Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, May 28, 1903, Image 1

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VOL* Vili.
brlahmc«.. b**'.
h. I...... . »». gone u-.w, and there wa.
the tallii
Irfl only I-
tlun whl' h ■ foil.
Hh« bad
In th. world.
||rr f.ther
father ant
uni mother, the Marquis
,„| \lar.|..l»f de Montolleu. bad
or at
’ court
of I'*'"*»
Islilla "•*'
•*••' **'«
),|.h fs'»r
«t II»
. "f
They were proud. h.nd»<>iu*
.rl.it^nli. .»I **“"
„„„ with It» fearful h-.rror» they w-r.
fur eil I" fly f"r their live». W lit It they
reache.1 Eiigl.l'd they were ¡» null* ••
,„il,|.<llr.| ........ rn their br.-a.I.
The nianpil» gave lea.on» In .Inglng,
i mil the mar*|iil«e uisd** n little mom-) by
•ailing lu-r painting« A kin I hearted ■■<*•
l.lt-inan. who h»d known them In former
day«, allowed them fifty i***«in I. a year;
•ail with tbl«. and the fruit of their own
I rierlloua, they in.inng«-*l Io <-xl»t. I lire**
years later a daughter « >• l***rn
tli -m.
I nhoni they ii.iiiicd Marl«- Antonlctte, in
affaetlouate and reverrntlal memory **f
I thrlr martyred qm*en
From ber e»rli« »t
I lafnney »lit- wa. .l*-*-|*ly Imbued with the
Lad spirit of the time; anti tbe unvarying
I nielsm-boly of her pan-tit» prtxlu* «*1 a
I strong effect upon lu-r
Hhe was list
I orally bright and vlvaeloja, but the at- *
lisuapherv of coottant »adm-»» was infec-
Ili» ItisiIgatlon, Madiime ile Mootolleu llS'l
iiii-nlloiii-tl Wlulfri») t<> Kir Howard. A»
sngry liliali ilarki-ned bla bruw aa ha
salti, iterili/:
"Mattini«*, I feci ti» Interrii In hearing
of Misi E) r<*. *ti'l I I h -* In futuri yeu will
spari* ini* all ollualon t» ibi- Isaua of a
dl»grin-i-ful colinectItili,"
T ilt- grulla ohi Erviit'liwotnati had con
veyr.l III** rrault of hrr attempi t» Mr.
Eyre wlih cliarieterlallc delieai-y, bui ha
foli thè lusillt of tha refusai keenly. li
wna hi» only Impc for Wlnlfred, for hi»
own relation» wrra Hot In postilo» to he
of uaa to hrr.
Alwiya In ib. »veulag
ah» s«ng, plsyed or reati to bini; aud
lonietimei, when he boti watebed ber
wlth a ¡»rotiti dellght bualed wltb some re
fliir.l ici-onipllsbuirul, he wuultl algh and
"Ah! in/ t-hlld. yotl wer» Itorn for ionie
thlng belter tliau a poor farmer'a .laugh
llut If Winifred at times rhafe.1 be-
cause ■be was the unuoticed daughter of
a |*ti nr farim-r. »he never look«® it own on
or blamed her father. She had no W'l»h
to be elevati® from her present position
without him; »lie »ought no advsntage
from wlihb lie *«• excluded. Kbe ev.u
strove to cuuceal ber regrets from him.
Itili the eye» of love are <K»eernlti*. and
although Mr. Njrre never allowed her to
see that her louglng» were known to him,
he wa« |>aliifully alive to them.
Ml»» Kyr* left the town on« d*y and
walked on for about half n tulle, until
■be earn* to ■ »inali white cottage »lauti
Wlirii «hr «•»»■ •«•vrtitrrfi jror« nhl her Ing back from the road in a pleasant gar­
Ibr!i»v$»«l fnthrr dk<l. nn<l from Ihrtt tlm» den. well »liatitsl lt> ol<l fashioned fruit
Wlnlfreil diti ritti aland <>n the
■ •II hrr <lirrgif«i wrrr •truiur«! to provbl«’ tree».
■ for her heart broken and whlowiM moih ceremony of knot-king, but rtlsed tlie
Irr Five year« later the mar«|tliat dlM latth and entered tbe drawlug room,
|•l«<>, « ik I Marie wa» thrown oil tho World. e her. Madame it» Montolleu was sitting
|litrr«lly |»riinll<**»» ami frlendlei»«, Th»*« In-fore b«-r embroidery frame. She looked
■•Il nt «Oct <hr tiohleninn who hn<l I m »- up with a gisti smile, anti, rialug, ki»»et|
|frirti'l«''l her |».irelit*» «•nine fyrwurd mil the young girl on both cheek».
