Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, September 17, 1903, Image 1

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The Contrabandist;
One Lite’s Secret !
Hinde to feel the vsngosncs of hl. draper-
ate adversary, for Ga»pnrde hud »worn
to make him pay dearly fur thul aigiit's
Tliv»<> thing............
him long after
Rose had retired, mid It wn» nut until GATHERED FROM ALL PARTS OP THE
mi hour after midnight tliut lie »nuzht
III» own vouch! yet III’ ri-niniiii'd for »nine
time, »Illi, In n stat« of wakefiilne», re­
volving n thoiiNmid alYiiir. in hi. iniu-l
thnt had already brought many mi un­ Comprehensive Review of the Import­
timely wrinkle to bin brow, mid many a
ant Happenings of the Past Week,
»liver thread to tin- rich brown lock» th»t
Presented In Condensed Form, Moet
vlii»ti-ri-d about III. bead.
17, 1903.
Irrigation Fund Is $17,000,000
Oregon In ths Lead.
Washington, Sept. 12.—The general
land office Unlay made public a state­
ment showing the approximate amounts
contributed to the reclamation fund by
various Western stales during the last
fiscal year. These figures, while not
exact, are within a few dollars of the
proper amounts and much closer than
l.lkely to Prove Interesting to Our rough estimates made several weeks
Many Readers.
ago. which were based on the propor­
tions of past reasons. As previously
Turkey shows a disposition to settle explained, Oregon ia the largest con­
tributor, having paid in $1,884,730
promptly the claims of America.
last year, which makes its total con­
I he czar hat abandoned his visit to tributions for the past three years $2,-
Roumania. fearing that country cannot 795,690. This latter amount is $350,-
guarantee safe trip.
000 in excess of what any other state
Russia l.an made new demands on has so far contributed, North Dakota
China which have stirred up afresh the being second, and Washington third.
Last year Washington contributed $ I,-
ire of the Japanese.
099,069, oringing its total fund up to
Lord Rosebury condemns the British $1,894,069. Idaho has to its credit in
cabinet as being lareiy responsible for the fund $1,149,667, of which $642,-
the lengtli of the Boer war.
218 was added last year.
Under the policy adopted by the in­
Fire in the Soutnern Pacific's freight
warehouse at Han 1-rancisco destroyed terior department following cut the
provisions of the irrigation law, 51 per
$116,000 worth of property.
< ent O' the contribution of each state is
I wo Oregon students at Harvard uni­ to Ire expended within that state in the
versity must answer to the charge of next 10 years and 49 per cent goes into
burglary of the school's store.
the general fund, this fund, of ccurse,
Secretary Hitchcock has dismissed to Ire utilized in Arizona, Nevada and
the townsite inspector of fndian Terri­ other states and territories badly in
need of irrigation, but whi.-b them­
tory for irregularities in office.
selves contribute little toward the great
ihe military at Cripple Creek have
object. The total irrigation fund, as
the situation well in hand and the
now computed, is $16,991,836, or more
trouble is likely to be over soon.
than $1,000,000 in excess of the previ­
I tie Pacific packing and navigation ous estimates cf the land office. More
company a combine of Alaska and than one half of this amount w»s con­
Puget sound salmon canneries, is ex- tributed last year.
(MK'ted to go to pieces at an early date.
Too great a capitalization on overval­
ued profwrtiea is given as the reason.
At the break of dny, H om * Lamont«*
this miserable way of lifts, but I dare hud risen, and whh biiM)ing hrtaelf with
CIIAl’TER •*• <<’"ulluu<-d.)
Wltli.'til nlty reJoiml'T. 'he elder of the not I dare noir and he covered his her simple hoiiarhold affair». Il«*r fsth
rr slept until an iiiiiiniih I late hour;
bowed fa<e.
Then, rifting ami pacing
k,».~ k. .1 a' 'I............
•" »
t»wt m I iv would not disturb him. rrinnii
. ......... ..
from within, »ml pret- the room with an nuqulet step, he went
bering liiw w«>itrin«**M of the nigiit prrvi
on: “Poor itoae! Io think of the deceit
<> K-w l,»lii“"'«' opi-m-d it wide, utter
oiim ; mo m I if art Ilin breakfiiMt to wait for
lux a
»he met tlie the crime, that surrounds you! even I,
him, and, Milting down in tin* sunshiu«*
who should be holiest, bring the prole,
‘"•"tar fatlmf!" »•'•’ erled, glsdly, "wbr tor of a sinless child like you even I by tlir door, t<»ok bar little apinuing wheel
and applied herself to work with ready
li.i ,„u not i-miu- before? I ws» liealn
am until aahaiiie«! Io look in your face!
