Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, February 19, 1903, Image 1

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A Tale of the Early Sctllers
Eur moiik * nioni<*iatM Kliuoii gii/fl upon
th« ftiir tfirl in mtur iiHtoiihhniriit
WR4 Nt N I onn to llll'li'rM«11 I ulli’lllcr n I|'*
mi* niitkliitf kiiiiiu of him, <»r In-i I b - i • * f In*
was ill oiinii’Ml. Um hii'l In*
l<*4 I f< r
n nipiiK'iit up'Ui flit* < linriu*l<*i <»f llm
lovrly pupil iin hi* kn-'W if, h<* wnuhl h lint r
known tliMt n I iu rtillhl not «leMurml to
with hi* f« * lititf*. 'I lit u In* ntill might
nppeui to li<*r ht’Nrt.
"Alii*!”''Ii«* murmur« <1, rhukitig <l«»un
hi* IniligiiNtioii. “yon know not nhnt )<ui
v. i know "••! |ii deep : • • •• thnl
dwell« like n <'oii*uiiiiittf lire* within, lint
I will not N*k you to murry im* ii «» w . (Inly
promhh* flint, noiii « time*, you *11 Io*
mim*. Olw me your licurt, nn I pl<*'lg«*
hi »* your him I. An I lio n wr w ill I m * mur
rlfil w¡i<*ii you ntu ul«liT. O, do not rv
fUNt* mi* thi*!*’
• Aly roil«4 li’tn*«, Hlmon, if w<* w ilt for
thut, your hwir will I»«* grny, mid you will
hivt* to wnlk with ii n I h IT.
And th«n
whnt u Aoiry looking < oupl<* wo «lioiild
make! H *n't, Simon don’t tiilk «o nny
more. It’* foolish in y<»u <«> <lo ««». 1 do
rcnlly l»<*gin to think you ur«* in <*ntn< *t.
But I don’t wmit io hcur you «prnk *•»
nny more truly, I <lou't.“
"Then you will nyvrr lovi* m<*?“
•‘Why, I lore you now, coiin I ii
I liavt*
n I wn > m loot'd you.
Why wiil you I»«* no
foo|l*ll V**
“AI iik , Louin«*! you hnvc ntriick th«*
dagger to my noul. The lamp of my lift*
hn* goue out. and «11 my hop«*» mu* nuuk
In utter «Inrkii'***! Y«»u hav« done thu*
mu« h. N'ow, in m« r« y, tuk«* my «luggfr
and ttnl*h my pain. Tuk«» nway th« life
yon liavt* <*ur*«’«l, and 1« ! my aoul « Heap«*
tin* ngouy It m.i*»t < ndur<* while mun th«-<*
wlirn thou art riot iiiliir!“
“Stop, Kimon,“ Interrupt«*«! th«* maid­
en. jif"t a* h<* * i * puffing on tin* lml*h
Ing itrokr nml look of ng>>ny. “I can't
| h * your wife; I never can
Ho there’a
an end of thut matter. Ami now Ie1 ua
fortfi't that wr ever had any am h fouliah
“Ami how long ha* thia been
mind?“ fnirly hi****<i Lobol*. n* *o<m a*
he could no far rv«’<>vi*r from hi* utter
aniaieuiciit a* to **»v.ik,
“How long?” repented I.oUimr, III nur
prlae. “W hy, you might hm well a*k me
how long ‘twn* nine«* I hnd rmolvod that
I would not marry with old Tony, ju*t na
wi ll ««tartly. Nature art up the barrier
whi’U »die made im* your uuuh I u riglitrrii
year* after your birth. Now
At thia moment Louitr heard her fath­
er calling her from the hall, and ahr
atarted up.
“You hear?” ahe Ottered. “My father
wanta me. Now you won't think iin>
thing more of thia will you? Put off
that ugly looking faee n* ao<»n a* you ran
and tli«*n roine out mi l join ua In our Mo­
dal enjoyment. There he call« again.
Here I am -coming!“ And with the*e
Worda, the buoyant, happy hearted girl
tripped out from the room.
