KLAMATH VOL. KLAMATH VII!. EVENTSOFTHE YEAH. 1803 LEAVEN DARK RECORD IN MANY HtBPECTB. ! 0. St-fimer Sa|luaw anuk ult Vlrglals [ roaaf . over 'JU lb > a lual IS p«,a»lis Uruwiu.d III wrmk Iff ill.,,,, valer flalilua Uvat lllvrlaiia uu Neva x. ,,(la , ,.wat a z W ................ A M m Ita ti aupa rlntenduht fi»« d« Ibary, t.ualwl bjr !*<>•« tiiMRlrr eraoi,a killed and ae many more Injured by toruedove near Heatlnge, Neb IM Nrw York ________ <*lty „ ralebrat»» 2fithb annl rereary of lueorporatlon i HHtlab «trarn er IlnddereAeld sunk lu rullleluu and 22 livre lual 2T klabt trainmen blllrd lu wrack uear Bryan. Ala *.'H fendlaia atte, te I lall at Jarkaon, K, , and are repulsed Tieabyterlan _____ _______ gvn»ral ____ eaarmbly tutee for rovistai ut confession of faith 81 Great Amide decáetele Kansas. No breaks end Iowa Illg I-e In Barine, Wie " FALLS, EVENTS OF THE DAY REPUBLICAN. KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, JAN L’Alt Y CITV ISSIUNNttD. FIRE IN THEATER Chicago Is Complrtslv Overcome by Grtel lor Iho Stricken. flATHI RED FROM ALL PARTS OF THE TWO HEMISPHERES. Chicago, Jan. I—»or the first time since ( lili ngo has posseswtted to come in with no evidence of joy nt its birth. All Chi­ cago mourned lor the tKX) ¡x-raons who died in the fire, |«nic and nuffocation at the Iroquis theater. in an official proc la mat ion issued yes­ terday afternixMi Mayor Carter II. Har­ rison suggested that the usual New r GREAT THRONG 7, HM»4. ARMY TO PANAMA. NO. FEAR FOR 40. JEWS U«naral Staff Give» Order« to Prepare to Do to tha lathmas. Bi COMES PANIC STRICKEN AND S00 KILLED. Washington, Dee. 11.—The general SECOND MASSACRE AT KISNINEP staff of the army today ordered troop« APPEARS VERY PROBABLE, to prepare for a Panama campaign. leads of Rapino end Violence and Rar- Soldiers at Vancouver, Wash., are Meschina Natural Dleaolers Over* Co-nprehenalvs Review ot the Import­ Stool Trampled Under Toot, (libers amixtg thoee selected, ae will be January 7 Has Boon Sot as the Date- Shadow Ila Huelas "t tba kralle ant Happenings of the Past Week, Burned to Death la Their Seats - by the list, which follows: of Industry and I'oace. Jewish Societies WUI Appeal ta Presented In Condensed lor tn, Most First, Fifth and Twenty-foarth bat­ Bodies by the Score Lying In Under­ f Roosevelt Harmony CUth of Seattle mm Likely to Prove Interesting to Our taking Panora With Little or Noth­ teriea of field artillery, Presidio, iali The year KN18 haa been marked by Asks Aid of Chief Executive la Be­ j Francisco; Eighth tattery of field ar­ Many Headers. thunaacro, inurdor, dlaaetar aud viwlonra ing Left to Aid In Identification. tillery, Vancouver liarracks; troops A, helf of Tboao Thr,atraed. that are In ahurp mnlraat with the un* B, U and D, Ninth cavalry (colored), dorljinp aplrtt <»f proproaa that la atoad- War («tween Ja|*an and Russia is (Tiit cga Itec. 31.—About 550 ]>eraga of i Fort Slocum, N. Y., and eight com- Washington officials Iielievo the J MS. Nervla were niurderwd In their palace In count is S.Ki. The estimate of the paniea of the same regiment at Fort partment an appeal in behalf of his the universal desire. I CyrtaM near Gatn-arllla, Us , kill. M prol ability of war with Columbia in people representing to him thus to bo Belgrade bp their "wn BEddiory aud ofli The list of the dead continues as it new spajwrs is 54)0. There are 55 peo­ McPherson, Ga. threatened. rora Htrikee and other l«lw»r dlaputea ( Sat,(« F. (rain wrsekaA n»ar BHIlwaH. growing h's». was given last night, in the neighbor­ ple missing at midnight, the majority Lieutenant Colonel Charles Shaler, hale liOB*u re»pouailda for a g«»««! deal of Kai.aaa. ulna parsooa klltot au4 38 Injurad Following hi- visit to the state de­ Fargo Hquiers, eldest son of t nitod hood of BOO. A widely accepted esti­ Heavy « d )<>«««• 4 1 ll-a.r fi. A.uxJ I..M«a n«*ar n-ar Npartanaburg, Sparta nal, urg. who is a member of the general staff of partment, Mr. Wolf will be received by vluloncr and erionil death« In the I’nlt Hi Nrgrv hanged h«i>a»4 by t’F mob mol, at Helle Balta States Minister Kquiers, war accident­ mate is that 6414 in the number of the of » horn are protably among the dead <’ ’ - . 