liugiTR while »he awaited his appear
niM to be alarmed." Amt »he threw her Ami you think me a good man! compell­
a n«*r.
ed to m I cm I out In the dead of night to
■ruia al“"" ••*“
Before the sun wn * two hours high,
■aid. kioaing
•relies of crime and darkness, and then
■Tat» '-»re." lie aalil,
ki“»lns ln»r
her M<-nl
how ever, 11 ugh made hi« appearance, i !*i
It; "I“''
«** «et; my violi»»» ar» return to meet your loving, holy kisses, termed lighter hearted, b) far, I him morn­
ot th 'iQeet. I - nini' inline as soon and llatrii io your childlike words, that ing; hia NltimberM I im «I evidently refresh
thrust s thousand daggers through me,
I roiihl- t»r 'he mln.
“Poor papa! ,e» you nre quite wet. because their purify shows m«* my own ed him. Indeed, ibis whm the caae; and
at the aiglit of Itoae, with her bright face
Il |a a I'll)!’ Alni with lo r hand In hl». guilt ill the Ida« kest line!
< >, Hose
and her pleamant smile, and the air of
,br waa .Ira«mu him m. wb«'ii her »l«u<-e Hose! to think of the wrongs I have
comfort and rheerfiilnraa that every­
Ml tor the tir«t lime, mi the lliture of done, and yours the greatest!”
the man l“ lilml him. Hbe half started,
I hr d«M»r oprurd, and, cautiously, pret­ where waa visible, Iwdraying the beauti­
A quick glance cast fying touch of those fairy fingerM of hers,
xml a «lixhl frown wsa visible upon her ty Rose entered.
nn-tty f»"'-
“•"• ‘I"1, kl>' '••»P*l|*d It. s I hhi I tin* room assured her that her dis­ he could not but wear a amiir himaelf.
"<>, you are l»ettrr, papa, thia morn­
,B1|. ii . h I.II iix carelesaly, Mid: "Good agreeable cousin had taken his departure.
ing; you Mre quilt rested are you md?”
erenins. Uaapar'le."
naked Itoae, joyfully, hm lie gave her a
The man . h-.-'l th- floor, nml then fol­ exclaiming
good morning kiss.
lowing them, nested lilnmelf on a woodeu
"lie has really gone, then!”
"Quite reatorvd, Mignonm,” In* anawer-
kn II by 'he hearth; while Hugh I.a
"You do not like
him, Mignoiiue?”
e<l. with <|uiet rheerfiihicMN.
m..uir. pnt'ins off hia heavy bobualled asked her father, tenderly.
lie ate hia breakfast ami talked with
xiioea, took then» In hia hand, ami < rima
"Like him? no, papa, nor ever
Itoae oil one Ni|hje<*t and another for
„1 th. kltclieii tl.M»r •iii'-fully. saying, lie Is not a pleaaaiit visitor, by
awhile, then rising, lie went to the door
Well, you h I im II come ami
with a allgh
to look out. lie stood there a momeut.
some supper. Ker, it ia nil ready,
yaueil thro'
lia*- while you are doing so, 1 will tell
ot the apai
aith something.”
|i6ril«‘ wail
"l/ct me hear it.”
)»«U «fail» “
Kt.»«* put away h**r wlirrlt swept up «
“Homebody has I hmui here, papa,
frw ilua.l ssbrs I) ilK <>n th«’ lirarth. nn«l was the young Count Louis the Count
Massacres and outrages continue in
tb«*n »» uwmm I h«’r«vlf• slM»ut her fslhrr’s d’Artois, pupa,
lie has come to visit
Mate. Ionia.
pnp|M*r, without on<e «jMnkiiitf l<> «»r in the chateau, as we heard lie was about
The United States gunboat Machias
nay wsjr u<»ii«iuic th«’ MU«»st. lie, how* to do.”
rvrr, r)«*<l h«*r from liim* to linir, as she
lias not yet arrived at Beirut.
At thia I high i.amonte «lightly starte«!.
Hio»fl r I mhi I th«- r«M«iii, with a Mlnmt* Ilia knife dr«q>ped to the floor, and he
Tlie 1995 International Christian
* M'b «li«* t’dih ufljr frit. rslh«*r than saw. <iul< kly stooped to p|< k It up, exclaiming.
Endeapor convention will be held at
b» I m * fix«-<! upon lo r. am! whi«h she ns "Ilow careless!” ItiaillS In- resumed III*
■pparrntlj *lu«li*<l to nv *»!4. Aft«»r some reps St.
fro iiiinut«** of utter sih’Mer, tiixlliitf tlmt
"The count I ihm l-eeii lu re, Hose? What
Tlie Arizona surveyor general has
she was determine«! not to s|M«ak, lie did II«’ come here
been removed from office for taking il­
op«*uni th«* conversation on his own re-
•‘For shelter.”
legal 'ees.
apoo««ll>iiit )*<
Hugh Lnnioiite turned puli*.