For aome momenta, Sinmn l*ob<»ia *tood
like one thunderstruck, and »««um*d
watching, with a va< ant stare, the place
where the young lady bad been standing,
as if a lurid gleam of vivid lightning had
made Its tranait. Then he started back
apace and rlenched both I i I n list*
“By lira vens!*’ ii. uttered, w III!« hl.
face turnt-'l livid with rag«, "nud shall I
bear thia? Shall I alt calmly by, nn.l so*
another carry off the maiden nnJ pocket
the half of St Julien's fortune? Shall I
see that wraith which bn* hern no lung
In my grmtp (hat wealth which I have
looked upon ns mine, m»w w r<*ated from
me? For year* I've cherished thl* foul
hope thl* picture of wealth, and now it
must not I h * blown away thus. St. .hi
lien 1* worth thia day live hundred thou
Band crowns, nml they m I ih II not b.ivc |t
all they shall notT*
A w<-ek luid p.i»»> d away »In <■ Nlinon
h»<l rolifrsseil Ili» rolli, ntic
f >r
I-oulse, unì dtirllig timi lime ho lind
nialntaiiicd much <>f hi» wonted rompe*
ure. For ■ <lny or two after thè unirli-
fyllig repulsi- he limi beiti lu».><|y ntld
tsciturn. luit he griiiliislly overiaine It.
and now In- anilleil «s usuili, and Iliade
hlinself gineriilly agrresbls. One after
noon. a» soon ss dlnni-r wns over, Gnu
pari and Louis sturted off on n huntlir;
expeditlun. Tlielr pistola they cornea led
wltliln thè boaonis of thelr liuiiting sliirls.
so that they iniglit noi catch III thè
biishea, nml thelr klilve» were III llke ni .li­
ner prnleeti d. They botti limi ex« sileni
Toledo ride», and »et ofT In high spirita.
NVItl» qulck »tep» they lumie ili. Ir wny
up (In- ri ver, iintil thsy hml p issi li thè
bounds of thè clenrlng, nml theti thelr
«teps bcenine more cimi Imi», , for th. y
hoped there migli! be n deer Momewhere
at hnnd.
They limi hunted ubolli In the foreat
fur nearly nn hmir, when a tliovrlile nt
among th« luislic.« nt some illstan e al
tracteil their attention, nnd upon creep-
Ing carefully up, they saw il lurge deer
di Inking ja a entail broej| '^^pt emptled
into. Jtoriver close hy.
"Hee," «w hispered GuTipnrt, “here nro
his trnckn."
Iuiiils looked nt the spot which hw
companion pointed out, mid n sudden
him It n
start caused Goupart to nsk
“Thnt'» the track of n
"Home of the negroes have been out
here,” suggested Goupart.
"No, no," returned the other. "They
have not been out here to-<hiy."
"But tlint may have been made yes­
terday, or several days ngo.”
"No,” snld Louis, »till gazing upon the
"This was made to-day. Just
look, and you will see thnt these leave»
arc still dump on the upper edges where
the foot lias pressed them up. These
other leaves, you see, lire dry where the
edge 1» free of the earth. Then here—
see this broken twig; see where It has
been pressed down. Now look!" And ns
he spoke, ho lifted the twig, nnd showed
the place where It laid win perfectly
dry, whereas, had It lain there even over
■fight, its bed would have been damp.
“Then there's b»sn an Indian here,
wurd» th» »no. “And," h* uttered, '"bury
"Well, never iiilml. Let's aeiure till* me so."
deer, lie'll he done ■lllllklng »«»ill, mi I
"Look yef cried lanii«, grasping him
tlii-ii we may I»«« him. I.«t uie lire first, by the arm, »ml gazing Intently Into hl«
Illis lime, Louis."
fire, while Goupiirt ati»o>l by rr'omllug
"Very m «II. BI hzp away, nml I’ll !>« the rille». "If you ilo not tell me Inst mt-
r«n<ly t<> follow, in ca«e you •lou t bring ly what nil this menu», I’ll dig a hole In
••'•e ‘lown,"
th« earth »ml jou shall la- burled with
A..... r<llngly, Goupart brought hl» rille your head down. You know very well
to lii» «hotilga.'. »ml
a inoiueut more lie where you’ll tlo to then. Now tell ma,
flii 'l
Th* y>ble animal gave a 1« up who sent you to kill ua’z"
loii-kward, - I while he stood for a ilio-
"We didn't mean to kill the pale boy,”
im ill as though about to »tart on, l.oiila replied the Indian, speaking »lowly and
llrc'l, but even a» he pulh*«l the liiggtr with difficulty.
th«' de«r gate a leap forward ami piling
"But who sent you to capture him? lte-
««I headlong upon the earth.
memlier head down!"
"Your bull klll.'il him, Goupart!" cri«-«l
"You had known better, had you spar­
l.ouia, a« the two »tarteil forward to
ed another. That mun was our chief;
x< tlier. Ami It was fuuud to I h < even ■<>, he knew."
