REPUBLICAN KLAMATH VOL. e IX. " "" KLAMATII FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, ------------------------ I —------------ Timber la nd, Act Jun« M. H7l HOME TOR fRIENDLESS- No'll» K FCIK Fl Ili.iCAiloN. i iilltHl MI k U m Luinl offi< v, l.akwtlftw, Mr««un. July 16, l»>4 Institution In Iowa Supported by All Notluv 1« livivby glVvn that In uotnpll ■ in» with th« pruv talon« uf th« act ut Denominations. June 1. !>*B. •ntlti«‘l An a< t for th« aaiv ut limner lamia In the Mlatra of "In • low whlapter, looking up. sh* said < ullturnlu, oteg««n. N rvuum mid w uah I »in ao huiigri do t,ot tu, a «war, Ingtoii Tvrrltury,' vMl«nt|«d to m H th«’ <»lvr in« • ne |*l«a*4i, u» buy «oil»«* br«a<1, I’untn lot ml Mint«« •»> m > i of Auguat <. . For I h«v« ««(«it nothing «11 thle day IBM, III»’ loimwiiig peraona have thia day ** n r iipi urn««! !«■ «• and whhj*r *ufi and low. li«v«i in liiia milt« Hieir awurn atatuint’iila | Or INTEREST TO OUR READERS i'1«a'l » Illi a iNzwrt wgu )<| uo < I m * >l»'nl«d tu Wit. An, llvorge Mr«h«’n. of Hall Jot»««, fount y of j « ru»h «1 In an liiBUnl all my M-lrlRh prldr * Hit n I a rial*. Htat»’ o( <*MlHutnla. aworn etaIt'iio’iit, N" lor thf puiuhuae of General Review of Important tlappen- * Mb«* aha l.vRblu m«, In thiDes b«|>p|«r year«, the IIWS. H««l|on It». TownNhip a H, 1 With ang«l taca, th<> «till a ( hild Mt f<>'m, Kang«1 ll‘n Kaet W. M penlgs Presented in a Brief and A nd « h«i» *h«< pras a, I hear thru Rralrinl t««r» uuiiii 1» niitinHt, ot BouMvr <*r«’*’k. Her thaniiR t«j film who •hvltvr» Iruu* lhe Condensed Form. County «»f Hants Crua. Hut«> of Call* storm '* lornitt, «worn ataiemoni No ¿*a«, (or thu pur» hae«' of thu awS« Heutlon lu, Town Iweiity*one ycara ago thiee little ■ lilp Si Houlh. Itange 11»* l.iiat W. M A »nt anil heir hs, Ueii birn to the children were suddenly bereft of father Aiittk II Ciiaar. oi H mii Jo*«», County of Hanta Clara. Nlato u( California, awurn Ruiuiiteti liiqierial family. ami mother—they were friendless and atalatnvnl N»» J***. H»r thu purcliaaa of | th** **S n,’‘* H< • lion V. and I Brince Henry, of l*rii,«ii, will vlwil homeless; but it «•> only one ol the »w^ of iiw'< H« < thin jo iownahlp F/ I many similar instance» hsppening the Hl. IxitiI fair «hoitiy. H<*ulb. Itat»at«’ i!Mi Eaal W M »very day—only three little children I hat they will off« t proof to «how that ' W. J Bryai ha, lost bls fight for lelt friend!»»« and bonrelges; that ua» thu land «ought la mor« taluMlil«« for Ila ’ llmlM-r or «ton« than for uarluultoral (50,000 of the lh>um tt e.tjte. all. But it wa» a erucial moment in at purp«HNH* Mild l<> e*lMh»|Mh their * lallll» | I«» M«ud land tn fore the lt**glater and ><«*- least one Ilfs. Rev. J. l>. I a-men wa» What Ruaslan ship, fiom « riv * r at I.Mkt view. Oregon, on Wrdnra­ at that time pastor ol a large church Port Arthur ar, widely K*atUirwl. ti.. . in. .lay ' f • >• 1.1.« r, ..»•! They name ae withtM»«*« Mark II in Council Bluff», la. This man, A full fledged isbeJIon i, on in Para­ ahoae heart was large enough to find a Cha»«*. H**n Joec, California. T 11 Hhun nun, and m Carmi* hued, Klamath guay. The relM-l« seem lo have the place for every unfortunate one, U»>k Falla. Oregon, John It Hlnnoft. Houldur Creak. California, Uvorga M«*< h<*n. Han upper hand. iht-iw children into hla own home, jn»«-, California. Adnilial Togo reports that nearly ail where they «hared tbs »ame li ving. Any and mii |x-ra4«na claiming adveraft- ly the above deacrlbvd land« arc r«x|ucat- of the Ruamati «hip, Imve ratiirned lo tender care that wa» bestowed upon hi» «>•1 to flic lh*dr claim» in thia offi>«’ on or own lillls ones. It w«a not long be­ foil Arthur. I»« fore e«*ld Mb «lay of October, IWH J N. WATH o N. Ite^later fore h>- learned of other children who I Titubar ¡.