KLAMATH * VOL. VIII. . ............ .. KLAMATil - REPUBLICAN. 'N FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OHEiiON, AI’lilL KJ, 1903. X NO. 2. the cliff with her ehrlvklng Infant, stood full, 'twill <11» with me; If he fulls, tbn I the yvutb with respect tu bls beluvad atum-iueut Is cuuiplete.” Hut, at length, when tho first hours af­ "Go-j'l Hlr'llriun," apoka (¡onpart, at ter midnight had <-ome, Uuupurt eanU lata this point, "let th« conflict go on. Life a duh. dreamy aluinber, and his pallia to me n--w Is uot worth ihe prl-e I would were fur awhll« uuly the phauluiue uf I puy for It by refuaaL Let It go ou." ' gathered from ai l parts of t ; h SLAYS MANY PEOPLE AND DESTROYS sleep. "But my child- tuy sou. If you ar« TWO HEMISPHERES. While Guupart thua lay pon-l< ring up n gone — VALUABLE PROPERTY- lite terrible lulaforiuuo, Hiuion l.ubols | "You'll heve me left," Interrupt- d Ml- EASTERN OREGON STATION. RAILROAD HAS LOST. we« not iilon«. 11« waa lu ib* chamber in-ui -“mo, who of right telouge he.e. b>* usually occupied, and with hliu was Now are you ready, Mou«leur Mt. Doula?” ¿omprrhcni.lv» Review of the Import­ Agricultural College Regents Order Ex Patents to Disputed Oregon Landa Set a liiai-k slave uamed Peter. 11« w«a a Tin- youth turned an Imploring l--ox up­ ant Happenings of the Past Week, ml-l-lk- ag»<| man Million’s spe- lai ••■r- on th« m.ir«|uls, au-l aa the old man tell tensiva Improvements at Colon. Aside by Supreme Cmart. Presented In Condensed form, Mos* vant. ami the only un« In the whole back, lie replied: The board of regents of the agrical- ! OY AUSTIN C. BURDICK < ; h»u»< hold who had any eympathy for The supreme court has affirmed tha “Now I must ask the question I wue Likely to Prove Interesting to Our turai college, under whose supervision decision of the circuit court of appeals about to aali ere our friend <-ame tu in >oag aaeooeoe>••♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦» th«- dark eophew. Igaliula had pur has Many Readers. the Eastern Oregon experiment station for the Ninth cin tnt, which affirmed eil him 111 New Orleans, awl though he terrupt us. Mimou tebola, you may fall ot Union is conducted, lias decided to the jo-lgment of District Judge Charles bail -lone so only as the marqula' agent. In this encounter, un-1 before I crone your CllAITKH X V.- (Continued.) The renal commission ia preparing erect u barn on the farm to coat stent B. Bellinger, setting aside tho patent Jet Peter look««! upon the former no hla sword, I would pray you to tell, If you Birmingham, Ala., April 10.—The "Why. really. g>-utl»in»ii,” said Mliuon, master. Ami, moreover, Hlmun bad pa <1 kuow, where l.ouie Mt. Ju!l»u Is" for work at Panama. ■f 15,000, U> te constrm-twi of atone and iscu-d by the secretary of tte interior after kv had plvk»erly to carry on the work o.' the rights ol eettlera to heieofter ac­ long across a prosperous farming sec­ »ulae for my wlfa.” me of In da floor obor de ol« mas'r's li­ were croaaed. “I did noli" greaueil the old mnn. ”{*, brary, an' me hab watch 'utu ebery tluia A measure ia now before the New experimenting in thoroughbred 11 v«e quire title to the same. tion of Blount county. Ten persons Kiinen Ixibola had l»««-n accounted one stock, which the regents have decided I saver gave It!” All of the lands affected by this de­ were instantly killed, three or four I’» got a chan«**.” of the teat «word players In Marne, and York legislature appropriating $360,- to add to the work here. "You t
