CLEAN UP SALE p roach <»! spring. The tii.iny friends of Joint Blount wit’ l*e plensetl to learn that It*' h;Ut entirely reinvcntt from Ids attack ot rtH'Utnat iam Cfcniiilmrlain’» 1‘ai” Balm eurerl lilm after tlie bcm th»- tors in tlie town (Monon, Inti.) hud failed to give relief. Tlie prompt relief from pain which this liniment affords Is alone worth many times Its • cost. For sale by Chitwood & Co. FOR SALli. E R. REAMES, Vice Fresident. t-NirEi>'< " '*»»•< I thereby'watmglier.siioulder. !>-. »tute» oi Cnli'orl,ia- ,, ’,.Iten<|»«l I** ] HeuKMtway reduced tlie fracture and Waahiligton ierril'1. ■ ,(1V #lt ,4 nil the 1‘ublu' l-»ml - , <4 I the little one waa doiftg well at la»t Augii»lE Is’1-, • >•'1,1 ■ - IIU|ih, »iHlt- ! accounts. K lumai li Fall»- ,‘!”1,|,‘-'''1| »;„ tlmoffiev „( tliegon, hit» tin»'I»' forllic The most pleating social event of liis sworn statement. • ' imr|(-r, the season was a party given by Mr. tomi..........‘'""lì C and Mrs. Geo. W. Lotaley in honor of H-Ction No. IL I" » M .ill A two-horse power and drag ,,f •' ¡h,-land «mudi’ Collections Attended Miss Lotella Dickson and their son. wood-sawing machine, til complete S„ Range offer proof to •••a* 11 u,,r stone Edward, on the 20th anniversary of and in gi“sl running order, having $1.50 Child’s Shoes, NOW 70, 80 nnd 00 cents, n,:;;,r(oI'H1".iK.dmr»i Inum toPromotlf their natal day. Dancing was in­ two blades, for sale for »100. Also $1.75 Child’s Shoes, Now $1,00» $1.10 and $1.25. dulged in by young and old until near lOaeresof timber for sale. Iuqulreof r’K C-m. -mm.*, midnight, when all partook of a Kh.rn.lh Zme. J. IL WlTHICOW, $2.00 Child's Shoes, Now $1.10, $1.15 and $1,25» Iheisih-iavof >.l‘1VX,;,1,,| bountiful supply of the daintiest of Klamath Fulls, Or. as witnesses. , ,,( Mm,,. $4.50 Men's Shoes, Now $2.25. ice cream and cake. Music was fur­ Fall». Dregon: I. M • b l“*r j of NOTICE. nished by tlie Agency seluxd band «II, Fall», tkegon. ii<'"r.? ' a J. F. GOELLER, Proprietor. $3.50 Men’s Shoes, Now $1.75. Klamath Fall». Oregon . 1 r . ; „„,1 Ml under the supervision of Harry Mo- Three of inv cattle have been miss­ ! tnyer, which music would be a credit pianNand Specifications Furnished on All Ki( the ing since last fall, the: Among to any community. the following marks: Buildings and Contracting and Buildinj .... ' presents was a beautiful ring with (he right ear anil an on the Installment Plan. peart setting, presented to Miss the left ear. They nr Dickson by the pupils of tier school. tmotigtl'1’ infinita variety of material ami work fiirni.l right hip, (III*) H P connected. They Timber Land. Act June 3, 1878— Miss Dickson is a popular young lady store Eroula. Wmsi Carving. Stair Katia, Rabiater, and M.Wel p,,u strived from my pasture in Twt.-ntile S(.,„'|| .ml Tnrne«l Work, Hash. I»oor» »ml Blinda, Corner and B*ta m,, and all wished her many returns of Notice for Publication. prairie. Whoever has watered and the day. Those from abroad who gii,|Tiir*>e>l Bahiater*. Door and Wimlow Frame«, Piilpit. ami p.w E ih I, taken care of such cattle will please rNITEI) STATES I.ANP OFF!