Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, September 10, 1903, Image 4

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hk yon cun cure your .Ivspeps?«
fr way than by »trengtheiiing*
[your stomach.
leak and incapable of )*rf..rm-
Lctiuns, probably because you
se<l upon it in one way or an-
and over again.
dd take
> Obeervotioae of a Maa Who Had Lived
ia It itO Tears Witheat Seola« It.
If it were poaelble for a person to be
I born with all hla faculties ready de-
' reloped, the sensations of that person
probably would not be unlike thoee of
Scotchman who. having been blind
from birth, has just received hie sight
as the reeult of a remarkable operation
:hens and tones the stomach, at tho Glasgow Ophthalmic Hospital.
aently cures dyspepsia and all
jubles. Accept no substitutes. Since he left the hospital, Carruth,
who la the eon of a farmer of Weir,
has been getting acquainted with tho
Quite Natural.
appearance of persons and things and,
be, dear, I see they've again aa he Is an unusually intelligent man,
e price of diamonds."
mauy of his comments thereupon have
•> true Evelyn; but then ycu been remarkably' Interesting.
Arks will fly upward.”—Yonk-
It was largely through accident that
Carruth came to be operated upon. As
he bad been born blind, none of hla
■ Cacao In Nicaragua.
Iguana use up alxrnt 500,000 acquaintances ever had supposed that
he could be made to see. Neither did
•of cacao a year. (. hccolate hot
I iIs used twice a day in every Carruth himself, so, even as a little
boy. he determined to get through life
do household. Cacao grows in
aa best be could without eyesight, and
>ods containing from fifteen to
the result was that ho accomplished
five beans each on trees from
things that seem almost incredible.
twelve feet high. A yield of
For Instance, he tended cattle, of
1 acre is not unusual.
whose appearance he had been able to
form some idea by feeling of them. He
Charcoal and Yellow Jack,
grew flower», picked them, aud was
lore in charcjal in Havana are
iever to have yellow fever, while able to arrange them in bouquets that
it would have been hard for an expert
circles it is advised always to
t about during its prevalence bo­ in th» grouping of colors to have beat­
ot its absorbing properties, it is en. For a year and a half thia blind
man drove the delivery cart of the vil­
lage grocer and distributed its con­
tents to the customers. Sometimes he
A Cupid Prescription.
would have as many as thirty parcels
¿Veil, then, bow must I make
la his cart, but hla wonderfully devel­
oped sens» of touch enabled him to I
first you must believe that there
pick out every one and deliver it at the
one in the world but me.”
right addreaa.
’vs got that far already.”
Through the agency of a young phy­
text you must make me believe
there is no one in the world but sician of his town Carruth was taken
to Ghtagow to b» operated upon. Elev­
en days after the operation, be got
the first signal that sight was coming
Song Pleased Sir Thomas.
n amusing feature of the reception to him, when he made out a red rug
n by the Larchmont Yacht club to which lay over the foot of hla bed.
¿Thomae Lipton was the singing of Then he was able to distinguish the
mg specially written for the occae- face of hla surgeon. He says that he
by Clay M. Greene. The song was did not know wbat it was at first, but
Immy Lipton” and was a parooy on that when the physician spoke, he re­
Ring’s "Tommy Atkina.”
Sir alized that he must be looking for the
>mas enjoyed the clever verses very first time on a human countenance.
Afterward he saw his nurse and recog­
nized her as a woman. “I knew she
was a woman,” he says, "because her
Deadly West Africa.
•Vest Africa has the moat unhealthy face was pale and smooth.’’ Then he
inate in the world. Other plates, asked to see his mother, who came, not
,:b as Aden, Singapore and Hong- knowing that her son's sight bad been
mg. are hotter. Other places show given to him, and sat down by his
gher death rates. That is quite true, bedside., “I had a peep at her side­
t when temperature, the annual rain- ways," says Carruth, “and then asked
II and the relative humidity of the her how many wrinkles she had on
moepbere are considered the causes her forehead. 'You can see!’ she cried,
unhealthiness are revealed.
