Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, September 15, 1904, Image 6

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Muikc 4er «‘ubHvuUon.
land Office at l«akcvi»‘W. Oregon.
August 8. l’.MU.
Notice im hereby given that l! e ( »Hou
ii g-rum< d Mettler ba»- fi ed iminv oi her
ir enlion tu make huai prtsU m aupttori
her claim, and dia! «ahi pr wd » it I be
ti.ade before Gru. ( hustain. <’ ». t l.rk < (
Kì aula th Co., at Klamath Fall»*, Vre-
gmi, on ffcpUHiiber *1. i'.KM. vu:
L ack a A. Tm .Mi’si»v
(now Lvrav A. Utn.)
ll-l entrv No 2L;.» tof tin* >’ -NEqr,
H»-e 35, Tw|> 40 S, R lü E W M. Hie
IiHinge the following witm •*<*’• tn nroxc
her continuous reiddviice uinm an l cul­
ti» anon <>t said laiHi, viz: F red > Vikel,
j.ieStukel. Caleb T. Oliver oi Ah mil.
( ¡ami F M E hi num« ‘ K'ai. »th ails,
J. N. Watson, lb ulster.
J s vlv, Dan. Lindon, **uth <»( Trave» -«e
City. Michigan. A. j . Whiu5, ••:’ •Slver
lasc.*’»**•. I II Sb;,»»* u *•( Klamath
. »ir. . and A. M. U hit* ui Tuie
I il . Ohl.
An,» «nd aH p»*r « hi .«
»»er ’ t*l l ind!»
■ »>«ii*t-
ed ù» die Ihvìr «ìaìiiiF in thu<
thè aMÌu l't dav »'t
1 h H.
j N . « <t«on.
Khnath C'ii ilv
Icultural A ssd
cia.ion r»“i Uditi Thrw D.ays
Fair and Races Commenc­
ing October 12.
TIMSKR I.KXn. ACT It \E 8. |S7s.—
.xoricF. i-»Hi rt id.h \i ion .
S. ¡.an I Office. Lakexh w.
OiTgon. August M. l‘KV|.
X. ck is hereby given that in
a’’re uith the pcoVi ions of the Act of
jio<e 3. 1> 8, » ienhsi • \n \ct (or tlm
sioeot lilt.tn : laud- in (lit S.alrs ol < ali
i »i! ia, Oregon. Nev; la and Washi» gu»n
Ter itoi v,“ ns extended to all (he Public
TIMBER I A\P, A('T j I’M ?. ISTS.— I nd ;Mates l»v \et o< #Au’Uat 4. I S’»?,
the :• ' oh II ? (M'r-vU* haw this dav fi’vd
notice for rrr.i.K vrio.x.
In itii> i .lite tin ir aworn statement*, to
U. K. Land Ottoe, Lakv \v..
let Race.—Luturilv
Makes rare,
mile and twpeet (<.r all Klamath Cmn tv
2-yr. obis,
the Ass.Hiatimi
$150 to pu»•»<».
2nd Race—S. “'do dftsh, Ire»» for nil
Purse. $7.».
3rd R;uv.
(nv fur ail.
Quarter mile ami rt'ivat,
|*iiw. fttX’.
u it:
servan nvv.
O.A gt'ii. Aux i!*t 9. ifXM.
j.'hn T.. C- c rigan of I a Conner. Coantv
Notire in berehy given th »t :n <
4th Race. .—mile and I rc|ieat. for
git Mate of X' obingiuu. sworn
A’ icm with the pr.iviMoi •« ot the Ael «»I
l I ’iir>, . Ji m.
>’a*< i ent No. 2S.M. h r (be purchase of K lamatli Coi 'imi' horse«.
Juno 3. IM.S. « ntiOd •• An Act for the
mile diodi, flee for ail
the chj n vv <jr nlg s w qr svg .U ip 37 a
Nih Race -
.• Ml timbet lan iji At. the St.<u >of
r 13 <• w m.
Purse, ♦•’5,
f nia .Vi {i>n, Netada.and \Vaf>hingt n
Richard F. Ball of l a Conner, Conn tv
T» • riterv.” ar extended toell the PnMic
dth ii.'—*« nitlv and repeal, free
of Kkagit. xtate of Was1 ¡gt >n. sw< rn
L* I >tnte* bv At* of Au n.-t 4. IS 2.
statement No 2SHI. f »r the purchase of for all. Purse. ♦!■«».
the f.»E »»ii _r pTNO'is have ?hi- day fih^i
li e s r qr su«'
tp S' s r IS e a m.
THia» t’AV.
in thi» oitic« Vueu feuoru butviuenu,
H:.. hd (>. Festri « t La Conner, (\ulnty
,'tli Race.—" m lc relay, for Klamath
to a it:
of >kagit. '‘tat* of Washington.'•w tn
Sai Jirl F> irdap of
County s.id ih ho;»t-s, ruler- to .•hang'«
sta’ mt n: Na.
'9, i r t! . nurebaM- of
County u. “k.igit, stat»* of Wa*hi? vl »n.
the n e qr s •» qr see 13 tp .'<S ar 12 e w lairs.« e.v'i mile. ILus. s must l e readv
*rn alaleakeiat N .
for the pur-
in And a w q, U w qr cL» s w *] • set- IS su.ldlt ■ and l>: id',«) for the cbaiigo.
chsee of the *'4 n w qr u e qr n w qr a
tp » s r 1 r w m.
T’ al tb< y aiil »(Ter must rale s'oek saddles. Purse, fb«»
* tr n v qr
c 3 tp . s > r ¡.i <» v\ in.
pr>x»f to show that the laud *><iglil is
V Ham P tnlapof * i C-nBe*. County
Sth Race.—1» mile dash, five lor all.
m-»re valuable 1 for its timber ami «tone
of tSkigit. '»(.ire of \\>*»bingtt'n. »worn
than for ngrn eulFnrat purposes, and to Pur«e. <7.'..
etatetnenl No. 2- m , for the pure* .»-• <»f
vstaldish their claim to «aid land before
t»'li Race.—Quarter mile and repeat,
the n hj n e qr p e qr n e qr bee 4 ai-ii n
Geo. T. Bale ’.win.
County judge of Klamalh t'ounty 2-yr... id-. i ar>in^ the
m (ir n w <p m c e tp 3> i r 1
e v. ui.
Klamath Com nty, at I i-
th. v at Kia-
William H yton of M unt Vera. n.
win'-or of first money on first day.
n a*h Falb. »he, on Thursday, the 2'ta
County ot > i;it. <:ate of Wadiii gt -n,
l'lir«,' J75.
dav t»f oct- '•er. ; - M.
•worn statement No. 2*« 7. h r the pur­
They n*imo a? witnes-o*: R? luv I H.
10th Race—(»no mile ard re,»eat, trot
chase of tl.e
* w qr w *? i» e qr Ball, Fliraiu G Foster. Willi ,n I‘unlap,
or ps ■■ fr.x' lor all. Pur-e ♦lit».
ihc 32 tp 57 • r 13 e w m. That they u ill
tohn I.. C-»rrk ’.n.
offer proof to show that the land ■’ought,
Ail raees will be ruu under Pacific
Samuel C. Ball, all of La tX i.ner. wash,.
i* more valuable for it* timl»er and »ton#
Bettie Erit k-\»n. of Briix ville. <>re., t'.vi t rules.
than tor agricultural purp ’ * »!'d to
Thus. Shar’tmu of Klamath Fads. »‘»re..
In the Futnritv -ace the winner takes
e*”al»'idh their etaim to '•aid Ian»! Is-fo’e
K. Wl Xi liikimsot Mount \ ern<»n. M ash. 70 and the secoi I Si' per .•ent. of purse.
Ge ». T’ Kaidaii!, Co. n ’geoi K amath
Any ami aE j•■-; -ar.s elaic.:i
County, Ote., al hi.-
th e .nt Klamath
In ah other race«. 4 to enter am! 3 to
ly tl.e a’ v.»-<lv-ctibtsl -an •■« are request-
Fa It”. Oregon, on Friday, the 2* .h day
to file their clams in tbi* »ifi’.ct» ii or -‘art. I'» | er con» •'( purse entrance fee.
of <>»*tolMT. HAH.
before bald 27th day of Oct» ’ er. B.M4.
M'iiiUet s get 70 and Si eond 30 per cent.
fhuv •'amea'* witne«sr«: Satnnel Oun-
j. X. Watson.
The l-sociati.'U will ad<l another r ice
1. . Wii *a:u Ha\o»n, u. V\ . U t.ham*
a’! of M» at l Vv.ion Ui -
R H. Rail,’
TIMBER I AX’D. A « TJrXEL !>.>.— to 1 <• mad. up on last day, piubably a
v.oham Fui.lap. >. G. I'a'l. ah ot la
notice for h blic tion
wile race.