«ini, Art Juhc 1, IRTI NOTI 'E Foli l’I'BI.ICATluN. (..'llltril NluUR latini Office. Jottaovlew. ori', July 11. Nulle« la liorrby tflvaii thut In uumpU* «liti' with Ilio |*rovlaloita of Ih«- acl of t'oiitfrvaa <»f Junc 4. ID7M, «’Utili™! 'All art h»r ih«» aula of tlffibrr tatui« In «!»• F»t «*!«■■ ut l'allturniu, N*va«la aii'l W «sabina Ioli iiltlt<>r>. «*a r|till HEAM. of Klarnath Falla, Coutil/ ut Klamath, HI m I v ut Otrgoii, bua (bla day Hiad In lilla ««ffi« «• bla »Wurii alatemeli!. No 2M7. (or lite puri haar uf Ih« ae\. ot of Hei liuti Ni» n, in Tuwnahlp N«> > M*»uth. llMiiav No D Kaat, and wlll uff« r pruot 10 «huw th«t thv land «ought la mura vultiublr fot Ita timlM’r or alone tlian tur agri* otturai pur|M>ara. and tu eatabllab bla * lui in I«» mal»! land brfur« tlrorg«’ T lialdwin. Conili > Judgn ut Klamath <'utility, Oregon, ut Klamath Falla. Ore­ gon. un Maturday. Ih« Ulti day ut Oilo- brr. IN Ilo namm aa wltnrMr» E M C«» lauti, 11 C. Mhurt. Martin H«»barl. and T II Hhannan, all ut Klamath Falla. Orrg«n Any and all |»«>r«oii» < lalmhia adverae* ly thè alxiv» de»« rlbrd lamia are re«|ueat- rd tu Ìlle ihelr « Ialina In thla ulti«-e un or beturo aald Uh day of Ovtuhar, IPM. J N WATHON. Keglater NuTICK fUlt |•Unl.lCAT¡uN. l>e|M»rttnrot ot thv interior, l^tnd UIU lv «I letter V i<-w. Ore. Jun« ». IM Notice Ite hereby «Isen I lite I tile follow Ing natneU »eluer ha« lllr.l norie, ot tile Ihtentntu Io make llual prwtt In aupporl or hl« claim, uml that »al.l prm>r will be made betöre Uaorg« T ltalnwm. Count» Juu.r or Klamath County, ore . .1 Klam­ ath Calla, ore. on Turarla). Auauat »th. laH. via Hamuel I*. Purler ot 11-4 Or Id Oregon, homestead No Z1M. tor the a', ot »a1«, sex ot ■**. and nwX ut ».'• • ■ lion .. I. amahlp ♦> ». ranter 1; C. SV M Ha name« th. ti.lluwiiia witur-aete to prvva roa continuous roarovneo upon ami cultivation ot aul.l land, via Frank Van *«••*», l M.e.u.l» v-u U.-.e VI — Ztoore ami «rank Keeler, all ot llwineld. vregou J N WATRON. Ileglteler NOT4CK Fol« PUBUCATION. lieparimeni ot the Inierlor, Imnd um.e al latke View. ore. June 11. I»H Notice la hereby given that the follow- In« named tecttler lia» tiled notice ot hlo Intention Io 'omtnute hla claim, ami that aald |*t’»of will la’ made belora Oeoroe < h.tetalra. County Clerk ot Klamath County. Oregon, al Klamath Falla. Oro- ion, on Monday. Auauai ». II»H. via T. ■. Nlchulaa hom.-ai.-ad No. XWI. ot Fori Klamath. Klamatli County. Oregon, tor lol No I». ««. lion 1. lownahlp M a., range !U K W M He name« the following wltneaaea to prove Ina cunllnuoua residence upon and cultivation ot aald lami, via II M Mor­ gan. Andrew Hlo««y. W »1 Morgan and Jam.. M Emory, all ot Furl Klamath. Oregon. J. N WATSON. Hcglater. NOTICE Foil lU IlLICATION. Department of the Interior. l«and uffi(® at 1-ahe View. Ora. June Ito. r>H Notlca la hereby given that the follow ing tiMinrd «« tiler liaa filed noth'« of hla Intention to make final proof In aupport of hla < lalm. and that aald proof will lx made before the Itcglater and Het elver at lo»kn View, Oregon, on Monday. Aug ual mil. HAM. Ala Fretlerlck Htuklr. of Merrill. Klamath County. Oregon, home* atrad No XX»». f»»r the nw^ ol n«W. sec­ tion F7. township to a. range lo E. \\ M lie mirnra the following Witnesses to prove hla continuous reahirnce uiM»n and cultivation of mtld land, via; C II Mer­ rill, John T King. Walter Purdy and Bert l>a\ls. all of Merrill. Oregon J N. W ATHON. Heglaler. Timber l»and. Art June J. 1*72 NOTICE FOK Firitl.lCATlON. United Kilt tee I at lid Office. la*kt*view Oregon. June J. IMS. Notice tM hereby given that In compii ance with the provialvna of the art ot CongrtRH of June X. 1HW, entlllrtl "All net f»»r the «ale of tlmlwr lamia In the Htatra of California. Oregon, Nevadi*. and Washington Territory. as ritrntl- rd to ail the Public band Htates by act of August 4. lMU. EHANK MAHHROW. of Klamath