KLAMATH KLA.MATII events of the day MM. A|,„ lorp»Uu Boat. UAHILRLD TRUM AI L PARTS 01'THE FALLS, WAit I.OBA STUNS Reaata g kussian REPUBLICAN. victory I KLAMATH COUNTY. OILEGON. APK1L 2 CO! ON HUNS ON itbtiF. Pacific Mall Liner Wrecked on Salvado.- Coaat Passenger, Saved. DEATH IN WRECK. HAPPENINGS HERE IN OREGON Santa Barbara Stre«t Car Ov*rt*re*4 aad Flv* KID«* Outright. Ht. Petereburg, April 1«.— (h, SURPRISE JAPS WHILE TRYING TO Han Francisco, April 14. — The hrela t th* baltlrship P«tr<>|«v|ovsa street car loaded with passenger* re­ < ablogram stating that the Pacific Mail oom«* U m im »« that th. J«lmi„.w ,llr turning to town fiom the Old Mission OOLD FIND IN CROOK COUNTV. VIEW HOOD ROER LAMOS. Compreb-nslv, Review of the liwpert- steamship company's steamer Colon, ran off the track at 'Garden and Mis­ ruundvd and »«ink th. torpedo L.t ,|,.H linrmy Was Lying In Walt and Inllklsd aat Happewtage of I he Paet Week. j which left this city Match 22 for Pan- Cline Butte Contain* a Maa* of Gold- State Land Board Please 1 With Farms sion streets today and five deaths bav* troyer Bezatraahnl. (ffily five of |„.r Heavy loss In Men and Duns Ad­ I ama, with a number of jiassengers and |*roaonted In Condensed form. Moat Bearing Rock. on Which Loan Is Asked. resulted. All of the dead were Sant* crew *ac*p«d, although it is protabi« miral Togo Again Bombards Port l.lkely te Prove Intereatlng te Our ( a cargo of general merchandise to Mexi­ Bend—Cline Butte, 16 mile* north Hood River—Governor Chamberlain, Barbera people. Over 20 of tbe pas­ »«no* ware taken pri**>i>«r.. Arthur Without Damage to Fort, Al­ can and Central American point*, has Many Readera. of Bond, Las been found to contain a Secretary of State Frank Dunbar and N«w. ot th« rever» »u communi though Several are Killed. been wrecked. The Colon ia reported large mas* of gold bearing rock. Tbe State Treasurer Charles E. Moore, com­ sengers were injured, many of them rated to th« czar by Ailtuiral Oukom. to have »true k on a rock at Punta whole butte ia suppose«! to ta of the prising the state land board, arrived in being frightfully mangled. Over half A heavy snow has fallen in Noittaru sky. lie wlrnl t*4ay that th,* d(.,i|1>v. L> ii *I*> ii , April in.—The Ht. Peters­ Remedies, causing injuries which made same character and there baa been quit« flood River the first of the week and of th« injured bad bone* broken about »re ami fotir «onsorts »«„ o*t»i<|« an«l Central New York. burg «orreapomlent of tbe Htan|>a to the weatwar«! trtal to creep In along the < *«>t but |xirts north of Acajutla. the brake apparatus, was a* revealed through a siring of hills to the west- must borrow fund* to meet their pay ­ *1 tlu* Yalu river. When 12,000 men Rusaia has notified all nations that was diacuvered, rut off, ovarpoweitd The veaael left Acajutla yesterday waid and prospecting is in progress ment* on stock in the Farmers* irriga­ <’rom an inspection of the car, after the she will rtgard as spies correspondents ami sunk. Admiral Oukotnatky’a di». bad I hvii lan*le*l th«* Russian tr«xq>a, afternoon bound south for Panama, and there. tion company. which were lying concealed, su*l*l«*nly accident. While the rear brakes were using wireless telegraphy. I>at«'h <<>m liidiw as follow, All the members of the board were tightly set against the wheels, the for­ attacked them, ilriving them back lo she had only gone about 15 mile* when 1 The rock is porphyry and quartizite sb* hit on the rock. The net where "I have taken coininaml provision ­ and it carries about $4 in gold and a very favorably irnpiesaed with what Tim Port Arthur squan will not the ships, with heavy loss«-» in men she struck is considered one of the most i little silver to the ton. This surface they saw, and are perfectly satisfied to ward brakes were of no servtce because again I«« risked in tattle until rein­ ally ot the fleet sin«'«* the disaster to ■»'I guns. dangerous along the Central American outcrop is considered very promising. bran the Hood River farmers the money of the breaking of a part of the gear­ th« Petropavlovsk. During aorne ma- force«! by the Baltic fli-et. coast, and many vessels have found The ease with which this rock can be some of them need. neiivermg ol the taltleahlp wpia-lron ing. Russian Formication» Completed. Japan denies that ah« has any sub­ th« Pobieiia struck against a mine grave* on it. According to aeafaring mined gives it value, even at