Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, September 10, 1903, Image 5

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k von can cure your dvspepsi'a
way than by itreiigtheniiq,'
i nk and inenpiil’le of perform-
itions, probably because you
1 upon it in one way or an-
nd over again.
id take
Obaarvattoua of a Mau Who Ba« UvM
la It HO Taara Without Boolaa It.
If It were possible for a person to be
born with all bis faculties ready de­
veloped, the senaatlona of that person
probably would not b» unllko those of
Scotchman who, having been blind
from birth, has Just received hta sight
aa the result of a remarkable operation
at th» Glasgow Ophthalmic Hoepttal.
Sine» he left th» bo^rltal. Carruth,
who Is the son of a farmer of Weir,
has been getting acquainted with the
appearance of persons and things and,
as he Is an unusually Intelligent man,
many of hla comments thereupon have
been remarkably Interesting.
It was largely through accident that
Carruth came to be operated upon. As
he bad been born blind, none of his
acquaintances »ver had supposed that
be could be made to see. Neither did
Carruth himself, so, even aa a little
boy, he determined to get through life
aa beat be could without eyesight, and
tbe result waa that he accomvllsbed
things that seem almost Incredible.
For Instance, he tended cattle, of
whose appearance be had been able to
form some Idea by feeling of them. He
grew flowers, picked them, and was
able to arrange them In bouquets that
it would have been hard for an expert
In the grouping of colors to have beat­
en. For a year and a half thia blind
man drove the delivery cart of the vil­
lage grocer and distributed Ita con­
tents to th« customers. Sometimes he
would have aa many as thirty parcels
In hla cart, but hla wonderfully devel­
oped senes of touch enabled him to
pick out every one and deliver It at the
right address.
Through the agency of a young phy­
sician of hla town Carruth was taken
to GlSLagow to bo operated upon. Blev-
en days after the operation, he got
the first signal that sight was coming
to him, when he made out a red rug
which lay over tbe foot of his bed.
Then he was able to distinguish the
face of hla surgeon. He says that he
did not know what It was at first but
that when the physician spoke, he re­
alised that be must be looking for the
firat time on a human countenance.
Afterward he saw his nurse and recog­ j
nised her aa a woman. “I knew she
was a woman." he says, "because her
face was pale and smooth.” Then he
asked to see his mother, who came, not
knowing that her son's sight bad been
given to him, and sat down by his
bedside.. “I had a peep at her side­
ways,” says Carruth, "and then asked
her how many wrinkles she had on
her forehead. ‘You can see.” she cried,
‘or how could you tell?1 ‘Can you
count them?’ Well. I could not see
aye enough for that, but I could see
her dear face.”
Since then Carruth has been feasting
his eyes on all sorta of wonderful
Everything strikes him as
“beautiful,” but he says his greatest
surprise was color. He had been told
that there was a difference between
things in thia respect, but be could
form no idea of what was meant.
Green, especially, la bis delight.
8trangely enough, be says that it is
only since be could see that he has
known what It was to feel tired. He
says, too, that whereas be used to ride
a horse fearlessly, be now would be
afraid of being thrown. A small and
rather flimsy bridge over a river which
he formerly crossed without a tremor
now worries him considerably to nego­
Ships were a surprise to Carruth; In
fact, be had been able to form nothing
morq than a vague idea of anything
that he could not feel with his bands.
Of women he says that he bad no Idea
they were “sae beautiful and bonny!”
He meets a friend without having the
slightest Idea who he Is until be
speaks; then he says: “Oh, It’s so-and-
so!” At first he went Into roars of
laughter over th» sight of people's Jaws
moving as they ate. But he la ambi­
tious. and says that he wants to study,
and to learn languages. Perhaps the
moot significant remark that Carruth
has made, however, burst from him
when first he stood and looked over a
quiet Scotch country acene with green
fields in the foreground, backed by a
river and a range of hills against tbe
“There's bound to be a creator for all
this!” he said.
___ rs Sarsaparilla
HBthens and tones the stomach.
ently cures dyspepsia and all
ubles. Accept no substitutes.