"Ah! my rosebud,” »he extlaimed, "you
loffrnM her n home in hl« hou«e, in apho
■of the rrinoiiBtraiicea of hl*» wife, wbo have come at la»t.”
"Ye», dear madame,” Winifred replied,
lira« keenly nitre to the imprudence of
hiring Ing n lirnuttful yotititf girl under th«« "but I have uot been wholly auceeaoful
lu .-xecutlng your commission»
llainr roof with h«*r grown up nona.
J For n time Mnrle Antoinette wo« Imp ■he added, "thia green wool I» a shad»
■>y, and then mm«» th«» ni<»nt bitter trial lighter than tlie pattern, but I tbouglit It
K)f ber life. Hhr went out again
a would scarcely matter, aa your other
■fovrrn**»*«. an«l traveled abroad. At tin* greens are so minh deeper. The red la
the right color, but It seems to ina a
Kgr *»f thirty the «he wcut into Hir How
■ r<l Chniiipioii*« family, to rdmate hit little failed lying In the shop, It la Ini-
■laughter«, nn I remained with them possible t» get exactly what you want
i»t'hi* yrum. The eider «laughter mad«* III tlirae little --oiintry towns.”
well, my
"Roth will tlu excellently
K brilllniit mnt< li, aud the younger «doped
Btith n grtitlemnn farmer. There lodug child I thank you.” returned Mattatile
■hui no further *»«■• ««'■’• » for her «rrvlc»»»». i d«- Montolleu, ¡tutting on ber spectacle».
Then »he looked fondly at Winifred's
■he wt$ tliwtii: <•»»•’!. but Sir Howard, be
■ng n liberal although arrogant and d«’< face; but something »he
Aotir man. «ettled nn nnnulty of n hun brought an increased gravity over her
■re-l iHitiii It on her for life. <>n thin, and placiti features.
"My love!" she »»hl. gently, "has any
Mte Intereat of nhnt ahe had tated dur
■>g her long yearn of teaching, ahe Herd, thing happened to dlatreaa you?"
The qiilck tear» sprang to Wlnlfreil'»
■ti'l wiiitll n« wan her Income, ahe gav«*
■a«y much. Il*r« wm a grand lift* <*f eve». but for a moment »he was silent,
Are, of (diarlty mid of N«df*nbn«-giitlon Then ■he essayed to smite, answering
Bnpotired |>y her trouble«, unimbitter«*«!
"It I» my ¡iride, for which you so often
My ber lttm*lliie«H, nbr waa the true ph tur«« chide me, that ha» been hurt, deaf mam
Mf • gentle, «) mpnthiting and path nt ma. I »hall make you laugh when I tell
how small n thing bna provoked me."
■ Sir II.»ward rtinu*d hi<$ younger »laugh
But the kind oltl latly did not laugh—
Br nolemnly on the Bible from which h««' ahe was full of pitiful tenderness for
her Mine, nnd commanded that it the frollti*» of youth, and sympathized
Bight ih ' vit be uttered in hla prvaenre keenly with the wounds of a small Ivo
Bnin The whole household were 9we nature like Wlnlfre.l'a
Hhe heard how
Kit'ken. and crept about allentljr and Winifred's certain. Miss Champion, had
Madame <!»« Moutolleu waa passed her on tbe road that morning. I*
Bart broken.
noriug her.
B\\inifre.| bitterly r$‘grvtte«l hrr falar
"Madame," said Winifred, suddenly,
B*|> Rhe hived the world and the faah after a paua«, "wbo do you think the
hii *I no the comparatively humble life gentleman with Miss
Champion could
Bi* now le I tvna gnll and wormwood to be?"
Br Her huHbnn.l wan fond of her. but
"I cannot tell, my love; probably a vis­
<*hnfet| under her conatant fretful re- itor at the Manor, Stay, my love, may
*ts; -he quarr' lrd with hla family, rr It not have been Mr. llaatlng»? I hear
B»e<! to notice them, and made him bit- be has Just returned from abroad, and
contemptuoiii little «p<M"i h«a. which you know- hia father ami Kir Howard
him in anger from her prraenrr! were great frlen la
Perhaps he at laat
only link left tp her lw»tw<*rn the feels a desire to »ee the beautiful home
Br<ent and the pnnt waa Madame de of his fathers, which he haa neglect«® ao
Kntolieu. who came to live In a mnall long. Can you deacrilte him at all?"
BB'ige near her, nnd wa« with her con
”1 only »aw hltn a moment," returned
■ntly. But poor Winifred frrttrd night Wlnlfreil, blushing, "hut lila face seem­
^■>1 <lny nt her loan of rante, ami bocmie ed rather bronzml with travel; from what
■n ami ill; »n,| w|1(.n ]1(,r um,, M|r| WH- I remember. I fancy be had dark blue
^gu »br illrij.
eye» and fair hair."
