Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, January 14, 1904, Image 5

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A < r»vli Itrglmrnt Fiotti Ih«« <irr«t North»
K bmv IM ui MI
LtNMMM iloir«*r*4 lit tli«
Italtl«»« uf Hi« IruM llrlgwtlm
Nturtae ul
Fla«« aa«l «tf Iit<ll«lilnal ItaroUta.
l-> Aon rh nn Pt-m
lk«H.h tight« t< ss* rvt il I
|H< MINKIN »«nt
r-io3 rtt||IUit*|ifg of
i/ Infantry •<> Ihn
U war i io out uf
7 the 6’1 have u
1 phu t* hi thu roll
of “Thrt*»* Huti
dr«* <1 Fitfhtinif
l<t*uhn«*niN. ‘ * ’I lin
HrtMiiKl W»«tMj|iRin
Ioni thn bliihtmt
p<* r on it t Mg«» uf
bilh'd hi iGittla
of any rrptin«>nt
nrnty—’lhnl ta, In
pr<»|M>rthiii lu thn
it u lutar nn 1 hi i («I
it )u0l more than
any ulhrr rwgl
Sunni. Thin pertwilagn waa IM, 7, nhn**l
Out uf 1.203 total t'iillNtiiieihg 28H
W<*ra killrtl hi bal tin. If ihn mwwdty
rwtorda of Ita Mar th imrlnont («>ul<1 ta
romrt, iim * K« vtnih
liU Would ElMlltl ill Illg li« ud of tilt* lint
of rctfliMviha whit h bwl tlm nn*l im n
killed In tattle* by at lutei eouul
flml file regiments tai the war depart
maul list are tliu follow lug :
Kill"l or <m«t
«•r wuua«t«.
Itevetilh W|iieern«tn ............................................
E t»hlj third l*rioi<8> Ivaiiln
y i f i >i s. i R m i
Fifth Ml’ hlr*n
. .........
TwwnllrUh M»<«8 uv bn«-It«
alm* b„
.in n,|. „,.,1 i.riru. ?. siili,?»
»« (ho hrlglili ni paga In thè bistorjf of
tiiut duy's o| , rutious.
In forinlug hi»
ooluinii lo lunrch forwurd tu MuPlier
Smi'a ivu<«la ut thè cali ut 111« brava
Ki yiudds Murrdllh pluciwl thè B«Mind
»Ini .-.i vouUi W iscuiia I u ou tini lidi Ons
vidli y of lliil'a rum rul dowa HO p«r
limi uf tilt! beoulld rogllUiTll. In 1» as
limi! h»lf an liour il listi 110 klllud nut
ut lino lumi engiigi d The K«v«nlh thi II
clom-d Ih» gn|» aud cbts'kml tbs uuwsrd
tuuiili uf tua vtctorlou» viiemy.
In II.a
Hevsoth, aflur flghtlng all day, frum
th» west s I o | mi of beuniiHry rldg» tu ths
fi«>t uf Ueuii’trry bill, ih» | i » m auéuut-
uri tu UH kilh'd, witundnl uud tuisslug.
Riigltuenlal foriualluu» weru ofteu bru-
beli and thè shulli’ted rauks of «everal
iMiminuuds uniti d In order tu preseli! a
bold frmiL At urie timo a »frango regi-
tuoni cauta llying Lui k troni thè i nvuiy'a
aliseli, lluougb tini liuu ot battio of ths
Irou brlgmlu. Doping to rally thn paolo
slrloki'U moli, Cuptuln Rulinrd»oii of
lliu hovouth rushod aiuoug thom and
«marxl tlioir Hug.
Wavlug li and golug
forwuiil, ho apluwlisl to thè fngillvoa lo
face thè olber wuy. Bui II wus ust iona.
The punto »«« la-youd l unlruL Captmn
RlclinrilMii» sli-Hsl nlmiu, a consplcuiitia
target, uniti thn laal of ths stainpcdaiil
soldleni uLuiiiiumil thn ground, tbou
boro ih» coluta, stili fluulitlng dotlance to
tlm entTiiy, luto thè risiiks of bis ows
Irmi liourtiKl eompuuy, «oli usui ed tbs
"Lodi guarda "
liutiletlug «piumini wern imtnormis
limi day mi Heiuiuary Rnlgn. Htmu after
t'u|>lulii Richiudami Baveri Um struugn
staud ut colora, Korgeuul Richard»—
lui» letter» wonlii bus« limilo h ni a
namesak» of thn tini boro ot ths "Mnr-
qo«tts»barpalim»ers"—saw thn Oldora of
astrangw regiuieul go dow'a In Imi rie
imdway I h .I«< m 'U Ilio Union lluea and thè
Th» rrwords of tbs dltTirent sinica
bava lievn revise«! since the war, nnd
soldino rv|»>rtr>l "missing” In U'a«b
Ington have tieeu found to I «dong prop­
erly among tbs "killed tu sillón" 'Ih*
Hal of "Three Hundred Fighting It gl«
menta" wan pre) arati by Cohinel Wil­
liam F Fox after an eiamluntton of
both national mid stata rulla 1 bn bguriw
of ths latter were adopted In cases
wbnr« they ahowtd tlm greater losses tn
Accordìi g to thn stain records,
ths flvs regi incuta al the bead of the
hat are:
Kind *«r ul«xl
ut W'Up>!»
Ftftk New n»iwp«)’lre...............
Ktskll thinl I *r tin « ) I van la.
**Vr(Xlh WiWSWlhMlU
Fifth '
Tw»«th<C14 M ssaxms l»u*s <U
In lb»* iinlitHiftl ll*t thn brvciith
remain atanda Oral mid in thn a tala hat
third ttu tbn r«di <if b«Jt>or.
In percent*
atf« <»f btaara it at inda fifth <»n th<* hat.
having lot
killed out of la< «10«n
fulled. If I bn p<Tt'«n!M^w bn
tbo nuinlxir <>f non who juiiod lb«* vol­
er». the |4*r<<utax* la the higb«*at < f nil
Th^rv* were iòti <•< naorlpia N*a.gn<«<| to
the Jtavrufh. very f< w of wbam rrj».>rt«-d
f< r duly in th«» fi» Id.
After rlr«lurting
tbain th« |-<*itrntagv < f kilk I in bat­
tle In th« Ha»vr|*th r »ra »b»>vo that uf
the l»ann»r r«Mltn«*u( »nd auuida «I BO.ft,
or »»n« in every five Him
Klaughfrr jmtia were fir too c*»’tntu«’ti
tn lbw war wbtre lini vieti ma bud no
cbanoe to Bgh< back, lint thn >. wnib
WI art ma » u waa n<4 d«i-ltmit«H| In tliet
It l'*t men k •-lb d In 17 latti«*»,
and In 10 of th«» 17 where it aufTeind
lirvet pcuiahmeni («Minili v. inning tight»,
at Inasti f >r the time la«ing.
