Catarrh TRAVELING KITCHEN USED BY RUSSIANS. Ayers Whether II Is ot tbs nose, throat, stomach, bowels, or mors uslicsts organs, catarrh Is always «shiliutlng snd should nevsr tall ot attention. It Is • dlschsrgs from the mucous mem- brsn« when kepi tn s stats ot Inflammation by an Impure, commonly scrofulous, con­ dition of tits blood. ISTORIAR LIKE A SPONGE Bald? Scalp shiny and thin? Then It’s probably too late. You neglected dandruff. If you had only taken our ad­ vice, you would have cured Hood's Sarsaparilla Cures all forms ot catarrh, radically and permanently - Il removea lhe cause overcomes all me sflvcts. Gel Hood's. WEEKLY Some of the most stubluirn 4i-«-.i *■« enter into the system tlirotigli the pores of the skin. Like a siHitige, it absorbs |toisons of v.nioua kinds, which ure taken up by the little blood vessels beneath tlie surface of the body, inn emptied into the great current of the blood The juices of poiaon onk and other noxious wild jtlatits tiercolule through the skin like wa a a|tonge, are taken into the circulation, biciiking out ultch each season, und linger­ ing on for yeuts unless antidoted anil driven out of the system. pl«v ___ _ ami from wear­ Dye IHtisoning among the employes ol dye houses, ing colored under-clothing utul J hosiery, is of frequent occurrence anti dangerous to health, rotaoN OAK and itb syrnoTi. causing boils anil sore* und Ovar II fl ••» ysara •«<> I *«« i>..|s(in«a with »'ot- oilier eruptions. •on O»l I tri«*,I r*ina«ly *fi«r rsmsd» without Hair Vigor Got the Tune All Kight. A new Irish porter was put at work on an English train. The head porter, •ays Household Words, dlrecte«! th«* new man to Imitate him closely, and thereby learn his duties. When tbe first train came Into tbe station tbe bead porter about«*!, "Fer ryhlll; change for Hartlepool. Stockton aud Middlesborough; change for Spen nyrnoor, Coxhoe and Trlntdon; keep )our »cats going north.” Barney strode after him and shout­ ed In a louder voice: “Eareyhill; change for Dahore, Utnpbump, T«*o- tsloontl. Dlderham; change for Cox­ comb, Morriiam, Flndbam. Coldhsm; k«[*e your seats where you are.” The stationmaster called him aside aud showed him tbe right names on tbe time-table. Barney removed his cap and sat.I po litely, "Thank you. sor. I got hold >f tbe music, but I couldn't catch tbe words." SAVED CHILD’S LIFE. the dandruff,saved your hair, and added much to it. If not entirely bald, now is your opportunity. Improve It. •• I have uted A»»t a H«h Visor fur re rear» I am < ■>« u| «rw> «*>!>! •>>«! '>*»*» i>»A»jr ' •vvwtli x.f * rich l*t* * I m H dUA. I lltlllb. •»» Utffily to Aiwt'a Halt Hall V im . m ” ~ a ¿»MtlH H«l'»*llt» 111- M ks M K m fl « a Run». A VMS OW, 1 .««All M »aa * ■ 1 ' ' » . * I X J c for Good Hair WhyiieMx* of the Uhcrcfurr. Ncantjr haired marriage a DUIHHike," »» h I (lie in. “you haw never given “’I thought.“ "Oh. yea I h»ive.“ replied th» bach* elor. “Thea why are you ed »till Mingle?" ask the other. "Beeaiue I gave marriage a thought,“ answered the advo* ate of single bleeaed ureas You Can ()«t Allen’s Foot-tuiae FRE8. A Remarkable Care of Dropsy by Dodd's KMoey Pills. Workers in IcrtJ. brass Writ« Alien S. ohnst < h 1. Kuy.N. V . fur a free «ample of Allen r Fout I»«' li curve swvAtiiig h* t Hen «< hlng fert It inskes 3»» or tight »hi<< easy < certain cure for evrtw. ingrowing nail« and bunions Al I drug- gists sell it. Km’! accept any substitute. One Huitdr«*d Years Aqo A famous roblw*r of Europe, known as the "Great Devil," waa executed at Genoa. Great change* were anticipated In lower Italy, which were to 1.