r wretch. Hlrulgbt. pow­ rate of deaths from cancer in Great not tte slightest warning of its ap­ ing 1,297 at the end ol the month Tom Ea-t creek, one of the tributaries a|>a»rh failed him A moment more be "Dill he say the wh-ale. PeterT’ erful ami tall te atood, with bla broad Britain has doubled in the last 40 proach. There are 167 offica-ie and employes. of Grave creek, was namol. He was a gated Into the villain's dark featuiea, an I “lie did eartln, mas'r. An' he'» plan- cb-wt expand«-!, while before him fairly years. buiat In o n«er day 32 cents. Th-re days, an I gained a bad reputation on Little Rock, Ark., April 10. — Spe­ h»art would break. ula "Ah. Klmon, I'va taught th<- sword art New York, who has been ill in Wash­ are 24 Alaskan patients in «barge, for aoonnt <4 the no niter of Indians and onto o'e uiaa'r's pocket, an' unit "Ha. ha. ha! you I didn't went me for a mae'r's lub, too. Dey's to^-dder sine» you l«ft me In France! Take car«! ington, has returned home convalea- which the state gets $20 a mot.tli each. Chinamen be kill»!. It ia evident the ciale to tha Gazette from several towns woun l»*l uttered. time son In law. th-««." the I Yah guaMa ole mao'r don't »'poet P-ior wretch. I gave you credit for more tent. tunnels an I development of the mine in White and Cierburne counties, Ar­ In a roarer tone; "for, ,” 1 be added, turning he II want you uo more.” Will Extend Railroad. alalll. and for more courage." were concealed purpo-ely by Fast, and Mi«s Etlna Telfener, niece of Mrs. a defiant look upon lluupart, “you meant. In all probability, the villain believed It was late In ihe morning when Mtinon The Sumpter Valley railroad people the mssterious part of the affair ia bow kansas, tell of a torna-lo which swept no doubt, to have had a more beautiful 1-obols lua-la his appearan«**. 11« bad that Goupart me.mt to kill him If he Jonh W. Mackay, is reported to l>e en­ are quietly preparing to m.ko a move be could have removed so much dirt through that section, leaving death and bueband for bar.” his breakfast served lu bls owu ro >m. could. That tellef begot a feeling of de- gaged to Signor Gino de Martino, of of gome kind in the way cl extending and dene ao great an amount of work le» tract ion in its path. The major "You »III te raraful how you use your anortion of the country through which the road this spring. Chief Engineer without tel ng discovered. tougua In my prearmw," apoka Goupart. In bathing hla face. He walked on to (ba the corner»-! rat, be set to now with all the »term plowed its way is remote The cottage at Tabor, Ia., where John West has lawn looking over the coi ntry In a bushed ten», th» vary breathing of sitting room, and he found tho marquis the energy of a dying man, and for a fr»m railroads, telegraph or telephone Mora Land to Be Opened. whl< h told that there waa a smother ng slid Goupart there. f«w momvote Mt. Danis had to look Brown lived for^ several years, and up above Whitney lor the past week, line». A correspondent wires from where he drilled hie followers, has been and President Eccles has teen consult ­ volcano near at hau I. It ia anriouncel through tho Lr "Monsieur Mt. In-nla,’' be said. In a low, sharp; but II waa only for a few mo­ eercy. Ark., tonight that he had g> ne "Ho - ho. monsieur!” the fellow r»t>ll-4. ley tou». "I would apeak with you." ing with his lieu'enants for several Grande land office that 50,000 acres ol ments. Hltuon made a point blank thrust destroyed by fire. "you hoped to slick your fingers In'o th« While all of the officiate are land in the northeastern part of Baker >ver a portion of the track of the storm, In an Instant the young man turned from a left guard, and w-lth a quick A large area of coal and petroleum days. eld man's gold i*ota. »5? I un-leretaii*! and followed him. Ixatmia led tbo way movement to the right. Goupart brought absolutely noncommittal, everything in­ county will te thrown open to settle­ •ml that trees were twisted from their land has teen local»»I in the Southeast trank* an-l honsee «lemoli.bed. Thus the reason of your «-omlng h»r» vary well. to the garden, and there be »topped and a dowuward stroke with all his available dicates that the roa I is to be extended ment within a few weeks. The lane Kootenay district of British Columbia, But