Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, March 05, 1903, Image 5

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    Milk Co*»-
¡ih < cow sud
After Eating
Fixing the Blame.
Well, Uncle Rac'.us, what brought
you here?
Dem two big perl icemen by do rail­
in', yo’ honah.
Yea, but didn't liquor have anything
Nausea between meals, belching, vom­ to do with it?
iting, flatulence, fits of nervous head­
Dey wua bole drunk, yo’
ache, pain in the stomach, are all honah.—Chicago News.
symptoms of dyspepsia, and the longer
It is neglected the harder it is to cure it.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and Pills
Radically and permanently cure it—
strengthen and tone the stomach and
other digestive organa for the natural
performance of their functions.
Accept no substitute for Hood’s.
I "I bad dyspepsia twenty-five years and
took different medicines but got no help
until I began taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla.
Bare taken four bottles of this medicine
and can now eat almost anything, sleep
well, have no cramps tn my stomach, no
burning and no distress^ Mas. Wiims
O. Baaarrr. 14 Olney St., Providence. R. L
Mood’e Sarsaparilla promisee to
Cure and koepe the promise.
Had Sosa Better Days.
Kind Lady—I suppose you have seen
bettei days?
Tramp—Yes’m. One day last week
I got three dinners and 10 beers.— De­
troit Free Press.
Plao s Cure ik a remedy for coughs, colds
and consumption. Try it. Price 25 cents,
st druggists.
Aa OM Maid’» Philosophy.
We may be better after suffering,
and we may be worse, but our condi­
tions mast depend upon ourselves, and
should never be laid to the nature of
our calamities.—From “My Old .Maid’s
Corner,” The Century, March, 1903.
The only sorrow worth anything in
this world is sorrow for others, and
sorrow for others means helping others,
not hugging our woes to ourselves.—
From “My Old Maid’a Corner,” The
Centary, March, 1903.
To me it had seemed that thoee who
occupied centers of affection should be
lees concerned with what came to them
aa their dne, than with what went out
from them as their obligation; that,
like the sun itself, they should be cen­
ters of centrifugal forces, radiating,
through the very fullness of their joy,
light and gladness in.o other lives.—
From “My Old Maid’s Corner,” The
Centary, January, 1903.
With bls electro-magnetic gun. Pro­
fessor Blrkeland. who has been ex-
Could Afford It.
I [lerimentlng at Christiana, expects to
“Hey, there!” yelled the indignant I hurl one thousand-pound projectiles
citizen, dodging quickly backward. much farther than they can be thruwu
“You dropped a brick just now that by explosives.
came within an ace of hitting me on
All the blood In tbe human body
tbe head!”
"Nape it!" shouted the workman on passes through tbe heart in about
the twelfth floor of tbe unfinished sky­ three minutes. Tbe heart beats seven­
"We’ve plinty more av ty times a minute, 4.200 times an hour,
100,800 times a day. throwing out 2H
thim up here.”—Chicago Tribune.
ounces of blood a second,
an hour, 7% tons r day. It is only
Filial Sympathy.
“When I was your age," said Mi I when supplied with pure, rich blood
Goldbags, sternly, “I earned my own that tbe heart, an organ six Inches
long by four Inches wide, can accom­
Hie eon looked uneasy, but wu plish this enormous amount of work
and rebuild its own wasted tissues.
“Well, have you nothing to say for
In an account of the recent survey,
yourself in that connection?”
under British government auspices, of
“N—nothing, sir, except that I the Maidive and Laccadive Islands In
sympathize with you, and congratulate the Indian Oeea.i, the habits of some
you on the fact that it’s all over.”— of the hermit-crabs that inhabit them
are described. These animals. It la
said, were once Inhabitants of the sea,
but have forsaken tbe sea and taken to
Wise Bros., the Portland Dentists. Say living on the land. They, however,
retain the habit of protecting the ab­
■■Help ThyseM."
domen with some bard shield or cov­
In many _ ways
tbe dentist is your ering. and one oi tbe pictures Illustrat­
beet friend.
ing this peculiarity. In the published
He helps you when your teeth are report of the explorations of the isl­
tiled. When your teeth wear out and ands. shows a crab which has taken
break down he steps in and braces them possession of a broken cocoanut shell,
up, puts new life into them, and makes and Is traveling i.bout with the vulner­
them efficient.