< » t.vr wash., C. H. E
’ - r. Bettie
L’nitvd ."•ate” I«an I Office.
Ball games second and thirl dais.
» '*k?un, both of Fritevi le, Ore., and
La review. Ore,, A Uff. ft, 1(KM.
Other sm'ixenient« and the Fall Fair,
Shaiit’.on. Annie job.,.-luu, both
of \lau ath F
< re.
awaidsot w liich w .11 In- aiinouucv., later.
ance with ’h provisi »ns of the Act <»t
n\ a1 I all p r*» ■ s claindr.g adverse««
Corgros of June 3, 1S7*L entitled “An
h h • ah vi 1«-• riSd lands ar»'req»:» *t-
Act for the sale <»f timls-r lands in the
ed t
file ■ neir ■’laint’’ tn ’hisoffice on or
State- oi Cal i. tuia. oirg >n, Neva «a
e the raiki 2Sth ‘.ay <»1 Octoi»er, F\M.
and Wa&hibgh n Te: r ¡t oy, ’a-extend* I
N' t ice is hereby
iven tbit thote
j. N. watfon. Register.
: 1
I Stab
are fund« In the town lieawnry f-»r
4 ’ -
rhi lore F. Bryant
I the reeiemptiou of the
following « ir­
1 "U — Klamath Falls, C”tnty of Klsmirh.
1113, 1117. li I«. lll't. 1121»,
" »
od.ee his ? w m staten.ent. No. 2911, for 1121, 137", 1122. 1123, 1121, 11-»,
U. 8. Land ' 'tl’ce, Lakeview,
the purch.u? of ♦’ : \ g w qr e qr
w 112«.
Oregon. Aug. 9. l'.XU.
Notice is hereby g;vi-ti that tn compli­ q’-geo 15 tp 'S s r 9 r w m. an 1 wilt offer Interest will cense
hat'd at Khim.itti ¡■'alls,
ance with the provi.-ione of the Act of proof to slew th^t the land s»otght is
jure 3, 1878. viitoh-i, “An Act lor the more vihiuhk* ¡»»r ita timber or stone l.'.-h d iv of Si 'iteniher. HHil
sale of timber lands in the ."tatesnf Cali­ than for a^ncuirural j urpu-es an i to
fornia. Oregon. Nevada ami w sliin.ton e^tahii-h his claim to sai<l land before
Territory.” as —at«-i. ¡. 1 to a:', the Publii Geo. Chastain. Cmnty Clerk < f Klamath
Land r tales i . Act f V:r-.-t 4. !■•.'. County. < >rv., a? his otffi-e at Klamath
N *iee is hcre»’'-gìv,-n flint tlierv are
the following per* is have th:- day ule I Falls. Ore., *>n Thursday, the 13lh day
fio.ds in ihe ('■ uno lrva-ury for thè rc-
in this office their sw»rn statements, ' ■• . I ■ • i.
demption of all KÌaiuath County war­
He r ore- a- v ‘tne-se« : LW.Brvant,
to wit:
rant* p.otrsted o i and prior io ‘■h-ptem-
Robert w. williams of Mount A'ernon, J IL Farrar. Arthur llilh srd. C. R.
Iwr 21», lt*0<». Interest un sauté w ili
County of Skagit. State of Washington. De Lap. all «*i Klamath Falls, Or» g»»n.
cesse fi «ni .bis date.
Any and all |»er>»ons claiming adverse­
Faorn Staten,ent No. 2>>. for the pur­
l'ate.l ut K «malli Fall«, this 4tb lay
chase of the s1.. n e qr see S3 and s.S, n ly the al«cve-de-< il rd lauda are request-
of August. 1IM4.
!.. A lvi l.kwis.
vd to file their claims in this office on or
w qr see 34 tn :>7 r r 13 e w m.
County Tr»'csurer.
i-amilei G. Bait of La Conner, County befuit sa.d ljUi «lay of 0ct.>i»er, V-M4.
of esagit. State of Washington, st «n
J. N. Wa--«, Regi-ter.
m >-—-
stateu.eiu N». 2863, for the pmchase of
ACT TEXT.?. 1S73.—
the • w qr see 34 tp 37 s r 13 e w m.
That they will offer proof to «how
that the land sought is more valnat e
for its ti.uoer and stone than to- agri­
cultural purposes, and to establish their
cla itn to said land rtfore Geo. T. Bald­
win, County judge of Klan s'b County,
Ore., at hisofiireat Klamath Falls, Ore.,
on Saturday, the 29 th day oi October,
J «04.
fliey name a« witnesses: Funnel G.
Ball. Richard H. Ball Samuel Dunlap.
John L. Corrigan, william Dunlap, all
of La Conner, wash., and Ro-ert w.
williams, of Mount Vernon. wash.
Anv and all persons claiming adverse­
ly the above m—eri's-il lands arer'-qut«t-
e l tn file their claims in this • fl ■ n r
before the «aid 2Wth dav of i K-tol er. Its'l.
j. N. watson, Register.
Vni*ed States Land Office,
I akevtew, oreg n. Jul . 22. 1904.
N •!’>• i- l.j eby £iven that in compli­
ance with the prov.t-i«»iii« ui th»- mc C of
Coiigret-8 of- line 3, 1S7H. entitled “An
art Q»r the •»** of tind er Inn !« in the
Mates of California, or*.gun. Nevada and
Washington Teriitnry,
a- extended to
all the i»nl lic land alate- by art f Aug-
u*t 4. I9l>2, ott*. Schonfeld, of Kl-unath
Falla, county of Klamath, «rat»- nf Ore­
gon, jiaa this day tile<J in tbto off<cehia
sworn statement No -501 for the pur-
c! ase of the w half of xnqr, e half of
jrwqr, see 34, twp 37 a a '* e w m and
will ff-r proof to «how that tic land
si »:gl.t ia more valuable for it« titn - r
oi at< ae than fur .agrc ullural |-nrpo e®.
and toe’tabH-h hi» claim to waia
.1 lahd
TIMBER I AMD. ACT JUNE 3, 1878. In-fore (o-.». T. BuJ Iv in. Cotintv Jtvi e
the lUth day ot Ochd»er. l'*»4.
U. S. Land Office. Ijikev c-v,
lie nanirs a« v. itne-ie*: Wm. T«ashna.
Oregon Angu«t 9’th, 1904.
Jul.naton, H
('rammer. J .n N.
Notice is hereby given that in compli-
S I mi*z. al! of Klainaih Fa’.’“. O •/on.
•rw with the Act of June 3, ia78, eo-
Any and all persons claiming adverse­
tiiled “Au Act for the -al« of timber
ly the a!»oVe-deberilje»i la«nis ar** requ. »*1-
land« in the States • f < ..Iif' mia. Ore." n, e I to file their Hahn* in tld« offi • on or
before said 10th lav of Octol»er. l’»«04.
tory,” a« extended to all the Puhi «•
J. N. Watson. Register.
laiml-States by Act of Aug. 4. l- '2. tl.e
f, llow-ing persons have this day filed in TIMBER i AND. ACT JUNE 3. 1-73.—
this <'ffi<«> Hi ir sworn statements, to
wit: Wm, McKenna, of Por’land, c«>nnty
United States Lard office,
ol Mnltnem.li. Ftate of Un-gon, sworn
I-aki vn-w. Or.. July 22. 11>H.
statement No. 2«'.»1. for the purchax-of
No*ire is hereby giv» n that in com­
the s»<, of » w qr s>2 of s • qr sec 32 tp
pliance with the provi-ion» ot the act of
88 s r 13 e w m.
c< ; gre«« of June 3. 1'7«. enlitl «1 “An
Carrie fl.
Belilir.an, of
ai t for the sale of timl>«r land« in the
County of Multnomah. C'ute of Oregon,
stat»-« of California, or,-- n. Nevada hod
»worn statement No. 2> M, for the pur­
Washington Territory,” «« ext»ndelto
chase of the w1. 'if n w qr x «qr ol
all the public land fates i>y a< • «f A ig-
qr and n w qr of s w qr •««■ "2 tp 38 « r
iist 4 IF' 2. A'»-x C. watwrn of B- nar.za.
