KLAMATH KLAMATH REPUBLICAN KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, OCTOBER 8, 1903. TROUBLE THE INDIANS. Into norm-thing like conversation: "You tliiuk, tlieu, uionaletir Is conipts, Eastern Oregon Whits Men Let Stock that I shall get eniployineut somewhere about h<-re?” Stray Onto Reservation. "If, doubtless doubtless, Kobin!” was GATHERED FROM ALL PARTS OF THE TRUE Washington, Oct. 3.—Considerable the reply. "You will have my certificate difficulty has been experienced at the STORY of character, it It Is required; but your TWO HEMISPHERES. Umatilla Indian agency, in Eastern face will do as well, if I uni no» mini a k- COMMISSION THE JUDOS. OF VALLES ARE HIGHER. Oregon, during the past year, because OR ell.” THE of the persistence with which white "Well well! I ..... I not tell you to be- Spending of Lewis and Clark Fuad la Iruve yourself. Robin, I w I h I i Ihul you Comprehensive Review of the Import­ men, living east and south of the reser­ Taxable Property of State I* Worth SOUTH Its Hands. ant Happenings of the Past Week, vation, have allowed their cattle to About $175,000,000. may meet with good fortune.” OF "Tlruuk you, uiousleur," returned the Attorney General Crawford has ren­ Many Presented In Condensed Form, Most stray upon the reservation. From what can be learned in unoffi­ other, gratefully. "I shall endeavor to FRANCE complaints of this trespass were made cial advice* from different counties of dered an opinion at the request of Seo- . Likely to Prove Interesting to Our do credit to your rccotiiim-ndutiou." to Bonded Superintendent Charles Wil­ the state, it seems probable that the retary of State Dunbar in which bn Many Readers. "Ah well!" muttered Francois, cross­ kins, in charge, who has advised the total value of the taxable property of holds that the state commission for the ly, us lie mounted his own little buck, Indian office that thia trespass has the state as shown by the assessment expenditure of the $500,000 appropriat­ and glanced surlily enough toward bl* King Victor Emanuel’s visit to Faris been to the detriment of the interests recently completed will 1« in the ed for the Lewis and Clark fair, must, master; "if young people will turn into silent on th«* subject until them, CHAPTER VI. of the Indians. Orders from him have neighborhood of $175,000,000. will have no political significant. This to a great extent, if not entirely, be the A mouth pass«*«l. Louis had Intended whoever had fired this shot at him was j wild geese, I do not know who will re­ in many instantea put a stop to the will be in round numbers $25,000,000 judge of what expendituers are author­ pent blit themselves." an enemy, sine«* In* coul«l not bring him ­ South Africa face, hard times be- 1 to l«*avi* (tie <*hnt«*iiu at tin* expiration of trespass, but not always. “Should the greater than last year. ised to oe made oy them. it mouth It went by, but still Im ling«*rc«l; self to lodlevr th«* d«*rd unintentional. cause of severe drouth and overstocking. same trouble be experienced in the fu This question was presented by the From a most every county dimes the < HAPTEIl VII. Miitl, as he liml n«> pressing biisln«*MM $*| mh Ami what enemy had hr besides Gas- The University of Chicago has la-gun ture,” says Wilkins, “I will endeavor report that valuations are being ad­ incurring of an expense of $2.50 for On the «lay of th«* count*« departure where, In* said to himself that th«« sum pa rde? Louis pasM<*d Several days in de«*p reflec­ from th«* <'iiiit<*aii Montauban, there atop* its fall term with about 2,500 students, to have the trespassing animals driven vanced and that new property is being printing a resolution presented to the liter might w«*ar away as well h«*r«* as in in and impounded, and charge the milled to the asressmefft rolls, so that Trans-Mississippi congress requesting places whore h<* might not likt* so well to tion. A doiibh* object occuplt*d his at­ p«’d at the cut tag«* of Hugh Lamont«* a a iecord attendance. tention, which was. in part, th«» discov­ young peasant, dr«*RMrd in coarse but •tay. Ho he wss in no hurry l«> depart. The Philippine Bureau reports suc- owners feed in order to redeem their the total