KLAMATH VOL. VII. KLAMATH FALLS, REPUBLICAN KLAMATH COUNTY, OREfiON, MA KUH 12, 1903. «mile, h* continued: “Whll* you llv*, remain there for the night ne wee left we’ll throw away your French name, «nd to himself. henrafurlh thou «halt ba called White As soon as the heavy door wae closed < > 11 mid. Eh how doe« that sound?" upou him the prisoner gas. <1 alio it. A < i SENATE BILLS THAT HAVE BECOME LAWS. Hut the prisoner did not reply Imme­ little light came to the place through lhe a, Msr.t.r. ror •«•cull« ut d.«k( .t Ivnlt.ntl.r» diately, for till« laat remark wii n»t the »mull hole« III the wall near the roof, and 'iATIII RED PROM ALL PARTS OF THE a. A-brun* Mlsbll.hlns boundary „1 W uhlnatun County om» that chained hi« allciitioti. "While by this means In* <*ou|.I bo - somewhat of to, Ht.lw.r K-aulatlns »«rrl««. ,t .lu., ,, t„ ' < » i....... ■■ TWO HEMISPHERES. 27, Mmlth uf Multnomuh F <>r HfMt«* Mn»j < ourity boards nt h«-alih yon live,” were the word« that soiiii l$ d tin* nature of his prison, for that thia Mulkey Pruhlbitmg .... ,f h a,,h’ In III« ear«, and Ntarted hl« fear«. I h y was a prison, and built for euch. be had 47. M>-r* KaUilv« to urganuxUon of crematory «—Mixtion« 47. CrouaMh Regulating mutual Insurance cumpani«« w«>re «poked In a toile and with a pe< U- no doubt. The only floor was the earth, 61. Hob»oh For trariNfer of inran* < <»nvl<-t* to A»yium liar emphaahi will« h «veined tu mean mid that must also serve for «hair, bed L'-omprehenalvc Review of the Import- t>. KuykeridaL Transportation of children to country Mhool. &o. Ku»M.."l.|1 » , ,,f ...untry * Monicthlng, an Irr.-.lu. in». .. i ...i fund t .r , .,unt» b«*yoiid the iiht «* chalice of natural «• biim » walla and the nuked vartii met hl» guz>*. 70, Hunt gpm lal .1.-. it .- . Kspo.ttton bill If *:iig nt veterinary / urg«-on» amt cATact, lh> n «urely all wu« Hot Ineullt lie aoon antlatlvd himself tbiit li«* should 7*. Hobson For < »nvict labor on public road» BY AUSTIN C. BURDICK **••11 for him. But h<* did not apeak Illa never <•»<•« po from lid- place by for v, and Likely to Prove Interesting to Our »I. Pier co- for ka»tnt station W. Bmlth of Yamhill Emin, nt domain for lelt'graph < ompania-a Ceara lie soon threw Ida worn and Weary frnnis Many Readers. M m >« I o aid Orrgon Hiatori* ai rt«M.|ety. 91. Kuykendall Amending the < i»rk»hip law "Eh? Dm»« not the «ou of th«, will!« upon the ground, In th«* coiir««* of half 90. Hrnlth of l.matllla 1.1» » nw. to pt j.luan. from otbor Mat.. no hour the door waa opened an I Stung chief like hl« name?" V7. Ktelwer Requiring peddit-r* to pay Ilc»-n*e few». CIIAITER IX. 09. Hweek Prohibiting fUh wheel» in Nw-anlcum River S.-rpcnt entered nn I set down a woolen “Ye» ye«." The Hood on theOhioriver ha» passed 1U2 Dnly Htate to «arry it* own fire inauranoe. Fur »wny, In lh<* il>*;>th» of the forest, Irny mid mi earthen drinking cup, mi l the danger mink. 112. Fulton Defining exemption» from execution. 'I'he other Indian« had atood Dear at wli.re « deep river mu, und where ill»* tin. Wi’hrung Countie» to u*c money for advertising without apcaklng he retired, lhe youth 120. Ht*»**'r To reapportion the »latn in ¡»gl»lative district* e)|>ri*»s tree» grew «lit. I* nuti lull, 11 puny hand, und a« they heard the ihiiih * thna found tin* contents of the tray to be boil­ Rear Admiral Crowainshield has re­ 121. M)al. thareof. they followed the atrvaiu to tin* north keep wuti h. It 1» near noon, for die ai n l&N. Hweek For li. eriMinx of plumber» in cities Ladrotii-» in Luzon surprised and 1511 hn» almost reached Ils high» »1 point, mul ward nnd eastward, and finally they left ?•«*'*••• <'« * '"«'I HuH-rlat.n4.nt of Jack.on Count., 1»9». Kuykendall—Tiansferring records from Douglaa »u l.ane Countv Z captured a band of constabulary. lheae men have been up»»n the trull »line th«* river mid »truck into a narrow, du Vuunty. too. M«Ginn iUgulating employment of children. bloiia trail. It waa «lurk when Ktung 1»MI. Rand Regulating organization of orporation* enrly lust evening. It ha» liet-n necessary to cal) out 172. Brownell Creating County Court in (Jiackama*. .Serpent gave the order to atop. They But thes. (Ihli'keeawa are not nloii.. 