^ j Burl.h-ra* ,lard»«re. lami» and t hl, Moulding andfilaaa, I le, »u.,,,, |hj: took part in the festivities are: Mr. 1 notify me, and I will come and gel L ikkvimw . O mkoo *, Jammr) - . Kml'svse.1. lironml ami Cut lila.., Wall Paper, Furniture. «1, elí. I and Mrs. Bunch, Miss Anna Butler. Notice i» lieteby given •!>« . them and will pay for feeding ami Beat work ami material, ami tu the late.t ami moat approrrd plianeewnhthepronsmnsfl '‘ Ben Loualcy ami Mr. Barrs of Fort i taking care of them. {-11|1g,e»i.o(Jm>e3. 1*78- ’'l!" ’ Klamatli and Mr. Harris of Summer II. N. WllITKLINK. Let tor tlie sale of timl-er forni» ’ of Califorma. Oregon, Neva-la an I Lake. How often you Itear it remarked: I ’ states Wa-dungto., Terutory ’ M e» sn-hM Mr. Cragg, our genial profess >r, is ••It's only a cold,” ami a few days I tom. the Public Isiml M»tes by » organizing a dramatic company and later leant that tlie man is on ills of bitfUid 4 |S‘>2, .! ’**‘",1‘ ko. 9, in Township No. 40 s., Iu»k boarding house which is greatly ap­ I garded. Horses boarded by day, week or Chamberlain’« Cough No 13 E W M„ »mi »'tUofler |m»4 to ■ • Shop in Eastern Oregon. preciated by the public. Mr.. Livery• liny and Grain bought and sold. Remedy count racts any tendency to­ show that the lami *>Uk’h’ > »m™ It always cures liable for its timl-er or stone t..»n ’•* Reliable Waltham watch in 20-year ward pneumonia. Passengers conveyed to all parts of Southern C. C. MALTBY & SON, Props pur|H>»e». »ml to e»t.. . and is pleasant to take. Sold by .igricultiiral her claim to »»id land l*-fore J- " ,l»m ami Northern California at the very lowest rates. filled case, »12.00, at Van Valken- I Chit wood & Co. * liter, I-. S. Commissioner, »1 Ik,nani». The Maltby Saddle is Known burg’s. Save money by making your home- Oregon, on Saturday, tlie it'll, day "l Telephone Connection Between Stable and 1 stead, timber and other filings witli Mav, 1903. Siie names as witnesses: PERSONAL. J 1*. Ilamaker. of Honan«*, Oregon. and Recognized as the Best on |C. II. Withrow, I’. S. Commissioner. S. W. Ilamaker, of Ronan*», Oregon. Linkville. Wiliis Webber, <4 lfon»o«a, Oregon, the Harket. C. C. Maltby has had C. A. Bunting came up from Mer-; Klamatli Falls, Oregon. Join. Driscoll, of IfoiwM, Oregon. TKKABl’ItEK’B N'-'TfCE. Any ami all person» claiming adversely 41 years* experience In saddlery in stock countries. rill yesterday. G. W. STEPHENSON tlie al")Ve--lescril»s| lauda »re rispie»! L. llessig of Fort Klamath was in I Ñutir» i» herein given lliat thru- ar. e1 div war. Rrforriice t»v prrrniMta* ranta prvUwtnl >•" ••••! prim to the Falls Saturday. Hank nnl Aitn by Dr. Reames. I’hone 31. 