The Duffy Co. Sle.-pl^^!^ W e have added to our lines a full Stock of Groceries and Dry Goods. E «. REAMES. ALEX MARGIN Jfl. pie we choose .'it elections lire I lie When you want a pleasant pl'.'»- ph.'*11 1 ' ALEX MARTIH people's servant In a very pathetic try Chiunbetluln’H Stomach N»d L*" 1 Vice President. Casliit President. sense, hence to tlid voter is intrusted Tablets. Th(y are easy to take mid the responsibility for the oversight 1 pleasant In effect. For sale •')’ * **v’ Published «very Thursday by of the State. wood A Co, WESLEY O. SMITH, A hundred years ago it was a new GREATLY ALARHED E ditor and P rofriktok . thing in America for the people to lie sovereign, and tills uovelty Was By a Persistent Cough, but Perma­ nently Cured by Chamberlain * such a stimulus tliat it was, that Cough Remedy. they would, of course, take eagerly O m year (tn advance) Mr. IL I’. Burbage, u student at to the duties which it involved. Yet has liee» John Adams, while serving in the law, in Greenville, 8. THURSDAY. MAY i Continental congress made the dis­ troubled for four or five years with a Corresoondei covery that the great body of tile continuous cough which he sayz Collections Attended I REPUBLICAN TICKET. people did not take a great deal of "greatly alarmed me, causing ('>•' •" Invited. interest in their own public affairs. fear that 1 was In the first stage of to Promctly. For Congressman--lst District. Tills torpor lias Increased, seemingly consumption.” Mr. Burbage, having HON. BINQER HER MANN, out of proportion to our growth in seen Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy of Douglas County. population. Every working poll- advertised, concluded to try it. Now I tielan in America can repeat anec­ read what lie aaya of it: "1 soon felt Special Election June 1, 1903 dote of tlie indifference of a consider- a remarkable change and after using _____ ! able body of the citizens to the two bottles of the twenty-five cent size, was permanently cured." Sold The arguments brought forth by I charge, which affects each and all. Mr. Reames in bls many ••confiden- T,le congressional election to be by Chitwood & Co. tial” letters to both Republicansand held June 1st is one of most vita) TREASURER'S NOTICB. Democrats are rather inconsistant to importance and should call out every Notice is hereby given that there are say the least. In one of his letters voter in this district, lhe fact that funds in the County Treasury for the be states that the Republicans who our country at large is prosperous redemption of the following county war­ desire to support him say they can -»nd business in our immediate locaii- rants protested on and prioi to March Connecting at Lairds With S. P. R. R. over the ne^ 19,189(1. Interest on same w ill • ease do so without sacrificing principle, ty in a healthy condition Is the hlgli- from Railroad from Pokegama to Lairds. this date: Nos. 8828. 8*17, 8851. W»-can readily believe that, for if «-st reason why we should give an un- 8779, 8819, 8800, 8737, 8810, 8723, agent AT LAIRDS AT DEPOT. |. W. BURRISS, Agent, | tliere are any such who so desire It mistakable endorsement to our 8815, 8364. 8815, 8755, 8872, SHAS, Kl.AMATH FAI LS, oJ 8941,8813, 8616, 8949, 8841, 8750, can only be accounted for by lack of present Republican administration, 6146, 8836, 8965. 8763, 8796, SISMI, G. A. POPPLETON, Manager,- ] 8728, principle therefore we cannot see , H «'nee wo had an 8710, 8931, 8739, 7593, 81'45..................... Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, this where it would be possible for them object lesson. 