Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, January 01, 1903, Image 1

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Number of Dead In Russian Earthquake
Disaster Now Reported 8.000.
Comprehensive Review of
ant Happening* of the Pant Week,
Presented In Condensed Form, Moat
Likely to Prove Interesting to Our
Many Readers.
Bubonic plague has broken out on the
Pacific coaat of Mexico.
Ex United State» Senator Dwight M.
Sabin , of Minnesota, is dead.
ihe food supply has Imgun to grow
short in Caracas, in consequence of th«,
The federal supreme court has decid
ed that d«mth on the gallows invali­
dates insurtu.es policies.
Senator Bacon declares that the
Unite«i States will have to fight to up-
hpld the Monroe doctrine.
Trains throughout the Middle West
are delayed from 10 to 12 hours on ac­
count of »evere snow storms.
Fire in the piano factory of Ernest
Gabler Bros., New York, destroyed half
a million dollars worth of property.
A train wreck on th«* Monon road In
Indiana resulted in tiie dentil of two
men and the serious injury of two
Ashkaiia, Russian Turkestan, Dec.
20.— Even the word of the earlier re­
ports of tlie recent earthquake disaster
at Andijan quite underestimate the ap­
palling loos of life. A teligram lislay New Church at Brownsville A Christmas
Pardon trum Governor Geer Prosper­
f ont tlie scene of the catastrophe put
the number of victims in the native
ous llup Raisers of Yamhill County
quarter of Hie town at 4,000. Already
Great Prune Industry al Dallas The
H00 corpses have been disinterred from
Ruseburg Poultry Show.
the ruins. The work of excavation pro-
gre-ses slowly.
Mr. ami Mrs. Thomas Elliott, of
Hie state treasury, containing 6,-
000,000 roubles, is in the ruins, and Dalls», celebratisi their golden wed­
excavations to get the money arc car­ ding anniversary December 23.
ried on under tlie supervision of a
Governor Geer has grauted a full
strong cordon of |»di<e. The water In pardon to George Morey, who was
the wells baa disappeared, and a gene­ serving a life sent nee tor killing Gus
ra) subsidence of tbe site of Hie town is I erry In Portland in 1893.
hared, Large niimlwra of lalsirers are
A night pumpman nt tlx< White
being sent to excavate. Sapper» have
arrived and are sx|x*cted to make more Haan mine, at itsker City, in dead
rapid progress. I'lie shocks continue from falling into nn old shaft contain-
with increasing violence.
The area of I Ing boiling hot water from tlie exhaust
seismic disturbance com prices
200 ' of th» engine.
square versts. The Russian population
The Houthern Pacific haa Isen peti-
is camping at the railrosd station, tiomd by tlie interested resilient» in the
where MIO care are placed at the dis­ iieiglilHiriKMsl to make some im|x>rtaant
posal of tlie population.
The local changes in its train service on tlie
government official» are quartered in Yamhill division.
cars. Hheds lor tbe destitute are lieing
The agent of the Oregon raft com-
built as rapidly as possible. Frveaoup
kitchens hi.vc been started and officials l>any report! good progress in obtaining
are aiding tlie departure of tlie inhab the right of way for the |>ro)H>»e<l log­
Hants tiy distributing food, money and ging railway up .Milton creek, and aitr-
xeyora will lx* placed In tho tldd at
free railroad tickets.
once to take levels.
For tlie last five months tlie interna! End Came Pcaxstully to Agrd Prelate of
revenue receipts have shown a decreare
English Church.
of $20,903,470, as compared witli tiie
Iomlon, Dec. 20.—The Most Rev.
corresponding period in 1901.
Fiederhk Temple, archbishop >f Can­
Eight-hour bill reported favorably terbury, «ml primate ol all England,
to the Senate.
who has lieeu ill for «ome time past, is
Ten persona killed In wreck on the dead.
The archbishop parsed «w«y
Southern Pacific.
quite peacefully «t 8:15 o’clock in tlie
German Socialists preparing for presence of his wife au>l two sons. His
bitter election fight.
death iiad Ix'eii anticipnh'd for some
Jeffries fails to knock out Butte .lays, and only the archbishop's re­
markable vitality rnsble-l him to eoun-
miner In four rounds.
terxet his extreme weakness. The final
Portland labor leaders plan to form collapse o<-curre«l about 6 o'clock, and
a Coast organization.
h« was umonscion» toward the end
Humperts. the great French «win Tho primate ditwl of old «go.
dler. captured in Madrlu
scene in Wotaiinster Ablu*y, at the
Funeral service« of Mr«. Grant at i-oronation of King Eiiwar.l, «as one of
the earlier indication« of his failing
Washington and New York.