Goutiart'» bullet having entered just back
"But you-know something.
Tell m"
of the «boulder, ami ot < our«« p>'ri«trat«<l all. or, us ante aa 1 live, you g<> in
th« heart.
feet up!”
I.oula hud nt ole a wound for the pur-
’■ 'Twaa white man's gold. The pale
.......... . bleeding Hie nniimil, nml Goupart boy a ml the pal<* boy's friend both have
wa» km i'llng by hl« »Ide, when they were <*u«*niira. Thi're-'a a Ntrnnv«? bird iu the
■turtlel by the whUtllng of something eitg|p‘a
between their beads, followed by n ilull
“Kprak plainer ! Till me—"
L oii I m Nfoppi’d, for he naw thnt the
“•-ii'ink" close to them, ami on ral»lng
tlu'lr liemla, they «uw a long arrow »tick­ death *hnde ha< 1 pBNNttd over the red
ing Into a tree <lirc< tly In front of them
iiihii ' n fare, hii <I un he 1 •t go the n<>w
With a «ini k <ry, they started Io their hirivy hand, the le»dy fell over ehlvwaya
fi'it, and the next thing that saluted upon the turf.
them was a low howl close nt
“1* be dead?’* Baked G< ■upurt.
“Yem; aud the Nerret u f thin tirante**
They turned and *aw a party of all In
dlnnn coming towards them, with thrir arene I n <I«* h <I h 1th him. no fur hn eor
means of arriving at It are concerned.
tomahawks rnlssd.
"Il're'a a »crap«,” utteerd Goupart, Goupart, there'» souietblng her« we had
better understand!"
«tinting ba« k. "What do«« it nii-nn?”
But Hl. Ill-ills knew not what to reply,
"I'll llml out." returned Louis, calmly.
"But don't «how your pistol*, for they for a suspicion hml come to hltn, but lie
know we've discharged our rill«», nml dared not speak II too suddenly. Ho the
tlu> hope to take u» at n illnadvantage." two hunters stood for ■om* momenta
Th«u turning to tiie red men. h<* asked: nnd gazed upon the dead men In »Hence.
"Well," »aid I »ills, after a while, "let’s
“What now, red brethren? What »««'k
leave these tssHi-a here, and in the morn­
ye here?”
The Indian« consulted n moment to­ ing we'll ai-nd our negroes out to bury
gether, ami then one of them a«lvun«-nl them. Now, let's tlx our venison, and
then ntart for home, for we've had ad­
n «Ingle pace, ami repliml:
"We «eek tiie young white chief and III» venture 1'11011x11 for one day. You begin
frli nd. We would »peak with them kiud- now to see some of our laiuisiuna life.
How <10 you like It?**
b "
Ht. l>«ui< Kin* I upon hia companion
•’Then why did you »end that arrow at
some momenta in silent admiration, ami
"We «aw you not then. Only th« head then he aaid:
“<), thia I n much better than nothing.
of the deer."
Now Louin «Imply kiK'W that they were though ones a year would Ie* often enougl
for «tu b »port."
lying t<> him, nml »» thin liecame appiir
"Ho it would. But now for our other
■ nt he knew that they meant him harm
"If you hare nliythlng to «ay to ua, any gams."
They went to where the deer still l»y,
It »1 once," he «aid.
"lol our whit« brother« not fear. If and having removed th« »kin from rhe
they will < ome with U». we w ill tell them head, neck aud fore shoulders, they sep­
arated the carcass, and then rolling the
what nhnll be to their good."
"I will apeak with my friend." And saddle up, they shouldered it, und giving
thus saying, l-oui« turned towards hi« one more look nt the fallen Indian», they
turned tbelr face» towards bom«.
(To I m - continued.I
"Goupart," ho »aid, npenklng quickly,
nml in a low tone, "those are Chicks-
«aw«, nml they mean to take u« prison
In nil probability they hope for
n high riiieini from uiy father for us. Had ■ Had Hear* la a Hoitlle Indian
I ouiatry.
We hare two pintoln each. You never
Col. D, C. Caaey, auperlutendeut of
mlaned your mark yet In my night. Are
the Medler mllM'», was one of a party
your nerves steady now?"
"An steady n« ever," returned Goupart, of old-tlinc New Mexicans who iiap-
not n little niirprlaed to neo how Cahn |M'ii<sl to congregate at Clifton a short
nnd fenrh »■ hl« youthful companion wna
time ago. ami naturally fell to telling
“Thea have them in readiness, and stories of th<«tr curly life. At last It
min i my word, for I know those fellow» came Caaey*s turn, an«l tiie Clifton Era
well. Yet keep your rille, for you'll need
report» hl» version of a thrilling expe­
It for a club."