■ ir »..,„■ year» ||I(|F Wliilfrs.1 was
“I think, then," remarked Ma,lame de
it up and taken car. of by her fath- Montolleu, “that tny surmise la correct,
■^ vu rr;.,’"t **",n ■''*
’’'O« years for dark blue eyes and golden hair are
■ Ml«« Eyre tnarrl«!. an.t her father tbe family characteristics."
■»»..!!».«I, nl perplexed nhnt to do nlih
Wlnlfreil turned honiewark with a
ht'lninc de Montollrn <»ffrra<| to lighter heart. Hhe had almost forgotten
»cate ber. »01| Mr. Eyre gladly aroept-, the affront that had been put upon her;
^■tb» offer,
r ' but ahe could not forget the eager look
■b« rvi-elve.1 a complete «lucatlnn from 1
of admiration that had crossed the hand­
■*l»in»de Montolleu, who
hl.r tR n some stranger's face a» he turn,-,I to
^■Kilter, anil bn.I brought her up with look nt her. Without doubt he was Mr.
»■ f e«r» nnd wilt, hfuln. », Rhe »poke Ilsatlngs. the owner of nil the property
perfectly, wa, , good niu,l. Ian about of the very wood through which
■l,.n/>""v<,W,'‘.'!lT "" " n'Khling»lr. ; she waa even then pasaing on her way
■dame tie Montolleu l.„,|
tF(| <re,t to the farm. And a very bright smile
■,,nn l, <’“r"
I’Cfe Ung her Seeotn- . came on her lipa as she thought how near
■ 81 "n ' 'T"*
"h'' «r"w he lived, ami that she might perhapa see
■ s‘r ll-wnrd might relent „nd give her him sometime« In her walks. It would
■ whin.h"i,"y °f
be aome relief to the monotony of her
» hl.li ahe was eminently fitted. But life, only to lie able now and then to gate
","'1 ,|1« »'hola family aternly on a hnntlsome face like hla.
One evening Winifred went out for n
■if,',,| *"
to poor stroll In the woods with her little Scotch
M,lT‘'tr,r'1 "'!■ rr"*llT ""J"»*-
Why terrier as her only companion, and, choos-
M.'re.l ,'na ' h"!"l’l,,n '»•« cousin, and ! Ing a picturesque spot, aat down to rest
and to dream of the many women no fair­
er than she, who had become famous.
who \oo
''"■O wlioie,
' J 7"'
for the wblln
Her speculations were snddenly cut
a n,r’„
li'" inmotie- ; short by a yap from her terrier,
'•"•'ri-KC. ' turning sharply round, aha beheld
little companion rollini over and
tl1^ 'l,r.ut001‘
Hhe 1 down the bank under the audden
•r rouM „
her unprovoked assault of a huge mastiff,
[liorae, f, ."!
he ""l'1* •" keep Hhe uttered a little cry of fright, and
of rl I,
’ *■'' 1,",l
''er - |
kmer, bm 1',,rk!"«*preferred sprang to the rescue, when she heard a
crashing of the branches at her side,
hie that it «* °Re 10 letter, roiurni- a sharp, "T* heel, Rollo!” from a man's
Fnindiin7,* ’’’’••''re which ber voice.
A sudden recognition, a haaty
apology, and ho atood looking at her, hat
I«»d mt,™ Verj' f0Ud of '''•
In hand, with the »ante expression of ad-
He (le.lrL«r'l' 1W‘‘‘,ln,tly i1'’"'"1 ,,f miriitJon In hla eyes that ahe hail seen
I '®4 ‘"'eu'ely for her the
there before. There waa a pause, dur­
k-liffereL’Tr ’h
"nt,0B* Person
wa" •» them. ing which the startled Wlulfrad blushed,
Ith'ii It! Ilf«" P' ',"""t bl,ter rnor anil felt painfully confused.
"I fear my dag has alarmed you," anltl
['"il't not acii^*,uS"t h,>r «r"",1f«th- tlie stranger, at last; "he Is rather wont
did no, know|e',«e hor. For hlm-
’ T"' h* ''"'I no wl.h to to ha aggressive to hla species, particular­
h ¿j
.... ....
vb!.:. hi, f"re. ly In thia wood, of which ho la aecua
touted to consider himself sole monarch.”
[ "“,1 ^en content,<1. Uau, at
"Than I fear ws are treapaaaeratn Wlnl-
NO. 8
fret! found eon rag* tn answer; “but w*
have always been allowed to walk bera,
"I shall Indeed be sorry If our rud*-
She la Agreeing, One by One, to Al! the
neaa aid Inhospltallty atiouhl drive you
Czar’a Demands.
away,” laughed the stranger.