4 •• .. Negro the army, and an expert on fortifi«a- »Illa. Ill " ' e»| Nlnlea. utid natural phenomena, un Prexiifent Roosevelt, at which time the in the morgue and various undertaking 7 . ili-ad. This number will likely be in- tions, has been ordered to Panama to whole subject of the status of the Jews <>no hundred ||v«g , ___ loot In colllalnn of ally shot and killed at Havana. der Wblrb 4 laaalfirnlloii are numbered the »rasala <.ff Mara-lllra, Franr« " ** Flood at establishments. Eighty-six of tlie dead creased, an there are persons in the inspect the fortifications, and have his dlaaalroua fl«MMl» and atornia of leaf Twelve employes of the froquois thea­ in Russia will be discussed. Ila hrlxhl St l.oul« l.ouia Ight at Mt aprlng and early aummer In Kan«aa, No V M> ' Marrlag« of - <. » — W* J - ■ llalley of ____ Ken ter, Chicago, have been arrested on a hospitals who will probably die. It have Ix-en |rgrvlub Kara.n.rgarltrn pro service officers have resrresb-l J,,hn A. utirntar of casualties is approximately death, many were suffocated by gas, I atlc Turkey, have cau«4*d the |<>aa of 8rr»la Trine« sued today because the general staff has prominent Jews in this city, has aent ■Talnird kills thotiaatnl« of Hvre and much raluable Benson, the California timlier op- 1,000. There were about 2,500 spec­ and scores were trampled to death in been informed that Colombia can land 13 " ‘ « - f - bratta firn Alai McCoote messages of appeal to President Roose­ property I» Trio« « Telar Karageorg«yltcb «■boaro erstor. tators and actors in the theater at Hit­ the panic that followed the mail plunge tr«x>p« upon the isthmus much more velt, the members of the Washington The unfaltering < «»urao uf commercial king . • t «arala - ta Watrrepout d«*»lruy» Chicago will station firemen at the lime of the fire. of the frightened audience for the exits. easily than was believe«! to ta the case. delegation in congress and William R. achievement baa l»een oeldanced by lhe Hriqtnrr. Dragon -o A meri« tnerl.au « n Hrrby at < bl> ago wot» by several theaters, at their ei|x*nsel and fn the excitement following the ca­ General MacArthur will have charge Hearst, of New York, asking aid and Opening of two new cablee beneith the Tba l‘l< hot There are bodies lying by downs to­ Iti, intercession in behalf of the Jews who PacIRv «Mean, aucceeaftil practical teat a 31 End <>f l.owrll i M ih i tritile »trite« any objection will cause the chafing ot lamity, many persons were reported night in the undertaking rnm», in the of all matters on the Pacific coast, l»rt of tln-ne returns l.a> from which nearly everything that this pur[Miee. tneui <»f a Iirpartmeii! of < *otnni«rco in January 7. The text of the telegram l»el Sir Thomae Lipton has signified hie »nnecth»ti niili the governuient in Waah been made to the police, and their could reveal their identity to three who T«lrj K«ragr<.rgu«lti b Intere catte a» to the president which is indorsed by willingness to donate from |500 to |!,- «»f Nervi» lugtoii. names still swell the lint of the miss­ knew them beat is gone. Their cloth­ ON *A8 FOOTING. Governor McBride, of Washington, fol­ Mlllion d'dlar fir« In MII* auk*« (XXI to those in need as the result of The year*« roll of death« Include« ec ing. When the names of the dead ing is torn to rags or burned to cinders Two hundrrfi «nd thirty four ni.n lows : clealaatii «ulfiuritlea like I'opo and litro by rtplvalon In nilua at llauuar the Chicago fire. who are still to lie identifle.l have been and their fae heels of 314 Jewish citixens of Seattle, appeal - Britain Will Take Loan. |.A»rd Haliebury of England and ex Tro in Oregon was the object of Roosevelt it ie probable that the extent of the Jnlr to your excellency to intercede in be­ the crowd that trampled them down as inter Hngaata of Hpaln. thinker« like Her Yokohama, Dec. 31.