It g.iiund
w hat Il wm aft«« whan tlm mon u< to
killed, and Hint «Minuta for K>»»l work
in war. I will Illustrai» IBI» «tory uf
regimental herulea by a few esami lea of
perwiual heroism
TbsSevuitb w»«organlim«! in Augu«t,
1MI Em h of live ti n eoiu] mie» adept*
wd a synonym
Them wem tlwv "Co-
lumbla County cadits,” "PlatievilJs
gtiaril«," "Htougbmu guards," "Mar-
quatte County »liari »h'»'ier», ” "l^nx as
ter Union guar«!«," "Grami Rapida Un
ion guarda, " ” llmlgcr Stale guards,”
”Northwestern tigers," "Badger rifles"
and "lesll guarda " It was n gasi bund
to Jolu the Ti n 1 li lumi" .,f th» Wast. ”
With that spli'luliil pliulslll It rii'aivral
its baptism of fire at Second liull Run,
Aug UH. IMS, bl Ila’ le At of tlir 11>
gsgi'im nt there, when the conibatauta
wern not mum Ilian 76 yuid« «¡mit, ths
Herrmli chaug« d front under III lu or­
ds* to march t ithe relief of ilscompan-
ion r«glm«nl, th« Second Wlscouriu.
(Them Hero tlifle Wisconsin tegltmuta
in the Iron hrigudo—the tjccoud, Hixlh
and fL-vcnth, )
All Ilio field officer» of the Seventh
uriro wotimlcd at Seciiud Bull Run, tut
Lieutenant Celiami Hamilton stuck by
the coluta until tlm but tie was over, theti
fati>l<d from haw uf blood. Al Sondi
Mountain, Md., ou tjuuday aftoruouti,
be pt 14, IHH3, the mgnmnt. with ths
Nlimtecntli Indiana, led tlm attack uo
tlie got go in Turner » gup The butti»
lasted fnr Into thn night, and hìkiu I V
n'clork the Wisconsin »ml IndinniSsol-
dlsra had usui up all their cartridge».
Word of tills iu soni» way reached tli«
ear» of tlm CouftMloratea, and they pts-
panai to attack tim Inin hriglide and re-
txivnr I be gorge. General Gibbon otdend
the uirn to hold their ground nt the
point of th» bayonet. In tlm Seventh,
Captain Calli», who oominundcd in tba
absence of the wounded loader»—It wna
only 14 days after the buttle at Hull
Run—sent out »onm men to gutlier car-
IrtdgiMt from tits dead, and when Ilia
iMixea had been refilled ordered Ilio ri gl-
umut to He down and resiinm fire for
close work. Soon afterward tlm Confed­
erates moved up iu tlm darkness. Cup-
taln Callis called tlm Hoventh into line
and led it forward 20 pace» on n bayonet
charge. One volley wm fired, und the
enemy's line disappgarad.
South Mountain la classed ns a skir­
mish, but tlm Smooth Wisconsin lost
12« melt ktlliMl und wounded ou that
field. Hergnunt Jefforaon Coutos was uue
of tlm wounded. Hn suffered the I osh of
an eye. At Gettysburg, a ytnr later,
< 'oatea lost his other rye. and for gnl
lanlijr diuplnyeii on that field was bro
vetted captain uud uwaided u medul ut
Front Son th Mountain to Grltysbtirg
WM a leap of neatly a year. Antiotniu,
and Cbauoellorav.lla
name between. The Hoventh, with thu
rest <>f the Iron brigade, fought at Au-
tlelain, but was only slightly ougagud
at the other two place* The fortunes of
war reserved a hot place for it nt Get­
tysburg in the first day's fight, tail
Meredith's Iron brigude, those "bhiok
hatted fallows," iu Hill's Uuufedaraiee
oalled the men of tlm west, held the
hud when Reynolds lost his life und
risked bis entire corps to aaveGettjs-
h*’.-’* hHphts for M»nA«d^ arn^’’. Thy
• r a < r. rux oTttxn w ti
C< nfed« latm. Thetx’airr had Lilian end
dill not rise again. Richards started fur
the S|Mg determlm-d to savr th« flag, but
when hn reached the pls«M> which h»had
markral with his eye, he eould And •ei­
ther color» nor | rostrate bearer. The
giotind was very rough and uneven, so
he c<mid easily have missed ti e murk,
or the wouu<1e«l guardian of the flag may
have crawl««! away to »belter, hi look­
ing the ground «ivcr, Richards saw two
<'«Mifiuieralea hugging the earth for aafo-
He order«<1 them to gel up and
nir.rrh Iwiorw 1.,.u to tba Luea of tbs
In the aunals of Richards' company,
E, from MarqOstte county I find record-
r<1 <»is < f Un»« Bud yet touehtng rrsg-
e<ll«Mi which are left out «if the g-nat war
hislori -a. Oueof theuoblost of the Mar­
quette boys was Kergeout Rolwrt W.
Ilnbbiird. Hi» biographer »ays of him:
**A young man r* teemed and rasp«»"rd
by all who knew him." We all lunar
what that aigniH«« when applied to a
volunteer »ohiiar. Young Hubbard was
allot through the l««ly am! 1 iv « m I just
1« ng enough towh»|«>r a dying tm-ssi'ga
into the car of a n nirada. It wna this:
"Tell my mother tliat 1 died like her
The Hevvnth fought In the Wildernem
with Hancock's corps ou tlie Brock
road, and with that oorpa in three sep­
arate battles oil the field of Hpottayl-
viujla Iu Ha lait fight of 18C4 the regi­
ment nttmlwred inly 150 muskrts Here
is Ilia list of hattlca, with hearw m
killrtl or mortally wounded in each,
from Cohaiel F«.x‘a "Rcgitui'iital 1 a « u »« w
lu the Civil War :'*
Killed and mor­
tally w < >un<hd.
N-<x>n<| Bull Kun. V.%.. Au». 2Ü. I .MV
h'x*«..! I bull r.un. Va.. Aus HD. !*’-•
K>uth Mount tin. Md.. »tapi. H. 1MU
Anti* tarn. Md Srpt. IT. M
»*•*1« rlvk'tbiirtf. Va. IhM). ¡4. IXL’...
Fit rhuuh** <‘r
(luti)«Inirn. P b .. July I. JWi .............
Ulllt rn.M. Vn M »» C T. 1(54...........
IM*«»ttoIrani!. I* M ajt P. IW4. ...
Kpttitayivnnta, Vn.. May lu, 1**4.......
H|»**tt•«) Irania. Va, Bí-ty ¡«*.
North Anna Riv« r. Va., 1 **-4
iMetatarg. Va.. Jun«* IT, IMM
J** t< ral urg tr«*n*'h**0......................... .
ItaU'h4*r*N Kun. Vn , I’* b. (I, I Ak
Urn* rile/ Kun. Vn ................................
Pin Fwt •
Mlaoi’llancoua « uiuunltm......................
Tut.il kilted inni wound» d.................... .
Th« ri giiurnt tat comparatively few
ra by taath in tattle, but tta per*
annuel of th« tattahun aud company
leuttera chnngud ruuidly, owing to the
htuvy ranuahioa tun ng them in wunnd*
ed. Thn full rotter ahowa V different
thdd attirerà, 40 rapfnina, 00 ilrat lirxi-
trnanta and AO aet'ond lienteimnta. Over
Suo ungili al inemtara reel) hated.
O kohok L. K ilmer .
An Awkward Ml.
"Wliat I You say that llcrr Schmldle,
the merchant, hits gone blindi Hers's a
pretty bow d'yo da I've got a bill on
the niun winch is tuudu out, 'pu) abisal
sight I*
Colorado ro|oill«ts.
Tim new governor of Onlorndo said
in Ins iniiiiirur.il thnt Colorado would
grow mid prorqier were »lie completely
sun Mulinili by JeffciHou's « u of tliuns
or John Adonis' « nil of brum. In spite
of this iiHHiirunce, (lie public reumi iban
IM ifictly well lliut two years ago the
ailing buailtcaa men of Coivi tdo signed
«•vinent diclnring that a Populist
•‘’■■'Con ),a,| nlniost ruiuod tbs
ti unni
e sk 3. 1878.—
Notici! (or Puliliestion.
