KLAMATH REPUBLICAN in ar Merrill th»* past week Di. iilli I'otmi v aiel penui.ute pri«p»«*Hve .84 Oct HOI DI U.S XU RTINU. gon on Tuesdav, th*-!’l-t *1 *v oí toril, ■ Mcirvimin wax culled Fildav and »•rtli’iH inul liivosims not to mme l'sr He i J»" - i- • V ,*■.-• **: t v,*n*»t . later Dr. Ilargux wax «umiiMtied lot hen*. 'I tils In a (inriow-inkul <1 A r •' t ,n • of i b< mi * kholder» of tb<- I. Peek.!*) l'or»lami. Uri-poli; ts-i j , i fHFRNDAY, I*'1* II, I vRV I • I oi. eimsiiltot Ion. Mrs. Hai trry 's o >u;,li­ priu th <- and I* lards tile d**v< lop- M' irJI Muli*al i anal t o. will In* Reid mm F. I*•».* • ol I*' rtlai.d • ’ **g n ; Etta ter, Mis. llatfoD. has I m i n ut Illi' nirnt of Ik** whole of Southern (»re- at Merrill, Or., on Monday, Eiliruiiy Jool'M, "f Ai-,I faville, liti-goti; Milfoil J. i-tiati I.. iM’itsIda of h *r iiiotlici. Al thin gon. To try to leir down a m-ighl*» DI, Dm3, nt in o’otnetc a. lit. All JotM*s, of Port lami, » fregón ; ('lit Anv and LOCAL NI-WS wilting, Mis. Harlciy 's eondit Ion b. Htoiigh doing Injury to tin* iati*r, st.s’kboldi is, as well as every land Long, of Portland, Oregon. all i- rxons claiming advera* ly the als>ve- iloiHiiof work out. ihe iriU'iition of owner, should la* on hand, as bludiiHM descrilH'd repoiti'd much Improved. lands are requested to file Mc'lfoid I iiih a cum * of Hinull | mn Laksvlew Examiner: Dave Edler wlfs ousl i m t Ion, and, lienee, no good of vital iiii|s>rtance to nil of us I k at i their * lainiM in this office on t,r before An I l-tiountl son wiih born to Mr. lino*! over from Merrill, Klamath lOHIlltH, I’eoph' seeking r1 unit U s hand it Isa f;s«*< that we are now said gist dav of April, 1903. E. M. BRATTAIN, Register. anil Mr. R ohcih * Cmitrull on Tuesday. eounl y, last Friday on lami tmxlness. Ln Klgmath are not apt to find what In a position to better our condition a Mr. und Mix John Fellings t<*- I >avc says Merrill lx tin* liest alfalfa tliey want In Jai'kaon county, and tin* hundred fold, If we will only wake up 'TIMBER I.AND, A< T.ll NF.3. | h ; h , Il<* Is feeding rcveruc may be equally trim tlmw and net, put OUj> shoulders to the Íolee over the arrival of twin gills, country In Oregon. * . • ,\OTI< E Foil PUBLICATION, some of hlx xhi'cp there this winter. wanting the (rultH ami iiilhl r < lim.ite wheel and push all together, which Htm last Thuraduy. of the Bogue liver couhi not, gratify will bring prosperity to tin* whole Irrigation works wooden» on lumi like (Txrrr.n S r» tx . h f. vxn Orru-sj The Klauintli Lhernture Club met their w L s I ich here, Rcsoiir<**'s and at the residence of AV. A. AVrlght that which stirrounils Merrill. Lake <'otl'.>2, tin- following [H*r.sona so iteti. acute bronchitis on the 22ud nil. have Uiis day filed fn this office their faces of tin* dead on ton it «tones. AV> ages Ixdli. The Injurious practice of I 1 sworn statement«, to w it: A. L. Smyent and AV. S. AVorden suppose tills Innovation will not be a small circle ut Ashland, however, Th< county clerk will receive sealed Walter Anson, liave b»*en moving Into their large, * forced on all who yield to tho luxury will soon I m * i*ffi ct ually cut off bv bills, to Is- considered at the next ses­ I «‘logant new residence this week. I of tombstones. For itislunce, the t rausport at ion of ptiMu-tigerH on the sion of comity court, for furnishing | of Klamath Falls, comity of Klamath, state of Oregon, sworn statement No. Deposits of jxde have I m ' i 'U dis , fact that the writer hereof never sees | new lallroad to I’okegauia. the county with 25 cords of IG-Incb 1014, for