THS OLD CHESTNUT TREE. Economy b Ayer’s a strong point, with Hood's Sarsaparilla. A bottle lasts longer and does more good than any other. It is the only medicine of which can truly be said 100 DOSES ONE DOLLAR To be sure, you are growing old. But why let everybody see it, in your gray hair? Keep your hair dark and rich and postpone age. If you will "Are you the waiter who took my order for that chop?" "Yessir.” "Bless me, how you have grown !" "She says she Is very fond of mu­ sic.” "Instrumental?" "Well. It’s In­ A Korn Diplomat. only use Ayer's Hair Vigor, Ha—Miss DeJou.a, Clara. I never strumental In making the neighbors your gray hair will soon have loved any one but you. Will you be uiy swear when she get, at the plan.»."— wife? Exchange. all the deep, rich color of She—But I've been told that you pro­ Jinking—How Is your son getting youth. Sold for 60 years. posed to four other girls within a month. whose picture is printed above, • T am now <*var •» 1 h««« He—True, darling; but I did it merely along In his literary labors? Jorkita a thick, g ’">» head of h t’tf hair which la a proves beyond question that for practice, so 1 wouldn’t bluuder iu —Oh. famously! You should see how w.'ti.'et t • « vrrt 01 owl'.' »**• '» Atxl «ray hair tn it. all du« to Ayer'« Hair \ Itror gracefully he carries hi, pen behind proposing to you. Miu. U. K. B in us. live i«U. Minn. thousands of cases of infiamma* his ear.—Boston Transcript f 1 M a holt 1«, j.c.Atlica, All drtlUitlBt«. fir tion of the ovaries and womb Tonsurili Artist — Your hair seems THBESHINQ COMPANIES. to be coaing out Freshman—Yea. it are annually cured by the use of Tomorlal Artist—Tried our hair The Big Agricultural and Saw Mill Ma- la. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable tonic? Fteshtuan—Yes. but that didu't Cblnery Houses Centered In Portland do it tkough. — Yale Record. aa Headquarter, tor the Northwest. Compound. "How hollow it sounds!” said a pa­ There ia nothing of which Portland " D kab M m . PixitnxM ¡ — Gradual The tests of turbine engine« st Elber­ ia mon* proud than the gieat agricul­ tient ander the movement cure, as the feld. Germany, show a ateam consumir loss of strength ami nerve force told physician was vigorously pounding his tural implement houeea that make tion equivalent to about eleveu pound, me something was radically wrong their headquarteia for the Northwest chest “Oh. that's nothing!" said the to indicated horse-power, su unparal­ with me. I had severe shooting pains through the pelvic organs, cramps and in thia city. Among the first of three doctor; “wait till we get to the bead.” leled performance in economy. extreme irritation comi'elled me t-t Alice (aged 5)—Matnma. my appe­ ia the Advance Thresher Company, ■eek medical advice. The doctor said which baa built a fine warehouse and tite says it's time for dinner. Mother For coughs and colds there Is no better that I bad ovarian trouble and ulcera­ offices on the East aide at Second and —Well, dear, go and see what the medicine than l*t«o a Cure for Consump­ tion, and advised an operation. I Belmont streeta. .Mr. J. 0. Humphrey clock says. Alice (some seconds lateri tion. Price 25 cents. strongly objected to thia and decided ia the manager in charge of the com­ —The clock says my appetite is ten to try Lydia E. Pinkham's \ etite. The The threshermen are just now look­ Y’es, I know It la; but you said you "When he passes that way agaiu it ulceration soon healed, and the other ¡»n't there." ing sharply after new equipment and complications disappeared, and in couldn’t afford an expensive oue.