Quite Natural.
, dear, I see they’ve again
price of diamonds.’*
e true Evelyn; butthen you
rks will fly upward.”—Yonk-
Cacao In Nicaragua.
guano use up about 500,000
cacao a year. Chocolate hot
is used twice a day in every
o housebo d. Cacao grows in
s containing from fifteen to
five beans each on trees from
twelve feet high. A yield of
acre is not unusual.
Charcoal and Yellow Jack,
ere in charcoal in Havana are
ver to have yellow fever, while
circles it is advised always to
about during ita prevalence be-
of ita absorbing properties, it in
A Cupid Preacriptloa.
el), then, bow must
I make
ret you must believe that there
one in the world but me.”
ve got that far already.”
ext you must make me believe
re is no one in the world but
Song Pleased Sir Thomas.
amusing feature of the reception
by the Larchmont Yacht club to
bomas Lipton was the singing of
specially written for the occae-
by Clay M. Greene. The song was
mmy Lipton” and was a parooy on
ling’s “Tommy Atkina.”
a enjoyed the clever verses very
Deadly West Africa.
eet Africa has the most unhealthy
ate in the world. Other places,
b as Aden, Singapore and Hong-
-ng, are hotter. Other places show
her death rates. That is quite true,
■ t when temperature, the annual rain-
I and the relative humidity of the
oephere are considered the causes
unhealthineee are revealed.
Thumb Rlnf« la Queen Anne’s Time.
In the days uf Queen Anne the femi-
ine thumb ring was the badge of wid-
hood, and women tired of single
easedness were wont to don it aud as
jolly widows” achieve conquests de*
ied to them as spinsters.
Information Wanted.
“Say, Mr. Caller, my big brother
id that sister’s steady was a aaphead
d an “it” and me and Willie wants
know if jou’re sister’s steady and
hat is a aaphead and what is an ‘it’?”
Pennsylvania Pun h Bowl.
His Second Offense.
“This isn’t the first time you have
come in contact with the police?” said
the magistrate to the witness.
“No sir” was the reply.
“What, may I ask, was the reason
of your former encounter?”
“I woke him. He had gone to sleep
on his beat.’’—Tit-Bits.
A Feminine Marvel.
Chief Millican—That female wit-
pees is the most peculiar woman I
ever encountered.
Inspector Casey—So? In what way
does she differ from most women?
Chief Millican—Why, when she
hasn’t anything to say she doesn’t
talk.—Cincinnati Enquirer.
Thank Pc-ru-na for Their
covery After Yews of
Appetite poor?*/ Bowels
constipated? Tongue coated?
Head ache? It’s your liver!
Ayer’s Pills are liver pills, all
Want your moustache or beard
■ beautiful brown or rich black? U m
Lazy Liveri
Measuring Hides.
The ancient tanner paid an expert
•»I have been trouble« ■ great Heal
With a torpid liver, wblcb produce« constlpo
klon. I found CASO A RETS to be all you data high wages to guess at the contents of
tor them, and scoured aueb relief tbe Aral trial,
that I purchased another supply and waa com­
pletely cured. I «ball only be too sled U rec­
ommend Caacarew whenever the opportunity
Is presented "
J, A S mith .
»20 Susquebanaa Ave., Philadelphia, Pa
bls hides when sold by measure. To­
day an unskilled workman hands the
Irregular-shaped pieces to a little ma­
chine that looks something like a table
with a double top, which, quicker than
the mind of the expert could guees It.
reckons with exactness the square con­
tents In both the metric and standaid
It’s Coming to This.
“Speaking of winter,” said the fool­
ish man from Towson, "I witnessed a
- - - - - -
«---- if
ot«nc. Tasto Good. Di wonderful sight to-day.1
on.Of Grip« 10c. Me.«what
It was?
asked the easy mark
“What it
” asked
from Walbrook.
“Anthracltel” shrieked the Towson
man, as he ducked and called for help.
—Baltimore News.
When a great calamity befalle one.
