Or. //. B. HARUUS, lisin busInesH. Mr. WlHcmnri cliwlng Ills Saloon r*»*ertlv purcliiiwd of Ah *. Zevely uml they " «'il’nutiig Hi<- bord- Phy tic Ian and Surgeon. MI m Edna Clark, left Tuesday nos in Ihr building uccuppled by Mr. Other not door to the O|s>is llollM'. morning fur l.ukevl. w, Hchallia'k. Riami 7 Hotel IJlikVlIle riumlay vir-iilng I wo ot the Isatis <>f Louis G i i I h i hii nf«*et l»en ry al a Hh'lgh ride. X Ray lalsiraloiy Examinations |'J s> Whether the driver the Excelsior, Dairy, Dng ui. had th»« lims around III» ne< k ur over "I » ■ KLAMATH I Al l.5, oRI.GOrx. MI m lotia James of Royston came th»' «tasi« boatti is not known, bitt In a 'very few uilili'trs Uu* »sciipaiits and In Irom the railroad Munday, alelgh were sr'iit tcri'd around »rvrial Mrs. W. <) Hill returned Monday j blocks. Ten dollars for an old sleigh from a visit to Han Fnuicis<’<>. probably inaile th»* G>ys leel thankful PHYSICIAN A SURGEON. Attorney» J, W. Hanmkrir and i bitt It wasn't a new one. F. II. Mill» aru at ttalein tills week. Bill» art* out for u leap year ina** Uillcs, 3i«l d«*>r <*s*t «»I [smt utiles, E. IL llcumes and wife de,iatt»«<| <|U<*ra»l<* ball here on the 2Ulh lli»t. riunì» .3A, Bonanza, Jun. 12. 1901. T'uehday u»'*roiug fur San Franclwo. UFO. //. MERRYMAN' LOCAL NEWS, flue big dance la»r Friday evening. |/mla Hmxrt and Ora Knglehave hail a iM-aOllful new sleigh marie. Jesse Vest- eatrne In from the marsh last Friday. Wortl was received here Uxlay that J’eter Barker of Portland wn* dead lie is a brother d«tl change for •he beUer, and at this lime after uslnp it f r two weeks, have no hesitation in saying I realize that I am entirely rutni." Tills remedy is for sale by C. C. < hltwood. •Í* Rubber RUBBER OÒÒbè W. K. Brown, engineer and one of Hie Im-orporators of the new Irriga­ I tion company, will be at the County Klamath Pallt, Oregon. S'hool Muperlntendetii’a office In the COHMIhSIOM.lt* ADJOURN. J. K. Pelton, the calile man of court house at Klamath Falls during Aaiilttnd, was In the city Hu- Hist of Notice FY>r Publication. The eommlsaloner's court adjourn- the n<-xt weekj exeeptlog Monday ami the week. L* j> <)Feirci at i.Airricw. -d Tu« sday alter an extended m - s - 1 Tuesday, January 18 rind 19, wh«n lie Ed llurrlKM. of tlie Hotel Ijnkvllle. 4-fntrrf All. IWM PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. k I oii , In wlilch. besides the business will lie st Whitney Mercantile Onm- Nolle« 1« ber*by elven that the tolhrwinf- returned home Monday from a visit I usually transacted, they examined all pariy'a store at Merrill, prepared to naui«*anl»*n, < Iregon, a» all appi leaf ions for this MARGARET PARKHt’RHT \l> Il al pnM; ' 1< I k*. G K . \ M National Hank and Astoria Savina* the city Monday en route to Klamath i privilege during the season of 1904, of Salem, comity 6f Marion state .,f Or- Riper, A. T. Lmigcll J. <>. Hamakcr. ■ lank Astoria, Oregon Agency, whet»' »he ba* a |M*ltlon us I must iw ' on tllf in his office n”t later egon, has t|le«l in this oltice her sworn I >|i|«ialte Cour I lloiiae, Klamath Dairy precinct Judges, W in. rtat.-meut N«> 2485 f.