Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, February 25, 1904, Image 4

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    Hood’s Sarsaparilla
11 m woii
success far beyond the eHoel
of advertising only.
The «vrrl of it* wonderful popular.
Ity is explained by its unapproachable
Based upon a prescription
cured )teople considered incurable.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
Unites the best-known vegetable rem­
edies, uy sm h • combination, propor­
tion and process as to have curative
power peculiar to itself.
It* cure* of scrofula, eczema, psori­
asis, and every kind of humor, as well
■s catarrh aud rheumatism — prove
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
the bc-t blood purifier ever produced.
It* cures of dyspepsia, loss of appe­
tite and that tired feeling make it the
greatest stomach tonic and strength­
restorer the world ha* ever known
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
1» a thoroughly good medicine. Begin
U lake it TODAY.
lie—They say feathers are all the
rage this year.
She—Yew—and beads. too.
He—I’alnt and powder are always
more or less In vogue, aren't they?
She—Yes. But. then, yon must re­
member this Is the age of
' - ih».- «Ul Sa» Mn Wlnalow • Seo«Mn«
»' fU|» the l*«t remety ui uw lor ihalr »hU4r»a
.«>• uwiolas wsa*<t«
Success may sometimes come unex-
pe< tedly. but work alone can bold it.—
F. W. Murray.
BTATSoeOtuo. cm or Tovsno.1
Lttcas Covxrv.
i “■
r»ASK J. Casssv makreosib that he is ths
senior par ter ot th« firm ot T. J. I bsxxt A Co.,
doing businru in th. City ot Toledo, County
and state sfon-M.d. and that said firm will nay
the an tn oi ONE HCNPRKD POLLAKS lor each
and every eaae of Catarrh that cannot be cured
by the um of H all ' s I'aTaaas Cvsz
Sworn to before me and iubaerthed in my
prceence, this *lh day ot December, A. D. 1SM
* —’
-Votary PsliUc.
Hall's Catarrh Cure 1. taaen internally and acu
directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of
Ute.y.tem, Send for trettmontala, free.
F J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo, a
Hold by druggists, 75c.
Loudou prixlib'es ten lunatics per
day; New York nearly a* many, with
greater proportionate Increase
The self lighting Bunsen burner of
a German chemist depends upon the
Igniting effect of a pellet of palladium
sponge, which la passed over the es­
caping gas as th« tap Is opened
Many excellent bouaekeepcr* «!1*a
give as to the beet method of wash­
ing white clothe«. Some of them pre
for to soak their clothe* overnight In
cold water.
Other* who are equally
go«Kl managers, after examining each
pie.'e to see If there are any stain* ot
spots that n«*ed special
pluuge them Into boiling hot s.«ap
suds ami let them stand for several
hours or overnight This latter iuetho«l
seetua to draw the dirt quite thor­
oughly, a* the water itself will atti-at
next morning
The dothee are then
lifted out of this water Into dean warm
water, the few soiled place* that re­
main are nibbed out and the clothes
Over-fatigue I* regarded by Dr. Bur­ are put In the boiler to com«' to th<>
ton Fanning as the determining cause boiling point. If the water Is hard a
of 10 per cent of hi* cases of pulmo­ tableapoonful of washing *•«!». but
nary consumption. Even a single ex­ no more, should be added to every gal
cess—a* unusual bicycling, climbing, Ion of water In the boiler, the soda
hunting, or even dancing or tennis— being first dissolved tn « iittie toil­
may bring into activity unsuspected ing water. If it Is put in without melt­
latent tubeeculoal*
ing it may eat a hole In the clothe*.
The statement Is generally made that If the water la soft a little melted soap
the principal geyser» of the Yellow
should t>e used instemt of •oda. and
I atone Park greatly exceed In site and * «ap should lie rubbed over each piece
power all other» In the world. J A
Vary few
as it is put tn the toller
Kuddlck. now of Ottawa. Canada, con
of the t>est laundresses boll their
tradlcts this, and says that the Wat
clothes longer than thre«' minutes, Ju«t
tuangu Geyser In New Zealand far ex
long enough to allow them to to tbor
ceeda In proporttonc anything deacrlb
oughly acaldnt
Longer boiling only
ed In the Yellowstone region
tends to make white clothes yellow
Ruddtck has never himself seen Wat- When the clothes are taken from the
tuangu tn action, but ha* often wit­ boiler the water they were boiled In
nessed the eruption* of the geysers should be poured over them and they
called Fa I ma and Pohotu. the former should be allowed to stand in It sev-
sometimes playing to a height of more eral hours or overnight.
