-■»»». w* ww *ww *» •» » • j A TWELVE Milt ÜITCH being out about a halt an hour returned a verdict in favor of defendant. The suit was brought by J. I*. Hazon j to seeur. p.ivment on ».une calile which he had sold to Mr. Hurns. I lio bill for the cattle *a» »l.'l. S.iue »10 ol thia had lawn |>aid but the balama. Mr. | ! Burns refusisi to |«y. In his answer ¡1 I want your trade. Don’t send out of town j , the defoiidani a linitted the debt claim- I 1 R. A. Emmett, who is in town as one - ed but «<>1 up a counter claim of Fkm tor Artide» of Incoi ¡ mi alimi of ilio Kl i for your goods. I have an immense line of of the jurors during this term of court, commission due him on the sale of Mr. inaili Hotel Company wrre tilvd tasi informs us that be intends constructing Hasan’s ranch ami also ,2<> lor a thre* wevk witli thè Seeivlarv ut State l.y warranted goods to select from. Goods and an irrigation ditch for the purpose of I year old heifer w hich he had Is.ught of tlexAnder Martin, Fiali li. Reami». prices guaranteed. It will cost you nothing watering his land near Keno. Mr. Em- llaien but which he elainusl had re­ Alex. Martin Jr. and F. \V. Jenniiig» i<» ow ns 1000 acres ot land, the present turned to the Hnieii piare. The claim llirorporators. The coiii | m « iiv i» ineir- to call at my store. I will show you where / , , melt \alue of which in its dry condition la 1 of Mr. Haren Is ing a limited by the de­ porsled tor «tilt). It is thè iiilentioii of For Rent you can save Money. a i probably less than «10 an sere, but with fendant the only ]».lnt of eontentlon thè company tu rebuild ululi I» now water it will exceed in value anything was on the counter claim. The evidence known a» thè Linkvllle Hotel and nix. Safety Deposit Bones in the Klamath lairin. It is composed showed that the plaintiff had listed Ina lo build an addinoti to eoutalti .'ut alevp “----------------- ■ " 11 ■ i .i i .j of deep rich soil specially adapted to the ranch consisting ut liti aere» with M I.. ing tuoni* and largo »ampia room». growing of alfalfa and grain. The pioseiil eap.acity ol thè Hotel i» i Burns to ta> sold for »isHM, for the sale Country Produco taken in exchange (or Good« The prvliuiiiiery survey has already of which Burns was to ns-eive 5 per bv far iiui . Fmk to see the property and that ar­ eviiitueii.a. just a» sooit a- lite iiiill ean inches of water. The cost is estimated rangements for the sale were all made gel thè III uis-r olii. at al>otit »WOO. The water will be taken excepting the signing ot the ¡ispera ; Il i» thè intention of thè Compatii to I 4 iroin rqieucvr Creek. Mr. Enimitt said that the plaintiff then refused to close » malto Ibis otre of thè l»-st hotel» ili We keep the finest that he would have preferred taking the ttie deal and transferred the pr >perty to Southern Oregon and all Ilio luolcrn Rigs furnished water from the I pper Lake as that one A. D. Har|>old and on Hie same day ei.iiv< ui.-net-a «III bc uddvd io luake it a lot of horses In the with or without w ater, containing nutritions sediment, the property was sold by Mr, Hai|»>ld eredit lo our tow.1. was more desirable for irrigation pur­ to Mr. Fink on the same terms agreed country. drivers Nolle« for Piiblkrtthm. poses than the pure water from the upon bet wren Burns ani llasen. Mr. IN FVCT mountains, but that it would coat him llaipold claimed that lie bel I an option more to ds so and besides he found Ilia! <>u toe place and that Mr. Haxen had he could net cover all his land with a no right to sell txit the jury found that ditch from that source. the defendant. Burns, hud carried out JStiiptc» <«<»<>< Is Ina part ot the contract and was entitled \\ ILL COACH BUaCNB. to Ins eomuiissiou. Thf claim of «2>i bv I. F. DAVIES. DAIRY State 1'nlverslty I earn Will get Good the defendant tor the lielfer was not al- O PEGON THOS. W. NEWTON. Prop’r Material on Account of Pro­ lowed as there wa« not sutticient evi ­ ni ii. cnee of Coach. dence in rodiiced to show that the ani­ Manager Gnthsiv of the BXM ’varsity mal had returned or la-en received by eleven has received » signed contract Mr. flaxen. Iroin Dick Smith. 'Hi, to c.MK'h the foot- LOI RT»t AT BONANZA. ball team. Smith will be the tirst All- Prtssil>le, it will have the effect of in­ Ilttrir** Ixi.irilcd |>v <|.iv, week or uiouthz will I m ? fastened at three creasing our population to a Considera­ 11n\ nn»»»i‘ distance »ill be hung in mer. K Ji lid Northern i liforniu at th«* tory lowont rate«. «i i.» cash«... The object of the concern as set forth distance « ill lx* hung in by the projectors, is to construct canals telephone Connection Between Stable and Hotel ca«h.... 1.75 and o|»en w aterwaya for transportation Linkville. Phone Main 14 in Kljmath county; to appropriate wa At the top • ill lie hung in cash.... 2 'st ■O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-OOO ter rights, buy and sell land, manufac­ •> Ice cream, lemonade, orang«*« and ture lumlier and generate electric power Ranches find Town candy will la? on the grounds at reason* for the use of the com|>any, and to sup­ able prices. I'rocved« fur benefit of ply outside demands. .