♦ . a. KLAMATH VOL. Vili KLAMATH REPUBLICAN FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, NOVEMBER 19, 1903. borii peu»art, «lio had no deslrea, no as- STRIKERS IN RIOT MESSAGE plratlon». «bove hi» condii Ioli ; ir you hall iM-roiiie III«- brille of Siich a oli«-, unii for- Chicago Carmen Attack Nonunion Crew« a : Honor as Well saken u» and our love and care for you, and Drive Them From Streets. , TRUE ; 7/ after wi* bave all Imeu so happy bere tir C( • liicugo, Nov. II.—Constant scenes geilier, aud cast awuy frolli you all Ihat STORY ; Washington. NoV “2.—Following erate ! on- has Increased the biblical ten-fold here, while not suffering, doei not put lnto operation the commercial treaty slauglits on the crews, beginning - --------- - at tilow ibi» henrt lui» liorue for many a present a very encouraging outlook. wl,h Cub“* which was ratified by the long year, Rose!" Ami hi» voii-u gn-w lawn <>f day, and continuing ae long as during the past year." said President Between cattle and sheep the condl senate at Its last session, and subse­ tin* cars remained on the tracks. A. H. Devers concerning the session tions are about a stand-off. Owing uuently by the Cuban government. I CHAPTER XIII. fused lu-r. \ feeling ,,f faintness st»!« husky, and fallerei!, and thè teara, ile-1 The tie-up was made complete, A of the second annual convention of to the extreme backward demand and Jwm •l,ch l<-al»latlon demanded not only It wna rvFiiliitf. In iht* lofty mieen; you grow more Jike q red at Wentworth avenue and West determined meeting here this year.” curred, the1 business has been con ii blii/jng woo<| lire upon tin* broad h«*arth grew cold and while as marble itself, When the acceptance of the Platt that fileni daily bourly! t'mi bure taken over tin? iiiMgmtli'eiit apartment, with ita and on It stood tile vers dew of agony, Delegates to the number of about flped principally to local people. Out- I «mendment was required from Cuba by Sixty-ninth street, where a mob of sev- dark, niaaal««. anth|ii* fiirnliur«8. It« "You yield, then?” he in|d. In n voles her plaee in my heart; you are deir to ■ eral hundred persons tried to hold up 150 were here from all over the state. side buyers and owners have not been lhe “ctlon of the congress of the United me. Uose, a» «he would bave lu-enl" broad, blah walla, lln<*d with coatly and choked with emotion Ontario sent a delegation of 25 mem­ able to agree on prices. Owners ar<- this government thereby definite- Ile claapod ber tenderly to bini; and a train. bers for the purpose of capturing the determined In holding for $1.50 pei ly committed itself to the policy of mibiitantlnl rohiniea, the rrlmaon draper ?leld!" Nhe rose »lowly from her Derogatory remarks regarding the 1904 convention. They wore badges head for lambs and $2 per head for treating Cuba as occupying a unique go- lit of Ila deep window*, mid the polUhud aest; she unclasped Ilia fingers from her» thè yoiltig girl, IIIOHI deeply tollcbed hy ! oaken floor that ahoin* and r«*fle< t$*tl bm-k with despairing strength. "All, no! Yon hi» word» ami uianner, wept sileotly up- union by an armed nonunion employe inscribed, "Ontario, 1904.” The con­ yearling wethers. Farther in the in «Ilion as regards this country. It was | of the company caused a riot at Thirty- vention hall was crowded and every terior, in Grant and Wheeler counties I Provided that when the island became a Iht; nitdlow warmth in rippling lluea of mistake! I love him; I will lu» true to on hi» breast. where shipping facilities are not so I free and Independent republic she should "Bui, my chilil," he f the naval stations above alluded to lure after the proclamation of the re­ aiice of thia duty herauae ah<* alirlnka myself, eh?" and he »eated himself lie­ knowledge*** Chamberlain, ex-Governor s of the utmost Importance from a mil­ "llld«*ed, sir, it is a matter of curioeity public <>f l'anania. The soldiers be­ Governor from fulfilling her truat from keeping side her. "But, what alls you. my child?" Geer. Mayor Halley, Judge Lowell, A itary standpoint, and is proof of the haved well on the« voyage. her plighted word; but abe picture* to hr added, with evident concern; "yon are to me," she answered, frankly. EXCEEDS ITS CAPACITY. King Wilson, and Will R. King. good faith with which Cuba la treating "Wlint, then, will you any, If I assure On the arrival of General Torres and heraelf the dl*app«dntment ahe may I»* III!" ua. ub'Hit to inflict on other*. "No no! 1 aiu not III, air; but I am tin- you that Robin himself told to me the his troop« at Cartagena