Falla. County of Klamath. Htntr <»f Oregon, ha« this day hied In thin office hla sworn statement. No SN6Ò. for the purchase of Lot X of Sec­ tion No. 2, In Township No. 37 Routh. Itange No !» East W M . anti wlll offer proof to nhow that the land nought Is more valuable for Its timber or atone than for iiitrlciiltural purposes, and to entiibllnli hla claim to said land before (leorgc T Baldwin. County Judge of Klamath County, Oregon, »it Klamath Falla, Oregon, on Munday, the 22d day of Augunt, HMM. lie names an wltncaaea: W. O Htnlth, Frank Fa«. J. C Hmlth, Archie Johnson, ami Jamrn Doyle, all of Klamath Falla, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse­ ly th»» abovc-dcacrlbed land« are re­ quested to flic their claims In thin office on or before said 22d day of August. 1PM J. N. WATSON, Hcglater. Timber Ixinil. Act Juno >, ItTS. notice fob pi ' bi . ication . United Htutea I .«ml lifth«, l.teki-vli'W. Ore., Juno 3, 1»H Notice 1» hereby given Hint In compll- anca with the provisions ot tlu> net nr oongrrsa of June 3. IH7N, entitled "An net for the «nlo of timber Inmln In the Htuti-n of California. Oregon, Nevada. ■ ml Wnnhlngton Territory. nn extend e,l tn nil the pulillc Land Htaten by act of Augunt 4, IW2, ABCII IE A. JOHNSTON, of Kinninth Fall». County of Klnmnth. Ulate of Oregon, ha» thi» dny ft'.t-d In thia offloe hi« «worn »tatement. No. »ft!, for the purehaae of thn nU of nell, >«k of net«, net* of nwk of Acetlon No. ». In Townahlp No. 41 Mouth. Range No. 13 Eant. W. M , »nd wlll offer proof to »how that Ihe land »ought 1» more vnl- uatiln for Ita t Im tier or »tone than for agricultural puruo»»». »nil to entahllali III» claim lo "Bill land before tleorge T Baldwin, County Judge of Klamath County. Oregon, nt Klamath Fall», on Frldnv. the IKth day of Augunt. IWH. He nnmea a« wltncnaca: John llrla- coll. J. C. Jnrvla. ami George Morrla. of Bonanxn. Oregon; Thoa. Hhormon, of Klamath Fall». Oregon. Any and all peraona claiming adverae- ly the ghove-deaerlhed land» are re <|iieated to file their claim» In thia office on nr before »aid ISth day of Auguat, 1104. J. N. WATRON, Rsglstsr. I , , WEEK’S DOINGS STOP SEIZURES Newsy Items Gathered from All Parts of the World. Only Goods for Japanese Government Contraband. ------- The Boaton Htsainslilp coti pany tiaa had been h it to the cold rm tci>-» of a refused tu take auy more Hour for seltish world. Moved with compa»- Japan at prem-til. ■ ion, he took these, al>o, to hi» already The seizure ot the Kuavlati torpedo overcrowded ln>rn<*. Th»n came th< Iteiat al Cbefoo by Japan may bring test; ntort'-y was nredt-d. Il<- had a China into the war. lew thousand dollars which he had -avel up for a rainy day. lie little Yaqul Indians have gone on the war­ knew a lull the Master haatkln cannot afford to leave ■ ml fifteen children are cared for there, l.iao Yang on account of the store, ami ami two thousand have Iwen placed in g'Htel Christian families. The real ea- fortification,. •teh •< aaU.^% fem». ratwing liottw employe, wilt negtn < • tagi • and other buildings, all owned amt to fore the governo ent to make by an organization which l a» been an injunction against the l-eef trust, in formed through I lie efforts of Mr. the hope ol ending the great strike. la-tnen with a view of making It a |a-r- Secretary Hay will addr.-e, a strong note to Ruaaia regarding the neiiurr of the «teamer Arabia, M niatr McCor­ mick's report showing her to I h - in the wrong. It la prolmble Ruaaia will pay for all the cargo taken promptly, aa the ■ tar's troops can use it. AUGUST IS, 1904. NO. ■■ ARABIA CASE FAR FROM SETTLED Protest to Russia Kring Pre pared by Secretary Hay War Ruling (annoi Be Accepted. MEANS MOVE TOWABO MUI DIN. Japancsc Concentration Shows At­ tempt Will De Made to (ul Line. 20, ’evveeewwwe'ewewwwevwe « e e » « v ► ► * » ► OREGON NEWS OF INTEREST St. Petersburg, Aug. 11.