21.—According to a
you will always, both for yourself aud
Pekin dispatch to tbe Ti nes, dated ■
friend», consider you are entitled to a
May 19, the situation at Niu < hwang
free right of way over any and every
part of my possessions."
Wlulfreij thanked him and would have Blaze which Started In a Shoe Factory mations an*l assurance, is unchanged,
turned away, but he lingered; anil there
Work* Dcatructlon of One Fourth of there is a constant flow of Russians Big Withdrawal Made in Warner Valley Contract Has Been Let for an Increase of
ami war materials to both the Chinese
wsa such a charm to her In the presence
Section, Southern Oregon.
Fifty Stamps.
the Town
Wind Blowing a (Jalc - an<l Corean banks of the Yalu river.
of thia refined, aristocratic looking man,
has been made bv the
Loaa Will Reach
Origin oi Trustworthy evidence, says the dis­
that ahe felt no inclination to break rude­
ly away from him.
lire a Mastery.
patch, confirms the report that num­ upon another forest reserve for Oregon, Lucky Boy company in the Blue river
"Yoti are Mr, Hastings, then?" ahe laid,
bers of Chinese described as former tbia time in Southern latke county, district, for the machinery to increase
b igands are officered by Russians.
Kt. Hya< intbe, Quebec, May 22.—A They number at least 2,000 ami carry a j in tbe Warner mountain country. By the mill at the* nines to 50 stamps,
"Yes,” ha replied. "I have coma back
at last to enjoy th« delight» of home af­ fire t'xlay in the sho«i factory of Cote badge inscribed "protectors of the for­ ' direction of 8«retary Hit b(ock. the and other machinery for the operation
ter my long absence.”
varant publi lands in a tract of over of the mine. The officer* of the com­
Bro*, deatroyed that and half a dozen est."
“It must he very pleasant to »*•• so
i 994,000 acres in Lake county, and 44X pany have been negotiating for several
much of the outer world,” Winifred »aid
days with the Union Iron works, of
timidly; "It must give one such broad ing nearly a quarter of th< city’* popu­ ami commenting on the apathy of the township« adjoining in Northern Cali­
powers, the Times correspondent avers fornia, have been temjtorarily with­ San Francisco, and have let a large con­
vlewa of things and people, ami stamp
lation homeless tonight. The loss ia that (.'Lina is agreeing one by one to all
out one'» petty, Intoleraut thought» Oi
drawn from all entry, with a view to tract for machinery.
placed at $400,000.
There will be an electric power
the Russian «lenianda. Hhe has already their examination to determine the ad­
narrow prejudices."
■Mr. Ilaatlngi was surprised by thia
Nobody knows how the fire started. undertaken not to alienate any portion visability of creating a fore-t receive plant, which will be located on the
laat remark of his companion's, but he When It was first noticed, it had *e- of Manchuria to any other power; not about the town of Lakeview.
The McKenzie river, uix miles from the
was far too well bred to allow bis cure«! a firm grip upon tlieCote factory. to alter the present administration in Oregon lands withdrawn are:
Town­ mine, from which power will 1« trans­
thought» to appear, lie remarked quietly:
The machinery
The wind was blowing half a gale at Mongolia; net to open any neat treaty ships 34 to 41 inclusive, ranges 16, 17, mitted to the mine.
"You seem to have considered the»« the time, and the buildings in the im­ ports in Manchuria, and hat given an
and 18; townships 37, 38 and 41, range will be increased to 100 stamps next
thing» more than young ladles are apt mediate vicinity were of such a char- assurance not to empjoy foreigners in
19; townships 36 and 37, range 20; season, which will make it one of the
to do.”
acter as to fall easy prey to the flames. tbe administration of Manchuria, and town*hip* 36 to 41 inclusive, ranges 21 most extensive plants on the coast.
"I must lie going," aba uttered, hastily;
Work on the flumes, building*, etc.,
The burned district ia practically the whether China gives her consent or and 22, all routh and eaet. The town­
“it Is getting late."
not, Russia retains the telegraph lines ship in whi ii Ijikeview is located, end for the power plant will begin at once.
lie turned to accompany her, but aba
river Yama»aka flow* through the town Letween Port Arthur and Mukden.
the townshi s immediately north, The improvement now projected will
Itowed with an air of det-lslon, aaylng.
China has agreed that Russia shall south and we-.t, are not included in involve an outlay of $95,000.
"My path leads away from Hazel! in the shape of a letter V. Ht. Antoine
street tuns along the top of the V and have full control of the t ustorna at Niu the withdrawal.
Stripped of Timber.
