* b•? -? ** ** lectric i* * * KLAMATH REPUBLICAN. of II» newspapers, 1‘ortland biislin as OUR HOT SPRINGS, PERSONAL. TI M BER LA ND, At T .11 N E i, 187», 4- 4- men «te beginning to realize the ex- -y-'—» NOTR E FOR Prill.ICA‘1 ION. .■ , 1 1 . ’ lent to wiilcli they have been Irtserw The last issue of the Ashland Rec- N H Merrill was ftp from HlUllFbAY, FFB.U a HY IM, itoti. by iciiMon of no railway <*bnfillort HE ADVERTISEMENT. oid contains an article on the hot À Monday; I springs of Oregon, and has the fol­ vktt D Htls sectl>ib of tile Atale, and to IJxrrKi» H t vtrm l.*»rr Orrr<-*>, I M. P. McCourt of Medford wax here LOCAL NEWS lowing to say regarding theme at Lakeview, Oregon, February 3, loot, j provide for future gain ure now tak IftAt week. Notice in hereby given that in com Klamath Fallxt tng »lepa to w’ompBeh the de. {rliauce with the proviaioha of the act of I. J. Ktiaw of Picard wtvi In town Mont ht'blnxon of MlTrlll Ix'giirt Mired end. In the linrtitldlalrt vicinity of the] >»ngreiui of June S, 1878, entitled “An ovCt Nutiday, differing on Holiday froni rheumiith: town of Klamath Falls, In Klamath act for the »Ale of timlier lands in the A paper at Oakdale, Wash., con­ of California, Oregon, Nevada, fever. county, there Is a “nest” of . these' ! states G. II. Rmall of Silver Lake was naniiiiiKtwii Territory, iritiunj, ” its and Washington as r*U'IJ lx-superior to any ’ In 1 1 li«ve filed in till« office their sworn tile State. I In-y vary In tempera- MlaU.lnent», ro-wit: Monday evening. town Sat unlay. resided many year»: IL W. Robert», William 11. Flagg, Tlilx week E. II. Henry pnrcliaHcd one of Oakdale'» attorney» and for­ A. L. Arnold of Black River Falls, ture, and the highest temperature is, of Ashland, comity of Jackson, state of said to lx; readied at this point by the Hue piano of Mrs. F. Ik Rennies, merly proNeciitlng attorney of Whit­ Wis., Is here this werk. j Oregon, sworn statement No. 1480, for one of these springs. It Is a very the purchase of the Nfg of ti%, section price paid being *275. man county, I» I ii receipt of general I W. F. Arant arrived home Thcsrlay large spring, and has a strong flow j 24, township 40, 8., range 7 E. It in reported that the Hiickcrx or order No. 31 from the adjutant gen­ from Ids trip to Salem. John W. Dyar, of water, and Its tempera! ure is so high of Ashland, county of Jacks >n. state of niullcta have Ix’gun their annual pil­ eral’s office of the Nat lonal Guard of Chas. Woodard of Keno was a visi­ that It lias Ix'en named the “Devil’s I Oregon, sworn statement No. 1487, for Washington, appointing him lieu­ tor at the Falls Tuesday. grimage up Ixiht river. KU’1», NE'i Tea Kettle.” The springs through the purchase of the HW'a, and NW'< 8E'^. section I, town­ The Mayflower sailed up from Keno tenant colonel and uld decamp on the Jos. Kirk, a Klamath Indian, left eaatem Oregon are used by the ranch­ ship 40, 8., rang«- 7 E., W. M. on Tueitduy and cant anchor off t lie . staff of Governor McBride. Colonel last week for Indian Territory. Emma Dyar, ers and butebers for scalding hogs, Robert» was captain of Company G. liurlxtr nt Klainutli Falla. of Ashland, county of Jackson, state of and were used In early days by the Oregon, J. F. Adams of Merrill was doing sworn statement No. 1488, for The nloekmcn of Jai'kxon county Hecond Infantry, N. G. W , at Gar­ Ims I news at the Falls Saturday. Indians for tiolling their meats, but the purchase of the 8‘t NE'^ and N1^ field for I lire«' year». FE'-i, section 2, township 40, K., range will form an iiMsrhitIon for mut nal Chas. Drew of Dairy was at the the “Devil’s Tea Kettle" is Uxi hot 7 E., W. M. Kelton Gunther'» birthday parly tienellt al Medford on Mureh 7. for all practice) purposes. The or- Florence L. Trefren, Falls the fore part of the week. dlnary springs are just the right of AshlamF, county of Jackson, state of A. Cante) Inform« us thut he will Thursday evening wax a happy event Henry Anderson of Merrill was for tie little folks who attended. temperature for scalding hogs and i Oregon, sworn statement No. 1489, for rexume work on bin new brewery 11« Twenty girls and lx>yx were present doing business at the Falls yesterday. the ranchers bring them and plunge 1 the