—The govern­ I New l»rpartniBtit of (‘omoirrre atartod rending a commission to Portland to catastrophe will lie fully revealed. half of Jews of Kishinef, threatened they Hnl for safety. brrt N pen car au«l Prof. Theodor Monim ment ie completing the final prelimi ­ In UaBbliigfvn attend the meeting of the national iive- oen. publl«' men like former Poattagater The count of the dead was practical­ naries for placing the country on a war­ with massacre January 7. 4 Anirri- an Parli«* rabia from Ran Fran atfs k association. Oeneral W H Hl»«el|( rellgioua «orbore riero lu l*hlllpplnra » otuplatrd RUSSIA WILL SAVE HEBREWS. “Harmony Club. ly completed at midnight, but it is not footing. Imperial onlances issued au­ *• I ifty to nu persona i<>aa litre bf like M re ICtniua Booth Tibker, and “By M. Summerfield, chairman.1' ret accurate, and the exact number will thorise the government to make an un­ On account of the theater holocaust Irrahltig of dam »rar jeaunrlt«. I’» •••• Inventor« like It J Gatling Mare rwta •« BvaaaviUa. lud Hau» the striking Chicago hack drivers and Government Fully Rsal rtn the Prohibit- not lx- konwn before some time tomor­ limited issue of treasury bonds to pro­ The event« uf the year BM8 are briefly »«»« nid pai teina plant at 9» Juaapb. Ma, AGAINST REPEAL OF LAND LAW. row. !>expite the utmost care, great vide war funds, creating a special coun­ Ity of Massacre st Kishinef their employers have derlari-d a trtMM btinta. J. raiiahiM « guaina h«a of IO» SI.8d«»,(juü aunimhrGrd below. t Bevati te 111 rd ht raa Hut at Kvauavllla. (or 10 days confusion marked the removal of the cil of war, and fixing the imperial head­ Wng»-e arxt other quea- ~ _ Washington, Jan. 2 — Simon Wolfe, Ind lanttarp. M ob 4«II Argues tor Amendment of tea I Opruing r* 7 quarters. Taaaty four klll«*d lu raUway culllaloa tiona are not to be ciaisidered during of tills city, who has been active in his bodies. «•f *• l’«r|fic cable l»etwe«n Nau Timber and Slone Act. Fr«U(|»< «» «nd ^n«k^«>lula liten In their haste the police transported that tino Aalatlc plague tirar f'liRrlu(trat lilw, Va, In the event of war, if a special issue endeavors to induce the United States ■ t M«aell«n. Meth 18 l*rath tif Mrs Jamrt (I lllalu? brxlies to undertaking rooms, and in of war bonds ie made, it is understood Washington, Dec. 30.—Representa­ 8 I b’-ejte «.f * n Prowler Reflate of Rpaln IR M«>u bortj to (iruvar «'lavaland and Jer-nii- Hvkes, the well known actor, government to make representations to lu Madrid r Ifr Russia looking to the protection of the many instances forgot to repor^tlie fact that the bnods can be floated in Eng­ tive Momlell, of Wyoming, chairman of ie dead. < beette ..f J | I »eg. f.f HaHne. Wla 20 l*aatb of P wm t ea XIII Jews of Kishinef, bad an interview to their station. This is evidenced by land, whence it is said assurances have the irrigation com mil tee, today ap- II 21 .M l»<-efte «»f Gen *••»<.«-! Tb<>mg« pt..m Great fluuurlal »torna lu Wall W. J Bryan's European trip failed to the fact that in five different establish- come that the money would be forth­ jieared before the public lands commit­ Ineut rallmad man eifert with President Roosevelt today. At < liange lite free silver views. 