Next Louis turned to tho Indian« nn l rience wl'h the Indiana. The remlula-
ceiK-r was called forth by a comtiM-ut
■a bl:
"We have concluded not to follow you: u|M>n Caaey'» auow white hair.
but If you have aoythiug to tell us, we
Well, said Caaey. 1'11 tell you how It
will listen."
happened, t>oya. It was the year that
Upon this, the red men conversed to­ Judge McComas and his wife were
gether again for a few momenta, and killed by the Indians in the Burro
then, wilh quii'k, wild gestures, anti a
Mountains 'H3 or '84. I've forgotten
low howl, not unlike the voice of a hun­
It was some time after that af­
gry wolf, they sprang forward with thelr
tomnhnwks uplifted. In all probability fair, however, when tilings luid qul<j*"
they nuppo«e<l this would lie nufih'iint to down a bit
I had l>cen In the lillla, and 'j
awe the white youth« into Immediate null-
ml««l«>n. The pale l»>y they thought an turning t»> Silver City tbrougf
«any prey, nml very likely they knew that Burro Mountains, and of course ;
the other was a newcomer into the coun
the lookout for Indian*. My hoi |
try. ali i hence Imagined that their terri
«ick, nnd I stopped to let him I
ble iippenrnm«' nnd fearful antics would
pulled off tiie saddle, tied Min t«l
strike him with terror.
"Now!" whinpereil Louis. "You take spread out my blankets and la i
the two men on your side, and I'll take I was siMin fast asleep, nnd h<
the two on the other »ide. Don't waste I slept I do not know. I waa a-'
a ball.”
by Home one pro«ldlng me In tf
In an instant the two «»impanlons hnd As soon a« my eyes were »pen« «»“
drawn their weapons, ami at the name that I waa surroumled by twl
instant they l»ith fired. Hour after hour.
llfu«cti Indians. They all carried
and day after day, hnd they practiced
and had them In thelr haml
togi th« r at pistol »hooting, nnd tlx ir
Well, sir, 1 was so badly fill !
aim wan a« quick aa it wan sure. The
that I could not speak or n»ov<| <
two outsi Ie men staggered, nnd on tlx
next instant, the youth« tired again. At uamlyze«!. I Mit there and l {
this niov< iiicut. the savage« were thrown the Indiana, ami they looked .if
into a state of alarm. Three of their felt my hair stiffen >>ut. aud 1 kx
number were shot through the hea«l nml It was standing straight tip. j
hsd full« ii . w hile the fourth hn«l received
I thought of every mean thia ;
a ball in his neck and was staggering
lin< k. In n moment, Goupart and Louis • lone In my life. I'ray? No. ■■
naw their advantage, nml they seized lift a haml to bless mywelf. I kl
their empty rille» and «prang forward, would kill me, ami my only I
an I in a few momenta more the nix In­ that they would shoot me. I>
diana lay proatratc. A full minute the •mist feel their lillH'es stlckiml
two victor» »tool and gazed upon th«' my body. It seemed to me ■
work they had doll«', und thru I.oula turn­ <t<H>d there all age and look«
ed to hi» companion and said:
and I looked at them.
"If we's kl!le«l 'em all. we «hall never
Their ugly faces are stum; g
know surely wliat thia nil meiint."
I should J
"Are these two last one» dead, think memory forever.
you?" ret in lied Goupart. “They may lie my cue of them In a crowd w
only ntunned."
should meet him. Soon I mw
"We'll see; Imt I think yon'II find the >r two other Indian» fooling,,
one I «truck with hi» bruins rather dis­ horse, ns he was t»»> stek to I
away from them.
And no It proved with both of them,
Presently they l>egan to go I
for upon exnmltintion it was found that
lime, and soon they were all VBg
their skulls wore both broken in, nnd
that life was extinct.
But while they . • pt om« who »««eined to t>e till '.
were thus engaged they heard a gro n After the others had nil gon'
Iressed me In good English if \
close nt hnnd. nil I on turning they miw
that one of tho Indians who h id In cu
•Good day. Dan Casey!" How '
shot had worked himself almost in o n my mum« has always tieen
I mmhi R
sitting posture against n tree, nnd was to me. lie may have seen me
mnv trying to work further nrquml, so as reset'»ntiloii, or po«atbly my num 4
to get his face towards the west. Both
Louis nml Goupart hastened to him nt have lieen on soiue part of my ■
once, when they found that lie had re­ and he could rend, ns many offl
ceived n hall through the neck.
