Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, July 02, 1903, Image 4

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    Yon write roar first name very well
indeed, Mies Pinkie,” criticised tbe
writing teacher, “but you make a sad
botch of it.“
“What is the difference, Mr. Spen­
cer?” caked tbe pretty girl. “I expect
to change the Johnson part of it some
rood does not «trengtbeu.
Sleep doe» not refrvah.
It is hard to do. hard to beer, what '
Kould be easy, — vitality Is ot> th» ebb, and 1
he whole system suffers.
For this condition lake
i Short Qtoriej
"u shmibl write me a testimoulal.'
“A testimonial?”
“Yes; you might say : ‘Dear brother,
once I was a timid, delicate girl, tut
■Jutta using your mllara, slilrt» ami
1 have become a ns # woman.”—»•
delpbia Piera.
Borne months ago David Wallace, of
»3 White street l»ugbt a pedigreed
cocker spaniel aud bad It registered.
A month ago It disappeared. Venter
day Wallace says be found the span­
iel at the residence of Peter W.
Lott 131 Frankfort street and tried to
I^ott objected.
take It
caught the dog by the tall.
grabbed It by tbe head; both tugg<d
away with the dog as the connecting
Mrs. Lott flourished a broom
and a uiau named Buck waved a rusty
Just as It looked as If the dog would
be yanked apart, Sergt. McAllister ami
Patrolman Cook hove upon the scene
aud lugged dog, Wallace, Cook. Mrs.
Lott aud Buck, with broom aiwl rusty
revolver, to the Fifth precinct station,
Capt Furtherer assumed a Hague ar-
bltratlou role, but failed to bring
Mr. Dog was lock d
about a truce,
up and the owners were sent away,
to appear In court to-<lay and prove
"Peter," said the court to Interpre-
ter Lauer, "bring forth A Cocker
Spaniel from cell 13.”
"Who?" said Peter.
"Your honor,
there's no one else In the 'pit' ”
"Yea,” smiled the court, "bring forth
the dog.”
A moment later Lauer appeared with
the prisoner on th* and of a lout
“I know of no precedent for auch a
proceeding,” said Attorney F. L.
Dutcher, who appeared for Wallace,
“except that of King Solomon. That
case Is not annotated In our codee.
Nevertheleea, I am satisfied for the
court to decide tbe ownerahlp.”
“Well,” remarked the court ••la
Lott here?”
Lott was called, but there was no
answer. A pause followed,
“Suppose,” suggested Mr. Dutcher,
"that you let the dog decide whether
or not Wallace Is the owner.”
Tbe suggestion was adopted. The
dog was allowed to run loose,
sniffed the air, barked, uearly tumbled
Charlie Hart over by running between
his legs and finally rounded up be­
fore Wallace. The dog yelped, whirled
around and allowed every Indication
of Joy.
“I guess that’s Wallace's dog.” sa d
the court.
"That evidence satisfies
me.” The dog was turned over to
Wallace.—Rochester Post Express.
A little boy 1“ hla night drew w«a
on hla knees, saying bla prayera, an»
It vitalises the blood, gives vigor and tone bia little sister could not realst th»
to all the organ« and functions, and is temptation to ticklo tbe solea of bla
positively unequalled for all run-down or feet Hs stood tt as loug «s b» could,
debilitated conditions.
and then said: “PleasA God. excues
UoSD‘« H lu curs MualignUoa. a esnu. ’
me while I knock the stuffin' out of
Orest Instltatioa.
Lady—Education is a great thing.
“And what la your opinion of Mrs
Sandy—Indeed it is mum. How
Humphry Ward?” an euthuaUastie
could I ever know what dey had far free
American boat,»» onco aaked of an
lunch if I didn’t anow how to read?
English literary lady of world wide
distinction. The visitor politely made
Hla Only StandarJ.
an effort to recall the name, and then
Every workftilT »*»> who ** "*’*
“8c von refuse to believe that wire­
answered with balf-closed eyea and
less telegraphy is really practical?”
well H eortlliilly invite
weary Intonations; “1 m told she is a
“No.” said the capitalist, who al­
to Mrs. Pinkham.