No woman
than SM> feet
who doe* this will ever be troubled
The curious electric heater of M. Ca­ with yellow clothes. There is no bet­
milla Herrgott consists of conducting ter way to bleach them in winter.
About once a month is often enough
wire* woven into carpeta aud other
fabrics, and it is designed to give a to blue clothes in winter, and the old-
moderately high temperature to the fashioned Indigo bag. which coats only
fiber—hemp, cotton. linen or silk.
It a few cents. Is the best thing to use
doe» not affect the pliability or appear­ at any time.
ance of the material.
It is claimed
that the heater is perfectly safe, and
that the wires cannot be raised above
a certain temperature.
The arrange
nient can be applied to many purposes
Carpet*, rugs. etc., can be kept at the
temperature of the body or higher,
and dry or wet medical applications
can be kept easily at 150 deg C. In
the Industries numerous uses are sug­
gested. as tn Alter* for fatty or gelat­
inous matters, and for warming car­
riages or trains, etc.
How Peopls Alon* Thrw Great Ktvars
AreWupptted with Amusements.
hi \ al|«aral*o all the conductor» on
trolley car» *rv women.
Person» with blue eyes ar« rarely
aff««cted with color blltulncss.
Sleepers made
used ou
In making the liest Persian rug a
weaver spends about twenty litres
day* over each square foot of surface.
Aw/rw/br couafa
AraAc.i ¿Ti
Each «wr has four bouea. The body
has »Inuit fitx) muscles.
The hitmati
skull «'ontatns thirty hones. The low­
er lluibs contain thirty bone* each.
Every hair tuts two oil glamls nt Its
The sense of touch Is «iullest on
the l«ack.
The thoroughness in which the agri
cultual schools of the Western States
are going Into the education of farmers
Illustrated by the announcement
t'tat Hie Iowa State Agricultural Col-
ege has Just established s course of
Instruction In the slaughtering of live
It is » laboratory course, anil
the young farmers will leaiu tlie art
by practical instruction.
Ceylon, according to Its recent can-
sus returns, has no fewer tliau 145 lu-
habitants over one iiundretl years of
Seventy one of these are males
ami seventy four females
Of these
forty three men ami fifty two womeu
claim«*«! to l«e exactly one hundnsi.
while the highest age returned was
130. Oue huudred is u good rouud age,
ami no doubt every Indolent octogena­
rian who could not t«e I h . i 1 here«I to n«-
tueuiber the year of hl* birth put down
oue hundreil to sav«« time
The precious p«‘»rl 1» produced, at
least In many cases, by th«* pres«*nce
of a minute para sit«' lu th«* shell se­
creting mautle of tlie |>earl oyster and
other mollusks from which pearls ar«*
obtained. A spherical sac forms aroumi
the parasite, which Itecontea a nucleus
al«out which Ute substance of the getu
is gradually built up In concentric lay­
ers. Some times th«* parasite remains
at the center of the peafl. and »Hue
times It migrates from the sac before
It has become b»pel«*«sl.v impris<>ne<l.
Reasoning upo» th«*»e facts. Dr. II.
I.yster Jameson, to whose efforts the
discovery of some of them 1« due. aug*
Keats the possibility of the artltl. lai
production of marketable [warls by In-
fa-ting t««1s of pearl oysters with Hie
• ■
J _ -
sp»H-les of - parasites
that - are
known to attack su.'li mollusks wHh
the effect, ,bovc d. scribed
A floating theater. deslgn«*d to sup­
ply the towns along the Ohio. IlUuois
and MIsslMlppi rivers with dramatic
entertainments, ba* recently been con­
structed and is about to start on Its
Its seating caiwfflty is
for 1,000 people and there ure boxes
for the elite and a pit for the orcbes- 1
- —
- -
— 1
In. addition the vessel la »uffl-
clently large
to _ admit
t numerous
--— of ’
sleeping rooms for the actors, the deck
bands and all those
either the show or the lioat
The en
tire force numbers forty.
steamer which tows the floating
then- ' | >
ter. besides the boilers and engines,
there is a complete electric light plant. [
besides a kitchen and dining room.