real enured you won't handle the lurneal. ar it has been in possible to ascertain foree two conntieo. Ex-President Cleveland baa ai-ked country is generally rough and n-onn now mors deeply then I ran tear, ao I-a "last night you did what uo living m-n abed. But Khnon had thrust bls arm William Pickens, the Negro who won Josephine Fruit Prospects are Good. The latest report, are t* at nine per­ tainous, but there it |a g o-fly portion careful that you move me no more. It la has aver done before. You atru- k me In further forward than Goupart bad cal- u- tho Ten Eck prize for oratory at Yale, Josephine county orchardiata have of rich land, suitable for fruit co tur» sons are dead, three dying and three enough that you have < ruehej thia old th« faro. Fire I leave this p'a-e. tbo lated. and the blow fell upon the sword to send him a copy of the oration. tally injure I. The towns of Little been busy lor the past three weeks and man's haart, an I overturned hie life r ip ” stricken man must te past reummbran-e band, the guard receiving part of the and g- noral farming purposes. There Red, Albion, Bradford, Heber and "llo bo! thou art noudroua e.u«lllve. uf hts sham», or the striker must be nut force, thus causing a slant ng stroke. All four years of the college course at more spraying their trees. Oruhardiets is plenty of water, with spltndid oppor­ Pangburn have been heard from the» Monsieur Hl. Denis. You have lost the ainung th« living! You understand!" With a quk-k cry of pain. Mnuon dropped Yale will l.erealtar te optional, making there are taking a much livlier inter­ tunities for the lonstru- tion of irrigat far. est in this work than ever before. pries, ah! I suppose If you bad married bls weapon and started back. it possible for fre.bmen to drop Greek, ing cunals at medium coat. Now, Guupart was uot In a frame of Bradford, whi'h is on the Iron the daughter, 'twould have l>aen all right. mind to enlure much, or to argue tain-b "Don't strike me now!" he cried. latin ami mathematics from the en­ Many orchards that have nev r tee-i Moon'ain railroad, was the first point "Fear not" replle«! Goupart. "1 never train« examination. sprayed before have been clear ed up But you're a little behind th« < ca. h thia on moral points. Hts heart wee aching Electric »awalll. heard from Several houses w< re time However. It you remain bare long from a horrid wound, and his eoul was strike a defenseless man. But are you thia spring ai.d given a liberal surer ol The el«»ctric sawmill under construc­ Andrew Carnegie has offered to pay lin e solution. Taken as a whole the blown down there, and one man was aaongh. you eball me the bride.” - tortured by a fearful power; amt tefore satisfied?" tion at St. John’s, a suburb of Port­ "Villain!" gasped Uie marquis, in a him waa the serpent who had done It all, "Yee yro! But that wee a cowardly the bills of all Cornell «indents incurred orchards of Josephine county look far ee-ionsly injured, The to-nad > came land, will begin operation about the frantic tone ' O, would you had killed who had torn loved children from » dot­ stroke." by eickn-ea in the typhoid fever epi­ better this season than they have ever from the west, and had »pant its force first ol next month. George W "No — no, Ixxlaole. I meant not to strike ate ere you had done thia thing!" demic, where they or their parents will before been known, and indications when it reA?he«l Bradford It ia feared ing parent sundered the brother and ela­ Brower is tho inventor. It is a aovel ' Jut. mooah-ur. what do you mean? If ter, and made unhappy the Ilfs of a de- you then; I only nieaut to knock your permit. the little tovn of Hiram, with a popu­ point to a good crop of fruit. plant. It will reprero >t an outlay ol c«a lbs girl rhon to marry ma. wb»t fenselvM girl, Ths young man's ayas sword down. But you knew you have lation of 150, has been wiped off the Oscar