'or how could you tell?’ ‘Can you
count them? Well, I could not see
■'Thumb Rings la Queen Anne's Time.
aye enough for that, but I could see
’ In the days uf Queen Anne the femi- her dear face.”
Since then Carruth has been feasting
ine thumb ring was the badge of wid­
owhood, and women tired ot single his eyes on all sorts of Vonderful
leasednees were wont to don it and as things.
Everything strikes him as
’jolly widows" achieve conquests de­ “beautiful,” but he says his greatest
led to them as epinrtere.
surprise was color. He had been told
that there was a difference between
Information Wanted.
things in this respect, blit he could
Say, Mr. Caller, my big brother form no idea of what was meant.
kid that sister’s steady was a eaphead Green, especially, la hla delight.
nd an "it” and me and Willie wants Strangely enough, be says that it Is
3 know if joo’re sister’s steady and only since he could see that he has
'hat is a saphead and what is an ‘it’?” known wbat It was to feel tired. He
-Pennsylvania Pnn h Bowl.
says, too, that whereas he used to ride
a horse fearlessly, he now would be
His Second Offense.
afraid of being thrown. A small and
“This isn’t the first time you have rather flimsy bridge over a river which
come in rontact with the police?” said he formerly crossed without a tremor
the magistrate to the witness.
now worries him considerably to nego­
“No sir" was the reply.
“What, may I ask, was the reason
Ships were a surprise to Carruth; In
of your former encounter?” ’
fact, be bad been able to form nothing
“I woke him. He had gone to tleep morq than a vague Idea of anything
on his beat.”—Tit-Bits.
that be could not feel with his bands.
Of women he says that he had no Idea
A Feminine Marvel.
they were “sae beautiful and bonny!”
Chief Millican—That female wit­ He meets a friend without having the
nees is the most peculiar woman I slightest idea who he Is until be
ever encountered.
speaks; then he says: “Ob, It’s so and
Inspector Casey—So? In what way so!” At first be went Into roars of
does she differ from most women?
laughter over the sight of people's jaws
Chief Millican—Why, when she moving as they ate. But he is ambi­
hasn’t anything to say she doesn’t tious, and says that he wants to study,
talk.—Cincinnati Enquirer.
and to learn languages. Perhaps the
most significant remark that Carruth
has made, however, burst from him
when first be stood and looked over a
quiet Scotch country scene with green
fields In the foreground, backed by a
river and a range of hills against the
"There’s bound to be a creator for all
this!” be said.
.I.OM before tbe .takings?
• *'
plll ,,p signs tolling 1-euP1’’ * »'»*
I their Ieet when we mean their h«>l«
.nd.hoe. Ami a lather toll.« boy
A new French Ufa pr--jv.r a •
he will warm hi. jacket when h.J.to.n.
belt filled with calcium carbid». I •
quickly inflated by awtyl.n. on being to warts hla pantaloon»-
tie «.»entric in our phrases at limes.
The Retort OlNourteou».
Muriel Armitage, IW Greenwood
Great mountains on Venus ar* • •ul’"
Miss Van der Wha>|>—Yot, Mias
Ave., l>etroit, Mich., District Orguniier posed discovery of Herr Aren .
of the Koval Tempiara of Temperance, ; fosen
rose... These vlevatlons
elevations app«-*r
appear J»
Jo pro, Binns. I am 'he youngest iiieinlmr of
in a recent letter, »aya:
mi« of the oldest f.mllto. » New York.
“1 think that n woman
Miss Binns (envious)-! ‘h’“ “ JJ
shrinks from making her troubles pub- .|llie Mluj ||IV observations thus
I ..
... . .. .1 1......... 1.1. I... .. ....... 1 > I Vii
. A
X‘ of made
tond to’provT. r’.pld rotation
lu that it is the oiliest family
blit ceatorefi
health has me
much to me that I fee! for the s;—
other sutlering women it is my duty to al>out twenty four uoura.
tell what Paruna haa done for me.