"Water, water!" he groaned.
After he hnd gone I sat still then»
“Stop,” uttered Louis, ns his compan­ badly senrisl that I was unable t" >F
ion started towards the brook. And then for I don’t know how long. Th<Bf
turning to tho dying Indian, he snld:
a Hash It came to me that the*
"If we'll get you water nml turn your government seoute.
I leaiwd Jf
eyes to the netting sun, will you tell the
feet, nml. though my horse wn®
Device to Catch Them and Make
Harmless Invented by Burtts
ton Ofllchil.
Omaha, Neb., Feb 12.—
Kenyon, general manag* r
L’nioy sunk yards at Omaha, and
Comprehensive Review of the Import-
formerly general pa««enger agi-nt of Bills of Importance That are Being Intro­ of Oregon for no- «
ant lluppenlng* of the Past Week, the Chicago, Burlington A Northern
duced and Acted Upon In Both Nonaos bridging this boundary
Presented In Condcnacd Form, Moe* railway, ha» |.at«-nted a device for the
Hmith of Waahiugtor
Measures Signed by the Governor—
l ikely to Prove Interesting to Our blocking and derailing of rare to pre­
Progress of the Balloting for United e»t appeal against the
vent accidents on the main lines of
poas'ii by the house com |
Many Readers.
States Senator.
railroads. This new device consists of
bridges and ferries, »
a strong steel hl<»k that may 1« at­
propriation from <10,0t< i
The senate lias ratified the Alaskan tached teciirely to the rails at the 1x4-
The bridge, be said, me-i:
boundary treaty.
tom of any «teep grade.
It has a I The vote—Fulton 33, Geer 15, Wood to the people of Weiser jg
They h?
East St Louis will erect a separate channel in the upper surface, so that 16, George 15, scattering 3, absent and ton county.
the flange of the car wheel will run into paired 8.
_____ __ saved an amount equal t'
building at the Kt. Ixtuis fair.
it ami therel>y derail a wild or run-away
The Senate — To authorize the con­ ation they asked.
Germany ba. repudiated her agree­ car.
It sometime» happens that a
ment in th > Venezuelan negotiation*. j heavy train of freight cars will break struction of a portage railway lietween lars was a small amour
Celiio and The Dalles, passed. To in­ but a serious conaide
The Waghingb n legislature has in­ j in two while going up a steep grade crease term of office of assessor to four county of Washington,
definitely poet pined action >n M' Bride’» and that portion of the train not at­ years, passed. To make eight hours’ in good faith, putting u|
tached to the engine »tarts ba< k down labor a day’s work, indefinitely post­ they could raise before
railroad bill.
the grade at terrific speed, and usually poned.
from the state.
Many stalos have petitioned for pop­ crashes into other cars ba k down the
Jenkins, of Latah, asse
ular election of senator», but tiie senate road, doing immense damage to the
The Hon-e—To create the office of
en<l of the bridge rested i
refuses to act.
run-away car» and to thoee standing commissioner of labor statistics, faileil
county and the other
The agreement for an increase of »till. The road lied la also badly dam­ to pass. To extend Australian ballot Oregon.
wage» for trainmen and conductors on
the Southwestern railr ads lias been pa»‘enger traffic delayed until the truck
is cleared at great expense ami loss of additional ferry, referred to Multno­ lie fieri ved by the peo
signed ut St. Louie.
county, but nothing bad
mah delegation.
, time.
The Park hotel at Coshocton, <) ,
A concurrent resolution was adopted the Iwnefit to 1« derived 1
Ail this damage and los» of money,
suffered a <35,000 fire loss.
A canal c.
by both houses asking the historical of Oregon.
guests ha I narrow escaper, all getting l>e«ide» eerioas danger to life, can lie society to preserve the old bl<>ckhouse building a huge system
avoided by the use of Mr. Kenyon’s de­
out in their night clothes.
through which this road
railing block, liecause the run-away <ar on the Grand Ronde res .-rvation.
It was strange that the Or
The British torpedo )s>at destroyer is thrown from the track quickly and
not contributed to the ei
Quail went ashore a week ago near cleanly, ladore any damgae can lie done
The vote—Fulton 31, Geer 15, Wood structure. He read a letts
Point Barin, says a Herald dispatch to the road lie-i or to other freight and
l*i, George 1), s<-sttering 9, absent and resentative Test, of Malbi
f om Port of Spain, Trinidal.
pastenger traffic.
paired 8.
