Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, May 12, 1904, Image 4

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Spring Medicine
I There is no other sasson when good
sadicine to eo much needed aa in the
I The bk»d to impure, weak and
Impoverished—a condition indicated
by pimplee and other eruptions on the
face and body, by deficient vitality,
toes ot appetite, lack of strength, and
want of animation.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
and Pills
Make the blood pure, vigorous and
rich, create appetite, give vitality,
strength and animation, and cure
all eruptions. Have the whole family
begin to take them today.
Are Good Harbors la
ths Islands.
Many ol
The appearance of the United States
upon the islands of the Pacific has
had. as Is well known, a marked ef-
fecst upon ths plans of rulers and the
counsels of statesmen throughout tbs
world, according to tbs Booklover'»
And now. as ths result of
an expedition under the direction of
the United States government, a geo­
graphical discovery has Just been
made in the Pacific, th» vau» of
which l»oth commercially and strate­
gically, tn the ultimate contest of the
nations for dominion lu those waters,
cannot be overestimated. In tho opin
Ion of naval experts nothing In ths
explorations of the past 100 year»
equals It In Importance.
The discovery Is that In the long
cbalu of Aleutian Islands, stretching
westward from the Alaskan mainland
almost across the Pacific, there Is a
aucceaaton of harbors; that they are
safe and open throughout tl » year;
that they are unobstructed by rocks.
ar.d that the channel to some of then
is so deep and commodious that half
a doaen fleets could enter them slmul
In the event of war, should a squad
ron flying the flag of the United State»
start for Chinese waters. It could stop
every night tn a safe anchorage until
It reached Attu Island, nearly 4.0th)
tulles west of Puget Sound. Steamlug
from that distant Island outpost of ths
United States, our men-of war could,
within a short run. reach ths center
of the contested sea» of Asia. Ths
ownership of an archipelago reaching
far outward toward Asia, and Indents«!
with many convenient harbors. Is a
national asset of Incalculable futurs
Chronic Sores
Eating Ulcers JÄÄ
Nothing is • source of so much trouble a« an old sore or ulcer, par­
ticularly when located upon the lower extremities where the circulation
is weak and sluggish. A gangrenous eating ulcer upon the leg is a
frightful sight, and as the poison burrows deeper and deeper into the
tissues beneath and the sore continues to spread, one can almost see the
flesh melting away and feel the strength going out with the sick­
ening discharges. Great running Bores and deep olTcnsive ulcers often
develop from a simple boil, swollen gland, bruise or pimple, and are
a threatening danger always, becuuse while all such sores are not can­
cerous, a great many are, and this should make you suspicious of all
chronic, slow-healing ulcers and sores, particularly if cancer run» in
your family. Face sores are common and cause the greatest annoy­
ance because they are so
Wbwllag, W. Vs., May US. 1003.
persistent and unsightly Some years ago while at work, I fell over e truck
and detract so much from end ••»erely injured both of iny shine. My blood
became poieoued ee a result, aud tha «looter told
one's personal appearance. tnc I would have ruuntu* sore, for life, aud that
they closed up the result would bo fatal. Un­
Middle aged and old peo­
der this dtacouraglng report I left off their treat­
ple and those whose blood ment and resorted to the u»o of S. 8. 8. Iteeffeole
is contaminated and taint­ were prompt and gratifying. It took only a short
while for the medicine to cure up the sores, aud 1
ed with the germs and poi­ am notdaadastha doctor intimated I would be.
neither have the sores over broken out again.and
son of malaria or son«
some 13 years have elapsed sinoe what 1 have do-
vious sickness, are the
Mribmi occurred.
sufferers from chronic sores
Cere Bchmulbaoh Browing Co.