1892 was the most 4th dav of December, 1902. to make any sacrifice. In another he prosperous year we have had since H. H. V* m V ai . kicnbvrii . County Treasurer. says "I am well acquainted with the the civil war, but what a change the needs of the state.” Well, we are following year. History repeats it- W. W. HAZEN, Proprietor, LOST: A Rebecca, gold breastpin. willing to admit that, but what does Sl'il like, causes produce similar ef- Finder return to Geo. W. Bradley KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON.I that signify. We only have Ills word tecta. Therefore, fellow citizens, EAST END, and secure reward. for It and besides if that was the only h‘t each of us do his full duty as a HorbOH day. week < or UsOBtlL ■ • liorscH boarded Hoariuni by t»y K 1TBLICATlON. district wants to send a dummy to 25 men. Tlie purpose of the expedi- Department of the Interior, The Klamath County Lite Stocx Congress, a man who himself practl-, H°n Wils to discover a pass for a wag- Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon, cally admits, that in a house already ( on roa< l through the Cascades, May 4, 1903. Association will pay the above Notice is hereby given that the fol­ largely Republican, he could not do i Captain Sprague and Lieutenant ward for the arrest and conviction lowing-named settler lias filed notice of If be can-! O-A. Stearns were one day walking any person or persons found guilty of anything as a Democrat, his intention to make final proof tn sup­ stealing or altering the marks or not do anything, rather than elect a little apart fioin the rest of the port of his claim, and that said proof brands of any stock belonging to any him it would be better to leave the company, when they suddenly came I will l»e made before the county clerk of Klamath county, Oregon, at Klamath member of this association. office vacant and save the money, or into full view of a lake which spread Falla, Oregon, on June 24, 1903, viz: I Address Chas. Horton, President WILLIAM is Mr. Reames in bis letters to Re­ out 2000 feet below them with a ................. II WEBB or J. O. Hamaker,Secretary. publicans hinting that he is willing glistening surface two miles by five H E No 2022 for the NF.'« Sec 19 Tp 38 8 R K 10 E W M, Ore. He names the fol­ to support the administration If they in area. The lake was named Lake lowing witnesses to prove his continu­ will vote for him. He assutes them Majesty, as an expression of the feel­ ous residence upon and cultivation of Phone. Main land, viz: John Short, II 8 New­ I that any good they can do in a quiet ings which were inspired in the dis­ said ton. C R DeLap and B W Short, all of way will be appreciated. Yes, all coverers by the unsurpassed grandeur Klamath Falls, Oregon. INCLUDING E. M. B kattai M, Register the good the Republicans will do ’of the scene. Mr. Clark thinks that Klamath lodge No. 77, A. I . A A NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. him will be so quiet that ltr. Reames although the new name may be more Latest Styles in Hats, Ready Hade Underwear and will think he is at a funeral Meets Saturday Dighton <>r M Department of the Interior.! i descriptive of the geological origin of, DESERT LAND, FINAL PROOF—NO­ TICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at loikevtew, Oregon/- lhe full moon. the lake, the former name was more ' This Is what be tells the Republi ­ May 4, 1903.| Shirt Waists. Medallions and ileclin Laces. United Staten Land Office, 1 Kv T ayux cans confidentially , but for the tilting as an indication of the scenic , Lakeview, Or., April 28, 1903. ) Notice is hereby given that the fol­ W. T. S uive , Sec. W beauty which a visitor to that region ( lowing namesite Court House, kte Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon/ the flarket. C. C. flaltby has had upon being able to get out the demo­ Land Office at Ltkeview Oregon, - Falls, Or. Plmne, Main IO4. April», 19O3.