« of ad­ vantage to the French Emperor. The King of England had complete ly revnfrixl from a severe Illness, and the project of a regency was abau dotted. The Dutch governor of the colony at tlie I'ape of Good Hope oixlered all Ell gllah to leave the cape within two months. It was report««! that the position of high admiral of Eranee would t*e re serv«*d for Jerome Bonaparte and his American marriage eanieliHl. as It had not been approv«*d liy I tils brother, the Euqiervr. Bonaparte. In an addreta i to the eon- tluental sovereigns, , «ailed tln*ui • II cousins. «•Kiua rellsf. Horea broka «oil >>»«r in, bo*ly au*I my tun«ua. attootiua lire lining of wr mouth, and other metals ars often >> my doolor told ore 1« poisoned by lhe cliemiculs Irx I ■ u whteh i did Att«r i«hiu« th««« botu«*« all tire sorsa dia«l>ireai>>t«biod to ing, and the dust anil til­ v,o>. valuabl« medtolna foi oo |o>>u>i>i mol oom- niola a «-ura. I am < that H » B will do all ings settling U|H>n the skill, that la vlalin-d for It Iu blood dta**aoaa anti which littd their way Han,III». Ky. 00N ■> UllYAN. through the pores into the blood, followed by inflammation, swelling ami the most obstinate sores, Blood Bolson, the vilest of all human disrates, is often con­ tracted through shaking the Iwml or handling the clothing or oilier arti* l he deadly virus cles used by one iiiteclcii with this tl.ingerou» p<»iM>n. | fituling its way through tlie potes of lha skin.c«>iltumiititlcs the III.»..! uml prmluces fcaitul ul> er«, eruptions uii.i blot. lies. The .. .rplioit <>r tln<>u"h the [tores are a« (lee[. e.ited ami tlatigcroua us any brought on by internal «au»es, a ml cannot l>a rencheil by washes, salves, soaps or other extcnutl remedies. I'lie blivoxl must las purified anil a healthy circulation c»tabli«h« d before getting permanently ri«l «*f tit*- disease. S. S. S. a« t» upon the blood, ri«i«ling it of the original [>oi«on and restoring it to u healthy, normal condition.« S. S. S. is guaranteed entirely veget.iblr, an unrivitlcii blo»«l puri­ fier and the l>e»t of all tonics. With all impurities removed from the blood, the sore, and eruption« disn|>j*rar front the skin. \\ rite us should you desire medu al advice or any information about your case ; this will Sedgwick. Ark., July 11.—The ease Russia's soldiers in Manchuria are supplied with what is called a trav­ of W. 8. Tavler's little son is looked upon by those interested in medical eling kitchen. It consists of a cylindrical boiler having a cajaclty of forty Mutilile Somewhere. The boiler is mounted ou a cart matters as one of the most wonderful gallons aud has a collapsible chltuney "Mr. Millyuna." said the poor but ou iecord. Iu this connection his fath­ and a mule or pony draws it about with the troops The soldiers pick up fowls, pigs and other edibles on the march. These are throw u Into the boiler aristocratic widow, "allow' me to pre* er makes the following statement: ‘‘Last Septemlier, my little boy had to simmer as the column proceeds. Tea and soup are always ready to be aent my three charming daughters." “Gorel heavens. madam!" exclaim* Seven tv-(He lenrw «I him seemed to do him no good and two Mother, will Sad Mrs. Winslows’, !k*othln( now- crow ding Into England In such Figured mualln wgg tlr»t woven on limn, "is 'politica' slngulnr or plural?" »et In the ground to mark the limits or three people said his days were Disputant Mbit Favors th« Latter numler-s under the designation of Gar dyrup the tw»i rv.nedy Iu u«e lor thair children ■lunug tu« leeihlng jertod.. Theory. "Sonny." was th«* reply, "lu de pali! of II. Ids. ■ power loom at Central Kalla, Maaa. short, even the doctors, two of the l>est man workmen; at the Mine time thoae The tlrat st »'am tire engine uaed In of de country whah I romp finn dcy'a in the country tola me he would not Country doctors may not know every who have bean already convicted In A Iteltvale Point. alng'lar. mighty elogiar." Washing Cleveland. Ohio, waa purehaaed. get better. I stop;>ed tbeii metlicine thing, particularly In the estimation oi Germany often adopt an English name Magistrate- You are charged with i - u U k I < and at once sent for Dodd’s Kidney urlmn icpeeiallsts, but what they do •o at to conceal their Identity aa far hugging au*l kissing women agaiust lheir The emancipation act, prohibiting Ion Star Th-r«l>rr>i>»i> » Pills. I gave him 'hree pills a day, know afiout a vast number of things, as possible. couventa and rellgloua communities In h *»«lle«AA Idiarn *M1 will. ' • • • one morning, noon and night for eight l-elng usually based < n experience and Prisoner—I was so drunk, your honor, Great Britain, waa declared