Oregon, stating that on a;
.Mr. Kenyon's device ie destined to
The resignation of midshipman Pear­
had been made by Orq
son from the Naval academy at Annap­ liecome of great lienefit to railroad traf­ make monthly settlements with county bridge.
He would sugg
olis Isv-aiise he was hazed has l>een re- fic all over the world, but more e»|>eci-
To relocate coun­ word Idaho be stricken <
ally in the m< untainou» portions, treasurers, passed.
je’tel by Superintendent Brownson.
where heavy grade« cannot be avoided, ty seat of Wallowa county, passed. To the enacting clause read “b
by the state of Oregon.” T1
In the private collection of George on which trains frequently part under create county of Stockman, defeated.
Frederick Kunz, now on exhibition in the great strain necessary to carry
The House—For a portage road was easy, be declared. Thel
New York, is a pure diamond imbedded them on their way. Exjierienced rail­ above The Dalles, passed, «5 to 7. For Washington county had raisR
in tiie center of a 40-p >und meteorite. road men recognize this dreailing block a matron at the penitentiary, passed. why should not the people o 1
county, Oregon, raise the]
To repeal scalp bounty, passed.
All the cotton mills of the Cocheo a» simple, strong and effective.
manufacturing company at ¡»over, N.
Greer, of Shcsbone, decfl
JI . have been shut down, owing to a
The vote—Fulton 31, Geer 15, Wood Oregon was the least progress
strike of 250 spinners and carders to
15, .Mills 11, Bfattering 11, absent and Northwestern states l>ecaua
Storehouse of Arms and Ammunition al
enforro pay for 20 minutes* overtime.
policy of antagonizing inu
paired 10.
Rock Island Destroyed.
Idaho’s greal
A syndicate f as been farmed, in­
The Senate—A bill to create Stock- provements.
Rock Island, 111., Feb. 13.—Shop A, man county was introduced. House <lue to the manner in whic
cluding practically all the French navi­
gation companies and representing a the principal storet.oui-e of the Rock bill to require fenders on street cars, taken care of the needs of tl
tonnage of 1,500,000 tons. It is head- Islsnd arsenal, was destroyed by fin- passed. District primary nomination in the way of roads and brid
el by M, Lebon, ex-minister ot com­ last night, together with its contents, bill was reconsidered and referred to amount was restored to <15,01
which included cavalry and infantry the judiciary committee.
bill recommended for passage
equipment» of every description, and
• ... .
»I»,»,. 1,000,000 rounds of Krag-Jorgensen above The Dalles was amended so as
smokies»» ammunition,
The contents
The Newspaper Deadhead.
The bbilding to allow no more than <165,000 to be Governor Taft Appeals for Actio
were worth <1,500,000.
Why should people ask for free i was a massive stru Hire, three stories expended ami sent to the engrossing
grass for Philippine*.
* newspapers, asks the Toronto
in height, and was erected 20 years committee. Relative to reliate of taxes
Feb. 12.—!
I Evening Telegram, any more than
ago at a coat of <400,000.
Root today transmitted to th
' they look for free cigars, free um-
The flames in the great institution
dent pro tem of the senate a cc.
i brellas, free walking sticks, free
endangered property worth many times
The vote—Fulton 34, Geer 16, Wood cablegram from the governor
'collars, free cuffs or free beef-
the amount lost. The fire was under 17, Mills 13, scattering 7, absent 3. It
Philippine», dated Manila, Feb
) steaks? Every ropy of a news-
control by 1 o'clock this morning, at was agreed to hold no joint conven­
indicating the urgent necessity
' paper ia a product which costs
which hour Major Blunt, the com­ tion Saturday.
lation regarding the Pbilippin
i money. The tailor, the toba«--
mandant, estimated the loss at <1,000,-
The Senate—To change boundary be­ rvney. In his dispatch to th<
' coniM, the gents’ furnisher or the
000. There were no casualty» so far tween Douglas and Ijine counties,
tary of war, Governor Taft says
i gro« er is not tailed upon to aup-
as known.