▼ery Industrious woman.
ways figurescloeely, “I don’t say that.”
for ntiviee; it 1» frtM «y «l',,"’ “u1‘l
During tbe beat of tbe recent trou­
hns restored thousand« to bcaltn.
" Wouldn’t yon believe the evidence of
bles lu Venezuela, w b<u the coast was
your own sense?” “Yes. But I have
Salt Codfish Chowder.
blockaded and starvation was staring
Diss Paine’s Experience.
no evidence as yet. I’ve never made a
Wash one pint of salt codfish broken 60 per cent of the people In the face,
“I want to thank you for what you
dollar out of it. ’—Washington Star.
Into flakes and put to soak over night Stephen Bonsai was surprised to fiud
hare done for me. and ’T«’“"''"'*
Cut half a pound of salt pork Into dice, President Castro enjoying himself at
E. Pinkham « V’K<’‘“''J®
Cause tor Rejoicing,
fry crisp and brown, and tn tbe fat
Compound to .11
Bix—Does your wife play the Pi- fry two onions chopped Into fine dice. a picnic at La Victoria, where cham­
keeps them standing on their I"«*
pagne was flowing like water. "I did
Put in tbe soup pot a layer of flaked not succeed In concealing, nor did 1
the store. The doctor said I must
fish and a layer of thinly sliced raw very much try to conceal, my astonish­
stop work : he did not
that a girl cunnot afford to stop work­
Bix — Ik>ee she play any musical potatoea Sprinkle with onion, fried
ment at the scenes which met my eye,”
ing. My back ached, my appetite was
pork, add a dash of flour and pepper. he says. "I had certainly thought to
pjT.r, I could not sleep, ami »'‘’»•I™*-
Dix—None whatever.
Cover with a layer of split crackers. find our ally otherwise engaged. But
lion was scantv and very painful. One
Bix—That’s good.
You ought to Continue in this order till the fish and
gay when suffering 1 commenced to
why should you wonder?' said Castro,
be proad of ber accomplisbmenti.
one quart of sliced potatoes bsve been noting my surprise; 'our part is played.
take I.ydia E. Pinkluuu. 5 ere­
table Compound, aud found that
used. Over this pour two quarts of We have picked the quarrel, and now,
It helped luo. 1 continued its use, and
milk and allow the chowder to simmer blessed be the Monroe doctrine, our
soon found that my menstrual periods
very gently for one hour.
role la finished, and tbe fighting must
were free from pain and natural,
be done by el t'.o SamueL All the pa­
everyone is surprised at the change in
Ore ham Muffins.
and I am well, and cannot be too
For twelve muffins there will be re­ pers In the case I have given to your
grateful for what you have done tor
quired half a pint of graham, half a minister, who goes to Washington as
me"— Miss JASKT PAtss, MO Meat
pint of flour, one generous tablespoon­ my attorney.’ ‘Y'ee. viva la Doctrlna
J33th St.. New York City. — ff.ooe
ful of sugar, one tablespoonful of but­ j “Monroey!”' exclaimed Tello Men­
if crititral of about Ittitr
ter. half a teaspoonful of salt one tea­ doza, the witty muleteer whom Castro
m < at
spoonful and a half of baking powder, has made secretary of the treasury; “it
Take no gubstitute, for it 1«
one egg. and two gills and a half of spares us sleepless nights, and gives
Lydia E. Pinkham’« Vegetable
milk. Mix the dry Ingredients and rub us time for plcnlce.”
Compound that cures.
through a sieve. Turn tbe bran from
A well-known English lady novelist,
the sieve Into tbe mixture. Beat the whose enemies accuse her of taking
egg till light and add the milk to It herself somewhat too seriously, was
Their Idea.
Stir this Into the dry mixture. Add entertaining a party of her friends,
"Here, here," said the fishmonger,
the butter, melted, and beat well for and conversation ran largely upon her
“what in the world are them people
half a minute. Bake In buttered muf­ new book. One young man In the cir­
around th' stall luffin’ at, anyway?”
fin pans for half an hour In a moder­ cle bad not read the work. "According
“Diey’re laltin at that sign wot says:
ately hot oven.