Barrliffe, engineer of the train about 150,000, land will have a cut­ you object?" ■lid not flash Ilk» hia «-army's, but they teen at my mercy thrico.” m*p. It is near Heber, and in the Timber Land la Wallowa. "It was your owu fault that you did not j which collided with a trolley eeu able, and I tliluk you land at bar own free will.” many echeol ch d en were kiI tel or in ­ power will te supplied by electricity, fierce hate. dave b- foro the names of all who were would have done the same." office that two moretowushipsof timber "Ruch as ma7' hissed telxda. "And ao jured, is a rav n. maniac in a hospital and the saws will he op-rated in auch "I think 1 understand," waa Bt. Dents' "No!” cried the marquis; "you know He raves shout h engine and ia con­ land in Wallowa county will be open a way that the largest 1 gs can be sawed killed by the tornado are kniwn. yeu would spurn m>- now, ah! You have reply tetter than that. Rimon." found a new flams In your dotage hive "I taught you your flrat lessons In tho stantly man pu aling imaginary th rot for filing April 1, and three more addi­ directly into lumber. But the wounded man made no further CHINESE GARRISON SLAIN. you? Monsieur fit. Dvnla, I give yo i joy asiir-l eierciee, and you were a profl tent tional townships will be open April 15. ties, levers and «fives. of the rriand you have gained; but I when I laat saw you handle tbs blade. reply. Ilia band pain»-! him now, an I he thus making a total of 720 c aims of Indian War Veta Meat Walt. held It out towards the marquis with a The police o New York and neigh­ 160 acres each, or 115,200 acres of new ean't give you up the wife. You did It Will you now choose that weapon?" Russia Begins Hostilities and War With Adjutant General C. U. Gantenbein, teaaeechlng look. Th« old man examined boring cities are trying to run down wall, but I'm afraid you'll have to work Japan (a Expected. "Y»e." timber land on the market. This land "regon National Guard, ia in receipt IL and found that a bad gash was cut whole bands of Italian brigands, who some other way for a living now, unloea. "Then get It and join me at once.” ia estimated by local parties to run of a letter from F. E. Rittman, auditor Victoria. B C., April 10. — Tho from ths roots of th« thumb to the wrist, la dead, monsieur Is marqula may take Gouupart turned away and went to hla <>n the back of the band, but none of the have roently been driven from Italv from 1,500,003 to 3,000,000, feet to ti e of the war department at Washington -teamer Victoria, which arrived from ^ty enough <>a you io git a you a few ami , with which (he you'h thankful—for the result, so far as mere at the increase of the Asiatic squadron. absence from office. rising in that province, and Yuan Shih fonnd more Insulting. With on» Imund ain has M-en ill several weeks but hie bad always played. But It had teen hla Ilf« and death were concerned. Rainier will probably soon have th» Kai, the governor, ia putting down the President Roosevelt will lie escorted bo was by the dastard'» aldo. and on tha recovery waa not deepaired of until a largest exclusive door factory in opera movement. A rising occurred at Ku- father's »word, and he would not use it (To be continued.) Best Inetant be dealt hlin a blow ii|H>n from the depot at Portland by a mon now. After he had returned the l-la-l«- few days ago. tion in the Northwest. A few months tien Shaien, and, on troops being sent the face that felled him to the floor Ilk» eter parade. to Its ecabterd, he stopped a moment to a log. Quality Folk». ago W. D. Plue's door factory war to the acene, a battle occurred, in wnich Prices of Salmon Fixed. reflect. Then ho moved to the table, Rehele of Panto Domingo have re Ten of Since lutcterlologUta have attributed "O, St Julien, 1 could not help It! For­ where an Ink horn stood, and tearing a The Columbia river fishermen's pro­ burned down at that place, and ia