14. < Obgrrea w___ _ Vote« tariff <«ff <««» n heath it Gan «'aaehie M Ciaf. mi nts bodies were received of which coming. tee and presented an argument in favor its conclusion Mr. Wolfe said that at > I «tin te« V 1 Cg t,,g }7 German a< [•f: 28. Entombment of |\>pa Lao _ r_ . _ u l»y Voneaurlana and I» _ repuleed iM Negro Ifnchrd and burnc4 a«>8 public Roosevelt and the cabinet have con­ the request of tile president himself, the police had no recotd whatever. The ministers and executive chief dis­ of a modification of the timber and |»r«th ia “ of ~ rt Mayor A M Hr wilt of bulliltnaa defaced by tnub at 1*311*111*. ¡II sidered the protest of Colombia and he could not discuss the interview for Allowing for these diacerpanciea, the cussed the situation for three hours stone act. He stoutly opposed the out­ New Y»rb 3V Tw.ut, Rva peraoM billed and 8u In lists marie by the police and the news- yesterday, ljut nothing regarding their right repeal of this taw or its radical w ill answer it sue. ¡luaaeBolt and King F.doard jurad by powder BBploebma at Lowell. Mana I» Trvahi«*nl _________________________________ publication. |>a|>era practically agree. !.<• greeting« gtv. ’L.ga l«y f wtrvl«**« «str«.<>a («leg talrg VII vii vVv. gr~n*. t.nlk of money presentation ot It*«- matter tn the state 7 t’lrrue t rat its « rwt teaa at al iJuraod apoedrnt | ¡linear of Hvx retary Hay. Mb te I 31 prraone teliled department, the president hail directed which wax the first dramatic proline antee ot the prineipal and interest of that is converted into the reclamation German« rrrummonco bom I »«Hd me tit 31 G tion produced in the theater since its an issue of 10,000,000 yen delientures fund. He furthermore anaerteil there Fail of balcony »( Thlladelphla ba«« of Man Cario« I’reeiilent RooMVBlt has ordered an the United States consuls in Rusina to ball park t rawer zzz-z a nine dratba erection. The company, which was for the purpose of expediting work on has been no such extensive frauds per­ 72 Canal treaty with Columbia alaned inquiry into tire eorxiithma at Kishini f, inform thia government if there was w « < rowt>lug rownlug vf Top«» Tope Plue Tlua X 34 I rear j f<-t arbitration of Alaakan Tari» underground where Hebrews fear a second massacre, any likelih.xxl of a repetition of the very large, escaped to the street in saf­ the Seoul-Fusan railway, and which petrated under thia taw as haa been 10 Fire »ul aud panb ■ -i z !*zzlz >aundary 4i«p«»te sign rd in Washington _ .¿.z ivu dratba. Rruator Teller re elected In ColoHIRO aftrr railr^a«» * rri«b In burning ot < olney Store- with no clothing but their slight stage and other interests, also authorised the policy in working to the injury of Ore­ ilatrb k»aane «»ylum In England 74 tar*. coetumes. A rew members of the com­ government to utilise 50,000,000 yen, stone act should be amended so aa te over, they indicate that the Russian MX Turkey accodaa lo demanda of Rua gon. |ll«d aud many Injured by rvlllel©« *»n New government ia fully alive to the reports pany sustained minor injuries, but none the proi-eeds of the Chinese war in­ permit the government to realise a Jerwy < «ntrnl railway near fratiford Heath of lx*rd Rallaburj, former pro JA Trail» w r»< te at X «Un. Aria, tellla and One report says Russia iaxlowly mov­ of possible trouble at Kishinef on Jan­ was seriously hurt. demnity, which hitherto has been de­ higher price for its public timber land of Eiialaud burna *JU perwona, Injuring many other« With a roar and a bound the flames voted to educational and other pur- . in Oregon, Washingon and California, of «'haa Bonney _________ of Chicago, ing tnxqie toward Pekin; another that uary 7. In view of that fact, it ie as­ 38 l'raih ______ ____ (' _____ _ 31» Army « f Multan uf M«»r«»<-o rout» that : . ftf * World _ • r_: * nrlfh»«tt>r Fair C«»nses, as a war fund. In addition, where thia land is worth more than 24 ! Ion ou l'Illoi» I »Ilion troia trota mila mito lu 3 tuluutM tuluutoa at take, if indeed they have not alreadv heads of the people on the first floor authorisation ia given to issue treasury 12.50 an acre, but he stoutly objects ta lunf plr«fl» ffvlit; 27. ìl*arj rata at-rm awaape waatara agi'.inst him. flames there riinie an explosion which sion. He ia opposed to the repeal of la murtrr la New Y«»r» W« aaa ■»•••a. ASKS FOR AMERICAN WARSHIP. Japan lias outbid Rumia for twowar- Russian Journals Assume a Decided I) lifted the entire roof of the theater the timber and stone act but is willing '*11* «»»»• million fi•( <7 »Intetng af Io Northweeiern The Novoe rose as one person and made for the forces of Jimines within four hours of lands in different parts of the West. It * Be».re eti rm on Atlaatlc coeet. and will be known as Bellingham in pesstnislic editorials. river «1 earner near Edenton, N. C. J<«eph < li.tnbrrl.ln aud l.a ethera It _____ _____________ ill Kight children teliled bj train In N«w Vremya begins its leader with: doors. It is believe«! the explosion ! Santo Domingo City, and excitement the future. ..»Ixn trum resign troui British llrltl.h Cablavi. CBMMt, arte. N J. TO AID AMERICAN SHIPS. "There ia no war today; tomorrow was caused by the flames coming in j prevailing, Minister Powell thinks the 1» Four atore meulbere ot Brllteb Csbl »> Many Injured In fire that deatroya Nanto lbitningo has now two revolu­ -j| net resigo r«wt(n. contact with the gas reservoirs of the situation demands the presence of an there may be war. ’ cilftun lloner at Cedar llaplda, lewa........... í_ ....................... _ ot Ceeknll tionary governments and foreigners fear 2X «urtlu Jett retiTlcted Tope» »liver jubilee additional warship, and in a cablegram Strong Effort Will Be Mate for BUI Com- The paper rather fatalistically di­ theater, causing them to burst. jurdrr et Cynthiana. Crntbleux. Kentucky 28 Fear miner» teliled and many Injured murúrr 2B Deeth o» es Henator Cha. II Fxrwell they will suffer. The theater was complete«! less than dated yesterday appeals to the state de­ rects attention to the fact that wars coming Philippine Trade. In battle with I .’idled Rtatea officer« at Chlcseo. nt Uhlcngo. Mtannlf- rd < Ity. W Va. The Japanese commissioner to the marked the opening o< the 17th, 18th a month ago, at a cost of half a million partment for aid. In anticipation of ní« rtot ln Ksult ate Marte, Ceñuda Washington, Dec. 30.—Cnless there ll<>uw In ' «TmTnustl burns ;'«i : like opera “ :: *" dollars, and was the finest playhouse the crisis which api-ears to have ar­ Deeth ot Rlr Ml< beel Herbert. Britlnb St. Ian will make no and 19th centuries. with half • «qi'aro "ther building«; lo is some unforoeen opposition, it is Autbeaendor lo Weebluston. |2,(■)«).<«»> Albert Knapp, ------- of Hamilton. The Novoe Vremya nevertheless still in Chicago. It was opened to the pub- rived the state department has alreadv conremiona to Rumia, more than probable that the present Death of It O , runfeMra Ara montara professes faith in a peaceful settlement, lic on the night of November 23. The taken steps to send another warship to session of congress will enact some leg­ J. Galling In New Y orb. Ghouls roblwil many of the deed in October. - - • Domingo, and at its request Sec­ saying: "We believe Japan will not style of the structure, architecturally, Santo islation for the protection of American 8 Tornado aweapa Northweeteni Rtatea the Michigan train wreck. The death March« place Russia in a position where to is French Renaissance, which has a retary Moody yesterday cabled Rear Ad­ vessels trading with the Philippines. Vlllaga of St Char Ira. kllun , raaed Twelve list lias lieen swelled to 21. X rraaldeiit Herla| areaion March ft.. ■V- Rumia ia not pre|utred