In view of the fact that the long
water route of the floating theater car­
tinow ileuses in it hick They
ries it into the warmer portions of the
Spend Lotti.- Minters.
South the season for the show does not
Despite the great rigors of the Arc­
close until late in the Southern winter
The entire route comprises 2,500 miles tic regions the Eskimos live comfort-
The boat starts at Pittsburg and visits "l,l-T enough, considering the stat«' of
the towns of the coal miners and steel- | their civilisation. In their
Igloos, or
workers along the Monongahela river. I snow bouses. These. Mils a writer In
Use Pe-ru-na for La Grippt»
and Winter Catarrh.
In every country of the civilized
world the Sisters of Charity ar.
Not only do they minister to
the spiritual and intellectual needs of
the charges committed to their care
l>ut they also minister to their bodll)
Whenever coughs or colds, la grlpp<
or pneumonia make their appearatm
among the children these Sisters ar.
not disconcerted, but know exactly th«
remedies to apply.
With so many children to take car.
of and to protect front cllmat«* and ills
Sisters of St Joseph, of the Deaf Mute Institute, 109 Case Ave , St.
Ixiuls Mo., writes
"We appreciate Peruna very much. It certainly does good work with
catarrh and also with cold* and la grippe. We have faith In Peruna and
have inspired many other* with same. We do not like to be without it.
It has certainly kept u* from being very sick. It did a world of good
last winter for our little one*. Thanking you for your kindness to u*
and our afflicted one* we remain, yours gratefully,
case these wise and prudent Sisters of a serious character.
have found Peruna * n«*ver falling
"We began to use It and experienced
■ such wonderful results that since then
Dr. Hartman receive» many letters Peruna has become our favorite med I
from Catholic Sisters front all over the cine firr influensa. catarrh, cold, cough
land bronchitis.”
United Stati's. A recontmend recently
received from a Catholic Institution In
Anothsr r«commsnd from a Catholic
Detroit. Mich., roads as follows:
institution of on* of the Central Stat«*
written by th« Sister Superior reads
Or. S. B. Hartman, Columbus, Ohio:
as follows:
Dear Sir—"The young girl who used
"A number of years ago our stten-
the Peruna was suffering from laryngi
lion was called to Dr Hartman's I'«
tie, and loss of voice. The result of the runs, xml since then we have used it
treatment was most satisfactory. She with
found great relief, and after farther use < ottglis. cold* and catarrhal diseases of
of th« medicine we hope to be able to ¡the head and stomach.
say she Is entirely cured." Sisters of
' For grip anti winter catarrh eapec
. lally It has been of »rent service to the
New materials from which paper can
be made are continually found.
cently tn our Southern States yellow
Cleanliness prevents rust: ths b**t- pine waste has been successfully man
ufactured into th_t
•a red tor machines last the lungsst.
stance without which so many fea
civilization could
For bronchial trouries try Fiso’» Curo Cures of
for Consumption.
It is a good cough hardly survive.
Fine paper can be
medicine. At druggists, price 25 cents.
made of corn stalks and of rice straw.
In addition to spruce, whose useful-
Method In His Effort.
"You seem.to have a great liking for □ess in paper-making has caused great
uneasiness concerning the ultimate fate
large words."
"Well, sur,1 answered Mr. Erastua it the beautiful White Mountain for­
Pinkley, “I once knowed a man whose ests. marsh pine. flr. aspen, birch sweet­
This young girl was nndcr the care Inmate» of this Institution "
life were saved by a big word.
He gum. cottonwood, maple, cypress and
of th« Sisters of Charity and used Pe­
willow tree« all contain fiber suitable
once told me dat I prevaricated, an' by
runa for catarrh of the throat. with
de time I foun* out what dat word for the manufacture of paper. Hemp,
goo,I results as the above letter trail-
meant it were too late fok me to hit
him.”—New Yorker.