—Chi­ necessary repairs and renovations for eleven weeks I was once more strong cago bally News. O*e coming season, and no one omits and vigorous and perfectly well. Teacuer — Johnny, write on the ** My heartiest thanks are sent to calling at the Advance establishment blackboard the sentence “ Two head, you for the great gvxwl you have done if he seeks to inform himself fully as For Infant* and Children. me." — Sincerely voura, M tss M ami a kxt to the market and advantages of the are better than one." Now. Johnny, MZHKIKV, 275 Third St., Milwaukee, various threshing outfits. In fact a do you believe that? Johuny—Yes'm. Wis,— fsooo fvrflt tf of e groceries. will but accept her. li !!»• young num tle Creek, Michigan. Two years ago all right If reserved for such weather Higgles—Indeed! Was he a green says: ”1 beg that you w III excuse lite they came into Portland, and now they as thia.—Boston Transcript grocer? from tills." she tells him it she Is are doing business with the most ac­ Wiggles—I should «ay not. He did a resolved uot to depart until he shall “You may turn up your nose at me. tive and influential people in their strictly cash busiue^s. Martha Ann Bllllwlnk. but I want you promise to take her for better or w orse lines. to remember it's leap year, and Kit She accordingly takes up uer alwsle IMPORTAMT TO TMRESHERMEN. Garlinghorn Is trying to get me away there and remains until be Is wooed A Guide to the Height of Heels. from you." “Well. I’ll Just show the An Account and Note Book ot 25 Page« and won or until he ends the siege by There are four different heights, freckle-faced thing she can't do that— fleeing to parts unknown. Sent Free to Any Address. with as many different name«, of the George dear!"—Chicago Tribune. military heel alone. As a guide to Old Soldier's Storv. The A. H. Averill Machinery Co., of "Father.” Mid Kathie, "bow much those who want to b? right on the sub­ Portland, Ore., whoee advertisement is Sonoma, Mich., June 13.—That even ject of heels, remember the following: doe, a quite small bottle of Ink cost?* to be found elsewhere in this publica­ in actual warfare disease is more ter­ l’p to one and one-quarter inches a “You can get one for a penny," an­ tion, have prepared for distiibution rible than bnllets is the esperienc« <>l heel la a military, up to one one aud swered father. “A penny!" exclaimed among threshermen a thresherman’r ac­ I>elo« Hutchins of this place. Mr. five-eighths it 1» a Cuban, above that Kathie. in great disgust "And mum­ count and note book of 25 pages This Hutchins aa a Union Soldier saw three It is a Spanish heel. When it goes mie made an awful tus, when I upset book will be mailed to thrsabevtnan year» ol eervl.e under Buller Barke in the llttlest bottle In the cupboard!" above two Inches It Is a Cantilllan. free! of charge, by addressing the above the Louisiana i»»mpn and as a result “Aren't you ashamed of your Indo­ named company. The French heels range from one and got crippled w'th Rheumatism so that one-quarter to two inches usually— lence " "Indeed, I am." answered his hands and feet got all twisted out Nothing Doin ’ . Meandering Mike. "I ’ ve been trying and are called Louis XV. The Du of shape and how he suffend only a “ Just oue kiss, dear, before I go, ” to do something for it ” “ What?" Barry heel runs from two inches—and Rheumatic will ever know. pleaded the young physician. quite a few women wear IL—Shoe Re­ “I’ve been takin' de faith cure. I've For twenty-five years he was in mis “ None of that for me. thank you. ” re ­ been choppin’ make-believe wood wit’ tailer. joined the fair maid. "I don’t like the ery, then one lucky day his druggist an imaginary ax."