19 1*9«. Interval uh »amv w ill <•»»•«• National ). C. WHirr. r. L. WRIGHT. I mi lik oí Oregon E. A. Presley of Bly is visiting his (mm tina date I Noa. s»2S. *• I,, *Vs,|. Court II ui» j Klamath Falls, Oregon. mother at Ashland. s'7», Wit*. "i". «737. *s|H. M72I. MM HI. M7M, FnBa. Or. Phone. Main lot ssi.’i, A3tH HM5, H7 A, HM7'J, Arthur Holden of Oregon City ar­ U jutkd S tat «** tasDOmcs, Mî KM. Oregon, Dt-ceinlier 2», 1«W. WU.SS4.1, 881«, i*‘Mia, AMI, DRAKE & WALL* DEALERS IN rived here Tuesday. «713. nipt, iras, s !» ó . sTivt. s7tta, GEO. H. MERRYMAN , Lakeview, Notice i* hereby gixen th»t in o m- tifio. Midi. »7.W, 7.MO. *»'.H5, H7?M, M-S/41. I. J. Straw of Picard was in town Attorneys and Coun\ehnt 1 pliancy with the provision» of the act »1 (>alr4 Klamath Lodge No. 77, A. F. & A. M Minnesota, lias this dav tiled ill thiioffio I XITFP STATES I.AXD OFFICE, » Oscar Pfanstiehl of Bedfield was i hia sworn statement No. 1717, for tlie L kxvikw , OatuMix, Nov. 31, IW3. { Meets Saturday night on or before purchase of tlie Lot 4 of Section No. I. here the latter part of last week. AGENT Notice 1» hereby given limi in com­ 1 in Township No. 37 S., Range No. 9. F. the full moon. Mrs. TV. W. Hazen has been visit- pliance with the [r.-vi-i"ii» of the act of . W. M.. and »ill offer proof to *how that K y T aylok , ; the land sought i* more valuable for its C-ongreMof Ji.n, 3, 187*, entitled ■ An W. T. S ihvk , ing in Ashland the past few weeks. W. M. , timber or stone than for sgricultm'al act (or lite Mir of timber lamia in the Sec. Notary Public and Cor During the Next Thirty Days to prepare for the N. S. Drew of Dairy was transact- i ! purjoscs, and to establish lii» claim to »talea of California, tiregun. Nevada, KLAM Al II I ALLS, ing business in Klamath Falls Satur-1 -aid land before J. W. Haniakar, E. s. and Washington Territory,” a» ex- Largest and Finest stock of rtiillinery, ladies’ fur­ ! dav. Commissioner, at Klamatli Falla. <>rv trn-lrd tn *11 tlie Public Limi Mat,-» by •A |)Al Of nishing goods, trimmings, etc., ever brought to gon, on Saturday, tlie 4tb day of April. actol Augnai 4. i*-3, Robert II. Drew, D. A. Presley of Bly was here yes­ 1903. He names as »itiiesses: Joseph of Ashland, cvnntv id Ja>k»f every mon'lt. A to Ashland. tlie pinch**» of tin. fo of Section CENTRAL MILLINERY STORE, MRSpr^?.VD Oregon; Joseph G. Pierce, of Klamath, ■ ! No t" - Rang» flatllliiticn. N <• ; Falls, Oregon; W. I.Smith, oi Klamath Chas. Pattee, one of tlie leading ■ ■ r and »ill offer pr.-d \ (J.; \ 11' Falls, Oregon. Any and all person* No. 7 E. W. M citizens of Bly, was at this place on claiming adversely tlie alsive described to show that the land »».light is more Fountain, 'I r< a*ur< r. cal activity and fires the ambition Ar lamia are requested to tile their claim» valuable for it* tio.lrer nr stone than and energy of the numerous candi­ business this week. in thi* office on or before said 4th dsy of for agricultural purpnar*. and to esitilo J. O. HAMAKi I. F. Davies, tlie flourishing merch ­ dates. In view of the many aspi­ April, 1903. lidi Ina dun, to ».,i.l lumi la-fore C. ant of Dairy, was doing business at E. M. B uatt . u m , Register. II. Hitlirow, I s. Co|iiini"»|i>ner. at rants for the congressional shoes, Published every Thursday by U. S. Commissioner i FOR THE Klamath Full*. Orrgo«,, on Tuesday, there promises to be no lack of inter­ the Falls Saturday. th* 24th day of March, 11*03. Ilennmes T1MBER LAND, AtTJl'NEJ. 1*7», Attorney. HUSE & SON, rest or life in the contest. Henry Parrish arrived Sunday from »• witneMNi Mary F. Tretrvn, of CHOICEST MEATS NOTICE I'OK PUBLICATION. Do a General land l oot E ditors and P roprietors . Addami, Oregon ¡Ge< W. Tn lrrn. ul Ashland with a load of applicants for ne»». .Surveying and C«e DISTRICT ATTORNEYSHIP government timber. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE. I Aflhland, Or^on ; J, H Bailrv. of nt Hi. a Specialty. All BualatM FIBSC.IFT1OK KATU: L arkvikw , G rkgos , January 2U, 1903. ( On g*.n ; Ji,«.«-|,|| |{ Frincb, Minn. Any air»«l nil H. E. Momver, J. B. C. Taylor and A Salem correspondent of the Ore­ Notice i* hereby given that in com­ claiming adyt'orly the* Aimvu firm*rilicd Attended to. Office In CH* ..»2 00 0a« year (in advance).................... M. E. Loosley of Klamath Agency pliance with tlie provwion* of tire act <4 larnlfl are gonian reports that there is doubt as BONANZA. OREO* («»file* llirfr claim» I None of the ani­ Uongreiti* of June 3, 187$, eutitle.l "Alt in thi« «»(fit * on or before *m»l 24tli dm to the validity of the legislative act were Fails visitors Saturday. 1903 act for tlie »ale of limiter lan.ln in the oi Match, rm. T hursday , march 12, mal survivors of the creating a prosecuting attorney dis­ John S. Shook of Dairy has return­ atates of California, Oregon. Nevada, E. M. BB ATTAIN. IG-giMrr. ami in Washington Territory," a» ex­ ed home after his two months ’ so ­ trict in Klamath and Lake counties Deluge are slaugh ­ President Roosevelt is preparing to tended to all the Public Land State» bv Nolkc I or Publication. journ at Salem and Ashland. act of Augnat 4, 1892, tlie following per­ ■ «oon take a trip to the Yellowstone and electing L. F. Conn to fill the Proprietor of Freight I tered and served to office until 1904. The following ex ­ sona have this day filed in tliia office Chas. Wilson arrived home yester ­ Park and the Pacific Coast. ffopartinrnt of tlie Interior i their sworn statements towit: tracts from an article published in day from his trip to Arizona where land Office at Ia«kevlew. Oregon, • patrons. No pre­ Fred Rts-lc, I Everything !• historic specimens i.eatnc»« and »mg-n*m,~l »,.|t|,.r ),*« tiled noti-e of the ittirehase of the SE*. NM '. Fi ocrats to stick to the Kansas City “Section 16 of article 5 of the con­ Keno Monday with the Mayflower allowed on the block. FW‘v, Sec, 2. ami NE'« NW\, Sac. j ’ lit» intention to make filial proof in tute platform. Bryan has jnst enough in­ stitution provides, among other loaded with a cargo of lumber. T. 37 8., R. 9 E„ W. M. ’ l«>rto()iia claim, and tliat »aid prn nod eulttva- tmn .4Mid land, viz: Mike Eigner, of piirchnseof the E't SFW NF Mitchell and Fulton are a strong On the other hand, since the Legisla­ Wm. Storm, an experienced butcher the jaws. Sec. 11, ami 8Wfo .NW > L T Merri , Oregon; <’|i»rl.