KLAMATH K L A MATH FALLS COUNTY FEBKUAIIY EVENTS OF THE DA Y ¡White Hand A Tale of the Early Settlers of Louisiana. CIIAl’TEIt VI. The two companion, wiilkcd un for aom«* illataiM'u without »|o'ukliig, for they both had plenty to think of, and hliii»<*lf that I m * bail beard aright, b<< re­ plied I “Love h«-r? HI ukui live I.«ul«<*? Wbut do you mean?" "I iih ' iiii what I ask. lias Minum l.o hols ever thought of marrying with Lotties t** "Why, what a question! Ar<* your wits turn<>< to lind which way they lie." "Go ahead. M|i«*ak on." "Thin Halin, fo>ul». You heard th« answer that r«*u you a«k«*uly you inuat have moved after the abaft atartvd. Hail they meant death tor ls>ih of ua, w» should hardly have known what kllleil ua, for then they wouhl bav<* been at lioin« In tbelr work, When we started up, they could not well shout yuu without endangering my life, ami thin they got bothered. They Were mistaken In their <*atiniate of my character, fur they really believed, when they drew tbelr tomahawk«, ami coinineii* <**l their death bowl and dan*«, that we should lo* frightened out of our wiia." "They were aken, in truth," return ed Goupart. And then, in a I h * aure. I U»»**l to lM*at him at the piatol, bui thi-u h** more than made up fur II In thi* swor.l play. But we were ih« lu*st friend» lui- aglnahle. New, howvver, he hat«« «>r fears me, ami thè more In* tri«*« tu hid» It. th«* more plainly cali 1 a«* It. Now. when«*« cornea It, if uot frolli hi« f«*ar of losing Louise?" "Goupart, there's a «how of silbstnm'i* there! Yet I never thought that Nliuon was a man to love deeply." “To lov«* what?" "Why any female." "Ah.” returned Goupart, "he may have a strong aff**« ti*in, however, for some thousaml pieces of hnr*l, yellow gold. The dying man said, if you remember, that there waa n atrang« bird in lb«* eagle's mat!" "Yea- yes." "I might have feared that suspicion would fall on me, had mil I be* n one ut tin* intended vli tim« B it tell me, Louis, what you think ot It." "1 km>w not what to think now! But you have touche I a strange pole* We will watch Nimon Lohois when w« reach home." "We will," utter«**! Goupart, eagerly. "We will wntch him." "Ay," resumed Louis, upon whose mind th« atartling atlsplclon se<*me«l to work now, "wo will work It so that we will coine upon him suddenly; und whilv we tell of our adventure, w<* will m>:i* Ilia fine, I have loveil that man In da)» gon«* by, for In* has been faithful to me, )<*t I have found him growing somewhat strange of late. Hu! wbnt'a that? Louise, as I'm a slniier! Goup, I'll ask her a queatlon now, ere we reach the hoii»<>!” The two hunters hail now reached the field next to th«* dwelling, an I they saw Louise, aceoinpanied hy Tony and om* femule slave, coming to in«*et tlyin. As «oon ns tbi* first merry greetings were over, ami Tony hud taken the venison, Louis drew Ills slater aside. “I.ouls<*,” hi* saiil, assuming a smile, though lie felt It not, "I know you Will purdoj^n.. If | n»|< v „ vei.y fo()|jR|, q'h^pmni, but yet I hppe you will answer the trdiy. Hus Million l.olittis over said anything to you whereby you couhi aua- pect that hi* wished to possess you for his?" "Why, I,onia, what has put such a thing Into your henil?" uttered tho beau­ tiful girl, looking her brother in tho face with a sniiliiig expression. “The thought has come to me, and It Is really for my Interest to know. Now tell me If he Ims ever let drop any word to that effect.” “Really, Louis, I ought not to------ ’’ "Aha! you've exposed yourself. Now out with It." "Well, then, ho him.” “I thought so." I told hitn I should fear bo was crazy If he ever apoko so again.” [[Then he spoke plainly—he------” ‘I II tell yon, Louis. He swore lie should die |f ( did not wed him; and I laughed at him, and told him lie wns crazy, 1 never dreamed of such u thing before." “Ami when was this?" ‘ On tho very uoxt night after Goupart'» arrival." Mhortly after this the brother and sla­ ter allowed St. Donis to rejoin them, and Louis was not long in making him REPS understand the truth. They took th« “Yow, Goupart; I ratnamber very weli.