Get Rid THE WEEKLY of Scrofula Ayers i BuncbM. eruptions. Inflammations, Sore­ no,, ot th* eyelid» and ser». dlwssM o< the bones, rickets, dyspepsia, catarrh, wasting. *r* only *om* ut the trouble* It cause*. It Is a very active evil, making havoc of Uw whole system. $5 For a Name $5 ».afl u» tan silk »»an» i>. K, , "• «iivl f*r «h» Hret . ,,t (h* »ou,. . yV Nt .......... .. •t'St.c.'s? Bdw.IHu.ln™ UoBi Don’t try cheap cough medi­ cines. Get the bcsi. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Wh«T • record it has, sixty yesrs of Hood’sSarsaparilla Doctor Holmes, being asked by a young physician wliat sign to put on “The smallest fev- bl* door, replied gradicele* It. cure* all Its manifestation«, er* gratefully received.” and builds up the «bol* system Accept no substitute. Mr*. Nmlth My hu»t>and haa been enjoying very poor health of late cures! Ask your doctor if Teaching Parrots How to Talk. Mr*. Brown llow fortunate that be One of tbs “peculiar Institutions" of can enjoy It! Very few people do he doesn’t use it for coughs, lull 1 Ci. the Quaker City and of the world is colds, bronchitis, «nd «11 A Juryman being ashed by the the school for parrots, r >cently estab­ Judge If lie ever read the paper*, ra- thro«t and lung trouble«. •i»i si.., lished by a woman. Theas Imitative - | »>.«• tl.«t Av.t « < • F«^WBl plied "Yes, your honor; hut If you'll birds ar* her* taught to speak by 1 • 4 - ................ " •' •' let me go this time. I'll never do so »i)iii«. • *<»•• ‘'J, • * v means of a phonograph, The custom M L ombmam . M 1» . IU»«. • > • any more.” J r At BN een for 1». and It used to lie brown Patrice the teacher to crouch In a corner out Yes; ah»'» been using olio of tlioao of sight of the bird and repeat thou One Hundred tear* Ago yellow Journal* to mak» curl paper*. sands of times th* same word, the Aaron Burr challenged Alexander Youker* Bta teaman. same phrase, till bls back ached aud Hamilton to tight « duel. Cornet nny tendency to < ohb U mr "lie bud a play produced by an lion with Binali doses of Ayor b Fill». his voice refused to emit more than Alexander Hamilton died as a result amateur company tbo other night. I « whisper. The way devised by this of Injuries received in the duel with believe. YY ho «a* the hero of It. do woman requires no exertion and Is Aaron Burr. you know?" “I wa* oue. I sat much more successful. She sets a diocese of The Protestant Episcopal I ’ll I la de Ip li la Ledger phonograph going at the parrot’s ear through It Kentucky was organized. and then attends to other s(fairs. The A little Maine girl cam* to her Seventy gunboats which bad been phonograph, with a precision and a mother one morning aud said "Mam built on the Seine formed the French perseverance man could never equal, ma. I don't feel very well." "Well, fleet at Havre. drums into the ears of “Polly” the that's too bad." i •aid mamma, “ where à . sentence that Is to be learned. The I do you feel the wurst?" "lu school.“ i term at the Philadelphia phonograph Seven tv-free Years tgo. was the prompt ret'lj i school of languages for parrots lasts The value of pa|>er currency wa* "Au elephant I must l-s a pretty vi six months. The tuition fee La $40 a much diminished by the extensive cop peuslvs animal." "Y'ca. I n 1*11 I luid • >• ’-ALl'n term. per coinage In Brazil. euougli uiouey to buy oue.” "YVbat The British and French amtMuaadors Arriving at a Verdict. “H ear M rs . P inkham : — I sttffervd for several years with general [ do juil want with an elephant?" "I were received with great distinction Kushequa, Pa., Ang. 1.—(Special) weakness and bearing-down pains, caused by womb trouble. My ■I’j’e- , don't I merely expressed a w ish for Fiso S Cure h a reinolv b'r< ugh» cold* by the Sultan at Constantinople atxl <-oi>»uuq>ii>n>. Pry it. Prie*-’•* cents, —In this section oi Pennsylvania there tite w»s fitful, and I would lie awake for hours, and could not sletft , th* money " Philadelphia Pre*«. No Cost of Operation Don Manuel’s squadron sailed for is a growing belief that for such Kid­ until I seemed more weary in the morning than when 1 retired. After Sb* isngrilyi Sir. I understand you *i druggiit» Lisbon from Tervetra. ney Diseases as Rheumatism and Lame reading one of your advertisements I decided to try the merits of Lydi* said I bad a face that would stop a An epidemic of smallpox wa* preva­ Back theie is only one eute cure and E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, and 1 am so glad 1 did. Noone clock. 