—Although > Lieutenant General !-aHiar»ff reports ^**>******..1 à à........ . > tliat there ■ no r'bange in the situation LINEN MILL POR SALEM. around l.iao Yang. It is evident from TROLLEY AROUND GRAND RONDE. the special dispatches to the Associated Press from l.iao Yang and Hinteintin Plan! Costing iiooooo Wlll Be Nev Electric Line Will Develo» that the Japanese are continuing their Opened Early Next Yeur. Union County. preparations tor a flanking movement Salem—Without „king for a dollai I .a Grande—The people of Grand which may possibly alter the nature of the expeeted engagement at l.iao Yang, j of subsidy or for financial assistance of Ronde valley, wbo bav, long waited for and which may also further delay the any kind from th, people of thia com­ the advance ot an electric railway crucial development. munity, Eugene B-«ae and associates through Union county, will soon see The conentration of a strong Japan­ will establish a linen mill in Salem their hopes realized. ese forces at Kiaruatze indicates an in­ Engineer Davidson and a corps of tention to pre»« firward toward Muk­ thia winter and Lave it in operation den, and if possible to cut the commu­ soon after the first of the year. surveyor» will be on the greond by the nications and prevent General Kuro­ The plant to be established will re­ middle ot thia week. The company patkin from retiring northward. <>en- quire an initial investment of (100,000. behind thia scheins I, known a, the eial Kuropatkin is evidently aware of this move, and is sending out recon­ It will employ during the first year a Eastern Oregon Development company, noitering parties from Hinteintin along force of 100 periom, two-thirds of of which T. W. Davidson is president the Haimatze rood. This is shown by whom will be women and children. It and W. E. Davidson is secretary and ilie slight en -ounter with s Japanese will handle a ton of flax fiber a day, treasurer. outpost within 30 miles of Hinteintin and will use the product of 3,000 acie. The road will con net t all to theprin- The Japanese are also bringing strong of land »owed to flax. ; cipal points in the valley in addition fortes from Yinkow. Thi, very gratifying outcome of the to circling the valley. The survey and Column mar.hing from Sin <'twang with the evident intention of flwrking flax filler experiment, and investiga- fjr8t estimate will cost about (10 000 , . l.iao '"ang from the westward, included lions may tie credited in a large mess- u.e to the effort, of tbe Oregon Women's •"** »1,000.000 w>ll be Invesud before 10,000 Chinese from the island of For­ rf—'» ** ’n op^vstion. mosa, who are Japanese subjects. The Flax Fiber association, the leading In addition to the great amount of Associated Press < orreepomlent at Liao spirits of which were Mr,. W. p. Lord, Yang pointe to the alarming character Mrs. O. N. Denny and Mr,. H. L. produce and fruits to be handled by ■»f this develoment, and feats tbst the Pittock. Seven or eigth years ago the new line there are many hundred example may prove contagious. If the thoee zealous women began the experi- million feet of lumber that may thus local Chinese are induced to join the merit, which >iemon,trated the high be brought to market, and numerous Japanese it will lie impossible to dis­ quality of the fiber erior board at the Russian Department Does for Bankers What < capital, and it is the intention to have It Would Not for Territory. i the American protest on hand in time Washington, D. C., Aug. 11.—The ( to Ire passed u|>on by that body. postoffice department, by issuing an As yet the owners of the floar and I order today at tbe behest of capitalists railway supplies that were seized have ■nd bankers of New York, eliminating not submitted to tbe state de¡«rtment all weight restrictions on first cla.