———■is*** «‘«©av»‘>Ta*©ts I WUT TO BUY FOR CASH * Chicken, I hick anti G< wm feath- 1 i er*. Ad'Iresa O. O. SMITH. I 1 tfHh DavlaStu.,eorAluntl.Or CATARRH THIRTY YEARS. The Remarkable Experience of a Prominent Statesman-Congress­ man Meekison Gives Pe-ru-na a High Endorsement. csBHBeeEœ a asBasasasasaErci +'F++++++++++*+'M'T■ good :: i $bort Cytorie$ When Alfred Tennyson ap|>earvd In the Oxford Theater to tvcelvv Ills 1». C. L. degree. It Is said Hint hla disheveled hair and generally negligent state pro­ voked the undergraduates Into groet- Ing him with the Inquiry: "Did your V mother cull you early, call you early. MV. STnRHKREPeR. W* *ell you Not*. Alfr.Nl. dear?" Raisin*, Dried Fruits. Vermont Maple Sugar, Dates, I'lgs, Money,—everything you need for A visitor nsked the Inte James Tlsaot the holidays; better quality and louar prices one day whether the picture he was at tnan you can ftnu was lutended to Illustrate the Special holiday Price List, or write us and we will call on you. lime of Christ. The artist replied In TO GROM’ERS: We always buy eggs, butter, he affirmative. "Then." said the visit- chee«*. apples, pear«, onions and spuds, Ilare ir, "itoriult me to cull your attention to you any to sell I Let us know, it yuu grant a nn error. Aloes, such as you have In good price. your picture, did not exist In the Medi­ terranean region till after the conquest WOLF & SONS, of Mexico by Simin." Tlssot promptly Wholesale Fruits and Produce. took bis brush and altenxl the picture. Some Goettingen students who had a 10» I RONT ST.. PORTLAND. OR. Congressman Meek.son, of Ohio. keen adnihmtlou for klopstock. the Hon. David Merkison is well known "German Milton.” once fouud one of not only in hi* own state, but through­ his stanzas unintelligible, aud begged out America. He was elected to the hint to explain Its exact meaning to Fifty-tith congress by a very large ma­ them. The («tot read the stanza tlieu jority, and is the acknowledged leader carefully re-read It—then read It again, of his party in his section of the state. while nil looked on with bate«! breath. Only one tiaw niarre»! the otherwise At last he s|Hik<>: “1 cannot reeollei't complete aitccess of this rising states­ what I meant when Iwrote It, but 1 do man. Catarrh with its insidious ap­ retueniitor that It was one of the finest proach and tenacious grasp, was hi* things 1 ever wrote, aud you cannot only unconquered foe. For 30 years he do Itotter than devote your Ilves to the waged unsueeessful warfare against dlsrovery of Its meaning.” this personal enemy, At last Veruna So mnny nieml>ers of the staff of the came to the rescue. He writes: ! Mafeklug Mall were recently Incapaci­ ••I have used several bottles of Pe- runa and I feel greatly b.-neftted tated at oue time that the editors felt thereby f:on my catarrh of the head. ■ obliged to apologize for the paucity of I feel encouraged to believe that if I uews In a certain issue. "YVe are use it a short time longer I will be sorry," they said, "but we could not ( l I y able to eradicate the disease of help IL One of the ata IT had rlieu thirty y ears’ standing.”—Dav id Mcck- matlcs and partial paralysis of the ison, Member of Congress. shoulder, another hns had a few days' If you do not derive prompt and sat­ colic, nnd yet another could uot coute isfactory results from the use of Para­ to work ttocauito his chll«l was dnuger- na, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giv­ ously 111. One left without uotlce nnd ing a lull statement of your ease and paid two pounds for nu Interview with lie will be please«! to give you his valu­ , the resident magistrate In tonseqtience, able advice gratis. and another selz.nl th«, opportunity to Address Dr. Hartman, President of Established 1S76. For more than a break Into teetotallsm. while more ter­ The Hartman tanitarium, Columbus, quarter of a century the reputation of rible still, one of our best went and got IV. 1«. Douglas shoes for style, com­ Ohio. married.” fort. and wear has excelled all other Lovers of Dancing. It Is said that one of the great ene­ makes. A trial will convince