Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, February 25, 1904, Image 1

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I Lt l T
1.1 IT
Japan,«, lu II, Alls«.««* Without Delay
l«la»<l iha Ot>),<.tlv, Point
vhlpe (lathering
1h,ra In
since livening h,nt li,«t V,,.
,«1« lu llotruy hitwilan Squadron.
Tl«l> Tain Feb. 11*
A telegram (miu
5*ort AltlKli »Inti'« tliMt tliu Huaalau
fi*»t »mil'll tmluy from Port Arthur
uttiii i •<'i<li'il urtlura
Thu receipt of
• hl» Hu » ia*<' iruatml it profound MO*
attlon here, an It la Keauraily con-
■ nd I'd thi' It ihh I hii •'iiliiinandum have
round Hint limy wore In grave daugor
from their own defenses, and uuablu,
mweovi’i", in romhat the altaika of
ihi1 .lui'aui'Hv turpi'dii boat destroyers,
whl< ii. drawing in close to «horn, uu
dor l Im ■ out of ulglit. ■ outhiuod to
liaia»« the Russian fleet
ItiiMia will now, it la believed, try
to a.'il " a telling blow al the Japan»«”
ilia I * lib lli« remnant of her fort
Arthur squadron
|( |a bcll«v<>4 the
objective point la ih« Elliot Island
group alii'iii tlm Japanese Piuadron
la aa
m in i ing la f<F( a
i he
Itminlana will nttark wllhovt delay, Il
la believed, aa nollilug ra> be gained
by waiting longer
An (he lliiaalau
• ran are r«|H>rt«d In good condition,
the) may strike a very powerful blow
The Ituaalan i iitniiiatidiu ha» been
luting I lie veanela of lh« transport Heel
aa «• out ship«. and It la thought lie
ha» aoiured IBipoitaut information re-
• ently ft >m thia «outre One report
■ urielll here In that the Japanese com-
man let I II chief detached aotne of hla
inoat effective« i««»«le and started
them northward to dentroy the Hl
bet Ian fleet ftom Vlaillvoalok. It thia
la no, the llimainn Admiral han prole
ably decided to take advantage of the
weakened stale of the Japanese
squadron and endeavor Io atrlke a
blow lhat will change tlm balance of
na<al power in Cotean water»
American Diplomacy Score* Another
Grant Triumph.
W 'ashington. Feb 1» Mr Allen, the
American Minister at Heoul, cables the
State I ■ partumnl that WIJu han l»e«n
declared open to the commerce of the
world by the t'orean Government
The Halted Htate« wan the first
power, no far an known, to apply to the
Oman Government for the opening
of Wiju to the world a trad«. Thia ac­
tion wan taken by the United Rtntes.
while Japan and Great Britain were
urging the opening of Yongntupho,
lying n th» mouth of the lain river
The view taken by the Htnte De
partment waa 'hat if w« cm.Id m < ure
h- opening of Wife. 1S<> tnliA up the
Yalit alHive Yongaiupho, the effect
would l>e pra< tl< ally to open the whole
• if that stretch of the river to com
ntrrce ao that tlm prujuct really waa
much ta gur than 'ho mere opening of
a P >rf at tlm m< nth of the river Wiju
lie» on tlm opposite aide of the river
abd ' ■ ry t ear to Yang Tung. In .Man-
dhurla. which the Chluuae Government
iltivl) I irh by treaty with the United
■Al ii«« de< lared to ba an open port, al­
though till« ha» nevi-r beetv admitted
by Itusals
Il la uiulvridmid Hi»’ lh” opening of
\Vlfn 1« rtlrertlv atti Ibnlahle to Jap­
an* h <* n < endancy In Cofea. for while
tlu country war under Hn»«inn Inflti-
ciue Mr Allen, the American Mlnlater.
was unable to Induce th« King to open
n «Ingle port In addition to that of
It 1» probable that the State Depart
nmnt will «t once take step* to have
America represented at WlJtt by a
Consular or rommert lai agent
Troop* Ar* being
Thar* In Fore«.
Withdraw Into Inner Harbor at Port
Arthur and Prepare for Jap Attack.
Ch<H-fi«». Feb 17
Nothing I ihh Imen
heard here of th« Ku»«lan Vladlvo-
«tok fl net »in«« Saturday, when It waa
aeen < rulalng off the ««a of Japan
Th« llu««lan« have withdrawn hum
Gm road* off 1‘ort Arthur and are now
well within the Inner harbor, protect*
<■<1 by th» fort» Great activity 1« bo
lug displayed In tlm fort|fl<atlon«.