My mother was troubled «|>h
consumption for many yeiri 1,
up to die Th. ("
she she
tried was
’. ClfcnyXJ
sud ahi*». And a father teli« • »»y
A new Framh Ilf.
belt filled with eahluiu earbld* I '• to wariu hi» Mntaloon»- w»
• ll‘
quickly lufiated by avwtyteu. ua belu« tl. «Ki«ntric III our phraa»« al “'•'•••
The Rotori DlAourteou».
Great mountain» on >enn» ar« a •“
Miss \an «ter Whoop-YM, Mio»
p..»ed dl.cov.ry of Herr Araudt, »
Rinus, 1 ani ih« youngMl ii>»ml*r «il
I’oaen. Thee» vlevatlon» »i>P«i,r J® ‘
om< of tb»old«at »amili«« in h«w Virk.
J»ct through th» cloud» from in
MI»« ninna (»nvioil«) —l don t doiU.t
time, and th» observation» thu» f
mad« tend to prov. a rapid rotation In th.till.th. olilcat family-U yo» »•
thè young.’at mondi»».
alKiut twenty four hour».
Always Half Sick are the Women
Who Have Pelvic Catarrh.
New Rain Producer.
You know when rich, red blood is coursing through
the veins, for it shows in the brightness of the eye, the
beauty and clearness of the complexion, the smooth, fair
skin, and robust, healthy constitution. It is good blood
that imparts strength and energy to the body and keeps it in a state oi
healthfulness agd vigor. Good blood is the foundation of good health, and
to be physically and mentally sound it must be kept pure and untainted.
People with good blood possess strong,
X was in wratohad health) my blood
steady nerves and are blest with good
appetites and digestion, and enjoy was In bad order, my gnma being
•ound, refreshing sleep. If we could vary muoh uioerated. I began the uae
of B. 8. •., and in a remarkably short
always maintain the purity of the time
was sound and wall. My appe­
blood then we might enjoy perpetual tite inoreaaad wonderfully and my
health, but it becomes infected and food agreed with me. X think It la a
poisoned and most of the ills that afflict fine family medloine.
humanity and undermine the constitu­
tion are caused by an impoverished
Rockmart, On.
or polluted condition of this vital fluid.
' When the blood is diseased the skin
For throe yean I had Tetter on my
loses its healthy appearance, and the
Fart of the time the disease
complexion, its freshness and beauty hands.
was tn the form of running sores,
and becomes red and rough and full of ▼ery painful and oausing mo muoh
pimples and splotches. Itching, scaly discomfort. Four dootors said the
eruptions, blackheads, boils and rashes Tetter had progressed too far to be
break out upon the body when the cured, and they could do nothing for
blood is too poor or too thin and acid, mo. I took only throe bottloo of B.S.S.
and is not supplying proper nourish­ and was completely ourod. This was
ment to the system. Debility, poor fifteen yean ago, and I have newer
appetite, bad digestion, restless sleep sinoe seen any sign of my old trouble.
and nervousness more often come from
•37 St. Paul St.. Kansas Olty, Kao.
sluggish, impure blood than any other
cause. To build up the blood, restore its lost properties and make it rich
and nutritious again is the only rational treatment, and the proper way to
get nd of skin troubles. There is no remedy like S. S. S. to accomplish thia
and it does it promptly and thoroughly.
S. S. S. antidotes and removes from tha
blood all poisons and humors, and restores
it to a normal, healthy condition, and in­
vigorates and tones up the general health.
When rich, red blood is again flowing
through your veins all skin eruptions
disappear, the appetite improves, the complexion clears and you get rid of
tnose miserable depressing feelings and nervousness, and enjoy once more the
blessings of good health. S. S. S. is nature's remedy for'all blood and akin dis-
11 contains no minerals whatever, but is guaranteed purely vegetable.
M. other
„«a Isifore Mi» »kM’hlngat W» • *
put up sigM teHln« IHM.pl«‘ lo wll*
Female Weakness Is Pelvic
Origin of Mugwump.