173. WIlilamMon For Incorpotation of *ucietieN. Olin* hi* ilr«*mn <»inii Exemption for «•■meterb J- < to him to kill bill). Then the «tout order. on« end of will'll lu lu-ue limi'l of which aro««* a «*••« p 1^2. Dirnml'k Duties of DDtrld Attorneys. Indian mi -I xah I him. Mini in th* struggl* IN« Myer» J.lrniting county relit urea to |tVy. It«*« th« form of n child of the pule fee«». bluff, tor turned into a Option on the Panama canal property 1S»2. Pierc*—Apportionment of state tax«-». The hnniU uil'l III»* feet are bound, and rd. White Hand mw that ««me on«’ had 193, Hrnith of Multnomah Regulating »ale of explosives to children has lawn extended until senate can rut­ drnfon, nnd blew Arc from hi« mouth. 194 Pierce E'xtending term of Assessor» to four year* a f 2> »2. Rand—Fixing terms of Hupreme Court. Thu« the prisoner wn» «ct on tire, nnd na ify the treaty. Ira»!» »long the ground, ami 1» clutche»! n tiro wer«» plainly vlaible tgalllxt th«« 239. Fulton »aiartes of Deputy Hheriffa in Clatsop County ----- th«* Hume« began to gather about the . Senator Mitchell has suffered a re­ Charter bills for Mtayton. Prlnevliie. A»hland. North Powder Cornelius Eu­ by one of the aleeplug Indian». Ill thus« face of the ro«*k, and hn hr walked u er gene. f urvalils. Adam*, Mllwaukls Alamo, New A-toria. T^i,y lL«er CM? dreamer he ntarted up in itfT.Lh'. A lapse, due to over taxation of ft is fair feature», now shudvd by th« largo th«’ «pot beneath It he could f«*el the dry Lril.m, Huntington. Weston. ImJepmden« e, Dufur. Marshfield. Burn», Jefferson slurp cry escaped from hi« lips, for n urvennurn. ’ strength so awn after hie sickness. h»g. I here I. »»»molhlng of the look of coal«. A tire wa« «ooti built, mid th« n glare of tlame wn« really tin .hinx In hia l-oulo St Julien; loll rvrti lion the Itesh on«’ of the party prodilCrn h<*r lipa wn« peculiarly grnt»*fnl to prison wall at night, went through th* 42. Bank» Exemption of wage« uf Judgment debtor« ■ri)i »<•• were fairly ai work he foua I It th- bushes was li»ar»l at n > great <11. 44 Blakley To protect »to« kgruwerx. J lhe prisoner. A« noun a« sl.e naw that »hop« and then climl>ed back to the out­ 4»J Ka> -Investment uf Nurplu» »chool funds. tan».. au»l not I ng afterwards, a pirty waa i th«* moon that gave ao much light, «he hnd 74. Hariet>rou«h — Employer«’ liability act. eye* largt«. black i.n I brilliant TI • Mira Kathrine Kidder, tlie actress, is 75 Eddy—Mtatute of limitation» nut to run againxt atate Isfnctlon escaped from hi« lip«. H«* «poke the groum! w«« unrv* n. and In »ome youth had « « ii many of the Nn!<*hf*x 77. Cornett For free ferry at Harrisburg. with the chief of tlie Chlckeeaw* f. r places wet amt boggy from lhe lute confined to her r«a>ni in a hotel at Han 71» Whealdon—Water bonds for Dalle« City. women, but never one like thia befor*, 50. Phelps— Hoad »uperviMora take ofthe January 1. «onio tlm«’ In hl« own atrange tongue, mil rail»« In the morning they «topped for nn! the thought qulekly come to him Antonio, T<*xas, suffering from pneu­ M. Galluuay—Library tax in citie». During th«« forenoon a drer then he turned to wh« r«* lhe youth «l<*pt, breakfast. *6. Bilyeu—eltxr.uuu for Indian War V< terans. that «he wa* one * f the royal hloo*l, for monia. no . Jones of Multnomah—Duties of Auditor in Multnomah. nml «wok«' him. Thu alooprr «tarimi up. wn« «hot, from which they took llir skin all other« were lent anl hardened by 94. Phelps— Duties uf District Attorneys The larged workinmen ’ s fair in the rd ! with n look of terror, gated aroun I and «• much of the meat n« they want 1U2. Hahn Lien» for buatpuller» and fl»Lermen. work nml drudgery. history of New York City will lie held 1 •■*'.. Hale—To reimburse W H. Ham) ton. III I r I * If where is my sister 'I'' lie e«l; «•» at n<»un they built a Ar«’ an l h id “You «Io not fear me,” she «aid. garfag 1V7. PneljM»—Taxea to be paid in the Fall. «•»me trnlton steak; only Whit«* IImid upon him with a look in which iuqui«i* in the Grand Central palace, March 28 aak*d( In n low, thrilling ton*. Gill—Fur support of libraries. 