13 e w m. That they will ,C-r proof to
<•< untv of Klamath state
o-eg n. has
show that the land ««night i« r i >« valu­
this d«v fit« 1 in this office hi« sworn
able for itn timber or stone than f->r
Statement No 2.105 for the p'ni la-e of
agricrlyira! purix>«es. an I to e-;a.
th«ir cfr.im to sa: 1 1«n<! b. r >ro c , T. the S hall of snir »•».• 10. Iv. p 40 s r 12 e
v m, ar. 1 w ill o*er pro f to «how that
Baldwin. County Judge of Klamath Co.,
t! •• lai-1 «onj’l'l is mor« Val'ist 1« for jr«
Oregon, at Klam illy Fall«, Ore., on
tirtda'r or stsAv thnn i«r ««, i/mlturai
Wednesdav; the Xi.J d-av of November.
P iri«-«« and'to e«tab:i«h hi« i-ljiin to
B« 4.
s. i I Ian 1 before Geo. Chastain, noun r
They name a« witnesses: William
cletk, Klamath cnr.nty at Klamath
McKenna, Catrie E. Behlman b«»h of
Falls. « r,on Iue«!ay the 11th day of
Portland. Ore.: M. Dooher, T. If. ■‘-'han-
non, l>oth of Klamath Farts. Ore., and o«t iher. 1 01.
He names as witness«»: R S Fparks,
I’,. rt. Regan, of Bonanza. Ore.
J I> Seaton, R Maxwell. A ¡J Slack, all
Any and all j>er;- r « claiming adverse­
of B i.anr.a.' r««g. n.
ly the shove«!e«cril*<l lamlxare request-
Any and all p«r«,>nr claiming adv<-r««-
ed to tile their claim« in this «'fficei n
ly th«- above described lamlsar« request-
or liefore the said 2nd dav ol Noveml* r, ya, I tz* 1:1«» tkirsir * hi . u in tliia z.r?i,'>>
,.«s i
bc-lore said lllb dm of octotier, 1"0L
J. N. watson. Register.
NR 3. f^S.—
U. H. Land Office, Lakeview,
Oregon, Anjnit H, 1-iOI.
Notice 1« hereby given that in compli­
ance with tire provisions of the Act of
JuneS. ltt7H, entitled “An Act for ti e
sale of timber land- in the Sta'es of
California, Oregon, Nevada ami Wash­
ington Territory,” a« extended to all
the Public Land State« bv Act of Aiipn«t
4, 181'2. the folloning persons have this
day filial in this office their sworn state­
ment«. to wit:
Albert j. Iloyle, of Traverse Citv.
County of Grand Traverse, State of
Michigan, sworn statement No. 2'*«. for
the purchase of the n w qr sec 17 tp 37
ir llUes m,
Han Ix’iidon, of Traverse Citv, County
of Grand Traverse, State of Michigan,
sworn statement No. l ". m )4, for the pur­
chase of the wfij n e qr n eqr n w qr rec
18 and s eqr s w qr sou 7 tp 37 s r 11
w in. That they will offer proof to siiow
that the land sought is more valuable
for its timber or stone than for agricul­
tural purposes and to establish their
claim to said hind before Geo. T. Bald
win, Countyjinl ,•of Kaltnath Co.,Ore.,
at his office nt Klamath Fall«, Ore., on
Tuesday, the 1st day of November, 1001.
They uame us witnesses: Albeit J.
United States Lami ’/tfire.
Xakeview, Or., July 27, Ì904.
Notice is hereby given that in compii-
ance w ith th«- provisions of tl.»- act tlf
Congress of June 3, IR7M, »-ntitl»-<| “An
act tor the sub? of timln*» land- in he
States <»f California, Orey"»n. Nevada
and Washington Territory,” m extend-
ed to all the pni»ii<- land siate» b) act of
Align t 4, IKlrJ. John II barrar «if Kia-
rnatti I: I-. «cintyof Kbatnc-h. »tat. ,f
Oregon, has Ibis day filed in this offi 'u
his sworn Mtatement No 2«02 for the
• r oi sei'
purcha e of the nc-qr of iiwir
il " of
f.-r s \ c r, ,,f
twp 38 « r 0 e w m, an«l wii.
to show that the land (ought >« more
valuable for its timber or stone than for
agri,«ill iral pu i«.-««, and to «rijO. I,
hi« claim to sai l land before (F orgo T
Baldwin, coiKity jiulge of Klamath eo’in-
tv. or«« .a, at K '
i'll I a •
O ' - it.
unfay the 15th dur of October, l!«u.
H" nano-« ax w itm—Mcr : I ' It |5-Lsp,
Theo Bryant. .1 W liriHnt, F M Barnum
all ot Klaniaili Kalis, Or.
Anv amt all nor •■■•ns claiming advi-rxe-
Iv tlm above des* rila'd inmls are re (••..Mf.
ed to lilf their claims in this office on
or before said 15th day of October, l'.«M.
J. 5. unison, Register,
TIM tit it I 1X1» *< T irvi • i*-” xoii* t
mH rt hi ir 11 i*»x
. U •• *’••- I All.l ofi.»»..
: .
w. Oi
'"'•>* ' V »•»‘i
N -île
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*« h »ht» h» . - n.phH.i.-r
M U». l , j
u « ■
»• »’i»*». «. .
.«,?>• « •»’
a» ' I»
*h> m P, • -»I
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- <* ' » ’M. « » I
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»tu» »tk • n«
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Wuxi!m» i » h ». : - a »
t’ i - <I mx ub >» lu il. • ,«rt»c<- hi*-w»»'*» m I i I»»* hu * ui
X«» .v *» .•!' »I« « .u"V•»•*■>« >»: <h-’
. .»i ».«•c
t « »i I a l¡ > ■» Il i ► U M i*»“l will vft.'r pr*»<»l
t- *b 'W :t Al Üb' ¡Mild '■ mhl I« t i«»ic « m V im UI««
f<i »'«II’.. i or i*u»n«’ tivot for MrleülturM
t» ir*. •» .. aim . .-»
hi» c I k I ih to
mi I .» • ,
» »'<« • II'- Irtlu. *'<» hbln«' •»(
K .•» u «t h * ». < g .t K ' » r. c 1» I m ÎI , * U »'Son, » .«
> »t'ltviMx t»’»' !•*•»« ,»f X, \ ••» >» r. b -I
Ile :» mu .««viti'
I H Yibn. Thonui»
li ; (»M»tV.'»u, A\ <»SG»ith V»rgll 1 *A«b’l». Ail »»(
K I m :» k ' h t VX Or
V.» ttb'l «U
O|V» »'-I ! lh»H
t \ »’• ‘ bt v th«»
a‘»o«v <1ewvHb«'4
n»v •«•- h » v <» i . m | »» rtîe
11»» i rlMU'u» t»» th»* >>’♦!» '' - g ' «»r tn'foiv miu | ISth
ktay ot
t, I* »
J X U ATX»\. Itvg i»u»r.
I have for aale over 20 of the
choicest residence lots on the
Ewaunn Il-tght». Easy terms.
Monthly payments.
W. O. Smith Klamath Falls.
tS. V. <1
Notary Public.
Office in the iU »
chi . k
** Building.
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
I. A. MsrXetli W I.latter I« Kaaentlaftv «
Pa utrr of the Town.
WLi tier r-ji.i - « iu tl.e barmony oi
font, mid color whirwer it <■< nfn nts
dim, in th" tumble down shop ns in ths
u< bl» palace, in the cliscrm rof the mar-
t< t j .»'•• as al, . g the tenaces of tbs
!y y-r>’ n.
Mr. Whistler has marie
n. my j< ’-rruit« on the stone, li< has
v.oii.' .j niuen »mt of doors, but hi« ino­
li.. 1 . j ever '»■. n sugg «ted by the pio-
I- tai .. ¡ - it cf u.eu am: women am. the
» rid hr lives in. His cenoni is w ith
the malitioa of life, that poetry may Le
the r»sj.(—tlm j«» try of paint r,r | em iL
To I nu r>ie r un«ry is scalee 1» sh nu
rm u:"' »I. n it was to the I)« Goncourt\
u i.o saw in it i.n“ large charnel h< u «« l
T< wii has wer «ad for him anh.-re nes­
tlet.ble charm. London, of
Tbe my ùteri > um ''¡Htaaces. the g J oom«
Botncntb, tLeau^wrt
And «oiwna ebapo:
Pmi«, tin el<-g.int, the dainty, the dia-
tn gtiisbeii i ity i,t vest vistas and ter-
raerd g.,rd<-uii haie I oi him I y a no re
p»>t, i»l s] 11 tli .11 plow-id fieiil und
low- T i,u. than g <. n val ; « wind
ii ■ . meng the hill.-,
Uo would rather
the fr g lifting and falling on its
-tni-r's long facade than theclond rhad-
osxs drifting acre*« tl.e mountain side.
