KLAMATH VOL. KLAMATH IX. REPUBLICAN. FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, APRIL 7, HHIBi'5 MOP IHlAL. HAI II II <>N LAND. Botkin Juror* Kppro*<hrd to Clear the Alleged Brl*oner. Ruaalana Muv» on Japanese I art hut are Driven Hack. GATHERED FROM All. PARTS OF THE ! HAPPENINGS HERE IN OREGON The Fotkin murder trial has l*en re sumed with the ury alleged to have leading ttuasian Paper Now Lrgta lern brilied, Alliance With Britain. William J Ilryan has liven decided St. Prtvrwhtirg, April 2.—The Nome •gainst in contest for (6U,000 in the Vrrmyt tixlay rim'iitrd a farralMnt. «trongly wupp«>rting the idea of i H iiiwo - Bennett will contest. Britiwh unth-mtnn<!ing in tn oiitorial 1'ana of the Jamestown exposition prove an otwlacle in the passage o. the entitled “The Blindn«*«* of England»" in which the (Hiper argue« that thetuc* Lewi» and Clark fair bill. rent of the J «pt nene w«»uld more tn* Henator Clark, of Wyoming, says jutKrtiw to Great Britain than any other land ring lioastsjif spending money to Euro|(ean nation, and pointe to the M-cure rept-al of present laws. I'niU-il State* •* the common rival of F. A. Heinze and super intendenta of lioth. It dcarrilirt Japan aa “Ainrri- bis mines have paid tli e» of 120,000 ca*N aharpahooter," and «ta>a “Remember tliat nation, hi the per- for contempt of court in Montana. non of the commander of one of fit The Oregon expr«-e» was held up at rnrn-of war at Chemulpo, r* fit or« I to Copley. Cal., and Express Messenger join in the collcctirr proteet of Hie oth O'Neill killed. The treasute l«ix was er foreign I'omriiatulern lieforr the Jep- carriol away. anrnr dentro)rd the Variag and Korietl. “Remember whoee flng alone among Bell, of Ualiornia, created a sensa tion in the houae by declaring that vet all did not take on I m «a rtf the crewt of erans in the soldier»' homes in hi* state ! our perithing thipa. To the honor of England, the ally of Japan, it waa not are roblaii by the «anteen system, her representative, but the commander Russia is found, technically, to have of an American ship. tired the first shot of the war. “The American» wish to convert the John Mitchell will come to Colorado Pacific into an American .M««literr- anran. Would that I* to the advan- to conduct the miner* strike. tnge of England"* _ Dima England not The l ewis and Clark axpoaition bill under*land in her blind pol Iley and neeivad a setliack in the houae. hatred toward Kut*ia that *he ia turn It is estimated that the damage from ing this «Mean into an Anirrican Medi floods in Michigan will teach (5,000,- terranean? Sooner or later the Euro ¡wan count rie* will recognise that OX). America it their mutual enemy. Why The Cunard Steamship company'» re •hould not Ruaeia and England, in port for 1H02 shows a profit of (1,351»,- view of their p<i*er»aiona outaide of 630. Europe, combine?" Admiral Makaroff is rxjiect«-d to a* Mine la River. some the "ff>-n«ive at the first oppor Niu Chwang, April 2.—The Rnraian« tunity. have improvised minea and anchored Foreigners lielieve martial law at cable» acr'«» the l.iao liver. Thia ia Niu Chwang will cause all save the ei|iected to prevent the Japanese from French to vacate. coming up the river paat Yinkow. The The Hervían government will remove Rtmeian officials here aie disappointed from office all who were implicated in at the new» received of the engagement the assassination of the late king and la-tween the Japan«-»«' and Russian» in the vicinity of the Yalu river. Trust queen. worthy details, however, are »till unat Many towns in Indiana along the tributaries of the Ohio and Wabash tainable. still suffering from the Ten deaths are reported as a result of the storm» in Northwestern Arkan sas. Colorado militia ha» thrown three miners and two business men in the bullpen. French deputies have passed the bill to suppreM teaching by religious order». A report that the railway merger in »eeking refuge in Cuba i» a surprise to President Palma. The Anglo-American league of Izm- don favors an American-British arbi tration treaty. The French textile workers' »trike i» liecoming serious and i* liable to in volve all of the large fac tor ie« of the country. The flood situation in Michigan is more hopeful, but 14,000 people are still in distress. Mln* I «plodrd by a Whale. Valdivostok, April 2.