the purcliaxe of the K11 nfjj «•overed III Josephine comity anti a Ills photographic likeness without a MUSSEl .MAN-CHILDERS. heater wissl, to I m cut from green and N!z KE',, Sec. 1, T. 37 S., company has been organized io niliiej eonvulsloii and hasn't had the courage |dne timber ¡mil thoroughly seasomsl, E., W. M. I tu look lutai a mirror for tin years,! W. II. Miihaolinun aud Etta M. and io be deliver! <1 and neatly corded Ciiarh-H ('. E-»ig, H. ’t I m * apt to want bls entranc- '('hllderH, both of Fort Klamath, wen* in th. court house wood slu d on or of Harrison, county of Kootenai, Mate Lakeview has I» md hi *I/.**(I by mi 'wouldn ' Idaho, sworn statement No. 1»>I5, for «•pldemlc of chess, which seeioH to I m * | I Ing beauty paraded |H*rniam*ntly on a ; unltod lu marriage at Hotel Llukville, before Septi Iiibcr 1, 11103. A deposit of the purchase of the S' . N W;^ , Sec. I, of lo per cent, must accompany all an I 1 z N 11’,, ■ . 2, I . 37 H., R. 9 E. outrivaling the lililicrto ascendant 1 marble shaft. I. 1». Appli’f’nte who left for AVash- Klamath Falla, Kuuday at ntxm, bids. game of ping pong. W. M. That they will offer proof to show Tlie last few days if warm weather Ington City about ii month ago, In Judge Geo. T. Baldwin performing I Ok SAI.li. that the land sought is more valuable have brought I In* gioitml G mi near t lie I 1 tin* Interest of a mrusure before tin* ceremony. ('. E Hoyt and MI hk for its timlier or stone than for agricul­ 1 ip of the snow to |M*rinlt a runtluu congress to pay the Klaimilh Indians llulda t’raildoek of Fort Klamath I have for sale 12» acres of land at tural purposes, arid to establish their 1 for lands excluded from their reserva­ I were hi attendance at the wedding. anee of good slclgliitig. to |s r aere; hit noted tj mili s south- claim to said land before J. W. Hama- tion, arrived on his return home Mon­ Next Saturday will I m * St. Valen- west of Klamath Falls on stage road; kar, 8. Commissioner, at Klamath day evening. He rc|M>rtx that owing Both bride and groom are well known Falla. Oregon, on 1 Intraday, the 23rd tine's day, when xaecharlne, love- will trade for cash, cattle or sheep. ' to I In* iii atli of Congressimui Tongue and highly respected people of l-ort dav of April, 1993. s*oaked xentimentality will have cx- J ah . ToniN. 've-de»crifM-d lands are re­ last evening, bringing out th** Ims* killing Edward I. l/aickx. ami murder quested to tile thi-ir claims in this office Klamuth Falls, Oregon. riunpany, by a chimney on tin* Es­ In the seeoml degree in killing Henry Fort Klamath t<«,k place here Mon­ on or before -aid 23rd davof April. lft()3. mond hotel catching Hie, No dam llisiver, Isitli at Full creek, received day evening, Judge den. T. Baldwin E. M. BRATTAIN, Register. age resulted. hlx sentence at Yreka Alomlay. I ii officiating. The youtlg couple have TII15 Frank AA'Illlams of Ashland has I In* former case Im received lo years the best wishes of a large circle of been appointed one of the eleven imprisonment ¡»ml In the llisiver case fl lends. ■ncmlM'i's of a eomiiilxxloii to handle 21 years. Tin* commitment, was to By virtue of a warrant ¡••med by the LYONS CAPI UR l-M. 1 lie yAoo.ouo appropriated by the San Quentin ¡ll* County Clerk and ex officio Clerk of th<* Joglslattire for the Lewis und ('lark to begin nt expiration of tlist term, Connty Court of the State of Oregon, FOR Ed. Lyons, formerly of Jackson for the County of Klamath, to me fair. I making 31 years in all. directed, c< inmateling uie to sell the AVr arc requested to announce that Ashland Tidings: Rnliert .A. Hop county, and who shot and killed several tract« or purcel« of real property iiu exteNahimeut lecture and mo­ kins, who for two years has been Sheriff AV. AV. AVItherx of Lam* coun­ einbra<***i in the delinquent tax list for lde will bo given for the b>neiit of nrhicipitl of the North public whool ty, last Thursday, while the latter the year 1901, which is hereunto an­ the I’rexbylertaii SumTay school lib­ I ii t Ills elty, tendered Ills resign it l*>n nexed and made part of this nolle**, to Now Open wjjs trying to arrest him on a charge rary on tin* evening of February 27. •it this meeting of the board of direc­ the |ierson who will pay the taxes, costs Tickets, 2*5 and 13 cents. tors, tin* resignation to take eifis-t of liorse stealing, committed in Jose­ aud accruing ;**ualties thereon, and take a certificate at the lowest rate of Ills reported that <». T. Brown oil Feb. 27th. Mr. Hopkins deeuh-d phine county, waxeapturnl Monday interest, I shall continue the sale from has this week sold Ills vahiabli* ranch some time ago that lie would not fol morning and Hulixequently lodged in day to day, Is-ginning on the 14th day of 520 acres, situated four miles west low the profession of teaching longer. Hu* county jail at Eugene. Angry of Februarv, It«».*, until all of said real of town, to II. II. Van Valki-iiburg Recently lie piircliwiril a mercantile crowds have gathered about the jail estate shall have lE qr, SE qr SW E. It Klamath Falls »st substantial, were blown down. Isiro, there Is'ing mi will. qr. Lot** 3, -I and 5 . Garrett B. Van Bi|»cr. for many 'I'ougue, t In* el. W. Crowson—NW qr............................ declivities for Lufsigganlng, hut sei- children: Mrs. A. E. Beanies, oi In the Umpqua valley. Jti 1970 lie mnketinal proof U-fore (’. II. Withrow, Jacksonville; Mary, Thomas II., Jr.. ' came to Klamath county, where V. 8. ('onind-.-ioner. at his office in John It. E* I sail—SW al >ni enough snow ami cold. Ii: I, i. E. B. T** ii :*ue, 11 >: '-i** *r **: KlnniMth tails, Oreg<*n. on Saturday, State Treasurer Moore has received Mrs. Frank Freeman, Portland; and lie resided until 1892, wrfien II* moved tin* 11th day of April. 1903, on titulier F. W. Ed-all—S Id J ioiii a government approprtul loti for A|ls.*i Flor» nee, niiideni at F.i ’lH** uni­ to Ashland. Hi* represented Klam- culture application No. 1200, for the N W qr, L'lts 3 and 4 sllx.il»li*d soldlets the sum of (i.7oo, versity. county in tin* sl itc legislature in 1*73 sE quarter >*f Section No. 1, in Town­ Lizzie Mock—E lif SW qr. NW qr NW qr, I k Illg < ttegon's port ion for the qua tier and was higlilv respected by all who ship No. 3M S., Range No. 10 E., AV. M. Henri SW qr NW qr, Lots «.'»»thiig D**<-cino**r JI last. Tins i ('apt. J. AV. S!**m<*<>», recorder of knew him. lie leaves a widow and lie names ns witnesses; •saury Is used for tin* maltiteii.iiiee Llnkv:!l<> Lodge No. 11«. A. <>. f. live sons and daughters: Mis. .1. 11. Schmohr. of Dairy .< iregon; J. I». I»ieek- AV., I k In receipt of warrant No. .’.'.i Walker of Lorella, Klamath cumtv. man. of Dairy, of Oregon; Henry Scho­ J. A. Houston—SE qr nt tlie soldieis' home al Boseburg. N W qr. H hf NE qr, for 91.000, f*>r payment of lienelk'lary Mrs. U. I’, lluglu s of Bedtield, Mrs ner, <4 Dairy, Oregon; William I'br- AVe ate Informe I that ('. E. Ilojt, oftheiate Dr. F’. 