionio Hoffman Rendezvous El Espada Archimedes I James Lewis Red Buoy Key West Havana Panetelas Creino Sweets Pretty Swede Belle of the Fall« ! DMß DATE MILLINERY 3( Hats altered and trimmed to order Mrs. O. NV. IM «li » AMERICAN HOUSE-/ U. ARNETT. PROP’S. j. FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND GOOD BOARD RATES. Si.00 ANO S1.2S PER 041^.. (.1