1U0. . Both — Kelut-atiun of county »eat of Columbia. to April 5. “She ha« gone on further south while would have liked It tniK'll brtlrr could !>• tivem-«« waa about e — Salaries in Manon County. “Ve*.” 171. Nottingham—Preventing vale of adulterated linseed oil. thought the bubonic plague has ap- moment a hundred various thought« and ever, th«* Indlitnn helped him some, an I bo 1H2. Gault -Fixing fees of County Clerk “Ami your name—" |ieared. vm<»liona A«»w m II*igh hi« min i m.irnig«*«! to move along without much IbU. Hay den—Authorizing flumes on county roads. “1« CoQualla." 102. Galloway—Preventing sale of adulterated illuminating oil. Hr knew* IL- mw bln faiior mid St |>enla « lb •h«>w of pain <»r complaint. 193. Murphy —Relocation of count* seat of l’nion. “And yon are th* next te*lr to th* A lone highwayman entered the Ab­ 2»»». Eddy—Salary of Anaeaaor of Tillamook County. ■enri hiiig for the bl l« r«, mi l h* I k *.«rd that If hr woubl eiprct kind tre.itin nt nt throne of the Natrhex?" bey saloon, at Douglas, Aris., lined 21M. Judd -Manner of taxing coat« and uisbursements. their not«*« of «liinn. and «nw their h are th«* hmid« of hi« cnptoni he mu«t I m * sav­ 2* wi. Ehelley—Australian ballot law in city elections. “Next after my father." all present against the wall, stole 2U0. Davey Raising .-alary of Superintendent of Public Instruction of grief. Tlnn he ran over th«» fenrtUi ing of complaint mid trouble, mierative moment« in allene*, snd during that 22.3 Murphy—Salaries of County Treasurers. length asked. had to travel. 225 Webster— Fish*ay at Oregon City. time she set tiled to be st tidy ing e e y building aanociationa, which whore the 22H. Orton Polls to be kept u|en until 7 P M. “No,” wn« th* snawer. “Not much," Rtung Serpent replied. line of the prisoner’s face. 227. Galloway—Regulating sailor boarding-house». subject cd exhaustive inquiry by the “Annr more day will bring na to the vil­ 229. Galloway—Sale of property in Yamhill County. “The White Hand la not a great num Alton, III., city court grand jury, have 231. Davey—Appropriation for State Fair “Because It Is lmp<»»«ib!e. H«int*inbt*r, lage when* we are to «top. Dora it pirn»«* in bulk." «he nt length ■aid. thoughtful- Iwen indicted on charges of making 23M. Ginn—Salaries of officers in Sherman County. the Stung Serpent hn« spok« n.” th«« Whit«’ Hand, eh?" 240. Webster -Making Sheriff», etc., game wardens. a brave man. for ly; “but yet he must l»e 214. Both—Salaries tn Columbia County. mi»r< presentations. 'ibis wns pronounerd In n alow, m«*«n “It w III surely plcnsc me to rest, for I all of the Chlck- my father any« he slew 251. Hayden—Appointment of County R<>a•'. per capita school tax. from «urh n purpo««*. lie looked aro.md The Indian ahriigged hi« shoulders, but “Ko my father «aid. And yet you rouat Scott. The engines were completely 2t»«i. Kay 1 —For matron at State Penitentiary. once more, ami when he «nw that ha f mad* no further reply, nnd shortly af­ be brave; nml ao I would nave you.’’ 27o. Orton 1 —State Printer to purchase paper. telesco|>ed. Twenty or more paseengers 272. Webster—Fee* in divorce »ups in Fifth District. of the (’hicknnnws were g’»n«’, he knew terwards White H a nd Iny down to sleep. “Knve me?" uttered the youth, atarting 274. Wan ’ and means—Deficiencies and legislative expenses. sustained cuts and bruises, but none thnt his companion had gone with th«*m. In the morning they were once mor«» 277. Shelley- 1 Requiring sureties for executors, etc. DOW to hia feet. 279. Malarkey 1 —Regulating stock mining in Multnomah County. were seriously hurt. In the meantime, Stung Serpent waa in m«»t|on. and Iwfort* noon they «trun!in. saw quite a vllligr <»f Natrhet hut«. thing to fear. It must be from my father. 320. Judd—State board empowered to acquire water rights. Senator Aldrich pramises tariff revis­ and Louis «aw that It wan g*»ld. 