KLAMATH REPUBLICAN OIŒfiON, EVENTS OF THE DAY MM l<> I AIU CANAL-ZONE t.EUISL ATION. House Commute will Favor 9700,IMH, Appropriation. QATMERED I RDM ALL PARTÍ OP THE MA1UII HAPPENINGS HERE IN OREGON Any That Is Enacted Now Will Be of Preliminary Nature. TROOPS TOO ACTIVE increase army before attack . Russia, In Meantime. Expects Makaroff to light Hard on Sea. Washington, March 19.—The hmiw Washington, March 17 —Whatever RUSSIA AGAIN THREATENS TO MARCH Yinkow, March IB.—The local Rus­ ■ubeoni in litre <>n Industrial art« and TWO HEMISPHERES. legislation may lie enacted at the pres­ ON PEKIN. sian authorities are apparently in* exposition« today favorably reported u ent session lelating to the Panama censed and manifestly much annoyed INOLSruil'S Al NORIH BUND. •ulistltllte for the lewis and Clark ex­ ■ anal will be largely preliminary in Çamprehcnslve Review of the Impart­ at the solicitous inquiries of the com­ character. The president has discussed position bill, nttrilly pa«aid by the Leaser.Requests the Recall of Force Out­ ant Happenings al »be Paet Warb. manders of foreign gunboats regarding aenats, carrying a total appropriation Hoi I adery Under Ccnatructlon Milla Articles I lied With the Secretary ol the matter with members of congress side of Wall Minister of the Cxar and with such mernliers of the isthmi­ Prvaenled In condensed lurm. Meat the projected blocking of the Liao river uf $450,000. The »ullatitute bill n,i|. Uuihcd With Orders. State at Salem. an canal comm »«ion as are in the city, Says Hla Government May Be Com- likely la Prove lulereatlag to Rar I*fore the arrival of the Japanese, templut« ■ the <-«| h -ndltUr«- «,( $250,(X)0 Halem— 4 rticles uf incorporation hut it is understood that no definite de­ _ pelted to Believe China la Abandon­ which latter event is regarded as a fore­ North Hend—(.'oustruction work will Many Renders. for a government exhibit, $75,000 for Is gin at om r on ii box factory here to were filed in tlie office of the secretary cision yet has been reached as to what ing Her Neutrality. gone conclusion. Although the block­ are the precise needs of legislation on the «rntclon <4 a government building, maiiulai turn 15,000,000 feet of aprm n of state last week as follows: the subject. Sully, tlie great cotton king. haal*en ing of the f.iao and also the defense ol Crayne-Lisle irrigation company, $175,000 fur the erection ot building» tlri'lx r |a-r year into boxes. Tlie plant London. March 21.—The Standard's the settlement and native town are re­ General Davis called attention to the luiccd to su«|ieml. Pendleton, $5,000. for the Alaska, Philippine, Hawaiian ia la-ing installed by Hun Franciacocap- provisions for executive regulations con­ Tien Tsin correspondent says that Paul Japan promlM-a America to prolcet garded as unattainable, it is certain farona Mills lumlier company, fjeona. tained in the bill providing for the con­ Oriental and Oceanic exhibit», and itailats. It will coat $5 500 and em­ Ix-war, Russian minister to China, has that an uunimportant disposition of fully »II (oreillers at Fuaan. Doug I u» county, $100,000. struction oi the canal and suggested $290,000 for an Alaska exhibit, in ad­ The product will I* The Modern confectionery company, that they were ample to cover all needs renewed his protest against the dis­ guns and the arrangement of a defense The «erisle 1'«« coiitlrmral the nomin dition to amount» heretofore appropri­ ploy 75 riieri. "hipped to California and Eastern Portland, 425,000. in the direction of governing the canal patch of Chinese forces outside the plan have already been made. The ar­ «lion of Wood t<> be major general. ated fur liie Alaska exhibit at Hl markets in Hu- form of (hooka. Merchants' loan and trust eomfiany, zone. great wall and has intimated that un- rival of General Kendravovitch, a few |loiiil>arect of the days ago, however, arrested the ar­ Prraqier canning company, Proeper, government of the zone, he mentioned At it» neit meeting, the full nini. I .1 Hveley, of Albany, have liegun lie compelled to act on the assumption rangements and threatened to cause town. $«0,000. Purpoae, to can flab the apjiointmerit of a governor or per ­ Ill it Um will consider Hie »ulntitute bill, work i.n u condensed milk plant, the In that China is abandoning her neutrali­ the abandonment of tbe original inten­ ItiiMian tns.pa liar» been older««I to Reckard A