a dead e Im»*«*. fJ-’■» la»< iy LIOUOR-MORFNINE-TMACCO that I couldn't tell a pretty womnu from days; at the end of the eighth day the ■ ■ommon seuse. Is very apt to be use letter. e NAffiTS FtRMANtNTLY CLIKD EVERY HOUR HAS ITS USES It' • >..l »iroln*«. « an ugly one. •- row run matkuiajo — swelling was all gone, but to give the ful. Therefore we are not at all sur- BhtatrAffilA l»»ls r The London inetr«>|M>Utan police force IffiOT •Ikillglr NtUl.fMMGM II Wkrj« «affili "That is no excuse." medicine justice, I gave him eleven i prised to have received from a medi­ How a Lawyer L'tilimra HU Time from was organised U file list « •tai.««« "No. but it explain, why they ob- Early Morn to Dewy Eve. more pills. I used thirty-five pills in cine man In New Milford. Conn., whom III I I Il WON MU HIM Ilk I «» There waa a great depression In all jected." 'll I I A S I» »»HI • »O» The» The. Dialed. all and he was entirely cured. 1 con­ we will call I»r. Wrong Ixn-ause ho I know a prominent New York cor buftlnea« Interest*, especially In the "You are sw«*«*t to cat." »»hl sider your medicine saved my child's didn't want his name used, and poratton lawyer who Is out of bed at flTQ Permanently i ereo. w«» h’sor nervouacMi New England State», where (here wore life. When the thirty-five pills were ■Wrong” is Just as far from his true 5 o'clock In the mortilug and after illu aftertretdaj •eaeofDr.KHne’sOrealNevw many failures among the manufactur­ the very young tnuii who lningliie.1 be s. r»d for k'ree B? trial b«»f tie an I treaties* hail th«* love market cornered given him, he could run, dance and name as It would be possible to get. a taking exercise Is ready for breakfast itoetorer. Dr. K. 11. Kin.» . Ltd K’ Arvh m . PbtUd. ipbia. F>a ers, money being acan-o. sing, whereas before be was an invalid most illuminating totter on th« vexed at 6:30. He Is at his ottl.-e tn Wall "Thanks," rejolmsl th«« matter-of WONDERFUL Merely a Kenilmler in his mother's arms from morning question whether hens ’sit" or "set'*— street at 8 o'clock. Hla secretary aud fact maid. "There's a «mall restaurant HOMB "Yi-s." remark«**! young DeBorem aa fifty Years Aqo. until night.” just around th«* corner. ” » letter vastly better than anything re­ hla stenographer await him. Dicta TREATMEN T the clock chimed the hour of It p. m.. Cholera waa raging In Italy and cently written on the matter !>y am ­ tion legins at once of the rough out ­ It Wa«n*t StratiKe. “I’m—aw—very absent minded, doncher It» • WundifNl < hF t>M4» tlx« l«>r »• r«il»d Old Jllson (tn the hotel lobby)— ateur philologists. In uding ourselvca line of a brief to l«e prepared. He know? Um alwuis forgetting soiuetbiug Sicily. B U Y great !«•• av»M ha ct* Dr. Wrong l*egii s bis defens* of ''.-et follows this with dictating memoran ­ The United Stat«*, consul at Turk's that 1—aw—should wememlH»r." Well, well; if there isn't young Slicker tsrs>|>i« s»lh«G|| Vpd l ow (hai g ven Island was released from prison, where "I have noticed that." rejoined Mi«s 1 never expect««! to see him again on ting" bens by calling attention to tlie da for his clerks, specifying certain Lu d ». M» < ufm» w 11«««« «on<|«rft*l » this earth, and here he is alive and tact that the sun and other celestial questions of law and of fact which Caustiqiie. "Y‘’U even forget boe le ull he had been routined by the local Ju.ll re«* tiprliffi, H xh U a , tiodles are allowed to "set" aa often he desires looked Into during the day. time by the clo*-k." clary. well. ter»« ffi»»it »«g*» Aille« h»I grffi •■lirwip un «s they eboose, without complaint from At 9 o'clock he reads and answers Cleveland and Ohio City were united Jobkins—What's been the matter la wn k> me 1 rai kl SI0O Hewsrd. $IOO. anybody, and be thinks that this Is Jus- j important letters which bls secretary » ffiAA 9* » !>«•• IB Hi t Cs» iAtr y The old "watch," which bad existed with him? The reader«ot thl» will ba pleaaa«l to II. AM, hat.!; e«a te uesIlAffi th a tau» ■ hens do Ibe same l tlfieation tor has sorted out for bls attention. At »earn that there i»at iea»t <>ne dread»«! dlMa»» la Boston st».