this low The motorman discovered that some­ fit I'* t. r.I.urug, April It,— \ lix men who know the reef, the steamer marine IxMita and suya the Russian arnhlahlpa on the starboar*! aid« Hhe Five and Seven Cents. grade. It is estimated that at least thing was wrong with the car several •hi|-s were sunk by lorjxxloes. was able to retrain jx.rt by herself. No patch from Liao Yang says that the wax fortunate in getting afloat after half its value will be profit, The rock Astoria—The Columbia River Fish­ blocks above the point where the acci­ lliisaian fortifications on the Yalu river striking and getting back to the harbor Carnegie haa created a ''fund for on«« on board ol her was kille«! or is of the same kind that is found in ermen’s Protective union has fixed th« dent occurred and endeavored to set Bav«- Isen complete«!. The center of at Acajutla. b»r«»s," ami art aside $6,000,GOO. woumtal." the Ochoco mines, northeast of Trinc­ opening prices tor salmon on the Co­ the brakes, but failed to check the fortified positions is Au- The Rumlan »<>r«l In the text of the the line ville. Next of kin of Ihoae who l««*e their lumbia river for the coming season at speed of the car. At the intersection PRESIDENT WAITS ON KNOX. official dispatch deM-iilong th» ar. nfont lung. The right flank reala on Ta This discovery was made by Otto 5 centa per pound for fish weighing less of Garden and Mission streets there is a Ilves will also benefit. Tong Kau ami the left flank on Kiu to the I'obleda means either "mim*" or Retzlaff anf 50 prominent Filipino« ‘•tor|«e*h>," but the qualifying adjective I bn Cheng, on the west bank of the With ths Cabinet He Again Goes Over having spent a year and a half on the for those weighing 25 pounds or over. ita highest speed down a 5 per cent baa starle«l tor the Ht. Ixxiia lair. indicate« aomething moving towar«l the Yalu. Chinese Exclusion Matter. Yukon, where he laxame *cquainte«i Thia is the same pric* as last season grade when the curve was reached. TJiey will also visit the principal cltiea ship Tiiia di»|*atrh puts an en«l to with gold mining. Steps are being for the small fish, hut is an advance of Washington, April 14. — Chinese ex ­ The car was thrown from the track <4 the United 8talc«. tli« idea prevailing here that there had AGAIN BOMHARD PORT ARTHUR. clusion ami the prolalde necessity for taken to develop the Cline Butte claim». one cent for the large ones. The meet­ upon ita side, the passngers being Heavy rains stop;*«! all regular been an engagement following the dis­ ing also appointed a committee on the thrown in evrey.direction. One section legislative or executive action, in view HEAVY FIRE LOSSES. through traffi«' <>n the Southern Pacific aster to the I'etropavlovak. It is coli ■ pan.,» Mr» Many Projectiles, but of the denunciation by China of the ex­ question of affiliating with the Fisher­ of the car was smashed into splinter*. ■foil*. 11 A N., Into Portland, leaving shlered remarkable tu re that the Jap- men’s Protective union of the Pacific Those who were instantly killed and Cause No Damage. isting treaty, was again today the prin­ Sbowa by Annual Report ot Insurance coast and Alaska. the N< ■rthrrn Pacific the only route for ane» eror save that from adviser* consi lend the subject in all I ji Grande—The county court of into the ditch. W 15 o'l luck thia inorniug to midilay its phases, but reached no definite con­ cent in the fire insurance busin«?»», a claimed by two wlv«« at Han Francisco. clusion, chiefly perhap* liecause Attor­ dtxrease of 17 j*er cent in net premi­ Union county baa juat decided that the As soon as the’news of the accident The houar has |>a«ee<| the Philippine tlovM Cocnre$ilt<0 Lomplet«« Otiwral th«- Japanese fleet, in two division*, ney General Knox has not been able ums on fire insurance, an increaae of question ot relocating the county seat spread throughout the city every avail­ tH>nibar*le*l the fortress and the town bund loll lo eticoiirage the building of tHficleiKy Approp*««tIon Hill. alternately from the Liao Tshan prom- yet to prepare his opinion as to the 18 per cent in both business and net1 , from Union to I a Grande may be voted able physician »as sent to the aid of Mllr««da. legal status of the matter. As Boon as premiums in life insurance, and the upon by the people of the county in the injured and many prominent resi­ WanMing”», April lo.