| MARIE WARE IN PORTLAND. April 28, 1903. I Notice is hereby given that tlie fol­ cratic vote. Wonder why be has 41 years’ experience in saddlery in stock countries. Notice is hen-by given that the fob lowing-named settler has filed notice of DRAKE & WALLING, Miss Marie Ware, of Eugene, the his intention to make final proof in sup­ lowing-named settler has filed notice of written hundreds of letters to Repub­ licans begging their support. Be-1 ! fair young woman over whom hang port of his claim, and that said proof his intention to make final proof in sup­ Attorneys and Counselors at will be made before Jas. H. Driscoll port of his cl»im, and that said proof j sides he claims that he already has ' charges in connection with her con­ ■ County Clerk, at Klamath Falls, Oregon', will be made before Jas. H. Driscoll, Practice in Etat» sod Federal G I I the entire support of every Democrat duct of the office of United States on May 23, 1903, viz: County Clerk at Klamath Falls, Or., on ■ and U. 8. I.aud Office. June 13, r.N)9, viz: Blueford J. I'eadmoml, j. A BLEW I ! and also that a great many Republi-1 Cominisssoner, arrived In the city* Satlslsctlon Guaranteed «/. C. WHIPP H. E. No. 2415, for tlie bits 22 and 23 William D. Compile)), H. E. No. 1993 Klamath Falls, Oregon. MANAGER cans have told him they would sup-! yesterday morning and took rooms Write Ua Fur Samples F. L WRIGHT Sec. 3, T. 83, 8., R. 7>i E. W. M. Jfo for the EU W',. Sec. 35, T. 3118., R. PHONE 4-3-0 port him. We always like to believe j at the Imperial. When an- Oregon- ’ names the following witness»* to prove 12 E. W. M. He names the following his continuous residence n|s>n and cul­ witnesses to prove iiis continuous resi­ a man and are willing lo accept proof ian reporter called upon her, she tivation Dr. H. B. HARGC of said land, viz: W. II. .Mor­ dence upon and cultivation of said land, before we accuse him of prevarica-; positively refused to say anything gan, of Fort Klamath, Ore.; Monroe viz: Silas Obenchain, of Lorella, Ore- Physician and Surgeon. tion, so we ask Mr. Reames to give! about her case or about her move­ Morgan, of Fdrt Klamath, Ore.; Wil- gon; Eugene Wilkerson, ol la.rella, Ore- ham Moore, of Fort Klamath, Ore • pon; Thoma« Culbert, ol lairella, Ore­ Office—nest door lo the Opera H us the name of one Republican who ! ments since she left Eugene some Linsey Sisemore, of Fort Klamath, Ore’ gon ; Charles J. Swingle of Lorella, Ore­ Room 7—Hotel Linkville. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. told him that he would support the ' ! weeks ago. gon. ______ M. BRATTAIN, Register, Special attention given disease! < DEALER IN MARBLE E. M. BRATTAIN, Registir. Democratic party by voting for their ! Miss Ware spent much of the day TIM BEK L A ND, A( T J (.' N E 3 187? eve—Glasses fitted. GRANITE, IRON FENC- , ASHLAND OREGON^ nominee for Congress. I in company with H. G. McKinley, ING AND ALL KINDS X-Ilay laboratory—Examination! NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, ’ POSTOFFICE BOX NO- 33 TOWN TREASURER’S NOTICE. OF CEMETERY WORK i whose name has been mintioned In to |2I5. DANGER AHEAD. RE ADVERTISEMENT. , connection with the charges against KLAMATH FALLS, ORI-OO Notice la hereby given that there . She took lunch with him, and funds In Hie town treiumrv for U nited S tates L and O ffice ,) arc A sense of impending danger quick-: flirt mol.,....,» I... a J he was with her when The Oregonian loikeview, Oregon, May 9, 19;)2.'f the redemption of tlie following' war- G. W. STEPHENS ens our every faculty, if one travel-1 Notice is hereby given that in com ­ rants, Interest on same to ccmc froin ing by a rapidly moving railroad j man called. PHYSICIAN AND SURtiBi pliance with the provisionsof the act of April », 1903: »21, It is understood that Miss Ware Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "A,, »22, »23, 1124, 9.(1, An Elegant, New Line of Dress Hats, Walking Hats and all kinds of train should look out of the car win-1 ; has taken the advice of a lawyer in A' t for the sale of timlier land in the »2», »30, »31, 932, »34, dow and observe the words of warn­ »37, Oregon, Nevada, regard to her defense against any aml'inu- 942, Hats, of Latest Styles, and also Trimmings, Notions, »45, and in Washington rerntory”asextend­ ing which heads this article, how charges that may be preferred, and ed fo all the Public Land States by act »i», »47, »48, »50, »54, quickly we would note any change in persons »55, »5ft, »57, »5», Novelty Goods, Etc., at her silence seems to be due to his of August 4, 1892, the I.... . »(12, have tins .lay filed fn this otic!.