purchase of the HE'4 NW1^, 8W4 him . ii a* the weather will pcrmIL NE'i, and WJ^ bE'i, section 12, town­ and they hud u merry time with a Dr. Merryman was called to Mer­ them Into the water for a moment ship 40, 8., range 7 E., W. M. We are requested to announce that variety of games unit highly enjoyed That they will offer proof to ahow- rill Tuesday night and again yester­ and draw them out and the hair slips there will be preaching in the M. E. the refreshments, Nerved by Mrs. ' that the land sought is more valuable day. off readily. But the “Devil’s Tea ’ for ite timbtr or stone than for agricul­ church next Sunday morning and Gunther. Kelton whs the recipient W. E. Cope and If. L. K«-«»tt of Kettle’’ sets the hair and makes it al­ tural purposes, and to establish their evening. >>f numcrouN presents undone of them, Klamath Agency were Falls visitors most Impossible to remove it from the claim to raid land ls-fore C. H. Withrow, ‘ U. 8. Commissioner, at Klamath Falls. I The leglalalure pawed a bill, in­ an nutograph albuiu, now show» the hogs. The experletKed rancher no Oregon, on Monday, the8th day of June, | Sunday. troduced by RepieacntalIve Emmitt, name» of tin-young guests, who are ; 1IX)3. Mattle Woodard and Mr». 8. Pad- longer lakes any chances on these They name as witnesses t Florence . providing for the hieor|M>ralloii of tile I lie following: Ague» Marple, Lizzie springs unless it is to dip the water Igett of Keno were visitors at the Falls L. Trefren, John W. Dyar, Emma Dyar, | town of Merrill. Houston, lluzle Summer», Vera ¡ Tuesday. from the basin and let it cool until William if. Flagg, of Ashland, Oregon, I and J. 8. Bailey, of Mliake, Oregon. Maj. Worden InforniM us that the' lloimtoii, Ere, Percy Clopton, Donald Wor­ put on the ground. 12 ) home within a few days from tille«] case, 112.00, at Van Valken- Ili» so* D. C. Kelly, aged 78 years, fell ( den, Jerry Martin, Glenn Beals, Leu i |TIMBER LANir, ACT .1 1’NE 3, 1878.- ! journ at Salem. burg’s. down lce-coveren »ome to the proj ect i\nd offer for such Ir­ rigation from one to three thousand atockmen of I-angcll valley, was doing «talc between Muy I and June 15. cated at Nome and had some pretty act of August 4, 1892, Charles Wilton Stone, of P. O. Box 1W7, Seattle, county acres. Most of the smaller owners, 1 business at the Falls Saturday. A donation party wa» given In the serious experience in Hie land of snow of King, state of Washington, has this under the ditch, have signified their A. C. Beals and family departed and ice. He is of the opinion that I day filed in this office his sworn state­ Mcthixllkt ciiun li Saturday evening Intention and anxiety to join hands ' Tueaday for Petaluma, Calif., where ment No. 1'111, for the purchase of the for tho pastor, Rev. Mr. Yoiinglovc. the Nome district will ultimately | Wlj of E’-j of Section No. 32 in Town­ in promoting the scheme. Il I» be­ they have gone to visit relatives. There were niimcroiix xul»t uni lai ; produce more gold than any other shir. No. 37 8., Range No. 13, E. W. M., lieved that forty thousand acres will gift», und all had a pleaaaiit time. Miss Jessie Maxwell of Lakeview part of the Alaskan country. The ami will idler proof to show that the * ' land sought is more valuable for ite lx* pledged. A« the whole county Bert Irvine la reported to lie suf­ will profit by the enterprise, every ! was here Sunday and left Monday, diggings are not so rich as on the up­ , timber or stone than for agricultural i fering from a mild form of smallpox 1 citizen, whether owning land acce»- via Ager, for Oxford, Or., where she per Yucon, but the gold is scattered purposes, and to establish his claim to said land lx*fore J. W. Hamakar, U. 8. I more evenly over the whole Commissioner, at lilx home In Merrill. Not long ago slble to Irrigation from It or not, Is j will teach school. at Klamath Falls, Ore­ lie was In California where the dis- Interested ami gladly welcomes the Mrs. Rnmaey who resides near six-tlon. "Whenever you can get be­ gon, on Tuesday, the 21st day of April, low the ‘tundra,’ ” said Mr. Burnell, ■ 1903. He names as witnesses: Everett c.ixc wuk prevalent and it Is thought dawning era of agricultural expansion Keno, left this week for San Francisco, 