-* PACIFIC WIRELESS LINE. “Ab, tbowv were happy time«, way around back of th« barn, so that no one could se» them from th« holla« until “Yea—yea Alni yet, hi all, they were Company Will Fatahllah I.Inc Between I tin*.» arrived, ami thus liny • t»t«-»«-n Ami aa I m * spoke, the youth look««! how well you us««! to hear it!" bill. The gold co months, and is now searching for a Wednesday. “And do ymf remember how you lined in vulu for the tirsi expression of »or Btatee, at the rate Unite I States Minister K<|uiera has proper station from which to send to pinch my cheek, un I box my earn?” row. The vote—Fulton 32, Geer 27, Wood pesos, aiiail be le Mailed for New York from Havana. aerograms to Hawaii, “It now only 10, scattering 10, absent and paired 5. land a. “Yen.” "Why, I left him Just now with Louise, Robert E. Peary thinks he can teach remains to be decided whether Feattie “▲ml why wui It? Why .lid you da an I upon my soul, I think the poor fel- The bill also p The Senate—To put initiative and the pole if he 1» given "backing to the low’a captivated! But what'a the mat­ thoMe thlngn?“ or Fan Franciaco shall lie the terminus referendum into effect, passed. For tfonal coinage of 75 “Ih’t'MtiBv becaune extent of >200,000. ter, Million ?" of the system on this coast. That point creation of a bureau of mines, p tesed. of the deootniaatioa "Nothing nothing; only you startled ter me.“ Ex-Senator C. II. Himth, of Jackson, To appropriate >10,000 per year for shall be legal tender “How tlid I pewter me somewhat when you »»Id Mt. Denis will lie decided before many «lays.” Mich., !,as accepted the office of prose­ state fair, passed. For the construc­ vided by contract, was a prisoner,'for I knew not but that tell me.” And “Experts have agreed that the send­ tion of a bridge across the Willamette nomination of 50 cen cuting attorney at Manila. some roving baud of ludían» might have he rem hod out and 10 centavo» also i baud. fallen upon you. Jesting upon such mat Susan B. Anthony baa just sent to ing of messages a great distance by at Portland, passed. But nhe made no reply, I l»*r pycH were all such coinage to be ters Is rather out of place." Au I with wireless systems is merely a matter of The House — A resolution was adopted the congrtMidonal library at Washington lent upon the ground. Mtid th® wann« ity ot the government liti» Million leiliol» walked away. a large number of valuable boohs, auto­ power. We therefore have comtrncted allowing the widows of the three peni­ "Aha, Minion Loboia!" muttered Ixruia. rich blood mounted to bvr aud islands, in anch an graph letters and ncrapbook«. powerful dynamos, which will l>e a«le- tentiary guards killed by Tracy >1,000 temples. to himself, after tin* man had gone, "you determine, with th* each was adopted. To fix boundary of quate to tend messages a distance of “ If you will not tell me, may 1 tell were startled ill the wrong place. "Twas A syndicate of New York capitaliatH, To «oni- secretary of war. the truth that startled you, aud not the you?” whlnpered the young mau, treiuu- headed by Charles Green, formerly with 3,000 miles. The work of completing Washington county, failed. The bill also provid the system will not require more than pennate Indian war veterans with >100, loualjr. jest !" the International paper company, will ot certificates of indeb “But I may have forgotten what you V0O, pama-d. a month more. After that some time In the found Hay is to be distributed on the Teton- tem is no more difficult ot construction Mexican dollar and th« how* eagerly hlw ga%4« wan fantem*d upon Yellowstone forest reserves to fave from than two shore stations, and the last of Tuesday. er«* I m - turned to tioupart ami said: "Mt. Denla, master Louis cam« nigh her. “You used to prater me iu many starvation 10,000 elk, whose feeding our