« i » o i » is i« *r y The work of the surveyors is about chnrrh. complete and the main work now being Trimuplts of Modern Surgery 1 have thousands of acres of choice alfalfa laud -Jone is on the four si,alts which are be­ ing dug along the line of the tunnel Wonderful thing, are done for the and stock ranches near the Town of Merrill. near tfie upper lake. The first shaft is human laxly by »tirgcry. Organ, are Write me for information 104 feet deep, the second 73 feet and the taken out and scra|»»l and polished and others will not lie »0 deep. The work put back, or they may lie removed en­ i JOHN T. KING, on the excavation for tfie ditch lias not tirely; lionea are spliced ; pipes lake the MERRILL - - OREGON commenced yet on account of tfie place of deseared sections of veins; an­ ¿win '»ay oi AUguwi A • inability of the company to procure hay tiseptic drossings are applied to wounds TIMBER I.ANI' ACT Jf\F ! K* NOTI« K F<'R Pt BEI» A NON for the horses. As soon as this is pos­ bruises, burns and like injuries before (’nlted «»airs Land Off¡< e, sible, prol-ably in July, a force of sev­ inflammation sets in, which causes Î akevli-H . Orrio.-. fun* T |»MM Not**e is hereby given that • n » »»m I anew now, no doubt many people could be eral hundred men will be put to work them to heal without ms(rr»ation si~l in I with Ii.. t rovisiom of th«* a« t C»»ngr. ,,i kept away fn-tn the saloons, but this at once. one-third the time required by the old Jun«* 3. |s7s. entitled "An a»’t for th*» «ale o| tif’ita-r lands In Hie htafes of California. Ore would not be business, there would I m ? Residents of this county as well as treatment. Chamlierlain'» I'ain llalrn gon, Nevada and Wawhin«t»»n T»-rrltorv,” s« to all the Public l.arol Nlate« ny art Republican in Politic«, and devoted to the no money in it. The saloons are run I outside people are just la-ginning to acts on this same principle. It is an extended of August 4 iM’rj. Aiigiist Huciinf of Klams»»« Timber, Agricultural, Stock and Wool interests like other businesses, for the profit there realize the bright future of our long antiseptic and when applied to such in­ » ali», i ou'ity ni K lamath. Mfal« of Oregon ». o tills dav filed »n this office bis »worn stnfcment •f the great Klamath Ceuatjr. is in it. and if you do not allow them to . isolated (■«• hi try. juries, causes them to heal very qui-htv. N«* 2M? for the pure ha e of the m ». of NW',, , o» n W 4. Ne« J7. and Nl?- of N e %, M« t I s , do it openly and legally, they will do it I It also allays the path and soreness. NE' rp .<7 r B 11 E. W M sod . .1 * r i r.M » »., GODDESS OF LIBERTY in secret and illegally, for the |>eople | • how that the land souglit 1« more valiiabl»* Phone, Mam 18j Keep a bottln of Pain Balm in your Publishedevery Thursday by tor its ti ber or stone tusn for Agricultural need or think they need some stimulerit i The eontest for Goddess of Liberty to 1 home and it will save you time ami Imrpos* «. sod to establish nU claim to «ai»i »x lore Gro T Bsldwin, t*o Judge <>f Klam WESLEY O. SMITH, now and then sod the harder they have serve during the 4th of July celebration money, not to mention the inconven­ n si.d ’li <’o Or, al Klamath Falls Or, on Friday to work and the poorer they are led— has commenced. 134 votes were cast up ience and suffering which such injuries the IVO» da. of Augnai 1WH lie names as wit E ditor asp PRorairroK. ni--.se«: Ja«p«*r lu-nn-t» Fred l»rrsons claiming adversely th«» •tascmrriox axru: WANTS. above at is bound to be here if bidder for c ml). Sale to corno off on 1 <*ffon, for K iBfnnt h < oi /. i h«- under «ned n 14« i arid again taking everything away from one of the towns like Merrill, Bonanza, ANOTHER VIEW I voleri of Wood River prochict. In sahl Coin»:v Saturday, June 25, 1904. and Kia’-* rerjMetfulIv re |in*Ht Hint h hoerr«? them withont giving anything in return Keno or the Fort would unite on one f«» sell Hpirlfnon- mal» mid ! vlnou*« liquors In Titos. K inney . E d . Rsri hi . icam —You have had both not to speak of all the vast capital in­ I candidate from their town they would I less <|ii h n11 1 ies than one iptll ifi. In the |>r«*- —o~ I rlnrt KÌoreiaitj, for r/ <»f thr ••• monrhn •ides of the local option or saloon ques­ vested in the industry and which would ' stand a good chance to elect her. The , on hand we