If" would find more majesty in fin Cr-
e«t of masts along th«-quays than in the
,. ■
, -t G--; b1 t Faut i ncblemiuri • r-
In tb>; city be has painted Lis
nuotarne*, sud it is the city that h im
t i < n if«' in«piration of bis ne» dl«. V.nh
the oxeepti' n of a very occasional etch­
ing. I <lo m t remeir.bi r a I imN< ■ qa- f .y
Mr Whis'lsr. And. es with his paint-
Ings und . plates, so with hu lithograpba
_ .
Wh<-u he ha» worked oat of doc/rt, it hai
b< < n in London ct Lynn R* già, iu Paris
or Vitre.-—Elizabeth Robins iVunell ui
■■ -
Llberal Milpptn* Poller.
Tb« nduaiMaiou
of _____
tim New York and
couple«) with the run st root ion of
the »St. L' ub< and 8t. l*au«, hai d unon-
theta mom liberal policy toward
shipp i»« than that which has hitherto
!>« » ii followed hors not mean the closing
( f A m» rloau y ird-i.—Annosi Report of
th« CoiuBtimiouer of Navigation,
And a »fill "mrre liberal pcj-ry to
ward shipping''would Lu theenactn,cut
of the rliscmroiuutmg duties hill of H»-n-
utor Elkins.
The par-sage of this bill
would result In the starting r,f s«i many
Anifirioaii yards and th« work of ths
rommissioner'» bureau would so increase
as to uiake him wonder where he w.-i»
at. But bia "more liberal” minded suo-
ceaaor might t«; equal to the occasion.
Noli e I or I'« l'Iicstlon.
I Mini «»lîic *• t.ak» v ew Or.
t • ■* t
Notte«* !•* h* ti*l-' Uovi» (hat Ih»» inllt’ulntf-
Ì»H' I’ .1 ■<'.
r ha** vi »»«»I .-‘«»i h»a >ntei»il«»u
!•' «'.»»A |HUt» ’l-reol If» »1 |.» h - 1 <»t hia els*ui »ml
H •. «» - . .»• •
that »ai 1 1 <
IStli. A'i. l l » -t K.M-. tu’! io Ali ai Khiniuih
vr I -«.* » 1« :
1 all*. Qr. iu»
«»liti ; nt - ! «’X
H I Nu '.’«»'> f. r th- \ . .»• \ rt 4 S m - ». 8 , of
D l.G. .
NF , -c
I p b‘ till ► rt M. II
»... » i ■ « r » «• I I» a *»».»Ainu-
lli.* Lib a ll<
«»’1* re» -1 b* »' A>( • ’ 1 Vitil cult A allot) O» arti
. -t" V \ M. !>» •
Ub«|. vir:
John li»/, aliI Of 1 4j'U’h Vsi'.ey. <»r. anil A
<>ariani» 01 it Linau...-, u
J, X, W a ' mhi . Io«:ist» r,
Notice For P« b'kathMU
l and A».!. «■ Al I »»■..••» • n Or
s»'I • i.. • . " ‘» t
Notier l* bv.» 1»\ Ah»'« O uai 0.» » >'■ >»'iuf'
:lrr :» • i . . d *« ”.•.• «•( h r tôt- ntl. «
to . ai.: 'utile tu'» • • «t» ■ <4 lM‘ ■ ^1 he» < la. ni •>»»•
. ,»••»( .> ... ■ ■ .n '■
I m ■: »■«• » 'ivrn
K‘M-i»",.h i •». *»r Al X1-» >»*lb
A»r. ou ai . r»ih ¿ a ..t th i ix-r, um . vit:
l‘VI"Y KM.*! 'X
‘ k
Xh . » . N O , <. .
■ I.» s K » ’ K M M
Acir» t;»e toUoninx a O iu - mm « t>» pr»»A<‘
Olii», ou k r»'«id.-.-ce
i nnd valu» «lli-a
ot - ! N I k : G » »»hcr. « i.n \. X M. m».'»-
l»a II»’, k oi I .«
il v ail* >, Or. au <1
Btal <
J. N. U'aitoti, U '».'l*tvr.
Notkq: for l’vbl'catlon.
t Ahl! tun« C Al ’ A « « ici» (»T
J» bei
fultoa ili<
X >t‘ve 1« h**r «•by <!v«*n dial
n* • t*«l settler .lia.*
in- n «- >’»( til « mit niton
1»» a - •»I. muti' pr -•t tu »4|«t'”f 1 rn h-«1 elaiit» nittf
tha l '-diti pr rt»t AV HI I h * ii 1 a.| !»••'' ■ i : ? «4 ■» Cha».
a» K tau r I»
tani, ru r< ol h .ora*b l\». <>
Fa»! «. Or, «»»» ‘ »«• i \th «9«A «»f »»' lobe r. IW-i s 1. .
<»b. OHuF «’IHF.X« n. A.X
• f X p» Met* t T;- 4 M
II • X’. *•¥.-: r
K 1 • F. « M
I4- f»a- « » tie fi»ll<l’A» lus U (-
fi«'--• <•* lu prove b»* Ci V» IUuno»*r» -, m iet» •«* auh » i »
riui < «dir. atl«*t » ut -«aiit lar I • 1
• Ur!P«»n, P
1. -t a, t ’ x ' ’-P’JU» i. a ml J .-hu tla.i. »11 «*l
J \ W al'-«•n. P riuer.
Notice I ur PubllutUnN.
Laud Otfvx ai Laiirric* . «»rrgon.
A •.<.!>
X'otlr«»l» hrrvt v «riv«'*» »Imi tl»> l» ••• '«»-
l»m* I >rii .• « . . k i! „•>. u- ■■
•»» h« r k tu«*ut H U
t< iti-ik»- ¿nal | r«»of i ¡ -
.ci .«| b«?. < m « u
ai.»! th »i •»• ! i • ot a I b*< f *
!-• (••:» K « »•
k" 'G A»-' «kl LallC¥.,'«k. OiC^'QU nu uvl
<»i»er H. i**u » r
i MF i A M F -
rî •» - c »»! V ;
î nu g
H t K» ? " **r
- '► . \w -F , -F
*.«l|. Il
S il . t. V. M
-t"C on» • Ol»
».:«>» .tic »• H-
{'•••«M-. t<» ptoYA h r Cviitu- Olb rvodri'»-r n|»-
oi if .i suit « «al ’G •»! »ai»l laud, v»--. • «• »» Jai
a ! (» T '•» A
’••«• • I
AU.» W H
Farra ami M< * Jrntr* «t i: » «i. »> <»r
J. X. tv ai «ti. K» sister.
TIMI’ER L\X|1. \cr il'XE 3 Ls7M—
Nolic: FoR PI BLD AH<»N
Unit«-! > ale* I jo »«I office,
Lak* view, Oregon, July 22. lfifM.
N »lice t* ’ »Tt-by* given ti»-»t in «• rnnii-
an»«- with th-» provi-l »nt o( th«- V t »»f
Jun*-3. 1S7H, endtlrd “An act for the
sale •( tin. -er lamb in the Stai»-* <»(
California, (Heg--n. Nt-vnda un-l V a h-
in?t n T r-!t rv.“ !»» ev^rr ’“«1 tn all
the r-’il-li • and «fiiti-M by art of X n,’»i t
I. I''.-? th- f Honing p-r*«»n* have tl»i*
dm- file*! in tl i'» office their swum
staterrentA, t*»-w it ;
K. Br-•» n of KlamutL E./1-i.
c»: nty <»f Klammh, «tate of Oregon,
Mu »rn mis ’-m nt X ».
(or ll»«- »»’ir-
chi»-»» <»( tl.e X’. I *4 . > F.
* E * i. XFqr
i- Itqr S c 12. Tp ♦ > I: I *» E W M.
William A. Wn-n of Klamath I'alN,
eountv of Klan-*»h, state of Oregon,
sworn *t.-o«-»n*-n‘ X»».
for the j»nr-
cl a-e - i th«- E^NEqr b«-c i2 Tp3*J»< R
1.» E W M.
That they will fF**r pr< *»f foshn»' that
the bind sought i* more valuable l »r it*
timber or stone than for ugti<-ilturdl
piirjw -e-* m l t«> «••*:d»b*h their claim In
said 'and bef >r»- < ■ n Chn tain, (.'•• 1 l- rk
of Klamath Connlv, at | lamatli Fa «»,
Or. »n Tuesday, the 4th da» of <»«,t*>lM-r,
They »nun»- as «• iln»-*«»-«: Wm K
Fr -. a n, Cl-»« !!ai a- t , W A Winn <»f
Klttn-itb FatfR. Or. I/»ni« in-rL'-r <-f
Ixin lla, Gr, C N HaukiitM of liulitMtcr,
Anv and all j er “m» claiming a<lv» r-e-
ly th»' al>*ve <L*“cril <1 lam!- -*re r« «pn-*t-
e<I to file (li»*ir claiin- in lid*» offic»- oti
or before sai»l 4lh «lav of Oct*»l*er. F*i4.