«r the purchas*- ol tcai'hcr In the Indian » c I kki I. t ban February io, loot. Fall «a. Or. I’liunc*. .Main MH. rim ku*. cludrman, John J. Drlacoll, the E'.SE'i, Hec 0. Tp 40 S, R 7E W M b. C. BKRTKÜN. Ed Mi'Carthy relurn»*d to the city Wm. Wood*; cl> rks, Frad Beck, Jake an«! vs ill offer proof to show that the Forest Supervisor. Mon lay. He «Misted Mr, . Weeks. are funds In the town treasury for Rex liord, John Sh's«k and Silas nesday the 20tli «lav of January, l’.XH. Prompt and rarefiti Blt<*nU<»n l.-ingell Valh-y precinct -Judges, the redemption of fbe following war­ bhe names as witie vws: Kilgore are representing Klamalh to All or-lnn 1023. 1038. E B Henry, F II Mills, Francis J »•«»nnty at the National l.lvcslcrk W. |i. t'xmjilH-ll, chairman, Win rants l"lt I "37 1034. ------- Convention, wlilch Is I m mg held this Pankey, Silas Olwnchain; clerks, E 1039, 1040, 1025, 1033. 103«. 1042, Bowne of Klamath Falla, Or., John It. t'. Williams, W. A. Duncan, Crls, 1031, 1035, 102». Interest will cease Connolly of Keno, O*. week III Portland. Crowley. from this date. I Abv anti all parrsonaclaiming adverse­ II. E Smith the nierehant at Mer­ Hpragu«- River preelnet Judges, M. I»if.-I at Klamath Falls, Or., this ly the al««,ve descrilieii lan«ls are re­ quested to tile tln-ir claims in this otRce rill, Mild hl* »lore and »Us's of gis.h, S. Parker, chairman, y N. Anderson, 14t)i day of January, 1904. on or before sai«l 2Uth «lav of January, last S.itur'lay to Martin Br<>». who Fid l aseliver; clerks, Spratt Wells, R. United Slut ft Commitsioner, J. W. S ikmkns , Town Treasurer. BO4. E. M. Brattain, K«-gister. will conduct Hie same. The <<>n»id- C. bpink. < lias. Patlee. This office has just received a com ­ leratioii was t-Guo. ki . amath fautori :. Poe Valley precinct Judges, Chas. timhkk i.ssn. act jcjtb 3. 18*8— j C. W. Hawkins, irtie of lh<* Incorp­ I*. Hughes, chairman, K. H. Griffttli. plete line Of the latest wedding note Notice For Publication GENERAL LAND BUSINESS. orator« of ttie ri«*w dlt»'h, tn conyunc- i has. Pickett; clerks, h«l Frcuer, In plain and old style, hand made United Mates lan«l office Lakeview Ilion with Ills father control* oiic of i i aak B ■>, C. H. KeM r. deckel edge. Also a new line of Tlf I Or Oct 27 19r)3, Notice it* hereby given BLUE PRINTS Plevna precinct Judge*, IL A. Al- Th" hugest banking Institution In That in compliance wilh th»« provisions lany script. Work neatly done, Or- of the act of june 3, 1878 entitled “an furnished of any land* in Klamath < <>. Kan Benito County, Cal. ford, chairman F. T. X.'Isoli, J. I dvrs taken for engraved work. art for th«-sale of tiriitss-r laud* in the' Padgett; clerks. R. M. C. Brown, Dan Corrections received dally. M. A. E'l.ly, <»f I'ok« uuna, was In Imicn, (I. A. Stearns. 