Co., Portland, $10,000. fect chosen from the commission and may poeeibly add an appropriation building to be 70x90 feet, and will in­ Object, to ileal in bicycless. addition there should be a secretary of ty in favor of Japan. The minister is tion. «neat Coresns instead ol lighting them fur a foreatry building Peg l eg mining Hnd iniiling coin­ state, an attorney general, treasurer, I also reported to have renewed his «■ Imlligerants. In addition to making provision for stall tin ir own can milking machinery. pany, Portland, $100,000. The highest Russian opinion obtain­ sanitarian, superintendent of s< bools, threat that on tin- slightest movement The chief I'mchot lirggi » the house ' >m- Um various building« and the govern­ I'orty people will lai employed. able at Port Arthur and Niu Chwang Portland safe and Irak company, justices of the peace, police judge and no tire to provide f. Iga .«■ • The work of sanitation would cost ply to this, the correspondent adds, ization of 300,000 toropa lor tbe as­ puipi>»es, and creates u government they have 89,000 pounds per day en­ point a < oiiimittce to Inviwtiagte tlie The Medford furniture company, $500,000 the first year and the polic­ China refused to recall her troops. saulting and opposition of the Japan­ hoard to collect, install and e lieurd from. The Lunelle Brothers A Co., Albany, expenditure of $300,000 a year. Aut­ It«».ter Washington declare« ene.nit- at Nt t.oiils and authorises, hi coimw*. pose the Chinese. sites for both these induatth'» have 15,000. onomy foi the people of the zone Gen­ ful attempts of the Port Atrhur and «grineiit of iirgioee to 1« taxpayer« i» lion with the government exhibit, u l»-''n donated by 1.. J. Simpson, and in The same opinion asserts that Vice Pacific Coast advertising company, eral Davis believed to be a thing for Vladivostok fleets to join forces. Admiral Makaroff will fight hard. He the «alvatlon fo the race. tlaii commiasiuri exhibit ami a life rav­ •«! h Inatanre tin* enterprising citizens Portland, $10,000. distant consideration. The nature of is determined to weaken the enemy at The hoiirv » 111 r««|ilire I Im ¡Hetinaater ing elation. of the town havesulrecribedahandsonie Washington county publishing com­ the work would attract the rougher or SUNK BY LINER. any cost, and make the o(>eration of The aiilicommittee will further r«- eaak stllHii.ly. grnrral to make known regulatlonp I»- criminal classes. The total coat of ad­ pany, Forest Grove, $2,500. the Baltic sea fleet in the Far East Mill No 1 «t ths Simpson lumlier tore hr • an make appropriations tor fMirt in favor of authorizing the coin Pacific States mercantile company, ministering the government aftei pre­ British Submarine Boat Run Down and feasible, though it may be necessary to age of 250,000 souvenir gold dollar», company now has on hand for imme­ San Francisco, $5,000. liminary exjienditures had been met baodllng "unusual business.” Her Crew Lost. fight without the Pallada, Czarevitch which are to lie coined at such time» Greenback gold mining company, would amount to $1,000,000, accord­ Th«* Russian fleet has returned to ' and in auch quantities as the expo­ diate delivery onh-ra for 60 business Portsmouth, England, March 21.— and Retvizan. which it is admitted snd ri-aidenie buildings, al) of the bet­ Arizona, $1,000,000. ing to the belief of General Davis. port Arthur, Iming unatile to l< cost several British submarine boat No. “A-l” was moDths. On account of the uncertain­ Miem y. coins are to 1« Sold to the exposition thousand ilollars each. Plana are now ARMY TO STRIKB. run down and sunk off the Nab light ty of the success of the scheme of con­ To Manufacture Fruit Ladders. Ilntain and France have settled long corporation at part ami may, by them l>eitig prepared for a mralorn hotel Oregon City—A visitor from Colo­ ship today by a Donal Curry liner and structing a dock in which to repair the «landing dispute over Newfoundland hr sold at a premium of |l each, thus building three stories in he'glit ami to rado has called on the Oregon City Japanese are Ready to Begin Their For­ 11 persons were drowned, including Czarevitch and Retvizan, naval experts enabling the ex|Hisitl"ii to increa»'- its contain 8() rooms. Construction will ward Movement. Aahenrs. board of trade with a proposal to in­ earning«. Lieutenant Man«ergli, the senior officer allow a year for the work. la-gin on this at an early date. The Ja|«n i" landing a third force in Wei Hai Wei, March 17.