Unitoti 8tate» l and Ottici* Lakeview,
Oieguli, Octolier 27, IIM>3.
Notici» is
liereliv tfiviin flint in conipllioice witli
lite provlaious n( ilio art of jttne 3, 1878,
entitleil “An sci (or tilt' «ale ni titrtbor
landa in thè alate» <4 California, Oiejp>n
Nevada nnd triialdnvt"H territori" ir»
vxtended to all lite nnlilic lami »tute» by
set ut Auvuat I (Mirj, thè’ tifilo« inu )*r-
siiti» liavn tiled in liti* olile«' llieir awnrn
Htntenient«, to-wit —
Alice M trnuld of Illuditeli, cnitnty of
Volo, «tute of Calli, ««orli »tiiteinent Nu
2807 fnr thè nnrehnee of thè siiqr xxqr,
« lini! »Kqi a « p ar-qr neo 14 twp 41 h h
IH a
Belle Conledue of Slitte! Creek som,tv
• il Annidi.i «Iute ol Calil. » suiti etn:li­
moni No *JHOH (or thè purclniac vi tini
»sqr se«' |7, tp 37 s It II *, w ■
thal llmv «HI offe« |*r«»»l l«> sh«tj*
that the lafid »«mirili is mors vablal'M
lor its timber oi st«me than lor agricul­
tural iHtr|«>ars and to establish their
claim lo sani laml before jus 11 f*ri«enll,
in. clerk, KUmaih tails, Or. on Friday
the l2 «lay ol Feb |9t>4.
Tliev name as «i*ne»*e»i
Mr t* u
Me« umber < •I Itairy, <>r , Mr« Hara «811.
foni. Mr» Multi«- II Ttllow. Mrs Martan
«rawford. Mi»» Jennie a nail, Edna F.
Eiierting. of M«»|ili»m, w»«h
Any ami »11 |ier»on» claiming a>lvers«..
ly the al»ive-<J«wril»'«l lami» are re-
queM.e'l to file their risiili» In this office
on or Iwhire »aid 12 day uf Feb. lutti
h M Brattain, Regíate*
TIMHSR LAMO, «<T JI XX 3, 1878.-*
Notice for Publication!
t’niie’l Htdtea IstJld Ufflod, Lakeview!
United Mtatra Iaind <*f|!tt) MkédFWf
Oregon October 5-' ll*»'i.
NrHiei* Is f)ri' on. (H tofwr ’*t), X»ri.
Noil«!* ia
hereby given that in yornpIlMtué « Illi te-fvlly given ih*! in co IpIlanCM wi‘h
the provisions «il ili«- s I ol June .1, 1878, Ibi-prioi»ims of llir aft <•( ('«marero 'w
entitled "Au set (nr the «rie of limber June 3. 1874. I'htilled " Vt acl tor ll»4
lamia in the Miele» 'di '»liforui*. Oregon, sale of timbar lapdg in tin NtiuM re «'ali*
Nevada atei Washington Territory." as liirnh, Oregon. Nrvg'la. ami Wgalilngtud
extrndc'l to all the l*i|li|ic Isind «'Istra ITlDl«!)*!'**» •xtewjmi tdd[ Il ‘ ihs Pillili*
by get «4 Augnai 4. 181*2. the following aiik I HÍáiel by it. i of Aiitil«!
■I 4, I*«.
William H. tiartrtt, «if RIF, coimiv of
lersrtli have Hird ip thia office tlieir
Klamath, Míate ot Oregon, ba* fllrs) ia
sworn atstrineiil, to-wit:—
Edward L. Bushnell, nl Palmer, thia office his sworn statomfhl Mot 2691;
for the
thr purrliaae
purchase ol ihe
|hi *E*/r*W/i*
eountv ol Multiiomili slate of Oregon b»r
hworn statement No. 2872. for the pur- RWU of Mrrtion 21 and XR^NWlJ
chase of the 8WM riec 8, Tp 3V 8., R Kec. 2H ih townahip 37 H., Rang» 11 K.j
« E. W. M.
W. M.
Guy D. Palmer, nl Borin*, county ot
And will offer proof tn ahnW that lbw
timmb i . a » i >, a «T Jfvx 3, 1878—
tought ia more vahKhle for ita
Clackamas, state of Oregon »worn state­
Notice For Publication
ment No. 9873, for the rmtcliaae of ths limtar or atone than for Agricultural
Unit’-d Htatea laml offiee, Lakeview,
nE1-. arc 8. tp 39 M., R ti E w M.
piirnnaeR, and t<) ratahliah hie claim Id
Or. t »et. 27. 11»I3.
Notice ¡« hereby
That they will offer proof to show •aid land before Regiater 4 Reowifwr al
given that in «-»mpliance with the pro­
that thè lami sought is more valuable takeview Oregon, on Wedneaday, the
vision« of tlie act «if i-ongre»« of June 3,
for its timber or stone than tor agricnl- 27th day of January, HAM.
He named
timhen t.ivh, act ji nk 3. IM7M.—
| k 7 m , entill«*«l "an act lor tlie sale of
turai purpo»«-« and to establish their aa wit nt*»aea
4\«»Hur f*»r publication.
timber l»mla in tlm states of California,
claim trisaid land before <’. H. Withrow
Fat«»*. William T. Gar-'
UnitiMl Htatea tand Olttce, takcvlrw, Oregon, Nevaila and wa«lilngt<m terri­
U. 8. Commi«»t«inrr at Klamath Falls rett, Allwrt Walker Eiiaard ('arelarer;
<>reg«*n, October 27, IWI3.
Notice ia
Oregon on Tuesday tlie 9th 'lay of Fell. all >4 Bly, < ireuon.
lu r«*l> * given that in compliance with ¡and states by act of August 4, |M«2.
19 i 4, They name as wilnesoe«: J. C.
Anv and all perrons rlalminx *«!-
Il'igli 1.1 lopton >4 ILinsnxa, nmntv
the proviriioiif of thr act
Corigre»»» of
Hammel, of Corvallis, Ore. I. J. Whit- versely the alsive «lere-rilhxl larxls are
June 3. IH7H, entitled “An act for tlie of Klainath. state of Oregon hi« file«l
enmb, of A»hlan«l Ore W. R Hudson, reqitealu«! to file their elainis in thiq
fh I v <»f lifiila*r lamia in the Rtftr« of in this office his »worn »tatrmvnt No.
of Palmer, Ore. Edw»r«l L. Bushnell, of ofiiee ou or before said 27111 day January
California, orrg<>n, Nevada, and wa»b- 274"i for tlie purchase ol the s««ir xwqr,
Pilmer Ore. Guv D. Palmer, of Borirg, 1WH.
ington Territory mr rvtrndr I to all the
Ore. Anv ami all iierMiiis claiming wl-
E. M B s * tt * ix , Register.
public ¡ami »lalea l>) act uf Auguat 4, tp 37 8 It 13 E, w m . and will offi-r pr«»d
vrreely ths alater deserilied lamia ar*
to «how that the l»n<! sought is more
rmuested to tile their claim* in thia TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 3. 1878. -
«»live R. Itoge-ra, of Portland, county valuable for its timhsr nr at« nr than lor
offb-e on or b fore sai«i 9tb day of Feb.
notice for publication .
agricultural piirn»>«<«s. anil to rat»>»li«li
nf Multnomah, atate <»i orrgon, ha«
United 8utli's l.anll Office,
Itflce, laikevisw:
in thiMolfhr III" RAorn alatrmcnt xo. his claim l«i said land helotr jsb . H.