A fore t reserve in the Warner Moun­
"I hope," he »aid, lingering a moment, practicaly everything south of that Chwai.g, and there ie little doubt that
W. H. B. Kent and H. D Langell,
an agreement exists giving Russia ex­ tain region i i re ommended by the
"that my presence to night will not tend , street was burned.
clusive mining right« in the Mukden geologiial lurvey, not cnly for the pre­ of the department of agriculture, are in
to frighten you away from these wood, 1
for th« future May I rely on your tusk- !
servation of tlie timber, bnt ibe con­ Baker City from Washington to exam­
When Manchuria is gone, what se­ servation of the water su mly. Goose ine the lands and report in regard to
Ing use of them as usual T‘
curity will there Ie, asks the corres­ lake lie» in tbe center of the withdraw­ the establishment of the Blrie mountain
She thanked him again, and, bowing, Thermometer Below Z< ro, with
Already they have
turned away, lie stood, hat in hand, be
pondent, for tbe position of Japan in al, and a number of ttiea-ns which forest reserve
Frosts Prevailing.
fore her aa be might have dons to a
Corea, militarty or civil? Does any tupply it with water have their head­ made a partial examination of a por­
Butte, Mont., May 22.— Ten feet of one know what secret agreement was
princess; anti as she went on her way
waters within that region. Moreover, tion of the land, which it is proposed
home, he gazed after her »light, graceful enow is reported from Coutts, Mont., signed by the empercr of Corea during
headwaters of Sprague river, Drews to embrace in the reserve, and they
form with a look of tender admlratiou near the international boundary, today, the year he resided as refugee in the
Warner creek, and a number of find that a treat deal of the marketable
such ■» might have beUttwl a tuau who and the thermometer ie ranging from 4 Russian legation at Seoul?
other streams would all be protected by timber has been cut off. They will re­
watt'he,! tbe woman he loved.
to U degrees below zero. Traffic on tbe
main in that vicinity for some time.
* ^es.*************** 4*************4'*** 4^***À****4 ir
.¡.ria Auloliiv'1»
Wolitolleu waa »
.c|..i. »f th* «»••• ► reneb noble..",
..Ill line fe.ture. .ml clear, pale • "to
Ther*. hn-l b«*vn vivacity »«'I
Great Northern ie seriously interfered
with, and trie trains are being operated
In a very eb-gant drawing room, with only under the greatest difficulty. The
French window» to the ground, leading cute of the road are filled with drifted Fainting Women Trampled Upon and One
Man Badly Hurt.
on to a velvet award gemmed with flow enow.
New Y'ork, May 21.—In a wild rush
era. aat Mrs Ctiamplon ant! ber daughter.
Conservative estimates tonight place of frightened passengers to escape from
The mother waa employed on an elabor­
ate piece of woodwork, w hile Miss Cbatu- the lose of stock at atx ut $2,000,000, a horning street car near Cypress Hille,
plou half reclined upon her silken con* b anti the number of heal of stock lost is Long Island, Mi. hael Murphy, of Ja­
reading Hhe lookr-d up from it to answer figured at about 90,000. This loss will maica, was pushed through a window
l>e swelled by the ruination of the fruit and so badly cot by the glass that his
ber mother's Interrogatory.
"Do you think Mr. Hasting» will be crop throughout Northern Montana, condition 1* critical.
here thia afternoon, flora?"
which it is understood, ie a total fail­
The tar was on its w ty to Jamaica
"I cannot tell, mamma. Reginald baa lire.
wl en a fla-h of flame shot from the
gone over to the Court to luui-b, and look
The storm was followed by front of trucks anti the motorman brought the
at some new horses,, aud he said he the most damaging kind, and all garden
car to a stop.
Before the ¡«seengers
should probably briug Mr. Hasting» back stuffs have felt its eff«-ts.
The Mis­ were aware of the danger, fire worked
to dlooer."
souri river is r ising rapidly, «t il the through the floor and caught the trim­
"He la very handsotn*,” remarked Mr». ranchers are h aving the lowlands
in ming of the seats. The 25 pas engers
4'hampltai. ”lti|tlaputably the beat match
anticipation of a .li-astrotis flood.
¡■impel to their feet and started toward
tn ths county."
the rear door.
Two women fell in a
faint on the floor, but the crowd was
"Evelyn Vane?” echoed her mother—
too intent on saving themselves to pav
"Evelyn Vane has nothing until bls fath­ France Said to Be Planning Coup While any attention to them. It was in the
er dies; an*l even when he becomes Ixtrd
jam at the door that Murphy was
Lancing, ha Income will not l>e mu. b
Victoria, B. C-, May 22.—Alfreti crush«! again.-t the window with such
more than half that of Mr. Ilastinga."
Citnninrliam manager of the Hong force that the glass broke and he was
"Rut ther« Is the title,” said Mia»
Kong Daily Press, a passenger on the shot out onto the ground. As he .'ell
Cbataplon; “laird Laming cannot last
Kata Marti, which artiveil last night, fragments of glass cut hie hands and
much longer, ami 1 would rather have a
fa. e in a dozen places, and a ragged
title, even If I were obliged to aaerlflt • said in an interview here that Japanese
The weight of
journalists do not regard Ru-sia’s action «Ige caught hi* foot
half the Income.”