-« I«l3l. waa atM>ilsbed • *• « lb« * * « •«»« MM ,| ffefent f«i»» Old Jllson—Went to the hospital for »■Ifxsffi vAh’* h hr •««« < **A«f'i * u««w lit 1 Nsraal I on the mere authority, as he explains. I I '•>:»> he Is ready for consultations with 1 ioat ecteac« h«A been able to cur» in all IU and a ¡»»ll.-e department establish«*«! an operation.—Cleveland leader. .1 •««»»• H* 6It«rAiti«*« | ama ia the only pugitire cure known to the «'•< it>«f it. i'««f. k lit«*« *t< It «a liiiit.lf *«1a •< 1 ested in the subject.” There Is some- o'clock In the afternoon he la In con- nelical fraternity. < atarrh being a contUlu* miles In width swept through the town *rAtlni«>»iais ' «.sirgw« u. «Dials t A*l (Mad | Clonal di-eaw. reqalreo a cunaUiutional treat* thing in that, perhaps, but not much. In tin nous attendance either •rs* film I'Alis-H • «.-st of III« rllf WflRA of Manteno. III., doing gn-at damage. before nent. Hall's« atarrh < ure 1» takrn inlerualljr, i^Aok a ab >1 >; r ors or In consultation. uid a*si»ting nature in «ioing Its work. The IS» AIJ«r SI.. I* w U m 4. Or«,««. talking about ben, is that it is a ne e, At perhaps 4:30 o’clock the lawyer »roprieturt hare sv much faith in iu curatire forty Years *qo • < », ■•-«. rec*« snry word, without a synonym. A '«et Is ready to receive reports from bis .wiwers that they offer one Hundred Dollars Bears the x. any case that It falls to cure. Send fur list General Grant withdrew with con ting ben* on an empty n*st or one con­ clerks. They are r«*qufr«*d to report >t •»r testimonials. Signature of alders hie loss from hi» position In the F J. ( HESEY A CO.. Toledo, O. taining only artificial or sterile eggwls solely upon the point Intrusted to Ad lreM by dragglsU, 7'«c. drat lutreuehments around Petersburg, I not 'incubating' anything, but she la them. Little or nothing Is left to their 4uld Hall's Family Pills are the best. Va. Knew the Sex. setting’ for all that. Sitting' expre-se, Judgment or discretion. It Is merely • ’*»»•!»«• | »« a lt*M rr*»*kit*|« Twenty persons, mostly girla, were Next to the Greatest. “Tour wife is a very sick woman." , in idea altogether differen’. All fowls, desired to know what the law and the •aid the grave old physician, "and while without distinction of sex or age, '«It* Knobbins—Ob. I suppose you think kill««! and a score □f others wen* In i*latr trouble ¡« a romntoti thin», an«! th*r «rr varioti« kin«!« II Many ; au-« t»«*«* I do not wish to alarm you, I have my occasionally—In ti e dust on a hot day. vases are upon some particular point your father the greatest man that ever Juns) tn an explosion In tlte arsenal al 4«»rr rltfhl OthvF« ara pf«»|*rly tnada, IHI They are expected to report aecurat«»- doubts as to her recovery.” for Instance—but only adult females ly. concisely a ml quickly. Thia uila waa. Washington, l>. <’. hr mouth hi n»>t put ht |>ru|«r rvue glasi tu make an rtainlnaUu fore I came upon the stage.—Boston •adors at Paris. is on her nest or walking about in bor downtown is at an end. «nd tell you the ranee «>( trouble terday and she hasn't tried it on.” search of something to eat. I have Transcript. Th» Confederal« steamer Alabama ^••8trffii*t teeth wholly without i«aln an Some lawyers even make use of the Pre».dent Roosevelt has delivered 370 seen three bens 'sitting' In one nest all work 1« Ml lower than iMAMuiisbi« rates attacked snlatra ur bridges ar ing the summer months William Nel­ for Consumption. It is a good c.iugh corvvtts Ki*arwirge near ChcrlHiurg. It is said be has broken the record. M«k •». A. n a or tie red otebr two having gone there to lay. France. son Cromwell spends his nights on the medicine. At ilnigv'ot«, price £> h anti irold gainbllng law Hundaya frntn 9 tn 11 Oregon, Main boat each afternoon, but a large stat«*- floor of the office Oil the thirtieth ists?" That, uow. la a good letter, room ou that vessel Is equlpp«-d with building Per<*y I’en lean<*r, steel lining”. < lantic coast, 1.000 are scattered along the King of the Belgians was annulled bridge I*our-font H r«»i> «• Meana for Gottlng Into Batea. Her letter is but one of thou­ the rivers and Inland waterways, 500 It