cocerles and Dry Goods. nd re th The Du fly Co E R. REAMES. Vice President. dent of the United States and the eit- lie stolen but these cliargm Cl' H d dorsenient of tiie Seerelatv ot the ill- upon Issue jollied f»l nil '»•' terior. Now can nnv «»lie explain clnneiy of the land department id'* how lands can be acquired wrongfully liven nt work In every I1"11 , |'- Published every Thursday by from the United States without false state ami not n single case of fraud I* and perjured testimony un­ found. Tlii'ti tilia dougty polltlckt" WESLEY O. SMITH, affidavits less it be in rases where there Is nil bethought him of a plan, he Illis all | appeal from tiie Commissioner of Hie the mail bags with stereotyped let I cis E ditor and P roprirtor . General Land Office to tiie Secretary addressed to the Individual voter» of the Interior, and I know of no Im­ ground out (not copyrighted) on •VBM'RIFTION RATU I portant case where tiie Secretary lias t wo different machines, one kind <>f O b « year (tn advance).................... »2 00 reversed Hermann, except tiie ease in argument for »uppotu'd democrats and Lake county where tiie Hon. Secre­ an entirely different prescript ion for [THURSDAY. M ay 28, BMW tary took a large tract of land from republicans; to tlie latter tlie plea tiie homesteaders and gave it to n was made that Hermann had lieen | put out of the general land office and corjroration. If false affidavits have been made was not in favor witli tlie present ad REPUBLICAN TICKET. and perjury lias repeatedly been com­ | ministration; Mr. Reames W iin an in­ mitted in Jackson. Josephine, Luke nocent, pure young man, of course For Congressman—1st District. and Klamath counties and lands have being o|>|s«ed to tlie administration been acquired by those means then, politically could offer no promise of NON. BINOER HER MANN, being aide to accomplish any tiling of Douglas County. why is it that Mr. Reames, the dem­ for tlie |ieopk' of I Is state, lint ought ocratic candidate for Congress and district attorney of tills Judicial Dis­ to lie elected as a rebuke to ob­ man Hermann. Special Election June 1, 1903 trict, sworn to enforce tiie laws of noxious “Tlie devil can cite scripture h r t Ills state and of tiie United States, his purpose. did not prosecute such casi s and send We urge every Republican In tills tiie wrongdoers If any there lie to the An evil soul producing indy witness I district to be at tiie polls at tiie penitentiary long before their affidav­ is like a vllllan wllli a smiling cheek; coming election. Do not deceive its ami tilings had time to pass tiie A goodly apple rotten at tlie heart; yourself with the belief that tiiesure­ local land office or tiie general land Ob, wliat a goodly outside falscliood i ty of Hermann's election Is any rea­ office in Washington or before tiie hathl” son why you should stay at home. Do Secretary of tlie Interior recommend Of course no sensible thinking pet not think that because this Is not a ed patents to issue thereon? son ever believed these statements, general election, that it is any tiie If Reames answers that no cue tint If any lingering doubt lurked in less Important, rather, this coining made any complaint to him tlien lie the mind of tlie voter it was effectu­ Connecting at l airds With S. p. R. R, over the r election is of the greatest importance. simply easts the blame on the voters ally and forever dispelled by tliat Railroad from Pokegama to Lairds. We, as a party cannot afford to have of the counties, or should he contend “snapshot” reproduced on May 22ml |. \y. BURRISS, Ageni tills district go Republican by a re­ th;tt it was the business of tlie United in the Oregonian, sitowing Mr. Her­ agent at lairds at depot . duced majority. This election Is at­ States District Attorney tit Portland j mann in friendly converse witli tlie KLAMAItl | ai ls , tracting national attention and if we to look after those class of eases, then President by special Invitation of tIn* (i. A. POPPLETON, Manager. fail to elect Heimann by an over- he simply lays tlie blame on other i latter. Hence tills last Ingenious, | whelming majority, it would be con- broad shoulders ami again if lie main­ but tine spun theory being exploded, [ strued by both Democrats and Repub- tains tliat it was a matter which tlie tlie enemy’s