—The ex­ While tlie aulaommtti-e made m> large lumber mills of tbe Himpnon lum- stall in this city a plant for the manu­ facture of fruit ladders, fruit presses tensive forward movement on the part engaged in the submarine work. The Corea, which will join the army at re'-oniiiiemlatiin ns to Holiday dosing -COREA SHALL BE RUSSIAN.” l»'r c. nipany are running full blast and and other horticultural apparatus. The of the Japanese army may be expected 1 i liner passed on anil reported that she Ping Vang. <4 tlie eX|Mj»ilton. It is eX|H-ct««l Hint although their capacity lias lieen large­ had struck a torpedo. to lie begun at once. local commercial organization has the Hriat « exonerate« congreeamen from the full committee Mill amend the sen­ ly increased, they are still unable to The llaimun has encountered very ’ At the time she was struck the sub­ Kouro patkin Says the Powers Mavs matter under consideration and will sn«g'loing in «ecu ring Increaara III ate bill by striking out the Platt Hum fill orders as fast as received. Agreed to Keep Britain's Hands Off. marine boat was off the lightship en­ day cloning amendment, and leave tin­ • Tlie North Bend woolen mills and strive to secure the industry for thia little ice and in skirting the coast line, , gaged in the maneuvers, and was lying petal clerk hire. it is clear they are nearly clear, and city. No bonus or other consideration Paris. March IB—The St. Peters­ mallei entirely in the control of tile the «a»h and door factory are also in Japan tells correspondents they ran »tale. is asked by the promoter of the plant, that nothing now stands in the way of in seven fathoms of water waiting the burg correspondent of the Echo de full o|ieration ami tlie pay roll com- «»si g i to the front, indicating that a who is favorably impressed with this the Japanese transport fleets proceeding approach of a battleship. The boat Chairman Tawney, »|-roking of the binrd i» over $25,000 |>er month. A place as a desirable location for such a to the landing places selected in tlie, was one of the newest of the fleet of Paris says that the czar’s refusal, fol­ land lattl« ia neat. subr«imniilt«*e's report, ray» that an »I- foondry and machine shop ia now lin­ business. submarine .-eseels and was built from lowing General Kouropatkin’s advice, northern part ot Corea. The Ruraian Vladivostok fleet 1« an proprlation of $45(1, for Pmtlaml is ing en-cted and will be an up-to-date the latest models, but she had always to permit Prince Louis Napoleon to go The fact that the Japanese have re ­ the «ay 1«. k to Russia to effort a eqiivalent to an appr»| nation of $«itM),- plant in every reaps«'t Machinery is call««! all correspondents from tbe bead­ been a bad diver. She was inspected to the Far East, is much commented Fish Exhibit tor St. Louts Fair. .unction with the Baltic equa-lron oral or $700,000 at any other ei|x> order'«! and now on the way, ami the recently by both King Edward and the M. Astoria—Superintendent Nick Han­ quarters of the army at Ping Yang also Prince of Wales. Iroder William«, <4 the Ileniarral« silion, a» Portland will enjoy th« ad­ company expect« to lie ready for busi­ indicates an important movement is sen, of the Chinook hatchery, has com- The correspondent says that six new The name of tlie liner which struck in the hoiiar, déclarée that tlie |«,*t- vantage of having many <4 its exhibit» ness within 60 days. contemplate«!. The Japanese coin- I pleted and shipped a unique exhibit the submarine boat is the Berwick torpedo beats have been sent out of the office .Irpartiiieiit is corrupt from top to already collecU-d. requiring only tran­ manding general, Baron Hasegawa, i for the fisheries department at the St. shipment from Ht. Ixniia. He mya Castle, from East London, South Af­ bottom. Louis fair. It consists of a series of who, with the imperial guards, will rica. The loss of the boat wa* not Newsky yards, and that ten others, Portland will have a la tter government take the lead in the movement against modeled after the French torpedo boat District Attorney Jerome, of New exhibit than Buffalo had for $300,000. glass tubes in which have lieen placed known for several hours after the salmon eggs ami small ft j* so arranged the Russians north of the Yaiu river, I liner had reported to the manuevering Cyclone, are