“Our tish are unequalled—Nothing in
ly, on rising from tbe table, and by
■Butt Bear Signatura «*
This .Market Comes Near Them.’ Peo­
way of abstracting himself from the
Reception Rolle.
ple say that’s ’cause they swell so
Scald one cup milk, add one table- talkers who were still worrying their
bad.”—Baltimore Herald.
apoonful sugar, one-quarter cup of but­ conversational bone." says the London
ter and one-half teaspoon salt. When Outlook, “he fixed bis eye« on a fe­
True Life.
lukewarm add one yeast cake dis­ male portrait which adorned the draw­
True life is not measured by nuggets
solved tn three tablespoonfuls luke­ ing-room wall. Coming softly behlud
of gold, by stocks and bonds, by billets
warm water and one and one-half cups him, the lady novelist significantly
of steel or by cars of coal, but by devo­
bread flour. Cover and let rise, then said, 'I think I know what you are
tion to the service of Jesus Christ.—
add yolks of two eggs and flour to , thinking—that that picture reminds
Rev. K. 8. Holmes.
knead. Let rise, shape, again let rise. ! you of Frederick«.’ ’Of Frederieka.'
j replied the young man. blankly, 'what
and bake tn a hot oven.
C|TC Permanenny rut«« No Ota «r narvBOMMi
Three hundred
III J after rtrtt !aO
f l»r Klia»'«Gr«at N«rv»
| Frederieka Y 'My Frederieka,’ return- struck for higher wages In Philadel­ I ¿Uau>r«r
Ren<l n>r Fit EES'J.OOtrial bocü«and treoB
| ed tbe novelist, with surprise, for her
L b . R. U K hni . Ltd. all ArrbSL. PhiladalpiUBsFB
81ft Into a bowl one cupful of flour latest heroine bore that name. Then phia In 1786 were the first working
Between Friends.
and a saltspoonful of salt Beat one the unbeliever pulled himself together men to adopt such tactics In this coun­
Yery light add to It one cupful of ‘No,’ said he, with a Judicial bead try. The first railroad strike occurred
Mayme—I hear you are going to be
sweet milk. Stir this gradually so that shake, 'that Is not my notion of your in 1877.
married again.
It will not be lumpy, Into the flour, Fredericks.' And he plumed himself
Edyth — Again? Why, I’ve never
A Parisian clothes dealer kicked a
give It two or three vigorous beatings I on having got well out of the bobble. dog out of bls shop. Tbe dog shot out been tied up as yet
"No; but I can't recall the number
and pour it into heated gem pans that But It was yet early for self-gratula- with some rapidity and knocked over
have been well greased, Fill them tlon. ‘Come, then,' returned bis host­ a woman with a Jug of milk. The of times you were going to be.”—Chi­
about half full and bake them U> a ess, seductively, ’come and nit down woman broke the Jug and upset an cago Daily News.
Must Ba Delightful Climate.
here beside me. and you shall tell me elderly gentleman, and the Jug cut
Water freezes every night of the year very quick oven.
Why the Editor Skipped.
what your notion of my Frederick:! both of them. At that moment a cy­
Codfish with Vegetables.
at Alto Crucero in Bolivia, while at
An editor of a small American paper
Freshen codfish and cut It In chopa la.’"
clist arrived and was thrown off his
noonday the aun is hot enough to blia-
recently stated that he had l*en kite,!
about three by elx Inches In slse. Put
machine by the prostrate figures, and by one of the most beautiful married
ter the flesh.
Into hot water and set on the stove
simultaneously a cart came up am! women in the town. He promised to
where It will barely simmer. Bolling Want! Need a Hnbetitute for It Now­ smashed the bicycle. The magistrate tell her name in the first issue of his
Treats Her Like An Angel.
blandly advised the entire squad to paper next month. In two weeks the
Ethel—She’s sorry enough that aha hardens the fiber of fish as it does of
meat When the fish la perfectly ten­
■tarried him, I’ll wager.
Lucy Locket, tbe Immortal woman proceed against the dog, and they are circulation of bis newsppaper doubled.