Your success in life able part c* its body safely ensconced
your feelings, whether of contentment
or worry, greatly depend upon how
Recent experience shows that sci­
your nourishment agrees with yoa. Is
it not a certaintv that yoar food will do ence should go band In hand with colo­
you little good if your teeth are unable nization in tbe development of new
to perform their rightful work? To say countries, and often It should be the
nothing of the advantage of having a pioneer. Sir Harry Johnston avers
good looking set of teeth (than which that the British government might
nothing is more effe lively attractive) have saved as much as $2,500,000 in
it is more comfortable, and absolutely the construction of the Uganda Rail­
indispensable to health, happiness and way if It had previously expended
success, to have a set of teeth that are $100,000 in enabling men of science to
investigate tbe geology, climatology,
capable of being used.
Why delay a minute?
botany and other scientific aspects of
There is no pain connected with tbe region. Germany and France
having your teeth put in perfect order. have shown an appreciation of tbe
There is no pain in getting an entire I great utility of such Investigations in
new set of teeth, which caDnot be tool I the settlement and exploitation of their
from natural ones. Wise Brothers, in colonial possessions. Every day the
the Failing Building. Portland, Oregon, practical value of branches of science
are making scores of people bappy commonly regarded as almost purely
every day, by sending them away with Intellectual In their claims to attention
aa good a set of teeth as nature ever put u belng demonstrated,
into a man's or a woman’s bead. The '
Evidences of tbe gradual revival of
cost of their work is extremely mod­
solar activity, as manifested by the
There is little excise for anyone, presence of dark spots on the face of
now-a-days, neglecting their teeth. the sun, are becoming more numerous
Teeth are extracted absolutely without and conclusive. It is considered cer­
pain, and the expense of starting a new tain that tbe sun bas now passed tbe
in life, with a sound set of teeth, is minimum of tbe spot period, and dur-
"at' homei“and I ln« the Preaent year many spots may
slight. C
. begins
all persons having regard for their own 1 be seen. The Increase of a sun-spot
welfare should go immediately and con­ period is more rapid than its subse­
sult such eminent modern dentists as quent decline. The minimum just pass­
ed has been somewhat long-drawn-out,
Wise Brothers.
and tbe return of the spots bas been
The Low Root.
I awaited for a year. In March tbe first
A scam—Hardened case, is he?
spots bearing all the traits of those
Tufnut—De woiet ever.
Did yei that belong to a new period were seen
notice how baldheaded he is?
in tbe sun’s northern hemisphere. In
latitude 25 degrees. It is cbaracteris-
Tufnut—Well, dat’s from tidin’ so tic of a new period that its first spots
much in prison vans; it wore all de appear far north or south of tbe equa-
hair off the top of hie head.—Phila- tor, while at tbe end of a period they
delphia Press.
are near the equator.
gun. followed him uutll be aaw him
Jump from the atepa of the car Into
the darkness, at least twenty miles
from the nearest station. Theu the
train moved on and the paseengert set­
tled Into a normal quiet.
*” ““Il in ‘-«kltfg thè «oUghMt
’“'.’“'iT oÌ.A- -hylhial. »•.
•• I bad a terrible cold and couU
hardly breathe. I then tried Aver'.
Cherry Pectoral, end it gave me m
mediate relief.'*
W. C. Leyton, Sidoll, |||
Ol ,dt Amerleaif.
i. Canneti Fruita and Vegeta-
mistaken identity .
.„h ewd
AB« lator Who Knew but Littl« About
Poli.-« Affair«.
Out of the press associations recent­
ly sent away on another mission one
of Its men the regular man assigned
to tbe White House—and put a new
man in his place. WelL this new man
was a good reporter in his old field, but
I lie had no extensive acquaintance
among public men. such as is necessary lMrs. Tupnian, a pf°
in handling the White House news. The
a K7
new man took hl» place lu tbe news­
paper corps on duty there aud was get­ sufferer with woman s troubles,
ting along swimmingly. When the old tells how she was cured.
men of the force “held up" public men
••For -me >'»•" }
he joined tn tbe process aud became backache, —wrv tx'Arlng-do
quite familiar with some of the fre­ leucorrhuea. »nd falling ■'
quenters of the White House. One day I tried many remrehe». but uoUi |
Seuator Dietrich of Nebraska strolled
lu nnd walked Into President Roose­
velt's room.