E. M. B hatt ai » Resister
Oregon. October 30, im
Molies _
2s‘»l. I*»r tta l»urrliRRr oi thr
h*t of fhiaeoll co. < le.k at Klumaili Falls ore.
timmrs t‘xr>, act jwr 3. 1878.—
hereliy given that in compliance
impilane» wi lt
•re an. 4 in Tp an. 41 a a vn. 1.3 r w m , •m Friday, tlie 12 day of Feb. 1904-
Noti<*e for Publication.
the provi«ioi>a Ol the act of
< ' Coiigre»»
__ of
j. O. Hamakrr,
Mini will off* r proof to allow that thr name» a« witn«m»«-s:
land Miught la more valuable for ita l>. F. I trisnoil, O. T. McKendree, j. D.
United -tale» land Office Lakeview, June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for thd
limtar or atone than lor agrirultural Hamsker, all of temansa, Ore.
Oregon October 23. 1903.
Notice is sale of timhej lands in the HtatH «4 t 'ali-
purtNiae and localabliah hi« claim to ami all |a-r«nn« claiming Mvi-reely the
herrby given that in complisii»« with fornia, Oregoa, Nevada, and Washington
•Mid land Iwfor.- jar . II Dri«c<4l, c'o. aisivr-drsi rihr-l laud« are request«'-! to
the provisions of th* act of June 3. IH7X, Territory.” as exten«le«l to all th* Public
• Irik. Klamath Fall», or, on Naturday, file their claim« in this office on or be­
entitled "An act for the «ale of tiinl er land State« by act of August 4. 1892.
Daniel W. Guiles, of lillfl H. E. Mt.
thr 13 dav ol Feb.. |wn4.
fore said 18 «lay ”f Feb. 1901.
lands in the States of California. Ore.
E. M. B mattaix Register.
He liamcR an w ituraer»: J. o. Hain-
Nevada and Washington Territory," a« Tscoma. county of Pierce State ot Wash­
akrr, of Ilona hkm , or. It»»v I. Kilg**rr. of
extend««l to all the Public Lan«i State» ington. ha« filed in thia office his sworn
TIMaxa LAMO, ACT JCXB 3, 1878.—
Rot Mtira or. T. < . binith, nl Klani itli
by act of Augiiat 4, 181'2, the following statement No. 26fii, for the pnreha«d
of NEW.HE^
Notice for publication.
Fall», or. J u. pu rer, of Klamath Fall»,
persons have til<«i in tliu ult » their of the NE'iNW^
timhkk i Axn. act irvx 3, 1878.—
NE*^ ot Nn-tioti No. 12 in Township No;
or. Anv and all jirraona claiming ad»
United State» Ltnd olHix- Lakeview, sworn statement» towit:—
amice for niLlicaiion.
vrrM*lv the atair drm'nlted land» ate
Josephine Eichcrt, of IVaiisan. county 41 8., Kang« No. 7 E.. W. M„ and will
Oregon, October 27. !ls«3. N*ititte is here­
Uniti«! b'tatea Land Office, laikeview,
rrqu<*atrd to file thrir rlaima in tfii»
by given that in compliance «ith the of Marathon, »tale of MT», sworn state offer proof to «how that the land sought
Notice is
offn-r on or before »aid 1.3 day of Feb., Oregon, th-tolwr 27. 1903.
provisions of the a. t of Congress of June nient xo. 2*>74. for the purrhase of the i« oi"re vs In» I de for its timl-rr or stand
E. M. Brattain, Register. hereby girati that in compliance «ith 3. I»7s. entitled "An act lor the sal« of w1, s«ri.4, «wqr xwqr, sea. 2, xaqr aaqr, than for agricultural pur|»«e, and Id
the provi«i«’n» of tlie act ol «<»ngre»s of
establish his claim to said land liefore,
ttmlwr lands in the State» of California, sec 3 Tp 41 a., a 13 r. w m .
June 3. 1*78 cntith-d ‘ An act for the
TiatlEH I.AXD, ACT JVMK 3, |M7M.—
Anton Eiebert, of Wausau, manty of C. H. Withrow, U. H. Commissioner at
Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Terri­
N«»tice For i*ulMi<ali<m.
tory,’’ a* extend«*! to all the public Marath«m, state of Wis. sworn state­ Klamath Falls, Oregon on Tu«H»lay, ths
fornia. Oregon, Nevada, and Washing­
He name*
ment Xo 2o75. lor tlie pnrehase uf the IBtli day of January, 1WM.
Vnlted Htatea land office, takrvirw. ton Territorv.” as extend'd tn all the Land States by a t of «ugnst 4, 1892.
as witnreaes: Geo Morgan, Gram Mor­
«»e'Vrge a . am linK, nt 1222 w. 39th st. XKqr tre, 3 Tp 41 a., a 13 a w M.
orrgmi, October 27, I9u3.
votive i»
I’nlilic latiid States by act of August 4, I>«t ang< les, county of leal angel)-« state
That they will offer pn»>( to show that gan, Allieri Otey, and Henry Chapman
iirrrby given that in compliance with
of Keno. Any ami all persons claiming
<d California ha« H!e«l in this ofri>*e his the land sought is more valuable for its
the pr*«vi»Ufiia oi the act nf congrv-»** of
George II. wuodbiirv ol Klamath
sworn statement No. 27-54. for me pur­ timl«r or »tone than for agricultural S'lversely the al»>vr-«lescrilM!d lands are
June 3, | m 7 m , entitled “An art for »hr
Falls, county of Kmmsih state <>(oieg<>n
chase of the « *, NW«, KE*» Nwt£ of purpisea and to eatabliah their claim to requested to file tlieir claims in thid
aale of limtar 'anda in thr atal«« of
has file-l in this office liia »worn state­
section No. 30 in Tp 40 S., R H E., » .'1. said land Iwfore C. H. Withrow U. S. ofll«-e o«i or before said 2B day of January,
«abfornia, oreg**n, Meva la. and wa»h-
ment No. 2al0, for the purchase of tlie
|ngt *ti trtritiry,” rm extended t«» all thr
and «ill offer proof to show that the Cimmissioner al Klamath Falls Oregon, l’JIM.
N»- Nwqr, NWqr NE«ir laml »ought is more valuable for it» on Tuesday the 9th «lay of Feb. 19i>4.
E. M. B rattai ». RegM**.
puhlic land »tatra hy art nf Aug. 4, IK92. HEqrhwqr »ec
se< 2!» Tp 40 H , R 8 E.. W M.
timlier or stone than for agricultural They name as witnesses: «rm. w. Car­
l«**u*rA E. Brnllry, of Fl M**nte,cxuin-
and «ill offer pr<iof tn show that the
tv of mw Angele», utiitr of California. I irm
purpees. and to establish his claim to michael, of Klamath Falls, Ore. Oliver
lami Bought is more rateable for its tim­
said land iwfore C. H. «¡thro« I'. M. Ralston, of Imngell Valley, Ore. Joseph­
filed iii thin office her »worn atat« m«*nt
Notice for Publiewtson.
ber or stone than for agricultural pur.