1 stat«*»« of California, Oregon, Nevada I 1 ti e city Saturday doing buslneaa be- and Washington territory," as exten*ie«l ’ Klauiatli 1aik<- precinct—Judge*, a . To all the public land stale* by art of fore tli<* County CoiunilsMoners court. tirlfflth, chairman, J. L. Jone», 1 will sell at public auction on Sat­ : August 4, la!12, the following persons '■ H< intend» going to Ashland when* Ira ilaoson; clerks, C. O. Brown, G. urday, February 13, 1904, In front of I have filed in this oilice their »worn lie will remaiii srieral months. l> Brown, J. B. Wick. the Mascot Stable* In the Town of statement», to wit-— Odell precinct-Judges, Chas. Merrill, ttie following persona] prop­ Tu»**riay evening, January 7, tlie <»onion Ft Clair of Sisson county of J. W. SIFMFV, Propridor. Siskiyou state of Calif, sworn staternent ! following of!i«'»'r»i wen* Inst i|hd, by Grau s, « hairmall, Geo. W. er! y: No 27t)3 for the purchase of the Swqr j Prua|H»rlty llebekali Ix^lg. No. 194, Jam«-« Win«-ler; clerk*, James Max­ 1 12-foot Continental header, near­ sec 27 t|> 40 s b 13 x Qeanliiicxx and Good Work I. l>. i). i‘. Nellie Sumin« is, N. G.; well, Geo. W. llcatly, Reulwn Young. ly new —3 beader beds. Floyd s Rore of Centerville county of 1 Mriirl llaldwln, V. <1.; All»*«* Z. florl- i I Truck wagon, steel axle. Alam« la, staleof Calif, sworn «tateu.enl Guaranteed. ■ler, R«s*. St*«*.; Fran«*»* Hammond i I ORT KLA.TATH JO rr I MIS. 1 High wheel four hots»* wagon. No 27»>4 h»r llie purchase of the Nwqr Fin Hee.; Ilehecca Fountain, Treas. g 1 2 gang plow No. 4UDIUer chilled ec 27 twp 40 e R 13 E Alto Agent for LONDON AND i Alter Baldwin, Chap.; II vsik - Haren. I Horace Mitchell was up l«wt week Charle» Browning jrof 2107-22 st, ,cac- bottom. It H. N. <».; Addle Walker. L. N. N. looking after some beef « attic, which 1 Work horse, 8 years old, weighs rararntn, county of Sacramento elate «rf LANCASHIRE FIRE INS CO BEST ACCOMMODATIONS. FREE SAMPLE ROOMS. 'G ; N. II It Htvyd, It. b. V. Edna lie lontru. t«-d fur last sCalif, sworn »tatcmeni No 2786 for the i fall with 1500 pounds. purvhaee of the ssqr xxqr, xeqr »»,r, M< Millian, I. K. V. G.; Jeuiii«* llurn. Gorge and Fred LtxsJey, for mid­ Work horse, 12 1.......................... * years old. s half »rqr. sec 34. twp 4»> » s 13 k War.; Lola Driscoll. Con.; Restora winter delivery at 7« cent*. Our entire line of 1 Set single buggy harness, Annie » Browning of 2107-22 st, Sac­ Ft«...... I. G..; Stella Engl»* O. G. yuite a number < f «sir raiH'hom are 2 beta chain harries*. ramento, county of Sacramento, state of ♦ XviBiiciutr iiittM Fred Melliaar, of Fmt Klamath has . dlrir be f cattle fit th«- winter and 1 Top bufgy. Calif, sworn stamm, nt No 27»>»> for the Driving cart. I burctiase of the swqr xwqr, w half swqr spring market, but not und.'r con ­ 1 pun*li.iM««l of Major Worden a -0 f»»»t will be lold at actual cost Among 4 Pairs st rvU-liers and 3 tifth-charns see 35 tw ;> 4u ■ a 13 x and xwqr xvrqr front lot lying west of the Linkvill tract us are the Lotsdey. i sec 2 twp 41 » a 13 « W H. l- rvd ami Gus Meltiaae, 1 Grain drill. l|ol»«l, on whl«*li tn* prop«*»*» U« erect them arc: to make room for winter . That they will offer pr.Mif to thow that I 14-ftsit harrow, 3 sections. a two story »lone buibhng with l»i < •! Gorden Bn*. D. Cr«uicmdler, Pelton I the l«n<1 ronght is more valuable for ¡is stock. Pitch forks. shiAeiii. etc., etc. mcnl. Ttie llrst fl«s»r will I h « pm-d by and SiM-tm rc, let Fordh'e, E. R titula r pr »l«>nc