-* Po.ilaen, <,( team and will pull together for the ture filled the office at the same time of Ashland, arrived here Saturday 8., R.9E.. W. M. * ' foil , tn, Moot E. Ilutchiaon, <4 best interests of Oregon. fT' /’fie-n; E. W. Gowen, of Klam- William If. Swank, it was created, it might also be con­ morning to fill a place in tlie Unecda of Lyons, county of Lirin, state of Ore »th Fall*. Oregon. Meat market. gon eworn statement No. 1728, forth, ____ H M. HKATTAIN, R.giatcr. The bill before the Minnesota tended that no vacancy existed. Cleanliness and Go« August Liskey, one of the prosper- j “The question as to the legality of Timber Culture, Final Proof. Notice Tegislature to regulate kissing pro­ ous ranchers living in the vicinity of I Guaranteed- vides that no one shall indulge in the election would probadly not be > co . ®oger Montgomery, For Publication. Dairy, was doing business at the raised in court unless Mr. Conn o Stayton, county oi Manon, state o ( 4/so Agent for iöM that exercise if affected with a Weak Falls Friday and Saturday. I xiTi n K tatrh L amo Orm r.l I Oregon, swum statement No. 1729 f heart or a contagious or infectious should file a criminal information LANCASHIRE FIRElM‘ ’he purchase of the sWfo, bee 12 t I.Axrvirw, O iik / iox , F<-b, 9. H*K1 j Postoffice Inspector Flavin arrived 37 S„ R. 0 E., W. M. ■’ "• s u,t",*i1’ llrr,-,’>' *iv,'n ’''“t !l»milton disease. It is usually the one with a against some person without the case READ IT THROUGH being investigated by a grand jury, I i-at they w i|| offer r>rot,f tn here from Ashland yesterday morning ‘ ' 'J1 ''¡”l *d.'d notice of intention t<> I that Weak heart who does the most kiss- t|,e fi,Jllgl,t i. m^i For reliable lnf<>nnstlcJ m«ke final proof before (!. II Withrow, and in that case it is very probable to adjust affairs in the local postoffice ’Twould Spoil This Story to Tell It Ing public lands go to J- J tag- for its timber and stone tl,.n , aluihl* KÌ.m.1i”’.'r".,.*"l"",r- Hl •'*" in that a demurrer to the information growing out of tlie late fire. in the Headlines. cultural ptirrtoses ami to establish tKi* kar; get the benefit o! ’q ,,r,‘K',n- *>» Sutiirtliiy, claim to salJ land Is fore Jas ' *,i the liti ' i a To use an eighteenth century rubi ll" l#y 1 ."' A l ’ nl ’ . "" experience. Representative Williamson has would be filed, on the ground that Chas. Sherman, who resides near col], County Clerk at K'lu, A " ; been getting acquainted with Wash- the Prosecuting Attorney was with­ Bonanza, is at Talent visiting his phrase, this Is an “o’er true tale.” Oregon, otf.Momlay the lKth't* “ 1"’ SI’ mi, j**’1’ !’Mo. 1!HM, for tlie S;"i,,n No- ’-in Town- TIMBER LAND. ACT out authority. ' M hv , 1903, y’ 181,1 d*y of »hinNo Having happened in a small Virginia ihgtotT the last few weeks, and - w... v.wz, vv. UUVlUldHj uncle, Chas. W. Sherman, WIKI who re- re- NOTICE FOR I’l'ilUCH fit- „ "W h’’ K"nti’ No. IO E., w. m . a" ’ih’^ses; u- n among other things finding suitable “The act erecting the new Prose- cently arrived there from Nebraska, j town in the winter of 1902, it is a itJi'.h7 a " witne»»ea: Henn UNITED STATES LAND! bniitli, of Klamatli f all« n. " • O. nuTr’f h"’ l’H'7-,’r' S'on; J. D. Diet k- Quarters for himself and family dur­ cuting Attorney districts provides R. 8. Moore and wife and Mrs. It I story very much of the present. Up ram Westcott of Klamath Ifoil’"1,1’ imr I,? ! H"y’ ”'"”'P-n; Ilt-nry Hlto- l.AKRVIKW. OllKOON 