Senator Morgan warns Congre«« strength. Then cam« Ihe collspre in
that both lathmlan canal route« may the house <f lords at tho conclusion of a
vigorous s|x**)h in support of the edu­
be lost.
lie liad not left his lied
cation bill.
Bill to open the ROUth ijlllf Of the
He will lx* borirti at Canter-
Colville reservation introduced in
The binhop of Winchester in
considered likely to lie hi» aucieseor.
Blizzard In Rocky Mountal.. * and
Th« funeral of the archhlsbop will
prairie Htatea blockades railroads and take pls.« Satunlay at noon, in th«
kills livestock.
Canturitiiry eathixlral.
Washington Ix’wls and Clark Co»*' Mr White, th« United Hiatus charge
mission recommends a state appro­ d’affaires »»« a mot g the callers at th«
priation of $100,000.
archbishop’s jalace today.
Holiday trade the most active on
Kaiser Wilhelm welcome« Ambas
aador Tower.
Anarchist kills alster anarchist who
rejected hla love.
General Increase in railroad rates
to be made at New York.
Terrible blizzard blocks railroad«
In Wyoming and Colorado.
The House passed the pure-food
bill with little opposition.
House committee reports favorably
on Department of Commerce bill.
Woodmen of the World hold suc­
cessful "log-rolling” at Dallas.
New light station at Desdemona
Sands soon to be Inaugurated.
Soldier Spent Nine Years' Saving« In 20
Day«, then Committed hukldc.
The n«e
Methodist church
Brownsville was dedi< a ted la»t Sunday
Alter the ceremony was
completed tlie sum ot $1,200 was
pl«dg<*d by Hie (awple to pay off tlie re­
maining indelitedne»».
J. H. Olds and eon, pioneer hop
raise» ot Yamliill county, have I ease, I
20 acre» near Ijifayette ami are retting
it out to hops. Tliey conlracted their
hop» this vear at 13 cents, but tliey
won't contract next year’s crop.
The |Hiultry »how at Rowbnrg ha»
closed, ami wa» a groat aurceea in every
way. A« a noiel testimony as to tlie
climate of Oregon, tlie judge ol the
show wa» furnished with a dish of
fierh picked raaplierries every morning.
trans Walla«*«', a Grant county slitwp
man, »as recently arrested on a charge
of stealing 28 valuable bucks, lint war
lie now
brings suit lor $10,000 damages against
hi» accusers, one of whom iac runty
■tiH'k inspector.
The prune industry around ftalla»
is lieing nnlarged thia season, a» vvi-
denied by tim large »ales of nur»*ry
stock lieing made. J. IL Nunn, agent
for a Portland nursery, rejxirt» having
»old to date over 10,000 prune tre«*»
thia fall in the immediate vicinity of
Dalia», with large orders on hand un­
This locality last aeaaon had
very near a full crop ot Italians, which
it i» «"aimed cannot Im said of any
other locality in tlie world. The fruit
was par excellent, and 50 |ier cent ol
tlie crop »>■ ship|M<«l diroct to Ixindon,
10 carloads leaving Dallas In a aingle
Haletn I h making preparations to
enlarge her city limit«.
Chicago, Dec. 20.— First Sergeant
William II. Russell, of th« Twentieth
United state- inlantry, lias committed
silicide by »hooting himself in tbe head.
Rusnell received Ills dix barge Decetr-
ber 2, together with over 8700 in back
pay and allowtinces.
He re-enli«ted
The superintendent of the Tunnel
tlie next day and was granted a three ton mines. In the Gold Creek district.
months* furlough
He started to spend Ims gone to l>«nvcr to purchase a
his furlough and his money by buying milling plant for the development ot
a barrel of lx*er for Ills old company. the properties.
