- Jr. è ♦ f ♦ - M Values ? Reames $ Jen «fa f ❖ f t * We have already placed orders for an unsurpasse room MUST be made for these. To Sale to continue NOTE THS PRICES Dress Goods. • * «5 cent All wool Albatross 75 cent all wool Henrietta «5 cent, Casaimere 65 cent plaid dress goods 25 cent Jacquards dress goods •5.50—9 yard pattern Snow Flake 5.50— 6 yard pattern Woo) Covert 7.50— 8 yard pattern Zebeline 6.00—8 yard pattern Zebeline 2.50— 4 yard pattern French flannel 35 cent Venetian waist Inga 40 cent Tricot Ä0 cents 55 cents 45 cents 50 cents 16 cents •4.50 4. 25 6. 00 4. .75 1. 75 25 cents 30 cents Gloves and Mittens. « ♦ 35 cent 35 cent ’ ♦ 25 cent 4» 25 cent 25 cent ladies special Golf gloves ladies fleece lined gloves ladies wool mittens Infants mittens Misses mittens 25 cents 25 cents 20 cents 20 cents 20 cents Ready to wear Garments. »10.50—1-42 Ladles Jacket 7.50—1-36-Ladies Blouse »8.50 6.00 SEE TH 5.50— 1 40 Ladies Walking Skirt 8.50— 1 42 Ladies Walking Skirt 7.00—2 42 Ladies Press Skirt 4.50— 1-8 years Child's Jacket 5.00—116' years Missess Skirt Ladies Underwear • 1.25 Ladies All Wool Underwear 1.50 Ladies All Wool Union Suits 75 cent .Misses All Wool Union Suits 1.00 Ladies Outing Flannel Underskirts 1.50 Ladies Outing Flannel Underskirts 75 cent Ladies Outing Flannel Underskirts 1.00 Ladies Knit Underskirts 1.50 Ladies Outing Flannel Night Gowns 1.25 Ladies Outing flannel night gowns 1.00 Ladies Outidg flannel night gowns 50 cent Child's Knit Skirts Knit Goods and Hose. »1.00 Ladies Knit Fascinators 75 cent ladies knit fasinators 40 cent ladies knit fasinators 1.25 ladies knit slippers BOOTS AND SHOES. Mens and Boys Ready flade Suits, Overcoats, Pant; Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods THE EXCELSIOR Groceries, Dry Good, Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes. FACT IN a complete and up to date line of Staple Goods. L F. DAVIES, DAIRY, EXCHANGE OREGON STABLES W. W. HAZEN, Proprietor, EAST END, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. Horses boarded by day, week or month. nay an(] Grain bought and sold. Passengers conveyed to all parts oi Southern Oregon and Northern alifornia at the very lowest rates. Telephone Connection Between Stable and Hotel Linkville. Phone Main 14 I VC1 y • REMEMBER We are still Doing Business at ttie old stand We now have the and the effect was palpable during the week. But a war in the Orient is not at all certain. The truth te both nations halt because the great sinew of war, money, is not in abund ance In either treasury. Russia h&j a big gold reserve, but on It is resting millions upon millions of paper Take away the gold and the papei sinks rapidly in value and every busi ness experiences trouble. There may be war. of course, but it is far from i certainty at this time. According to the Washington P(«t already thousands of theorists anc doctrinaries In all parts of the count ry are agitating governmental contro of public utilities. We are asked t< advocate the absorption of railway, telegraph, banking, and other faclltie, involving, of course, the creation of t countless swarm of salaried official) and leading up to a condition undei which the public functionary will tn the rule and the private citizen th< exception- By a very slight project ion of the theory thus far developer we shall have the government It charge of our marketing, our fuel, out weekly wash, our diet, our drink, oui theology, and our moral and intellect ual codes. Individuality will be abol ished; personal merit becomes a thing of no account; from cur theology dowr to the cut of our trousers and the man agement of our families, the whol< power and responsibility «nd discre tion will pass to the government. SHEEP SLAUGHTERED. Nearly 3000 Sheep Shot and Clubbed to Death in Lake County. Mg • .