A couple of poUtlciana argued the
other day over the origin ana meaning
of the term mugwump. The firat aald:
“The word waa first used In the cam­
paign of 1884. It waa applied to the
Republicana who repudiated Blaine to
vote for Cleveland. It la a word from
the language of the Algonquin Indians,
and It means ‘a big chief,’ ‘a person
of great Importance.' The mugwumps,
you know, all think themselves of the
greatest Importance.” The other poli­
tician said: “Mugwump la a slang
word of the South. It no more derives
from the Alganquln Indians than you
do. A mugwump in the South Is a
bullfrog In ita Intermediate stage from
the tadpole inward.
It Is, In other
words, a nondescript, a creature that
Is neither one thing nor the other.”
"The second derivation seems to lie
the more plausible,” said a third poll
tlclan. “I'm sure I’d Uke to know posi­
tive which of the two Is correct”—
Philadelphia Record.
X . ...............
¡«a Muriel Armitage, 86 Oreenwnod
Ave., Detroit. Mich.. District OrganUer
of the Royal Templar» of Tennwrance,
in a nvviit letter, xay«:
“I think that a woman natnrullv
shrinks from making her tioublvs pub­
lic, but restored health hn« meant ju >
much to me that 1 feel for the sake of
other suftering women it is my duty to
tell what Peruna has done for me.
| Th. magnetic pol. In Northweateru
-1 sutTered
sunrmi for
ivr the
live years
/<••«» with
»»aaa. uterine
■nnnoMvd to llMVC •uin»u
dt.cuvary b?
n autili inv.-, which
ni.nu ajr.
x-..n--- on by» Auieika 1»
\ me n physical ■ wreck.
------ » I i eolltider*bly »Inc» It» dl»iov»ry
teria and made
tried doctors from the diftvrent schools Bo., m 1831. Taking with him a.»»“
of medicine, but without any percepti­ eouipauloua lu a »mall »cbo«>ii«r..
ble change in my condition. In my
despair I called on an old nurse, who Amundaeu. tbe Norwegian eiplor» .
advised me to try Peruna, and promised expect» to make otmervatlou» ou ‘
good results if I would persist ami take present »tte of till» pol» f‘olu 18U3 0
it regularly. 1 thought this was the
least I coul’d do and procured a bottle. 18P5.
I knew as soon as 1 began taking it that .
Z *»•« wao.g-—
—- to th»
it was Htlocting me diflVrently from | Adding
anything 1 had used before, and s<\ I material, then beating, preferably witn
kept on taking it. I kept this up for preaaure, la fouuil by lildor Kltaee Io
six months, amt steadily gained strength more than double the realalance of cel-
and tit
ami when
i»a»i used
call LI, aiivi
nit' ii a 1 iiwii
bottles I considered myself entirely luloae a« an luaulator for electris
cure«!. I atu a grateful, happy woman wires. Flexibility varies with the per­
today."—Miss .Muriel Armitage.
centage of sulphur, sud resistance to
Peruna cures catarrh of the pelvic- or­
gans with the same surety as it cures adds and uioisture la Increased.
catarrh of the head. Peruna has l>e-
In the Smithsonian report on scien­
conie renowned as a positive cure for
female ailments simply because the ail­ tific work for 1VO2 l’rof. Ungley re
ments are mostly due to catarrh. Ca­ marks that when the bolometer was
tarrh is the cause of the trouble. Pe­ Invented, some twenty years ago, it
runa cures the catarrh. The symp­ wi> able to measure temperature to
toms disappear.
about dhe-oue hundred-thousandth of a
degree. Bluce then the Instrument and
do her work without the greatest ex­ its adjuncts have been so far Improved
haustion. This Is a very common eight that temperature can now be mesa-
and is almost always due to pelvic ca­ ured to less than oue-one-bundred mil­
lionth of a degree readily aud wlIh
It is worse than foolish for so many
women to suffer year after year with a precision.
The Italian government Is awaking
disease that can be permanently cuied.
Peruna cures catarrh premanently. to the necessity of protecting what re­
It cures old chronic cases as well as a mains of its forests and to replanting
slight attack, the only difference be­ devastated areas. The most valuable
Catarrh of any organ, if allowed to ing in the length of time that it should tree la the cork tree, which now
abounds most In Stelly and Sardinia,
progress, will affect the whole body. should be taken to effect a cure.