appears that Germain of known A Turkish vessel, the Karn, wns sands which prove that nothing on the I’a- bad character are allowed to escape on the great lakes and sunk In a collision In the Rea of Mar is so helpful to young girls who on condition of leaving the country. ciflc coast. mora and 820 person, drowned. Of the grand total. Including light Genuine are just arriving at the period of England I, practically the only refuge Congress directed the Neeretary of bouses of different class««, buoys, bea womanhood as Lydia E. Pink­ open to them, »o they flock here, and cons and danger signal« 3,are light Mtate to purchase from It, possessor among them the expert German bur­ and restore to the family of Marquis ham’s Vegetable Compound. glar Vinita u, In ever Increaalrig num­ ed, giving forth their warnings at Imfayette the watch given the french “D iab M rs . P ivkham : — I ,(XX) IN PLACING YOUR ORDER IOR A at Augusta, Me., otti.-Inlly notili«*«! limbs. In fact, I was sick all over. See Fsc-Stmlle Wrapper Belew. •' Finally, after many other remedies ders. portable (ihoaphorua and electric and Ì2.»1 I um to op- P ADTCO’C HEADACHE. to Buffalo ami lake (torts. wonderful change for the better took nwessnry tool», not necessarily nor Idol, with profulgent brows,” whose roipiiro fewer repair» and do morn UAnl trò FOR DIZZINEtt. rays streamed down the purple seas place, and in a short time I was i" mainly used fi r felonious purpose*. and better work in n|| kind» of grain to Mlzralm, would shine as tapers In len Year« Aqo. perfect health.- I felt buoyant, full of ■ilTTLf FOR BILIOUSNESS Any given bouse once enter«*«!, the life, and found all work a pastime. the Mediterranean night, with no plans Ilian any olle r make. Straw or wood p FOR TORPID LIVER. Captain Mahan, American rnivnl iilx am Indeed glad to tell mv experience «< lentlflc German can open the Htrong among the sev«*n wonder» of the world £ FOR CORITIFATIOR and coal burning engine». AI ho a full torlan, was given the degree of 1.1,. |>. with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege­ | eat cast Iron safe by means of an and hardly worth noticing. at Cambridge University, Ho received table Compound, for it made a dif­ ' xy hydrogen blowpipe, which pro lino of »ingle and double Portatilo Haw ferent girl of me. Yours very truly, duces a heat «o Intense as to melt any a similar honor from Oxford two dityi a Mill». Any one can name the three grace«, Miss M. CaitTT.tttxiK, 533 Whitehall St, metal against which It la directed. Th* later. Atlanta. Ga.” — fsooo if oritim of | following plan I, also practiced: A re but the disgraces are too numerous to Hliteen race horse, on route fmin atooo /sttw iKoolKf g.iwIotnoMwool boproguooi mention. * ' —wr—xasia.a — i cent chemical discovery has produced the Hawthorne (Chicago) track to Mt. CURE SICK HEADACHE la preparation known as thermite. If Paul were killed In a railway wreck at Occasionally a man declines a nomi a [tortion of this Is placed on the fop nation for office —If there la no cbanc« Thoroughly reliable ami most durable imichinery in th«* market, Honest in Htlllinan Valley, III. Three stable« were P. N. U. Ne. 29-1 »04. ernistruction. Satisfactory in operation. Helf I eeders, Hfaclter», Baggers and nil ot a safe n heat Is generated so pow­ for bi» election. practically wiped out. • ItHclimontf. Prop us a postal and our traveling num will cull. erful that the toughest ste I cannot France« E. Willard, returned from a withstand It. and a ho!« Is burned In Girls may not convert young men, ADVANCE TMRIiHHHR CO. HEN writing to ndv«*rtl..r. pl«««« year abroad, was given n monster re­ Branch H oiks *. Clough a Warehouse, near O l< *1 N. I relghl Pepot, Hookauo Mu Bal. mention thio paper. any desired portion of the receptacle. I but they at least draw them to church. | ception In New York. molli Hl real. I'orllsiel, Oro. rDr. C. Gee Wo CASTOR IA The Kind You Haro Always Bought L> O VOUR JAW« A C H I J WISE BROS., Dentists . ....... - ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Southwick Hay Press. Carter’s Little Liver Pills. ADVANCE THRESHERS EIN a I IN ES