ammunition exhaustion, j . licans as a rebuke to the aduiinistra- General Land Department of tlie no scars visible, tlie Republican can-j [ tton. Remember that every vote for United States should attend to, then didate lias come through tiie battle [ Hermann is an endorsement of Pres­ we say lie, as a paid officer of tlie unseat bed. W. W. HAZEN, Proprietor, ident Roosevelt. Tiie democracy all State of Oregon whose sworn duty Another significant fact developed over the nation backed by the trusts was to punish criminals, might, of at by the campaign is that not a single EAST END, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON and combines are working for tiie de­ least made complaint to the United [ word lias tieen, or could he said to tlie I feat of Roosevelt for re-election. States District Attorney at Portland, disparagement of Hermann's ability Horses boarded by day, week or ilq ' or integrity as a representative; in­ ||ay mid (¡rain bought mid sold. deed. his past record in tlie Halis of Connecting w’lh Klamath Lake R. R. for all Points on S. P. R. R. [Congress forbade It, having been l’assongers convoyed to all parts of Southern Ort [ through our delegate in tlie congres- and Northern California at the very lowest rates. ' sional convention chosen from among a number of worthy and able aspirants Telephone Connection Between Stable and || for the same position, B in < h *: ic II kii - PASSENGER, EXPRESS AND FAST FREIGHT LINE nann as our standard beater, with Linkville. Phone Main 41 tiie unimpeachable evidence before us LEAVE KLAMATH FALLS 8 A. M of tlie cordial relations existing be­ Office: Mammoth Stables, Largest and Most Centrally Located. President Theodore Roosevelt Endorses tween him and tiie administration, we who believe In Republican princi­ Travelers conveyed to all points at reasonable rates. Best Binger Hermann. ples of pt ogress and continued pros­ —i perity can do much toward the con­ eare given to stock. tinuation thereof, not merely by electing Mr. Hermann, but by an In­ Telephone 101. R. W. MARPLE, Proprietor. The lion. Binger ITermann joined the Presidential party at Salem creased plurality. ! Thursday, May 21, and accompanied President Roosevelt, to Portland in re- — Certainly every person in any way 1 sponse to the following invitation: [or manner Interested in developing | "To Hon. Binger Hermann, McMinnville, Or: I tlie timber and Itimber industry in The President will be pleased to have you join Oregon regardless of past party affili­ ations owes Hermann his Individual I his train at Salem and ride with him to Portland. .support. R kfvblican . H‘m. Loeb, Jr., CAMPERS SUPPLIES ALIX MÄHTIN President. KLAMATH REPUBLICAN. Tents, Stoves, Camp Stools, Cots BLANKETS, COMFORTERS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS to Promptly. COMJIENCINfi MAY Ist, I KLAA1ATH FALLS-POKEGAM M*I\KS15 . ixis A Complete Stock at DAILY BOTI I WAYS THE BRICK STORE. WESTERN STAGE GO. EXCI IAN( 7E Daily-by Daylight-between Klamath Fails and Pokegama Shortest Route, Best time and Accommodations. STABLES I JufPFV L«I v'Cry • SOLAR PLEXUS BLOW TO FALSE CHARGES WBST ¡SIDS SMBIr Jas. Sigler, Prop’r Wm. Storm Jr., Prop. Wholesale and Retail Dealer fcjn all kinds of Fresh and SKSalt Meats. Every variety Sausage always on Secretary to the President.” This invitation ought to finally and forever set at rest the malicious stories of bis enemies that Mr. Hermann and President Roosevelt are at outs, and bears out the expression in the matter heretofore made by tlie President, as follows: “There is not one word of truth in the rumor that I am opposed to Mr. Hermann's election; but, on the contrary, 1 heartily and earnestly desire his election. 