“Wrll, Itoae, you nre ailriit to night.
Fourth-class postmasters may be
“Well, lto*«c for Mheltri ? You «re n<»(
You ore ill, iieriuips?**
ousted for "political reasons" after
very explicit, Shelter from wimt?” Ill«
I "No- I am n*»t ill,” she answered, cold
serving four years.
tone was hasty and agitated, lie serin
•*«l to I h « aware of It, for lie added imme­
The American mining congress, in
; "Yun sre not k I m «I, th«*u, to see uieT* bv diate!) . “Yon must talk I with to and for
session at Deadwood, 8. D., selected
me, dear child, to night. an«l not leave me
Kost on nan wav to tiik < iiatkav
Portland for the 1905 meeting place.
"I did not say so,” she replied, without anything to do, for you Mee I nm fatigue«!
I< m »king at him.
Tell me all about II, Hose. What did he
John Bartlett lias taken the oath of
"You will «ay nothing, Itoae, tlmt is want shelter for, and what «11«! he say?” while hl» dsugliler
< l<-sriug th» ta­ office as United States minister to Ar­
pl«*a«aiit hik I kind, (’«»me, you might give
“It was raining very hard, you know,
gentina and will leave for his poet Sep-
me u friendly w««r«l when I hair walk«’«! papa,” she answered, gently, “and lie
"Rnae, du not »prak to anybody of the
temlier 2.
■uih a long way to night.’,'
wan journeying to the chateau. Hr stop-
"I did not give you the •Irottltle, If It pe«| until the storm was over.”
—you hear, child?"
The premier of Bulgaiia has unoffic­
is a trouble.”
"Yea, papa.”
ially informed the powers that bis peo­
An hour later Hugh l.amotite pnce«l his
I "I csiit«* partly for th«* anke of lodng
lie waited reflectively an blatant, and ple cannot lie heldin check if massacres
own apartment with a stern brow nti«l a
rotiipaii) to your father tlist he can tell
heavy heart, in which a i I iou « nb <| rack­ I hen added:
you,*' »aid Gasparde.
"And r»pe<4sily to Gaapsrde."
ing ami tormenting thoughts rioted. Low
The prill) lip ««f Hose slightly curie«!.
The work of changing the transport
R om - looked a little perplexed.
ly and humble •»•miwl his daily life, h««n
Her fstluT iH'«*d «'otnpau)!- n stout, I mj |«|,
to a dredge is progressing lapidly
<*st and g'xx!, though poor, he himself
sturdy iM’iisant, who wns afraid of noth*
peeially to Gasparde, papa?”
and it should be at tns month of the
lu< human, nii«l who, she very
well ester mad, an«! yet secret sin and years
“Hecauae I wl»h It, Rose. And if you Columbia by October 1.
knew, pa**«*«l through the f«>rest every of hidden anguish aud remorse were «laily should see the young count lu thia neigh­
United States Minister Irishman, at
lime ba went t«» market, and often re*
borhood again, yon are to l>e equally si­
Constantinople, has insisted on the re­
lnruvd after nightfall, loo. “A prulialilc cover of bis constant Industry and the lent; you niuat tell it only to me."
llorjthought the young girl. "II«* only estimation of his neighbors, he led a life
“Yea, papa." Aud though Rose could moval of the vali of Beirut and the ap­
MJ« it fur the silk«* of a|i|u*aring aulia* of hidden crime. But it was only in the not divine her father's reason, for these pointment of one better able to handle
I he could steal forth and no neighlnir was directions, she was wiae enough to ask the people.
"And so." ahe said, aloud, glancing, at abroad to watch Ids steps, and stealing no farther questions.
An engine and 14 care of a work
the NiBir time, nt the st range adorn* I
He went, and left her standing there
back again err the dawn, pass another
fell with a bridge Dear Hugo, In­
iwnts whi«h he won« h ( his wni«t "and
«lay of rustic I n I hit , aud await another by the casement, a slight blush rising to dian Territory. Four men were killed.
w, as my father was Dot able to take
her cheek.
Hut presently she turned
. night of crime.
itr«* of hiniM’lf
She paused a mo*
away with a half sigh, »nil commenced Tlie bridge was new and unfinished.