the new » of the* Coo» Bay Hatchery Will Handle Ten Cuba has made great progress sine« greater part of it nil. ami that I divined A dmtant d>M»r um*l«'*ea, but ao softly happy,” returned Rose, lining her beau­ OREGON MINES GAIN. events on the isthmus quickly spread her Independence was established. She Million Egg«. only a very little bit -eh, Ito»»*?" he ask ­ iu ita casing of cloth that no *<>und fol­ tiful eyre, swimming with tears, to bi» and acusc-d excitement. General Torres ed. Oregon City—"With a capacity of has advanced steadily tn every way. lows It I* a gentleman who entero; he earnest face. and his officers were- threatened with Output of the Precious Metals on the In­ She already stands high among her sis­ "Robin, sir? ah. then you have Keen only 6.000.000 eggs, the Coos Bay pauaes a moment; hi* glance take* in the "Unhappy? you are young for that, ter republics of the new world. She ia arrest as traitors, but the threat was crease In^Our State. Hatchery will this year him!" said Rose, with hnrdly suppreased handle 10.- loyally observing her obligations to us; bemity and atilMliied wplcmlor of the arene Rose. Home girlish whim it Is. I ll war­ not put into effect, The populace, a I ’ Washington. D. C.—Compared with 0C 0.000 salmon eggs. ------- ” said r-x Deputy 4he lg before him; but it ia accustomed to that. rant me U'Xhlng more, aud you are mak­ joy. entitled to like treatment by ua. greatly excited, soon crowded the ether states in the west, and with Fish Warden H. A. Webster, who has "I have aeen him, my child." I The treaty submitted to you for ap­ It rcata upon the center of th$* whole— ing yourself extremely miserable about streets crying, “Down with the Ameri­ Alaska as well, Oregon made a moat just returned. from a visit to the I proval "And lately?" upon the bowinl figure* of the young girl It.” And he stroked her bright hair gent­ creditable showing, proportionately, state's salmon fishery interests in the I nomir secures to the United States eco- "Quite lately." he returned, pleased and cans.” )under b> the table. A »hadow, * blend­ ly, a» he »poke these word» in an enliv­ advantages as great as those glv- amused at her innocent betrayal of de­ United States Consul Ingersoll, fear­ with its gold production in 1901. ac­ Southern and Coast districts of the I en to ing at om* of sorrow and perplexity, ening tone. Cuba Not an American Interest light. ing violence, remained shut up in the cording to reports that have been re­ state. This increase in the output of I is sacrificed by the treaty, and a large real* upon hl* Km* brow. Then • lowing "Il 1» n<> whim, air,” answered Roar, ceived by the director of the mint. the station at Coos, says Mr. Webster, I Cuban market is secured to our th«* iii*?*< »he aaked. with an to make a confession?" smiled the good she said, in a subdued yet joyful tone, learned that the vessel had debarked fice at Seattle. By way of introduc- freshets and permitted a continuous I is especially important to the develop- catch of salmon, while last year the | ment of our export trade. It would be. air of sadne»a. thought you were old Hinn, kindly. "Win. it-,-,'. I think, and with her eyes lout to the floor, as General Torres and his men, and de­ tion Mr. Wing says: "By a thorough and systematic catch aggregated only 3.500.000 eggs | indeed, short-sighted for us to refuse to iu meditation. Huddenly raising them, then, that I muat grant absolution before cided to keep the men at Barranquilla. method of checking the receipts of The surplus in this year s catch is be I take advantage of such opportunity, and ‘I Imre rciimiiird at home, lb me. I hand, and refuse to listeu to your story, she asked: "Where was it. monsieur?" The excitement at Barranquilla in­ bullion and ores originating in Ore­ ing deposited in the bed of Coos river I to force Cuba Into making arrangements "Too many questions. Rose, ” laughed could not go. I winhetl to «re you.” 1 won't hear any tale« against my little after the eggs have impregnated. Mr the marquis—"too many queations. I creased with the spreading of the news gon. deposited and shipped to the sev­ * Yon w lalietl to *r* me, Lotlia? We flM ’■ eral assay offices, mints, smelters and Webster also visited the state s sal with other countries to our disadvantage. of the secession of the isthmus, which must keep his whereabouts a matter of nre in each other'a presence every day. This reprocity treaty stands by itself, "Ah. monsieur, you treat it lightly! You was supplemented by exaggerated ac­ refineries of the United States aneff mon interests