Work« are Imlng »trongthoned and
mo,« gun« are living placed In po*l-
(¡«neral Stark, it 1» «aid. ha*
been ri-duci-d a« ■ remit of laat Mon
day night'« defeat
The Wenchow'»
officer« aay an Intermittent firing ha«
gon« on from the night of (he 11th
until la«t night, when th» veeael left
Bort Arthur They were told that tn
Wmlneaday night'» aortle two Japan
•’«« torpedo boat i were «unk and one
Durlug the tight- there waa
a panic Minong the tbfl Jap fugitive«
on hoard the Wenchow Shell* fell alt
around l hr Wenchow and the fugi­
tive« became frantic with fear When
th« veaael »ailed, the Jnpane»« were
given n »upply of rive, but the Hua-
alan« dvnled tnvm fri<eb water
Army of 150 In Control of Navarrette,
Santo Domingo.
Nvw York, l-Vh If. — Gvuoral Jimi-
nog' forcea. numlH-rlng
men. with
one (Hntioti. have been al Navarrette
four daya, cablea the Puerto Plata,
Santo Domingo, correapondent of tho
They have cut tho railroad
and telephone witea. and are lu com­
plete control of the dly.
Traffic Lot worn hero uud Santiago
de Loecabellerue haa I won paraiyaed
for nine day« past.
Tho revolutionary forcea have tul-
vnneed to laguna, where a battlo took
place with the government troopa un­
der command of Colonel Camacho Thu
conflict raged for aeveral hour*, and
there were heavy loaava on Ixith aide»,
but the rebel» won. and forced Colonel
Camacho to retire to Arroyo de la«
Bualtiea* 1« at a «taiulatill, and
crop« are ruined on account of nearly
••very nt«n being compelled to fight
St. Petersburg, Feb. 17. According
to telegram« from Mlssmtvla. one of
those dreaded storm« that terrorise
l.nkv Baikal ha* broken out, most un­
fortunately, Just at tho moment when
tho rails were being laid on tho Ice.
A double rupture of the Ice has taken
place some voratn from Tnnhol, on the
eastern side, leaving open gaps of sev­
eral yards, which will have to bo filled
up with Ice block! Tho work has
been Interrupted some daya, while
wikm I «ieepera ate still missing.
stocks nt IrkutHk have been employed
In ciMisolldatlng the railway there
Navy to Be Dlaabled First.
London. Feb. 19. Japan la moat suc­
cessfully keeping her pinna secret.
Not a «Ingle Item of new« which could
be of possible service to the enemy
1i«« been permitted to look out. The
belief prevnll«. Iinaed on hint« In dis­
patches from correspondents, thnt her
main objective will tie found to lie the JAPANESE LOSE AT PIGEON BAY.
Liaotung Peninsula, but thnt nothing
of a military nature will bo attempted
Land Troop« Well of Port Arthur
until Hitanln'a nnvnl squadrons aro ef
■nd Ar* Driven Off.
fectually disposed of.
London. Fob. ifi. Tho Dally Mull's
Now Chwnng corropondent, under
Urge« Turkey to Declare War.
Port Raid. Feb. 17 The native pro«« date of February 14. cables:
According to official Port Arthur tel­
In Jubilant nt the Japanese successes
nnd urgen Turkov to take niivnntage egrams the Japanese landed a force
of Iliianln'R predicament to declare yesterday nt Pigeon Bay, west of Port
war on Bulgaria, with tho object of Arthur. They were then attacked by
ndmlnlaterlng n lcaaon to thnt country troop« and by the land batteries nnd
nnd recovering Southern Rottmanla. wer* defeated with heavy lo««es
Russian Consul at Chsmulpo, Cor**, In
I:n4 Cam, Attar Two rtoothe ul IUa**a,
lUlad WMH Apparaat M*cev*rtoa Fol­
W,r* Wltbuut Pain- Wa» Kept AUve
to Withdraw.
Heoul, Feb 17.-— Th” Hu«*l*n Consul
at Chemulpo I* guarded by Japan»»«
troop*. Today all th« ixj>«r Russianv
In th« city hav« b««u ordered Into one
large botwe. where lb«y Will be de
tallied awaiting action
the aulborl-
tle* In regard to their disposal.
The Russian .Minister at H«oul has
been requ»»ted by the Japanese Mln
istur through * neutral legation to
withdraw, and be ha* consented to
do so.