you. The Porto Rican native is very much mies of -the overland telegraph Une In W. L. DOUCLAS $4 SHOES CANNOT BE EXCELLED. given to dancing. Both men and Central Australia Is the coiutuon green ii,io3.sio jme.w« women have a natural love for the lall- frog. In order to save the lusulutors Best imported ani leathers, Heyl'j room. from ttolug broken by the lightning Patent Oalf, Enamel, B^x Ca f, Calf. Vici Kid, Corp/.a Colt, Nat. Kangaroo, Fast Color Eyelets need. t!TQ Permanently Curva 5© fits or nervousne« they are provided with wire "droi>- TIIQ after firve lava iaa of Pr Khaa » ureal Nerr* Itors" leading round them at a little Caution ! Th© irrnulne have W. L. DOVQI-AF vauiiuu 4 natn»* and price »♦amped on bottom. Aeetorwr. Send for F R B K 9'2-00 tnalbottle and treat» » SNnes mail, 2.V. extra. Ehis. Catalog fm* D a . R- H Kusk-Lui . WJI ArvbSL. PLuadaikhiA,PB distance to conduct on to the Iron pole W. L. DOL'CLAS. BROCKTON, .MASS. in ease of need. The frogs climb Hie Professional Advice |«>les aud find the Insulators c«x>l and Patient—What would you advise me pleasant to their lM>di«-s. and faucy that to do for dyspepsia, doctor? the "dropper”!» put there to furulsb Dr. DeQuick—Well, if you want it them with a back s«mt. After a nap real bad hire a cheap cook and est ir- they yawn and stretch out a leg until tegularly. Two do l*rs, please! “ For «lx year« 1 « ■» a rirtirn of <1 y«- It touches the pole—result, sudden Fepaia in its worst form 1 could eat nothin« death to the frog, and as the laxly To Break in New Shoei, ut milk toast and at times my btomach would not retain and direst even that Last March 1 Always shake in Allens Foot Ease, a prw are unable to pres­ CATHARTIC Mr. Gntnppe—That boy will never be ent our readers with the usual cables good for anything until he marries. front England."’ Mrs. Gumpps—I suppose not. Mr. Gumpps —No; he’s got to get FROST DISTURBS RAILROADS. over the habit of hanging Around the On Nearly All Russian Line* It 1* *n house.—New York Weekly. Preparing* for Holiday Trade I thought It was a task Io hold the skein ns mother wound The crimson yarn while here ami there a stubborn snarl was found, I thought my lot a dismal one, as sitting there at night I heard the humming spinning wheel and watched the tirelight I'aiuY out across the Moor and back as fairy dauevra might. Ah. how I n*• the world I'd read about. Tv pack my little carpet sack and boldly ■ally out! Itductnntly I used to bow my bead upou the chair When father found that It was time to •ay the evening prayer. And thinking that my lot ns* bard .th, how alwurd it seem* — I want up to my little bed beneath the whitewashed beam* And, far away from worldly carva, bad proud, ambition* dream*. 'Your Hair “Two ye«r* eg® ,nT *""r ••• falling out badly. I purchased a hottie of Ayer's Itair Vigor, and soon my hair stopped coming out." Mi»* Minnie Hoover, Paris, III. Perhaps your mother had thin hair, but that is JOHN 1*001.1!, PORTLAND» • '«•>< »I M w H mmi Mr««t. Can fi»« t"U Ih» twat bargains In Hollon ana Fiiglii.-a, W I in 11 la. 1'11111 p. In.| Gons ral Mai hluvrv W....I Hawing Mu hlix-a a a|«'lall| H,»(„„. i?.' wilt »art. you II ■. |..r ......... ... • »■ will <* ii > you .... 11 M> |,.r tuonili will «aril >ou in. |wr Mouth r*>*i l« monthly fall <■> a rii*. of »»veral year» iM'catn» th« chief .,r th,, the death or iihui. no reason why you must ........ 1* again he go through life with half­ coming tollvu hl th» political ,lf ponimutt, oFttnou. starved hair. If you want A HoartHu* t.ii.1 li.t -t ht*..l inr (ll< 1«, fulr» of Great |t| ,t II*.« Normal Kiiol.'rir.r'ru Iraiul.ni I'. imi I- long, thick hair, feed it aln. I.tnig ngt> i„, itimi, ahi. h I'*« • wi'ar*ir rr.l.lmct. I„r *,u. ittigaririi iT**'.'., I'li« Hoar,lias li' tuiriiii til • l> a 11 <1 o tied th« with Ayer’s Hair Vigor, ir>«l'l«* • fh*"«. Washington Farmers It 1« probtibl» tlmt tlivK* dreamed that It could be M-nd ns on» d"Tl*r *utl »« » ill r«|ur.