for war and tion of the defense of her vital inter­ a total seating capacity fo 1,724 chairs, South Atlantic squadron, now at Trini­ ... Two Moiiatelected in Prlaware, after ft Teter Elliott, armed anarublat, trie« to Newport News shipbuilding company force tela way Into Trraldrnt'a room In may await a more favorable time, al* ests in the far east. Russia d.x-s not with plenty of g«xxl standing room on dad, to dispatch one of his vessels to lang fight that Senators Frye, Lodge, Hanna and 8. Pope low relr bra tea 28th anniversary White llouao........... Naw llrltlab mlulatry an quantities though she is buying large desire war, but nolxxiy believes Rusisa each floor. The balcony had seating, Santo Domingo at full speed to assist other powerful leaders intend to push ef bla pontificate nounced. will permit the Japanese or other na­ for 475 persons. The reconls of the the gunboat Newport in protecting the bill recently introduced by the 0 Mpe«lal at «»l<>n of Renate meets. n beath of former Toatmaatar General of stores. T Nineteenth Ih re loot by t apalalng of Wllaon M lllaaell. city building department show that Americans and other interests. The Colombian charge at Washing- tions to execute a diplomatic dance Maine senator providing for such pro­ V Heavt ralnatornj rauae» Inaara of live« ferry boat at Hpb r Falls on lludaon Hlvar. Admiral Iamlwrton late today cabled M Mil burn to drath In hotel at le materially 17 beclalon of Alaakan tribunal an* gress the 12 < ear pr«w lahua rallgloua freedom China la Blamed By Russia. Soldiers Travel In Boxcars. Faris, Jan. 2.—The Chee Foo corre- passed, ie to go into effect on July 1, through empire nounced. strengthened. When the additions al­ Pekin. Jan. 1.—Huy t’fen, director Victoria. B. C., Dec Dec. 31.—Num­ 1904. spondent of the Paris edition of the 2d l ulled Rtatea Henator Win M Stow HI Tm riots at Colmba, Portugal. ready authorised are completed the 17 Rtrlke Arbitration Committee files re art of Nevada inarrlea at Atlanta. Ga New York Herald eave that Colonel of the imperial railroad, has returned ber 83 company, Royal Garrison artill­ port...........Mrnats ratlfiea Tanaina canal 2R. Mm. Knima Booth Tucker killed In United States will have a more power­ Artimeff, who ia in close touch with from Port Arthur, where he has been ery. 113 strong, left for Hong Kong on Oorge lb the Alleghany. train wreck at bean l ake, Mo. treaty. ful navy than any other nation except loi». Floods along Ohio and Mltalaalppl 81 Membem of T h nine College football Admiral Alexieff, Russian viceroy in interviewing Admiral Alexieff as to the steamer Empress of India today, Pittsburg, Dec. 30.—The recent cold team killed In train wreck at Indlananolla. Great Britain. risani. the Far East, declares the situation is why Russia has not evacuated .Man­ being relieved by No. 58 company, snap has made dangerous the ice in the Renata ratlfire Cuban reciprocity .......... 28 persona burn to death In New York IB. Italy has recognised the new republic moat critical. The Japanese, he says, churia. The Russian commander, it is which arrived from Halifax tonight. Alleghany river. At Roeston the gorge aud eatra aeaalon la adjourned alne tenement fire. of Panama. apparently want war, and the Chinese, reported, told him that Russia isdisap- The change ia made in the regular is an immense affair, beiiig packed to «. --------- Finding , of Coal Arbitration Commit Norambar. tea ni«il« ide public. public, Japan will send a large force to Corea especially Yuan Shi Kai, commander pionted at the failure of China to listen schedule of garrison changes and has no the bottom and extending 15 miles up 1. Death of Trof. Theodor Motnmaen .... heath of ' » cry llev. V. W. Farrar In n. r in chief of the Chinese army and navy, to proposals that would