have ever had made up. ' from ’>••• 7tt» hi) o .foi’., i “•! gran * *i •<» w. tion explained in your pa|-er, now I lie destro; ed, to the average capitalist , i votes are ten cents each and are for sale , For Kale—A new Rotary Force Pump. M. Knight of I ort Klamath, ¡n •» I pterin» ». and your petitioners an In duty bouud, w II wish you would give me a little space to minded person, a worse calamity than ; in Klamath Falls at Chitwood’s and the Inquire at this office. Our Stock is complete in every detail. Our aim is to trea^ I ever pray Hald petition will nr we tn cd to said Court explain the Socialist side of it, for the throwing out of employment a half City Drug (store. The vote now stands 1 on the Mth »lav of July. liAM. trade right and give the best values for the money though the election is over and decided a million men. Wanted— To sell 2000 tons of hnv in Willis Kirkpatrick, Itobcrt F*rt»ii*on, W’ni as follows: Barkley, J H Odf»«», Harry Etude, Walter «Imp- in favor of Local Option this time, the to be had. Repairing and Carriage Trim­ What then is tfie solution the Social­ Lola Nelson........................................... W) field; also crew to cut and stack on con­ son, Emery Hir- 1,iv« rio i c A L*nz, ,i II llsr* jainf Bellew, j l> V» ttt. 1 Blair, Wm llirfca question will cume up and keep coming ists have for it? We would by giving i-tella Campbell.................................... 10 tract. Address, Ralston inpk*r, Andri w luimo it. The Prohibitionists lay nearly all evils and liy making it compulsory for every Mae Worden......................................... 8 Hoc Morgan. John Dumont, . d - Vos«f, I. M If* x W A H »»I* E H huFatdi. <;< u * and misery of mankind at the door of tnan to do some useful work, thereby Aggie I^e............ .............. . ................ ?i FOR SALE Shx-k and fruit ranch < Ilurlrhl. Hill, Jos Wrn M"Kny. W O lini, ». Ball, the saloons. They believe them to be making it easier for all, and bv »'tuply- Lena Hargus......................................... 5 comprising 3B0 acres, with plenty of Ed Franks, <«• rgr Peters, Mark jorn-i. John Main Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon? Kennedy, Cium r- -d- '’hit - I’sglr m | j t.ardnrr, the cause, while we Socialists say, they ing all with plenty of healthful food-- Jessie Arnett ...................................... 4 outside range Has a tine orchard Win get-dever, Edward Patrncn, I r«* I l.ar-*-n, no adulteration under Socialism because are the effect and the cause lies deeper. no man could moke any profit out of it Maud Baldwin................... ................. 2 and garden and gixxl spring water, F K Applegate. J‘»hn Collier, Illi Whit«*, Harry ALKS^or P. arson, A H Hloggy, George Hojt, Ed Miller, Now which class frequents the saloons —put the people in the liest possible Kai lie Bryant......................................... >| Al Mvlhasr ? H Engle, <> M Hidh?, Paul Parazoo which can be used for irrigating. All John Pitlllng,-ohn M ( orla II, I i Nirholas, J most? It’s the laborers, because oppor­ condition physically ami mentally, Edna McMillan..................................... 1 my cattle, horses and farm itnple- Areo- him, as hie wife and children would not H. 0. Cunningham, John Driscoll, Wal­ ford, Oregon, have to depend on him for support. new building nt oast ond> Caleb T Oliver, Pron'r *le with other and more harmless places ter Broadsword, F. J. Bowne, J. W. Me-' Reference Tliia paper or any busi­ Bonanza. June 14, 1904. •4 sutertainmeut7 If this were iloua M icbau R lwz . Owners of the Dully Co. Merrill ... Oregon I I of bridge. Coy and J. B. C. Taylor. The jury after ness house In Klamath Falla. 5-19 KLAMATH HOIEL CÛmPANÏ i FURNITURE !' - —— ALEX MARI IN President [ R. IIEAMS, ALEX MARTIN JR Vice President. Cashier ---------- ----------------- 5 Collections Attended to Proiiiof'y. BISHOP CorresDondenct Invited 4 TH 12 I2XCE1.SIOR MAMMOTH STABLES Groceries, Dry (roods, Clothing. Furnishing Goodd Boots and Shoes. • * • ¿I complete find up to date Hue of HORSES BOUGHT AND SOLD 4th of July CELEBRATiON Klamath Falls Arrangements are being made by the Ktatli County «/ Amcultural Iwiation o BALDWIN, THE HARDWARE MAh/ for a glorious celebration E xchaxi ;i<: ON THE FOURTH Races, parade, ball games, fireworks, excursions on the lake STABLES Livery. Watch for the Program s > Jas. Sigler, Prop’r Birst Class Dorses l'ine Carriages KLAMATH REPUBLICAN Feed Stablest Teams with cr without Drivers RICMICMBER We are still Doing Business Finest Line of Harness and Saddles BRADLEY & GUNTHER MRS. HONG SING RESTAURANT DRY GOODS AND LADIES FURNISHINGS AND 200 Boys Suits JUST HtEIVEU AT Klamath Kommercial Kompany’s, I Japanese Curio Störe Livery, Feed and Sale