Since that time, 20 days ago, he lias
A joint "log rolling” given by Ash
■pent his entire h iving». The body is
now at Fort Sheridan, awaiting instruc­ land and Phoenix Camps, Woodmen
of the World, was larg«*ly attended by
tions Irom hi» relatives, who live in delegations from Southern Oregon
Governor of Michigan forbid» Cor North Carolina.
and Northern California, and was a
bett-.M «Govern fight in Detroit.
Russell was 33 years old and unmar­ graml success.
Hunter tells how he killed
Prof. O. L. McKay, bead of ’ the
gerald, but his victim's father «aya from Kansas, setve«! against tlie Indi­
ans, in Cuba md in th« Philippines. dairy department of the Htato Agri
It Is false.
Iowa, Rays:
He was a well k town marksman ami inltural College of
Cuban treaty make« great roncea
"There Is no question In my mimi
slons to the United States, and will bail a g<M»l army record.
but that uairy products and bacon
soon be ratified.
Froze to D«ath In Wyoming.
pork can be produced cheaper In
Railroads carry foreign goods from
Cheyenne, Wyo., I>ec. 20.—John Oregon than In any other country In
the seaboard at lower rates than for
the world.” Prof. McKay ha» vlHltod
domestic frtdght over
the »am«* Donovan, a plots er resilient, veteran of Holland. Belgium,
Denmark. Ger
the Civil war and Indian fighter during many, and Eengand. ami his Inveatl-
All the allies agree to let Bowen ar­ the early days in Wyoming, is dead at gallons on this subject mak«* him nn
authority unsurpassed.
bitrate. but with reservations; the
He bail lieen
blockade takea effect. Rebels march his home in tins city,
ill for some tihie with paralysis, and
Ing on Caracas.
iiis wife being away at the time, he
Secretary Root
transport contract to Seattle com made an effort to attract the attention
Wheat— Walla Walla, 70c; bine
pany, hut Portland and San Francia- of the neighbor» by throwing a pail
stem 78c; valley, 7ftc.
co will each get a share.
through tlie window. He was unable
Barley—Feed, $23.50 per ton; brew
An earthquake In Central Asia
to get back to Issl and froze to death Ing, $24.00.
caused great loss of life an«l property.
on tlie Hour.
Flour—Best grade, 3 9004.10; grab
President Roosevelt gave his first
am, $3.2003.00.
dinner party in the renovated white­
Burglars Made a Rich Haul.
Millstnffa—Bran, $10.00 per ton;
Ixm Angeles, Cal., Dec. 20. —A burg­
middlings, $23.50; shorts, $19.60;
Non union miners testify to vio­
lence and boycotting during the coal lary of more than usual magnitude was chop, $1H.
committed at tin« Westminister hotel
Oats—No. 1 white, $1.1501.17 H ;
New England senators oppose rati­ last night in a suite occupied bv W. A. gray, $1.12H01.16 per cental.
fication of the treaty with Newfound Williams, of Hsitford, Conn., and his
Hay — Timothy, $11012; clover,
land regarding coast fisheries.
wife. While they were st dinner tbe $0.00; cheat, $800 per ton.
An association has been formed by lock on one of the doors leading into
Potatoes—Beat Bnrbanka, «00 70«
their apartments was picked and their per sack; ordinary, fiO0HOc per cental,
150 leading pottery manufacturers.
United States will recognize the trunks broken open. One of these con­ growers’ prices; Merced sweets, $1.750
war blockade.
tained over $3.0<)0 worth of jewelry. $2 per cental.
Congress has ordered favorable re­ This was all taken.
Poultry — Chickens,
mixed, 0c;
ports on the eight-hour bill, the army
young, 9010c; hen», 9c; turkeys,
Plague Epidemic In Manila.
staff bill and the new Philippine cur­
live, 17 0 lHc; dre»s«Ml, 20 0 22%;
Han Francisco, Dec. 26.—The trans­
rency bill.
ducka, 1707.60 per dozen; geese, $M
The House has passed the bill re­ port Thoma» bring» news of a fresh 08.50.
ducing the tariff on LmportH from the outbreak of cholera in Manila.