Thus it had barn for years, and this setting the simple furniture of the apart­
went, lie hud not m «« u th«’ quick glnn«*e
The American mining congress is in
rbich site cast nt his licit as she spoke, was not his worst deed, either. Yet thia ment In better order, and then went ont
at Deadwood, 8. D.
m«l Ntxiuding an instant with her eyes
into the little garden In-longing to the
ii»*«l on hit fa« «’, in sil«*ue«*, she auddeu* back, in the lapse of time, shone forth cottage to gather flowers. She plucked
The federal grand jury has found
the light of hsppy years, and innocent a small basketful, arranged them quick­ seven more cindictments in tlie postal
y said: “What are your pistols for?”
lie started, an«l put his hniul to them, thoughts and deeds; of an uiiMtaine«! con
ly an<l with ezqitisite taste, and then, cases.
vatemliering with consternation* that lie M<*len<*e and a pure heart; of a life that tying on a little rustic hat. set out on the
Philaiielphia builders will tiegin a
lm! i<'rgntt«*n (»« con«'«’al them lief«>re eu
road thnt led through the valley, among
*fiaf. Decovering himself, however, bo upon these things now. For though he the distant hill«. and' far beyond, to the svsteinatic war on unions January 1,
in«wer«’d. putting on a careless l«M»k:
“O, th« w* nr«* anna thnt I brought on of crime, ami though he would gludly
This waa lier daily custom. as Inna ns
It is now known positively that Co­
mrpiHM* tonight; for you know It is n have forsaken them, he could not burst the flowers hlo.iiiiiiicd in the cottage gar-
•m<h lat«*r hour than the one at which asunder the bonds that held and shackle«* den: for niadeimdselle liked flowers, and lombia defeated the canal treaty be­
Hr dare«! not seek a separation
cause the boodle fund was too small.
"”ir father iiMiially returns, ami they him.
there wna no garden near the chateau,
maid I m * g.M.«| for I mh I i of iim to have, as from the crew of «leaperatr, lawless men
only thick wixxls, and the narrow lawn
Roosevelt has turned down San Fran­
»e sere coming through the foreat, in who looked to him ns their leader.
thnt surrounded the atone nails of the cisco in its attempt to continue the
file uf danger.”
Ami the con* iousfiess almost madden­
courtyard; so she engaged Rose to bring monopoly on the Indian service trade
•t'"* save X “lirug, too slight for him ed him.
There were times when lie
her the Mowers she raised.
and will divide it between the coast
o •oil'*. A» she di.l n.>t
sttempt would have plunged a thousand degr«*««s
(To be continued.I
“ br»ali the pan.,, whli-h he allowed to deeper into vice than ever lie had yet
'■'»» lii“ word». I,,- „ffering l.t,,, ,h,- i done, that hr might stifle these better
Farmers ami representatives from
feeling» these promptings of the yet liv­
’«ten.onriig.-ni.-nt to . .......... |,<- inns
producers' associations from nine states
•M sutarity without.
ing monitor within, since they were in Hnpnnie »hnwtil that the Fleepy Man's
met in Cliicego and formed a trust to
Patience Was Kzhunated.
"I h»v.- |....„ thinking for n long time," vain; and then it was only the ever pres­
There had been a Hiuall laink failure, control the markets. The capital is
ent image of his child that saved him
,l“" 11 U '''H»
the memory of her sweet face and inno­ and (lie bank liad gone into the hands plseed st $100,000,000.
in. T f<’ 111111 "" 1
''J',1"“'1} ..........
my way in tho cent life, of her faith and of her love. of a receiver. The receiver had proved
The officers of the department of Col­
I- though, perhup.. I nm not so heed- Poor Hose!
to I m - dlahoneat. ami had almcondett orado are very anxious regarding the
It was this Gaspard«* this man whom with wluit remained of the funds of the
!" " |,r""y "",l,l*'n "'•<•'«
situation in the Uintah Indian reserva­
'“■»eu.il. . '""r’ .........
,OU "r” we have seen with him tonight who Institution.
Ex|H>rt detectives, how­ tion. I-arge numbers of prospectors
'«II.I .... Il'
. ...... <•"»• planned the last expedition. They were ever, were on Ida track, and lie was and settlers have gone there before the
I i n th,t n'-'-ount. m.,1 will. p( ll)1H|.., Lamonte’a men who attacked Louis d'Ar-
run to earth In a mountain town and time for ojumingand a clash may occur.
tois in the forest; nml Gasparde waa one
m."",K.!;'.r7-,.,f........ ...
of them. They were defeated, as we have taken back to the acene of lila finan­
Turks at Beirut have slain a number
sei’ti, to the Infinite surprise and secret cial exploits.
u""“!'1”' 1 .............. ...............
of Christains and another outbreak is
It waa after mldnlglit when the de­ feared.
hink , t
. ......... .