—»lhe I khbob untory, firing lxft projectiles. withdrawal of all but three surety com­ the general election in June. J. D. dents of the city were among those Hl Petersburg haa the repo it that roinDiittrr <>n appropriation» te valid on the expiration of missioner F. I. Dunbar. Union, for the remonstratora. The the hoepita) and the remainder were- batti ri«'. also participated. 744. Thr largt ml ikon in the bill 10 i i Mayor tmea, «>f Mlnneapolia, has The report covers the year 1903, and court decided to dismiss the remon- removed to their homes. the treaty with China, some decisive Th«- I o *** m - s on land were seven tern ernwted, charge*! with having ac. 94,000,000 for petition». Of thia turn, steps will be taken If it should bu was compiled on April 1, as required1 stranc! and granted the prayer of the 9 1,600,0OO 10 an rttiinalfiMl dctii’icncy m-n*' kill«-*! ami five soldiers and cepiol a brlla* while in ««flic«. determined that the legislation will by law. Though the report shows the petitioner*. ALTOS FOR USE IN THE WAR. Chinese w**un*!«-r cmumk I by the tixrw'Utlon healthy industrial growth of the state, Accor ami t«>r|>«do t«wi ma«lr a light again»! thia amend­ on them. burg for the Front. X creasing profits cause«! by unusual tire made for the erection of a sanitarium ing appropriation bill of an amend ­ Thia atta* k ia taken here to show boat ment, and it wan ordered rr|Mirtrd by St. Petersburg, April 13. — It is stat ­ loaaea. In the past five years the at the Coles hot springs at Haines. It Ultniral Togo haa not given up bis ment coveting the subject. The srnate committee on appropria­ a party vole. amount of fire risks written per year 1 is reported that Dr. May and other ed that the Rnssian government ha* A» the hem in included, a minority purpose of damaging the rest of the tions provide« for no Northwest liarlror has increased about 50 per cent. In Baker City parties, who have a 42 decided to make an extensive us* of GREAT TORCE MASSED ON VALU. work, save I lie l>alloe-Cvlilo canal, in $r|M>it acconipOUMM that of the major- ; Roman ships, now that there is litth* 1899 the total as $64,100,000. In 1903 year ____________ lease on the proprety, have en- armed automobiles during the coming possibility of them again going to wa. ily to the hoUM. Tlu minority viewa( the sundry civil bill. Russian, Strongly Fortify a Town In it as $95,500,000. The net premiums Ure«l into a^’contract wiTh Mr. “Jnell of Unquestionably he is swan- of the A large are nignrd by (’ndrrwood, Brandige. i for 1903 are less than in 1902, or for Haines to furnish 250,000 feet of lum- campaign in Manchuria. Manchuria to Oppose Japanese. Wreckage washed ashore al Van- effect of his previous Iximbanlment, any other year since 1898. The fire ber for the construction of the build- number have recently been imported, Coiiver lalaml indicates the )■« an.a, waa alwnt. The con- i°.r-1??^ere $659,000 and for ¡ng. T.iis Tais will make two springs «pringa of the they being the latent product of the se­ sealing srh«w>ner Triumph, There < lu»i<>n of the minority it that there *li< ate. to th«- officer* here that he be- from Northern Corea state that the T903 $1,314,000, or an increase of ( kind in Eastren Oregon, the Hot take lect factories in Germany, France and err» 26 persons <>n b««rn the Missouri is ation of th«« million an«l a half dollaia jectile hitting a taiget. In order to Tien Cheng, a walled town on the lost money last year on , their oaitin tir« Canadian Psaific atalute Ixwikn of the United Btatcn that Washington, April 18. — President pontoon bridge at Anju ami their trans­ manager of the road, save the line will at Fort Stevens have been delayed in port of what is expected to be accom­ »«• strm k by a land *ll«le near Winne- allow» th«* 91.^00,000 appropriation construction. plished. He declares that it will be Roxaevelt har by the romailaaionrr of ¡»en« tner ten mile» from here. Two miles i of Down ■ Long Flume. tion before the last of August, should Cardinal Katolli, with the permission nionn to pay the d««q*', in corning to the United ecutivr «>rder, ami we will move on the chairman of the committ*e of post- track. wood down the flume from Fox hill to Two Rnsisan army corps are to be Hutes. He has no mission ami ia to floor of the hotiee to re«luce th«* appro­ offices anti poatroads. Tlio conference Fulton to Father a BUI of Retaliation Manager Hengen declares that I the the electric light plant at Oro Dell, mobilized during May. One of thee* priation nnkt-d for prnaiono to the vi- relat«*d to the proponed investigation by make the tour as a private citizen. Against British Columbia. depress»«! lumber situation will 1 not which furnishes the light for La will have headquarters at and will b* lent «»I 91,600,000 for that r«*»»«»^.” a K*nate committee of the affairs of th«* Washington, April 14.