and ulcers. While the
blixvd remains in an unhealthy polluted condition, and the sore will
continue to grow and spread in spite of washes and salves, for the sore
is the outward sign of some constitutional disorder, a bad condition of
the blood and system, which local remedies cannot cure. A blood pu­
rifier and tonic is what you need—something to cleanse the blood,
quicken the circulation and invigorate the constitution, and S. S. S.
is just such a remedy
’* counteracts and
J - removes
----- e from the
•> - ‘ blood
-1 J
all the impurities nnd poisons, and grad­
ually builds up the entire system ; and
when the blood has been purified the
healingprocess begins and the ulcer or
sore is soon entirely gone. S. S. S.
contains no mineral or poisonous drugs
of any description, but is guaranteed
purely vegetable, a blood purifier and tonic combined and a safe and
Modern Abuses Follow the Organisa­ permanent cure for chronic sores and ulcers.
If you have a slow-heal­
tion Along Western Plana.
ing sore of any kind, external or internal, write us about it, and our
For a long time the Japanese were fihvsicians will advise you without charge. Book on “The Blood and
wary of English and American ays-
ts Diseases ” free.
A man may I* perfectly squar» and
move lu tbv best circle» Vblladelpbla
He If I trleil to kiss you would
¡you call for help? Slur Would you
i need It?—Stuart ¿st
Mrs. Buy» llavs you any low wen
| Ing gowns? Saleslady l»’W cut
low price, madam? Boston Post.
The Debutant» I think abe'a Just aa
pretty aa »be can be. I'be Wallflower
Most girls are IM'trolt Fre» Viva».
- Hood'» Sarsaparilla baa been used In
Between the acta: Govvrneas Well,
our family for some lime, and always with
Marjorie, hare you done crying? Mar­
good results. Last spring I was all run
jorie No, I haven't I'm ouly rvatlng!
down and got a bottle of IL »nd as usual
received great benefit."
Miss B scia A
Bovcz, Stowe, VL
"Didn’t you reel like killing ths
Hood's Sarsaparilla promise« to
waiter when b» »toot! you up for a
sure and keeps the promise.
1 tip?" "Yea. I felt like giving him
j no quarter •Cornell Widow.
Newest Fashionable Pet.
"So Jagsby has absconded. Another
Strange are the pets that I-ondon
good man gone wrong “ "Nonsense.
551 \tanua X
"fashion" compels its followers to
It's merely a bad man who has ts'vu
keep, and various as they are strange
found out."—Philadelphia Ledger.
A new Cuban poodle was the rags
Mrs. Wackuni — How did that
a few months back. A special canary
naughty boy of your» hurt himself? i
follows. Now it Is a fish again, and
Mrs. Snapper That good little boy of,
the strangest of flsh at that The gold
yours bit blin on tbs bead with a
fish will have to look to its laurels,
brick.—TH Bits.
otherwise It will most certainly be
"So you tbluk your country will l>» Mosi ot the Alimenta Poetili»»
superseded in popularity by the devil
loatV' "1 haven't quite made up tuy
I emale Se» are Due lo Catarri»
Osh, a most qualnt-looking reptile, for
mind." answered tli» King of Corea.
the Pelvk Organa,
which, a leading dealer states, there
I "whether It Is going to lie lost, stray-
have been Innumerable demands of
; ed. or stolen.''—Washington Star.
Rat'bacl J Kimball, M D , 534
Ma -Ob. bow cruel! In ludla they gitila Nt , Buffalo, N. Y , is • grmluats
The real home of this fish is Mexico,
whip children wltb young palui trees. ot the Univeisity <>l Buffalo, clasa 1**4,
and owing to Its being somewhat rare
Willie— Huh! IKm't you spank me aixl has been in ili® practice ot medi­
the cost of a devilfish Is considerably
wltb your palm? Aud It ain't such a cine in that city »line then.
higher than that of the goldfish, which
write» as follows
young palm, either Boston Post.
can be bought for a few pence, while
••My convktioM. supported by
the price of lta rival varies from five
"Marriage, ' remarked the morallser.