If you do not derive prompt and sat­ the cork forests of Calabria baling
Catarrh without nervousness is very
rare, but pelvic catarrh and nervous­ isfactory results from the use o( Peru­ beeu almost wholly destroyed for char­
na, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giv­ coal. The preeent u»e of vast quanti­
ness go hand in hand.
What is eo distressing a sight as a ing a full statement of your case and ties of cork In the uianufseture of
poor half-sick, nervous woman, suffer­ he will be pleased to give you bis val­ linoleum aud for shipbuilding empha­
sises the Importance of preeervlug and
ing from the many almost unbearable uable advice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of extending the cork forests. Spain also
symptoms of pelvic catarrh? She does
rot consider herself ill enough to go to The Hartman Sanitarium. Columbus, possesses great cork forests, and a tew
bed, but she is far from being able to Ohio.
years ago the exjiortatlon of wine liot-
tie corks from that country amounted
In value to $5.000,000.
He Stopped the Clock.
Knew Her Business.
The weights of 1,173 human bralus
May—Oh! George, papa eet the
Mrs. Netted — I would like a pound
| alarm for 10:30 tonight.
have beeu collected by M. Marebaud.
of your best cheese.
George—Indeed. Didn't you remark of Marbourg. At birth the average
Grocer—Yes. ma’am.
Mrs. Newed (examining it)—Why, the other night that the ticking was weight la found to be US ounces In
. monotonous and annoyed you?
boys and 0.5 ounces In girls At the
this cheese is full of holes!
Grocer—Yes ma’am.
That’s the
age of one year, 2 pounds 1.5 ounces
A Musical Fish.
and 1 pound 11.5 ounces respectively;
way it comes.
Lake Batticaloa, Ceylon has the and at the end of three years the
Mrs. Newed— Well, I don’t want
any of it. I’m not going to pay for a piobably unique distinction of being weight has trebled. Increase la then
pound of cheese that containa a half tbe home of musical fish. The sounds slow. Full growth Is attained at nine­
emitted by tlieee are said to be as
pound of holes.—Boston Journal.
teen to twenty years In uien and six­
sweet and melodious as those which
teen to eighteen In women, the mean
would be produced by a series of aool-
The Charitable Set.
adult weight being 8 pounds 1 ounce
Phyllis — That young millionaire
In males and 2 pounds 10 ounces In
took a great fancy to me att he ball last one can plainly distinguish the pleas­ females. Lose by senile atrophy be­
If an oar is dipped in the
night. He danced with me five times. ant sounds.
gins in man at about forty eight years
11 . water tbe melody becomes louder and
Ob, that doesn’t prove anything
and In women at about seventy. Tur
was a charitable ball, you know.
geueff, the Ruialan author, bad one of
Novel Fishing Feat.
the heaviest brains on record, weigh­
A Second Thief.
The details of "A Novel Fishing ing 4.7 pounds; and Gambetta’a,
“Some mean thief ran ofi with my
Feat,” told by Everett Foster in the scarcely 2.0 pounds, was one of the
umbrella today."
September St. Nicholas, are part of an lightest.
“With your umbrella?”
The first “butterfly farm" Is »aid to
"Well, with the umbrella I’ve been I experience of the winter in Yellow­
stone Park a few years ago. The lad have been established only a year or
carrying all week.” — Philadelphia
who caught the trout, and, without two ago by the Engllah eutoniologtat,
moving from hie position, swung his William Watkins, at Eastbourne, but
catch over into Nature’s pot and suc­ already several similar farms have
He Was Bitter.
cessfully cooked it was a young brother
“John,” eaid the »tern woman, of Mr. Foster; and the narrator was one come Into existence In France. The
“what great man was it that wrote of those who tasted the uniquely pre­ object Is to rear rare genera of tha
Bouibyddae. the silkworm family
‘Woman is Heaven’s Best Gift to
pared dish and found it palatable.
