KLAMATH / VOL. REPUBLICAN VII. KLAMATH > EVENTS OF THE DAV rhursday, November 27. Is Designateli as IATIIERI ì D FROM Al l. PARTS 0F THE l'ALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY. OREGON, NOVEMBER 6, 1902. NO. 31. 1*91 Siili NI ISSUI S PRIICLAMATION. Ihanksglvlng Day. NEWS OF OREGON POUND RUSSIAN SURVEYS. Old Monuments Located as Indicated by Anglo-Russian Treaty. VESSEL GOES DOWN I PEACE BOARD MEETS. CANAL IS DELAYED Anthracite Coal Strike Commission Holds _________ Washington, Oct. 31. — l're«i10,. the Formerand She Sank —Twenty likely to Prove Interesting to Our our people, il fall« u ; h > ii thè presiilent Growth and Development of Various searched for by Lieutenant Emmons for 000,000—The Old Figure >7.000,000 in the anthracite regions. There was al tliie H-axon to ap|«>lnt a 4uy of festi­ Many Reader*. Passengers Aboard, but All Escaped • the past two seasons, have been discov ­ Industries Throughout Our Common ­ —Wants Yearly Paymeat of >600,000 val ami thanksgiving lo («<«1 Over a a full representation of both operators Court of Inquiry Will be Necessary to ered by a prospector of tlie Porcupine wealth Latest Market Report. to Begin at Once, Inatead of Walting centnry ami a quarter I ish |>aH««d sinee and miners and members of the press, district named James H. de Blondeau. Place the Blame. Negotlations (<>r ('ubati r<k ita piare mnong thè 14 Yeara Negotlatlona Not Closed. and a num tier of other interested parties He is a native of Marseilles, France, natimi« of thè «urlìi, ami diiring thal arili I h * renewed hy Beerei« ry llay. were present. The commission occu­ Ajmstoflice has Isen «Htabllshed at but he Ims been interested in the Por ­ tini« we liti ve haf thn largent anthracitu mal tion alter generation ha« grown to man- I iu< the me negotiation President Baer . Htata< k shows ail and was presented to the state depart­ along and discovered several more of known year» of grilli trial, wlien thè a cargo of canned dog-fish salmon for The commission met at 2 P. M. Mr. ment __ _ by Mr. Herran, secretary of tbe Public sentiment is very much jncreuM* of 40(1,00(1 < aa«« over thal of the old landmarks put up years ago by legate country wus inenactsl bv malica, do- divide I on the question of tlie proposed the czar’s followers. The line marked export on the steamer Tremont, collir pestilence, «linn in Ixxiily cles, is favorable to the reserve. ’ altogether 2._o____ .wcpiau« carrying y roads an unqualified acceptance of is 17 miles from Klukwon. The latter Brown’s point, towards Robinson’s miners, and the coal iua* Pr>»avfi»nt I *.1 — _*_» ■ - defendant. l500,000 appropriation land to the Summit—less than 10 ma­ sengers aboard. of the Pennsylvania coal company and lions by any means, though it unques- in Montana. An immense hole was torn in the Hillsdale coal and iron company; . AL|tionably sets unv* I we now abundantly nnjoy material well- for the lewis and ('larke centennial. rine leagues, and just where it would back meuai« the date or of unai final W. J. Biyail’a s|Hpl« were iujuml. For one thing, the Colombian govern- achieve moral and spiritual uplifting. 1825. The Rainy Hollow district is ly time to run for the beach, where David Wilcox, vice president of the ment ¡g now entirely dissatisfied with “ T!:: year that has just closed has The state printing office is now work ­ within American territory. The cholera dealh rat« in III« Philip. she sank. It was within a couple of Delaware & Hudson; John B. Herr, tlie small amount of the payment to be ing on tbe last form of the new Oregon pine« ia constantly going I liigher. Al irr*cn one of iH-ac« and overflowing hours of low tide when the mishap oc­ vice president of the Scranton coal made to it by the United States under LITTLE HOPE FOR CHINA. prem-nt 75 per cent <>l the caMM prov« i plenty. Rarely has any ]ieople en­ code, and the two volumes will be sent cur red, and the after top of the Capital company and Elkhi 1 coal andiron the terms of the protocol, which it is to the bindery next week. It is ex- joyed greater prosperity than we are fatal. | now enjoying. For thia we render |>ected that the new cod«! will be ready Southern Portion Reported in a Terrible City’s house aft was barely out of inmpiany; J. H. Torrey, attorney for proposed to use as the basis for the water, her paddle wheel entirely out of the Lehigh valley company. treaty. This sum is >7,000,000. Colombia's delay in tieartfelt and solemn thanks to the for distribution about the middle of State of Lawlessness. eight, Forward the main deck wan The proceedings covered about two Colombia wants at least >10,000,000. canal note ia probably du« giver of good, and we a«ek to praise November. Tacoma, Oct. 30.