—One of the minea in Possisi l*y has been exploded by a whale. The mangled carcase sub sequently was washed ashore. It bore evidence of the destructive qualities of the mines laid by the Russians In ex- pectation of a Japanese landing at 1’ossiet bay. Alabama (Takas a Record. Pensacola, Fla., April 2.—With the arrival here today of th«- gunboat New port ami Castine from Colon, the larg est fleet of United States warshlfst ever assembled in target practice, includes seven battleships, five cruisers, seven gunlioHts, five monitors, two torpedo- boat destroyers, Imsidi-s n number of lenders, colliers and supply boats. The fleet Includes more than 25 vessels of various classes. The battleship Ala bama has established a new world's record for rapidity ami accurateness in firing all classes of guns. Will Make Channel for Warships. Cronstadt, April 2.—The ice-breaker An alliance between Russia and Britain, through France aa an inter Errnack is bound here from Revel to mediary, ia again broached. cut a channel for the warships which are awaiting their armor at the Ht. The government has offered to ad Petersbuig yards. Lights will be vance money to build an irrigation burned to help the Ermack steer a dam for Wallowa county settlers. straight course through the ice nt night. A correspondent of the Russky The Vladivostok squadron is re Viedmosti writes from Port Dalny that ported to have returned to the harbor the Russian cruiser Boyarin sank two with a numlier of captured Japanese hours after striking the mine there. vessels, among them a warship. Hix of the crew were lost. The captain of a Chinese junk arriv Request American to Return. ing at Wei Hai Wei reports seeing the Seoul, April 2.—The military nn- Russian and Japanese squadrons ap proaching each oilier off Port Arthur thorities have requested Brigadier Gen and lad ¡even a decisive battle has lawin eral Henry T. Allen. United States military observer with the Japanese fought. army, to return to Seoul frorr Ping Mobilization of the Manchurian army Yang until they are able to provide is now complete. i fitting accommodations. TIME IS PRECIOUS CAN DO I. ■ 1 BETTER. Drago» Irrigation Methods th* Average. Ar» Abov» Hl. Petersburi, March 31.—General TAWNEY MAKES PLANS TW TEST Washington, March 30.—The census Kouropatkin, in bis lira! report 1« tlm 1905 FAIR BILL. bureau today Isaued a preliminary re em|*ror from tlm acene of war, an- port on Irrigation In Oregon in 1902. nounctsl that offeiislvo land operation» U<H)l> ROADS IOK I.AMI. had taken (dace again»! th«* Japanese Will Try tu Bring Mattar I p Unger Sus It »how» that th» Irrigation condition» there were above the average. Tba Upon tlm sixth anuiverrary of the ««■ pension of Ruhe Hous« I cogerá Association I’ormeil st Eugen* to Fur- cupation of Port Arthur by tlm Itua- I«tter meth'sla of management and a Healtat» About Granting a Special ward the Work. ■ lane. Theiw o|H'iatloiia took th«- form more economical use of the ordinary of a cavalry attack yesterday by »is Rule ang the Session la Drawing to Eugene— A meeting Was held at the water supply are urged in order greatly i-mnpulilva of Cossacks, l««l by General a U Io»». coiirtliiiiiM which »»■ well attended Mlshtclienko ¡«gainst four »«piadron» of to Increase the number of acres tlrat and hud for Ila object » c-uisolidalion of Ja|«aneae cavalry which tlm general I«- may im brought under irrigation. Washington, tpril 4.