There are now uu British aud
French cruiser* 214 Russians, of whom
two commanders, 14 oflkors and 21
men are wounded. Hix sounded men
have already died.
it la now known that tho Russian
< rulser Varlag lost 40 men and on*
officer a Count, kill«* during the re­
cent engagement off Chemulpo This
Officer was a midshipman named Ni-
rou. The Varlag lost 64 men wound­
ed. nnd among them was Captain Ru-
def, who was In command of the
Hla wounds are not consid­
ered serious The Russian dead, with
the exception i>f the young officer, who
fell on the bridge, were locked up in
the cabin when the Varlag went down
Seoul remain» quiet The Japanese
have demanded the use of several gov­
ernment buildings In this city to be
used as barraczs tor the troops Un
the English and Italian cruiser« are
a number of Russian refugees. Just
how msny Is not known
Only the
wounded are on the British ve**el
25, 1904.
Put Out of Commission by th* Japan
e*e Shell, at Port Arthur.
Sat* Hand*—M'nlaUr at Moul
London, Fob 19. -Diapatiboa pub-
linked In lamdon n«w«pa|wr* thl*
morning continue to give dohcrlptlona
of tlm embarking of Japan««« troop«
ln«t«ad of thl» «mbarkatlon occurring
■ecrotly from IJJIna, a« wn, tho i a»»
during tlm Chiun Japan«»« War, the
iiatiMporl«. according to dlHpatcbu«
publl«bod in III” Dally Telegraph and
tlm Dally Mall, nru openly embarking
troopa from Naga«akl, MoJI. Kobo and
A cablegram to tlm Dally Telegraph
from Nagasaki »ay» tnaip« «,« clear­
ing «very night from tho»« port« for
Corea, and ten large «teamera weru
«inburking troops at
Nagasaki lant
Monday AB arm* of th« »«rvlc« were
i><pr«»«nted. but th« cavalry hnra««
were auch aorry and acrubby ponln«
ihut they hardly »«•■m«d worth Iran»-
The embarkaJIon« are all
remarkably well managed Nunmrou»
»hallow «mill» (little harbor boatal,
a« well »« ordinary boat« aultahln for
Mil* towed, ai« (owned Into «hallow
wnter or through u heavy aurf, and
taken on tranaport*
In concliiKlon,
thl* com<«pondent «ay« the harbor of
Nagiinakl ha" I hm - ii mined
Cabling from Hhnnghal under date
of February 17. a correipondnnt of
th« Daily Telegraph de< larcN that a
< oiii Id ii cd movi'inenl of a Japan«««
fleet mid a large landing fore« from
Nagaaakl 1« now proceeding
Th>- report« that th« Japan««« have
captured th« Ka«t A«latl< Company'«
*t«am«r Mnnchurl» a» Well »» th« HI
berlan Hallway'« aloamer, are con-
fl rtneii
Three Thousand Man Ara Crossing BLOW AT AMERICAN MACHINERY.
Lake Baikal Dally.
Parts, Feb. 19. In a dispatch from English Firm« Call Attention to Farm-
Harbin. M.incbitrla. a eoriespondent of
•r* to Lapse of U. S. Patents.
the Matin «ay« tlm Manchurian news­
lamdon. Feb. 17
It Is expected that
papers publish a manifesto by the the mono|K>ly to long enjoyed by
Cgar. countenilgned by the high man American manufacturer« of iigrlcul-
dnrlim. which recall« the lieneflt» tural machinery In England and the
Chinn bn« derived from the friendship llritlHh colonies will be «erlou«ly at-
of ItiiHKla
tucked shortly. A private circular 1»
Three thousand troop«, the corre- being laaued to farmer« liy ii number
«pondent continue« are crossing 1-ake of leading British engineering flrtn«
Bslknl every day
pointing out that many of the Ameri­
The re|Mirt« that tlm ltu»«lnn officer« can patent« have now iapsed, and that
were ashore wlmn Port Arthur waa u»i<r« of Amerlcnu machine* need no
attacked on February 8 are absolutely longer be afraid to Introduce English-
false. this correspondent avers. They made part« to replace tho«e that have
were nil at their posts, for It wn« in­ become worn out or otherwise dam­
tended tn have thl« squadron «all. the aged.
following morning, for an unknown
Tho two or three English limn that
have been In any way able to com­
pete with America In the way of ngrl-
Red Cross Women at Work.
cultural Implements nre particularly
St. Petereburff, Feb. 1». American active in the present movement, but
nnd English women here have started the .iiriuera tiro soinewlint afraid of In­
on the preparation of materials for fringing tlu> American patents without
the Bed Cross Society with Just an serloiiR consideration
great hcartlnoHH an tlm Russian women
engaged In the name work. Various
commitlee" «•>'• sewing circle« that had
been already organized effected a gen- Russia's Transportation Acrosi Lake
rrnl organization today at a meeting
Baikal Disrupted.
held In the Anglo-American Church.