—Senator Ful­ long continue, and wishes to have I the Grande, began this week. The flume drafted from Moscow and the surround­ The bousr committee on naval affairs postoffice at" might hate In addition to these inquiries, Messrs. ning purposes. month to dip their animals and try to 21; chop, $18; linseed, dairy food, of the court house building, to th* l>een received with the cruiser* bought Conta.l an«l Bonaparte, under general Adam*. pavement below, receiving injuries rid them of mange. Vats will be pro ­ New Immigration Law Needed. $19. from Argentine and brought out from instructions from the president, are from which he died. The jury had al­ vided at Pendleton by the domestic an ­ Washington, April 14. — There were Hay — Timothy, $15(316 per ton; The agitation in Hpain over France's Genoa by English crews. It is diffi­ still pursuing their investigation into ready pronounced him guilty and would imal commission of the state, and the landed at Tacoma, Wash., recently, 50 clover, $10011; grain, $11012; cheat, have given him life imprisonment. •f'l’iiring a firm hold on Morocco doea cult to verify this, but the admiralty is postofll««' department matters. Filipinos, who were brought to the Indians must have their animals here $11012. Dot cause anxiety In France, as it ia of the opinion that the cruiser brought Ix-fore Mayl. A simillar opportunity Unit«*«! States under contract to take Eggs—Oregon ranch, 17t»@18c. believed th* irritation will aulailde out two submarine vessels." Irrigation In New Mexico. Commander ot Cxarovltch Perished. part in the Philippine islands exhibit is extended white men with mangy Butter—Sweet cream butter, 30c per without straining the relation between Washington, April 13.—The cenau* horses. The expense of dipping will Paris, April 18. — A dispatch to the pound; fancy creamery, 25c; choice at the St. Lnois exposition. Thirty- the two count riea. Boyan Bvldeatly Dam a red. bureau in a preliminary report on irri­ Temp" from Ht. Petersburg says: nine of the number were afflicted with be paid by the state. creamery, 22 (,024c; dairy and store, gation in New Mexico m 1902, shows London, April 1«.—Th* Daily Tele­ “The causes of the catastrophe at Port trachoma, a disease of the eye. Un­ East«q service* In Russia are much nominal. 254,945 acres irigated from all sources. To Clear Columbia Channel. Wore impresaiv* Ilian usual thia year. graph's corr**pon«lei>t al " li'11, *’ « trtliur are lin ite«i to two hypotheses, der a ruling by the attorney general, Butter Fat — Sweet cream, 28’*c; The numlier of farms represented was teh-graphing under «late of April 13, a submerged Russian mine ot an expl» natives of the Philippines and Porto The Dalles—Major W. C. I-angfitt, sonr cream, 26 ^c. 9,285, and the average cost per irrigat­ Npai* ia vury bitter bacauae of the says: "The British cruiser Espiegl* sion on boanl tbe Petropavlovsk. All Rico are not aliens in the meaning of engineer in charge, accompanied by Poultry — Chickens, mixed, 13@ Anglo-French treaty. report* that at ft 45 o'clock this morn­ the victims are tadly burned and the the immigration act, and they ha«i to Lieutenant Rees and W. H. Morris, 13^c per pound; springs, small, 170 ed acre $16.87. The 1,246 irrigation Hobaon, the hero of the Merrimac, ing she aight.Hl live Japanese warships catastrophe was complete within one l>e admitted. Cogress will be sake«! have left on an inspection visit to 18c; hens, 13?4@14c; turkeys, live, 16 systems cost, initially for main caDal* and ditches and the necessary head Three-Mile rapids, above this city, 017c; dressed, 18020c; ducks, $809 was ilefeatei! for congress In Alaliam*. engaging th«« Russian cruiaer Bayan, minute ami a half. The fleet remain­ for legislation to meet such cases. gates, reservoirs, dams, pumping making for Port Arthur from the di­ ing nt l’oft Arthur is reduced to a per dozen; geese, live, 8c per pound. where work will commence immediate ­ I«'« jams In th* Ht. Lawrenctv river rection of the Yalu. The Russian plants, etc., $4,301,915. The entire strictly defensive basis. The com­ ly.upon removal of obstructions in the Cheese — Full cream, twins, 12013c; Makarolf Again Put* Out. »re flooding many house« In Montreal cruiser Askohl and another cruiaer Is­ mander of the Cxareovitch perished on length of main canals and ditches was Mtbutba, St. Petersburg, April 14.