1 L. Peek, of Portland, Oregon; Benja­ “you find gravel carrying gold. min F. Jones, of Portland, Oregon ; Etta he cont raided it there. and enrichment. It means money to where she has gone to enter the Ger­ of Montaville, Oregon ; Milton J. ! - A telegram wa» received here the ( every property owner and lalxirer In man hospital for medical treatment. Many of the claims are worked in : Jones, Jones, of Portland, Oregon ; Christian L. * winter by means of ‘ steam-.thaw- tlrxt of 1 lie week by relatives of Alex. th«' county. This fact Is generally Cha*. Robert« is stopping in Ash­ . Ixmg, of Portland, Oregon. Any and Steele, nnnounclng his serious illness j realized and hence there will be no land to visit relatives on his way ers'—that is. pipes carrying steam all jiersons claiming adversely the alnve- ’ from a lioiler to the claim being work­ I described lands are requested to file nt Illa residence near Boise, Idaho. I lack of co-operation. i home from Salem, where he held a their claims in this office on or before ed. Then the live steam from the said . /•».<*'T\/V\zT\ zT\ zVx/fr\ i Mr. Steele formerly llvi-il In Klamath 21st dav of April, 1903. Different localities of the West 1 clerkship during the legislative scs- pipes Is forced against the frozen E. M. BRATTAIN, Register. Fills, where he has many friend». ' sion. have liad tiielr txxtnis, their relapse» earth, thawing it out so that it may The Masonic lodge of thlx place ix 1 and then their substantial growth. Henry Ja kson and Win. Crawford be washed and the gold it carries re­ TIMBER LAND, ACT J UNE 3. 1878, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, preparing for an extraordinary und A relapse may succeed alxsim because arrived here Sunday, via Ager, on covered. The whole country there is enjoyable lime at Itx next meeting, tile causes contributing to It do not their return from Washington where U nited S tates L and O v T ice ,) gold-t>earing, but, owing to its situa­ Lakeview,Oregon, November 28, lthFJ.f ■x> March 7, when there will lie work I develop f.ist enough to sustain It. they went in the interest of the de- tion and the short mining season, it I Notice is hereby given that in com- of conferring a degree, followed by a but the subsequent lull Is always sired appropriation for the Klamath is almost impossible for a man with •diance with the provision«of the act of Indians. banquet. All menilx-rx arc Invited followed by a more solid and perma­ Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “An small capital to operate effectually. AM for the sale of timlier land in the to lit tend. Try Uneeda neat Market. nent advancement. Values and con­ The mining in the Nome district; states of California, Oregon, Nevada, Paisley Post: While W. IL Barnes ditions can never drop to what they must lx-done by large corporations, and in Washington Territory”as extend­ FORT KLAHATH TIDINGS. We Buy as Low as We Can! Ttókt'i basine«« t ed to all the Public Land States by act vv.is riding after horse» In the Klam­ have been before 11 boom, blit a slump as tin* initial expense of opening a of August 4, 1892, the following persons February 22, 190.3. We Sell as Low as We Can! That*« Progressive i ath msrxli country recently Ills horse I i» the rule after a quick growth, claim is most too much for the ordi- i have this day filed fn this office their sworn statements, to-wit: fell with him, bruising him pretty though there arc exceptions. If the KniTons Rr.rt nt.tcAN: The weather ¡nary miner.” You Buy as Low as You Can! That’s common s Walter Anson, bully, and from which accident lie Impetus Is gathered from a variety of is Ix-autlful and the pruapects for an of Klamath Falls, county of Klamath, YOU Buy Of Us! That*« Dollars and Cents for Both of U m Excellent quality of apples at the bus not yet regained the use of lux material and xlinultancously bl4',Sec. 1, ant time. Names of the guests are: j due lu re this year, according to the Louie has lx*cn ' vigórate your stomach, regulate your | and S', NE'i, Sec. 2, T. 37 8., R. 9 E. Mrs. Geo. T. B.ildwin, Mrs. S. E. j reasoning of those who are in a posi­ Falls last Friday. W. M. tion to know', there should continue ' bothered with the toothache a great bowels, give you