outfit is already built. The vote—Fulton 33, Geer 25, Wood heretofore used shall We have frightening ma a short tlim- since. He waya.” ground is covered sent messages a distanced 1,150 miles 15, Williams, 0, scattering 6, paired 5. public dn«-s at a rate to “Yet I rau remember of but one. Shull deep. told me you were a prisoner. ami. for the time to time by the civ with apparatus which we now own and The senate—To create office of state moment, I feared you had really falleu I apeak ItF the islands, preference, control. ” examiner of public «ecorde, passed. To “Certainly you may apeak.” into the liamls of the Indiana.” The Merchant«* nutional bank, one General New does not say whether authorize Indian war veterans to bring given to the Philippine “Then ‘twaa for railing you my little of the oldest institutions in Philadel- "Well," returned Goupart, "we both tifleatea. of ua cam«* within an »<•« of It; so Louis wife that you need to do thene thinga. phia, has gone out of existence and Marconi is interested in the Pacific suit against the state upon their claims, The option is given for And more, too; you uwed to nMnure me transferred it« business to the Girard Wireless Telephone A Telegraph com­ panned. To repeal law exempting pub had »orne foundation for bls report." that wln n you l>r<-Mme my wife in earn- national. pany lit whether th« Marconi metho«], lie officers from garnishment proceed­ the silver neeoe either In "How? What?" uttered the marquis iat, you uhould lie Mtrong enough to pirn h “Did y« meet with any danger?" so-called, is to lie us«l in despatching ings, passed. The senate adopted a mint in the Unite«! State bear inscriptions or A section of 200 seats in the latkeside messages to Honolulu. "Only six stout Indian», who tried to and le»x me mm 1 denerved. I tou t you resolution to adjourn Friday, February shall press in..' the sovereignity c-S kill Goupart, an*l take me prisoner," re- remember ?” auditorium, at Racine, Wis., gave way, 20, at 12 o'clock P. M. “But but 1 waw a child thru,” mur- creating a panic among 1,000 specta­ States. The act making t turned Louis. MICH GOLD FIND. The House — To provide for flat sal­ money legal tender after D Minton ledtols did uot appear surprised, mured leonine, trembling. tors ami injuring many j>eople, two ary, passed. To change name of Re ­ “Ay and we were both rhildr» n You fatally. but I m * trembled. and th«» color forsook 1903, is repealed. New Discovery on Tanana River Equals form rchool to Industrial school, his « hecks. Kbarp eyes ware waieb ng were thru a laughing, buoyant girl of The Patterson ann-ndsaet the Great Klondike Field. Two bill« have liven reported to the passed. To fix boundary of W’ailowa for an international confer« him. Istulse looked up with a startled, ten, nml I a wild youth of aevetiteen. Im redulous expression, while the old man Those were tlinea u hi n the h<*art hid Kansas legislature making it a crime Chicago, Feb. 20. — Federal officers county, passed. For new bridge across commercial exchange, was mad«* thre«* ln* ffi-ctual altcnipts to ask a noiif* of ItN emotloiiw. Ah. Louiwv. many for a railroad to confiscate any coal con­ the senate. on the Yukon river confirm the story Willamette at Portland, passed. «luestion. But leiuls relieved him by a time aince thru have I locked back signed to a ship|ier, no matter how- Mon Jay. Chairman Cooper, of the that a gold strike equaling that of the ■■omini ni-lng with the Aral sight of the upon thoae hourw, and tried to analyte great its need may lie. As a penalty The vote—Fulton 32, Geer 15, Wood mittee on insular affairs, sa It for violation, a fine of >1,000 is pro­ Klondike has been made hi Tanana deer, ami ending with the deaIh of i be the emotlonw th.it movetl me then. 14, Williams 17, scattering 3, absent soon as the bill ia recei Mwtned atrange that I ahould have th« u vided. fellow who «Bed by the Ire«». valley, says a dispatch to the Chroni­ and paired 9. senate