Commi««ioner at Klamath Falls Oregon ine Richert, of sumo , wis. Anion
an. 27IMI for the purrliaae of thr »1*
United State* Land Oflte*, 1 .akaview;
i»Mwa and to est iidi«h his claim to «aid
XK one fourth, aw one fourth »a nor
on Saturday, the 13th day of Feb. 118)4. Eichert of wansan wi». Joseph Eiebert, Oregon, October 23, 1993.
Notice is
lan«l bnfor« «'ll «¡throw, r a com. at He name« a« W!tnr««es. R w. Tower, of Roseburg. Ore. Any and all persons
fourth, m <>oe fourth aw our fourth of
hereby given that in rnnrplian«» with
Klamath Falls. Or, on Monday the l tth
im «'I ii >, i so. 32 in Tp mo . -W a, rangr mo .
wm. Miller, L. <). Mills, N. P. Edwards, claiming adversely the aliove de«critwd the orovl«ion« of tbe act oi ONigrev* bt
13 k , w m . an<l ail! iifltT proof to ah*»w lav »1 Feb.. Bs>4.
all of Keno Oregon, any and all |«er- lands are rvqu«M>ted to I le lli -ir claims Jone.i. 1878, etititl.-d "Aii act for flis
Ilf name» as « Unease» : J G Pierre.
that thr laml »ought ia nmrr valuable
son» claiming a<lver«ely the aGive de- in this office on or liefuie said 9tb day of aale
ti uber lau«ls in the States »f
RoV llamakar, Fred Houston. Geo It aeribed lands are requ>-«te<l to file their Feb. 1*A)4.
1<>r it» limtar or atone than for agricul­
Calif’irnia. Oregon. Nevada, ami Wa»l>]
lliiilwrd. Bert withrow, all of Klamath
tural purpejara, and to ealabhah Ina
claim« in this office on or liefore raid
ington Territory," as extemleii to all
Falls. Or.
claim to »aid land taf<>rr jar . It. Driacoll,
13th Jay of F«b. 1'04.
the Hiblic Laml Htatea by act of Angu.t
TlMUk-K LAXtl, A«T JfXR 3, I87o.—
Any ami all persona claiming adverse­
<o clctk. alatnath rail», or. on »atur-
E. M. BRATTUM R’-gister.
4, 1892.
ly the above-deacrilied profa-rtv are rr-
Notice for Publication.
dav, the 1.3 «lay uf rrh., 1904.
!<ii Tustin, ol '¡«ann, county ol NisitU
que»te>l to file thair daima tn this <>ff:ee
Unite«! Blate* Iutnd otH«v. Lakeview, yon etate of California, baa fii*d in thia
She name» a» witnraae»:
J. Mira X.
nvmm lard , act jvxk 3, 1878—
on or liefore aai«l l i'i dar ol Feh, ll»>l.
m <-4 birr, «*1 aiillwatrr, Minn., «-andine c.
Notice fur Pn»>lieation.
office her sworn statement No. 2H79, for
E. M. B-attain, Register.
hereliy given that in compliance with
amid, of Milaca, miuii ., Martha m . MC-
United States Laud Office, Lakeview, the provisions ol tlm act of Congress uf tlie purchase of the NE1^ of .Section 9
« lurr, of onamia, Minn, John Mcclnrr. of
Or, October 27. 1903. Notice in hereby June 3. IH78, entitled “An act for tlie ill Township 38 M., Range 9 E.. W. M.
oiiainiR, Minn., wm. iiutcliiaon, of Klam­
Aud «ill offer proof to show that tlisi
given that in compliant^ with the pro- »ale of timtsrr land» in the Matesnf Cali­
Tisana l AXii, act jcxs 3, 1878.—
ath mil», or.
Am and all (terwona
vi-ion« id the act ot congress rd jun- 3, fornia. Oregon. Nevada, am! Washing­ Ian 1 »Hight ia more valuable for its tim­
• laitning adverarlv thr atave-dracribrd
Notice (or Pnlilieation.
ber or stone than for agricultural pur­
1878, entitled “An act <«r the «ale oi
laml» air rvqnr»trd to file thcl* ilainot
United Stale» I- tu I ’ tffice. («akeview, tinil—r lands in the states of California, ton Territory," as extend««! to all the pose», and to eatei'ltsli her claim to »aid
in I In« office on *»r taf*»rr »aid 13 *lav ol tlreit'in, Octotirr 27. 11813. N-ttii-e i» li«re-
land liefore C. H. Withrow U. 8. C«un-
Oregon. Nevada and « isliington terri­
rrb., |M94.
E. M. Brattain, ltrgiatrr tiv given that in c >ni)>liaiice with the tory," as extended to all the public land 1892.
tuisaioner at Klamath Falls Oregon < a
Tu«r»<lay. tbe 9 .lay ol February, 1904.
provisions <d the art ol june 3, 187», en state« by act of AngU't 4, 1892.
viMaaaa i^au. a < t jcmm 3, IS7 m .—
titled ■‘An act lor the »ale of tini tier
Mhe names as witnesses: R. T. Bald­
Owl A Hilliard of Klamath rails,
Notice Fur Pulnicathm.
laud« in the «tate» ol California, Oreson county of Klamath, state of Or, ha» tilc-1 in thia otbee hi» sworn statement win, J. F. Kimball, Jua. E. Jenkins ot
I’nltcd State« land uffirr, iRkrview, Nevada and «ashinginn territory.” as tiled in thin office his sworn statement
Klamath Falla. Oregon. Myrtie Greeu,
orrgon. <wt. 27, ¡90.3.
Notice ia hereby extended to all the vitldic land »tales hy No 2748 lor the purchase of the awtj awqr. »wqr xwqr, of section 22 iu Town- of Hiason, California. Any and all per­
given that in oomplinnrr with Un* pru- act ol Ang’tal 4. 1892, the following ter­ swl4. arc 14, »iC^Si'a sec IS, tp 3» s a ship 37 a.. Range 13 x„ w. m .
rons claiming adversely the above-d«-
And will offer pr-sif to show that the ecribe«i land» are requested to file their
viMtott» ot thr act of June 3. |M7M, enti­ rona have Hied tn thia office
tlieir «a<irn V g w M
Und »ought is more valualde for its tim­ claims io thia otfir» on or lieiure aai4
tled • An art for thr t»alr oi timtar statement», to-nit—
and «ill offer proof to show that the
Irih'l» in the plate« of ruliturfiia, oirgon,
Margaret Morris of buck ley countv ol land «ought is mor« valuable for it» tim- ber or stone than for agricultural pur­ 9ib day of Frlwuary, 1904.
wvada an<l wa-liingUm territory," a» Pien e, «tatr of wash. «worn atatrment lier or stone than for agricultural pur­ pose». and to establish bi« claim to «ai«t
E. M. Baa tta tx Register.
uMlrndudto all thr ptiNic land Mtah-» No 27X1 for the porcha«e of the E*-.El- poses and to establish his claim to said Und tie lore Jas. H. Driscoll Co. Clerk
bv art «»I Auguat 4. iMllg, thr following see 21. t«n 44». S K 13 E.
land before C H witbrow, I’ KCoinmis-
TtMBXK LAXD, ACT Jl'XR 3. 1878—
p 'r8i>i)k have lilud in thia office tlieir
Edvth K Biake o' 512 Lynn St, San siouer at Klamath ra’ls. Or, on batur- Hie Sth day of Feb, 1904.
Notice for Publication.
He names as wttneese«: Chas Patter,
• worn MtatrmeiiiR, to-wit: —
francisco. county of San Francisco. dav tlie 13th day of reb, 1:8)4.