Th. magnetic pol. In Northwroteru
Tims to l.save.
uterine ,
•*i 1 Buttered
sunrreu for
ivr the
nvr years
yvnm with
.........-«».I to have SnlitiK*
llusbaiKi (in •«> ••M* to hl*
irregularities, which brought on hys America Is supi
teria and made me a physical
wreck. I "considerably slue» Its discovery t'Y H you can’t think of «*»• "»"*
trie<l doctors from the different schools Roas in 1881. Taking with him ««ven "oto. ol our chilthEn’E »»..rtnero l.l »
of medicine, but without any percepti­ com pauloua lu a aiuall schooner..
go horn» right s'»»?. ,,,r
ble change in my condition, in my
•b"“‘1 '* r
despair I called on an obi nurse, who Amundsen, the Norwegian exp01 Lily t‘> I*11 "•
advised me to try Peruna. and promis'd expects to make observations on th»
good results if 1 would persist and take proeent site ot this pol» from 1st» °
it regularly. 1 thought this was the
You Can Ost Allen « I ooM’aas FRÜH-
least 1 could do and procured a hottie. 181*5.
I knew as soon as I began taking it that
Adding flue sulphur to th» dissolved Urns Alisa* Olmelwt. Is H1».N. Y-, *"r •
it was atfecting me ditferently from
anything 1 had used before, and so I material, then heating, preferably with ■sealing. J»«’ •*'
, .orlali» curs for
kept on taking it. I kept this up for pressure, Is found by lsidor Kltsee to new or ll«MJ* liall.„,<| bunion»
six months, and steadily gained strength mor» than double the resistance of <*
* y l*i>S'l servit any .u Usi 11 u is
ami health, ami when I had used fifteen
bottles 1 consideretl myself entirely luloae as an Insulutor for elsctri»
Ths Quail In Fran.».
cure»!. 1 am a grateful, happy woman wires. Flexibility varies with tbs per­
today.”—Miss .Muriel Armitage.
In Frane» th» quail is cslletl the
centage of sulphur, aud realstaue» to
Peruna cures catarrh of the ¡udvic or­
bird of prophecy. Ibi» »rom an ld»a
gans with the same surety as it cures acids and moisture la increased.
catarrh of the head. Peruna Inis be­
In the Suilthsonlau report on seton- that the number of hie cell« twice with*
come renowned as a positive cure tor
out resting th. farm.r .sp»ct. but 1
female ailments simply because the ail­ title work for ltM»2 Prof, l-angley re­ franca per bushel for his gtaln ; H the
ments arc mostly due to catarrh. Ca­ marks that when the bolometer was
tarrh is the cause of the trouble. Pe­ invented, some tweuty years ago, it bird calls four times he »xpacto to rea-
runa cures tiie catarrh. The symp­
liie twice the price which two calls in-
was able to measure t»mp»ratur» to
toms disappear.
about Ohe-oue hundred thousandth of a turn.
degree. Since then the Instrument and
For ootifht and cold« there to no better
do her work without the greatest ex­ Its adjuncts have been so far Improved mmlkinelhan
i’lau ■ Cure for Cuuaump-
haustion. This is a very common sight that temperature can now be meas­ Uon. Prien ¿5 Mill«.
and is almost always due to pelvic ca­ ured to less thau oue-on»-bundr»d mil­
Sorry He Spoke,
lionth of a degr»» readily and with
It is worse than foolish for so many
Hubexnd—lk> yon know that every
women to suffer year after year with a
time a woman gets angry she adds a
The Italian government is awaking
disease that can be permanently cuied.
new wrinkle to her facef
Peruna cures catarrh prenianently. to the necessity of protecting wbat re-
Wife—No, 1 did not; but If it is so
It cures old chronic cases as well as a
I presume it Is a wise prevision of
slight attack, the only difference be­ devastated areas. The moat valuable nature to let the world know what sort
ing in the length of time that it should tree la the cork tree, which now ' a husband a woman haa.
abounda moot lu Sicily and Sardinia,
should be taken to effect a cure.