............... . «« satisfaction of Hugh, who, while he had
Admiral Cotton will land
of »'"li » thing."
be«*n unwilling to give consent to th«* tective« arrived with their prisoner,
marines, if necessary, to protect Amer­
plan, an«l yet had not dared offer oppo­ nnd Mr. Means, the principal dcpoaltor
7<>" »re
icans. The port» places the entire
»the m ii' i‘ " ""i'1' "<*° ,"11 <’°#»W" sition to <«iiHptir«le, who was next to him­ In the laink. nnd therefor»« the princi­
blame on the presence of the American
' Wil1
J«"' »
pal loaer. was awakened at Ilia home
hink it l " "u ""
before, though I avoid joining in its execution. Indeed,
Informed by telephone of the cap­
•■••I.... .
his errand tliwt «lay from home had lieen
Roosevelt was tendered a great ova­
Nccrrtly to warn Louis of the danger
nib iw'i i•,,h '$'•',’ H,“‘ r‘,Gini«’«l, slight
lie expreas'xi Ills gratification and tion at Syracuse, N. Y.
'»II iuii. v "o..1 "1""'
>" “"It her awaiting him; but lu* had inisNcd .seeing
"rriT will
f " a
••"“I'Hrilc, him, and failed In hia project. He <li«l went back to la«d.
Iaibor dav was enthusiastically ob­
Shortly afterward lie waa arouaed
* ■» sgeta."r, J J""’ ""'l
,l',t not know that th«» count hud b«»en warn­
served throughout the United States.
ed, notwithstanding; and, knowing that to receive another telephone meaaage
Ami, quit,, W(
»"h >•'" IHTtinadty th«* weapons of Ltmia had been rendered to the anine »•ffevt, from « different
A passenger train on the Ealtimcre
-imlwi, Mllll lll(. , ’ -----
vp|7 Mound of bin Useless, in a measure, la’fore his day’s source.
A Ohio made 168 miles in 125 min­
H,,"t •»•'•»•if in
“Thanks," lie said, "but I had beard utes.
.......... ...
I, I h * gone. Him to learn, on reaching th«* rcndcivuus in
of It already. Good night!"
leu Hugh l.nnionte
A areal French mimic war game has
And again lie aouglit his couch.
* knre
,,nr n8 " “mull «.»»seel,
which mies, and not only battled them, but given
tiegun. There are 100,000 troops par­
l<> ’ Gssparde.
About 2 o'clock lie wna awakened a
them anipl«* reasons for remembering him
ho siild. "But. for some time to com«*.
tilled time. Tlie telephone liell wna ticipating.
",| '»« ¡hm'" rest1 Í,O1" '"i
Hugh Lamonte had reasons for not ringing.
Nearly one-fourth of the entire area
In no gentle frame of mind he an­ of Oregon is tied up in forest reserves
forint «1
utiea»i|y; wishing to injur«* Louis d’Artois, or any
Old Ross notice of hia people; and hr earnestly desired to
and withdrawals.
save him from the clntrhes of Gasparde, swered It.
H nil- Kim thinks, who had led this affair throughout; for
“Hello!" lie said.
A numtier of the Cripple Creek mines
"Hello!" responded a voice through
lp » ¿1
,-ow"r'1- 1
he waa more than apprehensive that if
have resumed work.
"Is tills Mr. Menns?
Means? ”
"r,'"t. W.-ii "r,V "f '"‘•"It iifrnld in the the count mads a firm resistance, en«l the telephone. "la
Lieutenant Peary will make another
gave them too much trouble, unless that
"Yea. What <l<> you wint?"
.. ................ ..
effort to reach the north pole. He will
resistance were overpowering, he wouhl
Wel1 not ,0 know.”
only exasperate his assailants, who might Jones, We've caught thnt runnwny re- Btart next summer.
h.n'.ï...H''iill you easily murder him In their rage and im­
eel ver. Is there anything you'd like to
Two electric cars collided In New
patience. And now that he ha«l Imleed have me <1<>. personally, lu the matter?
‘‘••"«h! .1., .
,0 "">rrow night ?"
Hampshire, killing four and injuring
escaped, and left them with so severe a
“Yes!" routed Mr. Means. "Hang up every person on both cars.
L#d b" <'lL.,i " ’
,1h""Kh- Good night'" reminder of their defeat, Hugh trembled
i1”1 '’""l'nr.l!.
! ,TrN‘<1
...... . l«“ for him more than ever. He knew that the receiver!"
Uke Erie
Eri« steamer with a large
A 1-aks
And lie was not dlaturbed again.