—The leaders interests and enrrige» III tho direction liev««l to Im Imyond Chong Ju, but In 1002 the number of farms report of the Inaia«- hesitate Io Invoke the of road liiiproveiiirul in Oils vicinity. which Im found to l«< in oc« U|iatioli of power of » a|H-eial ml« to riM iirrr consid ed was 5,133, with an irrigated area of that town. 439,9X1 acre», an increaae since JH»9 of About 160 Inter« sled cltlreiia wi-rc pres |(cHplU< a (r««»a flr<< which General eration of the lu-wi» and Clark expo- 61,671 acre«, or 13.3 p< r <ent for the ent, ami the niretlng ->rgaiils«'d by tho Mlalit« heiiko clever ly directed against 1 »ill* n bill, if it r an I m > avoided, and three years, Th. |H*r ernt inervara for srlsction of M Hvarverud chairman ami i tlm enemy, he pay» a tribute to III« Chairman Tawney bus dr«-nled to tiy to the 10 years from IMH9 to 1*99 «M tenacity aud bravery of the Japanear, bring tho maaatire up under su»|ien»ioti II fl.2. F. M W Ilk ins ser rrtr.ry. I who only i eaa>-«l to tire alter tlm com of ru-es. Ho will call the bill U|> to In 11(02 2,555 irrigating systems Professor J. M. Ilyrle of th» «mi bat, which lsatr«l for half an hour. day, unless the Oregon men do not were in operation, representing a total versity, who has lung made a ai in I y of Before tlm Rnraian» could billow up d«wm the time op|>ortinm. * cotistrm lion coat of (2,089,809, an av I'boao In charge of the bill IrelieVO it erage of 4»1X j>er system ami (4.7* per road engineering, matin the flrat a«! their »«Ivaritag«', thri-s Ja|>aneae npiad will Ire better Io find out just what tlrr-aa on the subject ami gave much ron» gallo|««l b«war«l tlm town. Two irrigated acre. The total length of strength the bill bus in tire lions«-, ami valuable liiforinalhsi lot ions literal Ion. of them »uc<-»«-d<<l In entering, while this will l«e shown on n sus)>enaimi I main canals and ditches was 3.563 the third was driven back in disorder, mile», an average of 1.4 miles |>er sys I'rraidvnt Uamplioll also made a good vote, even if two third» ol the mem- tem. nmn and bora«-» falling address, as did a number of others. Tlm fire maintain««l on the town waa liera of llie house lier esruty to supsetld The aggregate nnndier of acres irri the rub a do not vole for the mraaure. gated by the 2,417 systems receiving A committee on nrgsmeatioti made ao <li «trm-tivi< that the Ja| nhimm * The time is drawing so near the »ml of inako an rfY«-« tual return. water from »trcaiiis au 428,926, I«- its report, ami the ( <««l Roads associa iinalth« Further J*^Mti« *r irinfortrrnrnl* ar- tli« M-Mtion that further delay may Im longing to 4,97H farm». The average tion of lain» County look tangible and rivr»l an hour later, au<l in view uf th* ' dangerous. cost per acre was $4 Hl. The 114 sys- imrmaneut form. A constitution was superiority ot thr rnriuy. General i terns »U(>plied with water from springs arlopterl and a good memlwreliip se Miabtrhciiko deternilne<l t<> retire, do* irrigated 10,769 acres on 131 farms, wins canal case . ing *■> without enilm.raaarnent. cured at once. the average coat |«er acre being (2.31. General Miahtrhenko*» C<M*ark> have Twenty-four well systems irrigated 202 It 1» ths hitrntlon o( this a»»« latlon I mm ’U endeavoring tor aotne<layx to come Panama Company Maa Perfect Right ta acres, reprefu-iitiiig 24 farms, at an to lake »«live step» toward the securing in contact with the Japanriu* patrol«, hell Its Properly. iiverage cost per acre of * 1ft 25. of first-da»» highway» in all parte uf but the latter rvhiat'd to combat. Parle, April 4.—The first civil trib The stream systems cost, initially, The akirmlah will have the rfYrct of unal of the H«-in«- Imlay di-<'id<«l the i-aae the county, and to work in the direc 12,062,1HX for 3,«04 miles of main ca- of tlm Republic uf Colombia against I naif ami ditches and the necessary tion ol «u niIng judlclou» and acirnlitlc encouraging th«- Ibtaaian* to retard much a* |MM4*ltdr tho advance dl th* tlm I'anama ( aim) company in favor of da in« and head gatrii. The fl rat coat return» for the money annaally ex- Japanrar army. tlm defrnilants. The de« Irion hohln • >f the upring lywU'tn« wm I J- - (>end«Ht for road Improvement. Theas- that tlm complaint of t'olonibia i- not «nd the length of main diUhee wan 49 1 Akt! H AD DOWN. irciation declarer! itself in support of receivable, and «-omh-mii» th« plaintiff» inHet. The r^istruction of the well I to pay tlm «-oats of the action. This «yttrmt wan |4,R36. the Brownlow good road» bill now lie- Ilútelas* líemov» Amrrkat I'nalgn from d«-ci»ioii lias the eflte t of removing tlm fore coiigrr»» and will u»n Ita iiifiuenco Corre epondrat* Quarters. ■ l«*gal oli»tacl««i In tlm way of the trans in its Iwdialf. BATTLESHIP BADLY DAMAOED. Niu Chuang, March 31 -—A* a result fer of tlm canal con««w»ion from the company to the United Mates. of the pri* tarnation of martial law at The d««iaioii is a l>mg d<»-uiimlit, Japan*»« Shell» Struck th* Cxarevttch Tlmtwrmsn Must Pay Teas«. tiiis |M>rt the American flag which the In the l.aat Engagement. fully reviewing all circutnetencee of Ameritan c«>rrc*|M>n<lcnte had floating Astoria — All the bidders ol large ting out of debt. Four yeara ago the lemdon, March 30.