Which was not true, for Flora Cham­ tn Manchuria as surprising cr onantici- hie fa'ling body sent the sharp edges
Mr. Cunningham says that through hie clothing and severed an
pion was rather In love with Errol Hast- pated.
Two policemen
Ings, aud utterly Indifferent to the lion while attention is being maintained in artery in hie ankle,
orable Evelyn Vane. She amt her mother the north by Russian aggression, a mat­ helped the crowd outof the care, Mur-
were much attached to each other- at ter of far greater importance to Ameri­ phy was sent to a hospital.
least as much aa was poMibl* for two ca, Britain anti Japan is being over­
such selflab and Indifferent nature» to be look«! in the south; that is the aggres­
and they were wont to Indulge In mu­ sion of France in tho Southern prov­
tual confllrneca. At this moment Regl- inces.
Lose by Unexpected Blizzard on Montana
nwlti Champion. the only ion and brother,
Ranges Amounts to Millions.
Mr. Cunningham is of the opinion
entered th» room.
that France and Russia are acting in
Great Fal s, Mont., May 21.—The
"Hava you Just returned from ths
concert, the iormer in the north and heaviest sheep end catt e loss in the
Court?" Inquired bls mother.
He says history of Montana, the damage of
"Yea; llaatlnga left me at tha door not the latter in the south.
France has bribed the officials of which will foot up as high as $5,000,-
five minutes ago.”
"I thought ha was going to dine here." Kwangsi and ia waiting the opportunity 000, has been caused by the terrible
"I thought ao, too; but 1 suppose he to pour troops into that province. The storm which has been raging for the
changed hl* mind, for when he arrived south, said Mr. Cunningham, is now- past three days. In some sections folly
here, and I pressed him to comt In, hr on the verge of a far greater interna­ 90 per cent of the sheep on the ranges
declared ha had a previous engagement. tional crisis than that now on in tbe have perished.
It waa all a lie. though. I could see; but I north.
At present the rebellion in
Three herders, at least, have wan­
think I know w hat the counter attraction Kwangsi is practically brigandage on a dered away in the blinding storm and
large s ale.
have frozen to death. It is difficult to
"Indeed!" aaid Flora, disdainfully, "an I
The rebellion in South China, he get names. An aged herder at Portage
may we inquire the result of your pen» said, ia another factor. There is no was lost Sunday.
Two more in the
t rat ion ?"
doubt but that the reformers have or- She'by Junction country are missing
'It la nothing that will please you, Flo, ganized the brigands and a robellion and there is no hope that they can be
I can tell you.”
which will l*e far gteater than tbe Tai­ found alive.
"Don't ba provoking, Reginald!" utter
ping icbelfion ever was will break out
Two tbojsand five hundred sheep are
ad bls mother, sharply; "tell us at
bt fore long in South China. Large drifting on the ranges without herders.
what you mean.”
quantities ef arms are being shipped The latter have abandoned their flocks
(To be continued.)
Effect I vs
Decoration for the Table—
Wreaths lor Ouasta.
The hostess who wa* kind enough to
ask me to dinner In Honolulu had chos
on scarlet carnations for her tattle, nad
I never remember seeing anything mor*
effective. A big silver bawl In th* ceu
ter was full of them, while a wreath
of them went around the bale of the
stand ami four more stretched freni
the handles of the bowl to the silver
candelabra tn each corner of the table.
In addition to this, each bora d'oeuvr«
plate hail the same scarlet wreath
round It, which each lady untied and
bung round her neck, where It lay like
n »oft, feathery boa. Home of the men
even did the same, but these were
American*; the Englishmen, averse to
self decoration, present«! theirs to the
ladles they had takeu dowa.
The wreaths have to be mads In a
particular way, and In the Hnwallan
Islands the work of making up the lels
las they arc called there) has become a
trade among the natives, wlio sit at
the corner of the street and sell their
sweet ware» to the foreigner# who
flock from far and near to see tlie para-
dlso of the Pacific.
The garlands are thread«! on a piece
of bass with n tine cane needle, and
th* calyx of the carnation la entirely
removed, so that the petal* of the flow­
er fall loosely and give the effect of
the feathers The needle Is run straight
through and comes out In ths center,
so that each flower on the thread la on
the top of the other. Of cours*. the
doner they are together the better the
reault, but thia has to depend greatly
on the quantity of blooms nt one'* <11*
posal. I have seen as many as a hun­
dred In ono w reath. London TlmeN
in to the rebels, chiefly from tbe Unit«!