Cheese— Fnll cream, twins, 16 %<a
Philippines to 25 per cent, of the tl>e Thomas left there 30 cases of chol­
Yonng America, 17%01H%
Dingley rates.
factory prices, 101 Ho 1M**
German warship captured a Vene­ surgeons arriving on Hie Thomas say
Hutter—Fancy creamery, 27%03O
zuelan achooner, cut down her main the disease i» raging unchecked in tlie
In Ilo Ho the per pound; extras, 30c; dairy, 20
mast, and then abandoned her in i southern provinces.
death rate in very heavy and the au­ 022%c; store, 16018.
disabled condition.
thorities seem powerless to check the
Eggs—260 35c per dozen.
President Castro states that Ven- epidemic.
Hope—New crop, 230 26c per ponnd
etuelan rebels are helping
Wool—Valley, 12%016c; Eastern
power«; allies want United States to
Crown Prince«» Ran Away.
guarantee payment of clnlms against
Dresden, Saxony, Dec. 25. —The Oregon, 80l4%c; mohair, 260 28c.
Castro, but Secretary Hay refit««»« crown princess of Hsxony fled from her
Beef—Gross, cows,
303 %C per
France and Holland send ships to the
home on tiie night of Decemlier 11 or pound; steers, 4c; dressed, 607c.
scene of blockade.
12, sccording to the Drosden Journal.
Mutton — Gross, 3c per pon nd :
A negro charged with the murder She is said to have suddenly, in a ststo
of a white man wa« lynched In Ala- ot intense excitement, deserted lier dressed, 0c.
Ijimbs — Gross, 3%c per ponnd;
family al Halestiarg Hixl to have gone I
abroad. The Hazon oourt functions for , dressed, 6%c.
King Alfonso of Spain
A cousin Of
_ _____
Ho«»—Grow, fl%0«%o per pnnnd ;
was arrested in an Illegal gambling the winter have been canceled, includ- | dreased, 707 Ho.
I ing tho New Year’s reception.
Unearthing uf Dsrp Plot May Result from
Arrest of a Chinaman.
NO. 39,
Ten Killed and Twenty-Seven More Badly
Injured on the Southern Pacific.
Byron, Cal., Dec. 28. Ten persons
Portland, Dec. 2ft. -Forged Chinese ROOSEVELT DOES NOT WANT TO ACT
were killed and 27 Injured In a col
certificates ure lining manufactured by
Halon last night between the south­
wholesale somewhere on tlie I'acitlc
bound Lon Angel«» "owl” train and
coast. At least tlie federal authorities
Think« That The Hague Tribunal la the III« Htockton flyer. It was a rear end
have reason to Ixilleve so, (acts having
collision, the engine of the local
Proper Court to Decide the Matter
come into their |Mia»e»sion through tlie
the last
Should Allie« Insist, He May Accept, plowing Its way through
arrest in Kan Francisio of Gen ('hen,
Although He Realizes the Difficulties <oach on the owl, which was tilled
who bad in ii in possession a counterfoil
with Fresno people. The passengers
ol the Undertaking.
who escaped Instunt death were burl­
About a monili Ugo <'liinesK Inspector
< <l to the fore part of ili« coach,
Dunn, ol Kan Francisco, sent a cortili-
Washington, Itec.
24.—President crushed between the mass of debris,
cale to David M. Dunne, collector of Rixwevelt has not aooeptod the |»>«ition
their siiffcriiiga and danger Intensl
internal ruvenue in Portland, for ex-
amination. Mr. Dunne pronounced it of arbitrator ot tiie Venezuela!, con- tied a hundredfold by the clouds of
a forgery and the holder, lien ('ben, troveroy. in fact, when tlie official s< aiding »team poured out on them
was attested in Han Francisco.
'Die day close«! he hail not receive«! formal­ From” the shattered boiler of the
forgery is a very clever one, the United ly or officially a request from the Euro­ Htockton engine.
Ktates dice lieing imitateti to |H>r(eclion
The "owl" left tne Oakland Mote
pean |Hiwers that lie act as arbitrator
and every de.ail living minutely fol­
1 lie»« »tatemvuts about 5 o'clock, and on the way to
lowed, even to Hi« tlnihiieil pliotogiapli. of the dispute.
thia ixilnt It wag noted that there was
Hie fi derai authorities In-re will not were mail« ou the highest «utliority.
a leak tn the Hue of the engine This
give out definite information about the
In an informal manner the president Increased to such an extent that It
case for fear it will defeat the ends of has Ix-en notified that the European was deemed advisable to stop here
justice, lint it is known that iu some |x>wers intimately ooncerntHl in tlie and take up a freight engine for re
one of tlie cities of the Pacific coast a present Hon th American difficulty de­ ll«f. The train official» knew that
counterfeiting company is turning out sire that he should undertake tlie re- No. 84, the Htockton local, was fol
forgiai certificates. The fine workman- »|xin»ibilty of acting as arbitrator of the lowing a half hour behind anti a flag
ship alio»a that tlie counterfeiters not ixilnt» at I miki Iwtween them ami Vene­ man wa» sent back down the track to
give warning of th«* presence of the
only liave a thorough ami intimate zuela.