Next it returns and goes down the I The World s Work, ure dome-shaped
From a Catholic Institution In Cen­ All Over ths United Stat«« Us« Peru­
this purpose, so that there seems to be
na for Catarrh.
Ohio to the Kenawba. thence to Cairo, structures. exi»«*«Hl to lite full blast of tral Ohio comes the following recom­
no danger of a dearth of paper
aud later up the Illinois river to La the north wind, and are hardly dis­ mend from the Sieter Superior:
A recommend recently r«cc|ve<l from
Major Powell-Cotton'a expedition In Salle. Then, after going back to the tinguishable from tlie
"Some years ago a friend of our In n Catholic Institution In the Routhweat
Eastern Equatorial Africa resulted In Mississippi, the boat slowly makes tts snow drifts.
They are liuilt entirely
For Infants and Children.
stitutlon recommended to us Dr. Ilart- reads aa follows:
rhe discovery of six tribes of men pre­ way in the direction of New Orleans.
man's Peruna as an excellent remedy A Piomlnsnt Mothsr fiupsrlor Says:
viously unknown to the civlltxed world. The idea of a floating theater is not
tor the Influenza of which we then had
"I can testify from experience to the
One of these tribes Is known to its exactly new. but the extensive scale
several cases which threatened to I m * « ffli'lency of Peruna as one of the very
upon which It is being conducted and
glclans. The Magicians dwell on the the fact that It Is the drama Instead
Nothing Dola.'
high lands half-way between Lake Ku­ of the vaudeville program that 1* be­
Kerwin Fellow offered me l.’Hiisai
Merely a Hint.
dolph and Lake Albert, and their ril- ing presented attract» unusual atten­
for my mining atock last week
Tbs man who tbinks he knows it all
lages consist of two-story houses built tion. "Faust" is the prixiitction which
Parker—And of rottree you accepted
May find out by and by.
1 of wattle, and grouped together on the
No Case Exists it Will Not Cure 1 It?
ba* been presented this season.
That the man who doesn't know so much
upper slopes of the hills.
They In­
Kerwin —Not me. I figure that If he
Along the route of the floating thea­
Eats far less humble pie.
spire great awe among the dwellers ter the towns are often but ten or
, offer« SfiO.OOO It muet lie worth st least
MaacuHn. View,
In the valleys below, although the lat­
Wife—I wonder why the fashions siao.uoa.
fifteen mile» apart.
Therefore the
ter outnumber them a thousand to one. Jumps of the boat and its company
are always changing?
Their formidable reputation appears to are not long ones
Huslmnd—Oh, 1 siip|s>»e womeu re
On the upper deck
be based upon their superior Intelli­ of the steamer Is a calliope.
allxe after a time what frights they
Ixtng be­
gence. None of the new tribes dlacov-
are aud want something mure fright
fore the theater reaches the town in
I ?red by Major Powell-Cotton had ever
which It Is to show the sounds of this
met a white m»n. and they treated
Instrument may be heard.
The idle
their visitors In a friendly manner
population of the river towns at once
LAUNDERING IN WINTER TIME. begins to assemble on the wharf, Aa
the steamer comes within a few hun-
Methods by Which Clothes May Me dred feet of the dock the calliope Is with a view to keeping out the cold
Kept White and in Good Condition.
silenced and a brass band strikes up a air, and admirably serve the purposes
Many housekeepers find difficulty in familiar air. The crowd on the wharf of their rude but skillful an-hlte-ta.
A new tj p*writing machine return*
I doing their laundering during
then grows larger.
Many are there At the entrance stands a large block of the earring* automatic» II jr when the end
In the summer season cot­ awaiting the first opportunity to se­ snow. This I* the door. In the day­ of a line is reached. •<> that the operator
At night It is not compelled to pnmte.
tons and linen» can be bleached on cure reserved seat*.