1 hope that every voter who believes in tlie principles of the party and w ishes well fur the Administration will cast his vote for Mr. Hermann. The rumored quarrel between Mr. Hermann and myself is without foundation. Our relations are, and always have been, cordial.” In the speeches of .the Democratic nominee he makes his objections to the Republican nominee chiefly as follows: Just received a shipment of Gloves from First That he Is not in harmony with the administration, because of Carson, Carrier & Co. his differences with the Secretary of tlie Interior, followed by ills resigna­ new stock of fabric gloves both short and long tion; and Secondly. That thirty years ago he retired from tlie Roseburg Land Office because of objections made to his entry of lands In the face of the law ER NEW SUPPLY HAS ARRIVED OF THOSE READY MADE which prohibits such purchases. SHIRT WAISTS, LATEST PATTERNS. The reply to these assaults is as follows: First, Mr. Hermann’s differences with the Secretary of the Interior CENTRAL MILLINERY STORE, MRWJ“VD- arose solely and only as to policies and details affecting tiie administration Hof the land laws. No intimation has ever been made by tlie Secretary affecting Mr. Hermann’s integrity or personal conduct. The two officials I could not agree on the proper administration of tlie law—tlie one official [ having one view and the other official a ditfeient theory and policy; but the [ difference never extended to the President or any uue else connected with the administration. The Western Senators and Representatives unite In giving Mr. Her­ mann credit for making one of the most satisfactory administrations of the General Land Office, and no higher evidence of tins exists than tiie word of Secretary Bliss, under whom Mr. Hermann served. The records also show C. C. MALTBY & SON, Props. that, of all the Commissioners for nearly one hundred years of the General Land Office, only two Commissioners served longer than Mr. Hermann. President took no part in the differences between Secretary Hitch­ The Maltby Saddle is Known cock The and Mr. Hermann, and tlie relations between tlie President and him and Recognized as the Best on have always been cordial. The President is now out iu a public statement, in which he refers to his cordial feelings for Mr. Hermann, and expresses the rtarket. C. C. Haltby has had his earnest desire fur his election. Had Mr. Hermann not proved an efficient and competent official, no one who knows President Roosevelt, years’ experience in saddlery in stock countries. would for a moment believe lie would so highly endorse Mr. Hermann as he now does. Secondly. As a reply to the further absurd and absolutely false state­ ment as to Mr. Hermann’s retirement from tlie Roseburg Land Office thirty years ago, it is a fact that all friends of Senator Corbett, then in office (of whom Mr. Hermann was one) went out on the election of Mr. Corbett’s Ketisfection Guaranteed J. A. BLEW J.C.WH1PP Collectors of Customs, Internal Revenue officials, laud officers Write Us For Samples MANAGER successor. F. L WRIGHT and some postmasters who were active in retaining Senator Corbett, were PHONE 4-5-6 promptly retired on his defeat, and their places were promptly tilled by tiie friends of the successiul candidate. No charge was ever made reflecting on Mr. Hermann’s discharge of bis duties. &nd. phone Main 55 GLOVES LEADING SADDLE AND HARNESS Shop in Eastern Oregon. lete Line of Harness and Riding Material RIUHT5 OFYOTERS Any qualified elector in the 1st Congressional District, may vote at tiie coining election to be held next Monday, In any precinct and in any county In the Dist/lct, by making the prescribed oath and furnishing the requisite affidavits of his qualifi­ cations. While tills is in strict accord with tiie election law, It is recommended that wherever practicable voters should vote in their respective voting precincts, but attention is called to tiie abo . j 1 rovisions to enable ail who are enti.!»-’ to vote to avail them­ selves of the privilege, also to dispel doubts and possible controversies. i NOTICE. Tiie parties that borrowed our pipe wrenches will confer a favor by re­ turning same at once. G eo . T. B aldwin . M hen you want a pleasant physic try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Th< y aie easy to lake and pleasant in effect. For stile by Chit­ wood & Co, First Class Horses Fine Carriages ‘cd Stahl 1 earns with cr without Drivers Phone, Nza NOTICE EOK Pl ATION. Ktamsth Lodge No. 77, A. I . & *. Department <>( the Interior,) Meets Sat unlay night n orM I-nnd Ottice at laikevivw, Oregon. the full moon. May 4, 1903.1 K y T ayua Notice ia liereliv given that tlie tol- W. T. s’invx, lowing named eetller ha« tiled notice of Sec. 5.1 hia intention to make final proof in tup port of iiia claim nod that aaid prom IMUCHin.RSOf REBi Mil will Ji? made l-vfor,. Jamr*- II Drew oil County Clerk at Klamath l ulls, Or on June 21, 1003, vix: SARAH J. RODKEY 1! E No 2H35 lor the S', sE', and NW'. SEL and NE'4 ', sec 32 Tp 2 s it i v* G.J * . i • v> M Ora. Ha nam< i ing witneaaea to prove ilia continuous residence upon end cultivation of »ai I land, via: I. Ilessig, J C. Weiaa, WT Shivea ami B B Griffith, all of Fort Klamath, Oregon. ATTORNEY-AT-l.A W', E. M. Ba.iTTAix, Register C. C. BROWER, Timber Land, Act Juno 3. 