“Who’s that?” Inquired the new re firaXlf bo«1., I
“7n\, .nd have now taken ten MU;«
porter, as Senator Dietrich went In.
“Oh. that's Lieut. Kenuey of the with the reoult that 1 fi*>
When I
tenth precinct.”
th. Vegetable ^“^t aPP^i»i
“Oh, yes,” said tbe new man. "I
\ M weighed
have met him. I believe, aud I will see worn out and
complete uervous collap**-
XlyPW pounds. No*'
him when he comes out.”
Senator Dietrich came out In due pounds aud am improvingvery d
time, and the new man went fur him “ gladly testify to the
eeiiwl."- Mns. R. C. Ti rMAX, ««
in good style.
“Oh. lieutenant," called the reporter 30th SL. Blchmon^a-
to tbe Senator, who was a few paces
When a medicine hns
Senator Dietrich turned around to ceasful in mor" than a
meet bis questioner, but didn't show Sses, is It justice
that he was anything else than a police say, without trving it. 1« n0‘
believe It would help m< •
Surely you cannot wish to re-
"How are police affairs? Talk to the multi weak and sick.
President about anything Interesting?”
Mrs. Pinkliiun. whose ad<IrcM
queried the new reporter.
Is Lynn. Mas»., will
Senator Dietrich's face assumed a fully and without cost allletten
puzzled expression, but he answered: addressed to her by sick wonten.
“No, I didn't talk with tbe President Perhaps she ha» Jnst the knowl­
edge that will help your «***“
about anything of Importance.”
try her to-day — it costa nothing.
By this time the old-timers in tbe
White House corps were about to ex­
plode with laughter, but held In until
the new man had asked, “How is the
mounted squad getting on, lieutenant?”
and then they burst into an uncontrol­
lable uproar, which was joined lu by
Seator Dietrich himself. The new man
.. «••> ■>!■< cas < isrr»..<u
Bpi$ »U«
a alls and aSociira laiauta u»r ara
didn't laugh, but made a few curt re­ A.rfol
■r«d »118
Mr dau<btar and I wrre aubar.
alomach and our breath
reo Wd Afwr
marks and proceeded to explain that hick
taking a few doaaa of Caa. areta •• L»
he had been “jollied" and was sorry wooderfullr Thor are a freat beip la tbe fawur
Wusat.uisa Nauti.
that he had bothered the Senator. The
1137 BlttonbouM SV.lioetaaaU.0S»
latter accepted the apologies and went
away laughing to himself.—Washing­
ton Star.
How will your cough
be tonight? Worse, prob-
ably, ¡ or it’s first a cold,
then a cough, then bron­
chitis or pneumonia, and
at last consumption.
Coughs always tend
downward. Stop thi$
downward tendency by
taking Ayer’s Cherry Pec-
ti M.mf|«>'» l»‘*‘ ’• •
|»oint l'1* •
ha»« **,n
iita.lv fu«
lIlONC who
i fruita and vrgelables.
( Honopole Fruita
B*r takeeli ll“
’X—« in“»-«
lh* . eithur. G«1» »*>•«"
‘ ‘
^7. ”X~-‘ ”■■ '""••
et. doma i*r»»iia ‘'I»1111 *^St ih' y
. o (r„ni • bffighl without
<»•'*"’ *’W
Dre. alm I Mb. Nl .'ll
All 4ret|i^
i'antMit fwtir <«*<•*
then «Io •• •'« «M* • • • • • I • 11 8 $ • • U
I«« tali« II. *b»n 4uu't •---
lake 1« h .
Laa.S || •iU> !>»•••
* ...
I “••11 Hua
.■Indwd? Where were you?
••1 «as in an elevated car, and I M«
you in the Street
J C AY Ml I <»
St. Helen's School tor Girls,
Wi.At Itili
Thirty thlr«! year <’«’?»> hhn II hur bulb!|n|1
MtMlern e<|ul|«ui«iil. Ara«l«iuir and a.nf
prrparatfry evuraea.