—Washington Star. idea ot having a doctor’s bill thruat un­ advised him to use Dodd's Kidney Pills. There 1> mor« Catarrh In thia section of th< Newitt—Well, there's one thing der my nose." Of the result Mr. Hutchin« say»: oountry than all olh-r dBeaaea pul b-fether “The first two boxes did not help and until the last lew years was supposed to bs about the weather. It's always a safe Incurable. For agreat many * ears doctors pro topic of converMtion. Burroughs—I me much but I got two more and la-fore "Keelev LIOUOR-MOREHINE-TOBACCO count d it a local ulsea-e. and prescribed local ■'/TFr-H HABITS FERMANENTtY CURtD I got them used up I was a great deal remedies, and by constantly tailing to run thought it was to-day when I met - FOS FULL FAAnCULAItS with local treatment, pronounced it Incurable Lendham. but when I started to speak better. I kept on taking them and Science baa proven catarrh to be a constitu now my pains are all gone and I feel tlonal disease, and therefore require«constitu of It he Mid, “Yes, it's unsettled, and tlonal treatment Hall’af atarrh Cure, menu that reminds me of that account of better than I have in years. I know lectured by F. I. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio, li The largest care is the Mammoth. It Dodd's Kidney Pills will cute Rheuma­ the only constitutional cure on the market. Il yours.” is over ten miles long and has a navi ­ is tasen Internally in doaea from 10 dropa to a "Dear.” Mid the politician's wife, gable stream flowiug through its cham­ tism." leaspoonful. It acta directly on the blood and mue "u surfaces of th* -ystem. They offer ot s "there's a handsome big policeman bers. Ellgtit ot Illg Birds hundred dollars for anr case it fella to cure whose beat embraces Mrs. Swellmau’s •end for circulars and testimonials. Of birds now in existence, probably ’e Permanently t orwi. Wo fluor nervooenefl Address. r. J. < ll£XEY A CO., Toledo, O house. Can't you get him transferred 0 ,A.r flr.t Jifiue fl.r K line's* ,r«at .Serve the one with the greatest expanse of Bold by Pruralsts. 75c. to this neighborhood?” "What for?” low. Send flor Free «a trial brutleand '—‘‘-r. Ball's Family Pills are the beat. wing in proportion to the tsuly and demanded her busband. "Mrs. Swell- j Dr . K. M. Kline. Ltd K' Arch st . I'bllad.lptiia, Fa with the greatest power of flight is man has an excellent cook and I want Bones with the People Off. Ilarbln, Mamburia, la only three the frigate or man-o’-war bird. This Two little fellows of 7 and 8 year, her.”—Philadelphia Press. years old, but It Is one of the great­ bird apparently flies more by skill than The officers of a British man-o'-war heard older people speaking of skele­ est cities of Asia, and has tlie larg­ by strength, for it has not great carry tons. The " year-old boy listened pa­ were entertaining their friend, with a est European population of any Asiatic Ing powers. The wandering albatross, tiently to the converMtion, when the grand lunch and In attendance were city, containing <».<<>0 It us-la ns. be- the largest of all seablrt i, Is also one older boy, with an air of superior some typical British tars. A young sides the soldiers and 40.000 Chinese, of our strongest flyers. One bird was lady, wanting a piece of bread looked it will be the great flour milling city known to fly at least 3,150 miles In knowledge. Mid abruptly: "You don't know what a skeleton I a behind her chair at one of the sailors ot that region. twelve days. In waiting, and asked him to bring her and I do.” "So do I," replied the younger. “I what she wanted. But he drew bihi- self up, stiff and stern, and. to her do know." amazement, replied, “Can’t do it. miM; ' “Well, what ia it?” “It’, bone, with the people off."— I’m told off for taturs.” j An Cp-to-Date Village.—"Do you Pathfinder. have a g'-od lecture course here during the winter?" was asked of the manager i. of the Higginsville Lyceum. "Indeed Apply to NATHAN BICKFORD, ,14 P St.. we do,” he answered; “and next season Washington, D.c. Mh X. H. Vola., is.1-45. we expect to outdo all previous records. So far we have booked one ransomed one reformed gambler, one Malaria ia a slow poison, but the most stubborn and WE WANT missionary, troupe of trained animals, one convert­ deeply rooted when it takes possession of the sys­ AGENTS ed heathen, one moving picture ma­ f 150 anti up per chine and one professional (HTsonator. tem. We breathe into the lungs the polluted, germ- month to ener­ We may take on a college professor who tainted air; the little microbes then enter into the sys­ getic represen­ wants to speak about the tendency of tem, and feeding upon the red corpuscles of the blood, tatives in every soon reduce this vital, life-sustaining fluid to such a city anti town modern literary thought, but I don't town in Oregon know. It's pretty hard to keep the weak, watery 6tate that the patient becomes listless, Washington and Idaho. Dignified, hon­ course on the same high plane of pale and anaimic, and men­ Amory, Mies., Jan. 28, 1003. orable, permanent and immensely profit­ thought throughout.”