. Ani1 returning to the Gasparde waa enraged at th«* loss of the
number of passengers has been caught
nl< ‘Uto a seat, with a bitter prise he had counted on, and yet more
The value of conMi lcnlloii-mesH is
deeply at the treatment to which hr and principally seen lu the benefits of civ- by a storm. It is f«»red she may have
hr in',!!
lunooont hia men had been subjected, and that, If
‘ “""»"ted, "I would forsake opportunity were given, he wouM b«* J | I Biatlon. Churlo» Kluguley.
It Is Now Only $I.7S Per Capita, Ac­
cor ling to Ware’s Report.
Washington, Sept. 12.—The annual
report of Commissioner of Pensions
Ware places the total numlier of pen­
sioners now on the rolls at 996,646, of
which 726,356 are eoldiere and 267,189
are widows and dependents.
Ware announced that it is not probable
that the pension roll will again cross
the million line, the high water mark
having been reached a year ago. Five
of tbs pensioners are on the roll on ac­
count of the war of the revolution 1,-
116 on account of the war of 1812, 4,-
734 on account of the Indian ware, and
13,874 on account of the Mexican war.
The average value of each pension is
now $133. The total annual value of
the Spanish war pen-ion roll has
.eached $1,766,310.
Commissioner Ware makes the fol-
lowing recommendations:
I j » w forfeiting the pension or right
to pension of any man convicted in
court of an infamous crime; prohibit­
ing the giying of pensions to women
who marry eoldiere after the eoldiere
become old pensioners; a different
method of examining applicants for
pensions, Mr. Ware stamping the pres­
ent system as uncertain, expensive, un­
satisfactory and generative of an enor­
mous amount of political friction.
Mr. Ware says the bureau has gained
on the current work 100,000 cases dur­
ing the last two year». I be actual to­
tal of disbursement» in pensions on ac­
count of the Revolutionary war. War
of 1812, Indian wars, Mexican war,
Civil war and the war with Spain was
$3,038,623,690. The coet of the pen­
sion system per capita of population,
for 1903, is given as $1.75, to which
figure it has shrunk from $2.24, the
tate of 1893. In 10 years, he says,
the burden will cease to be noted.
Defeat of Canal Treaty Likely to Cause
Revolution In Colombia.
New York, Sept. 12.—Representa­
tives of strong interests on the isthmus
of Panama who make their headquarters
in thia city are reported to be consider­
ing a plan of action to be undertak tn
in co-oepration with men of similar
views in Panama and Colon to bring
about a revolution and form an inde­
pendent government in Panama op­
posed tn that in Bogota.
There is much perturbation on the
isthmus on account of the failure of
the ranal treaty, which is ascribed to
the authorities at Bogota, and the na­
tives of Panama think it is to their
best interest for a new republic to be
formed on the isthmus which may ne­
gotiate directly with the United States
for a new treaty.
Caught Making Counterfeit Coin.
Newark, N. J., Kept. 12.—Three men
have been arrested in a house in Mul­
berry street in the act of making coun­
terfeit silver coin. In the place were
found silver in liars, melting pots, a
milling machine, machine for trim­
ming and finishing the coins and a
quantity of coins in .11 stages of manu­
facture. One of the men, who gave the
name of Frank Donahue, is suspected
of being a New York policeman. A
photograph, apparently of himself, in
uniform, and a policeman’s shield was
found on him.
Fine FxhlMts and Fast Racing
Draw Large Attendance.
Will Kalama th
Prospects for the coming Oregon
state fair, to be held in September 14
to 19. are most flattering. The fain
will excel in the line of exhibits and'
attendance any state fair held hereto­
fore in Oregon. The abundant crops
insure a spelnedid showing of grains,
and the fact that the commissioners to
the St. I»uis exposition are co-operat
Ing to secure the best that Is shown
here for use next year means that the
exhibits, especially in the agrricultural
line, will be of the very best. The
live stock department, too, promises
better this year than any preceding
Breeders are preparing large
exhibits In this department, which has
caused the association to build a large
number of new stalls. Governor Sparks
of Reno. Nev., is sending a very fine
herd of Hereford cattle from the Ala­
mo stock farm, which will meet compe­
tition in herds shown by C.B.Wade of
Pendleton. A. J. Splawn of North Ya­
kima, George Chandler of Baker City,
Gilbert & Patterson of Salem. In the
shorthorn section exhibits will be made
by Charles E Ladd. C. B Wade, W. O.
Minor, Metsker & Klemgard and oth­
The racing will be made a feature of
this year’s fair. A large number of
high class horses have already made
their entries, coming from California.
Montana. Colorado. Utah. Washington
and British Columbia. The two big
stakes of $2000 will arouse keen com­
petition. These are the largest stakes
ever raced for in the northwest and
the best horses will compete for them
that have ever been seen on the cir­
cuit. The grounds are in spelendid
condidtlon and the beautiful oak grove,
will furnish plenty of shade and com­
fort for a week's outing. The buildings
are all In splendid condition, and the
new show building will furnish comfort
to hundreds of spectators who wish to
see the judging of live stock.