J. X’. WatM»n. Register.
I liday. th«1 ,*»0iIt -la\ «»I ^epteii’L< i, ’P*)|
IL ii.'un»
«•■«!(’ Il I.ink »i».
M-’ I’. I I . I* Ì. k-.-ll I II» "I I’» I"« \ ill*»,
( ‘i - , - - o. \V .
Sluii:.!» I k ' »H'.iih I
On»g» it, tn»l •
'-at t«»i hu atte »(
( » a mi ia. U a «hiiipt<»ii.
Vox a I ih p< »■‘«•i»* clrthidi g »ulve»'*«»-
I\ I hl* >|L.»\ v «I.’XCI i»H ,| lall'l H|-‘ I V»|»te»t
«»I .o til«’ tl -ui' «laliii» m il»» »»in»«» t n » r
Lcloiv-« hi I »'kith »tu »»I « pt* mi au , L ot
J X W.tt " i. R»-ti*iv».
’ H
I » '
I 1
i f**r
A Alito
• l : p - •
»I« -«»•
nil »li
Pi hit« iitloil
I tin 1 < >lhi | Ml I »k»’\ lew .
< U< ,'••»». Aug 11 il» 11*91
X »tl»-. •» I»* b*
»uv*-ii limi Hip. I* ll'»w
»’»*• •
» I «•»».*• .i» ill* *1 n«>i h* ol his
i '> i * iuihi ton il» linai pi'H-i in support
»»tli ■ * »in. i. i ! 111. j » a i-1 p »•»• » ill :»q
I • I » '
I I'n.'d III 1 *» I ll*U »’
ol L l'iii»-it|| i i» , ip,
nt t.laimill Fall*,
’ ‘
••l»lh« ' 11 h da * * *i *'* i »I e m I •«'i , I ts 11,
vlr :
coxn-.si Norfolk
l’l»it«’-l 8tat«,'i I HI» I Offit*«»,
I ik‘\i-'W. <'t«‘g«-n, l»tl\ II. '“»'I.
A ’»ttlh’leiit «'«»nte.Mt nttlduvit )m\li f
lwM»n til»’ I II» thlM - fl’*’«» l'\ Cl\de K,
lhan-lA’tiburg, ca ' ii I«-tant iieaiust liouie-
m '<‘« a | a »'»( i a -, \\». *.'9 »1. ma-’«
\pttl 2ii,
V'O: f»t 8 E', X'VL <». X Et» <*•
ami S \\ Ajr N W «p . S«»,* i Tp il S.R 12
FWM. Verni b Kit.* i .» i » ».ti
. ...
in w li irli it is m II ai / i I t h.it A ih » F K.it
tephotn I a- w h. |lv i a ‘|» m | io crltivali* --r
imp'»»vr t“M »»d i-ii't»\ :it » -n *«.ud trarl of
land or iviv portino thi 'e l; tluit -ii‘I
» nti \ »A .'inau. \» mi F. KattvnhA»rn. bar
lu»t lesidiil or live*! »i| on ibi» tr.n t «•!
lai»*! or unv »-»rti.»i» tini
t a« ».quii« I
bv l:tw. an<! nas wh*»llv nLamtamol thè
sana», s.ii.l parli»»» ar»» ln»i»»bv tt»<i
at»|wjii r«»* |M»!i l uni otT r «»vi-fo.•»»•<» t«»»b’h*
ìt»v ai«l all* c iti m at hG»‘«3.H k m m . <>n
Sei-(««i.»!»-r 0. I M I l .-i.-r*’ G T. Bai I
rth». C.’iritv lu-Gr •( Kl imath C«»iinfv,
Fri’k’.’n, at Klat» atb F;»|| h th • ?«»n h - I
that t!» il hr.u im* w ili *■»• h» !«l a? 10
a »*»’I ck a , m., «ni < pi.
!;MU, fot hi »
th*» R«gp’«*r-md li»
ì»»t ittheUtdl« I
»''tale* I.H»l«l (>!!■»•<' iu I akevii'rt, l|» p»l»,
Tlo‘ aid r »ni«“*' »»»( h.i\ i ». in a pio.
por nft’-l ivh. tlled M AV I l‘«H -« t f ’»!»
ì.-lA '« u'iirh fhou ti»‘it H,,*,r »Lu» dii •
V'-lire |»< i« mal MAM VÌre of thi- imtlr«- et«»»
m»t I h » ma ! • tt i» fo**vl»y otti T-*d a* d
«lir. i »••>! t!»•«» •»»»•!» m • -. «» Ih*
l \ dm»
nini proiH*r publiripimi in thr Klam.ith
R LI1 iu nix.
» v ite .
J . X »1 at *on . KrglMer.
Unite*! Stan «. | _«m| Office,
I rtkev ew. O’A,g»»n J»tlv 12. 1'Htl
Noti«*-* a h«’rr!»A i\**nt1- «’ in r«-i.ij»'t-
an**«» rtirh th«» pr«»A i«»t«»i»« t»f th«* Ar' »•(
Jiiui'3. |S‘,‘»i. viiii’.*'l "An ari fit tl*»
salt» *»( tin ier ’.m*!- in the '*?.»’•«• *»f
C.dii rn*:», • >it\. n Nevada a I " i-h*
tng’on I’errlto.v ' a- e\t.-m’•• I to ail
the mibli * lami »:' «•■*!»* art -*f C g” t
4 l. '»2 »he b*ll«-rt i»».* t*-r«* »•* b «»«- ll»’s
»!•»' tl!*'.I i»i O hm «itti»«* tli«*tr bwatu stato­
li)« n’s, t*» w P :
llenrv ott of Oh
Thorsten «’ate <»t 'A
hlio l * •»« <>f
si at« tm » i N » 2 *8> foi
♦ lie W •
of X W1 « a»
, ol «•»»»*.
S-r H. Tp H S R 8 E A
< ’hnrl«*«* II **pt ;t»g«'r
' •»»pta, rotin-
ty of Thurston, «♦tai»1
Al ♦i-hlngt'»n,
FA’ «H -i *••*(•..■». ’ \
L»r ihr pur-
«'hrve «»( the W’ of X r" i -E«,
„ *»( xi
», in.l SI- :4 ,,| Al?., ,-vv I. Tp 11
7 E AV Al.
Timi thev nil! « Ter proof t*» al»«»w
that th«« land ■* night I*» m »re \ai ij*l Ie
for ils limiter ur «tone th.»»» for «»..»rirnl-
lutai purpo-*»** and t«» «•■«tn! ’i-h finer
claim to »«aid I’.ml I«« fon» (»««-.rgt« T.
Bid I*1 b;, ('n. J idg»* of Klamath » '•». Or,
at Klam »il» Fal’-». Or <»n .‘aturday tl «•
Mth «!-»« «»I lh-t«»la-r. I‘»H.
I he* li.ime a with» «*■•••* * *••' At. » »"tn,
Er»I M M «rgan, L O Miti«*. 11 rir\ <T ap-
man. a-l of K«*m», (>• -.»«o».
Any a*.-I all .•••«*i'*ns »•laimlrg adverse­
ly the al‘*>v»« *!♦ «rribrd lands are »««•
qtlVf-h* I ti» tl»«* tl»«*ir «-foima io thia *>ffi» v
«»n **r livforu «ai I stli dav of <X tela r.
J. N. AVataon, R*,gi-t»«r.
TIMBE.!' IVO A I II XF t | 78.—
NOTICE FOR 1’1 I.1.1C \l h»N.
. i
A i- » t '■ . si K «11'Slli t sll- , « »re . m» ma I aii »» > .
• i». Mt . <l»A «»4 Xuvt'inl -1 P• 4
\ M
1 •.'!»,
M» AA li »
i', 1- 1 G»l|'l >11.