mean an amic­ bearing on the Far Eastern crisis. The stream. It was formed during a thaw Ftr« In Vatican In Koine deatroaa prieeleaa to end rioting. l.ondou. are assuming a hostile attitude. Dis- able settlement of every point at issue, comany which came from Halifax came and the ice, breaking into small pieces, 28 r~ Rix miner* killed by explosion at literary Ireaaurea...........Naw Irtah land law gora luto effect. Rumia will probably modify her de­ furtatices in Manchuria are due, he Alexieff, it is understood, warned the in Ixixears fitted with hammocks, in­ has packed all the way to the bottom, Athena, L III. ¡¡I. 8 Klectloiia In aererai State. 28 L:_'_ irlab land bill Introduced In I’arlla mands rather than go to war. « llevolutlon lu I'aiiama; uaw Republic says, to the support the Chinese gov­ director that China is being deceived structions having been given to test offering resistance that can scarcely be mmt. proclaimed. by Japan into an unfriendly attitude that mexie of travel. The men found overcome. The water is now backing ernment is giving the bandits. heath of N K Fairbank. 27. ~ ft Coloutblan troop, evacuiate Colon. Japan is buying large quantities of 2Ä. ____ Itrrlproclty ._____ treaty with Cnltsd Uta tee the arrrangements comfortable. that ia unwise. up and spreading over the lowlands. A t olled State, eatvnda recognition to lead for the manufacture of bullets. r» tifi nd * by ‘, < ‘ ’ ‘ iihan ‘ _ . Ranate. new Republic of I'anama. » Î heath of * * The gorge at Springdale still holds and Guatavue F. Rwlft, Chicago Insurgent Ships Taken. It Fifty eighth Cungreaa meet. In astra ¡»acker. but little ice is floating in either the Canal Party Wins Orest Victory. The United States has ordered a gun­ Work Has Not StoppeC. aeaalon. Santo Domingo^, Jsu. 2.—The pro- 81. “Young ____ w Corbett _____ _ ” defeat« Tsrry Me- 12 Big atrlka on tinea of Chicago City boat to Corea to protect the American Govern at Han Fram laco. Panama, I^ec. 31.—Heavy rains have Alleghany or Monongahela rivers. New York, Jan. 1.—Seventeen hun­ visional government has rapture.! two Railway Co. begin, and rioting oci ure. minister. IS Treaty with Panama algued. vessels from Curacao, which were car­ dred men are at work on James J. been falling here for several days, caus­ April. 19 ('libati retlproelty treaty paaaed by Purchase ot Tacoma Site Urged. rying nrius and ammunition for the Hill's big steamships at New London ing severe damage to telegraph lines. lloiiae of lleprreeiitall»ee ... .81 men killed 1. Tr«aldrnt atnrta un long Waafern trip Efforts are being redoubled to have Washington, Dec. 30.—Representa­ insurgents. The vessels were brought Conn., and work is being rushed to No news has l>een received from Los fl. Krpnblh ana gain In alactlone In Ohio In wreck on Illg Four uear Tremont, 111. China ratify the trade treaties with the .......... Death of Novelist Henry Seton Merrl Clllra.........Ht publlcan» carry Michigan alec to this port and 15 prisoners landed. complete both ships by next summer. Santos or Chiriqni provinces. From tive Cushman tixlay appeared before the tlon. man. United States. The insurgents who attacked General O|>erations were practically ston]xxl other provinces confirmation has been general staff of the army and urged a •4L Thirty men ereniated tn Ar« at l.lllr 11 G«n«ral »Irik« In Holland declared l’a ........... Mine eaploalon at Conndlavllle, off. The Colombian charge will quit Guerrera have been defeated and sev­ last summer by strikes, and it was de­ received of the overwhelming triumph favorable report on the project to pur­ I'a , destroys 12 Ilves 20 Krla train wracked at Rad Houaa, N. There was fight­ termined to try and finish only one of the mixed candidates proposée! for chase the American take camp site, 24 