When the boat time it 1» pushed aside.
the grass and dried In the warm sun­ touches the wharf the sailors, some of is drawn before the opening, which It
P«r manenti y t tiran.
ntaor narv-uarwtsR
shine. and, while they are whiter for I whom are later transformed Into ac­ completely fill*, keeping out of the pas­
after flrilday'auaeof l»r Kllne'sttraal Nerva
being frozen and thawed, there la sel­ tors, make the vessel fast and put the sage both drifting snow and prowling
<r K«-nd for Free
trial bottle and irtsailM
In order to enter the snow Ur k. H Kline, lad M* Anb M . Philadelphia, Pa.
dom warmth enough in the depth of gangplank In place. The scenery Is ar­ anlmala.
’ winter to thaw them on the line, and if ranged and the orchestra
rehearses house, It is necessary to crawl on "all
To I»« sensibly dressed is to giva free
they are bandied in the froxen state while the cook is preparing the next fours" along a tunnel about .30 feet
Miss Alice Bailey, of
dom to one's movements, and enouith
Must Bear Signatur« of
At the end Is the storebuitse.
: they are apt to crack.
For thia rea­ meal In the kitchen. The people come long.
Atlanta, Ga-, escaped the sur* wn good housekeepers will not allow aboard and select tbefr seats. Instead which leads to the living apartment*. wnrmth to be prot«H-t«sl fruin sudden
changes of temperatura
Light Is let into the Interior through
geon’s knife, by using Lydia E One table linen to be dried out of doors of doing so from a diagram on shore.
Hand Power Hay Press, SIM Of).
Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. ' ¡n the winter, even though It may be At night the theater Is brilliantly large, clear sheet* of Ice In the cefi- Greatest, simplest, best Invention of the a*a
the A boy can make regular sired Its las la Tn
«lightly yellowed by
indoor drying lighted by electricity and a searchlight [ ter of the living room
“ D esk M bs P ixkhjlm : — I wish to
tile fun. an<l two boyscan bale there lone
express my gratitude for the restored Fin» handkerchiefs are very easily torn flashes over the surrounding territory. "kudlik," a saucer shaped thing full bah-«
per d.y easily
health and happiness Lydia E. Pink­ and delicate underwear can be ruined The entertainment lasts shout three ot moss and seal oil which serves a« a
asst* this sort« a vonsv
ham*» Vegetable Compound has more quickly by being taken from the hour*.
stove by day and both stove nnd lamp to the John A Salzer Seed l o., I.a< rosse Wis ,
with > «tamje for malltne and set their big
brought into my life.
Ines and folded when frozen than in
The tied» are »osi
by night.
skins <-«la|oif. fully de.crlblns tnl« great Hay Press
“ I had suffered for three years with any other way.
so «ho hundreds of trsils and thou-ands of va
piled upon the floor.
rletles of Farm end Vegetable Hretiz (P. C. L )
t»rrible pains at the time of menstrua­
If white cotton garmenta are much
tion, and did not know what the trouble
W'ben the Neat Was I on nd the Miss­
Business Woman's Bules,
A Parting HboL
was until tlie doctor pronounced it in- stained freezing will restore them to
ing Bills Were All Intact.
Be honest.
fiammation of tlie ovaries, and tbelr proper color, and if there la time
"After all,” remarked the rejected
A short time ago Mr». Mike Huller.
proposed an operation.
they can be left out on the lines until
Don’t worry.
suitor, as he prepared to go, “I supposa
“I felt so weak and sick that I felt they freeze hard and thaw out,
a man of 25 would soon tire of n wife
Be courteous to all.
sure that I could not survive the ordeal, vided they are not bandied in a pro- Eighth and Elm streets, hid away
who hovered around the 32 murk.”
Keep your own counsel.
and so I told him that I would not un­
where she could easily find It, |7<> in
"How very urncnllant of you to insinu­
Don't complain about trifles.
dergo it. The following week I read en atate or left to flap about in the bills for use st a time when necessity
ate that I am ,32,” said the woman In the
Be loyal to your employer.
an advertisement in the paper of your wind. I-oosely woven materials, like or desire required it. Bbe thought of
Don’t ask for vacation*.