being completed, and York, is determined to send (anti «-hl and should also have a» tine if not liner Plant Is tp-tn-ttate In Every Particular is strongly opposed to permitting any as to show the different stages of the to prie n, and aaks that the law I- exhibit from Alaska, the Philippines fleet that she had struck a torpedo. probably will be sent by railway to A Credit to the Iowa. eggs during the hatching period, and of correspondent» to accompany bis col­ The officers of the liner say that they Port Arthur. «nirtuleil so lie can make Itcgmald and the Orient than a HI be made at umn until after the first land battle Vanderbilt testify. In the uourse of his conversations in Ht. Ia>ui» tliia year. la Grande—The new creamery at the fry from the time they emerge from has lieen fought, and it is known he saw a glistening torpedo like shape in the egg until they are ready to be the train, while traveling from Mos­ A Russian tor|««lo !w»at entering the has succeede«i in winning over to hiB the water, and it is supposed, there­ Haines is now practically completed turned into the river. cow. according to this correspondent, Port Art Due harbor strucg an unplaio'l way of thinking the members of the fore, that the submarine boat roee just FRIl'l RVH I IR SBAl. INDI AIRY. and in running order, and is without General Kouropatkin repeated hia de­ before she was struck. There is no siliM- at.d was blown up. Onlv four of staff. Cold-Storage Plant for Ashland. sire that peace should be signed only the crew was saved. This was one of Amata Daalraa President to Negotiate doubt one of the ls-st eqiup|>ed institu­ General Hasegawa was chief aid to doubt that all the members of the crew Tbe general said that tions of its kind in Eastern Oregon. Ashland—A company of which F. I.. Field Marshal Oyama during theopera- died in the steel tube. It is thought in Tokio. the largest tor|iedo boat» in the Rus- With Britain tor changa In Rotas. The main building is 24x40 feet, and Nelson and I risi M. Carter, late of the i tions which resulted in the capture of i that the Berwick Castle, in striking, France, Germany and Austria have lian navy. Washington, March IW.—Afterelimi­ electric light company, will lie in con­ Fort Arthur by the Japanese in 1894 | upset the trim of the boat and spilled agreed with Russia to prevent Great Rnaaiana do noCpropoee to evacuate nating nil but three section» of Henalor Inuit in a subataiiial manner. A gras) tini, has perfected all arrangements for Britain intervening with another Berlin and is expected to strike quickly and the gasoline in tbe tanks, rendering treaty, adding: Port Arthur. her helpless. The crew was battened Dillingham»* Alaskan seal bill, the ai«rd engine room adjoins the building establishing an ice plant and cold stor­ effectively against the Russians. “We will never permit Great Brit­ down and must have met death from Senator Tillman of South Carolina, senate committee on foreign relation« on the north side and a refrigerator age warehouse in Ashland and expects suffocation in the abeense of air and ain to interfere for the purpose of de­ has authorised Senator Foraker to Halt feet is lieing constructed in one to have it in o|>eration within six ia much improved. WILL BUY IN NORTHWEST. priving us of the fruits of a dearly owing to the fumes. make a favorable report on the meas­ corner for storing butter in warm weeks. The hones ha« again had the ltrtatow ure, The bill as originally intrraiiieed bought victorv. Corea shall be Rus­ weather. Japan Want« to- Secure Good Horses for pratal trport up for dleciiMiion sian.” was practically the same «■ had lieen I he capacity of this plant will be Polk Land Brings $50 an Acre. the Army. QREAT INSURANCE TRUST. Japan lellevee Hie Ruaeian fleet baa presented In the house by Representa- I (MM) pounds of high grade butter per Independence—M. W. Miz, of thia Vancouver, B. C., March 17.—Ten BELIEVES FLEBT IS INSIDB. tiva Tawney, of Minnesota The first day. but i« not running at its full ca­ left I' rt Artlmr for Vladivostok. place, purchased 71 acies of land lying thousand horses for the Japanese army Fire Companies Will Have Uniform Rates section of the bill prohibited the kill ­ pacity at present. The o]>eration of Postmaster General I'aynn is suffer­ In All Cities. three miles north of lnde|>endencc from will 1« purchased within the next ten ing of main fur avals on the Pribyloff Hie plant is under the management of British Press Now Unable to Put Vladi­ ing from a severe attack of gout ami ia Philadelphia, March 19.