■ ■ .J. — .»¡rar a , . • - ----------- er lliir w III Is* Imilt. That i ll) seems will la* dimiged from ngmi to super­ TIMBER I.A mi . ACT J I 'NE 3. 1878.- MM. risii OF COUNTY BOARD. Nt/TK’E Kilt I ' liLICAIioN. intendent. Tim sal.iry will be the to iiicaii business. 1 1 1 ■ ....................... —JI The i-ouniy commissh tiers' court, Asstkin as the weal bur will pramlt, linin' ¡is before. I' NITE I • STATE.' LAND (if Hf'E. rilVKHDAY. M a HCII U. H’H. m> I lust week, adjourning Friday, I.AKKVIKW, Gai«»)!«, NoV'-lltlx'l "5. H«r2. II. I. Hmnnioinl «'x|xi Is to tieglh the Uh.it was the Ashland Town Talk and in addltlou to allowing claims, Notics is hereby given thut in cum Work of repairing that pint <>f his I iiih iignln I'hmigi d linmla, A. (’. J.u ub- plianux with III* provi-ions <>t the act of IraiiMu t. pound wm was Ixun to Mt. and of California, Oregon, Nevada, The new oner, tnwta vacant by Hie death of states exprebfi and stage office arid a small the Aahlaiul Tribune. and Washington Territory,” as extend- Mrs. Medley of this place t.Wt Friday. Dr. F. D. Kearnes. name Is a great improvement and it (ed to all the Public Land Mates by stfs'k of goods. 9 E. B. Ramsby and A. V. Whitney A daughter wan born to Mr. and act o| August 4,1802, Charh-s Wilton Andrew Loppin, aged 57 years, was H to he hoped the old one will never resigned a* Justice of the pence and Stone, of P. O. Box 1407, Seattle, county Mrs. Geo. L. Chase, at this place, Instantly killed by fulling from a be renurri'i'h'iL Shakespeare would constable, respectively, at Merrill, i of King, state of Washington, has this Bunday. trestle on Hie Southern Paclllc mar never have said “there's notlilug In a and Geo. Offield and II. A. Kat ten­ day fil<' | sliii. No. 37 »., Range No. 13, E. W. M., fancies. ! ami will offer prmd to show that the Writing. employed ew bridge over tinilier or stone than for agricultural and we wish tlie proprietor plenty (,f ( purpoaea, ami to establish his claim to several Weeks' eontlnemeiit at home I J. A. Anthony of New Pine Creek the Klamath river nt Keno for •!,- . snive- dewrilx-d lands are requested to tile & We have received a communication William Thacker Leevcr, a pioneer work of making the aurvey and csii- house with 25 cords of pine was their claims in this office on or before from Ft. Klamath t < m > late to publish scliisil teuchrr of Oregon, died ut his mates on Tuesday ami an- assisted by awaided to Richard Breitenstein who said 21st O ifk e . day, April 17. They expect to have the work com­ ley, Man-Il 4, Allan McDonald, aged Lakeview, Oregon, February 3, 1901. I f * Mr. Daniel Conner of Swan lake The Woodmen of Grants Pass ure pleted within n month, ami then act­ 77 years. The deceased was a native Notice is hereby given that in com­ * pliance with the provisions of the act of making preparations to hold n st reel ami Miss Bertini Arnett <>f this pl.u■<• ual construct ion w ill follow. This of Ayrshire, Scotland, emigrating to of June 3, 1878, entitled “An fair and carnival In that town from I were united In marriage at the resi- will Inaugurate a new era of growth America with Ills parents when a Congress act for the sale of tiinls-r lands in the ¡deuce of J. I*. Arnett In Klamath June Id to 21. amt pros|wrlty for Klamath county. young man and locating in Iowa, . states of California, Oregon, Nevada, I ami Washington Territory," as externl- O. P. Waggoner hits Ixuigllt two ! Falls last Friday, Justice Graves per­ Mr. ami Mrs. Ilobt. A. Hopkins, where lie resided for several years. i ed to all the Public Land States by act The happy forming the ceremony, lots of Maj. Worden on High street formerly oi Klamath Falls, left Ash­ With a younger brother he removed 1 of August 4. 1892, the following peraons ami Is preparing to erect a neat young cuuple receive Hie beat w labes land Monday for their future imine at to Oregon In the early sixties, l.a-at- ■ have tiled in this office their sworn i statements, to-wit: of many friends. dwelling on them. Pullman, Wash. In regard to a re­ Ing In Washington county, Later William H. Flagg, the Arc do- II. L. Boggs, chief of The purity of Ashland's water sup­ ception temlcri'l them before tljclr they rem >ved to what, was then ' of Ashland, comity o( Jackson, state of I Oregon, sworn statement No. I486, for ply Is questioned and the board of partmenl, him taken steps lo secure depart me, tlie Titlings says: The known :p> Lake county. They were the purchase of the N.'a of N'j, section the necessary equipments for the trade and city council propose to act pupils of the Seventh grade of the among the earliest set tiers and by 24, township 40, S., range 7 E. company, in accordance with resolu­ 'city sch'xils tendered a reception to thrifty and industrious habits built John W. Dear, jointly In Improving It. tion <>f the town board. Citizens will Pref. It. A. Hopkins, Friday evening, up a comfortable home. The de­ I of Ashland, county of J'acksm. state of | Oregon, sworn statement No. 1487. for Today J. F. Gocllcr sold bls lots lx- glad to know tl at the boys arc to i at till' home of Mrs. U ah Calwell, oti ceased was an upright, honest cjtizcn the purchase of the S4y SW!