—“It will take 100 clear. At high tide only the Texas hours’ time, and were given up en- Moreover, the original proposal looked v«s«d over American him Rot hy words only, hut by deeds, The present year will lie the greatest years or more of hard work and the ex­ was out of water. tirely to a discussion of the time and to await 14 years before beginning the Panama. by tli« way in which we do nur duty to from a business stand|s>int in the his­ penditure of hundreds of thousands of The Trader’s stem was torn off and a method of proctsxling with the pro- payment of annual rental, the amount ourselves and to our fellow men. tory ot tiie state land department. dollars to civilize Southern China.” hole gouged in her bow above the poseil investigation. The commission of whjch was to be fixe«l then by mut- Th» bualnea« man who ia contented “Now, therefore, I, Theodore Roose­ During the first nine months of 1902 This statement is made by Henry W. water line. with hla buslneaa lias st, , ¡««I growing. She made port in safety. decided to begin its work next Thurs- )ia| agr«*ement. Colombia now asks the The man who ray* lie has huaineaa velt, President of the United States, do the receipts from payments on sales of Huntzell, a Methodist Episcopal mis­ A court of inquiry will be necessary day morning at 9 o’clock, the first days United States to agree at nee upon a ” hereby designate as a day of general stat«i land exceeded the total for any sionary, sent out by the Chinese mis­ to determine blame for the accident. of the investigation to be devoted to a |urop yearly payment of >600,000, enough, therefore Ina no n<*«d to adver- tian, has reach «al the full IE hm ! of til« thanksgiving rhursday, tbe 27th of the previous year. sion two years ago to tlie Chosong sta­ The captain of the Trader claims that physical examination of the miners and which will largely increase the iBime- «»tiling November, and do recommend till«. But after the fl<«M| i, the ebb tion in Southern China. He is now on he signaled twice to pass the Capital the homes of the miners, starting in (Rate cost ot the enterprise, _ imine- vs VXJXJ UUVCipi The William Baldwin and his son, his way back to Chicago on account of City on the starboard aide. The first the always. It ia a law of nature that that throughout tlie land the ¡ample vicinity of Scranton. Tl*« . . The entire entire Colombian government clings to its George, were sentenced to serve __ reasc from their ordinary occupations two ill health. nothing shall remain in a statu of real. whistle was not answered, but tbe anthracite field will be covered. ............ that it has uas no constitutional cuneinunonai red. There contention years and one year, respectively, in the ..ui— “In Southern China murder is as second was responded to with tiie star­ Everything grows, or it decays. No and in their several homes and places penitentiary, the one for aiding and frequent as meals, and it is called cus­ board signal. The next thing he knew was much discussion over a proposition authority to alienate any Colombian of worship render thanks unto almighty bosineas can remain at a standstill for made by tlie commission to have expert territory, and reiterates that the beat it abetting, and the other for striking the Natives have the Capital City attempted to cross his accountants appointed to audit the Can do to meet the language of the any omsiderabi» time.—Printers ink. God for tlie manifold blessings of the fatal blow that killed Frank Carson in tom instead of crime. past year. little or no moral laws. There is mar­ bows. The captain of the Capital City statements of wagee and classification Spooner act, which looks to perpetual Wu Ting Lang, Chineae minister to j “In witness whereof I have hereunto Portland a short time ago. riage law, but it is only for protection says he did not see the trader. Tbe of miners to be made by the operators control by the United Statee over the the United States, has lawn recalled. set my hand and caused the seal of tiie for use of the commission, but no de cana| strip, is to make a 100-vear A. J. Nielon, ex-sheriff and tax col­ of male inhabitants. A Southern Chi­ night was perfectly clear. A riot over nonunion lalair at Chi­ United Statea to lie affixed. cision was reached on this point beyond lease, with a distinct stipulation that lector of Lake county, who was found nese woman, once married to a man, “Done at the City of Washington , guilty of defaledtion in office by a