W. A. Walker, J. A. Parker; Thoniaa
United Htatea Land Office, Ijikeviuw
Caroline <*. Rudd of Milaca, county »4 • late of Calif, »worn statement No 2714
Hr namea as witnesses: will H'ltnnh-
Ore. Oct. 23, 1903.
Nntire ia hereby
Mill«» i.ac», alate nf Minn, »worn Mate- tor the pinchase of the E1,»1. sec 21, rev. The..lore eryaet. H A willr». C H Garrett, ail of Klamath Falls Oregon.
Arty and all person» claiming a Iverse- given that fn compliance with the pr<L
mryt Ko. 2719, for thr purrlocr of thr Tp40 8.. H I t E.
Itelaip. all of Klimath r-ills. Or.
ly the almve-de«cril>ed 181'3**re rvtpieat- visiims of ' the
' art of Congress
of - June
»a one fourth, mk one fimrlh ar one
Ijirnliert L. woods o* Seattle 22S Tay­
Any and aff |« r»ona claiming adverse­
lourtli, arc. 34, aw one fourth nw one lor Ave. conntv of King «tale of wash, ly the above-described lands ate re- ed to tile their clatnls tn tbM office oti br 1878. entitled “An act for the sals of
before Mid Sth 'lay nf February. 11811.
timlier lauds in the states of Cali'oi aia,
fourth *rc. 3.5, Tp. «37 a a 12 a, w m .
sworn statement No 27.45 for the ,utr- questeil t > Hie their claims in this office
E. M. B rattaix Regmlrr.
Oregon, Nevada urrl Washington Ter.,*’
Mira a Mcclinr of atillwatrr, county clia«e OÍ the w Itali E half sec 21 Tp 4U on or before said I3tb day of reh, IlMM.
M extended io all the public land states
of waahingt«>fi, Mate of miiiu »worn a.. Il 13 E w a
E. M. nrattain. Register.
tim are laxo , act jc . vr 3, 1878.—
bt act ol Aug. 4, 1892.
«tatrinrnt no . 2747. for tlie purrhaae *»f
That lliev will offer proof to sh >w
Notice for Publication;
Charles A. Basse, nf Olympia, ennaty
Timber latnd. Art June 3, 1878—
the »
*w *t. arc 2«». »»jr »aqr arc. 2H that the land sought is more valuable
<>( Thurston, stale of Wash., lias filed i«t
for its timlier or «tone than for agricul­
Notice for Publication.
x,Jr vt,(r M’c*
" u
*• w
this office Ids sworn statement N ’. 2871
That they will «*ff»»r pr«a>f to »h«»w tural pttriHwa and to establish their
Notice is hereby given that in compli-
thai tin* land aought in more valuable claim to »ai<l land before C. H. withrow ance «ith the provisions of the act of hereby given that in compliance with for the putcba«e of the w’t asqr, aaqr
of sec. f tp 41 f a 7 a A »«rqr swqr{
for iia tiinla»r or atone than for agricul­ U. ». Commissioner at Klamath Falls congress of June 3, l»78, entitled "An
tural pur|M>M*N and to ri*tahli»h tlieir or. on Friday the 12 day of Feb. IIS)». act for the «ale of timlier lands in the June 3. 1878 entitleil “An act for thr src. 8 tp •»! s ft 8 k # x, and will offer
claim to nmi 'I laml taf*»re ja >. ii . nriacull, They name aa w itnesstei : jame» Go«», stat««« of California, Oregon, accada :vnd sale of timlx-r lands in the States ol Cali- proof to yIojvf that the land sought i4
«3». clerk at Klamath Falla, or. Friday of Bonansa Oregon, J. o. H-iniaker of Washington Territory,” as extended to f'-rni*, Ore.-Ml, Neva 'a. ami Washington more vahmble f^r its tiiul«r or stoo«
th«* 12 «lay ot Feb. HAM.
llonansa Oregon, Margaret Morris, nf all the public land states l>v set of Aug. Territory.** as extei d «1 to all tlie Public tliau for agricultural purisaws. anil to
establish Ids c kim to «aid land before
Tliev name a» witnraaea:
i/«ra K. Buckley washing-on, Edith R. Blake of u»t 4. IW»2, Oliver j Hawkinson of Os-io, launl State« by act ol August 4, 181*2.
Ida J. Gerlier, of Lorvlla. county of C. H. Wfthbjrf, U. S. Com. at Klamath
Mctlurv, John McxHufv, «»f atiliwater, aan Francisco Calif, lambert !.. w « m »I s , county of Trempealean. state of wis'-on-
miiiu ., Caroline k hii *M, of Milaca, miiiii ., of Seattle, «ashing'on.
Anv and all siu, I as filed in thin office liissaorn Klamath state of Oregon, has tiled ill Falls, Or. on Monday the 8th day ol Feb'
wm. carmicliael, win. Hutchiaun, of |ier»on» claiming adversely the above- statement xo 2749 for tlie pu.chasi' of this office her sworn statement xo. 2»LV>. 118M. He name« as witi-ease»: George
for the purchaae of the xnqr a«qr of sec •Montan, E«ii Morgan and L. O. Milla
K lanuiih Falla, or.
dvserihed land« are request»«! to tile the « »...x«
» c ' aiw 1«, .«w'asw1*, sec 18 in Ta p 38 »., a 14 a., w M.
of Keno, Or. and Chas H. Xpriuger of
Anv anil all perwona claiming ad- their claims in this ofHce on or before 34 f p 40 » a 13 x w a
And will offer pr of to show that the Olympia, Wash.
veiarly tlie nbovr-dracrilied lamia are said 12 day of Feb. 1904.
and will offer proof to show that the land »»night is more valuable for its tim­
Any and all persons claiming adverse­
r'*quvatvd to file llivir < lanna in thia
E. M. B ratt us Register.
land sought is more valuable for its ber or atone than for agricultural pur- ly the ahove-«i«-aerilie<l lands are request
*»ff ice on or ta ioH» »ai<l 12 «lay of Feb
timlrer or stone than for agricultural C>«ea, and to e»tabli«h her claim to »aid e»l to file their claims in tlii» office un or
E M Brattain, Regiater.
purposes and to establish his claim t<r
ml before Jas H. Driscoll Co. Clerk before said Hlh day uf Feb. 191)4.
said laud before 0 tl withrow, I' N com­ at Klamath Falls Oregon on Saturday,
TIMHKB I AXO, A«-r JTXR 3. 1878—
E. M. Brattain, Register;
missioner at Klamath rail«. Or, on Hat- tlie fitli day of February, 191)4.
Notice for Publication.
Notice For rublivRtion
She names as witnesses:
tim ara land , act jvkk 3, 1A7S—
United States Igind Office luikeview,
He names as witnesSHi: Jas Sigler,
wm. Campbell, of Lorella, ore. J. w.
I'lllted Stntew Imid office, takevivw, Or., October 27, 19U3.
Notice for Publication.
Notice 1» herebf (ieo Porter ot alamath rails. Or, jo »
llamakar, of Klamath Falla Oregon.
<>r <>ct 27, IttUB* N"ii«<* if h« rvitv given given that in compliance with the pro­
St atra tand Office takeview/
Aubrey Campbell, of Lorvlla. ore. N. S.
that ill rompliance with the proviMoim visions of the act of june 3. 1878. entitl­
Notice ia hereby
Sewell, of lorella, ore.
Anv and all Ore. Oct.
of th«* act of congrvfh* oi June 3, 1H7S,en­ ed “All act for the sale of timlier landa of »lack River rails, »is.
