KLAHATH REPUBLIC/ SUPPLEMENT. VOL T KL "I ' I'll F'Ll " OREGOX, lilt RSD'Y, DECEMBER 4. IIMIS. A country visitisi In Illesi' meli. ì'Iiev ANNUAL lost thè carvass of a ileer Iliade iw ay Tile eluirvii foundation is ts-lng ss itti by a pani ber laid this week. t rack ot one elk on t he < ìi :\ i : k \i M is X s i >t w . t Hildebrand la vide. The palli ”?;.u AT A quite sick I>r Johnson lias ticen regioii hy way of thè f .... pt ami Alvini M( died to .ittend the ease olì Rogue frotu It.leluis ’<> all order» Rose- « A D. llarpild exps’ts to complete river to Fisti I 'reek v allei Ins dam Illis week if the Heather re­ burg. V Ixar that I'unnlngliam g I a mains favorable. picture of In a lire maple thicket on Mr. »teveiis .n. who lias Is'en vvear- Proprietor of Freight Bearcreek, tie shot aiterw.uds. ami Illg a liandage around his head for a brought till' skill to Ills luothei ill weeks, is improving rapidly, few 'slil.ind iff anotlu : lx u |> • g.q lie will carry a bad h«>kmg s. ar as Kverv thing eight "I nine ex|Hlioto lens with a carnei.i for long Third, to the most original character. have gone to Klamath falls to re­ distance photographs. lie has also M iskei s III pails ■ ■ I groii|'s will re­ Do a Gciivial I and I < in mi for i short ttine. eelie recognition tri mi i s. t id lens especially designisi for lies». Surveying and C tin- JU i- indlvldii.il eliar i I ! fford I iiiinni. y ■ .(inj »on ul X x' st ereogrntn negat Ives. lie took a a Specialty, 'll Buslne .liter. i >11111111. has lx’i’ll oil t lie »i.-:, list. i iiuiii I er of line v lews of t he il a filiti- Attended to. Otlke In C Rcv Younghive Is holding a N«‘l I« N . ent seen ry. the most striking and BOX AX/A. ORE Tickets. tl.uo. \ full lioUse :i t ni s I ig Is Ing those ot tie Kat- t meet Illgs I ills week. Spectators. Jó cents greets him each night a id lie SjM'.lks [bit'sears, a shaft of r.«k. the core ot Ladies, en masque, flee. to an attentive audience. R-v. .in old volcano, which rises nciirl. per- Vounglie.e came to Aur town an ru­ ¡»•iidieularly to a height of l.'m feet J. ». SINKS, I' m ât : ire st raiig’er. but helms ;i;;>- eady en­ It is sit naled atiolit I a miles w.st or d. ired lli.nself t • Uie heart S . of tile Crater Lake. Cleanliness and ,Gc lie is a I 'ollie t-.irlv to seo I Ile filli jieople of this community, The t rapper, 11 lislils-rgel. re- Guarantees silli-cle. earnest S rvant of Got and mains mountains in the dur­ Also Agent for LO we ix’lieve t iiat Ins st iv among us Ing the lie traps bear, winter, CARNEGIE ’ S POSTED DEBT. the red fox, tile silier fox. will resait m last Ing go I. the I LANCASHIRE FIRE IN These * E. S. Terwillig. r remov « to Mer­ ••cross" fox and the tlsiier. Ml mollisi si I lie lias rill tins week, "v are sorry to lose are tin- most valuable p-lts. a string of traps scattered on a line i gi»«l neighbor. Steri ices al I lie of .¡i> miles, an | makes the rounds “Andrew Carnegie. >0 60,” wm the tlie first, tbin! ami fmirt A in. Terrill an t wife are stop; ing Six entry on the bulletin Isiard <>f the St of llu* monili at II o’elis'k it til. Morine Hotel until they secure attending them on snow sh ies, indies of snow tell while Cunning- Andrews' Golf club, up in "estches a house tor tile writer. ter, and for three months the golfer» 7:30 o'clock p. in. ham's party was in the region, and Siuiday school each siimi of that organisation got a lot of iner |>r. Johnson is occupying his mw Ills work was cut sliort. riinent out of It. ■tales the New York o’clock a. in. residence tins .vee.«. It is a model 'Ir. Cunningham is an artist, in Tribune. When the great «tael The Ila pt 1st (suple bold little cottage. ind s s-aks well fur the field with the laniera, of reputa­ matter came home from his Scotch liées tile MMond Suml.it tiie pla iner am! the carpenters who tion. lie was the pliotograplu r with castle early in the fall he «aw the month in the 'I. E. eluirvii. ■lid tile work. curt little announcement, ton, and prut »sor Diller, of the I I'. ’, >. s. Ge*» promptly put a stop to further I’RESBY II RIAX Mill < luce u|*ni a time, a» the pools say. logical sui i ey. in liis rivent ns-ori- laughter over it hy ■ending i<> his Every sabliatli There w -re two lovers, voting and gay. noissance of Crater Lak", and the check for the So cents It was not Sunday s, |e«il. Io no. a < iff to a dance at Merrill they .lent. because the club management fenrvsl Preaching, II *>< a tn But ere they returned then hearts views of Diller's pillilic it loll arc by that Mr Carnegie lout defaulted In Cunningham, He was also the pbo- i hristIan Eml.