jury can never desert him. A man can have CONTRABAND OPIUM SEIZED. tbe announcement by the chairman of the same shall be renewable by tne cago resulted in injuries to seven men. thia 29th day ot Octolnr, in the year of , at the May term of court, has been as many wives as lie likes. the commission’s intention to appoint United States at tbe expiration of the A wealthy Quincy, Illinois, farmer our laird 1902, and of the independence ( “Slave traffic is rampant in all parts Chinese Steward on Government Vessel such an accountant in case hie services grst century. sentenced to four years in the peniten­ has I sm ’ ii ’rest««! for the murder of his of tlie Unite«! States the 127th. t tiary and ordered to pay a >6,000 fine, of the southern provinces. Lathers should be found necessary. ---------------——— Charged with Smuggling. daughter's suitor. “THEODORE ROOSEVELT." ( to cover the amount of defalcation. dispose of their daughters and wives in Judge Gray, the president of the ~TRUE VALUE OF TEXAS OIL. Seattle, Oct. 30. — Eighty pounds of (Seal.) The chief of tlie naval ordance bureau An appeal has lieen taken to tbe su­ the same manner as in thie country we cpiurn, which a Chinese steward on commission, read the order of the pres­ "By the president, ; preme court. dispose of livestock. Notwithstanding reports in favor of aacrifii ing »¡«««I for the coast survey steamer Gedney will ident creating the commission, and in a Geological Survey Says the Field Equal* “JOHN HAY. conditions, within three years since our tie charged with attempting to smuggle general wav outlined tbe procedure to Ru»*lan District In Size, armament in the construction of bat­ Secretary of State. ’ The recent decision of Judge Bennett mission was openel we have made 260 Washington, Oct. 29. — The Texas- tleships. from Victoria to Seattle, was seized ue followed from the presentation of regarding the legal status ot the ordi­ converts. We have established two aboard the cutter by customs inspectors the issues. He stated that in aceord- Louisiana oil field is discussed exhaust- President Hill, of the Great Northen, UNITED STATES POSTOFFICES. nary hop contract lias furnish««! another schools, and our meetings are well at­ today. Eight parcels, worth in the ag­ ance with the immemorial practice ¡ve|y ¡n a report of the United States in a «|««« h U Montana farmers, said argument for tlie passage of an act pro­ tended.” the geological survey. The existence of gregate >1,024, were found in tbe among English sjieaking peoples, his road would make another cut in Presidential Appointment» for Past Year viding for a state hop inspector. The commission would first receive the petroleum in the Gnlf Coast Plain, steward ’ s department. Gong Gee, tbe freight rates »oil. Establish a Record. BANK SAFE BLOWN OPEN. Oregon Hopgrowers’ association at its | steward, is in tbe county jail awaiting statement or demands of the miners, which extends inland for 100 miles, pur- has been known as far back as 1860. A Northen Pacific «pecial agent has Washington, Oct,. 31.—A total of last annual meeting declared in favor trial for attempting to smuggle a coun­ who were to be regarded for the «xpres*oees of this case as the urosecutors. The report save the extreme porosity Keep Off Intruders. rested for bolding up a train in .Mon­ ap|«iintcd last year, according to tlie ly are desirous o< seeing it enacted. tlie same voyage. A strange feature is Tbe reply of the other side would then of Spindle-Top oil rock favers the tana a few days ago being the right oris annual report of J. L. Bristow, fourth Des Moines, la., Oct. 30.—At Prairie the smuggler’s cool nerve in selecting a be beard, Judge Gray said, in order storage of a very large volume of oil Governor Geer is making a tour of asaiatanl postmaster ;«ialiiia«ter general, genera), just is­ the eastern part of tlie state. City, early this morning, robbers dyna­ government vessel for a vehicle with that the commission might have before an<] a very rapid yje]d when the President Roosevelt celebrated liis jaasislaril voir is tapped. But it also favors the sued. This is the largest number ap- mited the safe of the Iowa State bank which to carry on hie illegal practice. it a definite issue. 44th birthday October 27. lie S|M«nt The assessment valuation of Marion and secured an amount approximating Secretary Shaw’s eon, a guest on the pointed in any one year in the history early exhaustion of the oil in the pool, tiie day attending to his customary du- CHICAGO SWITCHMEN AGAIN. county has increase«! 