These women realise thnt both
armies engaged In the conflict will
make large demand« on hiimanltarlnm.
Irrespective of race nnd they have nat­
urally decided to assist tlm sufferers
they can most ••nnlly reach, namely,
the Russian wounded.
Japan«,« H«ld Capttv,
Puaua's Answer
Nou Will Be
Satisfactory — Assuranc«,
calved From Part, and London
Chefoo, Feb. 16.—The steamer Wen­
chow, arriving from Port Arthur, re­
ports that 11
Russian ships were
■truck In Wednesday's engagement.
It is stated that the cruiser Askold,
with a big hole at the waterline haa
been towed into ths inter basin and
The battleship Hebastop»! bas a shell
bole Just above th* waterline and la
usetoa* in rough weather.
Th* cruiser Novlk ha, a hole in her
after port side.
The battleship Retvizan la on the
beach and her bottom haa fallen out.
The cruiser 1‘allada was torpedoed
abaft the engine-room.
The battleahip Czarevitch, whicn
was also torpedoed, has been docked.
The others were chiefly damaged In
their upper works.
The whole of the fleet has l»*n take«
Into the inner harbor and Port Arthur
I» depending tor protection on her
fort«, which have been reinforced,
there is frequent firing which la pre­
sumably drawn by Japanese torpedo-
Firing was heard at midnight Febr­
uary 11. at intervale, also on the nights
of February 12 and 13. On February
14 the firing continued until 6 o'clock
In the afternoon.
Aa eye-witness
claim« to have seen II dead landed
from the Ruaslan ships Wednesday.
It la understood that Admiral Stark
has been reduced for his failure to re­
pulse the Japanese attack. The cruiser
Novlk was the only ve^l to do ef­
fective work. She gave chase to the
Japanese torpedo-boat, and. according
to the Russian account, sank two and
captured one.
Uitizen—How can you b* tired when
you ar* doing nothing?
reckon It's ’cause dere’s so much uv
It ter do.—Chicago New*.
New York. Feb. IS.—A »peeisl ca­
Washington, Fub lti.—Bunator Mar
ble to the Herald Mys:
Wlf*—When we gu anywhere now
cue Alonso Hanna died at tt 4U o'clm k
we have to walk. Wbeu we were only
According to a telegram from Mls-
laat night at the family apartmouta
engaged you alwsy« called a carriag*.
sovain, one of the so-dreaded storms
In the Arlington hotui, after an illne»»
Husband— That's wby we hav, to walk
that terrorize Lake Baikal, has brok­
i-xtnndlug over nearly two months,
en out, and moat unfortunately, just
fl llod with uppareut tucovuriea fol­
Blunt I bear Hlotio* ba*
at the moment when the rail, for the
lowed by relapses, uud finally drift­
Front -That's trn*. I b*i
ing Into typhoid fever, which, In hl«
him $1'*) thl* morning that ho couldn't
A double rupture of the Ice has taken
weakeued condition, be wa* unable to
stop, and he took tn* up.— Yonkers
place some ver«ts from Tanhoi, on the
Wbeu the eud came all
eastern side, leaving open gap» of »ev­
er» I yards, which will have to be filled
the member* of the Heuator* family
Georgiana—We are not old. Juliana
up with ice blocks.
were In the loom except Mr* Jiaiiua,
—Oh. yea, we are. my dear. Georgiana
The work has been Interrupted some
the Si-iiutor'» wife, and Mr aud Mr«.
— Well, we are Juat as young as any
days, while w <« m 1 sleepers are still
Dau iiuuna
.Mr«. Ilutina had left the
girls of our age in town —Indianapolis
nilsalug. big stocks at Irkutsk having
been employed in consolidating the
room only a few minulua before.
railway there
Thus the anticipated
The lu»l «iuklng «pell began at eg-
'<na*o —Thl« «ouvenir habit Is getting
road across the lake will not be com­
udly ti jo o'clock. iHx tora Carter and
to be »omethlng tierce. Rodd—I should
pleted tomorrow, as wan greatly
Oaler were then In attendance. They
uy »o I know of a man who visited
did not conceal the tact that life wa»
a friend and took bl, friend's wit* a*
about to end. and all the member* of
a souvenir.
tie l.uuily were sent fur
Mr« Me
Washington. Feb
IS.—Japan will
Little Willie—What 1* the difference
Cornilck, one of the Heuator « daugh­
a plea I to the United States to prevail
ters. mid Ml«» 1‘belp« were present
between character and reputation, pa?
on the Russian Government to release
wheu the end vatu”.