-» 1 any claim against the Russian govern mail matter addressed to foieign coun­ ‘ merit, apparently assuming that Rus­ tries w here domestic rates do not ap 1 sia n ay yield to Secretary Hay's pro­ 1 ply, lays itself open to criticum of last test and release the goods now held -tiacrimlnating against Alaska. ' If the good» have been used by tbe »inter an effoit was made to induce Russian», or i( bir »uu« oUxw r-a—u, tit« d«*iartni«nt to tbe relraae ia impracticable, and Rus »esttictions on first-class mail matter, sia admit« the correctness of attitude a i that Alaska miners might ship their of this government, such claims will gild to statea by mail in packages have to te presented. It is lhe belief weighing more than fonr pounds, but ol some officials of the state de|>art this privilege «u denied. Shippers ment that the matter will eventually repreeented through congressmen that be adjusted in this manner, and that they were now at the mercy of the the owners of the confiscated goods will transportation companies, who weie t>e fully reimbursed. charging exhorbitant rates to bring gold to the states, and they therefore »ought the privilege of shipping by POWERS STAY OUT. I mail. The de|>artment then held it could not amend its regulation. Now, America to Have Tree Rein In Deal* however, it amends the regulation in I order that the banks may more conven­ ing With Turkey, iently ship their securities abroad. estimated. hlblt for 1903 ralr. Oregon City—The Clackamas county court ha» issued a call asking the farm­ ers of e ch precinct of the county to ss- Extension of Astoria a Columbia -emble and name delegate, to attend a River Road Again Discussed. sort of a convention that will be held Astoria—The extension of the Aitoria st Oregon City October 6, in connection A Colombia River railroad from Sea- with the meeting of the court. This side south is again beingdiar u-eed, and is a step preliminary to the gathering this time there is evidently some basis of an exhibit of the resources of Clack- for the rumor, although nothing offi- »mas county t> be made at the Lewis cial on the subject can be obtained, «nd Clark fair under the terms of tho Below 8.aside is a fine ledge of rock, ' ffel ol the I-*wii ,nd C,ark commis- and some time ago there wa, talk of "««>.’hich sgrees to putcha e at cash * value the exhibit from each county at opening it up to secure rock for the . a coet noj exceed (500. The call »■Uy asietuion. Engineer Hegatdt. ot also request, the farmers to reserve the Fort Stevens, and Superintendent Me- cream of their products thi, year u a Guire, of the railway company, have nucleus of a creditable collection to be made an inspection trip over the pro- «ent from Clackamas to the 1905 fair, posed line, and examined tbe rock in ____ the ledge. They are «aid to be well ■ pleased with the result of th it invts- H»r*on Will Assist in Road Building, ligations. When the extension is Salem—The county court of Marion built, it will also be used to bmg log, i„: i > . z ,i _ r, - j . . 9 . * county nas decided to a»*! in coni tine« fur the Seaside Lumber com penny from • * . . . vvujiwu its timber holdings in that vicinity, {lon *,t*1 Linn county court in and the a^aerst on is made that A. B. <*onaidering the matter of opening a Hammond has made a contract with wagon road to connect the Corvallis A the mil) company tos-ll it hie timber, Eastern railway with the Deschutes also located in that section, at (2 per country, east of the Cascade,. If pos- thousand stumpage. ; sible, County Judge Scott will go with * representative of Linn county and in­ vestigate the feasibility of the plan and Tests Detroit Granite. tbe pr bable cost ol cons:ruction. Hon. Albany—Major J. W. Abbott, of John Minto, who laid out the Minto Washington, D. C., the national good trail through tbe Cascades, will ac­ roads expert