pericn,e. is that I’eruna la a vai«.
to ten shillings. A curious character­
“Is a lottery." "Yea.” rejoined the de­
rreparation tor allcatarrhalaffccllona.
istic of the devilfish Is that it almost terns of Industry. The people did not
moral Her. "but It's one of the games
have taken one bottle of I’eruna my-
invariably remaius at the bottom of like the Idea of bell hours, but prefer
of chance that clergymen do not try to »•if and Just feel fine. I shall continue
Its bowl or tank, and It Is most unusual red working such hours as suited
discourage." Clminnatt Euqulrsc.
to take It." — Rachael J. kemball.
Difficult Horseback Feat.
Another Fulling Ont.
to see it swimming about. I nlike its their own sweet wills.
Passenger—Why don't you pro­ M. D.
There are no better horsemen in tin
Sharpe—When franker tries to run
golden-sealed relation, it does not de­
But slowly the ''model factory" was world than the cavalry officers of the up mountains with his automobile he nounce the uaines of the stations so
Veruna has cured thousands ot raaes
mand a frequent change of water in engrafted upon the people, and with It
Italian army, yet even among them always tells bis friend some funny that we «an understand them? Brake­ ol Iemale weakneaa. Asa rule, how­
its home, but will live quite well In have grown up the evils of long hours
there are very few who could perforin Jokes.
man—What do you sxpect for thirty ever, ladore Veruna la re«orte<l to avv­
the same water for weeks together, and child ala very. Several "Jape" are
Whealton—Yes; he told me some of dollars a month a college professor? erai other remeilira have lawn trie-1 In
the feat recently achieved by one of
while Its taste In the matter of food
now In thia country studying our In them.
those Jokes.
II»—Yes. I remembered you at ones vain. A great many ot the pallente
is not hard to please, for a devilfish
dustrlal systems and the organisation
Sharpe—l»id you catch on to them? as the girl I was engaged to In tbs have taken local treatment, aiil>mitte«l
To run ■in ordinary foot race l< easy
liken nothing better than a very small
of our labor unions by which the enough, but to run at full sp—*d for
Whealton—Oh, I tumbled ail righL
mountains some seasons ago. "What tnemaelves to surgical <'|w«ration», ami
worm. As a general rule London deal­
workingmen have been able to reduce several hundred yards holding In one
a remarkable memory for faces you taken all aorta ol doctor a stuff, without
ers sell these fish by pairs.—London
the hours of labor and compel the band a spoon on which rests an egg
have, haven't you." "No for ring«." any result.
»Kêeky liouor - morthine - toracco
Daily Halt
legislature to protect the children.
and to reach the goal without dropping
The reason ot so many fai hi rea is thr
“I wonder If lie's really of any use
Tlie ' model factories" which are be the egg la a feat which must l>e prac­
Deatncaa Cannot Be Cured
tows «■< ram oacnjrt ■ »osrnno.osc
In the world." remark«»! the girl In fact that diseases peculiar to the female
by local applications aa they cannot reach the Ing erected in Japan employ tots of ticed carefully a long time before It
art are not common­
blue. "Ob, yes.” replied the practical
I «irai«
diseased portion ot ths ear. 1 here la only one 7 years old. and work twelve, thirteen can be performed successfully, and a»
ly recognikcl aa liv­
A Ti-rritil«« Discovery.
way to eure demnesa, end that la by constitu­
girl In gray; “be can be used |<> make
S«t M«An<nt«eU
Young boys and a result there are not many who can
tional remedies Usalueaa la cauaed by an ln- and fourteen hours.
ing caused by ra-
flamrd condition ol the mucous Uninr ol the girls
are crowded Into Insanitary be sure of accomplishing it whenever with me tonight? You promised to.
tarrh These organa
Kualachlan Tube. When this tube la Inflamed
Great, therefore, was the
you have a rumbling sound or impsrfect hear­ boarding houses under the worst con­ they try.