from the house it wil "They were Natchez,” «aid the mar- takm an image upon my heart that the cle from Tacoma, Washington. Two hand of time could never efface —and <|ula, breathlessly. The Senate—A joint resolution was conference. ' No Th., were l'hi< kasawr all * f that, too, the ima^r of a mere ihild. But thousand miners are stampeding thither adopted calling upon congress to order The Newspaper l>eadhead. d<> you rrinrrnlwr when the painter, \ Bl­ them.” JAMES R. GARFIELD T— from Nome. Dawson, Eagle and Ram­ a constitutional convention for the pur­ F'or the next few moments, various ank came to the old chateau, and I hired i Why should people aak for free pose of framing an amendment for the part. Home of them will probably per ­ wore the questions asked anil answered, him to paint your miniature <»n ivory?” j nows;>apers, asks the Toronto election of United States senators by Son of Dead Pres’dept la AppoL ami the old man seemed alsnit «-quali) “Yea,” murmured ish, as the weather throughout the i Evening Teiegram, any more than mlssloner of Corporat direct vote. To fix sal-.ry of superin­ balanced l«*lw«*eu aslonislimi-nt and prld’ up. Yukon valley has been most severe. [ they look for free cigars, free um- tendent of public instruction at >3,000, in his lira^e boy. Ht. Priiln opened hl« vest, ami from Washington, Feb. 19. — J The etamperneatb it he drew « golden locket that supplies to last them on the journey. [collars, Iree cuffs or free beef- males, passed. ofirnrd by mean a of ■ spring. Il** press- man. who felt It necessary to aay some President Roosevelt would This may endanger the lives of all, i steaks? Every copy of a new»- e<| it, aud the cane separated, revealing thing. The House—To pay Indian war vet­ James R. Garfield, of Ohio, since provisions are very short in the 1 paper is a product which costs "Ay, what could It?” repeat«! lamine, a aweet far«- a childlike countenance, erans, indefinitely postponed. The sioner of corporations under new camp. i money. The tailor, the tobac- trembling with apprehension, hut very yet full <»f aoul and ‘ life. . The golden United States Commissioner Claypool greater part of the day was .taken up in creating the new department [ cooi«t, the gents* furnisher or the atratig«-ly imbed, looking oftem*r au*l hair hung in wild profusion sl>oot th.* merce. Mr. Garfield ia a eon writes from Circle that 660 claims have introducing new bills. dimpled cheeks, and a beaming smile longer upon tioupart than upon lamia. i grocer is not «wiled upon to sup­ Appropriations already provided for late President Garfield, and is been recorded in the new district, •’Ye» that'» it!'' cried th»* old man. dwell In the deep blue eyes, and upon ply free copies of the products ent a member of the civil servi “What <•<>«!Id they mean?" the parting lipa. which is officially known as Fairbanks, amount to >2,386,866.82. which they handle. The people mission. "I»o you know whom that was taken "Why," returned lands, “1 can Im«« being named after Senator Fairbanks. who are aggrieved if they cannot Governor Chamberlain vetoed the Sir. Garfield is an Ohican In«* but one cause. They know yo.ir for? ' Goupart whispered. Bottles of coareegold have been brought bill classing bicycles with horses in the get a free copy of a newspaper For some ti wealth, father, un i they must bar«* Imp "<>, yes— 'll« me; 'tin mine. I remeta* to Commissioner Claypool, fully con­ statute defining larceny; also the one and residence. would not think of struggling tor rd that If tb«y could se«-urr hie, they ber It well. O. how like liiis ami Goupart cm- It next my heart. Think you I have «jsrsx»>sis • «*«>•1»* •<**»rs^UÌXs.I«-e)^)iS>Mr at Kettle Falls. past'd. To repeal law granting rebates ization, conduct, and managemei braced the first opportunity to lx* alone forgotten the sweet love of my l»>yhood?” Washington, Feb. 20. — Senator to owners of wide tired wagons, passed. the business of any corporation, The 