Thus lar tliey merely liave
knowledge of th« inside workings ol lieen "taking soundings," with a view, "owl." It Is said that the Htockton
train In «barge of Engineer MaGiilre
tlie interior department as regards probably, of xsoertaimng how he would and Fireman Joyce, got the warning
Chinese affairs, but that they must be receive a formal proffer to act as arbi­ signal In due time and gave the us
possessed of considerable means to trator. 'The president, as soon as lie uni response with
whistle blasts
carry on the business in cucii minute receive«! tbe first intimation that lie Why the incoming train
was not
was desired to be arbitrator ol th« Ven­ checked, however, ha» not been thus
Tlie tricks of Hie wily heathen have, ezuelan controversy, expressed emphat­ far explained, th«* men who could give
given Uncle Mam trouble since th« ex- ically his Judgment that the matters to th«* facta Ix-lng numbered among the
elusion act was first put into effect. It 1« arbitrated should lx> referred to The badly Injured.
is a constant warfare lietween their Hague tribunal. Ilia views of the sug­
cunning linked with tiial of dishonest gestions made liave lieen convey cl tc
white mm, ami til« lederai authorities. Die Eurofiean powers, together with a
They are as resourceful as Aladdin strong presentation of his reasons for Death List Has Now Reached 2S. with
Four More In Critical Condition.
with his wonderful lamp, a d as soon tlie view lie holds. No re»|x>u»e of u
as the ollicers "tumble** to one of their formal nature to tiie»« representations
Kan Francisco, Dec. 25.—The latest
game« they spring a new one.
At the lias lie«n teceived.
revi»«*d list of the victims of the rail-
present time, it is claimed, there are |
'Ihe president ami Secretary Hay had
in viri ulatioti 150 forget! copies of a long c<inlereoce t«xfay after Hie Idr- road collision on the Kouthern Pacific
lials-as rorpus orders issued by Judge' mer’s return from his Virgiuta trip. radroad near Byron station shows that
there are 2.5 «lead.
Il is iuipoawible to figure
J here are st til 20 injured survivor)
out how forgeries of tt>e«e orders could | They carefully «ent over tbe ail'iatiori
■» It had developed since Saturday, but | of the accident, lint the condition of
liave Ix-en made witliont tlie eonuivai
f 4
fnnr of thee« is extremely critical, and
of some ol tlie attorney« handling I
e additional name« may yet have to be
■ «►««. and Judge Bellinger, it I» aa
to added to the death list.
line been aroused ro that Ie threaten
An official investigation into the
not only to i|i»l>ar any attorney
MB eatiae ol the disaster has Imen Imgun by
wlmm suspicion might fall, but
V« Coroner Curry , of Contiacoeta county,
provocete Inni as well. I be orders
who proposes to thoroughly sift the
Issued In lieu of lost i er tifica lea at
ie evidenee in order to fix the responsi
pass for »nell among tlie authoritie
1- bility. There appears to be no doubt
but n Chinaman getting a Imgu» ot
•e that tlie Sttxkton liver, which ran into
generally uses it in another «tate, I
-t the Oal train, was signal 1«.I and that
a» to ««cape detection the more easb
the engineer re»|>onded w ith a whistle
A lew years ago the government e’
ie an.l threw on the brakes. The question
» certificale counterfeiting ga
le which remaina open is whether or not
in Hen Flancisco and it I* known th- . Irom ima view|x>int that Hie ua.p
certificates have been manufactured in should go to that tribunal for adjudi­ the signal was given in time to avert
the accident.