If you do not derive prompt and sat­ the cork foresta of Calabria having
isfactory results from the use ot Peru- becu almoat wholly destroyed for char
na, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giv­ coal. The present use of vast quanti­
To Chii ago, Dubuque and the
ing a full statement of your case and ties of cork In the manufacture of ! East; to l*TO Moines, Kansas City and
he will be pleased to give you bis val­ linoleum and for shipbuilding smpba the Southeast, via Chicago Great West­
uable advice gratis.
else« the importance of preserving and ernrailway. Ele. trie lighted train«.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of extending the cork forests. Spain also I’neqnalled service.
Write to J. I’.
The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, possesses great cork forests, and a few Elmer, li.
“ “
I’, A., Chicago, for informs-
years ago the exportation of wine hot- tion.
tie corks from that country amounted
Protection ot Australian Birds.
In value to >5,000,000.
He Stopped the Clock.
Australia has an ornithologists*
May—Ob! George, papa set tbs»
ion which is working hard to secure the
have been collected by M. Marcband,
alarm for 10:30 tonight.
passage of laws to protect certain hints
George—Indeed. Didn’t you remark of Marbourg. At birth the average
which are in danger of extermination
the other night that the ticking was ( weight la found to be 9 8 ounces In
it is suggested that certain inland«
monotonous and annoyed yon?
boys and 0.5 ouucea In girl«. At the should be reserved specially lor the
age of one year. 2 pounds 1.5 ounce« nutmeg pigeon.
A Musical Fish.
and 1 pound 11.5 ouucea, respectively;
Lake Batticaloa, Ceylon has the and at the eud of three year« the
Mothers will «nd Mrs Winslow's Moot >>lng
probably unique distinction of being weight has trebled. increase 1« then rtvrup ihr t«#t rrmihly tu u#o lur tbolr children
the home of musical fish. The sounds ■low. Full growth Is attained at nine­ ths toothing «a*'U
| emitted by tbeee are said to be as
teen to twenty years In men and all-
deafnban carrot
i « b
sweet and melodious as those which
teen to eighteen In women, the rneau
would be produced by a series of aool-
reach th«
adult weight lielng 8 pounds 1 ounce
di#ra*«l portion oftb# ##r 1 here U only MM
ian harps. Crossing the lake in a boat
In males and 2 pounds 10 ounces In w#y !<»cur# <!< Bin#«», and that la by c<»n«lltu-
one can plainly distinguish the pleas­
tiunal rmir«1 < < l>##ln« a# la rau#wd by an In*
ant sounds.
If an oar is dipped in the females. Loss by senile atrophy be­ flanir.l condition ot the mm *«u# hf ig of Iho
Kuktarbian Tnl< When this tubn <#l# In-
water the melody becomes louder and
von h#¥# a rumbling aoUlid n« itupar
and In women at about seventy. Tur- fltinrt'
fri t h «ring, ami when II »• rniirely « ■*•»!
mire distinct.
geueff. the Husslan author, bad one of drain«## la th»* ra#ult, and tinl«>a#tha Inflamma*
lion r#n I* taken out ami th I# lube real >rad to
Novel Fishing Feat.
the heaviest brains on record, weigh­ Ila normal « omlitton, hearltig will b* dretroyad
The details of “A Novel Fishing ing 4.7 pounds; and Gambetta's, lorevtf: nine r##ra out <>l !• O ar# ra<>aa«1 bv
catarrh, whlrh la nothing but an inrtainwd
Feat,” told by Everett Foster in the scarcely 2.8 pounds, was one of the Condition <4 the mwonja# irfa< r#
Me Will give One Hundred 1 mil are for any
September St. Nicholes, are part of an lightest.
care ot !>ra»nr#e(cauard by catarrh) that can
experience of the winter in Yellow­
The first "butterfly farm" Is said to not I«* cured by Hail # < atarrb Care. Mend lor
stone Park a few years ago. The lad have been established only a year or Pircuiara, free.
F J. ( HKNKY A CO.. Talade. O
who caught the trout, and, without two ago by the English entomologist.