—Judge. tally and physically de­ About fifteen yesra ago I Buffered with bolls able employment at home or on the The Other Side of the Story: Bln-' pressed. Malaria may be­ end took a course of 8. 8. 8., which built me up road; something new; send stamp or gleton—What's the trouble, old man;' gin with slight rigors or and entirely cured me of the bolls. Three years call at office for details. ago I suffered with Malaria, and remembering you look all broke up. Wederly—You chilly sensations, followed how muoh good 8. 8. 8. hod done me, I deter­ SQUARE DEAL BROKERAGE CO. would doubtless look broke up, too. If by fever and thirst; but mined to try it «gain. I am glad to say that the 129 Seventh Street, Portland, Oregon you had a mother-in-law like mine, 1 were all I could have desired. Since then gradually all parts of the reeulte I take 8. B. 8. every spring, and have no attack of and she------ Singleton—Ila! The old. system are affected; the “wleria- Last summer I spent most of the time CHAMPION ’ old atory; »he’s coming to spend a few liver becomes torpid, and on Tomblgbce bottom having timber cut. weeks with you, I suppose. Wederly A. E. DALRYMPLE. dark or yellow splotches I (sadly)—No; on the contrary, she ha, appear upon the skin; the stomach fails to properly digest the food, been with us two months, nnd to day , she was compelled to return home. She and there are frequent headaches; dizziness, bad taste in the mouth, nursed my wife through n bnd case of constipation and a general worn-out, tired feeling that only a sufferer | fever, took care of the baby. attended from Malaria can describe. Other and more dangerous symptoms to the household duties, mended my are apt to follow where this disease is neglected, such as nervous pros­ clothes, and loaned me five dollars on tration, palpitation, sleeplessness, enlarged liver, weak kidneys boils three different occasions. Oh, I tell J and risings and dangerous-looking sores and abscesses. Malaria ’is ail you. that woman Is an earthly angel the more dangerous because of its insidious and stealthy nature. It is if there ever was one.—Ex. an invisible atmospheric poison, and the germs and microbes that are Hair Vigor White Hair CASTOR IA The Kind You Have Always Bought E AN INVISIBLE ENEMY TO HEALTH HEW PENSION UWS “sV«ra! Enough to Hold Him for Awhile. "The average weight of men's j brain«." ventured Mr. Henpeck, "Is j Draw Cut. no push. Added Power, cuts where others won't. Prices right When you about five ounces greater than buy. Buy the Beet. Buy the Chanii Ion woman’s.” Mowers, Bakes, and Binders. “And the average brick.” replied his MITCHELL, LEWIS A STAVE» darling, “weighs a good deal more than a book of real poetry." COMPANY First and Taylor Sts. PORTLAND, ORE ful ». laatmo.xMl Hold by drugguu niUadfr Countless. Sara—Just think of the number of American girls who go tuft hunting abroad! They who return as countesses are so few! Jack—And those who don't are countless.