4 per cent during and its rapid replacement by the under­ ti<*s. Many messages of congratulation of the p»«tal service. The increase was tlie past year, according to tlie assessor. >4,000. They exchanged a fusillade Gedney, was induced by some represen­ of allots with local officers and escaiied. tative ot the Celestial te say that Gong intmenta of Morrissey, of the Brotherhood of Rail- ro®'1“’’®" is.r*a.ched with to Judge Burnett has rendered a de ­ SMUGGLING WORK EXPOSED. three hours, while another broke open way Trainmen, and Vice Grand Master 8pindle-Top field that the rock contains the fireman fatally injured. None of | |«>stmasters of all classes was 16,970, W. G. Lee, have arrived at Chicago to about one-fourth of its volume of oil. tlie paawngera were hurt. an im rvase of 1,313. There was a cision which seems to be very sweeping the bank door and worked on the cafes. in its effect and which will prevent The other two men patrolled tiie street, Many Contraband Chinamen Have Been look after the interests of tbe 7,000 Even if the estimate is one barrel ob­ «light increase in tlie numlier of re ­ A Wyoming woman has lieen arreat- hopbuyers from recovering possession and by a system of signals were able Conveyed from Mexico. yardmen employed in tbe Chic. qo dis­ tained for every 26 cubic feet for movals of |«>stniasters "for cans«*,” u for having four hualiands. of hops covered by tbe ordinary con­ to hold at bay several citizens attracted as a result of a strict discipline for El Paso, Tex., Oct. 30.—What ap­ trict, who iiave presented a demand to Sp’ndle Top, and a little leas for other tract. The decision is to the effect that to the scene. Five dynamite shots pears to be a gigantic smuggling con­ the railroads for an increase of 5 cents fields, there shsuld be a yield equal to Tlie fire relief fun5,900. were 3,058 postoflices established and the contract is a mortgage and that tlie were fired by the man in the bank be­ spiracy for conveying contraband China­ an hour. Tbe railroads have been not the Baku fields in Russia, and a much grower can discharge it by paying tlie fore* he succeeded in getting at the cash­ ified that an answer is expected Dy next greater output than that for all of the Minister Henry I-. Wilson declines 4,059 diwontinued, the latter attribut­ money advanced to him, with interest. box. At 4 o’clock tlie men escaped, men from Mexico to California has Friday. other American fields. able mostly to the extension of tlie just come to light here. For the past to lie transferred from Chile to Gr»*ece. Tbe action taken by the Chicago The report eave that tbe apparent The Willamette river is 'changing its after firing a number of shots to terrify six months a half dozen United Statea rural fr«*e delivery service anil the con­ Dr. Wisalrow Wilson has Isen form­ solidation of postofliees adjacent to course at Salem and threatens to leave the citizens and shooting through a marshals and secret service men have yardmen is said to be tbe first step in concensus of opinion among chemists ally in«talle100 for each man increase in wage* for all member* of mined. th* association brand. Sales are being both organizations. The queetion was establish both its availability and its an operation. Washington, Oct. 30.—Acting Secre­ smuggled to Tucson and >150 for each Flrat Craft Turned Out In Japan for made on tlie basis price of 2?* cents one carried to Yuma. It was reported submitted to a referendum vote of the economy as a generator of steam. America Christened. Senator Hanna says his purpose in for the four sizes in bags and a half tary Darling has settled the question today that certain trainmen had been membership of both organizations, and Whether the Beaumont petroleum may politics Is to establish better relations Sun Francisco, Oct. 31.— The Japan cent more for fruit in 25-pound boxes. which has divided the naval construc­ discharged for participation in the con­ this vote is not all in yet. About be successfully used in metallurgical tion board relative to the proposed between lalsir and capital. Gazette of Octotier 16 gives an extended three-fourths cf the entire vote is now processes is not yet settled. armored cruiser Tennessee, by accept­ spiracy, but this report has not been account of the launching of tlie Rom- in tlie hands of the executive officers of Major Generals Corbin and Young PORTLAND MARKETS. verified. ing the recommendation of the majori ­ CUBA TURNS IT DOWN. both organizations, and tbe remainder are home from Europe, where they bion, the first United States gunboat ty of the board, which ¡is in favor of ever built in Japan. The launching