now there was a large loss of life. pul-ed the government troops and atill the dtem-mlnatlon of yellow- fever In give maT’ tective union held a meeting at Astoria being rebuilt in a new location on a the principal Boxers, am< ng whom leaf from his pocketbook, be hurriedly were eight women, were captured and "Goupart. I do not blame youf’ Cuba, and of the deadly malaria In It­ hold that city. wrote as follow»: •nd fixed the prices ol fish for the much larger scale. Jefferson 8. Conover, grand aocro’ary heheaded. For some momenta tetela lay upon tha "Monsieur lo Marquis—You ar» my aly, h> tho m«>M|ulko. that creature has coming season at 5 cents per pound for Fish Warden Reports. fioor Ilka one dead, and the youth waa friend, and yon know th« few fit a 's I emerged from the general hoat of In- of the Free and Accepted Masons of In Japanese papers received by the cannery fish and 6 cents per pound for Th» monthly report of Fi«h Warden recent mails stories were given of beginning to fear that the blow mlfl.t have on earth, If I fall to-day, you will •ect. Into a place of Imllvldual Import­ Michigan, is dead, aged 62 years. «x>ld storage fish; that is tlio-e weigh­ Van Duren shows the receipts of hia bare tieen fatal, when the villain moved, know why, and I know you will not ance. For other reason« than these, Governor Taft is mentioned for the ing 25 pounds or over. As those are office for March to have been $666.10, romers current at Dalny and KhaiMn •nd shortly afterwards ho arose to hia blame me. You wlil wee Louise. Tall however, an old C-ornlsh woman latriy presidency in 1904. Tha Now York the prices already practically agreed of which $112.60 waa from fines and of impending war between Ru sia and feet. Ho gased a moment upon hla ene­ h«r we »hall meet—” pronounced upon the mosquito's arte Herald figures that Roosevelt will te a upon by the packers, uo controversy is sal«>s of contraband salmon, and the Jap tn. my «rilh a deadly look, and th< n. aa ha The youth stopped and started up, and tocracy. Rh«> lutd asked her perish winner with Naw York atate in the anticipated. noticed that the blood was trickling dowu hie hand trembled. balance from licenses. Bread and Meat ia O >e Trust. bls face upon the floor, be turned towards "If I fall thus, shall we meet there?” priest to rend her a letter from her sou doubtful column. Chicago. April 10.— A diepatch to Quartz Property Changes Hands. tho door. he murmured to himself. *'O, heaven In llrasll. The writer's orthography Tha Indiana operators will submit a the Tribui e from New York says: A PORTLAND MARKETS. Negotiations have lieen closed where­ “Goupart St. Denis, thou ahalt anaw«r will pardon the deed. It knows the de p waa doubtful but the vicar did bls twat proposition to Ihe miner» agreeing to by the Red Ih-an quartz propeity, locat­ certificate of incorporation for the lor thia!" pro« ocatl-m th» burning ahsma that to rend phonetically. have a conimiarion, composed of an ed on Starveout creek, was taken over United States Biscuit company baa And thus speaking, the viHaln left tha blights this “ ‘ house 7' “I cannot tell you how the musklttlea o;»erator. a miner, an-l an expert min­ Wheat— Walla Walla, 70c; blue- been filed in Trenton, N. J., with a by a Chicago capitalist, for a $12,000 room. Then he stooped one» mor. and wrote; torment me. They pursue me every­ ing engineer, to «te'ide what mines in stem, 7tc; valley, T5c. capital of $4,5p0,000. The new con­ consideration, with a large payment "In that world where love knows no where- even down the chimney!” Barley—Feed, |21.50 per ton; brow­ cern promises to be a powerful com­ the Clinton field require shooters. down. The mine was bought of Riggs, CHAPTER XVI. HT. I •ENTS. ” night. The fond mother’» »yea grew large petitor of the Natinal Biaenit company. That evening Baton Rt. Julien and G >u- This th» youth foldeil and directed to The Anthracte »trike commission Flamm A Evans of this city. Riggs ia ing, I S3 with mingle«! pride and amazemeut. part conversed long and earnestly togeh- Brion Rt. Julien, and wiping a single a locomotive engineer. Flamm and Floor—Rest grade, $3.9504.2*, grah­ The financial powers behind the near award with reference to the mining "Exeklel must bo rare handsome,” company are not disclosed, btit it ie ar. For some time tha youth had enter tear from his cheek, he hurried down to am, $3 4508.»5. engineers gives the enigneers a holiday Evans are pocket hunters. eli«» imi I i L "for the maidens to be so talned thr thought of proceeding at <>n » the hall, and from thence to the garden understood they ar* millionaireChiraeo on Bunday», which was obaerved last Millstnffa — Bran, $1$ per ton; to Naw Orleans and seeking l.oulsc, but where he found Mlmon waiting for him. after him. And I reckon tte Misa Kit­ Bering for OU at Myrtle Creek. capitalists. It ie regarded in Wall Sunday throughout tha mining regions middlings, $ 24; shorts, $19.10020. finally he resolved to wait awhile, at "Now follow me," said Lob-ds; and tles Is quality folks, too!” street that the new company will bo Rorings are to h<> resumed at the oil chop, $18. for tlie firat time in the history of coal least until be had ooa mora Iatan lew thus Speaking, he led the way around the operated as an adjunct of the beet well at Myrtle Creek. The well is now with Ixibola. mining. Willis's Perplexity. Oats—No. 1 white, $1.15 « 1.20; combination, with Armour interests ia house towards the barn, and thence out at a depth of 1,800 feet and the drill Not a single disorderly act baa oc- When Willie camo home text night he 'That tebols was tha cause of her be­ through the postern to th» foot of the control. has been stoppeii on account of lack of gray. $1.13^01.15 per cental. ing abducted I have ao longer any doubt,” hill beyond, where grew a thick dump of waa more convinced of tlie useleaan«'ss ettrred to mar the tranquility of Mon­ Hay — Timothy, $13018.50; clover, funds. Now that a sufficient amount »aid the marquis, after some remarks hickory trees. of schools than he aver was before, terey, Mex., since Thursday's riot». $10 all; cheat, $11013 per ton. Admiral Sands to Take Cvaaaad bad teen made upon the subject. "Nosr, Goupart Rt. Den la, ar» you any» the Buffalo Expresa. Asked the I Governor Iteycs, in speaking of the •' stock has l>een cold to resume opera­ I tions work will comti ence at once. Washington, April 10. — Rear Ad­ Potatoee — Beet Burbanks, 50e per "How can there be a doubt?" returned ready?" asked Mlmon, at the same time tin lure of hts In trot trouble, be ex­ affair, »aid that an investigation showed sack; ordinary, 23040c per cental, miral James H. Sands, commandant < I Goupart. "nia story of the rescue of drawing hla sword. absolutely that the ;>olice flist firad in plained that "ptuitponc" had teen one Appointment by Chamberlain. growers’ prices; Merced sweets, $30 the I-eague inland navy yard, has re- "In one moment," returned th» youth. th. poor girl la too Improbable for tellcf, the air, later firing at their aggressors Governor Chamberlain lias appoint- 3.36 per cental. ported at the naw department for duty unless he had some understanding with also drawing his own weapon, but lower­ of the words In the m > c 1H»S lesson of only in defense of their lives. ed T. B. Howes, of Portalnd, to succee«! the day. The teacbed ha«l directed the the lndfaua." ing Its point-upon the ground. Poultry— Chickens, mixed, 13013c; in connection with the newly organ­ He was stopped short In hla apeech. for pupils to write a a«>ntience In which the "But da you not think that he found Gerogo Gillette is dead st the county Captain Hoben as Port warden on the young, 13O14c; hens, 13s; turkeys, ised North Atlantic squadron, of which hsr as he says?