at Yaquina, Alsea and it is demanded in consideration of broad secrecy for a short time." To-night — ” do not kuow how—how----- " British Columbia, the output of 1901 Siuslaw and reports an unusually good "Ah, monsieur!" sui long 4lrlayedY” then I will not look at your letter. I am blush, "you must have hail little difficulty Taft Appears to Have Solved Vexatious or other machinery, some from labor chased a large bunch of cattle in the young sister republic, whose welfare Ah. Ibmr, you are about to *ral your harder than stone, my bird. And now. iu divining my purpose, when, at your Philippine Problem. troubles some on account of the lack vicinity of Heppner and drove them must ever be closely bound with ours, to the banks of the Columbia. Dur­ ' We gave her liberty. We are knit to fgb1 I hink once more, I b4>«o*r< h you; Rose, don't interrept me. for. ns I told questioning thin morning. I acknowledged of ore, and other causes. Washington, Nov. 14. — Advices [ her by the memories of the blood and • here la time Break till* ideal lomdage; you, I mean to guess; and I'll wager a that it was to say to you something ini- The production of 1901 is given as ing the night the cattle became fright reaching the war department from Ma­ follows; cned. it iB believed at a passing train the courage of our soldiers who fought he «ilerit, mid forget the vow* that are —a wedding drvss shall it lie, petite?” mediately connected with myself that 1 nilla indicate that before he sails for no longer binding. |»o not bring thia Hi» good-natured, comical maiiuer and desired to meet you here." Value and were thrown into a fierce stam for her In war; by the memories of ths grent sorrow to my uncle, who h>vt*a you lively tone, together with a certain sig­ $1.727,892 pede. They rushed over a steep bluff wisdom and integrity of our administra­ "Exactly, Rose," saial delegate and the religious orders the Cuban government. >2'i on.e made But again I a*k you— "I do not understand you. monsieur,” land, several from Gold Hill and „ THEODORE --------------------- RO08EVELT. hot reveal till* secret to my uncle,” said the young girl, wondering, perplexed character, which he Immediately accept­ as to the proportion of the purchase in sight. Superintendent D .R. An­ Phoenix. " hits House, November 10, 1M3. drus, of this city, left recently for the ed; it was much more congenial to his tal­ money to be paid by the insular gov­ it i* not alone my pronihr to Robin and diverted at his luauner. Which I regard, I ahi I»,” "You don't? what a pity!” There was ents ami capabllitiea, ns well as to his ernment that was to lie turned over to mine, to look after the Installation of PORTLAND MARKETS. the new plant. Dynamite Under Plant. "Von wonfij ,My that you love him mischief in his eyes, that brought the tastes and desires, lie is fast rising in Rome. This, it is understood, has "till. tlu*n'/ ' Hiiiile to hers. "What a pity!" he repeat­ the world. Rose;” and the good marquis been agreed upon. Trinidad. Colo., Nov. 12.—Dynamite Wheat — Walla' Walla, 75c; Machinery for Bohemia. blue- III«* tsars tell from lu*r ««yea; a blush ed. "Well, at all event», 1 will com- smiled. "Ah, lie will lie a great man. was exploded this morning under th« Cottage Grove—The mining ma stem, 79c; valley, 78c. ..... ,"'r f«lr ........ tier I ioh .I was mence, and probably, by the time 1 shall Home day! You would scarcely recogniss Warship Fired on Her. power house at chinery for the Crystal Consolidated TBarley—Feed, $20 per ton; brewing I electric light and I have iinlahed, you will comprehend my him now, I'll warrant. Why. child, this tyini*i) aafite. ’ u “”on Hastings. 20 miles north of Trinidad. New York, Nov. 14.—The Clyde Mining Company has arrived from the $22; rolled, $21. -'ll, Iio no! do not any it, Roa«!" I ip meaning more fully. In the first place, rustic lover of yours is ns great a gen­ Flour—Valley, $3.759 3.85 per bar­ One corner of the house was blown then, there in a certain young girl—you tleman as there is in France this day. line steamer Cherokee arrived today Union Iron Works, San Francisco, fried, sorron-rully. from Santo Domingo with late direct and was immediately transferred to rel; hard wheat straights, $3.75*4.10; out. but the machinery was not dam­ ■■’f.”'