(tassed. To provide for the relocation
“All business suffering great 1
J ply free copies of the products
Thousands of people stood on the of Columbia county, passed. A bill fluctuation and depression. F'ai
i which they handle. The people
sides of the river an« waMtod 4he fire.
was introduced to amend Australian furnish relief at thia session of c
who are aggrieve<l if they cannot
Aten Ue flames (flMcberoad the erm ballot law so as to put constitutional
would create consternation thre
get a free copy hf a newspaper
rol ul Urt>Meeqal Are brigade. an ap- amendments at top of ballot.
the islands; added to prevailing
would not think of struggling for
pee! for help wee* eent to Davenjiort,
The House— Senate joint resolution cial depression, loss of aniai.
nn lhn frey Ijfl] A Pti-
Ttjck Island, Mol ine and Pee Moines.
Two companies front each of these near­ to amend the constitution to abrogate rinderpest and other contagion
cases and resulting deetitutioi
by cities responded, but by the timt the Negro section of the constitution,
political situation would become
they arrived the storehouse was a mas* adopted. Tiie greater part of the ses­
of flames, and owing tc the large amount
“The adoption of American
A bill was
of ammunition in the building it was amending city charters.
would enhance price! greatly an
considered dangerous to permit them to introduced to repeal the law allowing
rung! every form of business,
approach the building.
Accordingly rebate of taxes fcr wide tired wagons.
lation making gold peso equal
all their efforts were directed toward
American dollars aa unit of value
preventing the destruction of other
The vote—Fulton 34, Geer 16, Wood and subsidiary minor coinage re
of buildings of the plant.
In this they 17, Mills 12, scattering 8, absent 3.
ble for all public duties at the ra
IB, were successful.
The Senate—The joint resolution to 50 cents American money for one
amend the coentitution so as to make with provision for issuance of i
the term of office of county officers four certifiactes baaed on deposit of 1
years was adopted. The bill to fix the pesos would furnish a currency aa I
Palm* Agrees with His Congress on Ces­ salary of state printer at
13,500 after as Amreican money and better ad a
sions to the United State*.
1906, passed. The fellow servant bill to needs of the islands.
Th* Pb
Havana, Feb. 12.—Although a fairly passed unanimously.
pine commission is unanimeus in
definite understanding has l>een reach­
The House—The fellow servant bill
ed with the United States representa­
passed unanimously. To limit liability
tives in regard to coaling station^ on
ot counties for personal injuries re-'
this island, President l’alma is inclined
ceived from defective highways, lost.
Federal Circuit Court Sustains Lawi
to further feel the public pulse before
To prevent blacklisting of employes,
committing his government to the
pa see« I. The house will hold its first
According'y, he held a
San Francisco, Feb. 12.—Haws
night session tomorrow night, owing
conference with the leading senators
to the large amount of busiuees to dis- income tax has been exstained by t
and representatives at the pal ¡ve today pose of.
United States circuit court of appe»
and the matter was discussevi ‘with the
The opinion, written by Judge Gilbe
remit that no opposition to the agree­
was banded down today. In the n»
ment developed except in minor pointe.
island territory it is said to be inipi '
It is understood that the naval sta­
sible to raise an adequate revenue 1
tion treaty ie not dependent in any de­
any system of land taxation.
So tf
gree on the confirmation of the recipro­ stem, 86c; valley, 78@78*i@c.
income tax levied is of vital impor ’
city treaty lince the coaling station ar-
Barley—Feed, <23.50 per ton; brew­ ance to the territorial government.
rangement ie explicitly provided for ing, <24.
The island income tax was contested
» by the Platt amen '.meat.
Flour—Beet grade, <4.30(34.85; grah­ by many taxpayers. It was alleged t
be discrimination tending to compe
am, <3.45@3.85.
Smoot Will Demand Seat.
Millstuffs—Bran, <18@19 per ton; citizens to incriminate themselves, pre
Salt Lake, Feb. 13. — Senator-elect
middlings, <23 (3 24; shorts, |19@20. sumably by answering questions falsely
But the court of appeals says it seei
1 » Reed Smoot, of Utah, will, it is an­ chop, <18,
w nounced, go to Washington next week.
no discrimination.
Oats—No. 1 white, <1.15 (3 1.20;
a His credentials as senator to succeed
The court says of the income tax:
>r Senator Raw lins will then I>e prerented. gray, < 1.12 *«i @ 1.15 per cental.
“It places the burden of taxation
Hay —Timothy, <11(312; clover, upon the points of »trongest resistance
“The protests against my l>eing seat­
ed in the Seqste will make no differ­ <8(39; cheat, <9@10 per ton.
where it is easiest .borne.”
The dis^
ence in my plans,” said Mr. Smoot.