—No further new» tinilmr tract» in Clateop county, with over their mr«iihou*r wn* hauled d«*wn tlm commianion and reviewing tlm ar I wind rd and floating <iet t of the county the exception of three, have paid their tofllay. They are wry indignant over ticle« of th«- treaty, etc , principally ar- has Iwn receive«! here regarding th* waa over 9260,000. County warrant* tate» on tho 1903 roll. Represents- the fneidrnt, and are ci|>rcted to nend ti< Ira 20, 21 and 22 of tlm treaty of Port Arthur engagement, with the ex were way l*!ow par and the county tile» of Illese three syndicate» Were a proteat to the United state* rlnleeiy Mar«')i 20, | hhh , whereby tlm company ception that the Telegraph'» Y’inkow here and lendensl tho sheriff ♦"»«> |mr at Pekin at what they term the "gross ac«|uired it» rights. burden waa inrrraaing fait. "Tlieae rights," th«* diwiaion rays, correspondent say» the Ja|>ane»e bom cent of the lax, but tlio tender was re indignity" placed u | h > u them. By practicing economy and calling a The Ktimmn regulations are exceed "have tlm manifest purpose of assur bardment badly damaged the forward fused. although the sheriff said he Kalt <>n reck Ie** ri|»rn<hture, the float would accept 50 |mr cent aa a first pay ingly atrirt *nd are deeigneil, it ia ing tlm full exrrcise of sovereignty over liarliette of the Russian battleship ing debt ha* lw-rn altnoet Wl|*r<l out. ment, aa Is allowed by the stato law. opmily Mated, to compel all foreigner* Im canal. It results from what Is er- Czarevitch. The cor respondent adds: tabli«h«-d before thia tribunal that Co At the praeent rate the entire indebted- The llnilwr men now assert that they with the exception <»f the French to "According to a rumor, (15 Japanese lombia ia not in pow«M-aaion ol the terri I n*** will iw diacharged neit year. will ajqmal to the county court tor a vacate the town. A Frenrliman named Knautlar, an tory traversed by the canal. By com trans|Kirta, escorted by four cruisers reduction, although the chance» of County warrants are now worth 90 getting a rel-ale are small. employe <»f the kuamet'hlntwe Imnk, ing Iwfore the French court in order to approached Niu Chwang Haturday. and cents <>n the dollar, whirli make* them lias ln«rn appointed French consular obtain it» rights over lim canal, Colom then departed soutwhard. It is stated agent at Niu < bwang. lie iin* hoisted bia La« illy a«!mita it» inability to itaelf that Viceroy Alexleff will return to practically a* good *• cash, leM-aunr in- I l»h Prie» W m Be the »sow. control the canal It tlmrebire follow» Europe in a few days.” venture do not rnre to handle them ■ ni Astoria-Judging from present indi- the French ll*g ovei the luink build* The Poet'» Niu Chwang <i rreepood- It 1» n>nald»r««l |>r«>bable that naturally that it ha» hwt sovereignty rallona tlm <>(mning price of tlali the Ing* Nttch a small margin. till* ia the forerunner of a movement , 'over tlm territory tre»-»v—»d l>v th» ent learn» that the Japanese will not coming seamn will I«- tlm same aa dur lent week the indebteilnrMi of the to fly the tricolor over all the Buwsian <anal. It al»«i api-eara tliat thia sov- land an expedition in the Ian river Ing the paat few year»—8 cents |«-r «.ivrrnnirnt I. iu I.I iiik » at Niu Chwang. |•rvignty la nialntaiiwd by th« new r le- valley after April 20, as their trans county was reduced about |30,000 by |H>und for tinaie under 25 pound» and « ports are still engaged in conveying the payment to Cnion county of the cent» for II kmv weighing 26 («tunda or The commerce of the port ha* l»rrn de I public of I'anama, which is in actual possession <>f tlm autlmrity ami power