1878— Notice for Publication. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, I L akeview , O regon , February 28, 1903. i Notice is hereby given that, in com­ pliance with tiie provision« of the net of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “An net for tlie sale of limber lands in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada nn No' 40 8, Range No. 8, E \ • Notlce Por Publlcation. D**i>artin**nt of tlie Interior, ì K’u Land Office ut Lskevie« Oregon, > Aprii 28, i jtxi. ) Noticela liereliv given that thè fui- DRAKE á WALLING, lowing-named settler lui« lil,*d n iti.«* <*f Ili* inieiition to malie tinsi proni in Siili- Attorneys anil Counselors at |*<>rt of ili* cleiui, and timi .ani |.r ,..f *ili lie malie l,,*(ori* Jas. II. Dn>< >ll, County Clerk al Klainatli Falla, Or., on Jiin- 13. i'.H>3, via: William D. ('ampliell. II. E. y„. jpti.i Klamath l atta, Oregon. for tlie E1, \\ Sei*. 35, i. 31, S„ IL 12 E. W. M. Ile namea tlie h.liowing Mltneaaea to prove bis continnoiia ri «i- dence inaio nnd cnitivati m ..f * u<| land vix: Silaa f l.'-rella Ore Physician and Surgeon. gon ; Eugeno Wilkeraon, of L.n lla, < Ire- Office — next door to tiie < tp r.i 11^1 ,-on; Thomas Culla-rt. of I..,rolla Ore non ; ( liarles J. flwingle <>( lancila, Ore­ Room 7—Hotel Unkville. gon. Special nt trillion given dii'1. Driscoll, Coun­ They realize only too well that his the local United States land offices, ty Clerk at Klamath Falls, Or, on Tu, -. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. nomination means his election and a the General Land Office or tiie Secre­ dav the 4tli day of August, 1003. DEALER IN MARBLE He names as witnesses: William reduced Republican voté will be used tary of the Interior, in any event he GRANÌTE. IRON'.FENC- ASHLAND OREGON^* as an argument to show that Roose­ is either an accessory after Die fact Stonebraker and Lee Doten ot Keuo, Or 1NG AND ALL KINDS POSTOFFICE BOX NO- 65 velt is in disfavor in this district. or so far as he is concerned those R. S. Moore and J. G. Pierce, of i- OF CEMETERY WORK ath Falls, Or. Let every Republican be at the polls campaign charges are without founda­ KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Any and all persons claiming adverse­ hereby given that there next Monday and cast a vote for the tion. ly tlie above-described lands tin* re­ ' i ' i ... notice S is ln . tho J". w " 1 r ’ ''ury for man who lias always worked for tlie Tiie records made during Reames’ quested to file their claims in this oflice war- people of the state of Oregon and administration of the district attor­ on or before said 4th day of Auizu-t E. M. BRAnALN, Regis’“. rants, Interest on same to c I'easn from thus assure tlie nomination of Theo- ney’s office lias a tendency to show 1903. PHYSICIAN AND SURUEOH April », lii0.;: Xos. 019 »20. 021, dore Roosevelt for President. that only in rare instances has tiie TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3. i«-g »22, »23, »24, »25, ». l¡, 927 »28, , »2», criminal statutes of this state been [ litici* in rooms formerly occttfl NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. »30, »31, 932. 933, 931. »35 ', ».'JO, violated and tiie United States laws »38, »39, 910, OU, p.;«, 043 , »14, , »37, by Dr. Reames. Phono 31. IS REAMES GUILTY? , 945, not at alt. In any event this “stop 1 UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE At office Huy mid night. I »40, »47, »18. 1)49, 950, >i.,ç . 