Potatoes—Best Burbanks, 60@75c per mi»«al of the case by the supreme court
“I expect to take my seat, and do not sack; ordinary, 40@50c per cental, of Hawaii is accordingly affirmed.
anticipate any serious interference. I growers’ prices; Merced sweets, <2(3
see no reason why there should lie. 2.25 per cental.
Terms of Peace for Acre.
Nothing can lie brought against me
Rio Janeiro, Feb. 12,—The tempor­
Poultry— Chickens, mixed, ll^c;
except that I am a member of the Mor­ young, 11(3 12c ;hens, 11(312c; turkeys, ary settlement of the dispute between
mon church.”
live, 15(316c; dressed, 18($20c; ducks, Blasi) and Bolivia regarding the Acre
territory provides, in addition to the
<7(37.50 p6r dozen; geese, <7(38.50.
Woman Suffrage Defeated.
Cheese—Full cream, twins, 16H(3 occupation and administration of the
Butte, .Mont., Feb. 12.—A Helena
territory by Brazil pending deflnite
Ispecial says the house t slay killed the 17 4c; Young America, 17.4(®184c; settlement, the abo ishing of the re­
factory prices, l@14c less.
woman suffrage hill by a vote qf 41 to
cently enacted prohibitive transit duties
bent all records to Silver City. 1
Rutter—Fancy creamery, 3O@324c on the Amazon river.
24. This effectively disposes of the
The interna­
I have Itecn blown up In a tn*
pnessure at Ulis session. The report of
tional court of arbitration at The Hague
had my body crushed with dmt
uiendiug for pas-
' Hie ronin Jitwe.
is to render the final decisions regard­
caps, but I never was scared before or
^tryiug <35,-
Eggs—22 4 @25 per dozen.
ing the matters in dispute.
Bulgaria in preparing to start a re­ sage
si neo. There Is no scare on earth llke
I»« feature
obo far
Hope—Choice, 22(£27c per pound.
an Indian scare. Well, Inside of h bellion in Macedonia.
’ U)A house
Wholesale Insurance
of thd tori
Wool—Valley, 12 4@l5c; Eastern
week from Null time my hair was well
Ak * .Irish'*ie I and
Lawyers have begun summing up the Another
New York, Feb. 12.-Between 10and
Oregon, 8@144c; mohair, 26(328c.
sprinkled with gray, and inside of a caae in the coal strike inquiry.
which was adopted
15 bodies will be exhumed in Calvary
Beef — Gross, cows, 3(33<ic per
year It was as white aa It Is now."
introduced by Hchwend I 1
cemetery the latter part of thia week
pound; steers, 4@4Jic; dressed, 7J$c.
Germany and Italy delay Venezuelan
as a result of discoveries made by
---------------- r J«i':
What l>renma Cniar,
negotiations by making a new claim.
Veal—7 4 @8 4c.
Assistant District Attorney Krotol, who
Bobbs—Old Tltewndd Is aliout.dMId
Mutton — Grose, 4c per pound; for several weeks has been investigat­
Washington, Feb. 12.—4 1
from Insomnln. Says lie Is afraid to
Preaident Eliot, of Harvard univer­
dressed, 74c.
ing a series of swindles by a gang of
go to sleep.
sity, aaya people should marry younger. introduced today by Senxtqy
Iambs — Gross, 4c per pound; Italians hy which eight different in­
Dobbs I hies he fe«r burglars? juijj
It , provider
Ito Mreesed, 74c.
A* president llill predicts a financial pension »hall Im < 12. Il
surance comanpies have been «hyet-d
"No; but tiie last time he slej
isia and approves anti-trust IcgMa- an Increase to that figure of all j pett-. f.C-lli'gs — Gross,
It 1s now I
dreamed of giving away money.”
fliWijeed. 7(37 4c.
»ions now below that sum.
i” 4 tn.
ill aggregate |1
thnore American.
•it otw ■»
11 o w J E
"I will—I will!”
The water was brought In Goupnrt'a
canteen, nml upon drinking, the poor fel­
low Hoemed to revive.
Goupmt bound
up his neck, which was bleeding profuse­
ly, nml Just ns ho hnd finished tho job
tho Indian put out hl» wenkenlng arm.
nml laid his hnnd upon Louis' shoulder.
"The pule boy hns the heart of n great
wnrrlor. He would not hnve escaped us
hnd we known how brave he was."
"But why did you try to do this?"
nsked Louis. "Remember now, you prom­
ined to speak truly."
"White ninn brought gold here, and we
have Irarned to love It Much gold hnd
been ours, nnd we----- ’’
The Indian
stopped, for he was weak, and he made
a sign that they should turn his face to- I