troops to Corea. stroyed by the new rule. The general amount due on account of the "Pan- over. The cold storage men ar» now The Htandard'a Tien Tain correspond opinion among the foreign re«hirnl* is and adminietration and it« policing. handle'* annexation. A portion of endeavoring to reach an agreement that should ItuMia** action l>e |wrmil- Un«ler such circumatances it only re ent says that in compliance with among themselves tn increase the I'nion county, known a* the "Panhan t«*«l to aland by the power* without mains for the Panama company to ac- Viceroy Aloxieff'a demand the Tartar weight limit of what are known aa dle" waa annexed to Baker county l»y protrat, it will l«e tantamount to a com Icept tlm actual situation «•! authority governor of Weng Fan has withdrawn the lrgi*latute four years ago. Baker "cold storage" flsli from 25 to SO plete aurrender of all right* of foreign I and the facte relative to tlm territory its troop* to a distance 00 miles from county had to pay Cnion county alwnit pound», but with Itili» success. ers throughout the whole of Manchuria, | embraced by the concenaion. There Mukden. He adds that the Russians $40,000 in iM'ttlrmrnl of various claims. and will m» very coatly tn foreign capi fore tlm action commenced by Colom are now left in complete control of the Ill thia debt baa now l>ren paid. revenue and other department». PORTLAND MARKETS. tal which ia invest**! in numerous In- bia it not receivable.” Although no formal notice of ap|«*al du*trie* throughout the province. was given, it was stall'd at the close of CONSULS WITH NO JURISDICTION. DISEASED HOUSES TO Ili! SLAIN. Wheat—Walla Walla, 75c; blue- NONE KNOW SIZI! OF ARMIES. the court that Colombia an«i Bonaparte ■tern, flic; valley, flic. Wyer. Russia Makes It Plain Martial Law la te Dome Ilk Animal Commlaalon Orgera Prevail at Nlu Chwang. Barley—Feed, |23 per ton; rolled, Correspondents' Versions of ths Cam would appeal. It 1» said that an ap- Sla»ght«r la tmatllla. paign 1» Corva Differ. |mal will n<«t cause delay, since t<»lay'» 1244125. Niu Chwang, March 30.—The for Salem—Hix hundred hornes, afflicted l/indon, March 31. —No Jaapnene re- decision ia Imld to confirm the com- eign consuls had a conference with the Flour — Valley, (3.0003.9* per bar pany's full right to transfer to the with contagious diseases, will lie |«irt <<f the land operations in Corea llnited Mates. civil administrator today. The latter rel; hard wheel straights, 1404 20, has yet lierm recaivetl here, and there killed In Morrow c«sinty in parsuanre Inform««! them that the full intention of sn order made by the domestic ani clears, (3 8504; hard wheat patent», is much »(««-illation as to the site of of Russia's order of yesterday was to graham, (*.6003.90; the opposing attnies, regarding which mal commission. The h'>r»es are (4 4004.80; there is no reliable information. proclaim martial law and also annul whole wheat, (3.05(44.06, rye flour, owned by Indiana living on the Uma A corn-s|Hinilent at the Russian head Consul Miller Olvea Notice Regarding consnlar jurisdiction and that the same tilla reservation and are afflict««! with (4.5004 76. quarters at Mukden telrgra|di» that ac Martial Law at Nlu Chwang. was already annulled. mange. The state I »«rd has made re- (tala-No. 1 white, (1 IS'« 1.17S’; cording to ir|Mirts r»ceiv««l there about The British consul interpret««! the or Niu Chwang, April 4. — United States 10,000 JspatirM- have criwsed the river peat««l efforts in the last two or Uiree gray, (I .1O4H.I2S per cental. Consul Miller tislay informed the citi der aa not declaring martial law-. The at Chin Cbangau and 5,(MX) have ad- zens of his nationality of tlic United other consuls were unable yesterday to years to induce government authorities Millstufl«—Bran, |lfl(l9 per ton; vain-ed north from Chong Jn Blates' acqtiii-sence in the proclamation comprehend Russia's intentions. iu Washington or at the reservation to The Chronicle'» Bhanghai corres middlings, (24 60026; aborts, (1U<4 The administrator agrees with the take str-pa to stamp out a disease thst pondent asserts thst practically the of martial law by the Russian