Hold by bruggiRta.
Hall*# Family FtUa are the beat.
moving from hie position, swung his William Watkins, at Eastbourne, but
catch over into Nature's pot and suc­ already several similar farms bars
At ths l iars' Club.
cessfully cooked it was a young brother come Into existence In France. The
"Have you got the plane for your
of Mr. Foster; and the narrator was one object Is to rear rare genera of the
new lions» completed yet?” some one
of those who tasted the uniquely pre­
Kombycldae, the silkworm family. asked him.
pared dish and found it palatable.
They have, by crossing, obtained some
“Not quite," lie replied. "There is
new varieties, whh h sre sought after a difference of opinion lietween my
American Opium Smokers.
The number of opium smokers in the by museums of natural history. They wife and me at to the Interior arrange­
United States is estimated at 1,000,000. are also endeavoring to acclimate tn ments
Hhe says the pentry is too
Fmnce species of silkworms Indlgen large and that there are too many
Where Fishhooks Come From.
ous to other countries. The farms con­ closets.”
Practically all the best fishhooks in tain oaks, allanthua trees, pines, plum
Without another word the medal tor
the world—and nearly so of all quali­ trees, castor oil plants, and other the biggest lie of the evening was
ties—are made st Redd itch. The an­ plants the leaves of which serve as awarded to him. —Chicago Tribune.
nual output is probably 500,000,000 food for the caterpillars.
books—about 10,000,000 per week— are batched on branches protected by
ranging in size from enormous ana fe­ gauze, and, for the sake of uniform
rocious-looking shark-hooks to the tin- temperature, the Insects are often kept
ieet books for very small trontflies, In a room until after the first molting,
with a “bend” diameter of about one- when they are placed on bushes In tbs
sixteenth of an inch, 1,000 of which open air, and protected from birds
will not more than fill a good-sized by coverings of muslin or tulle.
Thank Pe ru na for Their
covery After Yens of
l’s Sarsaparilla
Female Weakness Is Pelvic
Always Half Sick are the Women
Who Have Pelvic Catarrh.
Catarrh of any organ, if allowed to
progress, will affect the whole body.
Catarrh without nervousness is very
rare, but pelvic catarrh and nervous­
ness go hand in hand. s
What is so distressing a sight as a
poor half siek, nervous woman, suffer­
ing from the many almost unbearable
symptoms of pelvic catarrh? She does
rot consider herself ill enough to go to
bed, but she is far from being able to
Knew Her Buslnesa.
Mrs. Newed—I would like a pound
of yonr best cheese.
Grocer—Yes. ma’am.
Mrs. Newed (examining it)—Why,
this cheese is (uli ol holes!
Grocer—Yes ma'am.
Tbat’s the
way it comes.
Mrs. Newed—Well, I don’t want
U; I’m not going to pay for a
pound of cbeese that contains a half
pound of boles. — Boston Journal.
The Charitable Set.
Phyllis — That young millionaire
took a great fancy to me att he ball last
night. He danced with me five times.
Uh, that doesn’t prove anything
was a charitable ball, you know.
A Second Thief.
“Some mean thiel ran off with my
umbrella today.”
“With your umbrella?"
“Well, with the umbrella I've been
carrying all week." — Philadelphia
He Was Bitter.
“John,” said the stern woman,
“wbat great man was it that wrote
‘Woman is Heaven's Beet Gift to
Man?’ ”
“He was no great man at all,”
growled the little henpecked husband.
“He wasn’t?”
“No, he was a chump.”—Chicago
Daily Nets.
“Aren’t the perfect trust and confi­
dence engaged people have in each
other perfectly beautiful I”
“Perfectly idiotic, I should say."
“Because when I was engaged I told
my future wife all about my income
and prospects, and now I can’t spend a
dollar on myself without her knowing
about it.