*-* '""tls. this It not kind It I» sec« I mention no names, Rose—a certain The throne itself smiles upon him!" "He said so," snid Rose, musingly— intelligence of the insurrection ami re­ tracks of the Oregon & Southeast­ hard wheat patents, $4.2094.50; gra- aged to any great extent. Although " I ’ "nie » ’ • I rectly. and very little damage was latest and most improved pattern In wealth? Yet how little 1 imagined that "Good! This young girl, then. Is be­ IO, o’" ? ,,ll,'8,ly teel. | must see your steamer was stopped several times, on stamp-milling machinery. When com­ Gala—No. 11 white, $1.07)^; gray,!done. At the strikers’ headquarters |o *|{.\’bj,f|lci|g$. my betrothal trothed. Very well; that Is not nt nil to it would be so soon!" one occasion shots being fired across pleted the mill will have a capacity $1.05 per cental. lit is claimed that the dynamiting was "Well, you see, 1 have won my dia ­ lie wondered at, ns young girls very fre­ her bow and another the ship eluding of 25 tons per day. A Millstuffs—Bran, $20 per ton; mid- not done by strikers, and that the pur- high-grade monds. Rose, ” he snid, laughingly. "You "Ati'l render him unhappy, cut Helen quently find themselves in thia poxitlon. shall give them to me on your wedding the warship under cover of darkness. standard concentrator will be used in dlings, $24; shorts, $20; me. per pound; spring,llXc; hens, 11912c; f aRe the, 8OO<18 80 imported ar» not ■. I lear me to Hie my----- " lecturer, Governor N.J. Bachelder, of a guard over it night and day. The How I The good tnarquia kissed her. "'«w can I hear to see you you, An Illinois nttorne.v argued to the New Hampshire, covered the edueit- ledge is said to be wedge shaped, broilers, $2.50 per dosen; turkeys, live, r,QW d»li»bIo. » straight dlscriminat- H omo , 5 • "I am telling you about two people move among the high t t T 8d VM,orym " peaked on top, and widens in depth 14915c per pound; dres^l, 16918c court one after another of ii series of 1 tional work of the Grange. Reference «««7 ,s.r,u.n. be ?v|p'> The bl" Proposes to en- i..!1" "f l' rHll,'e, envied and whom I once knew, my child. 1 will pro­ wonk points, none of which duejta, $6(4 7 per dozen ; geese, $7*10. very '■"ninin'i! i "" wbo M,1""i'i force the foregoing regulations after .. „n„ v--* I*'"** nt ceed. Our young gardener, we will nay, seeuied to the court to have any merit, was made to the teaching of principles Eggs—Oregon ranch, 30c; — Mining Company Formed. Eastern, I April 1, 1905. wlq I ’ ' ,be thousand luxiirh-a goes away; and the girl, who meets with of agriculture in public schools, and to < 'ii SyT ............................. . for some slight change of clreuniatalieea dur­ until the court finally said: Roseburg—Articles of incorporation fresh, 24*26 Me. securing the rights of agriculture in the __ oe- Russia Must Yield to Japan. Potatoes—Oregon, 50965c per sack ••Mr, — . do you think there Is ititj land grunt colleges. The farmers gen­ have been filed by the Gold Mountain a position ami enjoy ml- ing his absence, continue» to remember '""'"«"H Hlill,.,I 1 t„ Mining & Smelting Company, Tokio. Nov. —There 1« a strong The sweet potatoes, 2*2 Me. him. But for some reason, which is, thing In these points?" to your lieanty, your erally approve the movement. 1003 crop, 1'29220 per pou»d, I inclination In well-informed circle« to capital stock is fixed at $100.000. dl- Hop»—r* ' doubtless, lu this cane, nu extremely nat­ To which the attorney replied: "Well. . ..........""t. your intellect | doubt the pacific forecast Issued In vlded into shares of $1 each, The according'to quality. III I bear to Hee you the wife of ural one, she in'glecla to Inform a certain Judge, perhaps there Isn’t much in any America Want» Port Opened. " f'lWHIlt? 1 Ah, Ail, be merciful to me! lie friend, or friends, of hers, that she has company has a number of claims Wool—Valley, 17® 18c; Eastern Ore­ Europe. It Is believed that peace will know one of them alone, but I dldn t London, Nov. 14. — The Daily Mail ’ s hiM to yourself* only be made possible by Russia's south of Camas Valley, near the Mar­ promised to marry this young man. For "•""te; for ron ; awake from this fatal Illis neglect she presently begins to re­ hut your Honor would kind of bunch Tokio correspondent says the United tindale mine, which was recently sold gon, 12®15c; mohair, 35*87 Me. complete acceptance of Japan’s claims 11» ■'"'I lif'smliig, Rose." Beef — Dressed, 6*6 per pound. u—■ States minister at Seoul, Corea, has for $30,000. Assays of ore taken from regarding Manchuria. Th» Japan»»» lunes h h " iu . , > W l !, , h 8tr,itte«' energy. Ills proach herself. Now. listen again, Rose,” them." Case and Comment. Ve*)—Small, 7H**c; large, I government finds It IncreAaingTy dlf- 'W thsiii A A The Contrabandist; One Life’s Secret! £ *«'«** a . $ S I I I HAPPENINGS HERE IN OREGON