Any and all per««tnS claiming adverse­ perron» claiming adversely the aliove- given that in comjdMflcè with the pr»»-
titled ’‘an net for the Rale oi limtar in the states of Califori.ia. Oreicm, Ne-
ly thè Shove descril>e<i lands are request­ deacribed lands are requested to file > iaiona of tta det of fffne 3, I87H, entitl-
I nih I r in the ftateR of niliiorniA. oreg*»n, va«la and Washington Territory" as ex-
etf “An ti t for tbe aatè ert tiuitar landa
NevmlA. Mild uHxliingion territory,” rn teinh*d (o all the puhlic laml state» by ed to tile their claims in this oftict- on their claim« in this oIFu e on or before iu the state» of Califurnift, .Oregon, Ne­
extended to h II the public land n la tea act ol August 4. 1892. the following per­
vada and Vtaabirr«ton Ter.,’’ aeextended
K. M. Brut tain. Register.
by act of AtigURl 4, I At?.
E. M. Ra ’Tr 'fx* Rc(r?«(Fr.
sona have ffh*'l in this office their sworn
to all tlie puuRc laud alate« by act of
Ilarrv a . clough oi xewtarg. county statements, tow it—
T1MIIKH t.AXO, ACT JVXg 3. 1878---
Aug. 4, 18 j 2, the following peraona hard
oi Yamhill, Mate of Oregon. I iar Bled in
Atliinaise Arehamhanlt of Red »luff,
tiled in this office their sworn alate-*
Notice for Publication.
tlii« office In« Rworn Rtatvmvnt no . 27;M, county of Tehama, state of Calif, aw rn
Notice for Publication.
menta, to-wit r—
United Stales Igtnd Otfiiv Ijikeview,
(or the pureI i Aff oi the E\ NK»|r,
statement No 278t for the purchase of
*elfl* Voeaefi
Voasefi df Àtahleen,
Alivrdeen, county of
United States Imml Office LtiketiS#;
RMir of w 2 m iii tp 40 r , k 1.3 k , w m , and the s^.xit'f. s ' m * w ,4. sec 13 tp38a a 13a Or. Oct. 21, 1903. Notice is hereby giv­
Ore. Oct. 27, 1903.
Notice is hCriliv CliehaFM, *tt«te of Wash, sworn »fate-
m ill offer proof Io nhow that the land
II r .4 feh urn bail 11 of Red nlnff, county
given that in compliitnee with JhF /n'm rnent No 2w«fi tot the puicoaie of the'
nought ia more valuable for ile linitar of Tehama, «late of Calif, sworn state­ ions of the act of June 3, 1878, entille«l vi«ion» of the act of June 3, lff7S, cntit-
N half NEtir, MwqrNttqr, NaqrNwqr,
or Rlone than for Hgrii*ullurxl purpoavN, ment No 3751 Fir the purchase of the "An act for the sale'J timber lands in led "An act for the «ale of timlier lands see. 35. tp 38 a it 12 x W X.
the states of California, Oregon, Nevada
nod to cMtahliRh I i I r claim to Raid land ME1« sec 1» tp 38, » a 13 x
Mariin Theiamm of Alienleen. county
and Wa«h(ngton Ter." as extent!«! to all in the Stales of California. OCegup, Ne­
Iwfore J am II l>rii«ro||, c\>. clerk, KUin*
Henry N. .treliainliault of Red aluff.
vada and Washington Territory," m ex- of Ciieltkli«, state of Wa.ii, aworn state­
Rih F h II r , Or. on Friday the 12 day oi county uf Tehama, state of Calif, sworn the public land states by act of Aug. 4, tei.ded to all the Public Land States by
ment No. 2877, lof the purchase of the
1892, the following |a»reons have fl Ini in
Feb HMM.
statement No 2732 tor the purchase of
this office their sworn ttlatements to-wit act of Aug 4, 1892. the following persona x‘i afi sec. 2'1 tp 38 sg 12 X W M.
ile nf mef ar wltneaaeR! L R Frrgu- the Mw'4 sec 13 fp .'18 a a 13 a
J o I iii Vusnen of Aberdeen, county g|
John Chandos Reasoner of Ashland,
hod . juo . tai kin, J c mrter, F II (il<|.
Ralph White of R<«l aluff, county of
Chehalis, state of Wash., sworn «tale,
ments. to-wit:
well, of Nvulrtug, Or., j . O. Haniabffr of Tehama State of Calif, sworn statement county of .lack«on. stale of Ore. sworn
Harry A. Littlefield of Newberg Conn merit No. 2H’8 for the pn-chase of t|*F
BominiA, Or.
Any and all pert«*tiR No 2733 for the purehaM' of the h 1.»-»'. statement No. 2tl3t) (or the purchase of tv of Yamhill, »tale of Ore. sworn' state­ »4. »Kqr, t,‘v awur Beu. iU tp SR g a 13 jg
tlie »Kqr sr:qr »«««•. 23, xl, xgqr, xaqr xw
cluiining Adversely the ahove-dvRcrilied N*yaK*4 »<*>■ 14 tp 38 » H 13 a
That they will offer proof to aba«
ment No 27t>s fot the pnri-ha.se of the
qr sec. 28 t p 37 » a 9 k w m .
I hih I m flic requested to tile their chiiniR
8 W
sec. tfi Ip 40 s a 13 g w m .
Nelson C Hamlin of Siasofi county of
that the laml rough) ia more valnabld
Norris Reasoner of Asldatul, county
in tlii- offer oil or Imfore >*Aid 12 day of Siskivon. state of Calif, sworn statement
Josiah Charles Porter of Newb rg. for its timber or atirne than for agricul­
of Jackson, State of Or. sworn statement
Feb 1004.
E M Brattain, RvgiRtt*r. No 2764 for the intrehase of the xl1xw
No. 2>WI fof the purchase of the x*. xk county of Yamhill, state of Ore. sworn tural purpose* and to establish their
W' i . vk ' a , sec 24 fp 38 » R 13 a
qr sec. 3 tp 38 gud s% aaqr sec. 34 tp 37 statement Mo 2709. fur the pWrelmfie of claim tot said hind before C. H. Withrow
Peter Muinlanl M Miss m, eountv of
the «r'v xwl4. sa'a xwqr, awqr xgqraeC. U. 8. Coin, at Klamath Falla, Ore. ont
» a 9 a v» M.
Notice For Publication
aiskivou, state of Calif, sworn statement
Tumda^ the 9th dav Or Feb. 1901,
Tlirtt they «fill offer proof to show that 28 tp 40 it k 13 a w M.
They name its witnesses; E. 8. Want
Frank II. Caldwell of Newlicrg court-
Vnh(»tl Hatea land office, takrview,
the land »«Might is more valualde for its
anfil A. H, Urolip Of Portland, Or«<gon
Or. Oct 27. >903.
Notice is hereby
limiter or stone than for agricultural
given that in compliuncv with the pr*P H 13 K W M
puri»M>e» and to establish their claim to ment So $7HL for the purehaM' of life' J<»Fm V<M«en. Nellie Vo«««n and Marlin'
Thei<o**ii of Aberdeen M’ag’iingtou.