M A 1 i.-brrl', Mb K 1 h »’ i
In» »■ i»'l h || » i«t .. n.
a 1 uf • . lautath Htlt». A». •*
i' 1 ahi- • tU »•!'• - m I a »lu- al*” a . I M-Iilnl lati»!*
of SR p. NEqr
111 1. I
*<’- Ii
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I L- «
.................... Up »II
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<»f As
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Jilt) t. I'.i
II'IIIF.K t.pq» « r It X F
I « «. N<»| I« g
t(»H I » Ilf .*' I f H»X*
I »»-I« >t Mt-Aii » I «•»*! uiHr«*.
|n»i"»ii .A »»««'pHt, Jute •», ’«.«»M
X*n» je»- I- hr-i 'i
h ' ai - ii that »1» <*«*isi llaitrs
w II»I til- *•««»» I " >»»»■ »»f ’»-*• a««t «»f .hit’«« 'I. I-.H,
*l«i1 ■At •»•
i'.r 1
»< '• -»1 t tiihi-r li*i'«l-* In
>• ' • : t *»• I » f ' n»i « ** a ■ •• « »■ i. J« »I • •• ah » | ia >
I, ■ t.aiAit Mia’- - •-* a- <>i \<
»* 4, I1*'».’, d «1
« ng |*<r«i'i»B I'.i»«' th1.» *|a> ill- a 1 In ibis
ll • r m . r*t 1 uh -t
-, ’•
M* ina
• w, l-f bl**-’ll. < m »1|I|A (it M|«|»l)i»«l,
ut» i i 11 in > » .-i n •» a » t .1 »»I 8 i ■ MW,
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it l|-
n lu F
‘t «i* iii« t will
f »»• -
- il*»' *!>»• lan-l »»«Hili. I«
1 » MiiiMbl«« for i*» »I»»-i->-r «»r •n»»»«' ilia*) t«»r
<Pl--r i* t ir'i ■
ar t «n r»l«ihll*|i III* II
• • f « " a -
r lial taih r »,
. ■ ’
in mi »1 » «•(» ui,, «i hl* •»»<»•'«* t«» » ia
1 ■ a " , C»|| J lu¡ r ••» .1 A I hr l.»i •* -lai (if M. I»
• ». PM 4
I ti, v »»Mm*« a« wllit'-MV«
• "1 ( V
I ."
A. « III
i«hvM Hi t-iifu* . *•-..,
» Alimrni«
Il F vi. <>»» (>i f*r litri til«*, ♦’•■f««»».
■.•••I«» Ij
'•»’ rlao«iU»< *»-l».'rwh tht)
■ i».«>!» m H In », n,. rr«.ti »»•••I («1 8lw
• •
-M- - «n» ur !•■ fi»rv aalit
1 a) lif I'- I.IOI-»^'» . t>*|
J N w »'Min |t. gi«irr
I ¡MtU.il LA' n
‘O i trm xori»f
« » ms
F» qi
ii«i»*« t «’••!
w *»r V»> li IWH
I- brfr»
t» II.«t in r..iii|>}i«tiA'«»
w nh
i-rto I*»».
I «- «il
<*<it»gfr»« ».f
J »« «
In a«*t L-r ih- «al«* «*(
< • a>i «'«liternla. Ali«,
h i- tn p»«> i
■♦« «'; i w
l’eu• --a I- »»u*»r»,“ ••
Hr.' tn all th
-1» •• ’ «u.t »t «A - • b * a-'t
»< I I**’.
I I ...I'." I «
ia . •(al <■ r»f »»r» ,f »I» I a «5 ' hi«
n *«-«i
« I a !« a»* <ri ••*'rii»r*iit Xi» ,
I < 11 :
I g h«-. ni (In"
IU Iti
lu g. 1»
V M. M»l 1 «Bill ».«•'» pffMlf t«|
«I •
'il I« -•> »rv ««<u«blA» f«»r
.. .»■ .
a| i
» !»•» «--¡a i » a It*
>1 |nti>|
I ••
* '» l'i-lAt«' «d Klamath
ut Kl»"i» i Sali- Or *»H
* •-.•»»rii) <»i !,. m* »»r J •:
w 11 Mmi»h nf gl«*malli ralla.
>»»■ - a » | i » iì i li- «M-ir
t» . «n«ta «re o |ii.-«i«>t tu nie
tin .
a ’ •• Ii
I X W A THON Krshlrf
.1« ««»•!
I I-' «H
T a *
I I MBEI MX!» At r JI XI 3 1*74.-
NOTI F i oh 1’1 HI ICAII’i.X.
I Mt«tl ’»At**« i-ahd office,
I . a L» • ■ rt, Ore., July ÿti IfMM,
r. \\
Votivo » herttbt gtv»«n that in cumpll-
I •
ot .1 'le . l'.’x entitled "An
■ A
<»t X
A» t t«»r ih»« «a ••
tiud« r lami* in l|»e
I» F
• Ir
ol < Hfort-ia
Or«-/ n. Nevada
sil i W .»hi ■¿»••ti ! « »»itnr»a* «-»1« mi-
I* «|1’«ik«f
-• w n 1
>»«• Mr»
« t !
I 'li
I ai» I
•*» b% Krt
a »Ì \ . «14 I ‘‘J, Il-»« *« R. Lit I lell«-l*l,
-»• -*i t , a
B o »> . leu, !'<*i t hm I. < «Hiiity
•i • »i AliFt? mnh Hat«« *d <h« g. n. ha» Ibis
■ I in 0 -
>f! • III» »».«»ri» state-
im » t. X'« .741, f*»r th«« ptirrh two of lh«t
• « |i »•’ n ’» «jr i ».j *»l » »« «i» « mg .17» niel
Tl UBER I. * X !». V I V X !
li « qr • f • •• <»l •• • Il tp T» « r tft r A» m,
Nul l’ ! FOR 1’1 HLH Al iOX.
a »-I « FI *»tl« r pr-xif t«> m I h » w (l.at li»««
Ut.p. d - la’e« I ai»d Office,
lin i E- in '«• Viih’rtt l« tnr tir t»i»,Iter *-r
Ì4lk«<v»ew. Oieg «li, l»ii> 21. I» mh .
N».Uve I* herubv ji \ -n thaï in e-»*n- »t" *’ «l»an !■•» a/' i* uliutal por i - ' <
• ■
.1 Oli ! • ■ •- I ■ I
i I •• f.
plinti««« unii (In* pr»*V|wl>'l! - "Í |I»«' Art III
< '• I O'
*’i Jllllv 3, IH; «A, ell!)» led "An <•» *• l'l.n^t « ni. ( -iuPy < kl»«i k <»f Kliiinnlh
a«*t for the « ■ •• «>f tiinlier l in*O i » li.«» (‘•»untv, *»»e..««t Klamath lull«, tirw.,
Muf«-« of <'.ilif »rnfo, Or«-k'*»n. XYvada m» 'Mitir-lay, iliv I3th day ul October,
a»»d W.iahiip,t*»n fetriioiy a-» r%i<-ml<*d IWO.
Ile nain«*s a wit»*«♦*•«•• r H. R. L.'tle-
t*» «ili the I i»f»llA* I a»-d Mates bv Art <*l
Alignai I, I X
,| -*• ph W. 4lt»*i li w-4tA«, Held, ¡'-»ri ' «n I,< >r»*. I lefiry Llar V . A»h-
• • I. Í he
I i ) I,’ i»li».t’ ««r J.
«*f thoupm. ('o-»nii «d Th'irat »i. H a I a »
Ifonai /*«, o»e.
oí W.»«>hii»al“li' ha'» tina daV h|ed m tina ami <». <». AV.-nfon, ali
Anv an • all
«-la ming advera««-
«i-'iA«- i.i-« «A«»r*» »tat» lient» No. Vs’*». íor
tli»* purvlia’*«' -*í ib»« I *t 2 »>1 ■*'«•• • in 11* ly (he .»la.Ve «t» «-' |.«-4 iMl. lnr»■ rA**|ii«*«t-
• d I'» filo I -’Ir t«l.r ui« in Oils «».*•»*•«♦ *•»» <»r
:r *• R io » w M
I »I -i a ' lb a - «.«bi I
o - lev *»i < »« I* l-A’T. l’SM.
sl.i’T • L1 • 1 *
J. X . AS a!««*ti, l’egistt-r.
able ! *r it fin »■ i
to N r>i t «i
i »id .»a<
rt »
United V ntv* laiii »»t!»«e,
Takevfow. Or»*
Jnlv 20, tl«»4
\'.»ti. e m h*-rebv g’v» n tl p biA-otnpli-
amvuith th»« pr a I-'.«-n*» yf ihr A* i I
June 3. !s78, entitled 'An n»-t for the
«••«I a - * f timber hit I** iti th«* 1 tat» **<»f Cali-
fornin, Orrg«»n. Nevr*fo ai I Washing­
ton l»rrP ry.’’as i•.%•»•!>•‘rd l*> all the
Bid Ii* L.I I Si »te-» h* V i J Augnai I.
|S92 ll»«* follow ihg |H-r • >■** have thia «lav
ti!r<! in tld«* othcu tbvir sworn state­
ments. t«» wit :
(¡«•nrg«* (i. Tinrlfo of Lntig«*!ls Valiev,
Countv of Klamaili. >:.«!« oi On’gou,
«*worn «tat< tn«*lit .No 2
• í -r tl»»« ir­
ise of 1
• I
V . i
»4 Sec 3. i p 37 > R P b W \l.
ec’ ural i
Mar, Good rd Ln» g--“- V.A'.Irv, ( *ottnt v
ate <»f
• I, f«*r
* ( •»
»*f .»I .*
n I ri
.*vi‘ 32
• I
4**nini*' of Khim.»’h, -I i *• of • »r>-n
«worn MtatA-ni«*’.i X«». _ »p for ifo- pur-
chaMtof th** N 1-, -<( >
: , at <| •
,,f ,\
U ' . Ser. 3 T p 4Ì S It L. E W M.