H|»rcial court»«
mtial«- and art. Illu«tra(«4 catalogue.
dapartment« now
.Ml** l!I.FANOk IltHlttfn*. Prtadgtf
unit i tiros RIVER
|,00a«0G0 Oust omeri
gn I TX ••
tout by J“:T 111
ig uivi« an4 l»*uv«
510.00 for 10c
awn's fsniw
n« fgnn •**»! aatu|»l««,
At <
Terrible Method of Punishment in the
French Prisons.
It was In lie Nou that Mr. Griffith
saw the terrible cacbot noir or black
Pleasant. Palatable. Potent Taste Onos, ns
cell—"that engine of mental murder Rood,
borer Sicken. Weaken or Or p. st I k M s .
which tbe sentimentalism commuuards
SserU.s UeK, teapur, Cswoeo. SaursÀ.
two. IIS
bas substituted for the infinitely more
merciful lash." The cacbots noirs
were never opened except at stated in­
tervals—once every morning for in­
Language Deficient.
spection and once every thirty days for
Softhrane— Ya-aa, I cawn
exercise and a medical examination of
tbe prisoner. Mr. Griffith stopped at make meself undebstood in French,
the doors of two cases of “ten years' dontcherknow.
tower co.»osTON.nAsa „I
Beryl Bluestockholms—Really! The
solitary confinement In tbe dark,” and
language is awfully deficient,
asked for the doors to be opened. Tbe
Not Her Broom's Fault.
Lu’t it?
Mrs. Casey—O, but I losht a foine
Mr. Griffith’s credentials were explicit
little chiny vase that Mike brung me
Mothers will find Mrs. Ylnriow'i Sooth,
and tbe doors were opened.
mg Syrup the best remedy to use tor their
whin be come home late from the Dim- Ton Can Get Allan’s Font Kase FRKK.
during the teething penod.
“Out of the corner In one came some­
mycratic rally Sathurdav night. T’was Write Allen 8. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y., for a
free sample of Allen's Foot Ease. It cures chil­
thing in human shape, crouching for­
jist bis own carelessness, too.
blains, sweating, damp, swollen, aching feet.
Felt Injured.
Going to Get Off.
ward, rubbing his eyes and blinking at
Mrs. Cassidy—Did he drop it an* It makes new or tight shoes easy. A certain
cure for Corns and Bunions All druggists sell
Two go^d natured little Irish boys
J e
- ________ »
break it?
The following story of how a bully the unaccustomed light. It bad been
it. 25c. Don't accept any substitute.
Mrs. Casey—He carried it home in
was subdued on a railroad train by a three and a half years in that horrible once occupied the same bed. In the
Could’t Be Otherwise.
his hat. Share, he might a’ k no wed
courageous conductor is told in the bole, about 3 feet long by 1H broad. 1 morning odb of them said to the other:
“Dennie, did you hear it thunder
that’d be the fnrst place I’d soak him.
Miss Slim—Who wrote “Man Pro- I Baltimore Sun by D. E. Monroe of the gave him a feast of sunshine and outer
Baltimore bar. Mr. Monroe was coin air by taking his place for a few min­ last night?”
"No," said Dennis. “Did it really
Miss Antique—Probably some inex- Ing eastward over tha Atchison Kall- utes.
Must Forget One.
perienced young author.—New York road one night in tbe fall of 1877. The
“After the first two or three the min­ thunder?”
Flannigan— Phat’a the matter wid Tribune.
"Yis, it thundered as if hi ven and
train stopped at Dodge City, which was utes lengthened out Into hours. I had
Hogan tbeee days?
absolutely no sense of sight. I was as airth wore cornin’ together."
Hooligan— He invinted an armor
“Well, phoy in the worruld didn’t
rllw «ftwsret LraareorDr Kii»’iOreuN«rre shipment of cattle In southwest Kan- blind as though I bad been born with­
that nothing can pierce, and a shell
ye wake me? Ye know I can’t slaje
that will pierce any armor, and be
the frontlerd made their beadquarters come down on me like some solid thing whin it thunders!” said Dennie.
doesn’t know which to fergit. — New
A number of passengers of the and drive my straining eyes back into
York Times.
B tati or Omo, rrrt or tolzdo , (
Mistress—Poor, darling little Topsy! true frontier type boarded tbe train.
my bead, and tbe silence was like the
L vca , C ockty .