Vegetable Compound in such an emer­ ■tocklnette may alau be left outdoora
"Well, perhaps you are not," he re­
gency, and so I decided to try it. Great >n the lines until they are dry enough thieves, but not of the rodent de-
Be business-like, not womanish.
plied, "but it struck me that you were
was my joy to find that I actually im­ to bring into the house.
Be prompt—a little ahead of time­
somewhere near the freezing point.”
particular in selecting a hiding place,
proved after taking two bottles, so I
A large laundry la a very useful
If possible.
kept taking it for ten weeks, and at the
A few days later she
thought she
llsd Had Practice.
Be neat and attractive but unob­
end of that time I was cured. I had place in winter, as the clothe» can would take a look at her hidden tress­
“You must t*ke us for fool«,” *«.v
gained eighteen pounds and was in oe dried there and th« danger» of ure, with the view of sssuring herself trusive, In your person.
those who are listening to the man
Take kindly criticism In the spirit
'reezlng avoided. Such a room I» alno
excellent health, and am now.
who I* telling of his adventure*. "You
“ You surely deserve great succtsa, very useful for Ironing in hot weather that the money was where she had in which It was Intended.
claim you rode from New York to Han
and you have my very best wishes.” — it should tie provided with a laundry hidden It, but on going to the place
Do the very best you can each day
Miss A lice B ailey , 50 North Boule­ itove and the fire kept up until the her surprise can easily lie imagined and every day, so that when there Is
Frauclar-o In a pncklng box
vard, Atlanta, Ga. — tSOOO farftt If original rlothes are dried.
when, on placing her hand where the a chance for promotion, you will
freight train and carried food
y abovo lattor proolng gonlMnau oannot bo pro­
bedding nnd Itook* nnd a lamp to rend
Flannels and
stockinette money ought to have been, she dis­ only be ‘‘called, but chosen.”
covered that it was gone.
AM sick women would be wise
by, as well ns a coal oil stove to fur­
ought to be dried on wooden frame»,
nish beat. Itosh!”
If they would take Lydia E. Pink­ which any carpenter will make, »nd
Give nature three helps, and
Matters remained In that condition
Coaid Not Favor Unions.
bain’s Vegetable Compound and
up to a few days ago, when, hearing
nearly every case of con­
"Bosh nothing!” waa the Indlgnnnt
The city of Toronto recently culled
which will prevent shrinking. This 1»
be weU.
a rat traveling around the bouse, the for blds for firemen's i lothlng and the
sumption will recover. Fresh
answer. "I wnnt to nny to you that I
because the ultimate fiber of wool Is
idea struck her that rats were the real lowest competitor was the Crown TnlJ-
lived In a flat for ton year«, and the
air, most important of all.
«plral, and the drawing up and inter
purloiners of her money.
Going to oring Company.
only mistake I made on my trip wait
The contract, how-
locking of the fl tiers being what con­
work with a vim she was not long In ever, was a warded at a higher price
not linvlng it bathroom built Into tbt
stitutes shrinkage
In underwear fac­
ripping up two or three planks from to a concern using the union label.
piicklng box."—Judge.
tories the garment* are always washed
the floor of one of the rooms of the Thereupon the Crown Tailoring < '0111-
and dried on frames so that they may
bouse and. Instituting a close search, pany obtained an injunction,
In ren-
be offered soft and unabrunken for
was greatly elated to And that rodents dering a judgment Chancellor Itoyd
Nourishing food conics next.
It is much better and easier to scrub had actually stolen the money, packed declared that In Issuing Its spei-ltlca*
ft away and made a cosey bed of It, tlon» the city could not demand the
soiled flnannels with a small brush
POHTAIII.E sriil «Kill any depth,
for there it was before her eyes, Ev­ use of any particular union label mid
the cough and heal the lungs.
than it 1» to rub them clean on a tioard.
by ■toani <»r boras power.
ery bill was found intact, not a dollar thus discriminate
4’4 llirrKRENT HT VI.KM.
A rather stiff brush about four or five
< /
chai Imgn competition.
»*f flrst titsd Ayffr’e Cherry Pectoral M yssr«
Inches long is the best article for this
H. b <I for Free IllmSrfited • ■lalugae
I have bhbii terrible ii » m of I tins <lla
capable as those entitled to use I be
saaea cured by It. I am never without Ir.”