Victoria, II. (,'., but it in belie'ed I lie cation.
present company is operating on a
How strong are the objections which
larger scale than ever before at­ tbe allied powers have to a reference ol
tempted. The prompt manner in which
the Venezuelan difficulty to Tbe Hague
the officers delected the forged certifi­
Senator Morgan Says Title to Panama
tribunal is not known to thu adminis-
cate purporting to come from l'or I land
Route 1« Insecure.
(ration at thin time. Even the nature
and presented in Han Franeieco, allows of the objection», if there lie any, in
Washington. Dec. 23.—There were
that they are wideawake.
not known. The negotiations looking 20 Henatora In their seats when the
to the »election of an arbitrator have Senate whh called to order for the
final HeHHion before the Christmas
not progressed sufficiently yet to de­
holidays. They heard a vigorous ad
velop nudi objections as the power» dress by Morgan on the isthmian
Corbin Explains Them and Gives Reasons may hare.
canal negotiations.
fur Favoring General Staff.
Mjorgan contended for the making
Cleveland, (»., Dec. 24.—The fifty
good of contracts entered into by
fourth annual dinner of the Cleve­
President McKinley with Costa Rica
land Chamber of Commerce, which Big New York Firm Developing Mine In and Nicaragua. The negotiation of
was held here tonight, win made
these agreements he characterized as
Harney County.
notable because of the attendance of
a masterful act. and said they were
several men distinguished In war and
Burns, Or , Dec. 25 — Tho fulfill­ about to be trodden under foot. Why
peace. Tin* guests of honor were. ment of the prophecy made 30 years thia was true was not a question fo:
Adjutant General
ago by Professor Clayton, a geologist in a Democrat to solve, but he could, at
Corbin, General H II. M. Young and
any rate, say he did not agree with
General A. R. Chaffee, U. H. A.; John the employ of tho Uni Ini Hiatus gov­ the mind-readers and spirit medium*1
(I. Milburn, of Buffalo, and Senator ernment, that some day diamond mines who had »Ince declared that Mr. Me
Hanna These occupied the plat form would tie diacoverod in Oregon, is at Kinley did not mean what he said in
table, nt which aluo Hat Tom L. John- hand.
the contract«.
son, Myron T. Herrick and others.
Die mine ia in the Blue mountain
He then went on to express appre
The first speaker was Governor Nash, range, 40 miles from Burns, tlie seat ■tension that if the United States did
who referred to tho growth of the of Harney county. There is no ques­ not avail itself of the opportunity to
State of Ohio, and especially of the tion of the quality and quantity ol tho build a canal by the Nicaraguan
City of Cleveland. The next speaker
route, none would be built, and he
Adjutant General Corbin, who precious gems, but there is a question zald the appropriation of $180.000.000
spoke to the toast "The Army and Its
for th«* construction of the canal could
- Corbin
- • ■
Major General
Raid stones thus far diacovercd are generally be covered into the Treasury about
In part:
June 28. 1904, If not used before that
A few
"We have much that Is antis larger tlian a small pinhead.
factory; our officer« and mon arc of have been discovered that would sell
Attention was calle
the best sober, brave nn<| intelligent, for from |30 to *300, hut they are rare. that under th«* Colo
We are fortunate In having a perm«
Were diamonds malleable like gold, the Congress of that
nent military establishment of vol- if there was any process known to »-i- Ify a treaty. There h
untcers. What Is known ns the reg- cnee by which the miniature stones gress there since 1899."
nlar Army In in tho highest sense n
not likely to be any unless
volunteer army, every officer mid man could tie welded together, then Harney ma Canal Company should pay its ex
taking service of his own motion. would no longer lie known as the "cow penHi'S out of th«* $3.000.000 on hand
But perfection of organization I h «!<• county," and Oregon would rank with or the $40.000,000 promised by the
manded a harmonious and Intelli­ tho diamond producing regions of the
United States. He therefore ex
gent method of coordination and ill earth.
pressed apprehension that a treaty
rectlon. Laws for tjite adrvlnlstratlon
The commercial value of the dia­ that might be accepted by this gov­
of the army have been drafted on the monds is now lieing determined by the
statute books In many parts without great diamond firm of New S’ork, ernment would fall of action In Co
i continuity of legislative thought, so tiffany
Company, whose confidence
After quoting from the concession
that, starting out with the Constltu
lonal provision that the President in the new field is sulth-ient to warrant granted to the liquidations of the old
shall command tho Army and Navy, them in fnrnisliing tbe capital for fur­ Panama Canal Company, which Mr
vmi soon overtake conditions which ther development. They are co-operat Morgan said was also made a law of
Colombia, he said:
Baffin and bother those charged with Ing with the lix-al owners.
