ktlMATH REPUBLICAN. summer out Ings Is spii-.nliiig, amias to Bell the entire tran th - Klamath Lake rail­ TIME TABLE | his huge convey. road fc„,<- Pi>k-'g:ima n >w for Lairds Il mi. rUUHflOÀV. JULY ». My if Ballaid who Is an employe . the I acltii roast. IS J.FKk. T J IS». ’ IMS. In the general sii | h - i Inti-mh-ni's office , aneeof leu! i-slHledotilil less in-aos uh v al 11.30 A. M. Insiemi of 10 A. M. ua of tin- railroad company ill Dunsmuir, I development for t l,e Tul,- Lal: laih-i. lii-r*-!oforc: thia change is made to wwr i daily f-AHHKXo».K r. vsr LOCAL NEWS, arrived lieie Satmday to visit a few It Is not ileihiltely known what i|„ prolide for a sp< < l.tl run to Hot Xo 1. So A | AM»)KAlt Hpring Htallon ! 2.29 JO 22 A II 2J» chitwood was coinplcled thia week, j tral Cafe. McCoruih'k mowers arid rakes, wire 10 27 2 -;5 1 2 24 5 O’» Fall <’tr k Mpnr Why Isn't Klamath's mall In- ught 2 CM 4 111 44 2 1 bu H Hndgn Vena, the Jeweler, for reliable II. 'I'. ( hit wood has not us yet deter cables and pulley blocks. in 1 I. »5 4 <»> '¿ . - Aï j LAI RO ¡ ii M mined whetlier hr will remain hero or via the Klamath Lake It. Geo, R. 11 urn, walclies. «’’■irdmict- with tf....... ri-jiortcd to lf Dairy, wae he*<- | have lu-eit put forth In that a<||ey will sell you Lakeview, Oregon, June 15, HMXt. " a L Gtmllx-r ..I......... L — L ,...) Mrs. R- A. Emmltt Is reported ill son, of Tacoma, Wash., mother and I A Mufllcient contest affidavit having been’ I time than now when tin- roads an- at ,i s- a- I riets.it r-,'-k orice«, 1 of fly neb» at bed rock prices, tf. st her home nerr Keno. filed in th I m office by John Berry contextanl sister of J. c. Ferguson, of tills conn- j . their Isst. In winter the udiantage ««gamut Alfred Yother« entry No. 2fiK2, mud«- I »•rank Brandon anil wife, of Merrill ty, arrived here Iasi evening to visit of the railroad, covering half the Remarkable Cure of Diarrhoea. , Feb 27. ltSf2, for NKO MKUhcC i E’„ A bW S Nh ■/ j J Hec 12 T 45 MK H E, by Allred roihera tnut gentleman. were at the Falls Tuewlay. dlBlaneo, will I m - trebled, and it. |h < onient« • . in w hich it la alleged that Alfred “About sig years ago for tlie first Yoihers has abaenieai«l land has ever been Ing point removed from there, ami tention to the (lllapldati-il sidewalks ' improved or cultivated ; »aid partlea are here­ back again ami again, and for six ordinarily one should Buffer much In­ O."o. Anderson, of Dairy, Is doing oil Main Street. by notified to appear, reap<>n great, woiM- than d- .it Ii. My husband spent that final hearing will be held at 1 o'clock p di tlie Klamath Lake railroad and its j ¿»Ilona al the Republican office. hundreds of dollars for physicians’ • >ti i>< tober 2, 1903, before) the Register and Ke- celver al the United Htatea Land Office, in II. D. Becker and George. D. Glad Oregon. Henry Davis and wife arrived here timber holdings to Michigan capital-' win, of Sun Francisco, gave a fre, pre,ci|ptIons and treatment without Lakeview. The «-aid contestant having, In a proper affi Isis, Is n mistake, so fur as we have ' avail. Flnully w>- moved to Bosque from Southern California yesterday. musical entertainment in the opera county, our present home, and one davit, filed June 15, 1903, set forth facts w hich been able to learn. »howthat after due diligence ¡erzonai r- I bouse iii ’ uim - Monday Aioriouv evening evt la-fore a large day I happened to see an advertise­ vic<- of thl» notice cannot bi made, it 1» hereby I Thus. Bull* and wife, of Merrill, Mr. ('has. Drew, of Dairy, and Miss ul id appreciative audience. Tiny ordered and directed that »nch notice be given . - — — .... H ,.,.e audience. visited the Falls the fore part of the ment of ('liamlH-rlaln's Colle, Cholera by due and proper publication. Ivy McKee, of Plcurd, Picard, were united WC rc advcYt Ishig t the lie musical In lru- t ru­ were advi’YtIshig musical In E M B ba TT aik , Register. wMt: I in .........