TH* ■X DANIEL CRONEMILLER U. S. cOiihi.iäSi’jtier. Fort Klamath, — Oreg'Wi r, r- r> r- r* r. •• o .> r» LOCAL Ni.WS. Fine «'iigraviiig al Hh»»«*. WO 1 l*-wi.‘ Jewilry SMITH n» » OOO 0-00 00 o 0-0-0-0000 0-0 00 O Okz-o 2 Ktinolie« nnil *I*ow8i > 1» IV <> I» j$ W 'F Y > I REAL ESTATE ¿ ¡i TOWN Uiï„ ON M isriiLI ITI MI N Pi X Á AfIKNT £ X F're I. wu I mhi uf I’biMel^iiia A A lug •••'» Hu* '»I < hui« e rlgura al lhe Will take Fllliigs and I'roufo I mi II uiik h I i ' ik I s ami ÌÌ iii I ht l'Hlm» <’ily l>iug M diu , I Mra li. Nrul*rl w«a In the n Ft K««gular Hatuiday night dance *t the < *|a*ra lloiia«*. .Mra. bilaa Oliviichalri l«dl Turf* f»y for . tin, Kim Rock ranch in lamgrll ,Kiley on a visit Ui her brother, Frank I*. I < ■ roll». BO û DOIN 4 CENTRAL Meals at all Hours Day or Night > * Oysters, any Style H Post Cards AMATEUR SUPPLIES BALDWIN, Photo Studio r JOHN T. KING, MERRILL - - OREGON LUMBER - - - ------- - - DR Y GOODS 0-0-000-00000000000-0-0 l>—o -4>—«>—O—<»>• o—o—o— 5es Newton for Livery. T1 M BE It LAND, Af’T D *P 8, 187».— N<»T*CE H»R Pt BI ICATlo:.’, L’nlted Ulates Land Office, lakeview , Oiegoii, July 22, 1104. Notice ia hereby given that in i-ompli- aticewilli Jbe provlsun of the Act of Congre*' ol Jun«- 3, IS/», entitled “An Act for lhe sale ot limlx-r land* in the Hates of < 'aliforida. < *>1 .">n, Nevada *nd Wa*l>ingi4>/i Territory.” »» extended to all tlm Public land vtcli-s |,y Act of . Augu.l 4, IHUJ. John <». Dryden, of Mis­ soula t'oqnty of Missoula,State of M >n. tana, bah this «lay till'd in tin* oifn-e his «worn •lalement, No. »»!»«. for lhe pur- I chase of the el« n e qr u e qr s e qr sec. , 2W and i> w qr s w qr sec ?S tp 37 s r 13 e w m. ami will offer pr mf to show that I the land »ought I* mure va'uahle for it» timber or stone than for agricultural purixwes. ami to establish hi* claim to «»ive «lid«*l the mi-eliug at I 4th Rare.—mile and repeat, for h« court house and met the govertl- Guaranteed. Klamath County horee*. Puree, |1M>. IIU-Ill ,-‘,gii»for*. f»lli Rare mile da«h, free fur all. Also Apent for LONDON AND Cha*. Wixelard the blacksmith, 1» Puree, |75. making a set ol large logging truck* for LANCASHIRE FIRE. INS. CO fitli Rare, ’g mile and nq»eat, free T'. b. and W •> Moor». The wheel» will 1ur all. Puree, |IOO. -..................... I f .1 ■! .. ............ la, ten lent in «llameler. thimh n«y. lau-ea, Trimmings Velis, etc—At Hair 7th Rare.—3 mile relay, lor Klamath CAFE Pi tec* -Tin* Brick Blur». County ead«lle horera, ruler» to rhunge E II. Itauiabv Ira* received the tern- horm*M every mile. Horae« mini I*r ready |*,raiy appointment a* Agency farmer mu I«II« m | ami bridled lor the change. All vics 8. K.ltgle. Mr. Ilamsby hit tur iiiiibl ride Block i*rt«liire ol j. V. ouston or par»*, free for all. Putw* 1100. Thoa. W. Nr a ton. All tarn will be run under Pa< ific I J li. an«l wife, in c<»in- Coast rule«. ( |N*ny with A. I’. |>avin and J. H. L i |>| h « ii - In the Futurity race the winner Ukm vu bpring <*r«N-k Munday lor 70 ni.-l »he a««rond «3 d |»er cent, of puiee. SOUVENI R an '*uting at I hat laiuona h*aur*. hi all other rarr«, 4 to enter and *1 to b.uiiiitd Porter ol Bvdlhdd wm « in the •tart, |u |wr rent of purre entrance fee city I up ««lay making prngre«A of Jui*e 3, |M7M, entitle*! ‘ An for ti.c rule ol tinier lan 2^1*2 for the l>(ir<*h|UM* of the M*qr of nwqr <»f a**c 15 lu p .’W « r M e u ui, and Will offer proof to ph<>M that the land »"tight ’• tr Tre GRAHAM a O’NEIL, valuable for it« limlwr or «tone than for PROPRIETORS. agricultural ptirimae.