authori threaten» to spread to all parts of the 20; chop, (lfl; linseed, dairy food, whole Japanese army in Corea, consist ties liete. The l'nit<*d States gunboat consuls to suspend a rigid enforcement Helena will leave Niu Chwang tomor of said order until tlm foreign govern state. All efforts proving fruitli-ss, 41». ing of 100,(XX) men, is concentrat««l at row. TI k - British gunlaiat Espiegle is ments act in order to lessen the com the board has at last detsrminad to Hay—Timothy, (15016 per ton; I'ak Chen and Anju, only small detach awaiting additional instructions. plications. take radical measures, and the state ments lieiiig left in Boitlhcrn Corea to The Americans here call attention to Russian authority lias been estab veterinarian has l«-n ordered to kill clover, (10 0 11; grain, (1!« 12; maintain communication. tlm apparent defeat of American aims lished here without friction. There is the disensr-d animals and bury them. cheat, (11012. A Ht. Petersburg sp»«-ial says that a regarding placing consuls in Manchuria The horses are declared to lie valueleM Russian division of 25,000 men from no apparent alarm, although movable Eggs—Oregon ranch, !7Sc. pro|M-rty is lieing partly removed. It by the execution of Russia's order. because of their diseas««! condition. Houthern Ussuri is advancing in two Butter—Sweet cream butter, 30c per ia iindet stood that immediately after American and British flags were to columns tliri nigh C ores. He refiorts pound; fancy creamery, 26027Sc; that the Jspaiicse are ndvnncing north the II ships now here are loaded, the day removed by the Russian military Warner Settlers Prepare to Aus. choice creamery, 23024c; dairy and from Gensan, and that their advance port and river will Is- closed, as the from tho property of citizens of Ameri Halern—J. L. Morrow and other set work of providing for a system of de can or British nationality. guard Is encampi'd at Chong Ping, it tlers In Warner valley, Ijtke county, store nominal. fense nt Niu Chwang is prorgessing. is prnlialdr, however, that none of these are in Halern perfecting their |ia|mrs Butter Fat — Hweet cream, 28,Sc; reports can I«1 acceptml as authentic. Figure» on a Long War. preparatory to bringing suit to regnin, Nation Wins Point In I.and Frauds. sour cream, 2U Sc. Paris, March 30—The Martin's Har if possible, the lands which were Britain to Restrict Immigration. Han Franciaco, April 4 —The govern bin correspondent says a rumor is be Poultry — Chickens, mixed, 12S0 awarded to the Warner Valley Htisk Iaindon, March 31.—The alien immi ment won its second important point ing circulated thete to the effect that company by the department of the in 13c |ier pound; springs, small, 100 ill tlm technical battle over the allege«! the war will last 20 years, and that it terior, The suit will lie brought in 17c; hens, 13014c; turkeys, live, 150 grant lull was introduced in the house land fraud (are today, when Commis w ill not really begin before September, of common« tislay and passed its first the federal courts ami will raise the question whether the lands were swamp Iflc, dressed, |XM20c; decks, (H0|| per reading without division. The bill fol- sioner Heiicock denied the motion of the rains making July »nd August un dozen; geese, live, Rc. operations. lows the recommendations of the re tli«- defendants, F. A. Hyde and Henry favorable for military in character In I860. The Warner I*. Dimond to dismiss tho complaint "Despite China's protestations of neu Valley Htisk company holds under Cheese—Full cream, twins, 12013c; port of the royal commission on alien Commissioner trality," the correspondent continues, immigration, issued August II last, and discharge them. deeds from the state, while the settlers Young America, 14015c. Heacoek is deciding ngainst the conten "General Ma persists in advancing in that the Immigration of certain classes claim as homesteads. Vegetables—Turnips, ROc per sack; of immigrants into the United King tion of the defendants, Mid that the cer- to Manchuria. If this movement ia catrotfl, ROc; lieets, (I; parsnip», (1; dom Is- subject to statecontrol. Home titled copy of the indictment