—The in­ group <>l seal islands, except 5,500 to E. I1 Severance, and W. J. Harlow Mr. Is-eson at $50 per acre, The prop­ months in Faatern Oregon and Wash­ vostok Fleet Elsewhere. very weak. Im urnsI a« forai for the natives <4 the has charge <4 the butter making. The erty is a very desirable small farm. ington. The contract for the supply of quirer tomorrow will say the National Ixindon, March 16.—It is a subject and is all in cultivation. these remounts has lieen awarded to Board of Fire Insurance Underwriters, large »til e riplione to the Russian islands, and thia »as ntrieken out by machinery is all up-to-date ami they Dr. Armstrong, of Nelson, B. C., at a meetingg held in New York City of increasing remark and conjecture in ear lunil are pouring in from all |«rta the committee have a ,0-horsepowet boiler, a Victor through the consulate in this city. today, came to an agreement by which the press that nothing has been heard of the empire. A« passe.I, the bill provides that combined churn ami worker with a ca­ PORTLAND MARKETS. The agreement specifies that 1,000 ani­ all tire insurance companies in __ this ___ 1 of -j-j;- the V'.iuliv Vladivostok —tc- squadron, —dre» -.-d and it It is la the preei'lent ol the United States shall pacity <4 600 pounds of butter at one One uf the Chicago carliarn murder- mals per month be delivered, and this country rrolly in- in- country and and all all foreign foreign companies companies rep- rep- ' ¿¿^in^to to U Wfeved believed it it “ii is “ really negotiate with Great Itiitain foi a re ­ churning. •n has confraeed to two more crimen Wheat—Walla Walla, 75c; blue­ will make ten months before its expir­ relented here n»»ri» will tnrm a hi not mn ° * will form a combination. ., . ® . vision of the rulea anil regulations in which Im killed four men. stem, 79®80' ; valley, 80(?81c. ation. The price is not mentioned, Uniform rates, says the Inquirer, are sl^e harbor of V ladivostok. which now govern tlie taking of fur Barley — Feeaii for the purp.aw* of securing their the same price here for beet.» as they er, $11012; grain, $12013; cheat, Statehood Bill Completed. made upon each company doing busi­ go's teport that he has laid mines at The California site is In Han Luis Obis­ areement to any satisfactory leviaion of pay at the factory. $12013. Washington, March 17.—The state­ ness in this country to make up a fund Port Aithur as a mere blnff, and they po county and comprisse 22,000 acres, the rules that may In* had. Vegetables—Turnips, 80c per sack; hood problem today was taken up by of $100,000 annually to carry on the say such a feat would be impossible un­ •I a cost of $500,000. (iirrots, 80c; beets, $1; parsnips, $1; the subconimottee of the house commit­ work. der fire. Comparative Creamery That Pays. 1 lie nomination of General Ixonatd Only Scttkr« Caw Rrmaln. Oregon City—The year 1903 was a cabbage, 114®2 c ; red cabbage, 2c; tee on territories, recently appointed to "oral ia before the sonate. Washington, Marcii 19—Senator An­ prosperous one for the Clear Creek lettuce, head, 25040c per dozen; hot draft statehood bills for Arizona and Chinese Rushing to Border. Oreat Building Strike Almost Sure. Admiral Makaroff propoeee to fight keny and Representative Jones tralay creamery company, a co-operative but­ house, $2 per box; parsley, per dozen, New Mezico and Oklahoma and the In­ Paris, March 16—The Ternps corres­ New Yotk, March 21. — Twenty rer justing the taxation and other ques­ at once the strike probably will spread trains are crowded witli Chinese sol­ in any way, the lands within the “overlap” limits, butter. This product netted the pat­ dozen; asparagus. 5c; peas, 9c per tions with regard to the admission of until about 100,000 men are involved. diers, numbering upwards of 21,000, pound; onions, Yellow Danvers, $20 Oklahoma and the Indian Territory as Tin* military affair» committee pro- which passed to the railroad company rons an average for the year of 29 cents The employers, considering it improb- on their wav to garrison the border. 2.35 per sack. a state ate the next to lie taken aole that any settlement will be A Japanese attack is ex;>ected here as jxiae» th» puichaso of a protector type under the recent decision of the su­ .»