than for agricultural j —o -o— Hanan and other*. We hope they Terms of sale — All sum» under 12' ’ p,ir j»-«-«- .xwe, nn(> lt,wia| Mr M<»II i : im * to cone«*n privileged to sit what he was grinning atiout so much, and Appliques to make for stock; at the fget of many of the world’s lull he would say was; "It’s a girl amt gii'atest bible hachers, and Is not its hair is red and just like its papa." I F. E. Boyd, ; without ex|H*ricnc<* In such teai'hlng. Ttie Kingdon Bn*, of this place ■a | lie also luw on» of the brat Ian terns 4 have quite a crew of men cutting, \Vo aro now moved into our made and will from time to time aawlng ami hauling logs fur their new Great Reduction in Prices of bible themes, and If the thirty thousand capacity saw mill, new building nt east end Illustrate light proves BRtlsfactory will give They are not sa.Gng much thin win- frequent Illustrated Icctiirca. There ter, tint are preparing for a big run of bridge. will la* ripe« lai CoilfseS of stuily for next spring and summer. Mrs. L. llemig, who has been | i children, wlilch will also lie illustra­ ted. A small admission fee may be spending the winter buck In Maine; • . . « a charged those not members of the visiting relative* and old time friends jClasav* to the Illustrated service*. is expected home the l:u»t of this SUPPER AT KLAMATH HOUSE month. SOCIETY COI l*I.E WTD. I Tilts may *cein -but lias We are glad to learn that the peo­ ple hi and around Klamath Falls are The holin' of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan ■ It ever ««vurrod to Y—O— joined in marriage to Dr. II. It. Hat'- and tmpe they will give such afwlst- estate with a policy In L'^:ur Ctiunty Live Stoc« gnu. The wedding was a very quiet ane«> a* may be neceaaary to cause t he Tickets edit Be procured at Mrs. ' We believe the tAJITTABI.K LIFE affair, only Hie Iniinedlnte relatives ruad to be built there. Boyd's Millinery Store. Awtoclation win priy the above re­ lieing present. The ceremony was this to tic your golden opportunity, so that Is good for Its faea | don't let It slide by, as It will strike performed by Judge II. L. Benson. ward for the arr; FLORABORA JERSEY SWEATERS. Headquarters for All Stage Lines; Rates $1.50 and $2.00 per day. Eeap Year Ball. MRS. HONG SING Main Street, Neat Bridge, Klamath Falls, Oregoii.’ Closing out at Cost dfl REBEKJ1D CODEE RESTATRANT LAIN 1) « Y CEHP YEHR PHRCY Japanese Curio Störe Houstons Opera House on Friday Evening, January 22. : « nmejizines ; room Mrs. our winter Central Millenery Store. Ladies Mats, Fascinator#, Ete.} i A complete line of pens, pencils, tablets, blank books, fountain pens, plain and fancy stationery always in stock Somewhat Per.Aonal TRiKtMINGS Laces Every Home should be supplied with one or more Good Maga­ zines or Periodicals Now is the Time to Subscribe . » ; . ilats, Capá Ladies, Misses add MAYLONES MILLINERY STORE Oregon. S2SB.O0 REWARD. e.e. mcoiooD ; :I ! || CHOICE MEATS Drugs and Stationery * RIVERSIDE SALOON HOTEL ANNEX Of field & Verrill Unauda Itat Market. Noricai "FATTY" Livery, Feed and Sale Sa Ct (WAVE Notary stahl . es « MERRILL MCMII • « • Ot-tyorl trir? OXftf.