* 1« hoi n |U oro As lying 'neath the rough-hewn beaius yvil * lol II'' Kr »<(•• »("' «“• ”•• n»ut* atreuuoua opponent Io Hint policy tu and Stockmen Indorse it »nur nt o«*» eteri •• o «les X.l'h eu, fair viaiona came to me— ’ J t A \ t II l t> . I.'well, Nsa*. found In British public Ilf». But one great glory of the world has Prussian Stock Food! I h < llusebeiy a rclirwetl activity In public passed away fore'er, I ne'er again may hold the skein at moth nr« amt Illa high atatlon miik» a *tutly er winds, back there. »(AD THS FOLLOWINQ LSTTSPS. of hla character lutervatlng and mu. u Or, when the tire's low, kneel dowu wlu la TH1V IMAK POR THIMIIIVII. light ii | hui till* aubjuct I* ghcii by th» father offer* prayer. London Mall In a recent article. —Chicago Record I lernld. Lord Rosebery, an ya the Mall, I* un* of the wealthiest and quite lite in<>,| CARE FOR YOUR RUGS. brilliant of Hie lliltlah arlsl.s-raey, nrt Maaj of Them Are Spoiled by Ire I* a scholar of erudition, an author uf Hirsute C«k ulutlon. queut Iteutiugu. (IlNlInctloti ami the finest orator of hl* 1.itile Wvyiiie (just returned from The manager of a Chicago carpet de day. He «land* out from amid * imrtmeut, whose knowledge brings bint Sunday ecluxtl)—I" it true that even wealth of nicdlucrlty lii aulitary and the hairs of our brada aro number»*«!? au annual Income of 910,000, advised grand distinction. Mr. Fronlseat — The lllb.e say* so, the following treatment for valuable Hut. underlying all this scintillating rugs: Imy them wrong aide up on the niv child. « ■tirface, there la n grim aid terrible l.ittle Wynnie (after a pause) — It grass, l»eat with a furniture beater, re­ pathos In hla life the put lx >• of utter verse, and sweep carefully. a soft brush won’t I h > very hard to keep track of solitude. Unseen by the crowd of ad- being the preference, or a giuxi carpet yours, will it. papa?—Judge. mlrvrs w ho worship and envy him in swtroper. A little airing outside of the rito'» ('ore I« t good e.nii'h medicine. Ills proud supremacy, unr.x'ogiilxej sun's rays I* good occasionally, when It hat cured cuticle» and colds fur forty •'ven by those who write and apeak of they may be carried In the house. 1'he years. Al druggists, cenia. him a* of a well known friend, there Ä-aiaTJi' average American housewife wear* out Lovely Partlc*. Is an almost tragic lonellnea* In hl* JH>. 1 tier rugs by continually sweeping and ■Ilion not merely In bls political ala- Nodtl—I'm going Io give * children*» beating. The plan of putting them tus. but lu III bin hla domestic life. life II.. 1« upou a line every two or three weeks, party. Will you com»? I probably nt at the prc»eut present moment th» Todd— scarcely overstepping the loosens the dust and remove* It by MADC. BY TrtC NAKtR) OF truth to *ay that he tin* uot a ■Ing'« means of a strong current of air. This No Pain, and Doesn't Vo«t Muth, •t Ml« Bro*., Portland, Oregon. ' ON >Att ' Intimate that there la not a living la effective and not hard on the rug ikifiiwriat creature With Whom II« can ever eii When the surface becomes soiled It can The wonderful changes *c.ompli*hrd 1 tlrcly throw off that reserte that hides lie washed with no fear of Injuring the by ad vert isinit dentiat* are well illu» a?AiocytJ hla Inner seif a* a garment lie I*, colors, »Ince the majority of oriental tralci by the fame of Wl*e Brother* eveu In the midst of the applauding rugs are waahed repeatedly l>ef n'e Mhose oilier* are in the Failing build­ multitude, nt a roceptlun, or at hi* own reachlug this country and the dye* ing, Third «nd Washington •tOYt*, * dinner table, always alone. It I* only used are thereby mellowed and enrich Portland, Oregon. It h true that you OILED CLOTHING natural Hint this louellueaa of <1I m | hm U- ed. The best mrthod of washing a can have a tioth pulled entirely with­ lion should beget a love of solitude. large rug Is to stretch and tack It upon out pain aud that the coil of fais» teeth fcbOMON.f MAYS TNC MML POINT) OFCXCEkkHCE ÀKP filli It la n<>t far to wek for the cause of a clean floor, then scour It well with i* very moderate. Tin* great advance COMPUTI SATISFACTION till* |>atin-tic oeelualun. Lord Itos.»