11» tralmlyi So I did Auy lent in Edinburg. that is Dodd’s Kidney Pills. This be­ can dflocribe the good it did me. I took three botUM fuithfn’’.y, >u d well regulated clock woud pauas aud President Jackson and party arrived besides building up my general health, it drove all disease and jx>isen lief grows from such cases as that of hold up Its baud* In admiration at Mrs. M. L. Davison of this place. She at Fortress Monroe on an Inspection out of my body, and made me feel as spry and active as a young ^irl. sight of your lovsly face. St. l.ouia tour. Mrs. Pinkhams medicines are certainly all they are claimed to be. ' — Star. tells the story herself as follows: How'* This I England prepared a large naval force M ra -M. E. II l ' chison , 347 East Ohio St., Chicago^ III. “I have suffered from Rheumatism W« offer I'll* Uulxto-t I'- '•'•*« ItrWaxI I Hu*t>and «who bad been out Weal for thirty years and find that Dodd’s in the Mediterranean, as there seemed Mrs. Plnkli&m Tells How Ordinary Tasks Produce Displacement«. *:1 , . ... * h»l >*>.!>' I l-v « IVI ■ on business, and left hl* wife some 11*11 • ' *l*lrh ' ur» Kidney Pills have done me more good no hope of peace with Turkey. Apparvutlv trifling incidents In women's daily life frequently prtxluce F J i II» s » V A < O . Troia. I 'le-lo. ' There were in Ireland l.Vt.cka) troop» displacement* of the womb. A »lip on the *t*ira. lifting during n>en*tru»ti< n, i blank ebsek*»- Mary, 1 lind you hate than any medicine I have ever taken. W*. th* nixl*ral*n*«l, h*»* I» * « » considerably overdrawn at the lunik, on the verge of rebellion, owing to ti e ■tanding at a counter, running a ww ing machine, or attending to the most I was also bothered with Lame Back and I can only say that my back hasn't rigid restrictions, scarcity of pro'l-ions ordinary tasks rnvy result in displacement, ami strainof eerioueevila is started. Mary Nonsense. John, bow can that The first indication of such trouble should l>e the signal for quick action. be? Ft» two of those blank checks bothered me since I took Doud's Kid­ and their general desperate conditlou. Don't let the condition become chronic through neglect or a miatalien idea j left yet. ney Pills.” that von can overcome it by exercise or leaving it slone. Considering that Mrs. Davison only fifty Years Ago. Mrs Jenks Ar* you Mt- More than a million women have regained health by the use of I.ydlu r.. took two boxes of Dodd’s Kidney Pills, tailed with your new Mra. The Turks defeated the Russians at Pinkham's Vogetalilc Compound. the result would be considered wonder­ lot a If tlio slightest trouble appears which you do not understand Spelts Ye*. Indeed. Tt Glurgevo. ful were it not that others are reporting write to Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn. Yla-s„ for her advice, and »Jew best thinks It's beautiful, tba French Napoleon III. reviewed the timely words from her will show you the right thing to do. This woman I lovs least ha* pretended to similar results daily. Kueheqtia is fast Baltic army at Bologne. advice costs you uothing, but it may mean Hie or happiness or both. arriving at a verdict that “Dodd’s Kid- turn up her nos* st It Philadelphia The London Missionary Soetety ney Pills are the one sure cure for 1 .edger. its first mission at Vexaga opened Rheumatism.” A cowardly fellow, having kicked • pa tarn. newsboy tor pestering him to buy an Direct Evidence. The Piedmontese railroad from Al- “D xar M rs . P inkham : — You are Indeed evening newspaper, th* lad walled till The lawyer shook his finger warn- exandrla to Novara was opened. Writs tod«, h«a ,trst*d I re*. godsend to women, and if they all knew whnt another l»>y accosted th* "gentleman.” lngly at the witness and said, “Now The British troops tn Russia wers you could do for them, there would l*s no Deed and then *bouted In th* bearlug of the M.»ther« w . I nn t Mr» Winet iwm * - thing we want to hear Just what you know. reinforced by 10.000 French troops. iy rup the liest r «:•.»■! ) t. > ‘ um iur their of their dragging out mueral le lite« in agony. bystanders; “It's tx. use to try bleu. 4urlug the tc< -hl;-g .