Mabel—The idea! How can you say der, drain, pour over It a butter sauce who lost her pocket. Is hardly so much now looking for It
But when he gave the name of his wife
that? He thinks her a perfect angei, and aerve for dinner with mashed po­ to be pitied as we are. In her case it
A remarkable sea monster was re- he had to leave town.
tatoes, beet plcklea and boiled car- was found, but nobody can find our cently caught In Port Fairy Bay
and tresta her—
Ethel—As though she really were rota.
pockets for us. Man. happy creature, some fishermen. It measured nine
one. He doesn’t buy her anything to
Is a marsupial. He Is blessed with feet six Inches In length, had a tall
Creamed Ojetera,
To Chicago. Dubuque snd the
wear.— Tit-Bits.
Clean and parboil one pint oysters. more pockets than be knows what to like that of tbe screw tail shaft, no
East; to I>ee Moines, Kansas City
Drain and reserve liquor for making do with, but poor, unfortunate woman, teeth, a nose like a rhinoceros, a bead and th« Southeast, via Chicago Great
Rubbing It la.
with styles in their present state, baa like an elephant two dorsal fins, four
v three
UAX & v- v <a
u vs xzux
usass table-
v<* v/ic
Western Railway.
Electric lighted
Weaver—Who^ was the fellow who spoonfuls butter, add five tablespoon­ not so much as one little pocket in side fins and two steering fins. The
trains. Unequalled service. Write to
Just stopped you?
fuls flour and pour on gradually oyster which to bestow her handkerchief.
skin was black and very soft. The J. P. Elmer, G. P. A., Chicago, for
Deaver—That was my old barber.
A weekly bereavement In this latter most experienced fishermen say the information.
liquor and milk or ______
cream ________
to make one
“Does he usually stop yon on the Bn(j one-half cups liquid. Season with line fit of common occurrence and In specimen Is altogether new to them.
salt pepper and celery salt Bebeat the course of time becomes a severe They cannot hazard a guess as to the
Center of the Universe.
“No, but he knows I’m shaving my­ oysters In sauce.
strain. As for purses they only too species. Tbe fish has been sent on to
The cross is the center of the uni­
self now, and be just wanted to gloat
often go the way of tbe handkerchiefs. the Melbourne museum.
verse. It is the pivot around which all
Indian Meal Soup.
over me,”—Philadelphia Ledger.
Prepare this as a hasty pudding, and The bell-shaped sleeves rendered hope­
In a certain office at an Australian the great events of history revolve.
then thin It with hot milk to a creamy less the military trick of tucking one's railway station there may bave been The historian and the philosopher, us
Not Even a Comparison.
truly as tie theologian, must build
consistency, and It can be served with handkerchief up It, but with new cuffs
La Moyne—You did not seem much a dish of crisp, hot pork scraps cut ; there comes a gleam of returning hope, seen a very long list of names of wom­ their studios on Calvary.—Rev.R. S.
disturbed by the rumpus
very small. Try It before you decide j The majority of them are tight-fitting the booking clerks to let them have, McArthur.
“No, I beard my wife discharging
dice jat th® wrist the fullness suddenly
that you will not like It 1 Small
------ -------
without payment, tickets to various
Willing Sacrifice.
the cook before I left home.*'—Chicago
of bread fried like doughnuts are good spreading out several inches higher up places. They have forgotten their
Will Change— I’m thinking of tak­
Daily News.
wltn it
purses, or lost them, or spent their ing a wife.
! pretty, for It will supply the abiding
last penny on a new pair of glove«.
place for tbe long absent pocket. A and various reasons. They will
call welcome.
little envelope-shaped receptacle could the very next day and refund
Î i-
be easily fastened to the Inner side of money without fall. But there
the left sleeve, in the fullness, Just big names and addresses lie.
with the
enough to contain two or three small amount of the borrowed money writ­
necessaries. Then a flap could be at­ ten opposite.
tached to button over. A Russian
The first Iron ship has more reputed
blouse or bolero affords opportunity
birthplaces than Homer, according to
Rheumatism does not come and go with winter
Chambers' Journal. Both the Clyde
time always; in fact some suffer more during the side. For summer frocks a separate and the Mersey claim pre-eminence In
Spring and Summer than at any other season. Whea pocket Is pretty, made of the 'material this respect. Sir E. J. Robison of Ed­
the blood is charged with Uric Acid, Alkali and other of the gown or some harmonizing silk. inburgh designed
an Iron vessel In
irritating poisons, then the system is in the right At all events let us have the pocket
1816, which was not launched till
condition for Rheumatism to develop, and an attack somewhere.—Brooklyn Eagle.
three years later, and It Is said that
is liable to come at any time. Winter or Summer.
an Iron boat wns worked on the Sev-
In His Ovra Home, Too.