- soap and suds. After the acourlng It in dental surgery i* on« of the hle»*mg* bery's life, with all It* glories, with must be thoroughly rinsed, to remove ot the present age. Establishment* ■ II Ila achievement*, lia* been a *nf honor and bridesmaid t<> Ik-ltaln* or barn, scoured as If on a door nml tuerit* ami act ii|sin them. n»w* du* tot is ('alls*! gtrftl iw !>• »urvs late sovereign heritor of a proud title then rinsed with the hose.—Good pwi/pir *Uh«»m <>| m > is­ Lltcrar) Note. Housekeeping. nnd of great wealth, blessed with men­ ti on th*i ar* |iv»a up Willie—Pa, a magazine is j i*t a place ludi». II© entree with tal gift* and aptitude* *urpns*lng lh«w« Won<|*»riul t hi» filled with powder and guns and things, Chicago a (Treat Inlan l Port. ■ •© her’»«, rwii». hud*, tliose of any man since Disraeli, and harks and vefvtablea That Chicago I* a great shipping ecu ain’t it? liiMkrssed of ■ sound If not robust con­ that ar© entirely un Pa—No, my son; it's usually tilled ter almost everyoue know». But lliai |im«n in iti*-»li«ai •*'!» stitution. the world lay st bl* f.-vt when h r«'.i . ■ V ., In a recent issue of the "Oregon fur I ot tlie "orlJ 1» not so well known. The guns and things —Philadelphia Press. hr lir tiHi'rulul A Feast of Good Things In St. Nichols* with the wealthiest helr.-s* of hla tlmo Pleaaant. Palatable. ________ Potent. ______ Tasta ______ Good. D* __________________ iy nera le diWeteul »liaraM «. Ile Good. Never Sicken Weaken, or Gripe 10c. 26c. We. die Fortsehrltt» des Elaenbahnweoen»’' ■»’est figures relating to the matter of guaranirre lo cure recai ri> a«ilima. Itllif. for 1903. Miss ltnrii.nl» Rothschild, bolrvs* to Fresh Corn. IhruAi, rbrumai>sm, ©erYn^ieqrae, sumía* h ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... St. Nicholas announces for 1903 L. von Lublmoff, chief engineer of the shipping are: tlio wealthiest an.l most powerful *rt » •' et a, ett I mm hundred* of tret •terHac keasvd* (Mi^aay. Chkeaut of the r ty write fur Irla nit* ami dle ot the winter, what lt«»h corn I* rirt «Har* IV-• «1 liviUin siam|M. (uMl D and illustrated by Howard Pyle, a com­ interesting phenomenon of frost action 18.+15.320; Hamburg, 14.19 n .9I7; Chi- Ill* meeting with her wn* romantic like? If you would, get a can of Mono ­ I A I ION > IO.K. ADDII» ma panion story to his famous “Robin which has been observed on the line of c»i°. 14.18fl.100; Antwerp, 13.573.472; ■■ anything ever conceived by any pole Corn, and, if it were no. for tha Hood.” Two short stories by Mi«» that railway In Siberia. This phenom Liverpool. ll.«18,U(W, and Marseille*, THE C GEE WO CHIESE MEDICINE CO. novelist. Illa carriage collld.'d with Frog's Skin is Porous. M'ason, yon would probably not knot» 114. Akott, will soon appear in St. Nich­ enon. the distortion of wooden trestle I IJ2', I tor J Nt., towUana. Or.gun, tiers, nml l>y extraordinary agility, the <11 fferen.-e. Monopoly Corn is A piece of frog's skin not larger in olas, with other stones and articles by bridges by the action of frost, 1* clo»e- Chicago lead» all United States ports combined with no less extraordinary diameter than the rubber tip on your other well known writers. St. Nicholas ly connected with the extensive froat ''xoept New York in tonnage, and the canned where it is grown, only the beat |ireaence of mind, he aprang out nnd lead pencil has more pores in it than makes a specialty of papers cf informa­ disturbance» of the roadbed In general con»tant extension of lake traffic has and tenderest ear* being u-e| there are meshes in the mosquito net­ tion, richly illustrated articles on prac­ which are encountered In both Euro- »dded not only to the commerce of Uhl tain* the natural freshaeM and flavor divida'ini» ia ..tir 1,:«■>.»> throw’ll upward by th« force of th« ting on your screen door. ot the vegetable, and yon won't find it »1 «r«. of t-*-**ury .(ori, ¡.