8.3<1 birthday of Susan B. An­ Gradually the fair girl » b> ad s ink upon together. Tt>e House—To us«‘ convict labor on stock company or corporate com her companion's Irosom, and when »he thony February 15, was celebrated at Foster today offered an amendment to "What think you now?" asked Gott looked up again, ber eyes were filled with her home in Rochester, N. Y., Monday. the omnibus public building bill au­ public roads, passed. A ; measure was tion engaged in commerce amon part. ••<>, Goupart. I know not what to think! tears. introduced to regulate railroad rates. A local passenger train on the'Frisco thorizing the purchase of a public build­ To provide a great seal for the state, re­ several states and with foreign nati* (To l»e continued.) I * annul Itellcve II possible that Mumm excepting common carriers, subjec line was wrecked near Pittsburg, Kan., ing site at North Yakima, to cost >10,- would do >u< It a thin«, and yet thing« ferred to a special committee. ‘an act to regulate commerce,’ and five passengers were injured. Ilrlnalna Him to Terms. look dark against him. Ile ha» asked 000. proved February 4, 1887, and to gat Thursday. Louise for her hand asked her earnest "I would like to have your photo­ Memorial services for the late Presi­ The house commerce committee today The vote—Fulton 34, Geer 15, Wood such information and data as will ly ami pcreeverlngly." graph fur nu article to lu* publlxlied In dent Charles Kendall Adams, of the able the president to make recommev "An*l ah««—what was her answer?" our Sunday pn(H*r." said the represeu- University of Wisronsin, were held at favorably rejorted the senate bill au­ 15, George 13, scattering 6, absent or ations for legislation fpr the regul«ti thorizing the construction of dams in paired 7. "Why. as you may suppose, she laugh (at've <>f the ««‘iisatlonnl journal.” Madison, Wis. of such commerce, and to report su cd at Ida folly." the Columbia river at Kettle Falls, for The Senate—To require district at­ "Couldn't think of It,” aatd the man "Then I fear lie I» at the bottom of diverting the water for power purposes. torneys to render legal services for data to the president from time to til The Standard oil coui]>any has de ­ as be shall require.’* thia. But let us watch him. We will whose suddeu fam«* wns due to the clared a dividend of >20 per share, pay­ Aa reported the bill stipulates that school districts without additional keep our snap! ion» it secret for a while fact that Ills »oil lm«l el«>lu*d with n It also will be the duty of the coi dams must be «onfined to that stretch compensation, passed. To create Baker able March 10, which is >10 more than at least, and while we <*xer« I««» th«* ut­ variety acres». "I have no desire for of river within three or four miles of county the Eighth judicial district, missioner of corporations to gsthe the last dividend. most car«* for ourselves. We will watch notoriety.” Kettle Falls, the full rights accruing to passed. To regulate sale of exploeives compile and publish useful mformatic lilm also." The Carnegie trust will issue a Jay P. Graves. "Of courae," wns the reply, “If you concerning corporations doing ou «1 e * to children, passed. "You are right, tioupart. I will only prefer to have me aki'tch you from scheme which it has drawn up for the in the United States and engaged jL The committee also reported the sen­ make one confidant, and that »hall Is* old memory after I get back to the of­ endowment of poet graduate study in The House—To appropriate >20,000 interstate or foreign commerce, includ­ ate bill establishing a lifesaving station Tony. II«' is a keen, quick-witted fel­ Scottish universities. for experiment station at Union, passed. ing corporations engaged in insurance. fice---- ’’ at Cape Flattery, Wash. low. ami I cannot only trust him. but I To regulate chid labor, passed. A reso­ "Take It!" crhul Hie man. hastily t«*n- Nathan Iforos, a diamond broker of <-iin depend much upon his sagacity. Ils lution that no bills be introduce«! Storm Holding On. GIVE COAST BIDDERS A CHANCE. lias I h *< n with my father ever since I derltig the photograph. "I've seen Philadelphia, was robbed of >7,000 Chicago, Feb. 20.