You know when rich, red blood ¡9 coursing through
the veins, tor it shows in the brightness of the eye, the
beauty and clearness of the complexion, the smooth, fair
Appetite poor?*/ Bowels
skin, and robust, healthy constitution. It is good blood
constipated? Tongue coated?
that imparts strength and d energy to the body and ki
keeps it in a state ot
healthful ness agd vigor. Good
C ‘ blood is the
1.5 foundation
__ 2 ’____
of good
health, ,___
Head ache? It’s your liver!
to be physically and mentally sound it must be kept pure” aud untainted.
Ayer’s Pills are liver pills, all
People with good blood possess strong,
I was in wrotohod health) my blood
steady nerves and are blest with good
appetites and digestion, and enjoy was in bad order, my gums being
sound, refreshing sleep. If we could very muoh uloerated. I began the use
Want your moustache or beard
of B. B. ■., and in a remarkably short
always maintain the purity of the time
■ beautiful brown or rich black? Use
was sound and well. My appe­
blood then we might enjoy perpetual tite Increased wonderfully and my
health, but it becomes infected and food agreed with me. X think it is a
poisoned and most of the ills that afflict fine family modlolne.
jgrr ctsos earcaim os a. r stit, ro., »»» rug » a.
humanity and undermine the constitu­
tion are caused by an impoverished
Bookmart, Ga.
or polluted condition of this vital fluid.
When the blood is diseased the skin
For three years X had Tetter on ay
loses its healthy appearance, and the
Fart of the time the disease
Measurin* Hide».
complexion, its freshness and beauty hands.
was in the form of running sores,
The ancient tanner paid an expert and becomes red and rough and full of
M| have been troubled a great deal
with a torpid liver, which produces constlpo high wages to guess at the contents of pimples and splotches. Itching, scaly very painful and oauslng me mnoh
discomfort. Four doctors said the
lion. I found CASCARETS to be all you claim
torthem and secured such relief the first trial, bls hides when sold by measure. To­ eruptions, blackheads, boils and rashes
Tetter bad progressed too far to bo
that I purchased another supply and wm com­ day an unskilled workman bands the break out upon the body when the
oured, and they could do nothing for
pletely cured. I shall only be too fled U reo-
blood is too poor or too thin and acid, mo. I took only throe bottles of B.g.g.
ommend Cwscarets whenever tbs opportunity Irregular-shaped pieces to a llttl» ma
la presentedJ. A SMITH
chine that looks something ilk» a table and is not supplying proper nourish­ and was completely cured. Thio was
»20 Susqusbaaaa Ave., Philadelphia, Pa
fifteen years ago, and X have never
with a double top, which, quicker than ment to the system. Debility, poor
sinoe aeon any sign of my old trouble.
the mind of the expert could guess It. appetite, bad digestion, restless sleep
1 reckons with exactness the square con­ and nervousness more often come from
■87 St. Paul Bt.. Kansas City, Kaa.
tents in both the metric and standaid
cause. To build up the blood, restore its lost properties and make it rich
and nutritious again is the only rational treatment, and the proper way to
get nd of skin troubles. There is no remedy like S. S. S. to accomplish thia
It's Coming to This.
and it does it promptly and thoroughly.
“Speaking of winter," said
S. S. S. antidotes and removes from the
Ish man from Towson, "I witnessed a
blood all poisons and humors, and restores
Pleasant. P*l
oteni. Tails Good Da wonderful sight to-day.”
■scd. Mavar Sic
m. er Grips 10c. 36c 60s
it to a normal, healthy condition, and in­
“What it was?" asked the easy mark
vigorates and tones up the general health.
BtaSbs aa«4r CMpaav.CMaMa.Bvelr.al. OrliH MS from Walbrook.
When rich, red blood is again flowing
•‘Anthracltel” shrieked the Towson
through your veins all skin eruption«
man, as he ducked and called for help. ..
disappear, the appetite improves, the complexion clears and you get rid of
—Baltimore News.
those miserable depressing feelings and nervousness, and enjoy once more the
When a great calamity befall« one. blessings of good health. S. S. S. is nature’s remedy for all blood and skin dis­
eases. It contains no minerals whatever, but is guaranteed purely vegetable.
Lazy Liver;
New Rain Pnxlnc-er.