States, and headed by the reformers a
movement will break out pro-foieign in
■ta nature, to overthrow the empress
dowager and reinstate Kwang Su.
on every hand and fled for safety tojthe
settlements and ranches
like the fury of this storm hsB ever
l>een witnessed in Northern Montana.
Of a consignment of <»00 cattle bound
from Havre, al) but five were fonnd
No (¡round for Intervention.
frozen stiff. Losses are reported on
Washington, May 22.—Another large e ery hand, from Harlem, from Leth­
hatch of reaoiuti ns came to the state bridge, from Chinook and Havre.
department todajr. all relating to the
Commissioners Report No Progress.
Jew ish massacre at Kishinef. The de­
partment ie acknowledging in propecr
Waehingt n, May 20.—No ptegress
terms the receipt of ail these, w’ith is repotted from the Unite J States
promisee of consideration.
As the treaty commissioners in China, The
Russian government apimars to have exact nature of the obstacle to the con-
done what it could to restore order in au mat ion of the trade treaty is n-t
the district, ami seems to l>e punishing known. The Chinese commissioners
the perpetrators of the outrages offi­ make one statement in the matter; the
cially, there is said to be no ground for Russian government makes another
United States intervention, or even and conflicting statement, and the
commissioners do not know which to
representation, at this time.
believe. It is probable that the state
Umpire la Named.
department may feel it necessary io
Northfield, Vt„ May 22.— Frank cause the Chinese government to give
Plumley has received notice from the more definite instructions.
secretary of state of his appointment
German Wine May Be Excluded.
as umpire of the British-Venezuelan
Washington, May 21.— Acting Secre­
and Holland-Venezuelan claims com­
missions, to sit in Caracas June 1. Mr. tary of Agriculture Moore has reques ed
Plumley ha" accepted the position. He the secretary of state to ascertain from
will leave for Washington this morn­ the United States consul at Mayence
ing, and will sail for Venezuela f-atur- the facts regarding the trial of Dr
day. Ho *M formerly United States Schlamp Von Hope, who is charged
attorney for this district. He is the with the adulteration of Nietiner wines
It was alleged in this case that the
judge of the court of claims.
wines were largely adulterated and im-.
New FolJer of Northern Pacific.
If this were so, under the act
The Northern Pacific ha* just issued of March 3, 1903, they would be ex­
a handsome Yellowstone park folder, cluded from United States ports.
descriptive of the trip through that
Earnings of Rubber Company.
„ark, ami also dealing with Alaska and
New York, May 21.—The annual re­
coast excursion points. The folder is
designe.1 to answer some questions port of the United States rublier com­
that always arise during the excursion pany shows total earnings to he $51,-
The Yellowstone park season 888,757 and the total net income $2,-
i. formally opened on Jnne 1, and the 774,398, which, after deducting interest
first train for the park will leave coast and bad debts, left J« surplus for the
year of $1,342,448.
terminals on the day previous.
a forest reserve in this region.
In view of the development of irri­
gation enterprises in Lake lounty an 1
in Northern California, the creation of
this forest reserve is con-i.Iered most
essential. The lands withdrawn are to
tie examined this summer, and su h
- tra ts as are fonnd unsuitable for re-
-ei vat ion will ultimately be restored to
entry. Tbe remainder, beyond a ques­
tion of doubt, will be , ermanently re­
Surveying Crater Lake Park.
Superintendent W. F. Arant hl
ceived word that Crater Lake
I ark will be surveyed by
ment as s<x>n as the enow
from the mountains. The !.. >»®99H
of the park, containing 249 square
miles, have never been defined, and
until that is done the superintendent
cannot tell exactly where his authority
begins or ends with reference to posei*
b e treepassers or those asking privil­
Better Catch of Fish.
Reports from the mouth of the river
are to the effe.t that the cat h of fish
is a trifle lietter, but as the ratch dir-
ing the - set week or ten days has been
very small, this does not mean much.
The time ¡ b last approaching, however,
when big runs are to he expected, pro­
vide!, of co rse, that the weither and
other conditions t rn more favorable.
Half a Hop Crop.
Much complaint is being expressed
by the hop growers around Harrisburg.
From some cause tbe vines have not
come up in many hills in the yards
thereabout, whi e many of the vines
are blighting. It is the opinion of the
growers that the trouble ia due to
worm« in the roots.
Still there, are
thoee who do not incline to thia apin-
ion. However, all agree that th ire
will not be over half* cron in that lo*
Tn the Blue river district, thjft
now given out that the Sunset*,
the same district, will begin *&
development. A stamp milfl
put in to test the richness of tlH
a practical manner, and work 9
prosecuted in the tunnels so afl
up the ledge in a manner to wfl
Joining Two Branches. ■
Again it is reported that ti9
looked for link connecting tM
lines of the Southern Pacific bl
Springfield and Eugene will *1
built, and the report seems tol
from a reliable source.