953, , »54, thief” campaign made by a district L akkvikw , O regon , February 20, r.n',3. »55, »50, 957, K-,,, 9(i“' (Contributed.) , »01, 002, Notice is hereby given Unit in com­ »»•I* »»I, »71, 005, 0(01. ()G7 Is it a fact that the late district attorney who lias been in office for pliance Klamath Falls, Oregon. , »08, 070, witli tiie provisions of tin* set of attorney for the First Judicial Dis­ nearly four years, lias its humorous I Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled »•2, »00, »73, 974, »75, 970 , »77, 051, and ridiculous phases. trict had a toy gun up his sleeve, or maylone s act for tiie sale of timber land* in the •I- W. SlKM«l._. NS. is it just democratic campaign thun­ states of California, Oregon, Nevada 'I own Treasurer. der? and Washington Territory,” asextend- THE COMING ELECTION. PHYSICIAN A SURGEON | 1 ed to al! the Public Land States |>v Since the nominations of Binger act Hermann and A. E. Reames for Con­ Now that the congressional cam­ r of August I, 18»2. Office Over Uneeds Market. Harvey L. Scott, of Klamath Agency gress in this district the democratic paign is ended, let us look over the Telephone in < tffice. The Klamath County Live Stocrr newspapers have published considera­ field of carnage and take account of county of Klamath, state of Oregon, has ■ir?m>7‘r l,.';r,'bv Klvpn n,i‘l »here this day filed in thia office his sworn Klamath Falls, Oregon. ble “stuff” tending to reflect upon the causalties; Mr. Kearnes at the statement No. 1802 for tiie nurch:i**i* of Association will pay the above ■ir< himls in the cmmiv treasury for the administration of the General beginning of the fight said lie could tlm SEW SEAi Sec 33 Twp 37 S R » !.■ ward for the arrest and conviction Land Office by the Hon. Binger Her­ easily best his adversary. 1st. Be­ NW«4 NW'„ Sec 3, EW NE'; Sec I, in any person or persons found guilty of mann, an appointee of tiie Hon. Wm. ......... .. '<• cause Hermann had tieen In office al­ I Township No. 38 S, Range No. 9 E W \l 3m stealing or altering the marks or McKinley, deceased, and also to tiie and will offer proof to show that the lldsdm^’8- lntp™t*Wcewfrotn ready a long time, but when he be­ brands of any stock belonging to any effect that Hermann was not in har­ gan to fee! of tiie public pulse, it de­ land sought is more valuable for its tim­ lOtlHlalnr u"'".""1 l 'lllK’ Or0 - thl« member of this association. mony with the present administra­ veloped that his reasoning failed, be­ ber or stone than for agricultural pur­ mill (lay of March, 190.1. poses. and to establish his claim to wHi,| Address Chas. Horton, President tion. Since the latter bubble lias Office in tlm Ricrcm ic * m Bulldinf' cause (lie people argued that Her­ land before C. H. Withrow, U. 8. Com­ •I* H. Van Valkenburg, or J. O. Hamaker,.Secretary. been exploded by a personal interview mann’s long tenure was proof of his missioner at Klamath Falls, Or, on Sat­ Klamath Falls, Oregon. < bounty Treasurer. with President Roosevelt and the re­ efficiency, lienee we prefer to retain a urday, the 25th day of July, 1903. maining charge tends to reflect upon tried and true servant rather than ex­ He names as witnesses: W. E. Cope For reliable Information concern­ S. L. Scott and Geo. L. L-ioalev of Klam- ■ Call at the R kpubucan office for ing public lands go to J. W. Hama- many, it seems a proper resentment periment with a new one. 2nd. Her­ ath Agency, Or., and A. M. Jamison of may consistently be made. mann would lie rejected at the polls tne job work. kar; get the benefit of thirty years It is probably useless to say that Decause while In the land department [ Klamath Falls, Or. Any ami all persona claiming ad­ AGENT Save money by making your home- experience. every intelligent person knows that a he had pekmitted gkkat land frauds versely GENERAL FRE10HTER, the above-described lands are •tead, timber and other filings with patent from the United States for to be practiced,«lands had been stolen requested to file their claims in tins C. II. Withrow, U. S. Commissioner, Onion sets at Baldwin’s Hardware land can not be acquired unless upon —It doesn’t need a desclple of Black­ office on or before said 25th day of July 1WPrompt mill careful attention Klamath Falls. Oregon. Store. Notary Public mid Conveyn°cef' the personal signature of the Piesi- stone to establish that land can never, 1W)3. E. M. B rattaix , Register, ' to all Qi (lern KLAMATH FALLS, ORE- JUST RECEIVED G. W. STEPHENSO^ The Latest in Ladies Trimmed Hats, vtr< Shirt Waists, Ladies ready made Mus'in Underwear and all kinds of Ladies Furnishings always on hand. ' milliniowy $250.09 REWARD. (J 1:0. H. MERRY • County Treasurer’s Notice. C. GI?AV^ Notary Public. J. n. nooRE, C. H. WITHROW, STATE LAND BOIKO*