—The Coa- Columbia at that point- The contract Young America. 14015c. 22,646 miles, an average length per sys­ sued from Port Arthur to assist the the Petropavlovsk before he hail as- Vegetables—Turnips, 80c per sack; sack scouts on the banks of the Yalu for this work, awarded some time since tem of over two miles. Russia ha* mi the charge of poia- has sent a few torpedo boat dcstryoera President Pro Tern Frye, ot the sen- ergapha the following: At 3 oclirt oiiing Mis. Joshua Deane, of Dover, to explore tbe coast whete some of the Walla to confer with the commissioners 11c; peas, 9c per pound; rhubarb, 70 has given strict orders that no verbal •te, and Hpeaker Cannon, of the house, t«xlav the emperor telegraphed \ neroy l>(.|. She «as represente«! by Attorney enemy’s torpedo boats are believed to of that county on important improve­ 9c; lieans, 10c; onions, Yellow Dan­ or written messages pertaining to pol­ ments for the Little Walla Walla river vers. $2(32.40 per sack. itics or business shall be taken into th* h*v'’ «¡8.... 1 the 1905 fair bill. Alexieff ordering him to g<> 1 ort |{ i'. Larke, a friend of her former lie lurking. near Freewater and Milton. Nearly Honey—$303.50 per case. sick room. The senator, it was said, Colorado militia officer», adjudged In Arthur Immediately ami assume com­ counsel. The taking of testimony of every season the river haa overflowed Potatoes—Fancy, $101.35 percental; must have ataolute rest and be free for America Hast Pay tor Loa* of Ship. contempt of court for action In the mand ot the squadron pemling th«' "I1 the líela»ar«' witnesses waa at once he­ its tanks and done considerable damage common, 70(390c; new potatoes, $5»c the present from all care. He is 71 pointment of Vice Admiral Makarofl « New York, April 14. — After long lit ­ mm. Mrs. l izzie I*. Kemp, formerly a •trike, declare they will defy the judge. to fruit and crops. The two counties years old. aticcesnor. Th«« viceroy leav.'s lonighf* clerk in the postoflice at Dover, lieing igation it waa decided here today by will co-operate in the building of the per pound; sweets, 5c per pound. A battleground him been picked out Rumors that Rear Admiral 1 rince Fruits— Strawberries, 21c per basket; Judge Adams, in the United States dis­ the first witness called. levees. by the Russian* in th« interior of Man­ apples, fancy Baldwins and Bpitzen- Mississippi Tears Out Levee. trict court that the United States must Ouktomaky was in action against l" churia, were they propose to "laughter bergs, $1.50(32.50 per box; choice, $1 Bastern Oregon 0. A R. Rolling Fork, Miss., April 13.—-It is pay $203,293 to the owners of the Brit­ Urgss Nation Pay for Work of Mob. Japaneae vessel* is unconflrme«!. ■hs J* pa new. <________ Ia Grande—The Eastern Oregon G. 01.50; cooking, 75c@$l. reported tonight that a portion of the ish ___ ship Foacolia, . which waa sunk on Washington, April 18.—President __ Hops—1903 crop, 23025c per pound. levee at Oales Head has caved in, seri­ Queen Alexanil-a'a pereiatent urging Snow Falls in Maryland. Room'velt today sent to congtess a mea- the night of May 18, 1898, by the A. R. encampment will meet in T a Wool—Valley, 16017c; Eastern Ore­ ously impairing the strength of the M»ki>s Britain read* to deal with Rng. Cumberland, M«l., April (utge reconimedning an appropriation of Unite«l States cruiser Columbia, which Grande this year for the first time in •la. fell here ami throughout West.'rn Mary­ $•>5 000 to compensate William R. was doing scout duty off the Notth some years on July 1, 2, 3 and 4, and gon, 12014c; mohair, 30021c per embankment and causing grave fears of a crevasse. targe forces of men ar* ®’*r|t* Qockr«n, ot New York, say* land tixlsy. At Frostburg ami other Rxlcliffe, a British aubjvet, for loss of American coast on the outlook for the it will lie one of the most rousing cele­ ponnd for choice. Beef—Dressed, 5@7^c per pound. engaged in reinforcing th* lev**. “ ptojierty by mob in Colorado in 1901. Spanish fleet under Admiral Cervera. brations ever held in Eastern Oregon. house is losing caste and bid* it pointa it covered the grouml W»ke up. depth oi two inchea.