—The blizzard re after February 13, except by commit- was born. »« you know. He was one of Home of those memory »ketches."—Chi­ worth of diamonds within 10 minutes the poor fellows who were taken from cago Evening Post. Cushman Wants 4 Per Cent Differential after stepping from a train at Cincin­ newed its vigor today, and there is t«?es, adopted. the wreck of the slaver at the (’ape de hardly a place between the Atlantic on Contracts for Warships. nati. I.ookinn Forward. Verde«, and he went tn France with my PORTLAND MARKETS. ocean and the western slope of the Washington, Feb. 19.— Representative Old Got tux So you want to mnrry An effort is being made to locate the father from choice, lie »loue »hull help Rocky mountains where the tempera­ my daughter, eh? What are your fi­ annual maneuvers of the regular army ture ia not below zero, with a gale to tts now." Wheat— Walla Walla, 76c; blue Cushman called on Secretary Moody today to secure departmental recom­ Aud thus the matter was left for the nancial prospects? and the state militias, as authoirzed by aggravate the sufferings of those who stem, 88c; valley, 78Hc. mendation for the incorporaion In the present. Young Hrokelelgli First rate, thank the passage of the Dick bill, at Fort CHAPTER VII. Another week passed away, an.I noth­ ing further occurred to mar the pleas­ ures of th«* young people at the chateau. Of course, a dark suspicion sometimes threw ii cloud over their auula, but then they saw nothing new to worry them, nml they had begun tu hope that, after all. their danger had Its rise In the eu- pldity of the Chlckaaaws. Ami during this week, too, Minion I.ohols had been more aoelabh* ami agreealde than he nml perhaps he was not an evil m nil. At any rate, they tried to hop Tony had seen nothing yet, though ways shook Ills bead very tlubi« when the dark eousin'a name was tioned. It was a pleasant afternoon, and part had wandered off to where beautiful wild flowers were Just pee into blossom down by the river's In the front garden. But he was alone. Louise was with him. He not nske«l her to come with him, nor »hi* asked him where he was going. ' walked on ami camo to a sent where n huge grapevlno had been trniled up over and about it. They stopped here and aut down. The sun was already nearing tlu* distant tree tops, and the air was soft ami balmy. "Louise,’’ spoke the young man, at length, and his voice wns very low ami tremulous, "do .von remember tin* great garden hack of tho old ehnteau in Cler­ mont ?” "O, yea; I remember it well,” returned the maiden, with n apiirkling eye. "And do you remember how we used to go out then* nml pick flowers, and how yon used to weave long garlands with your tiny fingers, aud throw them over my head?" THE : Sill, Okla. Cominander-in-Chief Thomas J. Stew­ art, of the G. A. R., left Harrisburg, Pa., for San Francisco, to make ar­ rangements for the annual encampment of the G. A. R. in August. Funeral services over the body of the Dtatrnatfut. Stickney I don't trust (hot new book­ late Rear Admiral Frank Wildes were held at the Emmanuel Episcopal keeper. I’lckney — la»nve your II» church, Wets Roxbury, Mass. The in­ ■la terment was at Kennebunkport, Me. you especially If I succeed lu getting the position I am nfter. Old Gotrox—Anti what, may I In­ quire, Is the position you speak of? Young Hrokelelgli That of son-in- law to your daughter's father. a ■ i ‘ ííut. —— nm intim, wn.VH cnll "Hum.'' n moment going to City Blur. Seven men were held up, robbed and marched at the muzzle of revolvers into the icebox in a South State street, Chi­ I cago, saloon and kept prisoners for half an hour while their captors delibreate- ly sampled liquors. Two of the men have been captured. The blockade