-ai. i I were rent. lentionally on the trivial debt that Pr-aching. ".Jo, p. ni. \!l. sighed she. wil l' is li e to me? togtaplier for F. V. CoVille, of the hi» name was posted for nonjMiyinent. 'll. sjgh-d lie. I am si/der than she. Agricultural I »epart meni last HUIII- but because the rules of the club i»rr Every " edm shay I’rayer meet Ing. 7:3o. p. i BotIt went their wav and their bur­ mer. and lliade the pictures nf the made to lie enforoeit, Ito iiiitwr 'll are cordially Im Itisi to dens they bore against whom t ili- i Ic* s. Til artful eupid crept in at the door, K lamat h Indian» harvest Ing There is a regulation At St An- R kv " . F. Silt. 1.1 Xow. »mil. s she. w liat a world of ••W'.sas.' drew« that little Incidental debts in­ bliss! curred by the meiniirrv must lie paid ' glass <>r t wo of water t Xow, sals lie. this .inrld for von. rin» is I he M'.NHI of Hie year when within the month in which they are Miss. ' an hour tiefoir brr.ikf.ist wil tiie prudent and careful InHIseW jfe contracted, uniter |H-nalti of posting keep the tsiwi'ls regular, on the bulletin board Mr Carnegie n plenislies her supply or ( iianilaT- PHOTOGRAPHS "ILI» AXIYULS. forgot the rule or the debt, one or the eat liar! ics’sli uld Is iv ..I. .1 I..ill's 1 'ough Remedy . It Is certain other, for early in the summer be to Is- needed liefore the winter is «ailed away for his bonnie Scotland, a purgative is needed, take lAsliland Recoil.) Iain's Stomach and Llu r Burton L. Cunningham returmd over, and results are much more to Iw gone three month«, leaving un­ Tin y are iidld and gent I- a few days »nice to Ft. Klamath .mil prompt and Katisfactory when it I m paid tin- 80 rents It wa« for caddies, For sale l>y < lilt w or for some one of the other little act loti. tlnmee to As'dand from a month's kept at hand and given as mm . h as extra arreices for which goiters must pursuit of the wild game with I ts the mid I n contracted and before it |wiv. and at the expiration of the time camera in ti e wilds yf the t'mpqua has ixfiinie settle I in Hie ay stem. limit allowed by the rules up went 80 Y EXPER mountains in Isiugl.s apd Jackson In almost every Instance a severe the debt on the bulletin lioard, along counties. His work was for the Key­ cold may he wartied iff by taking with a doren others against ¡•»•er personages stone View Co.. of Pennsylvania, f his remeily freely as M Oil a» t lie lie gid some gisxl views of the black first indication of tin- < Colli appears, Better Than a Plaster li ar on Bearcreek, in ¡siuglas coun­ Then- is no danger in giving it lol ty. where he found tiear very plenti­ children for it contains no harmful | A piece of ttannel danijM-nmf ful. The region is descritied as ex­ substance. It Is pleasant to take — Chanilierlaln's Pain Balm and Coevsiai Aq* '» m •••»ding a aM <1*«rr both adults and children like It. J on tin- affected parts, is better tremely nil I mid densely- timbered. quv^lr *ji<-«rtAin our opinion frw ir*rntl'>n i* pmbnbly paiatitablr < ilc was aieouip.imed by George Buy It and you wid get the iwst. It a planter for a lann- back uu t n* •trirtly r..nn.ii.iitl* . Ifarwlf- k ».nt f t « m » < >!'!«*•( air+firy f.r •«Murititr Fol sale bl < hit W ihs I pilus In the side or cheat. Gillette of Grants Pass, ami Emery always cures. Paient« tafeen fhruutfh Mutiu A < tp eial vit bout charva, lu tba Hirshberger, th- tiller a trapper &' Co. Balm luis mi superior .is a Im wIm has iieen trapping in Die C ts- for the relief of deep seated, II A laadaomalr lllnafra«r<1 wreltiv î Save money by making your home­ eade and I'mpqiii mountains several lar and rlieuma’ c pains. Fol rtil-llon «>f arir •< i«*iitiO«' 1 ■• ¡rca. 1 • «r. f>ur rnonth«, •!. r- |byailt» stead. titnls-r and other tilings with years. They saw several deer, but by Chitwood A < o. Mr. Cunningha n was unable to get C. II. Withrow, I'. S. ('onimtssionrr, for tellable Information concern­ a slud with his camera at one of Klamath Edis, Oregon. ing public lands go t > .1. "'. ll.una- • hem. There were a good many Say! The City Express will carry kar; get the benefit of thirty years ■ all ¡it tin- H ki - i kv 1 panthers or moinita n lions in tile that cheaper than you can yourself. tin- Joli work. expricnce. BONAXZA -SQt IBS." Masquerade Ball, J- n. no Houston's Opera House. NEW YEAR’S EVE, J. B. MO Wednesday, December 31,1902 PRIZ.I-S u S. Commissioner Attorney. HOTEL BARBE Scientliic flmeri JtlPqjtCO.”'---’' »