«, and to e«ta»»1 inb In« claim lo.»aid land Indore <»e»»rge I EAST KLAMATH FALLS lUIdwin, co ..nit iudy* o| Klauigth c««up- ly, Oregon, at kmniiih rail*«. Or on >£.t- Will keep cuostantly on hand urdav lhe 15lh day of October, BKM. He name« iu» aiti>«*M«ea: C R liel^p. Lemon Soda, Thru Brtanl, J W Bryant, F M Barnum all of Klamath Falla, Or Cream Soda, Any an 3!r their C miu *« in thia office on Sarsaparilla, ia frarping hia mill ruiiiiiitg full for your goods. line $ A few cent* !• » big price b« p»r fur or hdorv raid iClb Hay »,r OcUihry, UMM. (linger Ale. J. Ji. iiMtaon, lU-gtfd« r. anti I»*»« all he can d » lo supply the dv- repairs to a watch by an un.k.lhsi and from. and Cot. oa tleade. uiand lor lumber. lmxi«rienee«i watclin.aker. Bring vour TIMBER I AND. AtT JI SE 3. 187H.— watclisa to me lor repair*. Mv repair Raspberry, NOTH F FOR WHl.lCAlloN. btate I rvaatlrer **. Mo»»re, wile and will you othing prices guaranteed. •lr|■*11mrnl cannot lx- *xc«-JL-«l. Price« I'uitcd Slate* Lam! Office. and any other carbonated drink mid joliu, and E. I* McCurnack and reaaonable. !.. Alva Twwia. Lakeview. Or.. July tí, 1WM. I will you where i 11 to call store wile <4 baietn arriv«M in the city Friday made to order. Notice i* liervby given that in com­ T1i«y lett >uiniay morning lor a two pliance w'tli the provieton» vt the «et of We solicit a portion of your t rade vou can « MISCELLANEOUS w«*eha «anl. All Work waf*unl- fir«t ria«« .«» m*Hn hotel, ail farniaheii. waxhington Territory.” as extended to I will receive prompt attention. ed.—L. A>va l*ewie. biiihlittg. pnrt «t««ne. Bam, «h»ne «I* the pjtlrHe find stales l,y art id Aug­ Goods delivered to any jutrt of the | uat 4 * !»•>. DLiJ. ’. Alrx Alex C. walson, wataon.ot of tfonnhsa. Bonn'ixn, ; bintricl Atlofn« y w. j. M<»ure arnv««d j cellar, »»la* k»tinth «hop and ont built!- ust county “ ‘iiiity <>t ut Klamath, state of >4 Oregon, ha* city or in the county oil the stage iu till* city Friday Irmn K«*«hlintf. Hfe mg«, al*«» < fardan. Well raiab- ibis this day «lav lil«- tiled ‘f in iu lliia thia “ office ftice his sworn » road free of charge. rm»ainkd until i ur^lay when lie Ivil I h*he*l triple in a tuMii ubere Hotel ar- «tstenu-nt FREE SAMPLE ROOMS. BEST ACCOMMODATIONS. ►tstetm-nt N«i No 2908 ÍKL5 foi fot the purchase of of' for bi« home al l«akevn*w. H«* I’ m « ap <*ofiifn***latù»na are already «»vertaxen«>r prou( to show that ‘ , flic laml sought is more valusble for it- Klatnaih county. i during the nett rear. *e* and lo establish lite claim to ! saul laml before Keaton, R Maxwell, A D Slack, 811 K. H l*lrilh|w o( lz>«l river and A. 'of Boiaanx* . oi> a gon. i i*l«l t one ai* month* «»Id. Will take $50, Board by fhe day, week or Kershner and <1. Kliort of Hp'f'tie lake Any ami all persona claiming adverse- month. altendixl lire irrtgatuni meeting at lit«* et» h for them or tra ie for jr»»od young Ilv the al««vc «it'-' ■ ilsxl laml* an' request- work borie. I<» \ •si to tl'e lheir claim* iu this office on or D>urt hou*,, Saturday. Mgr. Olene Liveatock Co. lielore said 11 th «lai of «x-tolsT. BSM. The table is furnished with We aim to carry lines usually fourni J. N. watson, Register. FonSxta—The fashionable bred rec-i in drug *tores, but if «< II» Ven’I «hat ing S»alli'«n, E* II Sherley. Bred by i TIMBER LAND. AtT JUNE 3. 1878.— the best that the market Bonita Stud, Î will suit Vou will glarlly order for you. Harry Oilmore at NOTICE FOR I’l BLICATIoN. can supply. j Kentucky, hired by imp Bonny Broun, j City Drug Store. United States laitid Offii-e. min «4 Brown Brel ami bonny May. by laiki view, oregon. July -2 MM. I’ead Merril’ and wife have Itcrn via- H «-^tmine I er. Iff! «itili. ¡»INpatrh hy The trade of the traveling public Notice is hereby given that in compli­ fling their parent* Mr. and .Mrs. Chas. Goiiitsa. For full |u*»!igrre and infur- is solicited. ance with the provisions ot lite act of 1 mation nrite Mia. I irrie Fitch. Merrill, of Merrill, nn their return from cmigrues of June 3, 1878, entitled "An Bonanza, Or. the M. l-ouis Fair, to their home at I act for the saie of timlier lands in the Willows, Cal. Tiiev were taken to the TI.MfFU LAND. At T .1 IN ¡1 3, 1KTM.