State Treasurer C. 3. Moore, who
has just returned from a month's out­
ing in Klamath county, reports that all
Industrial affairs In that section of the
Htate are prosperous and that the coun­
try surrounding Klamath 1-ake ia
steadily developing. Irrigation ditch­
es are being enlarged and extended and
the producing area gradually enlarged,
the hay crop of that region is enor­
mous and since prices are up the farm-,
ers are making money.
“The productiveness of that sage­
brush land when water is put on it is
amazing," said Mr. Moore. “There ia
a large tract of land out south of Low­
er Klamath lake that I used to drive
ever frequently a few years ago. I
would not give ten cents an acre for It
without water on It. A man could not
live on it. This summer I drove
through that same country and Instead
of a dry, sage-brush plain, I saw fields
covered with an immense crop of wheat
and land that has already yielded one
<.rop of alfalfa and has another crop
almost ready for cutting. One tract of
1000 acres of that apparently worthlesa
land produced 25,000 bushels of wheat
1200 tons of alfalfa already this season.
I am told that the owners o( that tract
of land, which was covered with sage­
brush three years ago, will clear up
from $15,000 to $20,000 this year.
The land is owned by Henry E. An­
keny and Roscoe Cantrell, and is irri­
gated from their ditch. I do not know
what they paid for the land, but it is
quite certain that they have already
realized all they ever put into it, and
could now sell ft for at least one-third
more than it has cost them, counting
all Improvements. This simply illus­
trates the wonderfuld productiveness
of that soli if you can only get water
on It.”
Arc Determined to Make the Diatrfct
Fair a Success.
The officers of this District fair are
New Yark Companies Purchasers In the making arrangements for the fair to be
held at Bangs’ park, near Eugene, for
Bohemia Country.
four days, commencing September 28.
G. B. Hengen. director and business The five-eights-of-a-mlle race track in
manager of the Oregon Securties Com­ the park has been put In first class con­
pany, of New York is at the company’s dition. There is not a better track in
properties In Bohemia, and the result the state.
Is that some valuable acquisitions were
Premiums to the amount of $1500
made. The Broadway group, consist are offered for the various exhiblta,
ing of fifty acres, and the Ophir group, while additional special premius are
of 80 acres, were added to their terri­ offered by citizens of Eugene. The
tory. making over 900 acres of mineral people of Eugene have subscribed
lands that they now own. The Broad­ nearly $1500 to aid the enterprise. The
way group is an important factor to large pavilion on the grounds is being
them at the present time, as they will enlarged to make room for exhibits,
drift through the mountain on a strong and stock sheds, horse stalls and a
nnd well defined ledge, instead of pene­ grand stand are being erected.
trating through the hard country rock.
The park is in an excellent place for
Besides It will give them several hun­ vamping and a number of wella are be­
dred feet depth of high grade ore that ing driven in different parts of the park
they will be enabled to handle from for the benefit of those who wish to
this tunnel.
camp during the fair.
The Ophir group is an extension and
joins the Musick property, which
Well Preserved Baldwin Apples.
the company has drifted on one to six
T. B. Killin, county commisioner for
levels to the edge of the Ophir. This
property has been owned for a number Clackamas county, brought to Oregon
of years by O. P. Adams, C. F. Cath
City samples of the Baldwin variety
cart and W. W. Cathcart. There has
cnly been assessment work done from of the apple family that were picked
year to year, notwithstanding large from the tree in September 23 last.
bodies of high grade ore have been The fruit is in a fair state of preserva­
tion at this time, with no eveidence of
By acquiring this property the Ore­ decay. Commissioner Killin says he
gon Securites Company will have near­ does nothing to prolong the natural
ly 3000 feet to drift on from Musick state of the apple, which is kept tn the
lead. The company is installing ma­ cellar throughout the winter. Mr. Klllin
chinery as fast as possible, and it will resides in the south end of the county,
be but a short time until it will have and reports that there will not be to
40 stamps and concentrators in opera­ exceed half a crop of apples this year.
Rich Strike In the Bohemia.
Herbert Leigh, manager of the North
Fairview mines in the Bohemia dis­
trict. has reported a rich strike in his
group. A body of ore four feet wide
and running $500 to the ton has been
uncovered on the north slope of North
Fairview mountain. Open cuts have
been made along the ledge a distance
of 1200 feet showing the same char­
acter of ore and from four to six feet
wide. A day and night shift is work-
Ing and the ore Is to be sent to Taco-
ma for treatment.
Remarkable Orain Stalks.