Mr. and Mrs.
th« 100 Japanese subjects reported de­
Pa—Character I* a luxury, my son,
Duu llatiua were the first to arrive,
tained at Port Arthur Mr Takahira,
while reputation 1* a necessity.—Chi*
mid they withdrew immediately to the
the Japanese Minister, will. It Is ex­
eago Dally News.
chamber of the Heriator's wife to *um- Russia and Japan to Accd* to Term, pected. present the appeal to Secretary
Scribblebard—1 believe I’ve written
tuon lu-i to the bedside It was while
Hay tomorrow
of HI* Note.
AMERICANS IN JAPANESE FLEET. my »elf out; 1 don’t seem to bar* an
they were ab»vnt that the Henator
In a cablegram received from Toklo
breuthi-d bls last.
17.—He< retary today th« Minister was informed that
Ide* left.
Penbandler—Well, why
There wet* no dlatreesing Inci­ Hay has add«d another to hl* long according to the news brought to Che­ Consternation Among Russians—Czar don’t you write stories for the maga-
dent» alti'tidlng the la»t moments It list of diplomatic triumphs, and th« foo by a British steamer from Port
Prohibita Unfriendly Articles.
zine*, then?—Life.
was a sinking »|>el|, which terminated United State* la once more enabled Arthur. 100 Japanese refugees had
New York, Feb 16.—International
The I.ady—I gave you a piece of
In 10 minutes. Just after his cyea b> Ma diplomacy to tu-ad the nations been taken from the steamer by the
matters are assuming a very serious pie laat week, and you’ve been sending
closed In death Mis. Hanna was able in a concurrent effort to preserve tne Russian authorities Juat before the
to come into the room
Hbe bore up Integrity of China.
your friend* here ever since.
vessel sailed, in spite of the protest of from St. Petersburg
Mr Hay'* note of February 10 to the Japanese
well under the ordeal, and tonight »he
Tramp—You're mistaken, lady; them
Russia aud Japan, urging them to
1« »howltig calmuc»» aud bravery.
Having agreed to look out for Jap­ at this moment is the alleged con­ was my enemies.—Judge.
The courage displayed by .Mrs. Han confine hostilities within as small an anese citizens in Russian territory
firmation of the statement that aboard
"Hhe claim* to have studied music."
nil Is the subject of the greatest sur­ area a» possible aud to respect the during the war this Government will
the Japanese vessels of war attacking “Well, she ba*, after a fashion.” “How
Hhe was In almoat constant neutrality and administrative entity of Instruct Mr McCormick, the American
Port Arthur were a number of Ameri­ 1* that?” "Why. she ba* studied th*
atleiidance ou her husband, though China, will be accepted by Russia, a* Ambassador at 8t. Petersburg, to in­ can naval officers.
realizing fully there waa no hope for well aa by Japan, aud all the nations quire of the Russian Government on
pronunciation of the name* of the great
This report has caused something
re- will Join the Washington government the subject as to the Japanese In ques­
composers "—Chicago Po*t.
moiiatiancv« of the physician* and in inviting the combatants to agree to tion
“So you were in London, eh? How
the added Imploring» of her children the proposition.
The best naval opinion here Is to
The Emperor has issued the strong­ did you find the weather there?" “X
thst »lie take some rest were unavail­
the effect that the detention of those est orders, continues the dispatch, that
ing yntll late In the afternoon, when
France Accept*.
Japanese at Port Arthur is a strateg­ no news whatsoever be communicated didn't have to find it. It came and
bunted me up and surrounded me la
«he was attacked by a violent head-
Washington, Feb. 17.—M Jusserand, ical neceMlty. to prevent the Japanese through the headquarters staff
ache Hhe was given a narcotic and the French Ambassador, called upon gaining information as to fortifica­ ther. he is deeply annoyed that the at­ chunks."—Philadelphia Pres*.
then »he retired to her chamber, but Secretary Hay today at his residence tion«. troops, etc. An official said:
Wife—Now, don't you think my new
titude recently adopted by the Rus­
requested that a call I m - sent a, soon to Inform htm officially of France's ac­
"During the siege of Paris in the sian press of writing upon the politi­ bat 1* a perfect dream? Husband—
as there appeared atiy < hange for the ceptance, and Inferentlally It I, known Franco-Prussian war. Representative cal situation in a way calculated to
Well. no. To be a perfect dream th*
that Russia's acquiescence will be Hitt, who was then in charge of the raise enmity between Russia and Eng­
For the last two days Senator Han­ communicated very soon. At the Rus­ American legation there, looked after land and also, very specially. America. bill attached to it should also be mere­
na had not tx-en conscious except at sian Embassy tonight no Intimation the large number of Germans who were For instance, the St. Petersburg Ga­ ly a dream.—Philadelphia Pre««.
Interval* and then only to obey tne- had been received of the government'* detained at Parts by the French Gov­ zette ha* been prohibited, not as Is
“Didn't she have some trouble in
< lisnlcally nome instructions given prulxtlile answer to Secretary Hay's ernment.
generally supposed tor publishing false hiding from her husband the present
hliu by the physicians
Fourteen note, but Count CaaMul, the Russian
Although Russia's answer to Sec­ news about the war. but because of an she wa* going to give him?” "Not a
hours before the end was announced Ambassador, will Inform Secretary retary Hay's note, asking her to re­ accompanying article declared to have
bit. She put it in one of the pigeon
life had practically suspended, the Hay as soon as Ht Petersburg advise« spect the neutrality of China and lo­ been highly insulting to England.
bole* of hl* desk."—Chicago Tribune.
flickering spark being kept aglow him.
calize hostilities as much as possible,
The Emperor is said to have de­
by the
She—And you don't think there 1* a
Acceptance by the powers of the has not yet been received, the State cided that no details of news are to
Washington government's suggestion
be given out except upon matters of chance in the world of our living
will t»e followed by a further exchange ixindon and Paris that Rusaia will re­ major importance—that is to say. of through our lives without a quarrel.
of views as to the practicability of the ply favorably. It then will remain for big engagements
He does not wish He—There is always a fighting chance,
suggestion, to the principle of which the Powers to fix the scope of their that all kinds of small affairs shall dear.—Cincinnati Commercial Tribune.
Board Pralri* With Th*lr Entire all have given their adherence. A* note and to draft a mor* definite be given undue Importance.
“Ye*, bl, painting attracta a great
the note I* uf the most general char­ proposition for acceptance by th? two
Equipment—Under Sealed Order*.
many people." "Great artist eb?"
acter, It will be necessary to discuss combatants.
Colon. Feb.
Id.—Hurried order* at some length the possibilities It con­
Satisfaction Is expressed by Admin­
"No, juat a house painter. He puts
from Washlugton were received to em­ tains.
istration circle* that Great Britain as
out a sign, 'Fresh Paint' and «veryoo*
bark a battalion of marinea on the
It is generally understood that hos­ well as Russia, has decided to waive Wants to Know Whether th* Japan­ touche* it to we if it'* dry.”—Chicago
A special train loft Colon tilities will be confined, so far aa objections to the note. It is expected
ese Fleet I* at Wei Hal Wei.
this tuornlug aud returned at noon China Is concerned., to Manchuria. that all the formal answers to the
New York. Feb. 16.—A dispatch to
Jack—Miss Fay. will you marry
with the 450 marines, who were en­ Shanhalkwan probably marking the Secretary s note will reach here early
the Herald from St. Petersburg says
camped at Baa Obispo station on the western boundary of the theater of this week.
me? Fay—I wouldn't marry you If
A corteous but sharp note has reach­ you were th* last man ou earth! Jack
Panama Railway.
American Consul Looks After Affair*.
The I’ralrle boats were kept busy all
Ying Tszn. Manchuria, Feb. 16.— ed the British Ambassador here ask­ —Ob, I say. that't rather bard, I——
ing him if the Japanese by some mis­
day embarking the camp fittings, bag­
ENGLAND MAY SEIZE TENED08. The Japanese Consul at Niu Chwang understanding had been allowed to en­ Fay—Goose!
How could I? Wbo'd
gage. «tore«, etc . and this task Is not
left here today, transferring the af­
Jet finished.
fairs of his Consulate to the American ter Wei Hai Wei. If so England is perform the ceremony?
requested to reoccupy the plsce. other­
He—We must economise. Suppose,
Major Lucas will command the bat­ Would Block Outlst for Russian Black Consul.
Sea Float.
talion. and the Prairie will sail tomor­
The whole of the Kwan Tung coast wise her failure to do so will be re­ darling, that you try your hand at
garded as hostile action by the Imper­ making your own clothes. She—Oh,
row under sealed order*.
Constantinople. Feb. IS.—According Is In total darkness at night In prep­
It has leaked out here that the ma­ to reports here, the Balkan echoes of aration for a torpedo and military at­ ial government.
In spite of the denial of Lord Lans­ George, dear, I never could do that
rlin'* are destined for Santo Domingo, the Far Eastern disturbance are grow­ tack. Viceroy Alexleff has issued a
Suppose I begin by trying to mak*
only about loo marine« now remain at ing louder and more numerous, the warning to all shipping to beware of downe. It Is still believed here the Jap­
anese fleet had its headquarters at your»?—The New Yorker.
Bas Obispo.
latest being to tue effect that England
Wei Hai Wei.
A stout man met a sad-faced man
has threatened to occupy I-emnos Ten- tion of the bays at night.
on the corner. "Sir." said the stout
Deny Going to Santo Domingo.
edos and other islands in the Aegean
landed troops at Pigeon bay or else­
Japanese Care for Russians.
msn. "can you recommend a good bar­
Washington, Feb. 16.—Naval officials Sea at the outlet of the Hellespont in
Washington. Feb. 17.—A cablegram ber to met’ "Sir," replied the sad­
sa.v that while the ITalrle with the 460 order to preserve the neutrality Oi where on the Liao Tung Peninsula
are unfounded.
received at the Japanese legation from faced man. “I cannot. I have my hair
marines from Colon aboard will touch the Dardanelles.
Toklo states that a request was made cut at home.”—Cleveland Plain Dealer.
This would Indicate that Great Brit­
ni Santo I '"io uu
that the r«al deetl
through the British Consul at Che­
nation of the vessel is the naval sta­ ain expects Russia to Ignore the treaty
.Mrs Crocker—You don't like your
mulpo that 34 of the Russians wounded
tion at Guantanamo. The purpose of of Berlin and send her Black Rea fleet
soup? Well, I must say, you are th*
taking the men there, they say, is to through the Dardanelles on the way Baltimore Merchants Find Locations In the recent naval engagement be
placed in charge of some Japanese hardest man to satisfy there ever wasl
and Begin Business.
give them a change of climate and sur­ to the Far East, without Great Brit­
Consent was Mr. Crocker—People who know you
ain's permission. Thus in case of a
Baltimore, Feb. 15.—Just one week charitable institution.
After they have been at Guantanamo conflict of hrms. Great Britain would ago yesterday the great fire broke out readily given and they were put in ar* my wife have quite a different
for nwhlle. proluibly they will be sent be tn the attitude of helping Japan to and seven days thereafter It may be the Japanese nurses’ hospital at Che­ «Otatoa, my dear.—Boston Transcript
bnck to the Isthmus, If the United tight her battles for Manchurian su­ truthfully said that the city has shown mulpo and are being treated by the
States continues to keep up Its present premacy.
a recuperative power that must be ac­ Japanese doctors.
Besides this formidable opposition. counted extraordinary.
marines there, and others will be given
Eat 30.000 Horses a Year.
Russia seems to be threatened secretly
an opportunity to go to Guantanamo.
The energy exhibited by Mayor Mc­ Cossack* Slaughter Japanese Troop*.
Paris, Feb. 17.-—Eating horseflesh by
officials «ay It is not the intention with that of Germany.
Lane and the whole city government
London. Feb. 16.—The Daily Mail's
of the United States to lucres«” Its
In bringing order out of chaos, and Port Arthur correspondent, under date the poor in Paris Is increasing to such
an extent that the abattoirs will have
murine landing force In Ranto Domingo
the spirit of resolution shown by the of February 15. savs:
Fear Seizure of Steamer Corea.
waters, that there Is already an ade­
Official advices state that the Jap­ to be enlarged. The present consump­
Washington. Feb 17.—There Is great merchants whose stores are now
quate number of men on board the Interest in the probable course of shapeless piles of debris has Justly ex­ anese Isnded 600 soldiers near Tttllen tion is 30,000 horses a year.
The horse meat Is somewhat darker
ships now- In those waters If any are Japan toward the steamer Corea, cited admiration on all sides. The Wan with disastrous results, 410 being
and stronger than beef, but it Is not
needed for landing purposes.
which is txiund via Nagasaki for Vlad­
unpalatable. It has grown In popu­
ivostok. with a cargo of beet for the burned out have found locations and escaped to their ships.
larity since the siege. The flesh of
Russian garrison Beet Is contraband
the horse and the ass Is about half the
of war. and it is not thought that the ing business and the current of trade anese landed at Dove Bay. where 30 price of beef, but the former is be­
Jap« Accused by Russia of Making Japanese will permit It to reach that and financial transactions has begun of them were killed and the remainder
coming dearer.
Headquarters at W*l Hal W«l.
port. The American Interests Involved to flow on as before.