1». Itcames, wlm N W qr N E qr maun, ol Dairy, Oregon. AV. I., Corane of Sacranicutu. <«. K. the popular hotel keeper at F*>it died January 13, 1903. We Buy as Low as We Can! That’s Business Chris Johnson—N hi I*.. M. B kattain , Register. Dr. U imes Van Riper of Bonanza, and G. I’ SW qr, S lif N W qr. Ivlamatli, Is in.iking pieparations to wasthe k < vent h death that I i . is <«*• We Sell as Low as We Can! That’s Progressive S« Klamath Fish Co.— lull a line of stages ix-tweel) tti.it currisl among the mcinbera of l.mk- Van Riper of Ashland. The funeral II MBER LA ND. ACTJCNE 3. 1* notice roi: bi blica no.N SE qr SW qr, Lo wax held Monday afternoon. place and ('rater lake next summer. vlPe lodge, which was organized In You Buy as Low as You Can! That’s common s< 4 and 5................... Hi* also |iro|s*s< s to I m * I ii shape to lieci’mlwr. 1880. Total amount paid DEATH OF ABRAIIAM D. BALIS. Wm. M. McIntire- KE ADVERTISEMENT. YOU Buy of Us! That's Dollars and Cents for Both ofg teed and shelter guealx al I»»tn tin Into iH-nctlclury fund by deceaxed SE qr ................... 1 41 7 20 J'orl and t he lake. ) Einiiv Mover—NW qr I'xtTxn Sr.vras l.vxn Or ricr.. Abraham 1». Balia, aged about »*."• menilM-iH. *81X1.44, amt total amount AVc Carry as Fine and Varied a Stock of -E’qr ' 10 39 8 4 Several of our townsmen have inte­ received by their bencHrlarlcx 913,- years, died at I»I h home In Merrill on Lakeview, Oregon, February 3, 1901. f I Notice is hereby given that in colli C. 8. A R. 8. Moore — nte state, J_y bought limls*r limii »on. Llnkvillc lodge owns Itx lixlgc E hi E hi............... oo siiuatfii not far from town, tor tin* loom ¡iml has It well furnished ami Monday. Mr. Balls w¡is a veteran of pliatiee with the provisions of the act of AA hi AV hf 23 39 9 19 the Civil war and ltal 17 caused the palsied condition, from ed to all the I'nblie Lami States by act C. (I. Rxinsev—SAA’qr. 34 40 7 er Lake NatInnal I'ark, has gone to J lie pre(ailing eondit ion. *it Angn-t 4. 1892, the following persons 11. A J. Reei k-N hf Salem to talk over with legislators which In* suffered for many years, 8E qr NAA' qr, 20 Melbas* Bros, eutert-ulucd a large t lie propriety of making an appro- i lb* was one of the old settlers of this have filed in this office tlieir sworn 1 acres ...................... 35 38 8 tn-wit: crowd of friends al tliejr new resi­ printmn to improve the roads lending cotmty ami had a legion of warm statements, AVilliam As Can be Found in Any City. AVillheim Reeck—8 lif II. Flagg, _______________________________ h lience at Foil Klamath last Friday ■' i to tin* park, and that paper adds that friends. His wife prei*cn.-worn statement No. I486, for jiKiil, and all wlm attended bail u which tourists should start by team of growncblldreu. the purcha-e of the N'gofN’y, section Geo. AV. Trefren—NAA’ try for CASH, and are enabled to get the lowest prices, lx*«ides always t*e® w 7 most enjoyable Him*. At an appro- lor tin* lake. Neverllielcsx. to Lairds 24, township 4(1, S.. range 7 E. of obtaining first-class g*Kids. We are not paying enormous expenses s is « qr ......................... 4 40 9 TENDENCY OF THE TIMES. John AV. Dyar, Geo. AA . Trefren—NF! sell you goods at reasonable rates. jiiljie flour flu. guests were regaled ami up tin* now railroad to I’okegauia 6 qr .. .................. 13 40 7 of Asldaml, county of Jaeksin. state of with an excellent siip¡»et. and from there, via Klamath Falls, The tendency of medical science Oregon, sworn statement No. 1487. for (ieo. AV. Trefren—8E WE KEEP THE BEST BRANDS OF FLOUR THAT ARE OBTAlf th* conn Jas S. Mills, William R. Murry, by wagon or part of t!.