They have, by crossing, obtained some
Man?’ ”
new varieties, which are sought after
“He was no great man at all,”
American Opium Smokers.
growled the little henpecked busband.
The number of opium smokers in the by museums of natural history. They
“He wasn’t?”
United States is estimated at 1,000,000. are also endeavoring to acclimate til
“No, he was a chump.”—Chicago
France species of silkworms indlgen
Daily Nets.
Where Fishhooks Come From.
oua to other countries. The farms con­
Practically all the beet fishhooks in tain oaks, allanthu» trees, pines, plum
the world—and nearly so of all quali­ trees, castor oil plants, snd other
“Aren’t the perfect trust and confi­ ties—are made at Kedditch. The an­ plants the leaves of which serve ss
dence engaged people have in each nual output is probably 600,000,000 food for the caterpillars.
books—about 10,000,000 per week — are hatched on branches protected by
other perfectly beautiful!"
ranging in site from enormous ana fe­ gauze, and, for the sake of uniform
“Perfectly idiotic, I should say.”
rocious-looking shark-hooks to the tin­ temperature, the Inaecta are often kept
“Because when I was engaged I told iest hooks for very small troutflies, In a room until after the firat molting,
my future wife all about my income with a "bend” diameter of about one- when they are placed on bttahea In the
and prospects, and now I can’t spend a sixteenth of an inch, 1,000 of which open air, and protected from birds
dollar on myself without her knowing will not more than fill a good-sized by coverings of muslin or tulle.
abont it.”
/jo •.
Rvcnfion *
Our Ikceutrfc Phras»s.
Why .!<• -
«mi vosi? Who pule on a mal
The latest Australian newspapers
contain particulars of some experi­
ments. which are said to have been
more or less succeasfjil, of a novel
method of producing a downfall of
rain, eays the Philadelphia ledger.
I The Inventor makes thia statement:
”1 claim to produce rain by send­
ing up continuously from three centers
a column of gas made by certain
chemicals. Tbe gas, If sent up for s
maximum of thirty two hours, will
produce rain over a range of ninety
miles at any altitude, with any aky,
and with the wind from any quarter,
j I do not need to wait until tbe wind
Is from the usually rainy quarter. In
one experiment 1 made the barometric
conditions were quite unfavorable, yet
I produced rain. Ths
I causes In the different strata of tbs
atmosphere a vacuum. This vacuum
Is tbe center of a beat storm and Is
filled by dense clouds that ________
rain. These clouds coma down with
the gravity of the earth, when tbe
rain descends.
"The rain la different from ordinary
rain found In districts In which experi­
ments have been made. It Is tropical
rain, coming from the very lofty re
glona, being slight at first, and then
later descending In heavy showers
and bucketfuls. My operations have
been conducted In an Inclosure twelve
feet by eight. Though I cannot, of
course, give away my secret, I may
tell you that the chemicals have to
be changed In accordance with th.
A Marvellous Menagerie.
The strangest menagerie In t;
w r’d 1« on an Ohio farm. Through an
the gardens, orchards and fie|<|M of
this curious place one meets wild
beasts of many kinds Ingeniously
fashioned out of roots, trunks, and the
branches of trees. It Is a veritable toy
Noah's Ark grown up.
Rather than climb the golden stairs
to heaven, a me people find It eaalet
Io slide down the banister to the oth
and was speedily cured?’
* ’
. Avoca, N. y.
No matter how hard
your cough or how long
you have had it, Ayers
Cherry Pectoral
best thing you can takc
It’s too risky to wait
until you have consump-
tion. If you are coughing
today, get a bottle of
Cherry Pectoral at once.
Time to Leave.
Husband (in an aside to hla wife)—
If you isn't think of some mare «neo­
dotes of our rhiliiren’s smallness let .
go home right away, for they re gelling
ready to tell ua things shout their own
—Baltimore American.
You Can Ost Allen’s I oot-ilasr FRES.