She—I know, but it is impossible.
are line«! by niucoua mrmbianrs. Any
ing. and when It la entlraly close«!, Iwetness is ditions.
With their wages of 8 and 10 surprise when an Italian officer mount­
“Ila! I see it all! You love another!"
the result, and unless the inflammation can be
tsked Mrs. Oldcastle. "No, that's one mucous mem brane is subject to catarrh
“Oh. no—no, indeed."
taken out and this tube re-to red to its normal cents a day the manufacturer is en- ed on horseback performed this tiiffi-
Catarrh of one organ la vxaclly the
condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; abld to make money. Not only Is the cult feat.
Joalab always blames me for.
"Then you have determint'd to tram­
Moreover, be sele t d a
nine cases out of ten ars caused by < stsrrh,
Mme as catarrh ol any other organ
or ple on your own heart and marry some He says 1 never make real dos» What will cure catarrh of the bea«l
which is nothing but an Inflamed condition of model workingman's borne missing, course In which there were two
themucous surfaces
three high fences, and these be cleared man for his money. Aha! You shrink! friemla wltb anytssly."- I’blladelphla will also cure catarrh of the pelvic or­
W'e will give One Hundred Dollars for any but In the corporation boarding-house»
You expect him to call thia evening! Ledger.
cass of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can­ the operatives are said to be sadly un­ at full gallop without losing the egg
gans. I'eruna cures these esses simply
Perfidious------ ”
not be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure, bend for
Kat»—Charley aud Bessie are very
circulars, free.
"Please, please don't It la not so.”
liecauae it cures the cata/th.
F J. CHENEY A CO, Toledo, 0.
But the "Japs" are not the people to
"Then why don’t you go?"
M"Sl of the women affix te«l with
A Sure Protection.
Bold by Druggists. Tie.
put up with these abuses forever. In­
"I—I can't get my new coat on over
Hall*» Family 1111s are the best.
pelvle diseases have no i«lea that their
Barton, N. Dak., May 9.—Many cases
ley. It Is a case of two souls with but trouble la due to catarrh. The major.
stitutes of social science are being or­ are being published of how diseases the sleeves of my uew dress."
A Good Story.
« single thought, you know. — Boston
ganized and the labor union will soou have been cured and lives saved by
When Representative Morris Shep-
1 ranscrlpt.
be an established fact. Cheap labor, Dodd's Kidney Pills, but there is a
pa rd, of Texas, was nominated for
What Dlil Mie WantT
Mamma—Why did you take little
Congress as the successor of bls fa- long hours and child slavery will be family in this place who use this reme­
Mrs. Nswliaed—1 want lo gel some
brother's candy and eat It up? Why
ther. be was but 27 years old. and his apt to be short-lived among the dy as a protection against the coming
dldu't you ask hltn If you could have salad.
opponents lost no opportunity to make ■‘Yankees of the East."—Boston Globe. on of diseases and with excellent re­
No Caso Exist» it Will Not Coro
Dealer—Yea. ma'am.
How many
tt? Little Alice—Why. I did, mamma,
capital of bis youth. In Joint debate,
Mr. W. A. Moffet says: “We have
one day, one of Sheppard's opponents
HOWARD E. BUPTON. Araavcr and Chcmbt
Mrs. Newllwed -Oh. goodness!
«-pwini-n pricvc, <»ol<t allvsr, l^sd ll; «,oM, MU. Com mercla I -Tri bu ne.
proceeded something like this:
Countries that Are Sending Their Sur­ no very serious illness or complaint for
thought you took the bestia off. I Just
«•«■ ?<;■ oíd loe : Zincor' <>ppsr. »1. « ysnl«l»lssts
we always use Dodd's Kblney Pills the Man D, envetóos» nn» Otll or'<v lint Uníon •ppllrn-
plus Population Here.