«'• led.. not what some one else knows, or A new planet was discovered by th* “ I suffered for years with bearing-down pains, Jim, lie can't read ” what you think, or anything of that astronomer Ilind from the observatory» womb trouble, nervousness, nnd excruciating head­ POITUNO OREGOI kind, but what you know. Do you at Regent's Park, London. “Sometimes," said the poet. “I am ache, but a few liottles of Lydia E. Pinkhntn's understand?" F. X u. Vegetable Compound made life ’i»ik almost afraid that I take myself too 's*, it I»**. "Wai. I know.” said the witness, forty Year* Ago. \ new ami pronii-ing to DM. I uni light and seriously,” "Ob, well, never mind." with emphasis, as he lifted one limber ’ Il K N writing t«> •>! «•rtiaer« pl< 1 \ happy, ami I do not know what bit knem replied bls kind hearted friend, Gov. A. W. Bradford, of Maryland, •»••»li**« «tele p«|*«r. leg and laid it across the other. “I i “there's no harm dons If you do. 1 1 is, arid I now enjoy the best of health. ” know that Clay Grubb said that Bill Issued an appeal to citizens to rise and Everybody els* regard* you I as a I Lydia E. Pink ham ’ s Vegetable Thomson told him that be beard John resist the Confederate invader* then Compound can always be relied up i to riatore Joke."—Chicago Record Herald. Thomas' wife tell Sid Shuford's gal believed to be menacing Baltimore. health to women who thus suffer. It is a sovereign cure for Here I* a peculiar advertisement The Confederates evacuated Har ­ complaints, that bearing-down feeling, weak the worst forms of female that her busband was there when the ______ _____ ,----------- - — ------ --------- w which recently appeared In a Hrlahan* fight tuk place, and that he said that per’s Ferry and the retreat of the fores beek. falling atxl displacement of the womb, inflammation of the ovaries, and paper; “Permanent Wanted, a man they slung each other around in the that had gone north along the Potomac all troubles of the uterus or womb. It dissolve» and expels tumors from the uterus in the early stage of development, and checks any tendency to cancer­ to look after on» horse and a few was on. bushes right consid'able.” Telegraphic communication with ous humors. It subdues excitability, nervous prostration, and tone* up the cows and pig*. One who can Impart entire female system. Its record of cure* ia the greatest in the world, aud the rm! I until* of Freuch. singing The Hon. Andrew D. White’e enter­ Washington, D. C.. baring t»tur«* sfl "Id like to have your check for member of the American legation at federates. and denials followed each Jk*1111111 ai»v’» iMUuiualal*, wkl*k Will prew» their *bw>lut* ,»no'.n»n»a» VwUUU tjdl* K. Flskbam M.dlclus (.«. Lgaa. «ass. little midnight supper I served St. Petersburg during the Crimean war other over the country all day. your bou»s last mouth,” said will be continued in the August Cen­ The constitutional convention of Ne­ caterer. “You'll have to wait until I tury, the Midsummer Holiday Number. vada «elected Nevada as the name of Wanted to III«* liliid %oit ILi^e lloUtfltt hili boriM' the The Hero's Plea. These chapters will include, besides the State and adopted a constitution. get the doctor's bill for curing me of luri» ol < I ihn . II. | let* Ii« re mid I i . in brrn mud«« undrr lilt Friend—There is “Brave youth!” exclaiux-d the father much other matter, of timely interest, Indigestion," replied th* victim. “That Confederate forces took possession |M*rM»niil mi pm I*» I oii for oor «io 5 ono peisonal memoirs of Nicholas I and of telegraph lines at Magnolia, Md., of the girl who bad been rescued from di.ease—discovered comes off your bill.”—Philadelphia to dr<«*l%«« )<»l| In tlilw. <'oiititrfirlt*« Iliilt.illone mid All th* Alexander II of Russia. Later foreign Intercepted dispatches from Secretary a watery grave, “bow can I repay scientist. Pres*. ** dii‘»(-ii««.^,M»d •• ari* hut |’%|»«*rim« iit n . mid rndmigrr tlio about it. services of Mr. White include his work Stanton to Gen. Cadwallader, and tem­ you? How can I show my gratitude?” livultli of Ch lid tv u—Kiprrlr uro AifiBliiHt 1 A|»«*rini« i*G “I know what you've come hers Patient—My gracious! Get m« some "Oh. If you only will please let me at once. Don't as a United State* commissioner to porarily shut off communication with lose a day; don’t lose an for," said little Willie; "you're going off,” replied the young man. Santo Domingo and to the Paris expo­ Washington. D. C. hour; don't Io»* a moment! to ask my sister to be your wife.” "Let you off? How do you mean?” sition; as United State* minister to "Certainly. But. my