Guata». Mar», In Chicago, eonfeaaea Washington if Secretary Hay ignores eral prisoners taken. Y , and alx paraona burn to death ws" assured hie ra- 21 Eight hundred thouaand dollar fire In ear barn robbery and aaveral murders by Colombian demands. ing yesterday morning between govern­ ship, but the present plan ia to com­ membership in the constitutional con­ near Tacoma. La <‘t'OR«H, Wla. "Automatic Trio.' Unless there are vention by the patriotic committee, queat wouta have early consideration. ment trixips and insurgents outside the plete them both. 28. End of Chicago street car atrlka. 28. Riot In llllnola Houaa of Ropreaenta A severe cold wave has swept the 27. Bandits Nledemelvr, Van Dine and further strikes the work will lie carried which endeavoreel to choose men favor­ Oub"’*11 al»o urged the interior depart­ live»............... Ituaala demauda Manchuria of city. RoMkt captured after Acree hattlea tn Lake E'ast and Middle West. China. on steadily. ing the ratification of the canal treaty. ment to reconsider its rating that there 2fl Negro lynched for aaaanlt near Ranta County, Indiana........... Grover Cleveland an is no authority of law for erecting new tVrccmbrr Shows a Surplus. large patent medicine nianufactnrors Fe. Ill...........im.OOO fire In Columbna. ().... nounces he la not a randldata fur Demo buildings at the Puyallup Indian school. .,11 killed In railway wrack near Buffalo, erette nomination for 1'reeldeucy. Offers Him Dawson Consulship. Japan Will Not Walt Much l onger. will, the first of the year, take meas ­ Washington, Jan. 2.—The forthcom­ lianaaa. Washington, Dec. 31.—Louis A. This will be taken under advisement. ures to establish uniform prices. Berlin, Jan. 1.—The Lokal Anseiger 2R. Foreat firea In Northern Wisconsin ing monthly statement of the govern­ December, and Michigan........... Burning of Melbourne, l'ont, register of wills of the District of without reserve says: “ The Japanese ment receipts and expenditures will 1. Receiver appointed for John Alexander Japan Trying te Buy Warahipa. Iowa. Chief Newell, of the reclamation show the total receipts for December, government has informed the represen­ Columbia, called on President Roose­ 2». Dedication of Rt. IxMila Kxpoaltlon Dowie'e Zion City and Induatrlea. London, Dec. 30.—Japan Is negoti­ service, will visit Oregon and confer ‘J. Canal treaty signed at I’anama. velt today, and talked over the recent ........... .Death of Stuart Robaon.............. 2, cmm > tatives of the powers at Tokio that the 1903, to be about 142,747,532, and the 1 Congress meet. In regular aeaalon........ livre loat In earthquake at Mvla»gher(^ a «I with the people about irrigation pro- expenditures 132,248.000, leaving a situation at thia moment ia unlx>arable, action of the president in displacing ating lor the purchase of the Argentina American Consul assaulted at Alexandretta. atlc Turke/. warships Moreno and Rivadavia, now ecta. 1 '(¿^Yt'aath of Herbert Spencer. surplus for the month of 110,409,532. and that Japan must strike if Russia him, ami naming Corporal Tanner aa building at Genoa, Italy, but the Jap­ his successor. The president has ten ­ May. lit Frigid wave covers Middle West; Chicago liverymen have decided to The surplus for the six mon'he of the does not awept the proposition! Japan 1. Drath of I.lilgl Arilltt. dered to Mr. Dent the poaition of con anese legation has not heard of the aom* thermometer registers 18 below sero tn Chi fight the union hearse drivers to a fin­ present lineal year will lie alxtut |8,- has submitted, ax Japan cannot longer 8. Eight persons killed and 40 hurt by capo. pletion of their purchase. ‘ sul at Dawson City, Yukon. wait for a final decision. ” Gru nd Trunk train al Detroit. 433,007. ill Henat« passes Cuban reciprocity bilL ían. S I