"It Is a surprise to jurists and lay
responsibilities connected therewith.”
The diamonds are found in layers of
men alike In our country that the At
volcanic ash. Geologists and mineral­ torney General. In his opinion given
ogists agree that the formation lieing to the President on the right and
the volcanic ash of ancient origin, is power of the new Panama Canal
Earthquake In Asia was Moat Disastrous 'he same as tliat indigenous to Sooth Company to revoke a title to the
—Famine anil Pestilence.
Africa, where the largest diamonds in United States of Its property in Pan
London, Dec. 2ft.—A dispacth from the world have been exploited. This nma, omitted to notice the prohlbi
New Marghelan, Russian Turkestan is tlie formation that Professor Clayton tlon In the concessions and in the
reports that the earthquake at Andijan referred to when observing the geolog­ lawB of Colombia, through which it
killed 2,500 people in and near that ical condition» of Oregon in his offilcal derived all its property rights in Co­
city, a ><l destroyed lu,000 houses. capacity, 30 years ago. It is said to lombia.”
Tlie rumblings continue.
Tho author- ( hi next to the oldest formation found
To Create Game Preserves.
itles so far I ihv « not been able to cope on the North American continent, only
Washington. Dec. 24.—Senator Per
with tlie destitution of the starving,
river runs lieing older.
The layers kin», of California, today Introduced
unsheltered people.
ii bill authorizing the President to set
thus far mined yield only extremely aside areas within forest reserves to
Coal Dll In Iowa.
small »tones, but it is expected and be preserved uh breeding places for
De« Moines, In., Dec. 24.—Oil han ho|«<l that other layers w ill lie dis­ wild anLmals, birds and fish. Within
oozing from the covered that bear the precious gems of these areas all hunting, fishing and
been dlacovered
ImnkH of the Coon River, near Grant commercial important*«'.
killing of game I h to be prohibited^
City, In Sue County. A quart of the
all times. The - Senator
‘ han drawn his
oil sent to Ames College for nn nnnly-
bill along lines recommended by the
To Wipe Out Coney Island Bowery.
h I h I h rfiibt to have been found to be
New York. Dec. 24.—The first im­ President, and with a further view
HO per cent. pure. The discoverer, n
largely to doing away with state pro
woman, has quietly leased 60,000 portant step for the acquirement for teetion of game within reserve«.
park purposes of 132 acres of land at
acres in the locality,
Coney Island, thereby wiping out the
Successful Trial Trip.
For Reciprocity In .'oal.
Island's Bowery and converting the
Rockport, Mass.. Dec. 23.—The trial
23.- Senator Island into n national seaside resort, of the Monitor Nevada was held off
Lodge Introduced In the Senate a bill has been taken. At a meeting attend­ Cape Ann today. As timed from the
authorizing the President to remove ed by mnny prominent residents shore, the Nevada covered 2« mil«*» In
th« dutv on coal coming Into tho of
unanimously approved, 2 hours, 9 minutes and 30 seconds, or
United states from Canada, when plan was
at the rate of 13 knots an hour, allow
ever the duty on corn irom the United The assessed value of the land pur- Ing nine minutes for turning. Her
States going Into Canada shall be
contract called for 11H knots.
amounts to fl,834,795.
King of Great Britain and Governor G<
eral ot Canada I.«change Greeting.—.
Experiment wa« Entirely Succsaalu*'
Practical Utility of Great IwvMtlL
Fully Eslabllahcd.
(aai ox
New York, Dec. 24.—The
dispatch from Mar<*onl, dated Gia®*
Bay, N. 8., December 2«. has been i„
<«ive«l by the Associated Pr«»»:
"1 beg to Inform you. for clrcuLrjp
tlon, that I have established wirel«,
telegraph communication
I *
Cape Breton. Canada, and Cornwa^
England, with complete success,
augatory messages, including
from tho Governor General of Cana<ff*
to King Edward VII, have alrea'‘0»ons
been tranHmitted anil forwarded I
the Kings of England and Italy.
of a
message to the London Times tnrpose
also be«*n transmitted in the presenyi u,e
of It« special correspondent, D. I’;*,,
kin, M P.