del President Line ’n Issued a proclama "Ob! Why do you think so?" “’Cause < iiMtoriit I* a liiirnil«’»« »iili»tltiitr> for < ««tor oil, I’nrc- "Don’t insist upon the usual conse­ di.ea.e ia nut dangerous, Germany, 1879-81, and to Rusisa again tlon setting aside the first Thursday 1 beard her tellln' ma she was goln' Doric, Drops mill Moothing Hvrupa, It 1» I’I cumiii I. It in 18»2 94; a* a member of the Vene­ In August as a day of prayer for the quences; I'm engaged to another girl.” hurry ?” contiiliis iicitticr Opium, YlorphiiiA nor oilier Nurcotlc “There ia no! au instant to wa*t*. to git you In a corner to night and zuelan commission and of the Hague preservation of the Union. Mlbstance. I t* age Is It* giiarmitr«. Il e too quick to strike weddin', sub.” dian Territory. other, my boy," said the kludly old “You were married fifty year* ago Henry Ward Beecher made public man. who bad Interrupted the fight; to-day?” correspondence which bad passed be­ "always count ten before you do It, “Yes, sub.” tween him, Mr. Tilton and Plymouth and then------ ” “Yeh.” replied the “Well, why Isn’t your wife helping Church In Brooklyn. In which the Iter. boy, contemptuously, "an' den It'll Ire you to celebrate?" Mr. Beecher demanded an Investiga­ de referee dat'll be countin' ten on "My present wife, sub.” replied f f eowwwv VS ««* tion of the charge* made against him. you.”— Philadelphia Pre»« Uncle Ephraim, with dignity, “ain’t Prince Bismarck was shot by a Jennie's mother wa* expecting coin got nothin' to do with It She's de would-be a»sa«sln at Klsslngen, Ger­ It increases the appetite, tones up the l>any, but Just before train time a fourth, sub.” many. The ball struck Bismarck’s stomaeh, invigorates and strengthens the telegram arrived which read: "Missed wrist, the wound being slight. system, and furnishes purer and better blood for the up­ train. Will start at same time to­ LIOUOR-MORBHINE-TOBACCO Over TOO Mormon converts arrived In HABITS PERMANENTLY CURED building of the run-down constitution. You will find no tonic morrow.” Jennie ruslied home from BIG RETURNS IN EGGS. New York from Europe, most of them school expecting to see the «neat, but — fOR ruu WPCOIMJ to act so promptly and beneficially where the health has given Inatead from the Scandinavian peninsula. waa ahown the nieaaagr*. Aft­ way, the strength over-taxed by hard work and close confinement. er reading It laboriously and careful­ , PRUSSIAN POULTRY FOOD •fi'l r u Will iw. . ,f| ' 1 «t I?,. I ir.r|... I f -fn.ofefn * Future Great Men. Those living in the low, marshy sections of the country, exposed to ly through, »be exclaimed: "Why, f Twenty Years Ago. The replies of Mr. Root to the new* ■ ail riot a (|( | , miasmatic poisons and breathing the impure air arising from stagnant tnanima, If ahe «tart» at the »nine time paper men who Interviewed him while James G. Blaine, then Republican pool* and swamp*, till their to-morrow, she will ml»» the train Canton, Ohio, An», fl, 1003. he was Secretary of War were often candidate for the Presidency, delivered tystem* are filled with ma­ Gentlemen: 8. B. 8. is s aood modlcius. I keep again.” rOUTbRND sharp and witty. One day, says the an address at Bowdoln College com­ It in ths house ail the while. It is an excellant laria and their health under­ tonic to give strength to the system and tone to Lincoln's Way of Tensing, New York Times, a number of them, mencement exerciaes and received the all tho organa. It give* appetite and energy and mined, will find S. S. S. a In bls home city. Hprlngtleld, |||., a entering his office, found him signing degree of LL. D. makes one feel better in every way. I have found most excellent tonic, and it* it documents. also an excellent blood purifier. For month* I story 1» told of Lincoln which ba* Erroneous reports were sent out “What are you doing, Mr. Secre­ from Paris that Gen. Gordon had been timely use ha* many time* was troubled with an itching akin eruption on never appeared In print. Ilia bouse; the face, and I tried specialists and many reme­ prevented the serious com­ dies tary?" they asked. murdered by bls soldiers In Khartum, to get a our», but 8. H. H is the only medicine had long needed a fresh coat of paint, ' plication* that so often that »earned to relieve. I am now comparativa! v but e political campaign waa In prog-1 “Appointing lieutenant generals,” The Democratic national convention free