That they Win offer proof to show «aid land Iwfore Jas. H. Driscoll, Count) gl. a1* sec. 'A) tp 40 h h 13 aww.
vifdoffA of the act of June 3, 1H78, en-
Any and xll perm»! • Maiming adverw-
That they will offer proof to shoW
tilta! “an act for the wale of timlier that the Irfirff ttmigWt is m ire valuable Clerk at Klainaui Falls, Or. on Friday
the ntave deM'ritau .aiidrt are reqiieef
than for agricul­ tire iMh d»y of Feb. 1904.
lAnda in the atRtfi of California, Oregon, for its timte'* »d
They nain«' that the land sought i« more Vifh'fffl>le
Nevada ami Washington territory,” a< tural purpUWtM And to’ establish their as SfJtnesses: J. (1. Hmith, T. E. Smith for if» timber or »tone than for r*grh-ul vd to Hie their cluiinn in thU office mi oy
exfei«h*d to all the ¡ruhljc laml«(aieabv claim to sh M land liefore C H withrow, J. IL Pferceand w. O. Smithof Klam ith tnral bVrrpoees and to esta'disli their taf»re in fl 9th day of Feb.
E. M. Brattain, Itegiwter/
get of Aug 4, l>*92, the following ia*r- II H ('oinintSstoimr at Klamath Fall« Or, Falbf.-Ur. John U. Reasoner »'fff Nui ris claim in said land bbfoMJ«#. H. ffrimoff
CW. Ch'rk «1 Klamath Falla,Or. on Wed­
aorta hat« fited in thia office their mi Matuntey the Iffthdgy of rvh, 11*>4.
Reasoner of Ashland, Oregon
They name as witne»«e«f Athinsire
aWorn ntNteiiieiita, to-wit:—
Any and »11 person» elainring x'reeT't»- nesday tire KDIi nay <d Fei>. Bail.
Mr. Win. 8. Crane, of California,
TlmJ n'atue »> witnesses: Harry A.
Kara Hlfford of Hoquiam, county of Arehaniliaiilt, II r Aichatnhaull, Henry ly the alsive detiei ibed land» are lequvfl-
chehalia, flute of wrtahimfhm, aworn N Archambault. Ralph white, of Red od to fil«i their claim« in this office on or Littlefield, Josiah C. Porter and Fisnk Mil., sutT. reit for years from rheum*«
II. Cfildwell ot Newberg, Or.
J. O. tlsm and lunib.igo.
jtHlenivnt n *> 27:’l (or the porch »ar of alnff, Calif, Nwlsun C Hamlin, Peter liefore said 6th dav of Feb, 1904.
lié was linai!/
th»* al,j amir, RKqr awqr aec 17, NEqr Mundahl of Hi»»''ll, CuH .
E. -M. Bi attain. Register. Hamakvr and H. L. Cluptoh of Bonanxa advised to try t.'liainlie lain** l*alit
Ore. Any »nd all person» claiming a«l-
Any and all person» claiming adverse­
Noor aer 20, tp 37 a a I! «, w M.
veraely tlie almve deacrilied land» are Balm, which he did and It efTectcd «
Edna F. Etarting of Hoquiam, coun­ ly tlie* al'OVe desciilsil lands are re­
rv<|iie«te«i to file their claim» in this complete cure.
ty of rhehalia, alnlc of waahiuglon, quested to tile tlieir claim» in this office
Fur sale by C. Cf
ottics on or before said 10th day of Feb.
aworn alalvineiit No 2732 lot the pur- on or belurv said loth day of rub, 1904.
K-M. Vr#ti*tU| Ke|i«Wrr
vlutwof tbe \K^r
Nnjr, Nicqr
E. M. hrsttain. Begriler.
N«qr see II Ip 41, s li 13 a
Gi orgie (1, VersaloTl’'*!, 126 Noel 81
Han l''iancl«'<i c ulltty of Fán Francis«'»
«I bi ,* ot i al f, aw on stateinent N *
2MHI lor the i u«ciiami ol the Hw <|r »<»’
11. 11«41 « a I i » w M
That t|l»y will offer prrMif te »ImW
th»! tlii- ialiti »onvth i» more vh I um IJ*
for it» ltml«*r or »ton«* liiali lor agri«nl-
tur») I ill i |t<'»«■ « an«l to e»t»lill«h tlo-ir
I'lanii III «»ill _
___ ¿ elote <■ II Wlllir«»«
I'.H. com ni lasioner ut Klamath Fall»
Or on Vfomlav the 16 day <d Feb B»)4
'lliev tian e a» witnesses: U If Eri* k-
min, Il A Foster nl slamalh rail» or,
Helle CtMilmlge ol suttei creek, calif,
Alim m Arnold of gr«aleru*k <alif, oeur-
gie C Vsrsalovicli ol Man Francia«»
i alii
Any anil all |ier«ons I'laiming adverse­
ly tin« al»ive-«leaerlhed lands are re-
ques'.cd to file their claims hi this offa a
on or Iwlore »uni 15 «lux <if Feb USD
Fl M lirattnin, Register.
TIMMR i.twn. act ima JI, IM7M.—
Rothe for rdltllmtion.
(ritardatale« farvi nfflrr takrvlrw,
or»*gon Noy. ’j lOOfll
Motirr la tarrhy
Iflvru that in eompliahr.r with tta pr»»-
vl«lnna of thn art of June .3, IM7M, rn*
Illi ♦•*1 'Mil act for the »ale of limtar
l.tH'la in thr ntatpw of California, <»r« gon,
XrVfldg, and aarhingfmi Territory.’* n»
extended lo «all tta rubile tand atatra
by a« t of A'lgii't 4, tar2. the following
persona have thia day filed in thia ofth e
their »worn *tatrin«nl to-wit;—
Fl »r» ne4* wanning of wifioii l. C'winty
nt ainkivou atntr of California aaorn
atatrinvnt Xo
f/»r the pure ha >4* of
thr a hnIf awqr M half aw ir arc .30 Tp 3M
a . H 1.3 E wm .
Ellia a. Clark of McCloud rvninty of
fttekiyofi aiata ni or«*g«>n awnrn aiate-
meni no 2M.3M for the pnrehaar of the
’Í* ’w’i aw’i, arc 14, aw*4NW*4
•re 11, Ti» 3 m
R |2 E w a.
Amy D. Flood, of 3|r<*lou«l county of
ainkivo'i atMir»»f California »worn »late-
rnmt M<> JH40 lor the jHirrhaar of the
w» aE‘{. hE’i b E«4, »4M J, NE«4 XEW,
are II. Tp 3H a , ft 12 E w M.
Hcrtart n. .Manning of McCloud,
eonnty «»f aiakirmt alate of California
aworn »tafanimi Xo 2MI for the pur-
chaar *»l tIi»- • *t SE*4, Nw'iHK’p KE*4
M w ‘4 imm 25 Tp 4M M. K 12 E w M.
That they will »ifler proof to alinw
that lb« land sought is more valuable
(■•i its timhsr or »ton» tlisn lor agrii 'il-
tnrsl |iur|»i««Hi am| u> «»fatiliah tlieir
claim to »aid land before C. H. withiow
U. H. CrnnmiHionrr at Klimsth F.lla
Oregon on Tm-adav the lff’li «lay <4 Feb.
!*«>4 Thev name a» witn«a»e».
D. F’l«md, llerliert a. Manning* Florence
Manning. Elli« ». C!»-k all of Mid’hiud
California. Mike Dmihrr of Klamath
Falls Oregon.
Any an-l all prrwm»
claiming a«lvsra*ly th« sl»ive-«l«»rrih*ri
Ian I» are r»-qiie«t«'l to file their claim«
in this olfii'e on or tiefure said Pith day
of Feb. 19U4
E. M. R h . ttaix Register.