Ile—I auppoee you bo.d that a man want plain <-hi<-km salad -Ktrhangr
"Why." he said, "it la ridiculous to
During recent years the character of very moment we feel the least symptom tlon. Controlan» Cniplr-Work •ollc-tte.l l.ead- abould never deceive bls wife? Hhe -
think of sending a mere boy to Con-
»111». Culo, KafvrvncaCarbvnnl» N»1'1 llnuk.
gresa. It is a time and place where the immigrants to this country from of sickness and they B'»on put us right. I
Ob, no. 1 wouldn't go as far as that
we need mature men with mature Europe has been steadily becoming les If we have a touch of lame back or
How would It be possible for the aver­
minds, It reminds me of the old dar- desirable. Prior to the year 1880 th« think the kidneys are not right, we
age man to get a wife If be didn't de­ UM, M
key who thought the end of the world nations of western Europe. Great Brit take a few Dodd's Kidney Pills and the i
ceive her? Boston Transcript.
Freni ti Auto Train,
was at hand and who got down on bls aln, Germany and the Scandinavian svmptom» are soon ail gone.
Detained: Mr» Smith—We missed
The characteristic feature of the
“My brother had diabetes and the !
knees to pray.
countries furnished over 80 per cent
so much at our party! -Mrs Joins automobile train Invented In Fra n<e
“ ‘0 Lord.’ he pleaded, ‘come down of all our Immigrants, the highest clasa doctor told him he could not live until
HEALTH RESTORER —And I was so vexed when I couldn t la the principle that each car propel.
and save this sinful world. And come that we could hope for. Hungary. Italy. spring. I got some Dodd’s Kidney
come! You see. our cook bad company Itself, the propelling forew only I» fur
yourself. Lord; don't send your •on. Poland and the other countries of east Pills for him and although that was
unexpectedly, and she needed us to till nlnhed by the locomotive. The latter,
This ain't no time for boys.' "
em Europe furnished less than 1 pet several years ago, be baa lived through
[ out th» card tables.—Detroit Journal.
therefore, a» It ha» no pulling to per
cent From 1881 to 1880 the ratio
The Tallest CatbedraL
' Hoping Against Hope Gaytmy (time form, but only to supply power, can be
changed slightly, but still western Eu still living. Dodd’s Kidney Pills are
The most remarkable and striking
1 a. m )—I say. old chap. Isn't this a lit­ built proportionately very light.
ropeans were greatly In the majority. a wonderful medicine.”
fiature of the new Liverpool Cathedral
tle late for you to be out? Aren't you
From Germany alone we drew 1,500,
«5.00 PER DAY afraid your wife will mlsa you? Enpeck Mothers will And Mrs Winslows • Soothing
No Hoorn.
will be the height of the vaulting of
000 citizens Inside of ten years.
Oettiag Water,
Syrup th. beat remedy to use lor their cMldrsu
Ohlwed—Do you and your wife quar­
the nave and choir—measured In the
—1 hope sb» will, but »be can throw during the leathlug period..
Lately conditions have changed rel?
Oil or CMl with
barrel vaulting, one hundred and six­
pretty straight for a woman.—Chicago
Eastern Europeans and Asiatics tend
Newwed—No, we live in a flat »nd
teen feet, and In the high transepts,
Made In all size« and
The Money Went.
us 75 per cent of our immigrants (so- there is no room for argument.—Mani­
Write for (’ata
one hundred and forty feet—which
Uncle Waybark—I Jus' tell you, th'
Mrs. Colls—And when you told hltn
called Europeans), while western Eu toba Free Press.
logues and litt of useriiu
cannot fail to produce a very magnifi­
I was married did be aeeiu to tie »or- city Is an awful place. Skin yefa alive
cent effect No cathedral In the coun­ rope sends us 24 per cent In 1901, for
Orepors Blood Purlfior is
ry? Friend—Oh. yes; be said so quite
Instance. Austro-Hungarians, Slovaks.
try approaches its height. The nearest
rightly named, because it purities tho
Farmer Meadow (gloomily)—That's so
Bull I Co.
frankly! Mrs Colls Did be really?