*' inquired the marquis, at that nioinvnt the marqula came rush­ «IM-clal word should appear. The position pays no sal­ hospital of Hants Cruz, Cal., aged 80 Columbia. Captain live, 16O17c; dressed, 2O0k2c; ducks, he is to assume command. earnestly. ing out from the court, and soon rea. bed Along with others, Willie announced years. He came to the United States ary, the incumbent receiving his com­ Charles D. Sigabee will succeed Ad­ $707.50 per doeen; g ssss, $608. ‘ Of course I do. lie found her aa he the spot where they atood. that te did not know tho meaning of in 1842 »s a member of Lord Ashbur­ pensation in commissions. miral Sands in command of the Leagco Cheese—Full cream, twins, 18XO "Mlmon," ha gaaped, white with fear, •ays; but, of course, tha OVdlane uuder- the word, and so could not uno It tn a ton's suite to negotiate the Ashburton- island navy yard, and will be succeed, "what meana this? Put up your aword." s I ihx I that ka was to mast ih«m there. 17c; Yonng America, 17X 0 18c; Observatloa of Arbor Day. ! Webster treaty 'or th» northeast boun- ed as chief intelligence officer at the "Brion Mt. Julien," quickly retorted the aentenc* The teacher explained thet It He took her there, and ha must have factory prices, 101 He lose. Superintendent of Public instruction davy of th is country. He ba«l been an navy department by Commander You »aw meant "delejr” or "put off," and, en- esad some terrible power to make her mad nephew, "atun-l bach! Butter—Fancy creamery, 300 33He 8ehroeder, formerly naval governor of coiiraywi the youngwtera to try. Wil­ inmate of the county hospital for 12 J. H. Ackerman has iasu»«l a sugge-tive “»rry hlin.” what paaaed laat night—did you not?” manual for the use of public school» in per pound; extras, 80c; dairy, 300 the Island of Guam. pltviasuitcr years. Nt. Denis weni to hie chamber, and "But that was the result of hot pas­ lie's thoughts wore on preparing for Ariror day, which will 32Xc; store, 15« 18c. sion. Yon taunted him moat bitterly, Mi­ thtnga than school, and hla made-to-oc- went tn hie lied; but be could not sleep I Snowstorn destroys ti'legraph Jloo" te April 10. The pamphlet comprises Eggs—16017Xe per doeen. Russia Keeps Bargain. He lay with bls hands clasped aver bls nion; yon Insulted him most shamefully, tie their clothes when ern Mississippi valley. Hops—Choice, g ®22c per pound. groans would break from his lips. Ills thing stop!” Wool —Valley, 13X010«: Eastern of expiration of the treaty period of they go In swimming.” Attendants Want More Pay. I Thomas Kclgnu. who, "Ntop? You -night aa well try to stop grief was deeper than he could tall, eveu six months, fixed for the evacuation of I tho Toledo. O.. Jail in 190!. Is behind The male attendants at the Oregon Oregon, 8®14Xc; mohair, 32033c. In hla wildest prayers, and hie hopes were yomler mighty river from flowing to Its Colle«« Color«. Beef — Grose, eowe, 3©3Xe per the second province of Mancharla. the bnrs again. He is charged with state insane aavlttm have petitioned • II (one. The thing had come upon him mouth! You asy I gave him provocation. "Our college colors are pink and old the robbery of the Toledo poatofflce. the board of truste«>s of that instito pound; steers, 4®4Xc; dressed, 7Mc. During the past fortnight the Russians *lth a doubly crushing force, for It had Did he not give me provocation?" gold." snld Mlsa Frocks. Kidgnn was caught In Los Angeles. have been removing their troops from Veal—7X08X«. tion tor a raiio in salaries of about 6 "Yea-yea. It was all folly all eager, found hla soul already bowed down be­ “Our college colors were Mack and Mutton — Grosa, 4c per pound; ths interior of the province, part of Professor Nathaniel Schmidt, of the j per cent. neath the weight of fear. II. could have hot, mad haste. O, give over this th-ng! blue when 1 waa Initiate«! Into the se­ I department of Semitic lanruMM^M d r e s sed, 7Xc. them going to Port Arthnr and tbo known that teniae ha