In the Miner office window. Prairie
City, is a bundle of oats, In the stalk,
on exhibition, which measures 6*4 feet,
raised on the farm and stock ranch
of J. P. Finían, situated on the Middle
Fork of John Day river, near Austin
station. Stalks of wheat measuring
over five feet, raised without irriga­
tion on Leo HoffstetteFe farm, situate
three miles above Prairie City, are also
shown. Neither the oats nor the wheat
is fully matured, and has not got its
full growth.
Hatchery on Elk River,
The svlmon hatchery on Elk river.
three miles above the Elk City, in
Lincoln county, is to be made perman­
ent. Lumber and building material Is
now arriving at the site for rebuilding.
Hatching operations were conducted at
the spot for the first time last season,
when a temporary plant was put in and
conducted as an experiment. The sea­
son resulted in hatching about 606.-
000 little salmon.
Rainier Mills Destroyed.
The shingle mill, saw mill and dry
kilns of Olson * Nordby were destroy­
ed by fire that broke out a little after
10 o'clock last night. The insurance Is
said to be about half on a $40,000 loss.
Forty men are thrown out of employ­
ment. The shingle mill had a capacity
of about 120,000 per diem. Bi the des­
troyed dry kilns were 1,200,000 shin­
Franchise for Bluff Elevator.
An ordinance has been passed by the
Oregon City council granting to County
Judge T. F Ryan a franchise for the
building and maintaining of an electric
elevator system over the bluff. The
Little Faith In New Canal Bill.
same ordinance grants to Mr. Ryan
New York, Sept. 12.—While the sen- the right to construct and operate a
ate at Bogota postponed until this week street railway system on certain of the
discussion of the new bill authorizing streets of Oregon City.
the governmnt to negotiate another
School Delayed a Week.
isthmian canal treaty with the United
The Jacksonville public schools will
States, it is known, rays a Panama dis­
patch to the Herald, that the govern­ commence Monday. September 14. The
delay of a week from the usual date
ment does not attach much importance
of commencement was occasioned by
tc the proposed law, but it is believed the necessary finishing touches on the
the Marroquin administration will new schoolhouse before the furniture
treat directly with the Washington gov­ and fixtures could be placed in posi­
ernment for a new treaty.
Blds Asked on Puget Sound Work.
Washinton, Sept. 12.—The navy de­
partment has advertised for bids for
the erection of a new foundry building at
the Puget Sound navy yard, for which
1100,000 lias been appropriated.
Dcaert Changed to Smiling
Drain Fields.
Hop Dryer Destroyed by Fire.
The Knox hopdrier, near Cottage
Grove, caught fire and was totally de­
stroyed. The loss was about $2000.
Half of the-loss was in hope. The
house and contents were fully covered
by Insurance.
Wheat—Walla Walla, 78S7te; blue*
stem, 80S$2c; valley, Sfle.
Flour—Valley, $3 6i^3.86 yer bar*
rel; bard wheat straighte, $3.80»4.00;
hard wheat, patents, $4.19»4.flfl;
grab am, $3.3693.76; whole wheat,
$3.6694.00; rye wheet, $4.60.
Barley— Feed, $20.009 21.00per ton;
brewing, $21; rolled, $21921.60.
Oats—No. 1 white, I1.07K; pay.
$1.0091.06 per cental.
Millstuffs—Brea, $22 per toe; mid-
dliaga, $26; shorts, $22; chop, |lfl;
linseed dairy food, $19.
Hey —Timothy, $14.00 per tea;
clover, nomiaal; grain, $10; cheat,
Butter—Fancy creamery, 22X9$6e
per pound; dairy, 18920c; store, IB
Cheese—Full cream, twine, 14c;
Young America, 16c; factory pricea,
191Xc lose.
Poultry—Chickens, mixed, 11 MS
12c per pound; spring, 14914M«!
boas, 12912Mc; broilers, $2.00 pet
dozen; turkoye, live, 10912c per
pound ;dreoeed, 14916c; ducks, $494.60
per dozen ; geeee, $696.50.
Eggs—Oregon ranch, He.
Potatoeo—Oregon, 76965c per seek«,
sweet potatoes, 2Mc per pound.
Wheat flacks—In lota of 100, 5Me.
Beef — Groee steen, IS.7594.W;
dreaoed, 697c per pound.
Veal—8Mc per pound.
Mutton—Groce, IS; dreseed, 6«
6Me; lamb», groee, $3.60; dreeeed, Oe.
Hogs-Greee. IS.609S.76; droeoed.
Hope—1902 crop, 20c per pound.
Tallow-Prime, per pound, 496e$
No. I and green, 2M93a.
Wool — Valley, 17916«; Baaten
Oregon, 12<i|15c; mobair, S6937Ke,