«r tical subjects, like the navy yard, the pean and Asiatic Russia; but while the <'»K”. hut likewise very largely to the Impact Then he carried bur, *lunned, v*lu« |l «*<*h. «Il i. ir* *. ir» latter effect has been known for some I commerce of Cleveland, now a very Im half *0 goortton*d The price of St. Nicholas is three dol ­ time, the action on bridge structures portant port of entry; Detroit. Buffalo, tne Syrup the best remedy to use tor their 11« devoted to her nil the ardor and lo tma.,14 aitvcli t.wn ori» Monopole grovelie* and can furnish you •blldreu during the teething period. lar» a year. The publishers announce has been noted and studied only during Milwaukee. Duluth and Toledo. factor» *n<| ic*rhln«r» l'rra- passion of a great nature, and. dosplts with them. If l.e will not, write us «ni •iiMu-rl|.tl ‘ >n prie* 2» r*ni* that new subscribers who begin with the last few years, says the Engineer- The chief articles of commerce on rhe direct and we will advine you of one the most relentless op|x>*ltlon on th« {mr »1 «r« untll rrn *lnln« »1- An Abbreviation Explained. January may receive the November and iug New*. lakes are wheat, flour, coal. Iron aud otntenl "( .•>.<■«> .harr« * « who will. Wadhams A Kerr Bros., «old ati*r whlrh 11« r«u Minio* alt«-* la to 1« part of her fill her, he Anally succeeded The origin of the symbol “cwt.” for December numbere free. The disturbance of the roa lbed by I lumber. M-l «o< • 'I lo |'M lo- io t . !. • . « ■, • III winning her. The love that had packers, Pot Hand, Ore. hundredweight is as fellows: C is the ri««. An rarrnordlnar». «ai» and r*mun*r> frost is a very serious matter, states stood the »tress of a trying courtship I.ton a Fly Catcher. Joe Dun. ■ Uva tnt-rianlllr ii.anuiactiirlng ln*«Mtiro-iit initial letter of the Latin word Judicious Advertising. Mr. von Lubimoff; on 95 per cent of o'blrr.. (or t.xplaiialor» l'r,Hi|«<-lti«. «<>1» ot lnstr.1 unimpaired .lining the whole of The keeper of the carnivora, bouse at “centum,” meaning a hundred, and wt To “dun” a man for debt comes from ami l>» I*«», The ('all orni* l'ure Every man must blow hi* own horn eharcer Ills married life. Ills wife wa* some­ Mann(*r(e about as sticky mud and then extended the The cff.N't on such a man of the trag­ follows: The earth gradually frecoea member and lay very quiet. The paw ically early death of such a helpmeet downward, and as the moister strata« served a* a fly trap. File« lighted on enn tie understood, It accontila for nil are reached the contained water causes hl* love of solitude, hin preference for It and »tuck fast; buzz all they would them to freeze In thin sheets or lain! quietly tending hla ronca nt the llur- they could not get away. And the nations. As the frozen layer Increases dans, or wandering llp mid down the But a good liniment or plaster will often give In thickness It tends to separate from lion, says the Philadelphia Keeord, terraces at Mentmore, to the gnycty of after a dozen or two were collected, temporary relief because it produces counter the strata below and to form bumps a social life. rop irritation or reduces the inflammation and sore» or hillocks. A succeeding rise of tem­ calmly crushed them and prepared Ills Lord Rosebery Is one of the most ness. But no sort of external treatment can have perature produces an open and porous paw again. For Infant* and Children. restless men In the United Kingdom, •‘He does that every day," the keeper any effect whatever upon the disease itself, for structure In the frozen layer, and any lie Is troubled with Insomnia and lx- la Rhoumatlsm Is not a skin dlsoaso, but water entering from either above or said. constantly traveling from scat to sent is due to an over acid condition of the blood, and below fills the Interstices. When the I “Love My Do*, In vain efforts to rid himself of Ills the deposit of irritating matter or Uric Acid temperature again falls this water amusing story comes from Paris enemy. salts or sediment in the muscles and joints, and freezes^ and expansion further (,y the device adopted by a prominent ■ r-/’ • ■ • Ht. Peter's Caihc.lral, no amount of rubbing or blistering can dislodge raises the swelling. clubman of wealth and position to form The largest cnlhi'ilrnl In the world Is these gritty particles or change the acid blood. In time thin process produces notice­ Nt. Peter's, nt Rome, on the site where Rheumatism often becomes chronic, and the mus­ able roughness of the roadbed, which the acquaintance of a lady well known It Is said Nt. Peter WllS Interred. The clesand joints permanently stiff and useless and may be so extensive as to make traffic for her beauty In social and theatrical tolnl length of the Interior Is (112'4 Kil- the nervous system almost wrecked, because so at any considerable speed positively circles, say» the London Globe. The IN F A N fôffifffiYfTb R i:‘N gllsh feet, transept 4IH!