I °-
F zasx J. < rzsit make« oath that ha la tha
I’m afraid she will never recover. Do
Among them was a fellow who par- Bllence of upper space.
aenior partar ol tha firm ot F J i hcxzy A Co
“You say that young woman compli­ you know, Bridget, I think the kindest tlcularly attracted my attention be-
“When the double doors opened dolnj bualnen In tha City of To'adO, Coantr
btata ator<-.a:d, and that nld firm will t.«r
mented my singing?” h« exclaimed, thing would be to have her shot and cause of his burly form and coarse, aud again tbe rays of light seemed to strike an<l
the aum ot ONE HVNDRKD DOLLARS for -lri>
put out of her misery.
I could not but think, cowardly fea- my eyes like daggers. The criminal and every rue of Catarrh that cannot be cured | McCAIJLEY & BURBANK, General Machinists
“In a way,” tbe young woman re­
| Mist, Mill Ao<j Marin« wort General repair« Printing Ma« hlnery repair««! and rebuilt
Bridget—'Deed, ma’am, I wouldn’t tures. He wore a suit of buckskin pro- whose place I had taken liad a record j by tbe uae of H all ’ s C atarrh Crae
“Sbe said she would rather do that. She might get better, after fusely adorned with a fringe of the of Infamy which no printable words
Sworn to before me and aubrerlbed In m.
hear you try to sing than try to con­ all, an’then ye’d be sorry ye’d had same material. "Bully” was written In could describe, and yet I confess that preaence, thiaStb day of December, A. Li. ISM.
g Poole Bldg., Foot of Morriaon St.
her killed.— Punch.
| his unattractive face and was shown I pitied him as be went back into that | szal |
verse.”— Washington Star.
„-7»— ’
Kotary Public.
in his every movement
living death of darkness and silence.”
>• ‘»«*nInternally and acta
°n the blorid and mucous ■urfacea of
The conductor of the train, a very
It is scarcely three years since Mr. directly
the system. Send for te.timoniala, free.
courteous and efficient man, rather Griffith witnessed this atrocity. It Is
. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo. O
Sold by druggl.t, 75c.
small of stature, named Bender, aomc a relief to know, as be Informs us In a
Hall’s Family PlUs are the bast.
time after leaving Dodge City, came note, says the Scotsman, that since
through the car, collecting cares. Ben­ then—not, however, by legislation but
Adapted to Flats.
der bad some nasal trouble, which on the authority of the Minister of
"I see that you have taken ap the
made it appear when he spoke that he Colonies—this terrible punishment has vertical system of penmanship. Why
was talking through bls nose.
He been made less severe.
did you do that?”
drawled out his words very slowly, and
“Oh, haven’t you beard?
Why we
altogether his utterances were rather
are living in a flat now.
And a aottree of worry, anxiety and endless trouble to those who are afflicted droll. He approached the Dodge City
One of the most surprising of recent
With them, particularly ao when located upon the lower extremities where
co-operative enterprises received offi
ths circulation is weak and aluggish. A gangrenous eating ulcer upon the bully and asked for his ticket.
clal recognition in France recently,
“Got no ticket," he said surlily.
leg is a frightful sight, and as the poison burrows deeper and deeper into the
when the ministry of commerce pre­
tissue beneath and the aore continues to spread, one can almost see the flesh
sided nt a banquet In honor of the suc­
melting away and feel the strength going out with tha aickening discharges.
cess of the Clialon coal mine. This
I uot <>f Morrison Sirret.
Great running aores and deep offensive ulcers often develop from a simple, “Goin’ where I please, and It’s none
you th« )>e«t bergaln» In
boil, swollen gland, bruise or pimple and are a threatening danger always, I °il£,ou5. bu*
where 1 m floiu',” re- mine, which had not been worked since
an<l Engin«*«, W |n»!in111«, l’mn|Hi an<1 Gent»
18M, was bought in last July by twen­
ral .Mac» Inory. W«««>«1 Hnwlntf Marblnaat
because while all such sores are not cancerous, a great many are, and this pli®” , e bullT-
• perlalty n « • u« l»ef«»ru buytng
should make you suspicious of all chronic slow-healing ulcers and sores, par-
"You ve got to pay your fare or gel ty-five miners who had been discharg­
ticularly if cancer runs in your family. Face sores are common and cause the "ff th,g, tralnJ and 1 wa[>‘ to know how ed from the Monceau pit near by. They
I far you’re going,” agalD demanded Ben paid $3,000 for the property, which
greatest annoyance because they are
Valdosta, St., September, 1800.
they had borrowed from the State.
so persistent and unsightly and de­
Swift Speatle Oo., Atlanta, Ga.