■r pound for his butter at the cream­ Honey — $303.50 per case. preme court. Settlers who settled ery or 264 cents when hia cream was up. «I totpedo final. reached, are preparing for the strike soon as a thaw occurs.” The corree- Potatoes—Fancy, 9Oc0$l per cen­ upon these hinds in goral faith prior to called for. The cost of making the but­ which they think will follow. Mem­ I pondent of the Temps at St. Petersburg f anadn say» any propoaals for joint July 1, 1898, and have made their ter was 24 cents per pound. The tal; common, 60080c, growers' price; Do Not Believe Report. bers of other unions who will be out of says: “The Japanese have thus far new potatoes, 3SrC per pound; sweets, Ingialalion must hereafter come from homes thereon, will be permitted, un­ business is increasing. Paris, March 17.—The St Petersburg work because they cannot proceed with captured seven Russian merchant 5e per pound. the United State». der the act of 1898, to retain title. correspondent of the Echo de Paris says building without the bricklayers, ate ships, whose commanders did not know Eggs—Oregon ranch, 15c war had begun.” Move for Electric Road. that rumors to the effect that the said to be indignant. Non Mormons of Salt Iaiko Butter—Sweet cream butter, 30c per lake have the Wants to U»e thlneae Wo»d. Vladivostok and Tort Arthur squad ­ Forest Grove — -At a meeting of bunchml a party and call upon Utah pound; fancy creamery. 27 4c; choice Pekin, March 19 —Russian commie- citirens of tliia plsce here a proposition creamery, 25c; dairy and store, nomi­ rons have been united are received with To Improve Three Oregon Harbors. Cuba Authorized to Make Loan. o wi|>« out polygamy. w „« presented by Messrs. Heidel, Sew ­ incredulity by tlie general staff. The arial ofllcers have applied to the t hl­ Washington, March lfi.—Senator Havana, March 21.—It is said here nal. Russian subjects respond to the pol- neae railway officials at Hein Min run ell and Shute, <4 Hillsboro, tosubeidim* Butter Fat—Sweet cream, 284c; correspondent believes the rumors are that Speyer er Colombia May Yet Fight. ment. The reply received, it is said, mouth of the 8iuslaw liver, $100,000. pound. ">t the great railway merger is illegal. tions were also asked regarding I » possiliHity of purchasing (raider amt point solicitors. Paris, March 17.—The Paris edition was to the effect that Cuba was entirely These amendments are intended to pro­ Cheese—Full, cream twins, 13014c; Miles lias written to pro- of tbe New York Herald publishes a authorized to close the business in ac­ vide funds for carriyng on work during Young America, 15c. 1 "itoniats who suggest that he be- other supplies. Opinion on Inhsrltancs-Tax Law. the fiscal year. letter from Dr. Jorge Holguin, ex-min­ cordance with the contract. Beef — Dressed, 5074c per pound; ''Um the Prohibitionist candidate fol No Hop« for Mrs. Mlle». Salem—Attorney General Crnwford mutton, dressed, 6®7c per pound; ister of foreign affairs in Clootnbia, P. ”nl tlist he is in the hands of For Assembly llitatUMMSD Washington, AJarch 19.—Mis. Miles, ha» rcnd-red an opinion at the request veal, dressed, 8084c per pound; pork, and now financial agent of the Colombi­ Preaident Signa Supply Bill. "b friends. wife of Lieutenant General Nelson a . of Stale Treaserer Moore, in w '.ch he dressed, 707 4c per pound. an government, denying that Colombian Washington, M a Washington, March 21.—The presi­ i lielleve that the numeri us Miles, retired, is lying HI *1 l‘”r Hops—Choice, 25026c per pound; hos withdrawn its suit against the Pan­ dent today signed the legislative, exec­ Mitchell today inli . PilMP holds that, under the inheritance tax ! ".**r'lll"‘<>t»show Port Arthur to lie in this city. Her condition has been I hw personal property existing outside prime, 24c®25c. ama canal company, oi has recalled the utive and judicial appropriation bill ment to the Indian appropriation1 MU ‘"vulnerable. exceedingly critical and although so»1' the state, is subject to the tax the same Wool—Valley, 17418c; Eastern Ore­ troops sent against the republic of Pan­ This is the second of the big supply carrying $18,000 to erecta brick assem­ America and France are likely to act improvement is noted tralay« 110 '"I" BH other property of the estate. ama. bills to become a law. bly hall at the Chemawa Indian school. gon, 12®15c; mohair, 32®35c. I*acemakers |.t»r on. is held out for her recovery.