* way bv water, Is toward preventative measures. , th * ptircha-e of tin* S\\'l4, NF.1« •jr AVE HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. H Jico. F. Johnston, Geo. AV. Ile J Laute will make ____ ________ _ _____ _ __ __ _ the shortest, most feasible The best thought of the world h» be­ SAV’4,and NAV*4 >1*4 -ectimi 1, town­ Mary C. AA iison I. st TRADE IS ESPECIALLY SOLICITED. and John B. Trask of Lyons, Or., ar- and agreeable route tii the lake dur- ing given tn tlie subject. Lot 2................. It is ship 4», 8., range 7 E., AV. M. Lits 5, 0, 7, 8, 9, 10, Emma Dyar, " wa: rlved here Saturday ami tiled on tlin- Ing tin..... tiling summer. Before the easier ami I m ’Itor to prevent than to 11 and 12 .............. Your patronage is atwavs appreciated, and no matter how small your pq, kuAs»» e J mt claims mar Swan lake. They atinmil rush to the park lieglns, tho cure. It has lieen fully demonstrat­ of Ashland, comity of Jaektrm, state of J. A. Williams — SW qr you may rest assured it will be our cor.stant aim to sell you the best »verr conveyed from the railroad by new railroad will lx* comph-ted uud ed that pneumonia, one of the most Oregon, sworn statement No. 1488, for the purchase of the S'lj NE*4 and N'.. Win. J. Wood—E lif can be obtained and at reasonable prices. Jbe Henry J’arrlsh of AxliJaud. and they trains running regularly. In the dangerous diseases I hat medical men >l?4. section 2, township 40, .*»., range NE qr, E hi SE qr blurted on tlieir return huiuu Monday face of this Improved eondit Ion, It. is have to contend with, can lie pre­ 7 E., AV. .Al. John A, Wright—N AV --------------------------------------------- jiflemo m. not likely tool 1sts will stop off at vented by the use of Chamberlain's Florence L. Trefren, qr ........................... Thus. Cline — NW qr Lakeview’ Herald: The Imrse Ashland or Medford ami accept, a Cough Remedy. I'neumonla always of .Ashland, county of Ja<*ks*>n, state of owners of Sliver Lak>* brought from drive of a hundred tulles or more, results from a cold or from ¡in attack Oregon, sworn statement No. 1489. for F. C. Crouch—N hf NE qr, SW qr NE --------- apor Klamath Marsh 25» head of hoigi s, milch ns they might wish to nerf the SE'4 NAA ’4, 8AV'4 NE1). ami AV>C SE1^, section 12, town- I , qr, N W qr 8E qr The Klamath County Lhc. •some of tin bunch having never been inodate those towns. i observed that this remedy counter­ ship 40, 8., range ' E** John 11. Will — SW qr M. Association will pay the abteste corraled before. During the Hummer And on Saturday, the Unit they will offer proof to show A bill to defeat the coyote bounty acts any tendency of these diseases ward for the arrest and convi*^ *De Jin* horses of that country hud be- ‘ | was discussed in the legislature a few towqrd pntumonia. This has lx*en that the land sought is more valuable February, 1903, at the hour ol 10 o'clock z'oiwe ho wild ami unruly, that the days ago and the quest inn Isstlllun- fully proven In many thousands of for its tinils'i* or stone than for agricul­ a. m. of said day, and from day today any person or persons found men were obliged to lake advantage ' s','q'(jei"h AVe are assured that fully , eases in which‘this remedy Ii.is Ix'en tural purposes, and to establish their thereafter, at the Court House door, stealing or altering the nr! stock Klauiath Falls, in Klamath County, claim to mid lami before ('. II. AVithrow. •of the snow to corral them. brands of anv stock belongln“ l 90 per cent of the people of Klaiuatii used during the great prevalence of U. 8. Commissioner, at Klamath Falls. Oregon, I will sell the aliove described seeXe , member of this association. 