Scrub the bands and seams
Makin* Money Oat of Garbage.
ALHBftT <J. H amilton , Marietu, Ohio
The true test of ability, he
•Pfcet Morrison St., Portland, Ora.
Aufal'kc all our woterwoof
of heavy woolen ahirta, as well as
?1k . Mb* , fl 00.
j. (j. Avium
The borough of Fulham, London, by held, Is not membership In i. union.
roatt. Mt> and Kata
those of cotton, in thia way.
the use of its garbage In the furnace
• for all kinds of wet work,
small bruab Is excellent In
washing I
Doctors For ftusnia.
it is often imitated but
of the municipal electric lighting plant
rever equalled (
Russia Is very short of doctors, hav­
makes a profit of <3,442 a year.
CURIA WHIM Ml Uli Hill."
Mad» in black or yel'ow
«LiABie otAieai.
difficult to rub on a board. If the brush
ing only eight for every loo.ouo Inhiib-
Host Coufn Hyrup. TasUm O< hm Ì. U r «
fully guaranteed tar
In Urn«. Moiri by flr ugtrI*ts
has a amali handle th« garment» may
Laugh whan ■ friend tell» a joke; it Itanta. Great Britain has I Ho for th»
IfTMt run WimsmiMPa LSNTtR MNSeftUMt
Health demand» dally action of the
be more easily cleaned with it
la one ef U m taxa» goo taost po.
east» number.
»ewels. Aid nature with Ayer'e Pills.
Hall's Family Pills ar* th« best
The Kind You Have Always Bought
b » a t medicine«
ami it glvys III«
plenaur** tu add
praise Io that of
have us«tl It For
years I suffered with «»•
tarrh of thu stomach, all
remedies proving value­
less f«»r relief l.ast spring
I went tu Coloiado, Imp
In» tu bo benefited by a
chan«» of climate and »till«' there a
friend lutvlai'd mo to try Peruna After
using t»v bottles I found myself very
much lin^niveil
The remain» ot my
<>l«l disease tiring now no slight. I con
alder myself cured, yet for a while I
intend tu lontliiii» the U" nf Peruna
I am now treating another patient
with your meilldne.
Blie has been
sick with malaria and troubled with
I have no doubt that a
«lire will be sp«>e«llly effect«*! "
These are samples of Isttsra re-
celvsd by Dr, Hartman from th« vsrl-
oui order« of Catholic Slate's through
Out ths United States.
The nam<-e and nddre«"«» to th«'««
letters have l>c<*n wlthlu'hl from re
>-p«*ct tu the Hlstera but will I«« fur­
nished on request
One half of the «llscases whlcli nf
ll«'t mankind are due to some < atnrrhnl
derangement of the mm « hi » luembiau«
lining some organ or pn »age of lhe
A r«'nt«'dy that would net Immediate­
ly upon the congested nimou» nicni
brane restoring It to It» normal »late,
would conac<|u«'litly cure all these dl,
Catarrh 1» catarrh whnrtvrr
located, whether It be In the head,
throat, lungs slomm h. kidneys or pel
vie organs
A remedy that will cur«
It in one location will cur« It In nil
wherever located
If you do not derive prompt and »at
lafnetory results from the use of I'«
runs, write nt once to Dr Hartman,
riving n full statement of your case
and h« will he pleased tn give you his
valusbl«' advice gratis
Address Dr Hartman. I’rcaldent of
The Hartman Sanitarium, t'olumbu*.
Perrin’s Pile Specific
Little Liver Pills.
Vertrm Rvvrrwblv RoadGrsdrn %<n<rn
Ditch Making Gradvn
Wrstvm Rock
Cruztwn Wrslrrn Sera pen. Flow, and R.
R. Contractors Suppliva
Road Rollers,
Street Swrrprrr and Sprinklers.
w rltff» for • *tal«»NN
ki : ai . i «
JIJ Commrtilfll llllt.
—• for —
P. N. U.
a -
co .
|«1>lt 11.AM). <)Wr<X)*M