'I b« There were noine lifty or sixty «1 welling«. Therefor*, promise him whatever he may 325. Hermann—Relating to close season for trout. 327. Malarkey—Authorizing additional ferry In Portland. ChlckiiMuw*« ryen «pnrkled hn they r> s « I built in a »ort of circle, while within thin n«k. If he mean« you ill, th.it ill will le ion at the next session of congress. 328 Davey—To amend Salem charter. 820 Special committee- Lights for state institution*. upou (he coin. l3»ui« clasped hi« Immls clr»'l«‘ «tool four build ngn of larger di- death, nud If tee offers you life, you must Gales off the French coast have 831. Hodson—To reorganize the Port of Portland Commission. —for th«*y were free n »w «ti I his frame mensiona. 338. Committee on fisheries— Protection of salmon industry accept it. 1 have come to »»sure yotl caused serious damage to shipping. 880. Committee on fisheries—Fees for fish« mien, canners, etc. ■hook as his former »loubts grow to coll It he m.iki • “Do«*» th«’ Whit«’ Hand «re yonder Ul that be never apeak« Idly. 342 EUdy—Creating betterment fund at penitentiary. Innatlons. Who coubl here placed thnt Ing«*7" a«ked Stung Serpent, an the par­ you an offer he mean« It, and you must The health of the pope is not so good, 343. Kay- Making officers subject to garnishment proceedir gs. 344. Malarkey — Requirlng surety companies to make deposits. gol»l In the I ibik I« of th« Nnblies war­ ty stopped upou th«* hilltop. hut alarming rumors are discredited. Npeak truth with him." 847, Malarkey—Deputy Coroner in MultnomaJi County. rior? To be sure, there wns n Frcm h 340. Malarkey—Fixing fees in Multnomah County. The pri»on*r answered in the nflhina (To be continued.) 350. Cobb—For deputy horticultural commissioners. rroteat« continue to pour in against fort near th« Natchrs villng»*.; but then live. .355 Mlles—Salary of Recorder of Yamhill County. Louis kn»-w thnt (hey had no gold to the heating of Reed Kmoob, of Utah. Bargain Day. 881. Ways and means—Exi»enses of state Institution*. “That is the village of the White Ap 3o2. Ways and mean» Exj>enses of state departments. ■par. there. Thankful must th« In Ilan of A very rich unecdote Is told 364. Orton—Authorising ferry in Portland An agreement lias I»een reached l»e- be who could get «veil n few pieces of pie, th«* home of th«» bravest warriors of Thomas Bailey Aldrich, aays the La­ 3 Ml. Galloway- Salary of Clerk of Yamhill County. the Natch*«, and the abode of peace 368 Ways . ______________ _______ appropriations. ________ an«! means ____ Special, silver from the people of Fort IL>snl.i* the d I s ­ tween the Santa Fa rai road and the . _ ... _ Charter bills for - Salem. Clatskanie, Myrtle preefc, Creek. Wtllamtna, Willamina, TlllamooX Then «ho could have pnhl this gold but Titer* Uvea my brother the Great Kun. dies' Home Journal. Due day trainmen. Ione. Ashland. Portland. Elgin, Barlow. --- - - Adams. F.nterpriae. r.'— . Rainier, Lexington. hii unter Coquille. Falla City. Sublimity, Bandon. Oregon Oregc- City. ’ * •' “ Simon Ixibols? The thought came, «nd and the chief of all our people. That is tliigulshed author hnp|H*neok away towards Fire at Hasting«, Neb., destroyed 8. B. 50. Booth—Protection of forest* from fire. cd «tringely with the fear marks thnt letters, mild: "Ijullea mid gentlemen, Netting aun. Do you mark It?" 8. B 1'I be able to keep pace with you If of bis home at Madison avenue and bill is more than made up by the in­ ture, te'erred to the people under the "It I»." rare or well done?" asked the moat high you hurry." «< East Thirty-sixth street is nearing com­ troduction of 368 bills in the honsok referendum law which was voted by 'lhe white youth ipcnki calmly for The Indian watched bi» prisoner with chef, with an obeisance. pletion. It will cost $300,000. one in distress,” pursued the chief, look­ a keen glance while speaking of the fort, while the highest numlier in that the people last June. An effort will be "Wlmt was the victim's occupation, ing his prisoner sharply in the eye. and a »luiplo "ugh!" was hl» only reply