Rheumatism, because it attacks different parts of
"How much do you think that story em even as far back as 1787. Steel
the body, and is sudden or slow in its action, is given
various names snch as acute and chronic, muscular, Is worth?" he asked when bls wife had was not used In the construction of
AVcfjctable Preparationfor As­
merchant ships' bulls until 18,’>9. Old
articular, inflammatory,mercurial and sciatic, but it is finished reading It
"Oh, I should think you ought to salts were not alone In their belief
similating iheFoodandRegula-
the same old acid blood that causes all. Some a<
constant sufferers, while others have only occasional spells of Rheumatism have got |25 or |30 for IL” sb» re that wood was meant by Providence
Ung (lie 5 toiaachs and Bowels of
but either kind is wearing upon the constitution, and in time producaf plied.
to float, but Iron to go to tbe bottom.
I I nfan is.-’C h 11. n k t: n
stiffness in the muscles and j'oints, and sometimes the acids thrown off bj
“I got |100,” he asserted proudly.
A naval constructor of some repute
the blood settle upon the valves o’ the
“Dear me!’’ she commented, "how once said: “Don't talk to me of Iron
heart and ends suddenly and fatally.
reckless some people are with their ships. They are contrary to nature.”
Promotes Digestion,Cf»erFuf-
After being terribly crippled fot
It won’t do to let Rheumatism three
Now none but small craft are built of
yeara with Bheumvtism, and
ness and Rest Contains neither
run on. It is a dangerous disease, and having tried well known remedies I
wood In this country.
Opium.Morphine nor Mineral
Did Not Want to Overcharge.
you can never tell where it is going to could get no relief. And having
ot N ah c otic .
■trike. Home remedies, plasters, lini­ read of the wonderful effects of
"Doctor," said the shrewd looking
Christening a Kailway.
ments and such things as produce 8. 8. 8., I concluded to try it, and man, "bow many feet of gas does it Engineers are, as a rule, aternly util­
counter-irritation, are soothing and sun happy to say that I was entirely take to kill a man?"
itarian, but there are occasions on
may relieve the pain temporarily, but cured, and am able to work as well
“That's rather a queer question,” which they Indulge In sentimental
the polluted, acid blood cannot be as I ever did
said the doctor. "Why do you wish to practices. One of these occurred the
I oheerfully recommend 8. 8. 8. to know?”
reached by external applications.
other day on the completion of the
Au* .tn*r «
Rheumatism must be treated
“One of the guests of my hotel used first transcontinental railway In Afri­
and will say that if they will con*
through the blood, and no remedy tlnue the treatment, as per direc. enough of It to kill himself and I want ca. When the plate-laying gangs from
brings snch prompt and lasting relief tions, they will And a permanent to send In a proper bill to bis execu­
•a S. S. S. It attacks the disease in cure.
tors.”—Philadelphia Press.
came within twenty chains of each
the blood, neutralizes the acids, and
AperfeeI Remedy forConsfiM-
other a telegram was sent to the con
removes all irritating poisons and effete matter from the system.
Knowing Old Bachelore.
. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoen
S. S. S. strengthens and enriches the thin acid blood, and, as it circu­
Newlywed—What do bachelors know
Worms .Convulsions .Fewnsh-
arrived on the scene. The rails were
late« through the body, the corroding, gnawing poisons and acid deposits about women?
<ness nnd Loss of S leep .
■re dislodged and washed out of the muscles and joints, and the sufferer Oldbach—Lots; otherwise they would Joined and two engines proceeded
slowly toward each other from each
is happily relieved from the discomforts not be bachelora—Philadelphia
Fac Simile Signature of
Itec- side. Attached to the drawhead of the
and misery of Rheumatism.
S. S. S. is a purely vegetable remedy,
engine from Salisbury was a bottle of
does not contain any Potash or mineral
champagne, and as the two engines
A Sunday Occupation.
of any kind, and can be taken with
“He’s an agnostic.”
met it was broken and the new rail
safety by old and young.