Wheat—WallaWalla, 67068c; blue­ is expectad before November 1. The JURIST VENTS HIS SPITE. have been inspecting foreign armies. power instead of high speed. The de­ wan in connection with the official stem 73074c; valley, 67c. Chicago district of the switchmen is, Reject* Treaty Offered by United States, cision was influenced, perhaps, by Ad­ England is becoming alarm««! at the 0|>ening of the works of the Uraga and and Make* Counter Proposal. however, separate, and the vote was America Now Understands How and Why Barley—Feed, >21.00 per ton; brew­ miral Melville himself, who assured the condition prevailing among tl.e Irish. lahikams D22.00. acting secretary that the majoiity Hhipment* of arms to the island have 15. The gunlmat is one “of the five ing the increase. ative here of the Associated Press has Flour—Best grade, 3.2003.50; grah­ plans, though short in speed, would Washington, Oct. 30.—The officials been prohibited. ordered for service in the Philippine learned from official soorcea that the am. >2 9003.20. give the government a most formidable here find an ample explanation of the NO MORE AID NECESSARY. Thre«! persons were seriously and a islands. The vessel was christened by proposed treaty between the United and desirable warship. Therefore, by adverse decision of King Oscar in the Millstuffs — Bran, >19.00 per ton; great many others slightly injured as Miss Evans, daughter of Admiral States and Cuba was returned to Wash­ middlings, >23.50; shorts, >19.50; direction of Mr. Darling, Judge Advo­ matter of the Samoan claims in the Miners are Now at Work, and Can Take ington bv mail laat Saturday. With the result of an explosion in the rapid Robley D. Evans, who broke the usual statement that comes from Stockholm cate General Lemly today sent out ad ­ chop, >17. liottlo of champagne. At the same Care of Themselves. the treaty was sent a counter proposi­ transit subway of New York. vertisements calling for proposals for to tbe effect that the king ’ s decision Oats — No. 1 white, >1.0501.07# ; time a paper cage at the bow was cut New York, Oct. 29. — Daniel 8. Ja­ tion by the government of Cuba to the construction of twoarmoredjeruisers was influenced by three jurists, one of 1.05 per cental. Roosevelt has issued the order to re­ open and a numlier of white doves gray, >1.02 cobs, chairman of the miners’ defense that of the United States, the nature of of the Tennessee class of about 14,500 whom was M. Cedarkranz, at one time Hay — Timothy, >10(311; clover, duce the army to its minimum liberated, the ait being filled with fund committee of the Central Federat­ which is not known, but it ia under­ tons displacement, the bids to be open ­ chief justice of Samoa. It is stated pn|ier blossoms which they scattered in >7.50; cheat, >8 per ton. strength. ed union, said, at a meeting of that stood that President Palma, in a letter ed January 6, 1903. The construction that while filling that important post, Potatoes — Best Burlianks, 600 70c Tbe orulser Olympia is lieing de- their flight. As the boat slid into the per sack; ordinary, 50055c per cental, board now will perfect the plans for M. Cedarkranz came into frequent col­ body today, that as the strike of the sent with the treaty, says the accept­ water whistles were blown and the talneil at the New York navy yard for two small gunboats to be advertised lision with Judge Chambers, the Amer­ anthracite miners had been declared off ance of the prepositions made by the bands played “The Star Spangleil Ban­ growers’prices; Merced sweets, >1.760 ican land commissioner, who afterwards the committee did not think it neces­ United States would be ruinous to soon. lack of a supply uf coal. 2 per cental. ner.” succeeded Cedarkranz as chief justice, sary to levy any further contributions Cnba, as it would result in a large re­ Poultry—Chickens, mixed, >3.50(3 The ceremony was witnessed by about Governor Stone, of Pennsylvania, duction of the customs revenue of the For Chinese Trade. and it is believed that the personal ill- for the miners. 4.25; per pound, 10c; hens, >4(34.50 per island. I iah iNimiMl a general order withdraw ng 250 invited guests, including many Chicago, Oct. 30. — The Record-Her ­ feeling that followed undoubtedly in ­ dozen; per pound, 11c; springs, >3.00 prominent personages. the troops from the coal fields» For Puget Sound Navy Yard. ald tomorrow will say: The manage ­ fluenced the character of the advice given (33.50 per dozen; fryers, >2.50(33.CO; Mrs. Elizabeth Stanton Dead. Washington, Oct. 29.