K IntinUh
< k l»»ÌH’r,
ILL X«t ■.•y- i f.-t loi» n »\ ip of n a i|r
" »
► i» *ir of s e o» rec I ii «• qr of n e
• - 9 »«ltd il rt «jI *»l I» W q» M a ’ Iti Ip
3 m « r 9 «» w tn.
IL - *-i i»" the f '|i»A* !»••• a * I*n«•••*’* t«>
pi-'VL I» im . i iHinho
i ien* *• upon m«l
»e 111 vil "t » i » .t i.| ht » e’ vi r A. J
< * • ' M I
Irrt»«. A !
K I' a i I - all
KI unnth l ull» Ore.
.1 X. W .'itnoii, RiAgister.
r. TIMI I R I \X|
ACT h si- 3. KM —
NOI!»» "»li Fi Hi li .il f<’\.
IL ii » m I '•iiitr*' !.an-l Office,
Hit. ma . Or., Juls w», IIMM,
ni» '
Noi •* ia !.«• I»v giv«“i timi Ih r«»e» pii-
IP •
J» II. a prt-\ t-i«»t*M r»l thè Ari «»f
»• A >■
n and K.
I J » •
IJ * i.i itI« -I,
A n
p! I
A» ’ fur th* ' a < <■( tirnlmt land« in th»’
i .’»n»g a'!v •’*«♦■
w ! e- i 4 ,i : ie •* imi. < >» • , ' - n, N «. a ' m - I r ami
i*l » *«rr rt*p *»t •
Un hi gl -n r.iiit r\
a- exleml««t lo
bi«* -lice • : or all I •- I I i LI ia * La»-1 Mah*- bv tri of
pt.uf»l*r, I p 04.
\ ■ ii-t I. I
I i-'hk I» <’••urla*!«», of
>n, Register.
K'ninalh I »Ih, < -nnty *»t Klamath,
-I :n
Ilio» • I < h
-u..ri» stai m« ni. Xo. 2913,
' ■
-ir n
♦• tp a » *1 -i qr <1 h- *ir <»l -«•«• 19 tp
37 « i U * a tu ami A ili ••fu*» pita»! tO*
«•rt that ihe .aii'l «onrlit la Unire valli-
That thev will *»ff«-r t»r«**»f to «hou tb «l
tl»»* lami Mongîif is iiioM* valuable for its
timorf and
tone than fur agri« idlural
p»irp"-»-S ali I to ••“tai- .-h th> ir< l»« in !*•
sxin fond i»»-fore
•/»* I
J’ldg«- *»f Khiinnlli County, Oregon, itt
l-t day
timher T a 5n>
\< r n
i. isrs.-
of October. L*94. They imine mm u.t-
•t, «s«n*a : U illmrn G* m .I, Jr.. A«l in* Al.
Wi ite. G«w>rg«- (i Tbi’I'-v :*n*!
United Si'i»«-'* i,an»l ♦ »tfn-e,
\n \ri i.»r il«* - di-*»f
<»< hh I > i II *»f Laogrll« Valiev, ore. n». I I• i'i I'I'd,
Lakevi* w. Of - gon. Juiv 22. 19(14.
• • 1L* '•‘ct*
»I 1 ii-' •
N’oti*-«-¡ m hereby gi.en that it» com- Andrew J. White of Silver Lak**, <)»»*. ' ’• '' I **
5. mli m l A».i H" ' n I"
Any Miei all |*rr on- rltTnnuig a«l- "
plian« ■ M!t.b »Io p’ ».’•d in-* of th*- A t
oi Jnr»<- 3. !S7* ei.tith-d ‘‘An act for • e v»-r**«*ix tbe A>w»ve I*- ' ril.«-d lar !« a.»»
f»aio of timl-»-r !an< - in the stat«-»* *»f ( d- rr<ifi--.ie*’ t*» til«* their rl’iiin*» in this
- «» on of is-foi«' -ai* I . -»I lav of *»*:<»• r,
ifurr.ia. Oregon, Nevada II.«I AA a hing
I' ll <Htv "I M ir.'n
I’.-.'I-ir. >n.
ton Territory.” «*• ext«*nd» I I»» all the 1 '
J. N. WetmiTi, Register,
hs. tlii-.t>ii til.4 ii . Inis oili.'i" his sworn
P”l»’i I: i I ria?* - by g»-t <,f A'lgu.-f I.
*tat.*m«*til S' ii 2VI'IL. for th.* purchas." >>t
|H‘*2. th*- following perwonR have thin
. s*-r 18 tp 38 m r |2e u m.
dav filed in this uifh-c their sworn state­ TIMBEI: L\SI> A" T.I'M 3. 1878.— the n' _■ oi
NOTH E »'"R I'l i'.I.I- .VIloN.
m»d will offer proof tn Show that th«»
ment h to-wit:
laud imnglit in moie vahiiiblr lor it** tun*
I'l.il.sl S-ll-<"s Ijiml lifiii’H.
('liiirli-s O. Ih-T/ind nf Beattie, county
la«r and -ton*’ than for agricultural pur
Lsk.-vi.-w, ' ii*'. ..n, .lull- 3R, lisll.
of king, state of Wa-ldn.j*»n, sv »»in
X' i . iii ." I« iinri l.j" uivt-n tli.it in <■■•10- IN»* »•*. ami !*• rata li**h HV claim to • ii I
statement No. 2S‘2 for 11.»* pnr*-h »*•• of
*i in»,
iri oi
♦tie I > t I, ^PqrX’l *|T, XEqrSEqr Sec II ■>li:*ips will, tl,»- fw.visious i.f
ihn /A<i
«»* Inn-1 la-fore <*< -. Ci'Astuin, Cminty (’l**rk
.Act fnr the ’d Khli*tl. (,’oHtit \ . Ore. at biin.ith
An .
Tp 37 S It Id E W M
J hm."
Vili «i • t ’
'* *
on Sidm-foy, the Iftili day
Mal » IC. I*. L ind <•( S at do « mint v of sill*» <»f timber lahds in the State« of ’ ahs, < re..
i •.•
K;; ? *tatv of WaMhinrton **u’orri H’ate- i’alifornia. Oregon. X*- vi *I m an<! Wa-li
lie nairn•■*, 40 Avitne»»m-r : J. L. Yadrn,
meut. No. 2* s| L»r »be pun’hrt-«- <»f t’ «- iiigton Territory/*na extended to all the
J;n e • ••»•gi.<**< M. I» -'h.»r Ibtftfs Moore,
L- t «5 S’,»>• I ir, N WqrSEur Mee 11 Tp I’nblii- Lat’<l Hates by Art .4 August I.
follow inc p4-r ( him have thia •’- W• Hain.ikcr, all <*i Klamath H i II h ,
1H’t2, the
37 s R 13 E W M
3 hat they will *>ff» r pr<»of tn «how that day filed in this office their sworn state* t ir**.
Anv mid nil persons i"hiinii»iK ;i'!vor»i>-
t ’•
tl.*- land sought is m**r*- valuable for it** meets, t<» wit :
Iv tin" :,»•• V."
rii "d Imid« uro ri«|iii"M-
Edward F. <' »u»*iul*- *»f î.ir -r» Ils Vai
timber or «tone than for agricultural
. f «"I In illf th. ir c I hiiii « hi -hi- "lio <• "ii or
Klamath. Hate
purfM'see and tp i ®tiihlbl» tl »-ir claim to ley, County of
ol O c P i I h T, HMM.
said Ian*! before R* gi-h-r ar d Rv«-*»iver, Oregon, sworn statement No. 2h7»i. for
J. N. Willson, IU- ji ter.
U. F. Land (office, at Lakeview*. Of, on tl.»* purchase of the s E* . of \ E! ( Sec
w» I'.*- day, tin-«'» h dav *»f Or-toher UM-I U. S' of X '»('., an I XI .of SE'. H.»i- '»
TIMBER L\Xp. A< I’ H’XE 3, 187«.
Thev name u*< »v’tn* - -1: < 'h:n <t !’<•- Tp37 H R 9 E U M.