“Yes, but what does he do the otber way was named In the orthodox man
Rheumatic sufferers who write US six days?"—Detroit Free Press.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
Little Liver Pills.
Alwos look lot «hte
KI m T, knot Kli. h. u Kind “ I »>• “•'»« »' •
iut «not«, ash»« or heal
Mak« coiulorlaUI»
I 'i
It’s Impossible for you
not to look old, with the
color of seventy years in
your hair I Perhaps you
are seventy, and you Ij^
your gray hair! If not
use Ayer’s Hair Vigor,
In less than a month your
’iair will have all thc
rich color of youth.
Nature's Drts.m iking.
Coakley—Diti you •*” lutee that i
the average poet in destri Ing a winter
landscaiHt slwayi «peake of its "mantle
of snow?"
Joakley—Naturally. The mantle of I
snow la the land's cape.—Stray Molle«
SI M • touto.
The Londou Morning Post
If your ttniffirlBl runnut bi ¡>|y ¥,
«ritti ua <»»• dollar Bud Mr» w hi j
Canadians never fought for their ex in­
iou a iMitth». I»« am« and «iv«. u...,
terne To the shadraof D ora Canadians
Í yvur u«'MrBBt »• «i r.
t.u, .
J t . A V rlt ttt. U.»..,..
who fought end loll in th« wnr of l»l>
this information must be somewhat sur­
H •• much longer ago sit c.<
Britons fought for their exis out». Ths
Canada*« Vaal Tlmbrr Supply,
British wars of lite past two centU'iae
The standing I Imber <»f Canada
have all been fought in lorelpn lands.— that of the continent of Europe and ,
Montreal Herald.
nearly double that of the I 'nit«»4 stat*
Thor« I« mor« Cstarre in tnn section of tn»
country than all »tl.rr dlarasra pul (..«rlhur,
and until the last (<•>» yeara wa. aui i®«-<1 I" bo
- --------
-- ♦•■srid .. tor, f
incumbí! -
nnunred It a hx al dlwa.», and i.rrarrlbed locai
rtinedIM, and by ron-lanily Ullti« to cura
with local treatment, pronminead It Incurable.
Helenen ba, proven catarrh to be a condii».
Ilona) dl.ea»e. and therefore require! eonillttt.
ti it1 • - t sürrh ' i lie«. «Man.
jiiü«lir»«ino nl .
ut» lurrd by F J l’b»n«» A Co , T>. ■ 4». Ohio,
t,tl>«onlyconilitullon«! r»r«»> II.« m«rk«u
it I« takra lm«rnelly tn do” « from 10 <tror>« te
alrsapoontul. It
dlrr.lly *n ti n blood
«nd Bucoui »urlsee«ot the«y«i«»
iher vff«r
on« hundred doll«r. tor *ny <«”’ it l«il«u>
cure Heud tor circulars and t«!tleionl*le AU-
F J < HI SKY a< O.. Toledo, O.
tu.iA by Drunl'i..
H«H'| •«indy Hin ere th« hot.
Wag»» and Coat.
The American elio« manufactura
pays higher wages than the Englig
manufacturer, but the vest <>f making
shoe is less because < f the gréa er «il?
lency of the Amer! an workman.
ism < «•■•dirs to Job n I
loot of Mo<fl»on Street. I'urthnl Or»»®.
'1 hr KU (iaaollnr I ngttir A child < an run •
Valvra an«l all working part« cowr, .| u>.
‘ '
tlr <>a«Dllur and then gti l<> «t«r|.
\\ Iitr tvr IHu«tratr«1 ra’Bl.'tfit
on anything you nocd In the ma« hi i«ry I ih ,
R«»,on for Mope.
“So you think ihe could learn to love ♦«♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦•eeeeeeeee«
you?” «ahi the clora friend.
Vou ran largwljr lt>rrra«r tLr »(l
your rr»t> by u«|i>« <>ur «¡»v< lai fvrliUl
"It i»n't imjMNeihle. She like, cav­
era W rlta fur ptl««a
ilare and olive« and anchoviea and all
■orla of odd thing«.—Waahingtou Star.
Little Chance.
“.Madam.'' said the leader of the bri­
gands, “we’ll have to hold you until
your husband ransoms you.'*
“Alas,’’ replied the woman “I wish
I'd treated him a little better.”—Chi­
cago Post.