on Venezuelan ports has been raised. w liy* «fil my nurnfo an angel?" resp<>n23.50 per ton; brew­ naval appropriation bill of a provision allowing Pacific coast bidders on naval ing, >24. Flour—Best grade, >4.30(34.85; grah­ vessels authorised under the pending measure a differential of 4 per cent am, >3.45@3.85. over bidders on the Atlantic coast. Millstuffa—Bran, >18(319 per ton; Such a stipulation was incorporated middlings, >23 @ 24; shorts, >19(320. in the bill last year, and In Cushman’s chop, >18. opinion is neecesrv to place Pacific Oats—No. 1 white, >1.15 (3 1.20; coast firms on an equitable footing. gray, > 1. 12Si 0 1.15 per cental. Furthermore he tays such a differential Hay — Timothy, >11012; clover, would tend to hold down bide on the Atlantic coast. >809; cheat, >9010 per ton. Potato««— Best Burbanks, 600 75c per Would Annex lai« of Pines. sack; ordinary, 40050c per cental, Washington, Feb. 19. — Representa­ growers' prices; Merced sweets, >20 tive Richardson, of Tennessee, today 2.25 per ceutal. Poultry— Chickens, mixed, 12)^c; introduced a resolution asking tho pres­ young, 11012c; hens, lSltc; turkeys, ident why that portion of the Platt live, 15016c; dressed, 180 20c; ducks, amendment regarding the Isle of Pines had not been enforced. He also intro­ >707.50 per dozen; geese, >708.50. duced a concurrent resolution declaring Cheese—Fnll cream, twins, 16H0 that it is the sense of congress that the 17Sc; Young America, 17j<018Jic; Isle ot Pines is territory belonging to factory prices, 101 Me lesa. the United States, and that no sov­ Butter—Fancy creamery, 30032He ereignty can be lawfully exercised there per pound; extras, 30c; dairy, 200 except by the United States. 22Mc; store, 15018c. Mine Sale at Thunder Mountain. Eggs—23 0 25 per dozen. Weiser, Idaho, Feb. 19.—An import­ Hops—Choice, 22027c per pound. ant transfer of Thunder mountain min­ Wool—Valley, 12H®15c; Eastern ing porperty has been made in thia Oregon, 8014Hc; mobair, 26028c. city. D. J. Brown, who ia better Beef — Gross, cows, 303^0 per known aa Thunedr Mountain Brown, pound; steers, 404M c ; dressed, 7Me. has sold to D. McKenzie, representing Eastern capitalists, four mining claims Veal—7 «08 He. Manila, Feb. 20.—General Davis has approved the finding of the court mar­ tial in the case o( Major Edwin G. Glenn, of the Fifth infantry, who was acquitted of the charge of unlawfully killing prisoners of war, with the qual­ ifications that he disapproves of the orders issued by Major Glenn. The general says he recognizes the principle that guides may be impressed and that A Moro stronghold in the Philip­ treacherous guides may be executed, but pines has surrendered. he adds that Major Glenn’s orders China is buying arms in violation of ■bowed a reckless disregard for human the treaty with the allies. life which the general condemns. Mrs. Roosevelt is ill and has can­ To Allow Hawaii to Issue Bonds. celled all social engagements. Washington, Feb. 20.— Representa­ Beet sugar mon have again blocked the passage of the Philippine tariff bill. tive Hamilton, of Michigan, today in­ An exceedingly rich gold strike has troduced a bill to authorize the gover­ lawn made in Josephine county, Ore­ nor and secretary of Hawaii to issue gon. bonds of that territory in such sums The bill creating a department of not to exceed >500,000 as, together Mutton — Gross, 4c per pound; on Profile creek. The claims are in the commerce has been signed by the presi­ with the money already appropriated dressed, 7He. beet portion of the district. The price dent. Lambs — Grose, 4c par paid has not been mode publie, hot i by congress, msy be sufficient to pay all was a cash deal, anti it state*' •>.* A bill has been introduced in the the judgments growing out of the sup­ dressed, 7Hc. Hogs — Gross, «He pCT house to prevent hazing at the Anna­ pression of the btil*onic plague in the ’4 tF»'-' .■ ■ • > s ■ » ; ‘ 1 ■ territory in 1891» and polis naval academy.