1 Mrs. A. E. ('rance died on the >*ounty ¡ire opposed tn such bounty, ’ colds and grip iti recent years, mid Oregon, on Monday, the 8th day of June, real estate for cash, subject to redemp­ >iou can be relied upon with Implicit con- Address Chas. Horton, Pr tion, to satisfy warrant, costs and ac­ 3()tli nil. at her home at F’ort Klam- and still we should not selfishly deny ilty w of I’neumonla often results 1903. or J. O. Hamaker,Secretary. Thev name as witnesses: Florence cruing ousts, as aforesaid. .atb, bejng aged 33 years, 0 immtlis due consideration to those counties ! Hdenec. from ¡1 slight cold when n.i danger Klamath Falla, Or., January 15, L. Trefmn, John AV. Dyar, Emma Dyar, aid 13 days. Funeral s*rvl<*"» were itlmt d.*.*m the Ismnty ¡inessential to tflnC0.*YY atm rny held on the 1st Inst, ¡»ml were ¡ittend- lliem. AA bile peo|»lo hece do not Is apprel ended lint II it is suddenly AVilliam II. Flagg, of Ashland, (hegon, 1903. e die- 8. T. SUMMERS, ami J. 8. Bailey, of Shake, Oregon. discovered that there Is fever and •<‘>i by a large con HI« *ourse a HI I Hi* of i»l xy n j in-grieve 111 ■ r- ' over the * destruct i Ion oni of mi xvij coyotes, i n i ,v( 1 «>"«'1 der:, J Sheriff of Klamath County (»regoli Any and all persons claiming adverse­ pat hlzlng friends, She leaves a lius- i I hey feel that such animals arc not difficulty In breathing Hnd pains In ly tlie a'.ove-deseribed lands are re- the chest, then it Is announced that PETITION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE. blind mid tlitee young children to injurious enough to warrant the q'livstvd to till* their claims in this oilice Be on on or Udore said 8th day of June, 1903. To the Hon, County Court of the State - bounty, that they wtsfigirier enough the patient has pneumonia. inoiirn her untimely dentil. the safe side and take Chamberlain s i rabbits to In a measure atone for the of Oregon for Klamuth County. E. Al. BRATTAIN, Register. mpor- Donald McKay, n halfbreed Indian, probable error of their creation, that Cough Remedy ¡is soon as the cold is (1st pub. Feb. 12 ) We, the undersigned, residents and * mhh arieKted Iasi, week, charged with For legal voters of Plevna precinct, in said ; I lie various Imlust l ies of the county ciuitraeted. it aiwravs cures, TIMBER LA iii. ACT JUNE 3, 1878.— comity and state, respectfully request the larceny of an overcoat from Vic­ have grown to such prosperous pro­ sale by Chitwnod Ji Co. NOTICE FOR I'l’BLICATION. that a license to sell spirituous, malt tor llughex, while the latter was portions that a harvest of coyote and vinous liquors in less quantities if the stopping nt n hotel In Khiinath l*':ills. scalps, at ho much per scalp, Is no Fine Breakfast Bacon and Hams at i united states land office , than one gallon in the precinct afore- tfinit« McKnv was given a preliminary hear­ longer necessary to pecuniary success, Vneeda Meat Market. Try them. L akeview , O hkoon , November 25, 1902. I said, for a |*eri,,d of six months, from e re* ing before .hiHtice Graves Monday 1 mid that California coyotes won't Notice is hereby given that in com­ the 4th day of March, A. D., 1903, la* The best physic. Once tried and iatiea afternoon ami ¡is a result, wax bound stay nt home even In the race of sur­ pliance with the provi-iolia of the act of granted to F. Fiock of said precinct, and •over to tin* circuit court, with bouds rendering slices of (heir hides for the you will always use (’hamberlain's ('nngress of June 3. 