— states of California, oregon, Nevada and i wa*hingion Tertitory," a* extended to railroad Httiday by Guy .Meirill. NOTICE F<>R I’l HI.ICATION. The Klamath County Lhe Slot* all the publii- land state* by set of Aug- Vnitml State* Land Offi.-e, Arthur Benson, a y, ting attonwy of A»»ociation will pay the above re­ i nst 4. 1WS,otto S-honfeld, of Klamnfri imkevtew, lire., Aug. 5, IDOL 1 Falls, county of Klamath, state of Ore­ Falem, arrived in lhe city Monday on a ward for the arrest and conviction of Notice ,* hereby given that tn cotnpli- gon. has this day tPed in this office his visit to hii pMtt'fits, Judge and .Mra, H. ance with the provisions of the Act of any person or person» found guilty of «w orn statement No 2901 for the pur- I.. Benson. He went to Fpdng Creek Congress of June 3. I»7S. entitled “An I chase ol the w half of xnjr, k half of stealing or altering the marks or I ye.urday nioiidng. where the Judge Act for the sale of iimtx-r lands in the i swqr. sei- 31, twp37 a a 9 x w m and brands of any stock belonging to any stale* of California, Oregon, Nevnda i will offer pnwtf to show that the land and faitilf^ rtte «pending a few wOcka. member uf this association. ami Washington Territory," a* extended 1 sought is more valuable for its timlier Address Chas. Horton, President Methodist Church—Munffgy School at to nil the Public I ,ml to establish hi* claim to said land Klrfmath Falls. Countv of Klamath, F'ftnfnistrstion of the !*>rer. HMM, ing at H. Presiding Elder D. T. Hum the pun b ■*<* uf the i>» w qr s e qr * w He name* as w Unease* : Wnt. Ijmhua, ’ SMOKE qt sec IS,If* Mir II e w in *nd will offer GET THE inrrville w ill have charge of the meet­ I A. Johnston, II. Crammer. John N. proof to sltowr that the Innd xouglit i- Schmits, all of Klamath Falls, Oregon ing and preach both olbrning ant even I more valualih* for it, timber or stone Any and all persons claiming mlvyrso- fug The Foti’rth Qiiartcdy C-onferencS ilisii for agricultural pniposex, and to i Iv tin- almve-deseribrtl lan(f, are : ¿quest I establish hi* claim lo raid morning. They sent down two bucks granted to James ,{. Wheeler, of Fort Klamath, in «aid precinct, anti your pe­ on Tusaday's boat, which were shot titioners. aa in duly bound, will ever Tuesday morning by Martin and Htahl- pray. man. Tommy Kinney ami Tauf Scher- Said |>etition will lx' presented to said nieistsr hdt yesterday to join them. Court on the 7tli day of Sepletnlier, A. I>. IWM. The Silver latke Oregonian aaya of w J Jamison. F <■ Jamison. Harry En­ Tin, Meade Comedy and Dramatic Coin- gle, w- o Hill, K M Morgan, Al Melluise. pa'iv, «Inch played there three even- T F Nicholas, II I, laxwley, John Gray, w II Morgan, J B< Taylor, R Melhase, , Ings while on their way from Prineville .1 E N'ewnanka. ad f’atclifn. T Burn*. O. D- GRIZZLE I to Klamath Falls. "The company’s II ward. Joe Cox, carl Janssen, chariee plays were up U> date ami well |a*r- Seels, win getadever, l*mis Brannoh, .toe Vo*e, j c Weisa, j g Ardell, John Pel- tormed, they pri dmetl tlm latent songs, ling. w II Norton, Jesse Vose, william scenery and costume*. The allow was M< say. Daniel Ryan Sr, c F Arant, S >1 in every way attractive and lhe licet sing, II L Stott, J If mien, w A Beals, I have moved my saw mill to N that lias ever laatn lailore the lucvrl w LSimpson, w Kirkpatrick, w a tar­ « the Lee Wright Springs at the will ,ir, t. a crance, ») Miller, Bird public. js head of Poe Valley and am now i loosley, Frtxl i.arsen, tack Harbin, A w atch to keep g<»xl time must lie in Howard Rice a