Origin of Mugwump.
A couple of poUticlans argued th<
other day over the origin and meaning
of the term mugwump. The first said:
“The word was first used in the cam­
paign of 1884. It was applied to the
Republicans who repudiated Blaine to
vote for Cleveland. It Is a word from
the language of the Algonquin Indians,
and it means 'a big chief,’ ‘a person
of great importance.’ The mugwumps,
you know, all think themselves of the
greatest importance." The other poli­
tician said: "Mugwump is a slang
word of the South. It no more derives
from the Alganquln Indians than you
do. A mugwump in the South Is a
bullfrog in its intermediate stage from
the tadpole inward. It Is, in other
words, a nondescript, a creature that
Is neither one thing nor the other."
"The second derivation seems to lie
the more plausible,” said a third poll
ticlan. “I’m sure I’d like to know posi­
tive which of the two is correct”—
Philadelphia Record.
O«r B«»»trte Phr.se«.
Why do we always Ulk oi P"«'"«»"
aixl vretT " ho put> on * <o«t
JjK” ~t? We slro «.y »mUlM <>•'
SS .nd storking.. W'«o P«‘«
The latest Australian newspapers
contain particulars ot some experi­
ments, which are said to have been
more or less successful, of a novel
method of producing a downfall of
rain, says the Philadelphia ledger,
i The Inventor makes this statement:
“I claim to produce rain by send­
ing up continuously from three centers
a column of gaa made by certain
chemicals. The gas. If sent up for a
maximum of thirty two hours, will
produce rain over a range of ninety
miles at any altitude, with any sky.
and with the wind from any quarter!
j I do not need to wait until the wind
Is from the usually rainy quarter. In
one experiment I made the barometric
conditions were quit» unfavorable, yet
I produced rain. Th» gas. you see,
cause» lu the different strata of the
atmosphere a vacuum. This vacuum
Is the center of a heat storm and Is
filled by dense clouds that contain
rain. These clouds com» down with
the gravity of the earth, when the
rain descends.
“The rain Is different from ordinary
rain found In districts In which experi­
ments have been made. It Is tropical
' rain, coming from the very lofty re
glons, being alight at first, and then
later descending In heavy showers
and bucketfuls. My operations have
been conducted In an Incloaure twelve
feet by eight. Though I cannot, of
course, give away tny secret, I may
tell you that the chemicals have to
be changed In accordance with the
A Marvellous Menag«r|n.
Ths strangest menngerl» In t:,^
w rid la on an Ohio farm. Through all
the gardens, orchards and fluids llf
this curious place one meels wtlri
beasts of many kinds ingeniously
fashioned out of roots, trunks, and the
branches of trees. It Is a verltnble toy
Noah's Ark grown up.
Rather than climb the golden stairs
to heaven, a me people find it enRie,
to slide down the banister to the otb
"My mother was troubled with
consumption for many year, A
last she was given up to die Th/«
she tried Ayer's Cherry P«ctoral
and was speedily cured?'
P- »*• Jolly. Avoca, N. y.
No matter how hard
your cough or how long
you have had it, Ayer’s
Cherry Pectoral is the
best thing you can take.
It’s too risky to wait
until you have consump­
tion. If you arc coughing
today, get a botthe of
Cherry Pectoral at once.
Bras siSM i Ms.. N,.. |l.
I'oeasll r„ur -l-u-tor
It he
than .1.. aa h» .eye
It he lel",*„ .
jo lake It. Ih.n -l..ii'l tehe It It.’»!„?"■
Lee re II with him We er. wllli
Complying With the Rules.
"Here," sal-1 the doork»»|>et in ths
lobby of the playboo»«, "»hat are y01l
going to do with that Itaby earns«»?“
“Take ut In Hi’ theater.” responded
Mrs. Morphv; "ut mon th' program
thot 'l-al-iea are not admitted |g
ar’runis.’ "—Chicago Daily News.
n r#rnian#utiy Cured * IH#or nervouMMm
Q aArr nralday AUMofbr
k.rer Mrixlfi.r Frr• Bl (rial »u.it|r bi 1 a
M U U SII....UJ Ml A..» hl. I UUM¿l¿írí
Hla Particular 1.1ns.