In life?" replied the ciinnlbal chief, Tho senate refuses to consider the branch of the legislature of 1901 was made to secure the requisite number of "I’erhnp» he thinks he slinll esenpe." ' to the youth's last answer. only 349. It was a frequent comment Littlefield anti-truat bill. wearily. "If I spank cnlitily," relurnel the In a short time they started down the during the last days of the recent ses­ signatures (11,000) and have the ques­ "Ho wns n collector, your majesty," youth, "it 1» because I hope you mean hill, nnd Just as the sun was sinking from Fire at Lowell, Mass., cost one life sion that this legislature passed a larger tion of the appropriation put to a vote responded the chef. me no Im rm.” sight they reached the i Hinge. The nun and destroyed $3.1,000 worth of prop­ projiortion of its bills than did its pre- when the special election is held for a "Well dun," concluded the chief, who Ugh!" That was all the nn»wer Htung an l children cnnie flocking out, mil while decessor. congressman from the First district. Herpent returned upon thnt subject. In Stung Serpent was received with lively enjoyed Ills own Jokes hugely. The erty. * court attendants broke Into n Inbored Two masked men held up the poet ­ a moment more ho took the prisoner's demonstrations of Joy, looks of the most Of the 239 bit's introduced in Warships (liven Back. han»! nml gazed upon It. eager curiosity were fixed upon \\ h to gulTnw, for whoever did not laugh did master at Biabee, Aria., and secured in the senate, 121, or just about one Caracas, March 5.—The Venezuelan I be." Atul Htung Serpent Inhl of a eucce»»loii of hewn logs secured to­ There are ordinarily from thirty to injuring 16, two fatally. Master Fish Warden Van Dusen re­ zuelan stoker among the coal left by his own hug; hand by the «ide of his gether by cross-bars, to which each up­ A number of protests are lieing sent ports collections of fees to the amount the Germans on board the warship Res- prisoner's, thus mnklng the youth's deli­ right piece wiis pinned. Tills door was forty varieties of fish In the Honolulu That sum has taurador, when that vessel was returned cate limb appear »mailer by the contrnst opened, and the youth wn« led In, and market. A large percentage of the to Washington against lhe seating ol of $680 for January. Senator-elect Reed Smoot, of Utah. to Venezuela. been deposited in the state treasury. «“«n it really wa». Aud then, with a with the simple remark that he would natives make their living by tlslilng. White Hand ; : A Tale of the Early Settlers n| Louisiana. EVENTS OF THE DAY RECORD OP I IIP OREGON LEGISLATURE. NO. 49 OVER A HILLION ANO A MALi Total Appropriations of Last Congr» Amount of Each Bill. WasliiiiKton, March Tbs a| priations made during the ressioi eongrees which clored Wedne»ds grtgaltxl $753,484,019, us agt $800,624,496 for the last »ession. total lor the entire coDgrers thus Ic up $1,554,108,514, or something i than $100 000,000 in excess of the appropriations for the 56th cong. The total for that congress was $1,4 489,438. Theee figures were embodied it statement preeentod to the renal* Allison, chairman of the committee apprepriationa. The statement i contained an itemized statement el. ing the expenditures for the pa at aion by bills as follows: Agriculture .............. ................ . I 5,97. Arrny .............................................. DIpton atic and consular ........ District of Columbia................. Fortifications .................. Indian........................ ............................ legislative, executive and Judicial Military academy.......... Navy. ..................................... Peniiioini............... ¡’•/»tortice»............................................... Sundry civ 11 ................................ Deficiency.......................... ...»............ t'ermanenl annual appropriation* Miscellaneous........................................ 78,1X1 J.» M.m: 7,181 «.51: 27/* 6« Ml.871 ! •« 153,401 «2.27’2 21/M! I ■ IN SyNO FOUND MARINE GRAVEYARD. Many Other Wreck« Where the Ba Alex McNeil Was Lqat- Victoria, B. C.. March «.