—Princeton Tiger lodged in the blood are propagating and increasing in number all the while, clogging the circulation and gradually wrecking the health. What is needed in Malarial troubles is a blood purifier and tonic. S. S. S. purifies the germ-infected blood, tones up the stom­ ach, improves the appetite and invigorates the entire system. It stimulates the torpid, sluggish organs of the body, enabling them to properly perform their functions and carry off the poisonous secretions and health-destroying matter that have been polluting the blood and clogging the circulation. S. S. S. con­ tain» no strong minerals, but is strictly a vegetable remedy, a blood purifier without an equal, and the greatest of all tonics. If you have any symptoms of Malaria, write us, and medical advice will be fur- Dished without cost. 9WIFT 9PCCIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA» Love for Familiar Tlilu«e of Nature kliowe Cultura of the tleiiulne Mort. DOCTOR ADVOCATED OPERATION PE-RU-NA MADE KNIFE UNNECESSARY A woman whose busy life Is lived In a large city returned to her old homo Mrs. Eva Hartlm. 133 East I’Jtb fit. the other day for a visit. All the old- time neighbors catue to sea her, and New York City, N. Y„ writes: “I Buffered for tlitee years with the weeks were crowded with the pleasure» of revived uiemorlee Of one leucorrliea ami ulceration of the womb. of these memories she wrote afterward I be dvK'tor advocated an u|wratlon which I tihlo c h an go in my con­ Kill 1-11:11,,. Iff g .piilittv of th," solll. dition. In my doapuir I called on an not an amount, greater or lean, of «>ld nurno, who adviacul mo to try I'erti- knovvhxlge put Into the mind. It Is na, and promised g«>od rvenlte if I won, not by effort, but by the love would p«-rwi«»t ami lako it regularly. I kept thi» up for fix month«, and Ntca Loen curvd through the u«o of I’eruna. I suffered for five year« «(th »ever» backai he, ami when weary or worried in the h ant I had prolonged headache. I am now in |M*r(ecl health, enjoy Illa and have neither an echo or pain, thank« to I’eruna.”—Lucy M. Itllry. It ia no longer a »pleation «• to whether I’eruna can I a* relied on to cure all euch cam»«. I hiring the many yvara in which I’eruna haw I h ' tii pul tn teat in all forma ami atagra of acute •ml chronic catarrh no one year ha« put thia remedy to greater teat than the paat year. If all the women who are auffering witli any form of female weakneaa would write to |>r. Hartman, Colum- hue, Ohio, and give him a complete deecriptlon of their a^mptoma and the peculiarities of their trouble«, lie will i in med lute I y reply with complete di­ rection« for treatment, free of charge. Addreaa Or. Ilarlman, Pteaident of The Hartman Sanitarium, C'ulumbue, Ohio. from the common things of their own dooryarda. There are opportunities In Foorh**!» achool» three hour« a wack Wull I Irllllnu XlrtuHintffss that the city <| om not control, and to are given to me«llvwurk, iu New York Ma -e Blfoiig ati’t «turabla tor hard '"d one who loves them, prairie and ills • c I hm ’I b but oil«. drilling E»" tit« ami steam •»»■ I I and ealalug« ot tant hills, the meadow brook and the anything In thr n.ttchlnary line You Can (let Allen*« I'oot»t2aae F RITI. maple tieslde the door offer a culture Rl IERSON MACHINERY CO. Write Alien4» ohn»<«*«l. le K«»y.H. Y . ft»r a that no lunik can give, fra« *atit i Ir of Allan b I a»c It curra POM H AND OWIKtON sass asas»»asases sass««• I SC ARID MIM IMO PRtACHIMk Í In the early days of Metlmdl-m In the West a "circuit rider," If be had n large field to cover, was eotnetlm<*a 1-erinlttod to have a "colleague." win whs frequently a young minister. Just («‘ginning to preach. The R.-v. John 1 hompeon was a circuit rider In a somewhat thinly settled |x>rt on of cen trnl Illinois more than fifty years ago. 1 The colleague aaslgned to him was Brother Jame« Hmlth. an excellent young man. but with very little ex|>erl etice as a preacher. On* «ttndajr Mr. Thompson hn«1 rti * nppolutment at a small meeting house In the country, but having a severe cold he a«ked his young a-e.slant to go along w ith lilni and preach the ser- non. and the latter, as In duty bound, obeyed orders. Brother Smith had never undertaken I > preach In the pres» rice of bls more experienced colabor«r, and wrhen. aft«r the 0|>enlng