retablialn'd combined with the Japanese operations Fallen Treea For the Firs. cabbage, l%02c; lettuce, head, 250 Hecretary Douglas, in introducing the a prime facie caae against Hyde and (the Rnsisana will lie obliged to act Halern—The heavy wind storm last 40c per dozen; parsley, 25c; tomatoes, Dimond and that tho competency of the against General Ma." wook is likely to increase the amount' (202.25 per crate; cauliflower, 75c«i resolution, referred to the increase of Washington court hail been proven. ---------------------------- crime during th«- adtaission of a class of cordwood cut in thia vicinity this (I perdoMn; celery, 116080c; squash, Famine Follows Tornado. of aliens tn this country. year. Timber enough to make many . 2c per pound; cuctimlier«, (1.7502.26 Factory Dirla are Killed. Hamburg, March 30.—An export thousand cords of wood was blown psr dozen; asparagus, 8S0Uc; pm», Scranton, Pa., April 4.—Hix persons J house here has received a cable dis- Flood Mill Imperil» City. down and tho farmers will cut much of I 9c; rhuliiirb, lie; beans, 10c; onion», Saginaw, Mich., March 31.—Flood wero killcil and five fatally injured liy patch from Reunion island, in tho In- tho fallen timla-r into cordwrxsL A Yellow Danvers, 1202.36 per sack. conditions in this city and vicinity to an explosion in tlm factory of tlm Dick- ' dian («-«'an, contlrmniing the announce- thousand cords of fallen timber on Honey—(303.50 per case. night are not improved. All industrial son Hquib company, at Priceburg, near ' ment of the disaster caused by a tor- single farms has been re port «»I in a hare, today. Twenty girls were em undo March 21 and 22. The island number of cases. Ho far aa timber la ' Potatoes—Fancy, IM)c0|l per cental; plants on the rlvei aie shut down, and ployed in tlm factory. What caused was completely devastated and the cap concerned, the wiml was an advantage common, 00080»; naw potatoes, 8Sc 5,001) mon or mor«- are out of work. St. I'unnis, was destroyed. The financial loss in this country will the explosion is not known, but it is ital, to farmers. |Hir pcund; sweets, 5c per pound. probably reach (750,000. Between said that one of the girls throw a squib Famine exists among tho islander». Fruita—Apples, fancy Baldwins »nd Saginaw and Bay City tho ice on the into the stove and that the force of tho The sugar cane, tobacco and coffee crop« Change Union County Scat. Hpitzenberga, (1.600 2.50 per box; Haginaw river is over two feet deep in explosion was so great (lint it wrecked are entirely destroyed. The damage ia The estimated at (5,000,000. La Grande— A petition has been choice, (101.50; cooking, 75c. places, an«l dynamite hns had little the building and set tiro to it. Hop» — 1003 crop, 230 25c per effect in clearing tho channel. Reports squibs are used in coal mining. filed with the county clerk by Recorder Dowie Waa Insulting. William Miller, to Im presented at tho pound. toll of much suffering. Draft of River and Harbor Bill next meeting of the county court, ask Adelaide, Australia, March 30.—In Wool—Valley, 17018c; Eastern Ore Large Machine Shope Burned. ing tho court to make the petition an gon, 12016c; mohair, 320 35c. Washington, April 4.—The house consequence of a speech insulting King issue for the June election that the Pittsburg, March 31.—The machine committee on rivera ami harbors today Edward the government lias refused Beef—Dresaed, 507*^0 per pound. county sent lie removed from Union to shops of the Pittsburg Valve Foundry cotn| leted its draft of an appropriation the use of public buildings to John Mutton—DrensiMl, O®7o; lamb«, 8c. 14« Grande, its former site. This peti A Construction company weio destroyed bill carrying approximately (3,000,000 Alexander Dowie. The mayor of Ad Veal—Dresaed, 708c, tion was signed by 2,570 of Union by Are tonight. Lona is probably to continue existing contracts for river elaide wrote to Dowie telling him he Pork—Dramd, 707,Hc. county residents. 1 was a disgrace to the nationality. 1200,000. and harbor work. Ban Frani-imo. April 2.