- t|u. ' »»3, »«I, »71, the conduct of those having the train Klamath Falls, Oregoi 06(1, »70, She declared that she had sworn statements, to-wit: MAYI v ONE’S MILrlvINERY, in charge; how closly watch for the I J advice. »72, »69, »73, 976, ____ f »51, been misquoted by the evening pa- , 5‘"ry P- Trefren, 1 •J. W. »S iemens . slightest slackening of speed and how ! pers, and explicitly denied the state­ 01 Ashland, county of Jackson, slate,,( Town Treasurer. (J BO. H. MERRYM rapidly our anxiety increase until we I ( I »regon, sworn statement No ment that she had said she wan go­ ’orOmmof the NE'„ He 26, Tp <0 ascertain the cause and its probable J ing to lunch with Judge Bellinger.— ^y PHYSICIAN & SURdBO 8, R‘7 E. W M'. results to us in our individual capa­ r.._....... ..................Robert H. Drew, Office Over Uneeda Markit Oregonian. of Ashland, county of Jaeknon, state of city. Yet If the trainmen or the Telephone in Office. Wm. Storm Jr., Prop. (»regon, sworn statement No. Kilo for "A man living on a farm near here boat crew are at their posts with Klamath Fallt, Orcgon\ g,vpn tha’ •‘c funds in the county treasury for Wholesale and Retail Dealer skill and experience to aid them in came In a short time ago completely s rz ' e wm ?'11“’ KW>* K uc 10TP*' '!"■ redemption of all Klamallicounty the discharge of their duties we have doubled up with rheumatism. I .TI’ h t , be ’ r . wi ” proof to show the land sought is more valuable warrants protested on and prior to in all kinds of Fresh and slight apprehension of the result. 1 handed him a bottle of Chamberlain's o that e. GRAVI for its timber or stone than for agricnl /’-.-.«»H. lu.erest win eelse from Salt Meats. Every variety How different If the crew lie either Pain Balm and told him to use It free- tural purposes and to estnt.lish their to Raid land before (’ II Win '«¡KJSSX«"’0"’ of Sausage always on asleep or in any other manner Incai- j i ly and if not satisfied after using It he claim row U H. Commissioner at Klamath adtated! I desire to call attention ' need not pay a cent for it" saysC. P. Be Office in the Rarttni.icAN BulM H. II. Van Valkenbttrg, hand. Phone Main 55 of the voters in the Erst Congression-! Rayder, of Pattens Mills, N. Y. "A 'ternbTmi n,1“y ,ho 4"'”»7 "i Klamath Falla, Oregon County Treasurer. al District of Oregon to the fact of' ' few days later he walked into the store Trvfren1^ For reliable information concern-1 Impending danger. Greater, more ' as straight as a string and handed me ; Drew of Ashland, Or J s lusi i f""“- '•■Ksjj Call at the R epublican office for Ing public lands go to J. W. Hama- direful and far reaching than a score a dollar saying, ‘give me another bot­ i«.;, fine job work. kar; get the benefit or thirty years 1 of railroad disasters, viz: P olitical tle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. I Save money by making your home­ experience. AGENT apathy . Why so? Because It men- want It in the house all the time for OENVRAL FREIGHTER, stead, timber and other tilings with , ed to file their clainiH in thiu Onion set8 at Baldwin’s Hardware; accl very foundation principal of It cured inc. ’ ” For sale by Chitwood C. H. Withrow, U. 8. Commissioner, our system of government. The pco 1 A Co. Store. Klamat U Fails, Oregon. i E- M. B battaix , Register.' ' «^•Prompt and careful attention NoUry Public and Convey to «II orders........ KLAMATH FALLA, 0«^ KLAMATH REPUBLICAN. r AND PLENTY OF IT $1.65 Per Sack COMMENCING MAY 1st, lit KLAMATH FALLS-POKEGAMA STAGE DAILY BOTH WAYS The Brick Store EXCHANGE STABLES Daily=by Daylight=between Klamath Falls and Pokegama LlVery* Shortest Route, Best time and Accommodations. WEST SIÖE STABLE Jas. Sigler, Prop'r First Class Horses Fine Carriages Feed Stable $250.00 REWARD Teams with or without Drivers NEW GOODS ARRIVED LEADING SADDLE AND HARNESS C. C. BRO WE : Complete Line of Harness and Riding Material. ^SUNSET MONUMENT C0.^ JUST RECEIVED City Meat Market County Treasurer’s Notice. Notary Public. J. n. nooRE, C. H. WITH RO STATE LAND BOAI 1