^, NE*4 ami bouse on Malli street, south of have all the supplies they . .... I to Laurel street. The affair was given who strictly adhered to the Golden SW'4, ami NW1^ SE1^, section 1, town­ the school house, toll. l>. Grizzle who ship 40, S., range 7 E., W. M. carry on ttielr commendatile work. as a murk of the esteem In which Mr. Rule. His death will lie regretted by Emma Dyar. will occupy Hie same with ills murblc We are III receipt of a letter from Hopkins was held by Ills late stu­ all who knew him. lie never mar­ of Ashland, county oi Jackson, state of works. sworn statement No. 1488, for the Port lami board of Trade wiling dents, and ax a farewell licfore Ills de­ ried, but lived with his brother and ' Oregon, the purchase of tlie S*a N'E'i ami NJg Ashland Tidings: Mr. mid Mrs. forth Its determination to secure di­ parture for Pullman, Wash., where family. He had unbounded faith in SE'I, section 2, townsliii! 40, 8., range Momyer of Klamath Aginey were I rect railway comniunlcatIon lietwecii I he Is going Into business. There Divine Providence and when his earth­ 17 E., W. M. visiting their daughter, wlm is a Florence L. Trefren, tli.it city and this section of the state. were ubout twenty present and the ly task was completed lie passed away of Ashland, county of Jackson, state of student at tlirK. (I. Slate Normal, In Port lami people have awakened to tlie evening was very pleasantly spent < as tranquilly as the dawn. Oregon, sworn statement No. 1489, for Ashland, last week. the purchase of the SEI« NW'^, SW*4 need <>f sin'll facilities and It now with games. Refreshments were CH1ISTIAN CON- NE'i, and W, SE1^, section 12, town- ENDEAVOR We are Informed that Dr. Ilargua looks ax though they would lx* fortli- shh> 40, S., range 7 E., W.’M. VENTION. served at tlie close ami Prof, and Mrs. h is bought a tract of ground from i'Olllillg. That they will offer proof to show > Hopkins were the recipients of num- that the land sought is more valuable J. (I. Fierce, located on Conger ave­ of the The district convention , 'Toux warm wishes for their welfare Tlie now slat«' lioard f that Institution met Iasi Friday Increase the facility of the water­ (keenly regretted by tier many friends Medford. sworn statements, to-wit: lo consider wh.it to du with the works. More than ever, people appro- iiere and all will cordially sympathize YOU Buy Of Us! That’s Dollars and Cents for Both Walter Anson, LOST RIVER of Klamath Falls, county of Klamath, namey. leíate the protection the water system with the sorrowing relatives. She state of Oregon, sworn statement No. We Carry as Fine and Varied a Stocx oi The Ashland Record of last week i 1614, for the purchase of the S'.. NE'j ! Within a few days new Ixixcs will guarantees lo I lie town. If taken in was 20 years of age, and leaves a I* put In Ila- iMatoftlic and that will time It will cure the woist case of lire mother, a sister ami two brothers at contains an article on the “Lost ami N'4 KE’a, Sec. 1, T. 37 S., R. V ' I «■ml the iucoiivcnlunec ms’cssarily that can happen. As a fact the IltiblKird, Or. Rivers” of Oregon, and has the fol­ E., W. M. Charles C. Essig, suffered by I he post master und pub- water system of Klamath Falls Is Arrangements tor th.- funeral have lowing to sav about the one in Klam- of Harrison, county of Kootenai, state ; lie by reason of the recent conflagra- equal In quantity of water ami force ! not lieen made nt this writing. ; ath county: Lost river in Klamath oi Idaho, sworn statement No 1615, for! the purchase oi the S'., N W'4, Sec. 1,! | county is one of the most Important I and Hon. |,o *'•*' 1,1 **,c xtate. S'., NE'4, Sec. 2, T. 37 S., R.9 E. DEATH OF FRED CARRICK. { and most historic In tlie state. Some W. M. The village election passed off Moll- Forty-four Masons at tomb'd the , T]1“,1 !.° i ^’ i ° i W ": Trns- On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. A. D. of the Inst ranches in Klamath that ceremonies ami Itanqiiel In their hall |w ith I tie following result: timt tiiv the i hind S iivi sought iS is uiiiiv more valuable As Can be Found In Any C4ty> county now lie along this stream, for its timber or ctone than for agricul- KUurde sent away for repairs; many friends and associates. Four any person or persons fount soil is very rich along its banks, and!, NoH.e®’?’''«’»'X given that there are stealing or altering the , l funds in the treasury with which to re- Griffith at, the residence of S. B. twenty canvas mail sacks totally des­ Years ago lit entered the Forest w here the Indians once laid in wait'deem all outstanding state warrants brands of any stock lielbhgl Numerous i troyed. Booth, on Sunday. All current records and Grove College whose course lie finish­ for the weary immigrant, who sought drawn on the Mate Scalp Bounty and member of tills association. friends join In extending congratula­ other valuables were in the safe and ed, and for several months before his Address Chas. Horton, 1 the water of this stream, after cross- an<1 ni ’ , t pal ,l for want of funds ” prior tions and good wishes. death was preparing to satisfy his or J. O. llamaker,Secretary! saved. Ing the plains, for himself and team, i to this date. All such warrants, if ambition to become a lawyer. Alfred H. Conner, brother of Geo. and to »pend a few days in this, at 1 Pro|*Hy endorsed will be paid upon Ashland Tidings: L. A. Crancc ■th Ills health had never been very 1 . , . | presentation at thia office, interest ’I’. Conner of Merrill, died of pneu­ and wife returned from Portland last good. Last summer he bail to have a that time, great oasis In the Oregon thereon ceasing from and after this monia at Truckee, on Saturday, the CHAS. 8. MOORE, night. While at the hospital Mr. surgical operation performed and desert, now well-to-do farmers and