— Deta were received by the Eriipre»» of Ind of the * reck of the bark Alex McNe wbiih waa lout on I’ratas reef, m w briefly cabled, when bound fro- Manila to Port Townsend. Sbe lei Manila December 10, and 13 days lat piled up on Prataa shoel, which, 1 Captain Jorgensen’s reckoning, ghoul have been 60 miles distant. The mat- Evans, and four geamen left in tt ship's lx,at to explore the reef ar. nothing further was beard of them. .. ? low water the captain explored the re. and found the wrecke of half a doze vessel», including the wreck of a foui masted »hip and a Hteamer. The reef stretched for miles, and a the western end was a deserted fi ah in station with a joss house and half dozen Chinos* graves. There was a de serted cabin, containing pictures an< article, which munt have been eecnre< from wrecks. After several days spen on the wreck, the survivors started ir their patched-up cutter for Hong Kong They were four days at sea, sufferinj great privations, when a Norwegian steamer picked ** - - them up and • - landed them at Hong Kong. , TO RECLAIM 340.000 ACRES. Tacoma Man Given Big Contract to Dam Snake River. Tacoma, March 6.—Nelson Bennett, of Tacoma, ha.« secured the contract for damming the Snake river in Idaho, at a point 25 miles above Shoehone falls, and building 65 miles of canal on the south side of the fiver and 24 miles on the north side, not including laterals, which will reclaim 340,000 acres of land under the new government irriga­ tion law. The dam is to cost $400,000 or more, and the canals $2,500.000, not including the laterals. The larger canal is to be 80 feet wide at the top, and to carry ten feet of water, which is to be raised from the river 46 feet. The contract is let by the Twin Falls land and water company, of Salt I.ake. Two sections of the canal must be com­ plete in one year. Fcr the completion <*f the entire work five years are al­ lowed. Mr. Bennett is today shipping sev­ eral trainloads of his outfit to a small station on the O. R. A N. known as Kimama. The canals are to lie in Owyhee and Lincoln counties. Ames Must Show Cause. Nashua, N. IL, March 6 —An order of the supreme court in the habeas corpus proceedings brought by counsel hr Dr. A. A. Ames, former mayor of Minneapolis, who is wanted in that city in connection with the bribery scandals, was served upon Dr. Ames today at Hancock, where he is under arrest. The court orders that Dr. Ames shall appear in court on March 11 and show cause, if any, why he should not fie taken back to Minne- apolie for trial. T" ______ It ' is now the opinion of the physicians that Dr. Ames’ con­ dition is sufficiently improved to per­ mit his return to Minneapolis. Smoking Car Smashed. Kansas City, Mo., March 6.—Outgo, ing Rock Island Texas train No. 23, which left the union station at 10:30 o’clock tonight, over the Union Pacific tracks, which the Rock Island uses out of here, crashed into the smoker of Rock island trains Nos. 12 and 22, which were made into one, but were late and trying to make a siding at Rock Island Junction, just outside the Kansas City yards. The smoker was thrown from the track, turned over and smashed into kindling wood and all inside more or less injured, but none killed. Famine In Japan. Yokohama, March 6.—The practi* cally complete failure of the rice crop last year has caused widespread distress in Japan, culminating in famine in the northwestern provinces. From an offi­ cial report it is learned that the desti­ tution is much greater than was sup­ posed. The numlier o( starving, so far as officially known, is 147,688, with the possibility of these figures being greatly added to. The foreign element is now taxing steps for relief. Murder In First Degree. Eugene, Or., March 6.—Elliott Lyons, who, while resisting arrest for horse stealing at his home west ct Eugene on February 5, shot and killed Sheriff Withers, of tills county, was found guilty of murder in the first de- gree by the jury in ten minutes, He will be sentenced today. i