serví ea. he rose and gave out Ills text, he was visibly eiul>ar- raaaed. He stammered through a few arn- ten w as one tn which heroic measures were necessary. "Young man,” he whispered sternly In his ear, “you get up again and preach that sermon, or I’ll take you out In the grove, after this meeting 1« over, and give you a hard spanking, as sure as your name Is Smith!” An electric shock could not havej operated quicker. Brother Hmlth ros> to his feet again, his hesitation all gone, and In ringing tones he preaebe 1 a sermon that la still remembered by aged survivors of that old-time con­ gregation as the most fervid and elo­ quent discourse they ever heard so young a man deliver. •wraiin< f * ’• ffWfl llen aching tert It mabee . - i c«»rtiB. inw ing nail« an<1 bunion« All nt a*x-«pt any «uletltute. li U V Lea than 7 per tent of the |Hiwrr uaed in manufa* luring plant« In (lia I uilvd States l* electric. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. I-ROM Genuine Carter’s YOt'R I)i:Al.l!R ì)r. C. Gee Wo «UN DF.R FUL HOME Little Liver Pills. TREATMENT Thia w«m4arfwl <*ht Deer .1 « tut i« camM gfffai »••« bum ha turai * (• i • * o. h egee« lou that ar«g<*ff>* up lo dK II« rur*« « in lh<«e wt>n4*rful < h !>••• h«r?Mk Hail«, fviuta, hart« an-| vffgriaMM that ar« en|ir»lF un «Down In niff-1 «I «. »nr« In ilea m -air? ih-a»r harm »«a ewtiv U ih • f«. • >• •L»-llff o< iffBlttiion a « < h«fgr« n> wirrst». < ail and B»r .’- I’SllPf»’» -.1 th» rliy «tils f-.g blanks af«4 rio ulae« **>.1 - snip luNfil'l/ T à II o N Mil-1 A I >1'1. »• it Must Bosr Signatur« of .«w Fsc-Nalls Wr.rpar Itelow. Tb« C. Get Wo Chinese MeJklne Co. INJ p . AlJ»r Ml.. Carnami. Qragea m. u. *•. 2« ieo«. ] CURE SICK HEADACHE. HE FOUND THE TROUBLE. Ilonrke Ceckran’s Story of the Boy Whi«e Father Kept Ills Word, In an address that be recently de­ livered on the labor question, W. Rourke Cochran told n atory of Ills boyhood, says the New York Tribune. "I was born In Ireland.'' be »aid. "and In Ireland I obtained a ;>nrt of my education. 1 remptuber we I the M-bool I attffndrd and I rein.-mlx-r well n school fellow of nilna named Michael, n lad who was always talking about trouble and always looking for It. W.- are on the qu.-atlon of troub'e now and therefore In .Michael's experience It may bo that there Is something to profit us. “Michael boasted constantly that the master was afraid to flog him. Why? (th, larcanse bls father had aald that If a hand was ever laid upon the boy there would be trouble. But one day Michael misbehaved and the flogging due was not long In coming. "The boy wont home Indescribably enraged. He sought out his father. " ’Father,’ he said, 'didn't you any tlint If the srhoolniaater ever licked me there would be trouble?' " 'I did,’ the father answered. " ‘Well, I was llcke.l to-day, and only for throwing paper pellets about the room.' "The father frown.-d. <• q never fall, my boy. to keep a promise,’ he said. ’There Is going to be trouble. Fetch the strap.’ ” 11« r " llr< mine.” Mrs. Rubbertoll Why did you with­ draw your application for divorce? Mrs. Gayboy—Becauae I found tlint I wouldn't be nl.le to get enough ali­ mony to support another husband. M rite for Catalogue and I'rlcea THE A. H. AVERILL MACHINERY CO. PORTl-AND, OREGON. I ! »*< »tibio ¡»a» Hat» trnubla 1« a common thing, an«1 th»r. nr«* «Brloim k I ml« <>t It. Many p at«’" iirvn weru right Oihrra a*-a pmp«-rly n a !■• bi,t he month 1« not imt iu pro|wr Comlitlun or wearing the plate. f your plate* ar«* In any way iin-atl«facfor re will b«t glnn»tru< lion. Satisfactory in operation. H.-lf Foedcrs, Nlm-kcrs, Bnggurs and all Visitor—Tommy, wouldn't you like alt ichmunts. Drop us a postal and our traveling num will call. to have some distant relailv<-s? ADVANCE THRBHHHR CO. Tommy—Yep, If they lived In St Ilrnnrh lloii.n«, I’lough's Wsrehoure, neuf U. K A N. i rci«hl Depot. Hpokanc MO Ilol- Louis. inonlMlrest, I’ortlaud, Ors. r