Croatians, Poles and Magyars to th« blood and tones up the body.
"Eh? Dxi yeh meet some green g«»ods
la Westminster, the nave of which
Friend—Yes. !n<lee<l he »aid he was men while you wan In th' city?"
number of 114.<XX) came In, while 136.
•1* Com me r
has a height of one hundred and two
elal Bloc».
extremely sorry, although be didn't
After the Tip».
"Noe, but my wife met some dry
feet while York measures ninety-nine 000 Italians honored us with their
goods men.”
“How attentive your waiters are to
know the tnan personally!
feet; Salisbury elghty-four, and Lin­ transfer of “allegiance." In July ot
that ostrich,” remarked the lion to
"No. thank you." said Mias De Mure,
coln eighty-two. Chester reached only last year 67,538 people of all nation»
For mughs and colds there I, no bsttrr
the cashier of the Jungle restaurant.
i "I don't care to meet any new young
The “whispering gal-
medicine tbau Plso'e Curs for Consump­
"I never saw monkeys so polite be­
tion. Price 25 cents.
lery" of St. Paul'» Cathedral is one
Little Bird la a Fighter.
"You are select all of n sudden!” "No,”
hundred feet from the floor.
The English sparrow, noted for Its j
"Yes,” replied the beautiful tigress,
replied .Miss De Mure, glancing dream­
The <>ar a Tyrant
pugnacity, baa one adversary it fears who acted as cashier, “they were read­
Not Making a Good Star*.
ily at her new ring "I've merely been
Mr». Lakeside—Tbs atrocities of Hu,
ing In the 'Jungle News’ this morning
In the New Zealand Medical Journal
selected all of a sudden.—Philadelphia •Ian tyranny are perfectly awful.
appears thia story: On walking to the all the native singing birds from their that ostrich tips are very vuluable.”
Friend—What have you learned?
—Philadelphia Press
scaffold In solemn procession a criminal customary haunts, but has thus far
Mrs. Lakeside—I saw in a paper thia
once called to the governor of the failed to frighten off the smallest of
morning that in Russia no one Is permit
strange? Mrs. Beautl ha» not put on led to marry more than five times.
prison: “Just oblige me, guv-nor, by them all, the humming bird.
mourning for her husband. Mr. Pret­
The familiar principle of physics
telling me the day o' the week.” "Mon­
ty—I umleratand that her late hus­
day,” answered the surprised governor. that the striking power of a body In
band particularly requested that »he
"Monday,” exclaimed the prisoner in motion is equal to lta weight multi- j
should not. Mrs. Pretty The brute! I
disgusted tones. "Well, this 'ere's a plied by lta velocity la the secret of
suppose be knew how lovely she would
fine way of beginning a week, ain't the bumming bird's superior.ty over
look In it-l’lck Me Up.
it?" And he marched on with dissatis­ the sparrow. The bumming bird's
faction Imprinted on every 11ns of his weight Is small, but its speed is high,
"You ought to have a place In grat.d
and its buzzlDg haste has genuine ter
opera," remarked the sarcastic pus.,«•ti­
ror for Its lsrger enemy.
ger who was trying to read
"Oh 1
The uneasy cries of a sparrow at­
don't know," replied the fat pari/
tracted the attention of an observer
ncroM the sials, who was giving an
the other day, who presently discov­
The Kind You Have Always Bought has borne the signa-
Imitation of a song. "I've got a p'nie
ered the sparrow sitting well up In a
ture of Chas. If. Fletcher, and lias been inatie under hi«
In Grand Rapid» that'» good enough
personal Kupervi*ion for over 30 vearM. Allow no one
pine tree. Just within a foot of the
for mA—Detroit Journal.