increase for the entire state an appropriation from the national ery of th«* present whereabouts of Gas ­ neat icarb, and carrying across his shoul- Timo passed very pleasantly at the congress in aid of the I-ewis and Clark ceai in its experiments for the raising stock. This plan will perhaps once will be large. rho«>t| in search <>f food for hl* By this time Ida arm was almost «*n disputably handsome, and the complexiou excess of 5,543 over the cerresponding school showed a corresponding in­ portion of tbe burden pencil, as we hnv«« already aeon him, re turning at noon, to display to Mademoi­ tlrrly healed. Hr had r«*maim*d within slightly darkened, evidently by exposure month last year. crease. This showing in favor of the The state taxes were ap among Mtarly to define the .pow­ _ selle Moijtnubaii th«* result of his labor; doors for some day a; but now reaumrd his to sun und wind; while the simple open­ Catholic mission be attributes to the the Bounties in proportion to the as­ ers and duties of the commission, but Two jurymen at Bloomington, III., abrogation of the “Browning rule,” though, on th«* first (N*<*asiun of this kind, usual out-of-door amusements, taking ness and lioncnty of his manner could not in every instance confers a general pow­ have been arrested for soliciting a brilie whereby Indian parent* can now exer­ sessed valuation and as each county it must be allowed that the «• xhiblti«>n of g«N»d rare, however, to avoid awry place fail to please one. controlie«! its own assessment it coaid er to carry out the purposes for which his sketches was siibjc<’t«*d to soln«* slight wherein a fix* might lit* rou«*ral«»d. At the invitation of Hugh Lamont«.* hi* in a $6,000 damagi- suit against Chi­ cise the privilege of rending their chil­ gain something by re«luction. In 1900 it was created. Home carrlraa inquiries which hr mad«* entered r.nd sat down, stating that lie cago grain brokers. reserve, th«* picture of Rose uml her dren to the school they desire. this process of reduction had brought dwelling being withheld. For what rea­ <>f R on «- and her father, assured him that, had eomr from Avalion, and desired to The Danish ministry will urge the the total assessed valuation down to w. c. T. U. CONVENTION. son, however, he him*«*lf, p«*rhups, scarce­ »•v« n If Gaspard«* wen* in th«* neighbor obtain employment in this neighborhood. NO WAR FOR TIME AT LEAST. lie I kmm I, they »117,000,000. “What kind of employment do you rebuilding of the great palace of Chris- ly kuew at the time. to a* seek?” asked Hugh. tianslxirg, which was burned 20 years In order to put a stop to thia rivalry Called lor October 20-23 at Salem—Rates H«* lin«l R««’ll Home two or three times resolved to in bi* Turkey Olves Assurance That It Will in reducing assessments the legislature sin«*«* that visit, Ixith at the chateau und certain the “I am a gardener, monsieur*? answered ago, as a gift to the aged king. for Delegates. Negotiate With Bulgaria. at* the cottage, when* he hml met her suspicions. of 1901 passed an act providing that the young man, respectfully, “and if I The Pennsylania railroad company very shortly after the occur- The state convention of the woman’s One «lay. futhcr also. Th«* admiration of Ixmis Paris, Oct. 3.—Official advices from state taxe i shall be apportioned among could have th«* care of a garden some­ is aula,“ said he, “I iml likely siwm to I m * solved. NolMxly The Merchants A Farmers national arations will be suspended until will then be the highest in the history one evening. All persons wearing the “<>, I kuow that, monsieur—1 know knew mi)thing concerning him previous counted on keeping you for months yet. that; but I would lx* willing to work for bank of Byron, Neb., was robbed of spring. The purpose of this, it is un­ of the state. Nearly all of the advance indicated W. C. T. U. or Demorest gold medal to the time of his coming to occupy his Why will you go? Hurely you can sub­ so much the less.” derstood here will be permitting the $2,000. will be peimitted to enter this contest. pr«*seut u I mm I c . Ills former place of res­ mit to your agent, or avoert, all affairs * “Good! But still, I think it is not very decimating of the Turkish forces this year could have been made upon Send the name, with age and title of Fire destroy«! the Norfolk A Western idence was unknown. Conjecture bad of business for th«» present.” timber lands without placing an unjust through the winter and the comple­ likely that you will find employment of “My dear uncle, tin* case is Impera­ doii«* h«*r tN'st, and the mystery remained that kind. If it were th«* spring instead hotel, 12 resiliences and a brewing com­ tion of the preparations for a decisive valuation upon that class of proprety. selection to tie used at this contest to tive,” answere«| marquis could acted, you will return to us? 1 will hear you must think of something rise. You subject to assessment, increased valua­ that the contestant can be notified of voy at Constantinople, has agreed to T. Ray, a Chicago watchman, killed of no refusal.” only shake his head in |M*rplexity. are really in need of work, I suppoee? ” tions have been made this year. In date of contest and the rules governing. . one of four men who attempted to hold take op the negotiations. He at first “I promise you, monsieur, I will re­ *Jjle is a strnuge man. that is all I Rates will be granted those who at­ "Y«*s, monsieur. I bring a c< rtiby, .. “ said he; “and tend. Delegates will be entertained. from my former master.“ dence rio;>erty has found ready rental Helen Montauban had waited silently key gave no assurances of a desire for yet there I* something alMiut him which uninjured. "Who was be?” Visitors can secure reduction in board at Batisfactorv rates, tbe valuations attracts me. 'I’hnt lofty sternnesa which for the decision. Kh«* made no attempt to “The Compte d'Artois, monsieur.” A band of Russianized Chinese bri­ an adjustment. by writing to the secretary of Sal urge |x»uia to prolong his st^y. Hhe did have been put up. hr somrtinies wears strikes «me Uiost “The Comptr d'Artois!” Hugh regard­ gands raided Taknsan ami kidnapped union, Mrs. Clarkson Reynolds. Reports received from various sources strangely. 1 never olxiervu it without uot even express a rcgrvi at the an- ed th«* young man fixedly for n moment, GIVE PREFERENCE TO PESOS. 15 wealthy Chinese, whom they are ii«iiiii«*em«*nt of his intended departure on indicate that the valuation of farm thinking of- -” till the red color flushed into his cheek Addition to College Farm. the following «lay; but a «loser observer "Of what, monsieur?” asked Ixmis. again. “Ix*t me see your certificate, if bolding for ransom. Army Officers Instructed to Encourage property has not been radicaly in­ The purchase of 20 acres of land to “Of my ««f 11 **iiri—your uncle, my Ixiy. might have aeen the emotion wdiich she you please,“ he said. creased, but only in accordance with W. A. Richards, ex-deputy United Lae of Philippine Currency, be added to the Oregon argicultnral re quarr«*l«*<| once, he and I, and hr felt. And she received th«* parting kiss The man drew it forth and gave it to States marslial at I*es .Moines, la., has improvements made. Washington Oct. 3.—General Young, Won* just that look ami manner after­ of her haudsome cousin with a smile. college farm is understood to have Hugh. It said simply: been sentenuis.” Ami been practically consummated. The BOLOHT BY EASTERN MEN. “This certifies that the Iwarer, Robiu tentiary for robbery. ing her hands in his, “tell m«* that you General Wade, commanding in the (W^bod marquis «igh«*«l. Marron, is industrious, honest and t«-m- transfer has not been made, but the de­ arc sorry to bi«l me adieu, or 1 shall not Tbe foreign military autnoritiee have Philippines, directing that he encour­ Cornucopia Group of Mines In Eastern tails have been agreed to by the build­ “Wbiit was the reason of the quarrel, p«*rate, and will lx* found faithful and believe it.” un«lr?” askr«l Louis. trustworthy by whot*ver may need hi* ser­ co-operated with the Chinese and age in every legitimate way the use of ing committee of the board and the Oregon Sold for $600,000. "I «Io regret your departure, Louin,” ah«* vices. “It Is a long story. I cannot tell you i plac«i a sea and land cordon around the Philippine currency. Following ie owner of the property. The land ad­ A telegram received at Baker City n«»w,‘‘ was th«* answer; “but, some day, • snnwrr«*d. in a low, dear ton«*; “but why “(Sign rd), Peh Tang to prevent the plague spread­ the text of the cablegram to General joins the present holdings of the col­ should I display it? You say your btisi perhaps, I will relate it to you.” by Lack A Schmitz from Trenton, N. LOUIS. COMPTE D’ARTOIS.” Wade: lege, lying partly south of the college ing. • It was no uncommon thing now for * m ss is im|M*ratlve, and I would not detain “That is well," said Hugh, quietly, as “Referring to the telegram from J., announcing the incorporation of the campus and eaet of the farm. The Chancoilor McCracken, of New York laniis to enrounter Jaetpies lx*roux now, you. Besides, you are to return.*' h«* returned the pap«*r. "and speaks ex­ Cornucopia mines of Oregon company, price paid is $6,000, or $300 per acre, “Yea—I shall return,” he echoed. cellently for you. Master Robin. But it university, advocates that knowledge your office of the 3d inst., you are ad­ with a capital stock of $5,000,000. In his usual strolls nlntut the neighbor* vised that while the Philippine coin­ which is regarded as very low, consid­ hood. Tli«*y often met; ami th«* young “Adieu, sweet cousin!” will not lx* of much use here, I am afraid. of the Ten Commandments, the Sermon This announcement closes one of the "Louin,” said th«* inaripiH, ns hi* ac­ Is there nothing «dsv you could do?” count, f«*<*ling an Interest In this rough, on the Mount, etc., lie made a require­ age law does not modify the legal re­ largest mine deals ever consummated ering the location. quirements of the revised statutes of but evidently honest-lirarte«l fellow, who companied bis nephew to tb<* gate of th«» “Oh. yes, monsieur,” answered Robin. ment for entrance to college. had taken pains to r«*mler him a service, | rmirt, “you must min«l and <*onie hack “I like this neighborhood, ami I have the United States, the secretary of war in Oregon. It involves the purchase Bored Through Rock for Water. Robert R. West, of Kentucky, has directs you to encourage in all proper of the famous Cornucopia mine in the •pent many mi hour in <*oiivrrsntlon with I as soon as possible. If the plan which some fancy for farm work. Doubtless 1 A well 170 feet deep, 152 feet of extreme northeastern portion of Baker him while reclining on the banks of the I mentioned )h«* other «lay succeed*, Rose could make myself useful to some of your been a|>|>ointed auditor of the govern­ ways the use and circulation of the which penetrates solid rock, and con­ valley stream, engage«) in angling, or will lx* an inmate of th«* clint van liefore neighbors.** new currency. To that end you will county, which ¡«included in the Union- ment printing office. the Red Jacket, the taining an inexhaustible supply of roaming over wo « m | and hill, with his lx* winter. Poor little Rose! one cannot but “Well, it is a busy time, and there is contracts for services and sup- Companion —r-------- o group, __ - “ other • • ---A A. 1 water of the depth of 25 feet, exists at Walter 8. Chatfield, of Far Rocka­ cause plies to be made in Philippine pesos, Last Chance and • 15 patented lov«*«| portfolio, for Louis was an unwear wish to see her lu such circumstances as j every chance for one who comes recom­ seem more lM*fittlng her. Helen iic « h I m mended like you. Extra work-people are way, a trusted express company in all practical cases, to the exclusion claims, together with the mills, trill Stafford, Clackamas county. Lee Bros., i«*«l nrtist. And all this time Gaspardc was awsv. n friend and companion, too, nn«l l»oth I wanted by several of the farmers. There employe, who embezzled $6,000, has of Mexican and other forms of local ex- sites and extensive water rights. This of Canby have just finished boring the change.** property belonged to the J. E. Searles well on Sharp Bros.’ farm. An attempt Iluxli uml Jacques alone knew* where; will I n * benefited. If Hugh Lamont«* will is Antoine Ix-brun and Pierre Martin, been captured in Chicago. for th«* former, Hugh Lumoiitr, uneasy consent to part with her, she shall come. both of whom 1 know nev«l on«» or two ------------------------------ bankrupt estate. The price paid for to pump the well dry proved futile. As a remedy for the overproduction at a neighlwirhod so littl«* to I m * d«*sire«l, The first thing that put this plan into my mor«* men. They live something Ilk«* a of pigiron, the committee having the BARRACKS FOR RUSSIANS. tbe mining proj>erty was <600,000 This is the tenth attempt the Sharp had dispatched him to manage th«* affairs thoughts was th«* p«*rs«*cutions of that fei mil«* or two lx*yond here. You will, with­ matter in hand will report for a 20 per cash. These mines have been wrorked Bros, have made to reach water on their of thut portion of th«* horde engaged In l«»w Gasparde. I wished to reipove her out doubt, find work among some of Chinese Building Accommodations for since 1885 with varying success, owing farm that would supply necessary water cent reduction on the output. from his way. To be sure, he Is not hen* the contraband trade, well reasoning that, them.” Russian Force at Port Arthur. to the leng distance from railroad for farming purposes. Professor J. H. Long has given exj-ert being as far distant aa the coast Itmdf, nt present, but then there is no knowing 1 “Thank you. I will try them,” return­ London, Oct. 3.—The Hong Kong traneportation, all ore and supplies how aoon he may return. I shall tall h«* had nothing unpleasant to apprehen«! Plenty of Water at Agricultural. ed Robin, rising, and taking up his stick testimony that the water supply of St from him. Gaspnrdv, as may I n * guessed, with Hugh I shall talk with hiiu; an«l ami bundle, which hr had laid beside him Ix>uis cannot be contaminated by Chi­ correspondent of the Daily Mail learns >'•▼‘”8 t0 ** h«uled • »Ditance of 55 A complete and copious water supply l!«*l«*n will us«* her influence, too, I know, that 10,000 Chinese laborers are build- ®Hes over a difficult mountain road, ba«l I mm - ii no little diMNRtisfiv<| with this on the floor. cago sewarage through the sanitary ing barracks at Port Arthur for 50,000 •* portion of the ore is very rich, while for the many buildings on the argicul- zrranfnii«*ut, nu«l to return, re- for she likes Rose, 8<> when you return, (To I m * continued.) you may, perhaps, find another cousin, canal. additional Russian troops and that fev- tbere ie a great quantity of low grade tural college grounds is now secure. rivtljr, n. .oon uu opportunity prv- Advices receved from Kabul, Afghan­ erizh haste is being displayed in every or®- which it will not pay to transport Four wells of two-inch pipe, sunk re­ Louis.” •rntml itM-lf. Nlniple Klntlnere. “Your plan is nn excellent one, my dear spectively at 89, 116, 121 and 125 feet It vzi on.« ilny when L oii I h hiol lu-i-n It was at the height of Browning’* istan, under date of August 13, says direction. ‘’Y team. rniiiblhiK nlH.nl «luring the whole morn- uncle,** returned th«* young man, "and fume Hutt liter«- occurred n little in­ the cholera epidemic is abating. Sev­ The Daily Mail considers the dispatch ‘‘ 18 understood that one of the first afford a stream four inches in diameter ¡■g that. Henrieil out, lie threw hlliiHelf 1 wish you all su <*<*«* ms . Depend upon it, cident. narrated by Coulson Kernahan, eral prominent j-ersons were victims of of Japanese troops to Corea a grave moves of the new company will be the that cannot be exhausted by constant betienth the Hhmlow of a tree to rest, in th«* endeavors which you and my cousin which showed that simplicity and kind- the disease. move on the part of Japan. The troops construction of a railroad from Baker pumping. The capacity is 2,000 gal­ the loiilat of n Hiunl) grove htilf wny be make, for th«* benefit of Rose, w ill not lx? On state ’s evidence given by a con­ aie Intended to guard her telegraph C*.1? ‘° *‘ie t»111®- A tunnel over one lons per hour, ample for use in the ties» are not of iieceaaity destroyed by 1 ■'•■ li !li,. , li.it. . hi ,,n,| th,- ttage. He thrown away.” buildings. A supply for the grounds is The gate of th«* court closed; the guest |iroa|M-rlty nnd flic ii|>|irecintleruzal. Klowly rode master nn«l man down th«* A certain writer, nt that time young has been found guilty of engineering a fuse to evacuate until Russia evacuates Bernard McDonald has been appointed lerhupa |u- might have punned half an valley to the little Ilin Ivy th«* roadside, Manchuria. This, adds the newspaper, general manager and has taken possea- PORTLAND MARKETS. mid unknown, was lntroduc<-d to $2,000 robbery. hour than. At the end of that time, how The gunboat Nashville has sailed for means a permanent occupation, as it 81on ‘or *h® new owners, ever, lie elored it, nnd taking up hie nn«l her«* Louis dismounted. Immediate­ Browning by n friend. Stammering Mini, which lie had thrown on th-' turf ly, ns h<* di«l so, there cam«* from an from nervousness. In- iitteinph-d to ex­ St. Andrews island, off the coast of is not expected that Russia will leave Wheat—Walla Walla, benldo him, lie tk hi. way tuwardn the inner room a young man. who. appearing press his nilinlrnllon of the itoet’n work. Nicaragua, to investiagte the ill treat­ Will Cut Much Timber, stem, 77c; valley, 77c. nt th«» d«N»r, mad«*a respectful obeisanc«* Manchuria. mad, which wan uot many atepn dlatant. Mayor F. T. Kane and E. J. Hub- Flour—Valley, $3.75@3.86 per bar­ To one whom tlx- woibl united to ment of Americans at the bands of the But Io- had hardly reached it, ere 11 Iml to Louis, saying: Editorials Read In Tillman Caae. I bert, of Forest Grove, have purchased rel; bard wheat straights, $3.75(34.10; pune- prills«-, the appreciation of n mere hoy native employers. “ Ah! mon sieur; you see 1 am ■I whintled through the air, atruek bin wheat, patents, $4.20(34.50; Lexington, S. C., vvvi Oct. v. 3. ----- — ------------------------------------------ The fourth j 50,000,000 feet of yellow fir timl>er hard was n small thing, but so natural and The ringleaders in the Servian army LiCXlU^lUU, M. , _ »•ft arm. ploughing up the Heah aa it tunl.” of I the trial of ex-Lieutenant Gov- north of Forest Grove and will at once graham, $3.35(33.75; whole wheat, “Good!” answerv«! th«» count. "IIoW simple was the poet (lint tin- slneer«- plot which caused the death of the day V lilts II1C*1 Vra VI a*-wueawa * wv . __ _ went, and continuing itw courao till it 1------- J — ,xV ' put in a camp p of 35 man oAttinar out nut $3.55(34.00; rye wheat, $4.50. with men getting trlbute of tin- young mini c:iiise«l him king and queen have been sentenced to ernor James H. Tillman, charged In the trunk of a large tree by the long have you been here?*’ to fill the 75,00,000 — which Barley—Feed, $19.00(320.00per ton; ’ ui-*- they • toailaitle. •'Three hours fully, 1 think.” real pleiistin-, which In- <11,1 not try to two years in prison, but will probably tbe murder of Editor Gonzales, was logs “That is well. I aee you do not forget be pardoned by their ruler. It had evidently pr«M-eedv«l from Home taken up almost wholly wi h the read­ have contracted to deliver each year to brewing, $21; rolled, $21(321.50. conceal. Oats—No. 1 white, $1.10; gray, plaeo very m ar the «pot which lie hail your master’s habits. But come; we must The Presbytery of New York has con­ ing of editorials from the State News­ W. II. Lyd«, who will at once move hie Some time afterward tin- sntne young "tt, but he had no time to look for the have n room in private for a little while. writer received an Invitation to n great structed a portable church for mission paper, files of which covering 1902 mill to the Bellinger bridge on Dairy $1.00(31-05 per cental. Francois!'* to Ills valet, “get down an«! Millstuffs—Bran, $20 per ton; mid­ h "’?’ ? f .......... ntl'lim. ut, for the warm were placed in evidence by counsel for creek, three miles north of town, where wait awhile. 1 wish to transact some pri­ literary function. Browning was pres­ work. .... «lff«'ly pour<„) «town hi. arm. nnt- the state. It was not anticipated there is a good pond with a storage ca­ dlings, $24; shorts, $20; chop, |18; ent, surrounded by a circle of the most vate biislnese ‘ with this person. Com«», Firebugs are striking terror to the tiriitlug eumplelcly tin- nleeve which cov- when the reading was liegun that one- pacity of 3,000,000 feet. The first de­ linseed dairy food, $19. «listIngiilslie«l men and women of Eng hearts of all heartrot «II Harlem, N. Y. They start it. Hantenlng on, he nut down l»y R«>bin!” Hay — Timothy, $15.00 per ton; half the time would tie consumed livery of logs will be made early in De- land. Presently lit- caught sight of tin- "You have got your spade and its ac- blazes in the basements of flats. h- trunk or th.