—In his annual broilers, >2.0002.50; ducks, >4.50,9 ment of the Harriman lines is prepar­ to King Oscar. The coal strike arbitration commls- New York, Oct. 29.—Elizabeth Cady Big Cave-In at Mines. ing to make a vigorous campaign for report the chief of ordnance recom­ eion lias perfect««! an organization. Joplin, Mo., Oct. 31.— The Stewart 6.00 per dozen; turkeys, young, 12X increased Oriental traffic. With this Korea Breaks Pacific Record. mends that an appropriation be made Stanton, the well known woman suf­ (313c; geese, >6.00®6.50 per dozen. fragist, died today at her home in West Judge Gray was chosen chairman. mill ami other valuable mining prop­ end in view, orders will lie given for for erecting an ordance workshop at San Francisco, Oct. 30. — The Pacific Cheese— Full cream, twins, 14H’0 the construction of four mammoth mail company’s new steamer Korea ar­ the Puget sound navy yard, also a Ninety-fourth street, in this city. Old It has lawn announced that H. R- erty, including seven shafts in tlie 15>4c; Young America, Eleventh Hour tract at Prosperity, ocean going steamers to ply between rived at noon today from Yokohama, storehouse for guns. Fifty thousand age was given as the cause of death. Nickerson, vice president and genera near here, taking in over two acres of factory prices, 101 less. Portland and Asiatic ports. The cost breaking the record across the Pacific. dollars appropriated last session for She was conscious almost to the last. manager of the Mexican Central rail­ 27 030c Butter — Fancy creamery, About a week ago Mrs. Stanton began road, lias lawn offer««! the presidency of ground, cav««l in today to a depth of per pound; extras, 30c; dairy, 18 of the steamers will be between 12,. The steamer made no stop between the ordnance machinery is asked for imme­ to fail rapidly. This became more 100 feet. The cave-in is probably the 000,000 and >3,000,000 each, and con- coast of Japan and her home port, and diate use in commencing work on the the Houthern Pacific. noticeable last week, and then it was largest that ever occurred in the Mis­ (320c; store, 125^015. struction will begin at once. workshop. Negotiations are in pro ­ came Hying through the water at the Eggs—25030c per dozen. known to the family that her death All meniliers of the New York budd­ souri-Kansas district. Fifty miners average of nearly 500 miles a day. gress looking to acquisition of a site on was only a question of days or hours. Hope—New crop, 220 25c per pound. ing tra«les threaten to go on strike. «■sca|««l uninjured, having been warn<«l Oot the Wrong Man. Dye ’ s inlet for a naval magazine. Yokohama, in a direct line to San Wool—Valley, 12}{015c; Eastern She was born in 1815. Heventy-flve thousand men are involved. of tlio approaching danger by the Butto, Mont, Oct. 30.—A special to Francisco, is 4,700 miles, The Korea Oregon, 80145^c; mohair, 260 28c. Sharp Naval Battle Promised. the Miner from Missoula says that Van- Orders are to lai place«! at one* for cracking of the ground. made the passage in 10 days, averaging Explosion of 600 Kegs of Powder. Beef—Orosi, cows, 303Hc per hazendoct, who was held on suspicion 470 miles a day. Colon, Oct. 29.—The safe arrival of Fairmount, W. Va., Oct. 29. — The pound; steers, 4c; dressed, 607c. the manufacture of the new 1 Bank Vault Blown Up by Robbers. of being the lone bandit who held up the Colombian cruiser Bogota at Pana­ 7- .......I. . powder -UI-8, guns to supply the field art /• Fairmount works, IOCI located 18 Veal-7 H (3 8 He. Rochester, N. Y., Oct. 31. — The Entire Freight Train Burned. the North Coast Limited on the North­ ma promises a sharp naval engagement miles from this city, was dam: pound ; Mutton — Gross, 3c per to will require 180. vault of the private bank of Charles K. ern Pacific at Bearmouth last week, La Porte, Tex., Oct. 30. — An engine in isthmian waters very shortly, as the extent of >30,000 by tbeafl One of the worst storms that eve Knapp at Sodus was broken into with dressed, 6c. PB raged in the Behring sea rakesl th dynamite by burglars early today and Lambs — Grow, 3Xc per pound ; has been released by the authorities. spaik today started a small prairie fire American gunners are on board both of 600 kegs of pow5,000 secure«!. dressed, 05^c. ~ pound; today were unable to identify him as blare and cotton on a flat car was ignit­ now centered in the career of the wrecked Hogs — Gross, 65i0OXc per Three lives wero lost in the * jone The building was wrecked by the force ed. The entire train was burned. the robber. Bogota. around^ dressed, 707 H<>. and a large amount of damag ot the explosion. to buildings along the water front.