-> d .»wuat t t ■»•h, W sutaii»^ •' «Ml esq v T m ! ramento, county o! Wacramento vta'e nr Calif, sworn statement No 2765 lor the purchase of the s,qr »rqr, xsqr HKqr, » half seqr, aec*4, twp 40 h r 13 r. Annie h Browning of 2107-22 at, Sac ramento, county of Sacramento, utate of Calif, sworn utati mi-nt No 2766 for the pnrchaAe of the ewqr »wqr, w half swq, sec :t5 twp 40 h r 13 r. ami swqr swqr sec 2 twp 41 a r 13 r. w m . That they will offer proof to show flint the land nought in more valuable for it. timber or atone than for agricultural purposes and toestablinh their claim to said laml In-fore C H witbro« , I' 8 i-orn- miseioner al Klamath Falls, Or, on Mon day the L5th>lav of February, IGO*. They name an witnesses: 0 H Erick son, If A Foster of Klamath Falls, Or, Charles Hrownmg jr, Annie 11 Browning of Sacramento, Calif, eloyd it R oss of Centerville, Calif, Gordon St Clair of Sisson, Cal. Anv and all persons claiming adverse ly the above-described lands are request ed to file their claims in this office on or before said 15th day of Feb, lt«04 E. M. Brattain, Register. The following report comes from Silver Lake. The herder for the Mc- Kune sheep came In from the sheep camp near Christ mas Lake Wednesday on hand we have ever had made up. bringing the startling news that the Our Stock is complete in every detail. Our aim is to treat camp had been visited by five masked men the night before and the larger trade right and give the best values for the money part of the band of sheep were slaugh to be had. Repairing and Carriage Trim tered. ming done by competent men. The five masked men were all heav ily armed and proceeded to do their work in a deliberate way. The herd er was first taken care of and while Main Street, - - - Klamath Falls, Oregon. one man guarded him the other four Those who opposed the purchase of proceeded with their part of the work. The sheep had been corraled for the Alaska in 1867 were firmly of the opinion that we were putting our night and were easy to get at. They Republican in Politics, and devoted to the money into a dreary waste of land, took the night for their work, using Tlxubcr, Agricultural, Stock and Wool interests from which the government would knives, clubs and guns In the whole TIMRItK LAMP, ACT Jt’NR 3, 1878— of the great Klamath County. Notice for Publication. never receive a dollar in return. The sale slaughter. With the approach of United States Land Office, Lakeview, country to-day is one of our richest day they took their departure with the parting injunction that other Or, October 27, 1903. Notice is hereby Published every Thursday by possessions. that in compliance with the pro sheep using that range would be treat given visions of the act of congress of nine 3, WESLEY O. SMITH, The Exposition Transportation ed In a similar manner unless they 1878, entitled “An act for the sale of timber lands in the states of California, Company, of St. Paul, have published were moved soon. E ditor and P bohhstor . Oregon, Nevada and Washington terri They had done their work well and an artistically illustrated booklet out tory,” as extended to all the public laml • VMCBirTION ratu : lining a trip on steamboats via tha only a small remnant of a band of over states by act of August 4, 1892, Ove) A Hilliard of Klamath rails, Ose year (tn advance)................................ *2 W Mississippi River to the Louisiana Pur 3000 sheep were left. Upon receipt county of Klamath, state of Or, lias chase Exposition next summer. The of the news Guy McKune came to filed in this office his sworn statement THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 11, 1904. project is as attractive as It Is unique this place and telephoned Sheriff Dun No 2748 for the purchase of the sw'j sec 14, sk ^ mz H H e <: lP 38 s a for it contemplates the use of the lap who will make thorough investiga 9 swl^, K W M steamboats as floating hotels during tion of the affair. ond will offer proof to show that the Of course war la “inevitable” In the the tourist's stay In St. Louis. While only a meagre account of the land sought is more valuable for its tim ber or stone than for agricultural pitr- far cast,, but somehow oi other the There are other features of the trip killing can be had at this time enough ixises and to establish his claim to said blamed thihg