(i feet, din meter much time is lost in trying to cure a blood disease dangerous. Mere resurfacing Is only Indy was lunching In a fashionable res­ of cupola 11'3 feet, height of dome from with outside applications or doctoring the skin. a temporary expedient. The only effec­ taurant In the Bols de Boulogne, ac­ companied by her equally well-known pnvetnent Io the lop of cross, 44N f.a't. Rheumatism must be treated tive means to deal with portions of the Promotes Dicjeslioii.CIrcrftil Louisville, Ky., March 37, ’03. poodle. The dog was running about It wiis begun In 1150 A. I'., dedicated through the blood, and no remedy railway line that are thus affected ha* nessand liest Contains neither GentlemanI am glad to say that from table to table, picking up pieces In 1020, but not lllllshed until INSO. brings such prompt and lasting relief been found to be (1) to drain the sur­ Opium,Morphine nor Mineral 8. 8. 8. has cured me of Rheumatism. and collecting morsels from other Forty three I’.qs's lived mid died dur­ as S. S. S. It attacks the disease in About two years ago I suffered from rounding soil thoroughly by deep drain­ N ot N arcotic . (liners, and presently, when It returned ing the process of building. The cost Is the blood, neutralizes the acids, and Rheumatism In my knees and feet, age ditches, so that the ground water set down at |70,(XX).(M)0. removes all irritating or poisonous my ankles swelling so that I could level In the neighborhood of the road­ to It» mlitress, she was aatonlahed to not put on my shoes This continued bed Is lowered well below any possi­ see written on 11» back In red chalk: substances from the system. Ave tftU »SAMIXLtFTCIOH White stockings are fashionable, but for several months, during which bility of frost extending down to It, or “Tell your mistress that she Is simply S. S. S. strengthenn and enriches they should be clean. time I was applying liniments and au r*MMt • exceedingly." adorable, and I love her the thin acid blood, and, as it circu­ (2) to Increase the depth of tilling suffi­ A-A./z. U»~ going by my physician's directions, The gentleman signed bls name, After lates through the body, the corroding, Anur <~A . The average woiniin doesn't think but derived no benefit. I was told ciently to protect the natural ground gnawing poisons and acid deposits this a formal Introduction was no longer below It from the action of frost. The Hint she Is renlly sick unless she Is Ink­ of 8. 8. 8. and tried It. I immedi­ are dislodged and washed out of the ing some kind of rncdlcliio with a ately got relief, and continued th* Alling must be of open texture and well necessary. muscles and joints, and the sufferer medicine until I was entirely welL drained, so that It will not Itself give dentil's head on the bottle. The Milkman'» Explanation. Is happily relieved from the discom­ 3108 Floyd St. D. J. DUANE. trouble In the same way. Both meth­ “My dear," said the young husbnnd, forts and misery of Rheumatism. Aperteci Remedy for Consti™ ods of protection are, where possible, "did you ever sis-ak to the milkman • <•/>«• • >e/eï* <• »exéí«) * iîxîd *xeMOèXf) •XeYe'ne (f ________ ____ so far as they go, but they don’t go fat External ____________________ remedies are all right t used simultaneously. linn. Sour Stomach,DialrlutCA about there being no cream on the enough, and you can't depend upon them to do the work of a blood purifier, Worms .Convulsions.Feverish The distortion of bridges Is a more milk?" “Yes, I told him alxmt It thia and those who pin their faith to liniments and plasters as cures are bound difficult matter to cope with, though, aM I