A sari
party is to be eent by the compJ
ones to make final location of thei
for the connection, which it is tn
Died at Great Age.
tention to construct during the p!
Joseph Bachaw, wli”, as near as can year.
ie figured < ut, was at least 115 years
old, was found dead in bed at the
Water Supply Falla.
home of hi« stepson, near Sidney. He
There is a shortage of water aS
was probably the oldest man in Oregon. Oregon agricultural college. Th« al
He was a Frenchman by birth and of supply is a large well, whicM
served in the French wars of 1806-15, merly afforded sufficient water, bul
under Napoleon. He drove an ox team growth of the college and the lan
to Oreg n in 1847, and was then a gray increased amount of water required!
haired man.
ders the output of the well insuffic!
to meet the needs. Every day now
Fruit Outlook Bright.
well is pumped dry. in spite of
Prune growers frem different parts of fset that there is careful buebandini
Marion and Polk counties report that water in all the departments.
their trees are in excellent condition
and promise an enormous crop. The
Sugar Beets Need Rain.
rains did no damage during the blos­
About 30 Japanese have arrived I
soming period.
The trees are now Pendleton from Portland to work I
bearing much more fruit than could be the l>eet fields of the Oregon sugi
matured, bnt, of course, much of this company, and 120 more are expects
will drop off, as usual.
to follow soon. The beets are growin
slowly and almost at a standstill fc
Fire at Ashland.
want of rain.
Grain, gardens an
Fire which broke out at Ashland orchards are also suffering.
last Monday in th* middle ut the busi­
ness bouses on the west side of Fourth
street, between A and B, near the
Southvrn Pacific depot, gained such
Wheat—WaHa Walla, 7O@71c; val­
be dway and burned so fiercely that al­
most the entire block was destroyed, ley, 74c.
Barley—Feed, ,20.00 per ton; brew­
involving a total lose of nearly $25,000,
upon which there was an insurance of ing, $21.
Flout —Best trade*, $3.9i@4.80; gra­
ham, $3.45(33.85.
Cutting Down Debt.
Millatuffs—Bran, $23 per ton; mid­
The semi-annual financial statement
$27; short*, $23.00; chop,
of Wasco county, computed by County
Clerk Lake, shows a reduction in t' e
Oats - No. 1 white, $1.10@1.16;
indebtedness of the county of $41,705.34
within the last six months, leaving the gray, $1.05 per cental.
total indebtedness at this time only
Hay — Timothy, $20®21; clover,
$>8,191.14, which is the first time for $10@ll; cheat, $15016 per ton.
many years that the indeb ednesaof the
Potatoes—Best Burbank*, 50c per
county has l>een materially below sack; ordinary, 25®40 c per cental,
grower*' prices; Merced sweets, |3@
3.50 per cental.
Ready to Dig.
Poultry—Chickens, mixed, 11(3120^
Ditch digging imnlements and sup­
plies for the Columbia Southern irriga­ yoting, 18@14c; hens, 12c; turkey*,'
tion company, on the Tumello, have live, 16017«; dreesed, 20®22c; duck*,
been going in for several days, and act­ $7.00@7.50 per dozen; geese, $6®6.50.
ive operations are expected to be in
Cheese—Full cream, twin*, 16X®
progress there soon, though no news ' 17c; Young America, 17® 17>ic; fact­
has yet cotne of the approval of the re­ ory prices, 1@1 %c; less.
clamation contract at Wasshington.
Butter—Fancy creamery, 20®22c per
pound; extra*, 21c; dairy, 20@22)»c;
All Are Busy at Helix.
The prosperons'little village of Helix, i store, 16® 18c.
Egg*—16@17c per dozen.
in the vary heart of the great wheat
belt of Eastern Oregon, enjoys the dis­
Hops—Choice, 18®20c per pound.
tinction of not having an idle man, a
Woil—Valiev I2.t^® 15; Eaatern Ore­
vacant storeroom or dwelling houss gon, 8® 14; mohair, 35®36c.
within its limits.
Everyone is busy,
Beef — Gros*, cow*, "31<®4c per*
and all are prosperous.
pound; steers, 4*-4®5c; dree*ed, 7jfc.
Heavy Buyer of Timber Land«.
Mutton—Gross, 7®7)^c per pound; '
Deeds have been filed for record con­
veying the title to nearly 3,000 acres of dressed, 8®9o.
timber land along the Klatskanie river
Igtmba—Gross, 4c per pound ;*dreeeed,
to W. W. Boman, of Forrest, Pa., mak­ 7XC.
ing a tract of about 7/00 acres that he
Hogs—Grose, 7®Ji7c per pound:
baa recently purchased in that vicinity. dressed, 8<8