seems to be tn a side which will doubtless appeal strongly has been learned that the killing was ami la-fore C II withrow, IJ 8 Commis track. to the majority of the World’s Fair done by five masked men and certain sions at Klamath rails, Or, on Satur day the 13th day of reb, 1904. visitors, many of whom are already parties are suspected and start 11 ng dis lie names as witnesses: will Humph The statesman who opposes digging making their reservations. closures are expected to take plat« in rev, Theodore Bryant, II A willis, C It DeLap, all of Klamath rails, Or. the Panamacanal will soon be able to the near future. Any ami all persons claiming adverse see hta finish without the aid of a tele War news from the east works In The cause for the killing is attri ly the above-deecribed lands are re scope. two ways. A probability of war un buted to the fact that the sheep were quested t> tile their claims in this office on or before Raid 13th day of reb, 1904, settled financial affairs, but at the on range used by cattlemen. E. M. Brattain, Register, A gentleman In Switzerland claims same time It has an excellent effect While the amount of sheep reported that he has invented an electrical con on almost all of America’s leading killed may be over estimated It Is a TIMHHR I,AND, ACT .tt’NK 3, 1878,— trivance that will kill off an army at product*. Wheal, corn, cotton, anil hard loss to Mr. McKune and he will Notice for publication. one single shock. Here’s a chance provisions are sensitive when war is leave nothing undone to hunt down United States L-iml office Lakeview, *••• Columbia to lick Uncle Sam. rumored and always strong in price, the parties who done the killing. oregon, October 27, 1903. Notice is here Fingst Line of Harness and Saddles BRADLEY & GUNTHER, KLAMATH REPUBLICAN. J • l> ... , Herbert n. Haiming of Mrt'loarf, couiity of siskivou State of Uslifomis sworn stHisnivnt Nu 2MI for Ilie pur chase ol thea'.NRU, Nw'.-E', NEL Hw', sec 25 Tp .38 8., R |J E « (| rhat thev will öfter pr.sd t>> show tliiil tliv l.irnl «on^ht im mort* valugblH Inr itn thnhrr or »Um« than for a«ricti|. *"r“' l’"rl....... and to eatablt.li their Claim to sind und hrforeC. ||. aithrow I .8. Commissioner at Klamath f-sll. oregon 011 Tuewlay tf„. ,|My ,)( j.-r|, "* wi*"'Amy I . I-l.esl, llerlert s. Maiming’ Florence Mannmg. Ellis a. Clark all „f M.-Clmtd < Hhlornia, Mike Ds.her of Ktamalh Falls oregon. Any and all is-ranna claimmg adversely t|w als„«.,|,.w.ri|MMl landsarereq...... to Hl.. t|„.lr r|,iw. m Hits oltireon or twfore seid Ultli <lay Of reb. j‘.MH z _________ M- B rattai » Register. WHEN YOU HAVE A COLD. The first action when you have a cold should be to relieve the lungs. I his is 1« st accomplished by the free use of Chamberlain's Cough Retnerlv. Hus remedy liquefies the tough mil. eus ami causes Its expulsion from the air cells of the lungs, pr>shi<es a free expectoration, and opens the secre tions. A complete cure wsm follows, fills remedy will cure a «ver,. ,.(,|d |n l,"‘" treatment. , n it leaves the systom In a natural and healthy condition. It. counter- acts any endem-y ,.OWMrf| F >r Hale by C. (X Chitwood. If r°wr are IVeak and Sight Poor feteiDS Mid likssiN Eye W m I i testimonial . t*-.rmIetWArMt,Tut’r':::,,’j*h *'**• »t«.m ,ny am b. II.-II . .I wonderfully M with hewlmlm, ','"1 1 »"'"Usd 1 ebanccs in Klam* 1 atb County. SIÖE STABLES» Jas. Sigler, Prop’r First Class Horses Fine Carriages Feed Stables. Teams with or without Drivers Phone. Hom 193 WBSTBRN STAGE CO. Daily-by Daylight-betwcen Klamath Falls and Pokegama Connecting with Klamath Lake R. R. for all Points on S. P- P- P‘ Shortest Route, Best time and Accommodations. PASSENGER, EXPRESS AND PAST FREIGHT LINE WslUr .Morrland. ......*’•- 1 LEAVE KI.AMATH FALLS y A. M Office: Mammoth Stables, Largest and Moat Centrally Local*!- flamed F;,.H, st,,; For child or adults i,v „ . - H Address DK. j.\ ¡N'":;1 ,1'V7,U' gon Insinui,, of ttpi, ,„'¡r ’’Or,j- I ravolorH oonvoyotl to nil points <*t rciiHontil'h* care given to stock. Telephon« 101. R. W. MARPLE, ?ropr,ct°r'