*’"• *'}•*' Î AlUu”' V
1rs« •a,,,l'¡* *' ' n- a. bin« ici It makse
J..» ’•.wrtaln i ure tor
0,w “m/niwmi nail’
*1' •,ln,z
glai" wiiVl i* liun iaiivi'tsuy substitute.
Ths Quali In Fraace.
In Frane» tb» quali 1» call»>l Ih»
bird ot prophacy. Gito tram an ld»a
that thè nunibor of bis calla twice witti-
out r»ating tb» farro.- »xpocl» bui »
frane» p»r bu»b»l f»r hla graia ; il ih»
bini cali» tour tiro», b» a*P* G V> »”•■
III» twic» tb» prie whlcb two cali» in­
nraaWiaa. Ma , I*., ||. AM
i-anaail war .l... io,
it i„
Ih.n do a. ha a.,a
|f p,
!■> Ufa. II. than il»n'| uh» u
Lan H wlib Man W.
ini'” ‘
Complying With th» Itulii.
“Here.” Mid the doorkoepet In y.
lobby of the playbouao, “what ire ns
going Io do with that baby carriage?"
“lake ut In th' theater,” r«vp<.niJed
Mr«. Murphv; “nt
on th1 progm
Unit ’Ixblua urn not admitted it
Chicago Dally N,w,
n rr,n..,..1,1,, I ,,,M a ci...,
w art., n,.1 >1., .uaitfl,, Kllba'allfsalN m «.
l..,., »»nd A m
l"t M U Kllu.,l.ld .11 A . I. »I . )■,.
Forrauiih»an.1 colila th«r» te ho b»U»r
medkin» than l‘l»o » Cur» for Cou»uiuj>-
Iloti, i’rtc» 25 c«iit».
His Particular I.Ina.
“That now roan of yours,” „¡j U1|
proprietor of llm stole to the depart-
Sorry He Spoke.
mant manager, "«inn to be ■ might,
Hnbsind—Do you know that every hard worker ”
time a woman get» angry she adds a
“Yea,"replied the latter; "that ii
new wrinkle to her face?
hie specialty.”
Wife—No, I did not. but If it is so
1 presume it Is a alee provision of
"No—eoeiuing to.”
nature to let the world know what sort
jf a bin lx nd a woman has.
Rvla>rssoiv .Miivlvliw Co.
lowest rates
To Chicago, DubuqSS find the
East; to I’ve Moines. Kansas City and
the Hootheart, via Chicago Great West­
ern rsilway. Electric lighted trains.
Unequalled service.
Write to J. I’.
Elmer, G. 1’. A.. Chicago, for Informs,
arc< k « m , km to J ohn rooi.g
1<BO( of Mtseriaon Hi.. K m I land, Or«(OR.
Ftrcotia Hawlsoie Automatic, ^if
I di It liras Nluiiip Puller, lot) ht>rwp>’Wsr Mill
two horses
Hurksyv Mwinlll Ma< hluery g0.
Itnoo and Hollers
L "
Writ« ui
ill lull blnery Uur.
Protictloa ot Australian flints.
A astral la has an ornithologl.te' un­
ion which is working hard to «ecure the
paiaage of laws to protect certain bird«
which are in danger of ezterniliiation.
It is »ugg»«led that certain Islande
should 1» reaervml «|«cially lor lh<*
nutmeg pigeon.
Mothers will And Mrs Winslow s Moot bl ng
Mvrup the best remedy tu use tor their children
the teething «easuu
na < vain
By local si>pllr»il<>n». •• they rannm meek ths
dlsrawl poni..n ol lb» »»r
1 h.rv I» ouiy one
. • y lo f nr. <1* Siu».• »l.‘1 Ih»I I» 1'X r'.ualllo*
llon»l iriin-.tr"
tiaatnrm .»rauw-lbyaullk-
g»n>r.| r-.uUlilon ol Ih» mu. ouaUv is ot Ihs
gu.tarfaian Tul»
»bin III!» tub» »al» In-
a.rnrC ton bava a rumbling aouii'l m impar
Ir. t fa.ariui. airi «farri II I» rniirsly cluaad
Sralnr.» i» lha raai.ll, and uni—II • Indan.ma­
ll. la ran ba labri. . i ». I <
. i .»■■■ r..i rad to
Ilan..linai róndalos. baarlf g wlllb* drsiroywl
lor»»»r : nlnr raw. out ol t-a arseeuaedbs
ratarrb. a btrh la n lhlng bul an Inflamad
condii ins nt lb« untemi» »urla, «a.