who has < barge of good company the party and ac; as guide, roads work of the government in Ore­ pointing out what be believes to be • gon, was in Albany and tested the shorter and easier route than tbe old granite from the Detroit quarry. The trail. granite is to be used on the roads of Marion county, and a street in Salem , will be paved with the rock as an ex­ Forty Acres of Walnuts. periment. Major Abbott stated that Newberg —The 40-acre English wal­ the granite was of an excellent quality for buil ling poroses, but might be too nut orchard at Dundee, two miles from hard for road work. It will, however, here, which has been watched with so make an excellent foundation for a ( much inti rest and which bore a light l>avement or road. crop last year, will bear heavily thia season, considering the age of the trees, which are rugged and healthy. Cap­ Pleased With Grand Ronde. La Grande—Professor L. B. Greene, tain G. W. Peters, who is in charge of of the Minnesota argicultural college, the orchard, is very enthusiastic over who is making a tour of the state in English walnut prospects in this sec­ orch- the interest of the 0. R. A N. Co., ac- tion. . . He . says - the nuts . from , . this --------- — eompanied by Industiial Agent Colonel >’d >>«ve been compared with samples Judson, a.e in the citv and have been fiom over the tbe United I n.ted State* States and even looking over the Grand Ronde valley. fore,.»n '"«“tries, and found very much r» — ui 1« given a write-up in the v —. ­ sucnor. It will East SOUTHWARD FROM SEASIDE. manent organisation. The Ncriipulou» neatm-ws and order that pervadea the entile institution, the loving salutation of “Hello papa!** that ring» out from every quarter a» he |>aaa<» aliout the grounds, and the remarkable executive ability he dis­ The Ja|>aneae have logon using the plays in all the management of the Chinese railway to move men and sup- affairs of the Home, are sufficient to impress every visitor that i, is no ordi­ plies. nary man who has lieen called to this The Japan.'wc at, concentrating in great and noble work. Children are three group, with a view of banking lakt-ti here from any |iart of the glolw*. Washington, Aug. 12.—The United VEST IS NO MORE. Liao Yang. ami have the last possible care ami Slates will not become involved with X —————— Another fln-ce land and are tatti» training. You, my readers, wherever great foreign |x>wers in its dealings has I•ceti fought at Port Arthur which you may lie, may have a part in this with the sultan of Turkey. 1 he an­ Ex-Sena lor Passes Away at His grand work. It is a labor of love in Home in Missouri. was very costly to both aides. lielialf of all hotnVle«s, suffering chil­ nouncement comes tonight fiom a Sweet Springs, Mo., Aug. 10.—After Great Britain's views aa to contra­ dren everywhere. The children are source of unquestionable reliab'lity lingering for weeks between life and band gda are thoroughly in harmony frequently adopteil by Christian peo­ that assurances have l*en given the death, ex-Senator George Vest passed with those of Secretary liny. ple, but are never allowed to go Iron» president that the signatory powers peacefully away yesterday. He had Chicago packing employee fimi the 'tie Hi me excepting into Christian been so near death for the last three boycott againat retai Irra not the sucerae familirs who ate prtqwrly vouched for will in no way interfere witn the days that the end came without a ex|«e< ted, as they ate hauling their and families <>f children are never sep­ United States in its pre>ent attempt to struggle. He was conscious until about arated. Tbe Christian Home is non­ secure equal rights in the Ottoman em- own ics. 2 o'clock Sunday morning, when he sectarian, but is heartily endoraed ami sank into a state of coma from w hich Unleea Turkey meets the terms of • supported