•I bavB fouB IA
001 PER CENT Off
UU3 On ill Pickit Saadi
F or ordern <»f II .(X) or inure
(Th!« <1oe« not Include
III <|Uanl|iy j
H lu Iba inarkvl w
valuable aid and helpful advice from our
about their case
___ will
In order to win success a man must
Not Worried by Hie Mistake.
physicians, for which no charge is made. We will mail free our specia
Irate Guest (No. 48)— I didn't
QU Rheumatism,
WMJW* is
am the
waawi result
awmua. of
va years
jurr.o of practical
«M.fcax.«*a experience
««.aav« IO
ii first fall In love with his work.
treating thia disease. It contains much interesting information about all The world has no time for a vision you to wake me up at 5 o’clock.
Bell Boy—Didn't yer? Well, mebbe '
kiada of Rheumatism,
9mT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA, ary man-untll after be geu there.
it wux No. M.—Detroit Free Preas.
w - ajzws
«reda or
I«A I root Sir»»«. I»«»t-AItuul, <>■-«.
•! a U»B w •«!»•«• a
MW Mubsaii et. Da Mull. MleA-
Using A*
riMMDt. ralatabt«. i'triit T b MB Good
Good. Never Hicten, Weaken or Uilj e IUc,
Write f >t
a «
PbnruHr. Cta
Riephcre Hr n J3t
P. N. U.
*• -•<>
Thought Us Dead ?
We're Very Muclt Alive.
S. B. Headache and Liver Cure Still Do-
Ing Its Great Work, S. It. Cough Syrup,
livery body lakes It. livery bo J y Likes II.
Scarcely a Day..
I bum »» but wr are called upon tn perform
►•n r dlrth-tilt dental <'|*ration that la
the direct reaMltof nefflerlin« the trrth
We ■ anm • urge too • >nflj tbe
• i tl ecruiorny of t -«»ns iltin< a <!rntiet at
the verjr nr«t w I kii of t< > th trouble
the »tart the«« IroUblew are Corrected
quick)« and at »mall coat (>ur rnatho l«
are | am Iva« and our work guaranteed
Both 'phone*' Oregon Month .’Jflj
< • lumbia »»
<>r»rn eveumga UU »’
hundajs from » to U
Wist” BROS ..
rumi.*™, imatrns.
a .
, nurd and WsshlnfUn Ms
An All the Year Round Disease»
Six* J
: eeeee«eeeeaeaeeeeoeeee*4
■•«•■•■I «»< *h® b«w®la. not b«ii<g Bb'B lu
bdjvb CbBiw
br uainf hot »alar iniretlona.
Chronic couatlpatloa for
yaara iilaabd nta In
Ibia tarrilDa eondiiiun; durmn that lima I did ar-
•rytbiu« I baa rd of butnaver found an» relief «ueb
■ *i mj raw uiilll I began ualiif < Abi Alik IN I
bo « bare from one tu tbn a passage« a dar and If I
«as rich I would give IMAJ til for each n.. »•n eul, H
la such a relief.'
a 11 m » h I. H i nt
"My hslr was falling out m
turning gray very faat. Hut vow
Hair Vigor stopped the falling ¿J
restored the natural color.” ,\)r
E. Z. Benomme, Cohoes, N. y ’
Tho Kind Yon ITavo Always Bought, and which has been
la use for over 30 years, Ims borne tho Klgrnituro of
and has been mtuln under his per­
sonal supervision «Ince its lnfiuicy«
All Counterfeits, Imitations unil “ Just-as-good” are lull;
KJyeriments that trifio with and endanger tho health <>C
■““““a and CliUdreu—Uxpcrlcuce aguinst Kxpcrlmcut»
Cmtorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pnro-
BWic, Drops and Mouthing Syrups. It is Pleaannt. 16
contains neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Narcotlo
«ubstanco. Its ago is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cure« Diarrhoea and Wind
T®“®*’ « «Moves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation.
*n<l Flatulency. It ussimilates tho Food, regulate» tho
«tomachand Bowels, giving healthy anti natural Bleep,
uhlldren’e Paimcea-The Mother’s i’ri«.»d.
Soars tho Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought