s^W’” 5. MÄ» • J 'M a ------- - i . —...... i fnrm, with which he Is niising the . | standard of I i I m flock, the ranking herd In quality In this country. Val­ ■ ' ' rHUKHUAY, HElTF.MBEIt 17, HIM. ley Record. Dunce tomorrow night. KLAMATH REPUBLICAN. I. !« LOCAL NEWS F a * I I I I Mmislleld Sontilchsiin, who Is quite well known here, I iiih moved with ill* family to the city mill will I mi connect, Dance to morrow night. cd wlthf'arey RaiiiMby In the black Private dining rooms at the Cen­ Hinliti biiHlni-HH. Mr. N oiiii I i 'I ihoii beside« Is-lng a good blacksmith I k a tral Cafe. lie lus l«i*n Cull at the Rurrm.lCAM offlen for llrsl c I iish musician, engaged to Instruct the Klamath Hoe Job work. Falls Band. Big Sale now on al C. C. Maltby's Geo. Salisbury New Y’ork mid Jack saddle und harmiM shop. MI Iler of t Ins city went six fast rounds W. A. Wulker and wife of Bly, nt lloiixfon'« Theatre Tlnnsilay. The were In the city over Sunday. boni was declared a draw by referee Louis Gerlier left on the Saturday Arili'* Johnston on account of Salis­ bury running out of side ste|is. evening stage for the railroad. Kngravi-d or printed wedding Invi­ BAI I. DAME NEXT 5UNDAY. tations at the Republican ottlce. The Maroons and Greys w ill play at Dr. N. Ilemenwiiy of Klamath the Fair Grounds at 2 o'clock next Agency was hl tile Falls Munday. Sunday afternoon. Admission 25 Don’t forget the big dunce Friday cents to men and lioys over 12 years, night at Houston'« Opera House. ladles tree. Turn out and take an ir you don't buy Cyrus Noble you interest In the national game. The gale receipts go for bats, balls, gloves don't get the I m -«1—Houston Bros. etc. Come in and see the new burlier A BRI EVENT. shop. It Isa daisy. J. W. Siemen». New Drena Locala now arrived. Cull lit Mrs. Maylone's mid nee them, Fred and tiuij Mel liase of Foil Kluinutli were iu the city over Sun- day. Al Lindley of Pokcgamn w.is u visitor in liw city the lirsl of tin- week. Lynn B. Y’ndcn went t<» T.akevlew Monday on a business trip of m - vciii I davit. Tin- L. E. Waterman Ideal Fijun- tain Pen is the best, ('hitwood sells them. K. W. Gowan returned Monday from a ten day« trip to Uniter Kike hiu I Spring Creek. J. W. Ilmnukar went to A«pen Lak'* with a party Tuesday fur a few days duck hunting. Big sale of harni-KH and saddlery at Maltby’s Best goods at cheapest prices in Southern Oregon. Buy now and save money I Ill UMt reduce my stock before moving. C. C. Maltby. North, Kaat, South and West Its praise la sung. Cyrus Noble Whiskey —Houston Bro«. Henry Janssen Tuesday sold two lots in I lie Brooks Addition Io A. M. Jaiiilsuii and Marlin Roberta for »loo each. Opening dance of I lie senson at the Op- ra House Friday evening. New Iiiiislc -Coine out mid have a gissl time. Mlu Mm- Worden arrived home last evening from Astoria, whore sin- has lieen studying music under .Mrs. Clara R«-aiiiea. Pens, pencil«, Ink. eraser«, note books, cotn|Hs>lt Ion Issiks, tal.l.t s, pencil I mxch . writing paper etc. fut sciiis'l at UliitwisMls. Ella Ewing, the Mlss'iirl glmtiss, w ho stands H feet I Inches, waa mar­ red August 15 III Butte, Mont., to Edwnid Bc.inpre, tlie Canadian giant, whose statue U 8 feet 6 Inches. Beaupre proposed to her l»y mall two years ago, but the bashful Ella belli back until a few weeks ago. IN NEW QUAKII RS. .1. W. Siemens of iho Hotel Burlier Shop, begun moving yesterday into tils now quarters In tile Republican building. Tim phimlH-ts have been busy the past week putting In pipes L>r the listli tubs. hot water lank and basins. Mr. George Gregory an ex­ perienced lutrlier recently from Duns­ muir will have a chair in the new al top. Tuesday night at about I o'clock lire was discovered In two i>lg hay stacks owned by W. A. Wright on his ranch which ajnlns the town. The tiro was well under way when discovered and alt hough the tire com­ panies were out nothing could lie done with tin* lime, lia the tire was too far removed from the t tic hydrunls. This Is a consulel able loss as the hav Is worth $:l a ton. Tile tire was still smouldering yesterday and will pro- baldy burn tor a day or ho . 1IIIS lll.MS OREGON. II. Withrow Ids new building move the oflee as ters have ttnlshed Mr. Chester Tuttle arrived Tuesday Kl.unath Falla is to have another from th'- railroad with Ills wife and Industry In tin sham- of a manufac­ s - iii . They left next day for their tory of bricks. J. F. Goeller has pur­ homestead on the Descliutis. chased the nese-sary press and ma­ Mrs. Win. Gunther, who took her chinery and the Mime are now at tile They will soon son to Portland some time ago for railroad at Ager. treatment, is reported to Is- very loW arrive here and la- placed on grounds h. the Kist End back of the city with typhoid malaria fever s -I km .I building. George Vaughn will Miss Mae Snider, who has been bav*. charge of the yards and kiln. visiting In Ashland for several weeks, We may now expect to m ‘ c h me arrived In the city Tuesday on her brick buildings go up on our business way to her home nt Lakeview. street-. The tlrst will probably be by Horace McKinley of Portland srrlv- Mr. G.H-llt-r who contemplates build­ c1. No» . C ash S to * Persons desiring to in­ vest in timber lands, KLAMATH LAKE RAILROAD CO. Protect agricultural or grazing Your Own lands or other real prop­ Old Age erty in Klamath county can learn something to » .w> You their advantage by con­ sulting this column from Don’t time to time. Have Notice for Publication. Protection for family, too, if die. The Continuous in­ stall ment Endowment i accomplishes both. rr «ill l><- ma le I,.-lore ('. J. Withrow, U. T S. ( ohm lis-ioner at Klamath Fails, Or. on October 3, 1UO3, viz: WILLIAM D. BALL 11. E. No. 22 for the V i \ >eeC- "Strongest in the World” «. Tp 41 S K 11 E, W M Ore. He names tin- following witnesses to prove WM. S. WORDEN, l> is contimionH residence uiain and cui- Resident Solicitor. tiv.iti a i f said land, v z: Himuel Wil­ K lamath F alls , O keoon son, Robert Aut-T-oii, R, H. Anderson l and Cnarles Wil-m, allei .Merrill, Or. Subscribe for R epublican . E. M. B kaitain , Register a fine line of men's sweaters and underwear, just arrived i PRICES RIGHT. X- . 7 I« for a good line of IF | YOU ARE j HUNTING j Persons desiring to sell or exc'unge real property can have the same brought to the attention of intending purchas­ ers through the medium of this column without expense. —o----- o —o— If you have something to sell let people know it who want to huv, don’t delude yourself with the idea that pur­ chasers will hunt you out. Send me your de­ scriptions and price. Daily -by Daylight-between Connecting with Khmath Lake R. R. for all Points on S. P. R. R. Shortest Route, Best time and Accommodations. I LEAVE KLAMATH FALLS 8 A. M Office: Mammoth Stables, largest and Most Centrally Located. Travelers conveyed to all points at reasonable rates. Best care given to stock. Telephone 101. R. W. MARPLE, Proprietor. City Meat Market Wholesale and Retail Dealer in all kinds of Fresh and Salt Meats. Every variety of Sausage always on hand. Phone Main 55 ALFALFA RANCH FOR SALE. 'There are two kinds of whiskey. FREE SAMPLE ROOMS: & lb Headquarters for All Stage Lines: Rates $1.50 and $2.03 per day. KLAMATH HOUSE MRS. L. BIEHN, PROP. Door West of Central Cafe. Per Day, $5.00 Per Week. Beef, Alutton, Pork, Sausage RATES: $1.00 ters for Timber People. Ail Or tiers Will Receive Prompt Attention. M. L. Burns ----- Proprietor line ever brought into Klamath We carry a complete line of Whips, Robes, Blankets, Col­ lars, Sweat-pads, Fly-nets, Harness Oil and Soap. Silver Mounted Bits and Spurs. Braided work a specialty. We carry everything in the Harness and Saddlery line. TALL NEW GOODS. Ladies and Misses Dress and Street Hats and BONNETS. 9i. MIDSUMMER SALE# Hats, Shirt H aists and Ginghams at cost: Shirt Waists, Ladies ready made Muslin Underwear and all kinder of Ladies Furnishings always on hand.- MAYLONE’S MIULINERY. NEW MILLINERY STORE. MRS. J. C. PEREZ, Pronrietor: Have just returned from San Franciscd WITH THE LATEST CREATIONS IN MILLINERY: ASHLAND OREGON^ POSTOFFICE BOX NO- $250.00 REWARD. . ; County. CENTRAL MILLINERY STORE, and all kinds of strap work. là Largest CHILDREN'S HARNESS, SADDLES ’oji-' *21 3 NEW FALL MILLINERY Dealers and Manufacturers of ING AND ALL KINDS OF CEMETERY WORK Headquar­ i GUNÏHER If you have anything to sell or want to buy, it will pay you to see me. Correspondence solicited. Address Cyrus Noble and the other kind.— Houston Bros. BEST ACCOMMODATIONS, I. W. BURRIS8, F»rof>. jj needs Meat Market SUNSET MONUMENT CO.^ KLAMATH FALLS. OR. Baldwin, the Hardware Dealer. Main Street, Near Bridge, Klamath Falls, Oregon. I have been making the Celebrated I have bad thlitecn years of steady practice in making Harness and Har­ Lakeview Saddle for the past four­ «5 by 120 fv Mian Sargent left. Sunday Morning (•• (’. Maltliy. This tngetlicr wliii their own big line will give them the for her school at Chaae'a. largest Mock of harness In Southern Mix« Minerva Call, who had charge Oregon. of the Intermediate department in Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Pogue, who the city school last year, has accepted have been visiting in Klamath Coun­ a position as Critic Teacher In the ty for several weeks left for their Normal school at Dialn, Or. Siu* left home at Salem Sunday morning. Sunday Morning on Marple's stage. Mrs. Pogue Is a daughter of Mr. mid Miss Stella Campbell will have Mrs. J. W. Brandenliurg of this city. charge of the Pine Grove school this In a recent letter from E. W. Huso, year. ronner publisher of the Klamath R- Prof. W. S. Wordeli is reported as Puhllcan, from Pulhnmi. Wash, he Impruvelng. Nates that he does not like the I'u- ABOUT THE NEW DITCH. country very well and will go to Wayne, Nebraska, where he expects «»buy a newspaper. We submit the following which Is Hi<- duck law was out on the loth. a copy of one of the k-ttets being A l t (he Iinnienee quantities of ducks sent by E. Brong to parties who *n'<-n alsnind on our lakes will have signed the contract for the big irriga­ finJo"' Klamatn county is tion canal. P outland , O u ., Sept, nth 1903. f»«>ouH for its hunting mid large Dear Sir mid Madame: We take KlMris,',? °f ("l,"lde i,!* w,,|l «* I'H'al this method of notifying you that ta‘."«r« »'re-idy taking advan- our company have decided to build ll‘ge of the ()p(,n Keiwnn the lrilg.it.lon canal; according to the Wd'ker’?i k talker, son of J. ||. ! contract entered Into by yourselves arrived in n '"''“""alre tlmberman. ; and myself, on the ltith day of May, In theclty Friday. lie has 190.1, amt ex|M*ct to commence ac­ n no ti. r "f ,,ru,s,,r* "a'K'ialing tual com t met loti work nt an early «•tne tlinia-r n,,ar K(.no enough date to complete said canal (lav on h .'V *'‘nt thrn''«h here Men- mid 11« later.-Is, before the time limit fahhi'rn Ml"S' ; expires. Very respectfully, E. B uono . Nfteen h.n i , Wi‘lk''r owns about In ■■“■■ureo II P. S. I also desire to notify you r<-i>l>Hni|ll‘M"11 *”mc l"<)r,V'>n. It that all land owners coming under fHilruui i ' i ' !'ut *’e ,,a,',■ merino fromVît*' J"Ht third the amount upon delivery of fument ™ r (,,lrtc * Ku" "f water; one third in one year mid one- Wc,Rh 200 O x r "7 ure bwo-year-olds, third In two year«, with Interest at. of wani K,,,*'t; V"‘lr y‘,|‘r’h seven per cent, with a maintenance Mf- Harr In ! V* "f “ 'l'"«Hty. of one dollar per acre, fiom the t ime ü-CuritVl“ d.,l,g U,*n' to ll,e 12 of delivery of water. Your« very -curad last year from tUciwwe respeclfully, E- B romo - I .. uÄÄÄ""1 ",l" REAL ESTATE COLUMN loo TONS OF HAY BURNED. .1. P. Asher of Denver, Mo., had an experience a lew day« ago which In Uvat, s how ehai-geatdc climate« can in-. Mr. Aslr-r was working In his Hi-lit one forenoon. It was ter­ rible hot. mi , on going home to din­ ner, lie left Ills Sluss liehind ami re­ turned Io work barefiMitcd. A severe hailstorm came up mid Mi. Asher alighted from Ids wagon the better to manaei* Ills team of startled horses. As h" «food there his feet were inovi-d Ills safe Ini'* buried in six inches of hall und were yesterday and will badly frost bitten. s'xui as the carpen­ TO HANUI ACTLRE BRICKS. rctittlng. A few choice building lots for sale chi-«|». 1 am also offering for sale my residence on Conger Avenu«'. Now is jour chance to buy right. E B. Henry. • i I OK SAI fi. —— «5 HATS TRIMMED AND MADE TO ORDER. KLAMATH BARBER SHOP C. H. WITHROW, The Klamath County Live Stock- United States Commissioner; J. W. SIEMENS, Proprietor. Association will pay the above re­ ward for tbe arrest and conviction of KLAMATH PALLS. ORE. any person or persons found guilty of Cleanliness and Good Work stealing or altering the marks or GENERAL LAND BUSINESS» brands of any stock belonging to any Guaranteed. member of this asaociation. BLUE PRINTS Address Chas. Horton, President Also Agent for LONDON AND furnished of anylands inU|»|AyL or J. O. Hamkey,Secretary. i-W. » ■ r