Mrs. < lara X . V,' hit*-, «»f T»;»ver««,. f’ji v,
Lar <1, Fr»rah L 1>‘-I and, Mabie (' !>»•-
Unite*! States L;»n-I Offi<*e,
Coiintvof < «rand l rav*-i ■»•• H in»<>i Michi-
Land of Hattie, wa h, Bert Sip-H, W I
Lak»*view, O*eg**n, July 22, l'M)4.
g.tii, sworn statement No. 2MM, for tue
R< . d of Bl Or
Not ice is t»**r»-by given that in r-nnplb
An) ami all |a»r»*<»na claiming adverse­ p-»r*’h:» •*• of the x W i of .X* E'4 S 17 of
i N
of R am-«* w ith tin* ptovision* of the A< i of
- W«4
ly the al.-ive *I«- mc ril»<-d Iftmlwar*- reqU’-ht- N W'i X’ E', of - W't an
< ongt' “*H of .lutm 3, IK7M, entitled “All
<• -G Tp to. S R 7 I. W M.
*•*; tii file ffo-ir claimw in thin oifii-»- on or E'4
\dam W, White of Langell« Valley, , A•■! tor the «ale *»( timi» -r Ian ’« in the
before paid 5th dav of Octola-r. HM>4.
f’junt; of Klaimith, >iat*- of Or*-.'Hi, , Hate« of (California, < lo gon, N**va la ami
J. N. wataon, R» gitter.
sworn statement X’o. 2ufi8, for the pnr- - Wrtsliington I«*rrit*»ry/’ a« ux1emle*l to
TIMBER LAND. \( T .U’XI L |H?8.— rha ■*• of th*- 17' » oi N W ' t S W1 j of « 17 all Hi* . ’ Puhlir Lari«! Stuten bv Act of
x(.<" 3 p E' j of S W '4 .-*•*•
37 r» R Augm
t 4,
• • ■ 3 1 Tp 37
\ -1 •
i I ! >92. .lohn < *. Pryden, oí .Mi *
9 E W Mz
solila, County of Ml -*>idn, State of Mon-
I’nifeil btateH Lan<l Office,
thiu d iy tiled in this office his
Lakeview . Oi -gon, July 21 1904.
for tin* |*»ir-
N<»tic* is herby given that in compli- the land nought i- more val'iable for it-* •* » orn statement, N». 2^'
»no- with th*- prnvi*i*»r. - of the Act of w tinil»« r or stoni- than for ag»!*nil oral citase <»f the eLj n e qr n a qr s e qr sue,
(’■ !ign i-M <»i .Inn*-3, IM7S, entitled “An pnrp » *•*«. and t*; «-t ili'i* h th«*»r <1 lim f*> 2» and n w qr s w «¡r m <
b«-f«.rr ‘ o*org<' T, F. »ldw m, (’■». e w in. am! w ill **lf* r pr »of to rh >w that
act for tin- sal*- of timber land»* in th*»
’t.it« - of Califon ia, Oregon, Nevada Judge of Khviri’h County, Ou-gou. at the land so’ight is mori» va'imblr for its
ami W iMhtngt -n Territory/* hm extend­ K la’init h I •..ll-. Oi e/on, on Fri«luy, th’* timber <»r *3«mr than for a ~o fi-'iltura!
1 :n-v p-p p*.-*-«, an*l I<»
'ablish hi- claim to
ed to ail the Public I.an I i^tat- -» Ly A* t, 391 h day of S'| t.-rrh r, I >04
*: \..l White of J. .....
F u|
hurl Indore <»••«». 'I.
T. Baldwin,
< '<».
of AngitMt I, IS‘,12, Edgar IL Conner, of name an witm
<'Lv»n|<iH. i'o'inty *»f I hurston, Ftah? *»f vrr Lake, Oreg > ii , A. M. White, G. <». .I'lljje at KlaiiMtli Fall«, '»ri/on, on
12th day id October,
___________ _
Wellington, haa this day filed in thia Thifiby. Falwani Constale, all of Lun- Wediiesdiir,
office I i . m «worn ‘•tat* rn<-nt, No. 2891, for gi-IFa Vdley, Oregon, I» II. Ward of HAH.
If»* nann*M a- witnrs-es: N»»il Camp
tlm raircha«.» of fo>t 3,
2, Tp 37, S R Khunath F s II m . Oregon, and CI mih N.
bell, Wm. Ilut< hii»H<»n, W, T. whive, J.
10 I> W M, and will off* r proof to show White, of Traver-e (’itv. Midi,
Any and all prrsonsrlftimihgadversely (i. Pierer, ail »»< L lamalli I'alla, Oregon,
that the Ian*! sought is more vahiahle
Anv and all per-*oiis claiming »viverce­
for its timlrer or stone than for ag- the above d«-s ril»e<l lands are requested
file their « lairn * in this office on or ly the above d< <*i iI*«**! lai 'G ar** i«,*|iies!
ricullnral piiq*»-« w, and toestabliah bia
before the said 30th day of hepleinla-r, » d to file Ihrir cliiini in I bin < Jli* *• **ii or
' laiin to «lii I land before George I . Bald
I \ u .
before mmi *I I2lh «lay of (h toL.-r. HHH.
win, C-onnly Jiidgo of Klamath County, 1904.
J. N. Wafoon, R* gutter.
j N; Watson, Register.
On-gon, at Kianiuth Falla, Oregon, on
.-t i.*ultn»:>| piiriai-cM «nd (<» «■-•aLhs***
i ■ ru io *» d-t lan-l before <i»-«»rge T '
I", luin. I'.'iit.tv iu.lj.. ,,t
| . Ill V, « l|.< , a I. InHUll ll I .11«, < -ISOH
Hsi'ininy, ibi< |,'.i|> .Isy ot O.lolwr, IIKM.
. ii Itn ,
W. .........
Kr.-'l Hi.liu, I. A. l-iilly, all
<>( Kltumili Fall«, i-rrv-un.
Ant itod all ir• 11•» • iaimitig adverse
h Um u'ove d -iiil.«*l fond» ar»* *®-
¡ I*••*!♦ *1 to (,lc their claims in this oflicu
on *•- I «,ioie sAid
»tli »lav *»l <•* K>la*r,
I ”»4.
j . s. watMon, register.
I'lMREF I VI», ,\( ’!' JI X 1*3,1878.
••• »-• A
* • I •*«*«
Ol ••«■
United Sf»it*-M Land Office,
Lakeview. Oicg'Hi, July 27», 1901.
N -ih *» is hereby given tlm’ in r<*inpli
air •• with the pr »\id«*UM ol tin-Art of
June .1, IffiH entilb-d “An Art for th®
file »if tini'»er land* in the -1 h t»• •« «»I Call-
.t, On-gun, Nevada and U m*ldiigt<»n
reiiin»iv ’’ hm extended to nil the Pub­
lie L.itiil Chiles i»y Art of Alignai 4. |8fi2,’
th* foifowing peifiiis have tliiM i I hv filed
in ihn olii«*- their Hworn sliibuients,
t-» V It
ll.iiiM X« l‘**»ii< f Klamath I h II h ,County
of Klnmutb, Mat** of Oregon, MWnrn
stat* nteiit Xo. 2 'lu, lor tin- purchase of
th*1 n e qr -e*’ 21 11 » 37 M r 9 e w m.
Calvin I., (' ciidi iining of
I*all«, County <»i Klamath, Ríate of Ore­
gon, «worn ■ •tnh»iiH-nt No. 2911, for the
purchase of the et$ of n e qr n w qr *»t
ii <* qr n c <|i ol m e «jr ace 28 Ip 37 h r Vs
John II. Hamilton of KIntrudi Fallu,
County of Klamath, Htat«* of Oregon»
sworn Ntaternriit N«». 2912, for the pur-
chace of the a eqr m « m -21 tp37 srV®
w m.
That they w ill off*»r proof t® show that’
th*- land nought, i« more vnlnrhN for its
Iiniberor h I oih timi» for agricultural piir-
nos'-M, mid to est libi iwb their claim to mid
I a nil lie foi*' George Chiliit/llln, < 'o.CIclk of
Klniuifli County, <»muon, nt Klmniith
I ,.11" mi Saturilny tlm Mill day o( Or-
toiler, litui.
liny minio il« wii ne.««es : John H.
Iliiiniit.iii, C. R.CIenilenning, A John*-
Ion. I jink Miirrmw. Win. L ur I iiir , and
II. N<’l«"ii, all ui Kl.iuuilli Kalin. Oi«"K<»<.
Anv mid nil psi-nns i"lnltninir ndver.e-
Iv the nl>"ve ili eiila .l land are iiqiloht-
i d io till' their 'iiilnia in lid« nlflee on nr
lii lum tlm «aid Mt I. dav of Oi tol'er, HMII.
J. N. Wateon, Reuislnr ■