- ire which bail recelv- clover, nominal; grain, $10; cheat, ce tuber. that was taken, and even jet there re ­ ■' Ht'; bullet, ami tailing hi. ........kerchief compaiiinieiitN with you, I presume?” In­ youngster standing awkwardly by tin- nominal. _ 2 at The American steamer Sierra has main about two columns to lie t read out, folde<| It |nto n bandage, At that quired th«» young count of the man lit* ha«l «loot-. Turning Ills back on tin- great Butter—Fancy creamery, 25(327Ke Jled livaa* from Sydney, Cattle Will Have No Feed. moment, ral.ltig hie eye«, he beheld met, as the two entered a little room to­ folk. Browning mad«- Ills way to Ills saiieu ----- . N. 8. W., for San the next session. per pound; dairy, 18(320c; store, 15 Francisco with $260,000 tn gold. Z'quen Leroitx coming along the ruad gether. The most disastrous fire that has ever “Yes, Indeed, Monsieur Louis, and ono humble admirer, called him by name, ruin the village. He callud to him, and occurred in the hayfields of Lake coun­ (316c. flay Succeed Mellen. Ten persons were injured, two eeri Poultry—Chickens, mixed, 11(3 or two changes of apparel. It is for no anti expressed pleasure at tills op|n>r- ‘‘•y man run up. ty raged in the lower Chewaucan reported Chicago, Oct. 3. — It was ously, in a trolley car runaway at Chi­ llHc per pound; spring, 12K(313e; H hat s th«* matter now, ' Monsieur more than a month or two, I think you tunity of reiii-wlng acipiaintanee. marsh, 30 miles north of Lakeview. "Was that really Browning with tlie cago. A green gripman was responsi­ ___ ___ , that George _ here today B. Harris, ll@12c; broilers, $1.75 per hens, surpris«-. said?” wlilt«- lialr and lieard?" said a lady who president of the Chicago, Burlington At least 7,000 tons of hay in the stack dozen; turkeys, live, . 14(3 “That is all.” . . _ 15c per . f.'-wr w!1"’ nr",? 'H“’ •»' wIM ble for the accident. and in bunches in the field has been A Quincy railroad, may be elected to “Then I «lare nay I brought sufficient had been standing by. “Why. by tin- pound ¡dressed, 16(3 18c; ducks, $5(36.00 the am. ,‘y' *h"‘—” Ul«neee better pleased to h«> taken for Rumford Falls, Me., refuses to accede the Northern Pacific. In the event, it hay, but the pasture for fall feeding Eggs—Oregon ranch, 24c. .¡„n ’1. ...... . r,,,',>ltnire the demands of the union, and 700 is said, Darius Miller, now first vice will be completely ruined. must be bo natural. naturili.' ” „¡vw l, h ' ntertaim-d. Potatoes—Oregon, 65(375c per sack; ___.................. _ Shut tin ordinary gentleman than for n great is valuab'e at $5 to $8 per ton, making “ Yrs yrs, Robin. It Is all right, president of the Burlington, will be |y h’ -bl. Hxht ' sweet potatoes, 2Kc per pound. men are idle. ami bo careful there ¿..r *•• 41 — Is no l>oct.” from II 1" hP be felt th«» door now, i....! promoted to the presidency of the Bur­ the loss close to $75,000. The settlers Beef — Gross steers, $3.7594.25; The city of Dresden will establish a Would Never l>o. I w W" "f . ..... ‘•’Ink chance for eavesdroppers.” lington system. It is impossible to con­ fought hard to put out the fire. dressed, 6(37c per pound. They went In, and the door was clos­ “I was thinking,” mild the architect* home for drunkards. xou? “ tTi"','"1’ •'",,,"l<'««l .................. firm the report or obtain an authors- Working on Milk Condenser. Veal—8c per pound. “that you might call the house The lect " r 'Ibl. I nhoitld certainly ae- ed upon them. A severe storm has swept ever the tive denial from the officials. Mutton—Grose, $3; dressed, Word has been received at Hillsboro Num«» twenty minutes might have «»laps­ trtad !ol! .lLr1T’t ,l1"" th,M H,,‘ 1 northern coast of Portugal. Sixteen Cresceut.*’ that work on the condenser machinery ed when It was re-opened and they came 5Kc; lambs, gross, $3.50; dressed, fie. Perils of the Repurllc. '« r''’ I'bl" otic bunded work “Not on your life,” protested the pro Hoge—Gross, $5.50(35.75; dressed, «Ke „I **'