-------- ’ 1 • 1 | nients of tin- well known house of and Diarrhoea Remedy with a testI- H abky B ailey , Receiver. marriage -• at • Yreka on tlie — 28th monlul of a man who had been rured g. 4 rec lion «. ||(, satlafaction, The muslcah- was fol- Stephen Stukcl. one of the leading from the railroad to Ciater lake. 1.. lowed by u dance, In which many of buttle of medicine, costing but. a few Town*hip :15 H, Range 15 E, by Alfred Cope» lias already arranged for the camp at ('onteatev, in which it I m alleged that Alfred cents, cured me. ” For sale by Chit ­ eitlxcn* of l’uh' lake, is a I-al's visi­ has absented himself from and the Inke, where tlie party will arrive the young people Joyfully partli-lpat- wood A Co. I C.'opaa wholly abandoned »-«.¡<1 land for more titan tor today. led. Justice Graves was master t>( i August 8. ix months U m I past and wtill continues -o to | that branch of the entertainment and wholly abandon and ab.ent MniNelf therefrom Bsnchcrs are busy having tills week. NOTICI: FOR PUBLICATION. to this date that no residence haw ever been Indiana, is in th« throes directed the maz s of the daiu-e In The crop Is reported a little short <-f ! of Evansville, « Mtablhhed thereon by said entryman or any a race war, being between the his usual expert manner. other per.'un and no poition of eaid land ha« D epartment of the I nterior , the usual yield. ever been improved or cultivated, «aid partie« | whiles and negroes. The governor j«an«•«• I I. Litu 1,5 and I to New York, Miss Gould to Chicago H akry B ailey , Receiver. \\ M. Judge Benson and Judge Baldwin ■ mid Miss Gidley to Phoenix, Arizona. |xisitcd In the upper lake and floats clown tin- river and lodges among the Mio name» tin- following witnesses to edsbrsted the Fourth with a com­ No man or woman In the state will lulcs In the lower lake. The moment prove her continuouB regi«len«*e iijmjd Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878— pany of rallnsid officials at Pokegama. Notice for Publication. hesitate to speak well of Cliumts-r- they are batched they note the and cultivation of eai«! land, viz: Sam­ Best Chicken feed on oarth -will Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets strange surroundings and their little uel Mam ami (’hatler* Martin of Fort KlaniHlh < >r.. and J. W. Jlamakar and make chlrki ns lay Cracklings 2 cents after once trying them. They always peric-ardlums Hup and tint ter for the REA DVEKTI8EM ENT. J. Louin Condon of Klamath Fall«, Or. per pound. Thus, produce a pleasant movement of the hallowed precincts of home. K. M. E kattain , Register. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, t *. C ity M k . vt M aukkt . bowels. Improve the appetite and simultaneously Inspired, all start for A t L akeview , O re ., May 9, 1902. the upper lake as fust as their dimin ­ strengtlii-n the digestion. For sale TIMBER LAND, At T JU NE 3, 1878, Judge Benson and Judge Baldwin Notice is hereby given tlist, in com­ utive legs will carry them. These by CliltwiHsI A Co. NOTIt E 1 « IB I I BUCATI« IN, will accompany a party of visitors to pliance with the provisions of the act of millions <>t toads are highly bcneliclul Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “An Crater lake the fore part of next Ashland Tidings: The remains of In destroying atomic impurities and RE ADVERTISEMENT. , act for the sale of timber lands in the week. the lute pioneer ami capitalists