Used-up horses that have worked
The restoration of almost the whole
New York. Feb. 17.—In spite of tho
for eight or ten years in the city are
of the city's street ear line service Is
Robbing th* Tourist*.
denial of Ixird Lansdowne, it la still
purchased for $50, put out to graze
"Let Japan purchase the beef her one of the agreeable surprises of the
New York, Feb. 17.—Robberies of
believed here that the Japanese fleet
week Several hundred persons came wealthy visitors to the Riviera are for a few weeks, and are then led to
the slaughter house.
had It» headquarters at Wei Hal Wei,
here today front Philadelphia. Wash­
In some departments, such as the
says a Herald dispatch from Ht. Pet­ said a Government official today, when ington and other nearby points to rife, and apparently are the work of
ersburg A note has reached the Bri­
view the ruins; though the prohibition thieves, says a dispatch to the Ameri­ Nord, there Is a scarcity of horses for
tish Ambassador here, asking him if
against excursion trains and the se­ can from Mentone. France. A wealthy farm work.
(he Japanese liy some misunderstand­
verity of the weather apparently had American widow reports having been
Fir* In Topeka, Kan.
ing had been allowed to enter Wei
the effect of keeping away thousands
robbed at her hotel of Jewels valued
Hal Wei. If so, England is requested
Topeka. Kan . Feb. 17.—The Park­ of others.
Russian Fl**t In th* Red Sea.
at $20,000 An English woman on her
to reoccupy the place, otherwise her hurst-Davis wholesale grocery estab­
Suez. Feb. 16.—A steamer which has
way back from Monte Carlo lost $2000,
failure Io do so will be regarded as a lishment burned at 2:30 o’clock this
America Maru Safe.
arrived here reports a Russian
which she had won from the bank.
hostile action by the Imperial govern­ morning. Stock slid building are to­
volunteer fleet cruiser, a battleship and
San Francisco. Feb. 17.—The Mer­
ment. Further, the llritlHh Ambassa­ tally destroyed. The log* to this flrm chants' Exchange reports the arrival
four torpedo boats anchored at the Isl­
dor has received a note containing the will aggregate $250.000. The build­ at Yokohoma on February 11 of the American Ship* Going to Shanghai. and of Jebel Zukup, In the Red Sea.
formal protCHts of Russia against a ing occupied by the McCormick Har­ Japanese liner America Maru from
Manila. Feb. 17.—Rear Admiral about 90 miles from the Straits of
British expedition to Pekin
vester Company Is on Are and this, this port. The America Maru is one Ctxjper. in command of a squadron Bab-el-Mandeb, February 10.
Much attention is given here to the with several other smaller building*, of the merchant vessels which have composed of the New Orleans, Ra­
The steamer also reports that prev­
Danish action calling upon 15.0U0 men will be destroyed.
been Impressed Into the naval serv­ leigh, Frolic and Annapolis. Is under iously she passed the Russian trans­
nnd naval reserves to man sea for­
For a time the Rock Island depot ice of Japan, and it was feared that orders to sail for Shanghai.
port Smolensk and one torpedo-boat
tresses. This Is supposed to be the was threatened. The Are department she might be intercepted by some
steaming slowly south.
first move toward cloHlng the sound
waa powerless to save any of the Russian warship before reaching her
Japanese Wounded at Chsmulpo.
buildings The Are originated in the destination.
Nagasaki, Feb 16.—The Japanese
Panama's Constitution.
steamer Genkal Maru has arrived at
Fleet Go** to Culsbra.
Russians Become Citizens.
Sasel>o with seven officers and 23 men
Panama, Feb. 17.—The draft of the
Washington, Feb. 16.—Word reached
constitution of the Republic of Pan­
Hays City. Kan., Feb. 17.—As a re­ who were wounded in the engagement the Navy Department today that the
ama has been approved by the consti­ Cruiser Askold Sinks at Port Arthur. sult of the war In the Orient, the Dis­ at Chemulpo.
battleship squadron of the North At­
Chefoo, Feb. 16.—Passengers who trict Court here is besieged with ap­
tutional convention ami It was deliv­
lantic fleet. Including the Kearsarg*,
Bombardment of Dalny.
ered today to the provisional Junta for have arrived from Port Arthur say plications for citizenship. There are
the Alabama, the Illinois and the
ratification. It will probably be rati­ the Russian cruiser Askold was dam­ hundreds of Russians In this country
London. Feb. 16.—The Daily Tele­ Massachusetts, had sailed from Cule­
fied on Monday.
aged In Tuesday's battle In the roads who now seek naturalization papers graph's Shanghai correspondent, under bra for the naval station at Guantan­
Dr Amador, who will be elected outside of Port Arthur, but was kept to avoid taking any chance* of being date of February 14, says it is re­ amo. This is part of the regular pro­
President of the Republic on Monday, afloat all day Raturday, when It sank compelled to return to their native ported that the Japanese have bom­ gramme of th* movements of th*
will assume th» office on Wednesday.
In 30 fathoms.
land to be drafted In the army.
barded Dalny and landed marines.
by Pvwarful bclanldlc Aganclaa.
Neutrality Secure