Text of the Mesaages I
Ixindon, Dec. 24.—The
1 Lond<W°'
Time« confirms the receipt of a .. me
»age by wireless telegraphy from M«,y'
coni at Cape Breton, N. 8. The tel .jt
of the wlreiesH messag«* from t)<
Time« correspondent, which
transmitted from Glace Bay, N. 8..
P o IH m , Cornwall, Is as follows:
"Being present at Its tran«rnlH»l<
In Hlgnor Marconi's Canadian st*tlo*5,‘
I have the honor to aen<t. through 11Has
Times, the Inventor’s first wirelei- be
trans-Atlantic message of greeting ond
England and Italy.”
Exchanged Compliments.
■ on
Ottawa, Ont., Dec. 24.—The folio
Ing message, received by Ixrrd Military
Governor-General of Canada, frohaa
Marconi today, shows that wlrehfod
trans-Atlantic telegraphy is a hu 0*-
"Grace Bay. N. 8.. Dec. 24. 1902. J*
His Excellency, the Governor-Generr ,
Government House, Ottawa:
the honor to inform Your Excellent**'
that your message has been transrni
ted by me from Cape Breton to Con*
wall by wireless telegraphy, and h;hd
been forwarded to destination.
■ MARCONI." ty
Ixjrd Minto telegraphed Marconi ¡th
"Delighted at your message, juUl
Warmest congratulation^
on your splendid success.
Hon. W. 8. Fielding sent a telegra: a .
of congratulation to Marconi tonlgh ’
and Sir Richard Cartwright, Actli*4
Premier, has cabled to England, eoS
gratulatlng the British people on th*
lew method of communication b. ,
tween two countries.
American Navy to Be Fitted Throughoi*
With Fireproof Furntshlngs.
New York. Dec. 24.—Steel furir
ture, made in the Brooklyn Nav
yard, will be used on the new chut,
er Baltimore. The furnltnre of tl ■
state rooms, crews' quarters, tl-y
commander's office, an# even of tl £
show-room, will be of steel. Sever)
months of experimenting on the pa .
of Naval Constructor Capps and hi ’
assistant. Constructor Nutting, hi)
1evelop«d the fact that almost all th
essential furniture of a man-of-wr,
can be made of steel.
Serious damage was done durltx
the war with Spain by furniture ci
the ships taking fire. The Baltimoif
in the battle of Manila Bay was set
iously damaged by such a fire.
The equipment- of the Baltimoif
with the new furniture will cost |3'|
000. The old wooden furniture, hant.
some and elaborate in deal
lah, did not
pt the fir
Portland Gets a Share, but Bulk of B ua
Incas Ooes to Seattle.
Washington, Dec. 23.—The
over Government transportation
Iness to and from the Philippines
President Wlnsor, of tlj
Boston Steamship Company. w*aiv-
tho condition In his bid that his lit
should receive three-fourths of th
Government business, and agreed kj
take »uch shipments at hiB contra *
rate as the department sees fit to <
vert to Seattle and Tacoma. Seer
tary Root, under these circumstance
accepts the Puget Sound bld. an
from now until June 30 next all shlc.*
ments of troops and supplies mi»!
from Seattle or Tacoma will go al
the Boston Steamship line. Un<l< 1
the adjustment made today. Poi;e
lnnd's status Is unchanged. Whenen
er hay, oats, lumber or other supplbe
are purchased tributary to Portland
they will be shipped from that po|r
on vessels chartered for the trip, :e
heretofore. Portland trade will n
be monopolized by the Bound, but w f
depend altogether upon the relatl ‘
blds at Portland, the Sound and I*
Citizens Kill Highwayman.
Ardmore, I. T„ Dec.- 24.—Two hfg . *>
waymen. heavily armed, were r
tacked by a posse of citizens as th.
rode Into the town of Provence,
the Chickasaw Nation last night, ai I
an exchange of shots followed. T!
horse was «hot from under one of tl
men, G«x>rge Slocum, and finally r
waa shot and captured. The secoij
man escaped. Slocum died later. Tl 1
men are supposed'to havo engaged I
a bank robbery near Provence f