»•».Illi.» Ona Hundred Ib.llar» lor any
cam. ol ItrainrM raufard by catarrh) that can
not I» rurrd by Hair. • atarrb Cara. Saud Im
■Irculara, Irra
F. J. < HKNKY A CO.. Talada, O
Hold by Irruíanla. 74c
Haifa Family PlUa ara the lari
Al tha Liars* Club.
“Have you got the plans for your
new Imnse i omplste.1 yet?” nome one
asked bi m.
“Not quite,” he replied. “There la
a difference of opinion Iwtween my
wife and me aa to the Interior arrange­
She »ays tha pantry la too
large and that there are too many
Without another word the medal tor
the biggest lie of the evening was
awarded to him.—Chicago Tribune.
Little Liver Pills.
Mutt Bear Signature of
▼•F —a ll ««4 •• aa»y
«• tatui as »a ia>.
MKrtlfö roí !í
•3.22 & «3 SHOES«*
Ton can aava from $3 to St year!» W
waartagW L Douglas $3 50 or SI s I ms
l !
that hav« 1 mm »» cmU
Inx y«»u from St W
to S5.U0.
Tim Im*
niinw nu I<» of W L
Ihtughu n I km » s provtMi
llrelr superiority over
•II other make*
Kol«i by retail shoe
dealers everywhere
¡«iM>k for name uu<l
price nti liotlom
That ftowfflsa n « w ( ar*
•mi ell pretee lhers Is
• al«» I n Uotgffla* hhe*s.
< ornea Is the highest
grids Psl.lassthsr mads.
/ a»t ' '-/nr t yrtftt i. g/.f
— -j -
l)u' 94 U ft
Lif,9 ««• «/
Nboss hj eiall.
reels sslre. Ilhw<22
Calalaetrsa. W. 1.. IH»I 1,1.**. Brack!««.
rDr. C. Gee Wo
This wondwrful <’hl-
HFRei .ItH’lor iR rallrd
f r« at I m ’ í ’ riim ’ I ir <*ur«*s
wifiiottl ojwrN
¡loll lhuí «reclwrii "I*
to dir. Ilf curra wHn
II iunt wnndrrful
tirer hrrhe. roots, buds,
liurkR attil vrgwlsblrs
llial ar»* •ntirrly uu
known I*» nir«H«*»l
rnrr in this ctxiBlry. Ihr«>u<h
tliosr harmlWM rrrnrdlrs th "
knows ths action "f <»vri
rdlrs. Which hr stir« rssfUlly «»*•••
lh- Mlisrnntrrw Io • ur»* <
ms. lune, thrtml, rh»*unis«isHi.
Rtoiniu h, llvrr, k’dnrye, rt«
< liurg»”«
'r“ ,
•rr him. I,atl»nfs out nf «••* *
l.lHith m anti < Irciilsrs K«-n«1 "t»»n»|'
, ^ni
•' (
v wriu*
TheC. Gee Wo Chines« Medid* &
St.. l*"rll*"J.
P. N. U.
Il KN writing to advertí»«« pl****
menilon till» peli«».
1 heave
COUGH, ’,».7
AND CONDITIONtl, a »ure cure for all allmint» from w
Ihsvs besn ttslna pnissinn Hruvn Powders th«
‘15,1 n of <
ttm. hs»s .urw.lllVr~t.of Hcvo. |4 <»f
*(ll nil
iTh. Prussian »UmzMliws bar. «slued •
'¿V N"*-rk WairT
-*’r "
rOBTLAMl» assi» cu. FesUaud. Urafi». <■••»•
he Bou th wick han the Urgent capacity, In faRtrnt and catinai w<<
_ ostfc