-j tell yoo Vm not telI)n.
Since they began working tbe mine
tract from one's appearance.
o^’ea^y^te^vi^amali M 0De eUe where
*oln’!’’ reP|led the each one of the men has received about
Chicken, Duck and Geese feath­
Middle aged and old people and
ers. Address
flrat, no* at all painful, hut aa It b.ul?7’. at ,the same tlme Placing his $1 a day, 40 cents of which he has con­
those whose blood is contaminated
<r«w l*r<«r and b«gan to pain ma I
liana on one of the two revolvers tributed to the common pension fund.
and tainted with the germs and poison
personal supervision for'’o'v;ï :jo\b;‘‘n
«»«1< r ÏÎÏÜ
! tOth nndDarlatt..,Portland.Or I
oonaultad a dootor, but la spite sf of large caliber conspicuously display- Each also has paid 25 cents more Into
of malaria or some previous sickness,
all he oould do the sore got worse | ed in bls belt.
the treasury for food and shelter and
or excessive use of mercury, are the
• • • .............. • •■«■»
and boras to dlsoharre; then other
tntlons amt
chief sufferers from chronic sores and
The bully during the colloquy had sent the remainder to bls family.
endanger tha
ulcers. While the blood remains in
By good management the bumble
my foot was one large mass of sores emphasized bis words with the coars
this unhealthy, polluted condition
and I oould not walk. Than my hus­ est profanity. The other passengers mine owners have made their properiy
healing is simply impossible and the
band, who had boon sursd of Scrof- In the car became a little excited, . and entirely self-supporting, paid off all
sore will continue to grow and spread
ula by ths use of S. S. «., said ho I were evidently curious to see what costs of material, and now find them-;
in spite of washes and salves or any
believed it would ouro me. X began I the end would be.
selves with a balance of about $2,000
taking it and eight bottles cured
superficial or surface treatment, for
When the bully thus threateningly In the treasury. Work is now being
me; my foot healed up nlosly. I be­ gave his ultimatum Bender eyed him carried on at a depth of 240 feet, nn I
ethe sore is but the outward sign of
îïuc*llîir.UC’r”,T""'”‘ E|*ttcrìrM‘!blat,H”tr"T" 'V< h ’„ h
lieve I would havs bean a oripple
(¿some constitutional disorder, a bad
coolly for a moment In silence, then the miners are occupied with a seam
.condition ot the blood and system,
passed on. collecting his fares. In per­ six feet thick and thirty-three feet
mbs . a. k . riwa.
which local remdies cannot cure.
haps half an hour Bender came into the wide.
•* 8. S. S. reaches these old chronic sores through the blood. It goes to ths car from the direction of the express
Lamplighter on a Bicycle.
ftvery root of the trouble and counteracts and removes from the blood all the car with a double-barreled shotgun,
A Parisian lamplighter makes
impurities and poisons, and gradually builds up the entire system and cocked, and before the bully had time
Itrengthens the sluggish circulation, and when the blood has been purified to offer any show of defense Bender rounds on a bicycle, with a long torch
and the system purged of all morbid, had him covered, the muzzle of the gun carried over bis right shoulder. He
unhealthy matter the healing process being within two feet of the bully’s guidat ihe wheel with the left hand, j
and Is so expert that he lights the
begins, and the eating ulcer or chronic face.
without dismounting.
sore is soon entirely gone.
“Now where are you going?” said
3. 3. 3. contains no mineral or poison­ Bender, coolly drawling out the ques­
ous drugs of any description, but is guar­ tion through the nose.
More than 250 references to Shak-
anteed a purely vegetable remedy, a
“I’m goln’ to get off,” replied the speare by his contemporaries have now
•hood purifier and tonic combined and a safe and permanent cure for chronic thoroughly
cowed bully.
been collected.
Hares and ulcers. If you have a alow-healing sore of any kind, large or
A brakeman pulled the bell cord and
«Rail. write ns about it, and our physicians will advise you without charge,
If we were a sober hack driver, we
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