1878, entitled “An your petitioners, as in duty bound, will Stomach and Liver Tablets,” says act for tlu* sale of timber lands in the ever pray. ¡fixed nt 3*>00. Oregon premium. However, any William A. Girard, reuse, Vt. Stud petition will lie presented to said of California, Oregon, Nevada, Teachers’cxamln it Imt, tin l**r the Eastern Oregon counties feeling that ; These Tablet a are t ho most prompt, slates „nd Washington Territory," as extend­ , court on tile 4tli day of March, 1903. direction of Hupt. DcLap, began in the bounty Is a lienetit to them, i most pleasant und -most reliable ed to all the I’ttblic Land States by Chas. Woodard, A. _W«,Sliiir, Daniel the court room here yesterday morn­ should probably have the law In some cathartic In us*’. Fix' sale by Chit­ act of August I. 1892. Charles Wilton R. Doten, William Harrington. 1». shape, applied locally If not generally. S. McCollum, tiao/v. Way, Walter ing, following being those who have Htone, of I'. O- B* ,x 1407, Seattle, county wood At Co. entered ¡utec trial for different papers: | of King, state of Washington, has this Look, Walter Anderson, Ge^ (i. Kerns. PASSENGER, EXPRESS AND FAST FREIGHT»*nd AATill»* Ashland has many cttcrl'lcM dav tile.l in this office bis sworn state- J. W, Doten, AV. F, McCollum, M. Bar- For at ate papers AV. S. AVorden and people who are not, oaly enterprising LEA-VE KLAMATH FALLS 8 A. M 1 have used ('hamberlain's Cknlgli .week, AV. II. M*usselman; cmtiity papers Miss mid progressive at h»me, but who nre Remedy for a iiunilx*r of years »nd i móni No. Kill, for the purchase of the trow, Ray Anderson, L. W Anderson, Mammoth Stable«, Largest and Most Centrally Locat^^F W. L. Stonebraker, Oliver Sly, Wesley W’-of E’» of Section No. 32 in lown- (fra McCraw, Miss Nettie Drew, Miss .considerate . ........ wltr4 , Office: of tliejr neighbors and have no hesitancy lu saying that it rt.ij.Nn. 37*8.. Range No. 13, E AV. M.. 1 Cole, D. I*. Gordon, John Snowgoose, IdaGrlgshy, Miss Bertha Ariiott, Miss t|ie m>iiry 'ofKconceai!ng Is the beat remedy for coughs, colds I ami will offer pro,.! to show that th. Chester AVilson, I’. J. McColl» hi , A. D. I Dora Engllnglim, Mrs. Nora Keithley |n|nlm|Z|ng t.l)rir n)prlt(i vpt ,|lpro and croup I have ever used In my land sought is more valuable for its Gillman, A. Craddock, H. G. Chapman Travelers conveyed to all points at reasonable rates.fc'i«»- and Mr. Hay Fountnlu. R(lmc Hmi hanging on In that family. I have not words to exprcsM timbri* <»r st"»" fhan for agricultural II. F. Binge, L. II Doten. W. A Teters, care given to stock. a»tln- mirrosrs. •"“> establish his claim to G. B. Cliapen, Albert <»tev, N. L. Mrs. Mike Hartcry, one of tlie town, who according to late reports, my eonlldimee in this remedy.- High, Geo. L. Chase, G. AV. Ager, J P. iahl lami hsfore J. W* Hamakar, U.S, R. W. MARPLE, Propriety highly respected pioneer ladles of this spend much tline and effort In trying J. A. Moore. North Star, Mich, Commi-loner, at Klamath Fall«, tire Lee. I., O. Stearns, •miiii v. Inis been vi i v III ¡il her lioim* to derogate I lie dcslrabilil v of K lam- xillc by < hitwoml A Co. CASH STORE Dry Goods, Clothing and Groccric G. W. STEPHENSON Tiie Best Assortment We Have Ever Shown Hew Stock Now Arriving BALDWIN STUDIO SHERIFF’S SALE. UP-TO-DATE PHOTOS And Ready for Business. Developing and Printing for Amateurs a Specialty. L. F. WILLITS, Proprietà a THE EXCELSIOR-^ Dairy, Oreg---- - I. F. DA VIES, Prop. General Merchandise, Patent Medicines, Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Pn* Muslins, Yarns, Crash, Notions and '‘rints $250.00 REWARDS Ager=Klamath Falls Stage L i Hoi Springs, by Daylight. Shortest and Best Route to R. R* Best Time and Accommoda •4