“That new man of yours,” said p,,
proprietor of the store to ths depart­
ment manager, “seems to Im a mighty
hard worker."
“Yes,"replied tho latter; “that is
Iris specialty."
"No—seeming to."
keleraim IMiichlnw Co.
IH’C‘ ‘K mho Hit to J ohn
Tool of Morriaon Mt.. Pwtlond, <)r«fvn.
Parmiii# IhwhftR Automatic.
fault I# »• Mtum|> Puller, U*i h«>r#oj»*w#r with
two hrraea
lurry, Ku-
It no# ami lUiiUr#
nglnr# Write ui
any I blog
In tua« binary line.
Fini «U ■wtrMwnr Si,. ReW/awW, Ora.
I.U s U mm .
E».n IM.
•3.22 &'3 SHOES.£
You can aave frotn $3 lo $5 yssrlv by
wsannf W L Douglas $3 M) or $3 tho#a
• 'i « »
thal bave I mwii r«wl-
Ing you troni >»W
lo >5<S)
Tire Im­
mense B4le of W. L
lloaglaa n I mnmi pròvre
llrelr au|M*rioilty ov®r
all ollrer makre
Kohl by retali nhne
dealer# «vrrywhere.
leMtk ft>r nani« iiu«l
prie® «ni iNittom
Tkal llnttgla#
( or»
• Rai oli |>ru»e# Ibrro I#
«alo» In lleuila* »he#*.
( orona I* Ih# telalo»«!
grad# Pat.boatbor m#d*.
rntf • ulo»
Our 94 Olii t dg» l
/n# r«WM
i* stirs.
Nteee* bf m»ll, fé reni*
------- ---
cauta« frss. W. !.. IHll Gl i». BrMklsa,
Dr. C. Gee Wo
Little Liver Pills.
■net Bear Signatura of
Thl# w<»n<lwrfwl ‘‘hl-
great tMN*ati<w> ha rurv#
ih » o | i I r wiiliotii opera
bon IhBl arr glFrn ill*
to 41*. II# I'lirr# with
tltfrttoi wnndrrful I’hl*
ne#«» herbs.
IlNrkN Bit*! VrgrtBbl*'#
tlmt are entirely »»■1
known Pt rncflK'ai #<*l
. ti. <• in ih!N < i.unii '
ii 4 ÍRIII*»"" 'I0“01
th*»#* Imrnil»'«# remedlre <h>#
kiKiw# th# Mi llon of ovrt •»». ,! ffrr. J •-rrni
«-dlr#, which hr MIC* rNNfillty
dlarmirii Ih- guarantrcN tn • h »" < « Mitorh*
„ ttrrv*”!*nF**i
nia, lung, throe», rh«*iime»l#»n.
sloinach, llvrr, . ktdnryi. ro
#!<’.: fc
— '•“■"'.'"'LS
#rr him. f’aflrni#
out of ihr <*
( O.SHlh
hlRnkM nn«1 * ir iiiaiM
• "i1
The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
1|< Aider St.. Pnrtl««*. Gre«e*
P. N. U.
No J7
HRN writing to advertisers P1*“*I
III Million till#
COUGH, J&7 " t EM mAi’-Efc
CONDITIONER, a sure cure for «11 ailments from wnu
been nelns rmeal.n H.a»a I’owdere Ih. pa.l rich. m ,
OWDERS time there
her. ■ Iira.l irborSM of KjMVW 14 "< l,l’,',n,,7 r„“."‘............. .
iTbe rnmaleu HmudlM bar. «aimnl a ««‘“f
£*<•«* Dsalsvs. Mill, tic Free AS Pag. Hand Bond,
- ------- ,
ri- - I-r —
'i’|t ».«ark.
Southwick Hay Press
he Southwick has the largest capacity, la tautest amt easiest worker of any Hay 1 1,1
Henil for catalog no
l'*1 '