Henry so contribute to the Inalili of tir stHtes of California, Oregon, Nevada and Ammerman, which were interred in Many applicants for government (’ sited S tates I. akd Ornes,I in Washington Territory,” as extended climate. tlie Pb ’ M ’ iilx cemetery, were removed I Lakeview, Oregon, May 9, BM2.) to all the Public Land States by act of timber arrived In-rc this week. In W. F. Arant. superintendent of Notice is hereby given tiiat iti com- August 4, 1892, the following persons IteL crowds of them come In every to a resting place in the Ashland rem- .-tcry, last week, where a handsome Crater Luke Park, arrived here from I liance with the provisionsof the act of have this day filed in this office their week. j monument Is Is-ing erected In mem- the park Sunday, leaving on his re­ Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “An sworn statements, to-«it: For tellable Information concern-1 . ory of the deccas -d. Fannie L. Lash, turn Monday afternoon, lie had sus- A-1 for the rale of timlier land in the Ing public lands go to J. W. Hama-j pended work on Improvements to the states <>( California. Oregon, Nevada, of 350\ Gliron St., Portland, county of Mrs. R. Ella Nickerson, formerly road on account or the deep snow, ami in Washington Territory” as extend­ Multnomah, state of Oregon, sworn • • • ** X • kar; ge^ pie benefit of thirty years I of Klamath Falls, and Mrs. J. D. hut expects to be able to resume with­ ed t<> all tlie Public l.aii.l States by act statement No. 1902 for the purchase of experience. of August -I, 1892, the following ]>ersons the 84 NE>4 and EE4 NW4- I'ec Fountain, who Is well known here, lie says the have tliis, day tiled fn this office their 39 and 8W4 N W4 Sec 29, Tp 37, S R Tolx- Brons am! AVm. Bateman ar­ were competitors for the prize of in a week or ten days. season Is a month later than usual sworn statements, to-wit: 13E, WM. rived hen- yestetday on tln-lr return 85U0 for the best symlsdlcal design Mary F. Trefren, Milton J. Jones, from Likevicw where they celebrated for use In till official matter of the and Hint tourists will er the Robert II. Drew, Benjamin F. Jones, were here Tuesday on their way to It Is reported that E. 11. Hurrlman, snow In places reaches :i depth often oi Ashland, county of Jackson, state of of 174 Third st., Portland, connty of II utnlsilt county. railroad magnate, will use f7.000,- feet. Mr. Arant has had thirteen Oregon, sworn statement No. 1610 for Multnomah, state of. Oregon, sworn i Ja». ll. Driscoll retnrnttl 'I*n«-sp«ia boils-- Friday evening state of Oregon, sworn statement No.! much for the future development of an easy grade up to within two miles row, C. 8. Coiiimis-ioner at Klamath 1607. for the purchase of the SE quarter, ! »u largi-fv attended and passed off of the lake. Work on the new road tails, Oregon, on Fii .av the 4tb day of Sec. 31, T. 37 8., II. 13. E. W. M. tills state. ♦rry pleasantly for all. heptember, 1993. w ill soon begin. Christian L. la>ng, Last Satiirdiiv c. H. Withrow ’ They name as witnesses: Mary F. of 174 Third St., Portland, county of MI m True A”. :> who has been here ' dosed a d,n) hr the purchase of the' AL. I-ITCH DHAlf. Trefren, G. W. Trefren, Roheit II. Multnomah, state of Oregon, sworn «Idling the family of Alex Martin, Drew of Ashland. Or., .I. 8 Fullee >•! statement No. 1608, for the purchase • 4»psltcd yesterday morning for her business building and thlr'y-six feet on Main stied of c. C. Maltby, con ­ ph R. Delvendahl .of the S half NW quarter and N half Shake, Or. mil Jose, Al. Fitch, wim rims a saw mill near Kin« at Oakland, Cal. sideration Is-lng $1250. Messrs. Malt­ Dairy, was injured v< sU-rday by n log of 8t. Frnnci«. Minn. SW quarter, Sec. 32. T. 37 8., R. 13 E., Any and ail pcr-oii. claiming adverse­ W. M. U‘.,„C. M al thy A Son, saddle and by A Son retain possc.