of this eruption. I think a great deal of your re»» and “Abe” had no time to look up was the Instant reply. As be wa* sign­ result from malaria. which nominated Grover Cleveland medicine, believing It to be the boat blood purifier painter*. ing the commissions of West Point Good blood, good appe ­ and tonic known to the world to-dav. and Thomae A. Hendricks met in Chi­ MRS. FRANK HORNEA, During his absence for six weeks of graduates, It 1* safe to say that none of tite and good digestion are cago. 1380 E. Beventh st. eireult-rldhig iu Ills on* horse shay,1 those commissioned would have doubt the foundation «tones of Grover Cleveland and Thomas A. cd that he spoke the truth. Mrs. IJncoln had the matter attended Hendricks were nominated for Presi­ good health. S. S. S. sup- Altoona, Pa., June 20,11)03. to, and on hla return when he drova Write for Catalogue and Prices dency and Vice Presidency at the Dem­ plie* all these, containing I have always been averae to giving a teatimo- tip to the little cottage on Nth street r ocratic national contention held In Chi­ as it does ingredients for nlal.and only do so now because of a deaire to ahe came out on the steps to welcome have others benefited by the use of your most cago. the purification of the blood excellent medicine. Before using 8. H. B. »his him. Paying not the »lightest atten­ The Canadian government refuaed and also well-known tonic spring I very much felt the need of a tonic; was tion to her, Lincoln surveyed the the application from the United Hta’es properties, making it the troubled with Dyspepsia and Constipation, and my blood was In bad condition. The uss of your house from foundation to eaves In a for the extradition of John C. Eno, ideal remedy in case* where epeoifio has driven sway all indications of Dys­ fluxed manner nnd then drove to the fugitive president of the defunct Sec­ the blood has deteriorated, pepsia, regulated my bowels, enriched my blood and oauned ms to gain 20 pound* In weight *o next door, and called to hl* neighbor: ond National Bank of New York. the stomach disordered and that I feel In better physical condition than I "Hay! Can you tell me where Abe nouait StnoKC ] d„w Armai r*|>*. |ir nnl r|,|m, have in years. In my judgment there ia no better Lincoln live«?" appetite ha* failed. lay. 1o»|ilv* •'"""'•"¡-''i ¿bte I-®* No s f»r 111 g uscii tonio and blood purifier on tho market than vour ('Sts, sixl ’■»‘-no "t**1 Bare« |2 25 per day. Board |4 50 per len Year* Ago. "You old goose! come home nnd be­ brida* 8. S. S. being a purely preparation, and I unhesitatingly renommend It week SO team« f2.00 per day. Exten­ A. L. F18HRR. have yourself," laughed Mrs. Lincoln. President Cleveland Issued to Gen. vegetable compound, leave* *• such. sive irrigation con«truction. Perma­ nent employment for good men and Mlle«, In command of the government no bad after-effects, like the strong potash and mineral remedies, which team«. In the flood Ohl Hummer Time. troop* in Chicago, an order which are bad on the stomach and nerves. A course of S. S. S. now will Mr*. Rurale You don’t mean to suy Deschutes Irrigation and Power practically placed the city under mar­ Company fortify the system, and the impurities that have accumulated through you pay that woman ten dollar* a tlal law. BEND, OREGON the long winter months are more readily and promptly thrown off,and week for cooking? The Panhandle railway yards from the warm weather finds you in good physical condition, instead of Mrs Harlem ia city slater) Oh, dear Sixty first street to Brighton Park weak, run-down, tired and debilitated, with no appetite or energy, as ho We pay her only two dollars for were swept by fire alleged to bave is apt to be the case where the system is neglected and nature left to cooking; the rest la for staying Worn ¡2 PISO S CURE FOR been set by strikers; loss, «1,000,000. take care of herself. If you need a tonic and appetizer, you will an'a Homo Companion. wheel» p t<> II» work, hsnre no J « 1*25 England offered It* service* to Japan - et mr<> • „ all »pend liei mix-li lime in com find S. S. S. the best. Medical advice without charge to all who write u* h"rw». I'm Ci CONSUMPTION ?" and China to »ettle tbs Coreau dis­ l.lzht of !• ““'i,' n uw I" • •bout their case. m swirr 9P£CIHC CO., ATLANTA, CA. plaining that wo lack time tu do Wa-hlngton pute. « K «■i*r*¡¡¡í,7,* ¿,r I».., * 'l>iiMlr». I’ortlsuil. O’* •