to deceive you in thia. Counterfeit», Imitation» and
frightened bird buzzed a bumming
"Yes, sir,” said tbe Denver hotel
•‘.luMt-aa-good ” are but Experiments, anti entlangcr the
bird. Its misty wings and keen beak
clerk to the new arrival, "that white
suggesting a tiny aerial ram In flight
eapped mountain away off there Is In
and bent on puncturing tome gr «ter
tbs Rockies, and It la a hundred nnd
This falling of your hair I
craft in the air.
fifty tulles from here." “Who would
Stop it, or you will soon be
Caatoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare-
The sparrow stood Its ground until
hove Imagined It wan so fur?" coni
bald. Give your hair some
the beak seemed about to pierce It»
mente«l the guest. “Oh.” was the airy
Ayer’s Hair Vigor. The fall­
breast, and then took flight, with the
response from the clerk “If th« almon
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
angry little humming bird In hot pur­
ing will stop, the hair will
phere wa« only a little dearer It would
anti allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhtea anti Wind
suit. The bumming bird soon returned,
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
be three hundred miles away.”—•
apparently having given up the chase,
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho
Ntomaeli and Bowels, giving healthy and naturul sleep.
possibly because It had driven the
The Children’s Panaceiv—The Mother’s Friend.
As to Jos Chamberlain.
enemy far enough from the nest.
In Ixvndon clubs they are telling of
Worst ot the Kind.
* *x,n mot of Winston Spencer
grow, and the scalp will be
“That cyclone certainly was th«
•hurchlll, the Prines Rupert of tile
clean and healthy. Why be
worst we ever had," said the flr»t Kan
crusade against Chainberlaltilam. He
satisfied with poor hair when
Bears the Signature of
sas farmer.
was asked If be thought there was any
you can make it rich?
"No wonder," said the other, "II
truth tn th» report that Mr. Chamber
started in Illinois.”
. " *•» tiklr nMrl» all rams •■». I than tried
•in was suffering from “softening of
Arar'. Hair Vl«or and only one bottle aloppe<l
"What o' that?”
the falling New hair earn. In real thick and
• brain. ' "No feAr,'* snapped th.)
tarato "‘ n * TeurlT"~M“- u M. Baiva.
young commoner viciously. "Ho hns
an III. wind that blow» nobody good.' "
?’. *.* bottle.
f. o. a van co.,
a malady of n different sort harden
AU druari.i,._____
____ Uwsll, Me..
—Philadelphia Catholic Standard and
mg of the heart”
for —
In Use For Over 30 Years.
ity of the people think that catarrh is
• ■liaraa* ronfinol to ths hea«l alons,
This Is not true. Catarrh la habla
to slla«h any organ of the body;
throat, bronchial tut**«, lungs, •tom-
arh, kidneys an-1 eejievially thr !«■ Ivie
Many a woman has made thia «11».
coveiy alter a longsirg« >1 inwI«-«« treat­
8he lias ma«!» the illsr<«v»ry
that her iliseMe is catarrh, and that
I'eruna can I* relied tip..» to rurs ca­
tarrh wherever l«rated.
If you «1» not derive prompt an«! sat­
isfactory mail I la from Die use of pern*
na, write at once to Dr Hartman, giv­
ing a full statsnienl of your «ease. and
he will be pIssas»I to givs you his »sl­
ush's advks grails
Address Dr. Hartman President ot
Ths Hartman banitariuiu, Colundnis,
Perrin’s Pile Specific
'Jffun der A' *
Lì U V
‘•I Hk.au
HaknMakar yvfiaiftrkllaA
0* vrt ext O >alt rwnwNrt
tort for IM
of th fid ad
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Hair Vigor
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The Kind You Have Always Bought
Marriage Is often the outcome ot
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7 hing» lrR io quiet,” said tho
irakeman today, "that you can bear
the microbes gnaw,”