—Tbs mhhii .I trial <«( Mr». Curitelia Botkin on th«« TWO HEMISPHERES. i-lintx«’ ol having rnUM-il the ileath of (IRANÍ CAITI II AHI! DVINU. Mr». J. I' Dunning by mean» of )ioia- <>n««l vainly virtual)- «’nilwl in a muta C«mprvhcn«hc Retie« of th» Import- tional manner 1st» tin» »ftvrnooii. Meaty Snow Falling and Temperature ant Happening» of the Pw»t Wrek, Acting upon in format ion that four Deep» to Zero l*rc.«entcd In Condensed I'urm, Moat jurors hivl l««-n bril«'«i to favor the John Day—A snowfall of umre than Likely to Prove Interesting tu Our prisoner, Judge Uook oi-ilere*l the Jury into the cuatmly of the sheriff until to- a foot occurred last week In the higher Many Reader*. mm 10» niorniiig, win'll Im »III for valley» of thia county. The storm ia mally dismiss Hi« jury ami begin tlm quite geneial, but the fall ia not so Japan ha» Anally allowed war con*- Inipatmling of a new one. It ia al great in the larger valley». The tern- »pendents to proceed to the front. leged that l«'aid«w four juiota »ho are iwrature fell to 14 Iwlow aero at llila The house has voted down the senate said to have Iwcn influenred, sn nt place. It ia alumat aero in tho colder tempt waa mad» to hr !«• tlm tilth one. amendment to build a military road in When the ■li-iioti<<ni<-iit cam» in routt flection». With very few exception» Alaska. tmlny, M im . Botkin's attorimy made n thia 1» the coldest wvallmr of tho year Bt. Mary». Oblo, reart voir, one of the IMimootiat«' sp<>«H'h, diai laiming that In some of the higher val largest in the world, i» in danger of Mr». Botkin or any on« conn«H't<«l with breaking. Imr cam' was iniplii-ati'd. II. al»o said leys the stock situation ia decidedly tXlessa gave a warm welcome to the that Im Mould not cuntlnim with tlm serious Bear valley stockmen are on The state's attorimy tlrely out ol tee.I. Although cattle are Russian suri Ivors of the liattle of pre»»nt jury. concurred in a motion to dial hatge tlm generally strong. grave feat» are enter Chemulpo. jury. A brief invcatigatioii »u Imld ; Russians captured a Japanese steam by Judge Cook after the jury left ths tained. er, seised map», telegrams, etc., and rm nn. A dl-qiiirtlng mimr has Imeii grow then sunk her. Chief of Police Wittinsn teatifi««! Ing, started by message» over the tele Semi-official advices give th» number that one of the jurors loci followed him phone In some |da<-es, herds living of Russian troops In the Far East as to hi» office nftci the noon adjournment moved to lietter feeding ground», have yaaterday and said that on tlm prevl- , nearly 200,000. on» evening a strange man had culled l-een overtaken l*y the storm and are Russia is too busy with Japan to fel upon him and said now strung along the public roads, low or make any objection to British *'We have m-iiml four jurors for the ! staggering and falling dead. In one advance in Thibet. defense and want a tltb; Mill give Instance the road supervisor found II Another attempt has l«<en made on you (50.” Tlm juror told tlm chief, the life of Pop* Pius, this time by two that Im turn««! down tlm offer, aam-rt- ms-earary to give orders to owners to remove carcasses from the road. ing men disguised as clergy. "I am no such dirtv man. 1 would Htocknmn are grimly whetting their It is report««) that Japan alter bom- not take (50 or (50,000." skinning knives, preparing to save the barding Vladivostok, dropped» numlvt Continuing, the chief of (Hilice raid bides. Only a »pee-ly raise in the of floating mine» tn that vi'inity. that w hen tlm luror Irit the court room ' teni|mrature can saie enormous Io»»»« The three bandita who li»ld up the vra ter day afternoon he waa shadowed Rherp and horses have nut »offered Oregon aurpreaa and killisl a messenger by a detective, who »aw him sm-irtly much loss yet got no loot from the wrecked ex pre« meet a woman with whnni Im talked car. for several minutes. Judge t’lwik d««'lared that the man Rain* make the flood aitualion in In had violated hie duty in talking with diana more grave. I’coaoHiy la I!ipendlturwa Briaga War- anyliody alxiut the caar. French court decide» the Panama rant* Meany to Par. canal case »gainst Colombia. TBR.1S AMI MICA MUTUAL Lot!. Baker City—Baker county ia fart get rivers are floods. NO. — w EVENTS OF THE DAY 11MM.