-shm fur their rolling on hiiu. Wlu n f- imd lie was That they will offer proof to show harness makers. Iiave dissolved part-, saddle and harness business until No­ unconscious. Full paiiiculars we ly the .ilsive•■le-ei ila-d kinds are request­ ed to tile their claims in this office on or that the land sought is more valuable | Main Street, Near Bridge, Klaniath Fallé, rrship, the former retaining and vember I. Mr. Withrow will build haven’t learned. before suit 4tb day 4 Heptemlier, 19u3. for its timber or stone than for agricul­ out liming the busiui ss. a vault and is-cupy tin- building wlth| Later Justus we go to press we 11. ” . llegliter. tural purposes and to establish their claim to said lan Cyras D. Fowle. of Portland, Or.,and »hlnglu R,,gU(. r|Ver f(mrlecn n„|,.H Pierce, Misses Lena Applegate. Maud I pliance w ith I tie provisions of the act of J. O. Hamaker, of Bonanza, Or. Baldwin, Edna Clark. Clara Stock-1 FRO.T DRV PRAIRIE. Congre-s of June 3, 1878. entitle-i “An t,lal lown' 0,1 of last well, Louise Lee, Mis. M. A. Lewis, act for the sale <>f timber lands in the 1 Any and all persona claiming adverse­ Jdst received a shipment of Gloves front | Mrs. C. C. Lewis, Mrs. A. Caste!, Miss Dora (loss spent Friday and states of California. Oregon, Nevada, ly the above-described lands are re­ X; S- Morrill, Of Merrill, mid Fred Mrs. Win. Terrill, ami Washington Territory,” as extend­ quested to file their claims in this office Messrs. Alva Saturday at her home In Bonanza. Carson, Carrier & Co. on 01 before said 17th dav of August 1903. Wil.».-, .g j.-,,!! Klamath, arrived Lewis, Robt. Baldwin, Harry Weber, The school is now being held in ed to all the Public Land States by act E. M. BRATTAIN, Register. P 1 UPKr'ir. •hg by Hie pastor nt 11 n. in. and 8 p. Janssen, all of Klamath Falls, Or. Guaranteed. ’"’’D- andki 1,0 Kln,”a,h cotmtv teaching proi'eaalorii Any and all tiersons claiming advert«)- Any and all persotn« Claiming adverse­ Iff. ! Olii Istilli) Endeavor al 7:15 p. in.; BLUK PRlNtff ,ro"f fhein HuP,e Pr"ln|8CR to Im A Nan Frartclacd paper reports tliiit prayer service nt, 8 WedncAiay even­ ly the above-described lands are re-1 ly the sliove-deacrilwd lands are re- J/so Agent for LONDON AND furnished of any lands In Klamath ,,’nested fo file their claims in this office quested to file their claims In this office !n er boore-.11.1 I'Hh ol dnv of July on or before raid 1st rtav of August, *tatlriiuv.A.r'>P',l'‘’,on ttH "le 300,000 acres In tlie Tule lake section to all to attend all services. LANCASHIRE FIRE INS CO mi;!. p M. r.H.irr.iis, Kegutcr. > PMlt. K. M. Bn attaiis , Register Carrecttonn received dally; W. G. S mith , Pastor. fpot on the <-(fast for I i of Klamath county and Is preparing ELECTRIC C ash S tore Just Received 1000 Yards of RAJAH CLOTHl For Wrappers, in Red, Navy, Cadet Blue and Grey Will be Sold for the Next Two Weeks at II cents per yard. Regular 12 l-2c Goods L F. Willits, Prop Hammocks Camp Outfits Fishing Tackle Wall Paper and Furniture AT Baldwin’s, the Hardware Dealef Hotel Linkville... I. W. BURRISS, F>roi>. Headquarters for AH Stage Linesi. Rates $1.50 and $2.00 per day. a j Ófegdiì; MOUSED CLOVES I I I c < > .• JUST RECEIVED I* Hats and Shirt VV aists reduced in price. I; Shirt Waists, Ladies ready made Muslin Underwear and all kindd of Ladies Furnishings always on hand. MAYLONB'S NEW MILLINERY STORE. I am here to Stay, and have a Full Lin£ oi r. k 1. ». ■. t- (• MILLINERY GOODS AND INFANTS' APPAREL HOTEL BARBER SHOP. C. H. WITHROW, LA H •*1