2>'J ing the session next winter. He says that the term of office shall be four I. Hammond leave tomorrow for Tort- j to a short time ago Mrs. John E. liar- gon; Lafe Thomas, of SUvim. n °r* N<-Ai''e i» hereby give* 1 m.nn O( h"’ Fre.lll.Kk, of Mayton. ()r , ‘ i ! mon, of Melfa Station, Va., had no ,,,lntOf Hairy, Oregon. fie can secure accommodations at a years.” pllnnce with the pr"'1i!.lt'’j Montgomery, of Stayton « *'* berlain issued a writ ordering seen anything in your paper for Rome Merrill to his successor on Saturday would have pneumonia, but one of my ---- ---------- ^¿MjbiArrALv. i(egiHer Putt two or tlirco hour* In the of Oregon, Im» lhi»'l*y filiat a special* election be held in this time from here, I *"' inform you having teslgned on account of many seed wheat F0k SAL|; sworn »taterneiit neighbors told me how this remedy other ,lut)ci4 w„ich yp«rt<>f Hi,. n|ghti w|||(.f) m||de her congressional district on Monday, that the Agency still exists. inirrliHMe oi tin- FE1* ‘ had cured her little boy and I began Friends of Agent Applegate will be time. moth? hi‘nl f°r her Her 111 Townsliip No. 3* t*1-' "*!, About, 10.000 pounds of m June 1, for the purpose of electing a giving it to my baby at once and it seed wheat for sale r ..|i ,lllle Jobn Alexander arrlv„d h MomaV'’"'1"'1''1 th'“ »'«<1 Mild will offer proof t‘> ’ 1 successor to the late Congressman glad to know that word has been re- land sought is more vn'1 soon cured her. I heartily thank B"nne)l. aistut one o e°" A* K here that he will be retained day from iSan Fr;tn( , 1)K . o p ‘ Tongue. The sheriffs of the different ‘ c *JUth of ••no ,r’r,”lbl<’. »nd gave her half of tinilwr or stone |h|,a '? j tlie manufacturers of Chamberlain’s Hlukcl bridge. ¡«pent three months. He brought bounties will be duly notified and it as bonded superintendent. Live/ -r- ,i‘ni,M’r|a|n’» Stomach and pnrpofw-a. and to estabI'JM Cough Remedy for placing so great a land before J- ' J M it’s a bili<,iih|( ( becomes their duty to notify judges Mm, .1 *hlch quieted her «Kill Hz E. Momver and wife returned back with him a fine thoroughbred cure within my reach. Commissioner, at I’-’O1*11 J I cannot berlam’s Stomach and Live T nt election. The congressional cen­ borne from the city Tuesday, after an horse. Mr. Alexander reports that I nlkhTth "h" *lcpt ",c wh,'ln Friday» the 20t 1» 11, of Bonaiiz», Klam- 7 '-Itltwoorl 4 Co, # Any ami nil |ier*on* cl»1* a’h Falls MMtvenJr dfcje call for an election revives politic we are looking forward to the ap- swn a*> the roads have improved. ■»Pbons at V#ri tlie iiliove-desc.rlbed *, VaJktnbur.j’b. Onion seta at Btldwln's Hardware to file their claims in STILL ON AT THE BRICK STORE. KLAMATH FALLS PLANING Mm Men’s Overshoes and Rubbers Felts Now in Stock. REAMES & JENNINGS, Klamath Falls. EXCI IANGI SADDLE AND HARNESS C. C. HROWt Complete Line o! Harness and Riding Material. t Southern Oregon Marble Co., » All kinds of Cemetery Work, C. H. WITH» CLEARANCE SALE! KLAMATH REPUBLICAN STATE LAM) » ME MARKET W. OF ALL KINDS. J. B. MOO j. n. noo , before said 20th d»v 1111-”* 1 ,E. M. BHATM*'