a relish for your Phillipa, Mrs. II. I. Hammond, Mrs. That they will offer proof to show to lx« a steady forward movement, deal this whiter. When asked If he I f<»xi and make you feel that in this that the land sought is more valuable J. E. Boyd ami Mrs. McClure, por | for its timber or stone than for agricul­ As Can be Found in Any Cltÿ: The third tnnuil meellng of the considering the contributing caus­ 1 had his teeth treattxi while down, he old world is a good place to live, tural purposes, and to establish their es tie big Irrigating enterprise, sale by Chitwood & Co. answered no, but that the presence i claim to said land before J. W. Hatna- Pacllle Coast Traffic Agents’ associa- , kar, U. 8. Commissioner, at Klamath We buv direct from the largest jobbing houses and manufacturers in ti» coun­ The best physic. Once tried ”? • I r .iiB< v ......... tIon was held in Ashland last Satur­ aided by smaller ones In the work of j , of the dentist had a wxilhing effect. Fall«. Oregon, on . Thursday, the 23rd try for CASH, and are enabled to get the lowest prices, besides always i«ia* sure making pnxiu-tlve thousand» of acres Fred Mclhasc has been on the sick | voil will always use Chamberlain’s I dav of April, 190.3. day, there having *H>cn over 100 mem of obtaining first-class goods. We are not paying ehormoui exi>ensM and will j of rich land; the millions of fept of j list for the last two or three weeks, Stomach and Liver Tablet«,” says' They • name — ~~ — ~ ~ sell you goods at reasonable rates. as - witnesses: Charles C. Ix-rx In attendance. Ashland extend­ William A. Girard, Pease, VL I Essig.'of Harrison. Idaho; Walter An- ed a cordial welcome to the visitors unatirpaaaed pine, to lx- manufactured ! afflicted mainly with rheumatism. These Tablets are the inoat prompt, ‘ «>", of Klamath Falls, Oregon ; Wesley WE KEEP THE BEST BRANDS OF FLOUR THAT ARE OBTAINABLE: Into lumber on the advent of a rail ­ oi Klamath Falls, Oregon; WE HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OF BOOTS AffiD SHOES. FAMILY and the ix-caslon passed xueccsxful ly Our little city is coming to the most pleasant and in.ist reliable Í <>• road, which Is now being built ns cathartic in use. For sale bv Chit- ” • »• '' <***»•' f> ‘ Klamath Fal s, Ore- in all rexpect». front at a rapid pace. Three new j gon; «Toeepn C. Smith, of Klamath TRADE IS ESPECIALLY SOLICITED. rapidly as possible; the extension of Falls, Oregon. buildings are most completed—two woud 4 C*_______________ Forty couples attended the dance I ', A"J «"1 •» persons claiming adverse- p he Columbia Southern which prom­ sulwtantlal dwellings and a business Your patronage Is alwdys appreciated, and no matter how small your purchase« TEACHERS ’ EXAMINATION. given by the M. W. A. In the opera 1 1 ly the above-described lands are re- you may rest assured it will be our constent aim to sell you the best goods thgl ises to lie little behind the one hnr- house, all started since snow fell last bouse Friday night and all who were , their claims this office According to adv i paid pw.u upon Travelers conveyed to all points at reasonable rate*. the Indians on the reservation are Oregon was dlaciiHsed and resolution» a . 0. U. W. BUILDING J i" ’ * nuU< » n . J™* care given to stock. passed urging the Importance of Nee those Crater latke and Klam­ liming their cattle for the want, of ’ thereon ceasing from and Mftkr thin r*. Q. wa vrv*»t , « I, Poll. J»"'- ClIAff. 8. MOOKE, prompt action on t he part of the rail­ ath Falls souvenir spoons nt Van hay of something else to sustain life. R. W« MARPLE, Proprietor Klamath Falls Stute TrcMttrtr. j I OfAStONAt.. road rompunv. Through the effort» V a I ken burg’s. E CASH STORE Dry Goods, Clothing and Groceries The Best Assortment We Have Ever Shown New Stock Now Arriving ÿ L. F. WILLITS, Proprietor ? 77/E EXCELSIOR —Dairy, Oregon I. F. DA VIES, Prop. Gênerai Merchandise* Patent Medicines, Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Prints Muslins, Tarns, Crash, Notions and ROC E RI E $250.00 REWARD. G Àger Klamath Falls Stage Lin To and from Ager Daily, via Klamai Not Springs, by Daylight. And Rfiddv for BllSinOSS Developing and Printing tor Shortest and Best Route to R. R- Best Time and Iccommodatkn