by all denominations. It piie for American subjects. He lost the power Hay by the time the fleet trachea takes cMIdren from every state and it At what time this was done, or the he never aroused -myrna. Minister leiahman will leave is not a local affair, but lielongs to the means by which it was accomplished, of spec h Saturday morning, but for his post. it is not stated, but the feat that two several days before that he talked very world. foreign ami as-adors, Baron von Stern­ imperfectly and during the last 36 We have given this brief dcsciiption A Chicago flagman gave thr wrong berg, of Germany, and Baron Hengvl- hours of his life his breathing was •>f the Christian Home with the hope signal and in the collision which re­ muller, of Austria, representatives of bare.y perceptible. The flutter of his sulted five people were killed and a that all who ratal it will become inter- two of the signatory powers to the pulse was all that showed that life still rated in its welfare. If you have tin in liar of other, injurtwl remained. money which the Master desire» you to treaty guaranteeing the integrity of At the bedside when the end came The laalie, of seven more victima of use for such purposes send it to thi» tiie Ottoman empire, have hurried were his wife, Dr. Jarvis, the family the terrible Colorado diaarter have Home. There is no institution that is here from their pleasant retreats in Bar Harbor and la-tinox, and have had physician; Senator Vest’s son Alexan­ lieen recovered Eighty-two dead have more worthy of your gift than this. occasion to lunch with President I der, his daughter, Mrs. George P. tieen Ion ml anil 32 others are known to They publish a valuable pajier Roosevelt, may, in a great measure, ex­ Jackson, and her huslwnd, and Mrs. he mi,aing. called "The Word ami The Wayfeub- ern press. Pro ssaor Greene spoke of Thopmson, a niece of Mrs. Vest. acrlption price, only twenty-five cents plain the methods by which these as­ The remains were taken to 8t. Louis this valley as being one of the finest i Center at Eugene. 1 inklah soldier, attacked Mid mur­ |ier year. We assure you that if you surances have lieen extended. The 1 he — had seen - t in - all his | dered a large numlier of Armenian will subscribe lor it, you will get more Austrian ambassador returned to Maine last evening for interment in the pri­ and moet prolific -.-------- - , t ............ Eugene — The Wil lametta Valley vate ear of A. A. Allen, vice president travel,, and was particularly interest- Electric tailway company has been in- women. Two Turkish gm risen« have than ,ont money » worth, ami we hope last night. and general manager of the Missouri, ef nwX anti lot 4, section 1«. cation« Ireing made in the Russian dec­ Japanese Losses Put at 23,000. has been completed. This one is be­ permanent survey of the route for hi» township 41 a. range in F. W. M. laration at present. Nevertheless, the here confirms the report from Buenos He nnmea the fnllowlng witnesses to St. Peterslurg, Aug. 11.—The Rue« tween Peoria and Shedd, and connects road. The survey will begin at once Ayres that a state of seige has lieen pro­ prov, hla contlnuou, reatdenee upon and Novosti urges the acceptance of the cultivation of said httitl. viz: A. V. Whit­ American and Britiah views in order to claimed in the republic ot Paraguay, estimates that the Japanese losses thus all the farmhouses along the line with and it ia his expectation that a consid­ ney. C. V. Hchuck, J T. King and Frank prevent causes for discontent among owing to the feat of a revolutionaiy far as a result of the siege of Port Ar the two towns as well as with other erable portion of the construction work (Jraybeal. all of Merrill. Oregon. tliur, aggregate 23,000 men. farmers tn the countiy. outbreak. will be completed this year. nett ral power». J. N. WATUON, Register.