PMiL 5 OE KLAMATH REPUBLICAN PROPER. Ki«AHA ! H REPUBLIC VOI. rul lisi)\Y. o T »HF.ll 1«. I I \M \ Hi F U I> « • pelili. > oil loWII fl'llliwu w I o S|>|.l:|> PRIMIRAM. Il : fio- 1 .1 il t Io- in 11 k 111 ' of one Ci'll I\ h t tinnì \ \ griglili tua! \ VS'» is a tasi. I.-Teull 1.« gel over, just «dation, ilirn» data, c«m»m< •itring I bulk ul milking «ivi y and (hen go li. viddl«* hois Kl.i.natii conni 1 race. frw for all by ttw Laat Cenana. hutses; purse. $7à. 3. Truttlllg, mie mile, ll'i-e lx Imuat h cuiint i burs« s. ■ «• «if 3 Ib-ats; purse. 47'.. 4. 1 hlf-folltl h mile ie| ill I I rec fur all KI im it li mH Ilois.s: purxe. Slim. I •'«. Fhe-i-ighth mile .1 ish. tr« 1 ‘« ill. vbi.tle limit s; puis. «_' ■ » k nx 1» i) xv . <'t nmr 1: 17 t>. Five-eightlis mil«- l.ish. fr--. f««r ill; purse. ♦; >. 7. < 'ne mile t r -I. free l u lx '.iiualli . .mil l It >rses. lies: mil "I 1 h its; purse. *lm>. ' 1 hie-«|iiartcr m l- |*,uy r i. -f-i There are now in the world t,(12,333. i>00 people The total 1* that of the lat­ I.llo. T I'XI.DW IX. 1711 KLAM Alti KM STAINS \| ti ■ ■ r'.rp <■ 1 '. n «h« n ibrt« »( i.,.. », in**- ut rtir» ry • r -1 ngary !••■ . r t» a popu la­ t a . «.th ,:u ¡or si il |“»o dvr, priming and «rr that his u«spon i'is «».Mjt) for Mitch a test wtth modern •illr*. but the mi«* <>*eh«ck ftrtng is r«,hgi«»u*l) carried out < 1 » ..'. in 1*91. again at a pop­ K*«*r) olHtf r or man « lliiibing to th« ulate . f 41.24’ >»-<• ■ b'd. a gain of 5.855.« 1 lt. lg urn. w- h ita del «e l'op­ tili ion. ha» 873.211 ni re people than te i. h r« ago. 1 r a tota’ of 8,744.533. <|unrt«-r « • < k oahitrs Thr orig’.n <»f th *» u*agr ilatra Hack n long *ay. When bu r .Tin! was n Roman < ath« lie gunv ha» 900 000. ■! the \ il-ong world France 4 <*,245 f om great powera ha« increaaad of to the in pop- ulat.on ir ten year« from I*.342.94* to l«r*l!. I; tierna-' from 49.42*.470 to Kt ’4’. .1'4: Great Britain from 3A.IO4.- «75 t IITI -19. the I’- ted Slatta from «"2 *19 2*9 to 78.304.799. The Üi.ssian en |pri- ha« on it, *.880.- 395 »quare n le» of territory a popula- t on . . gieal Sliney. Mr. .1. S. l»iller dcscrilss .Il length ib<- Io|*«graphical development of the Klamath Mountains <«f Oregon anil 1'.ilflornia. The development involv- ■ ii long and cmnpllcated series of .«•«.logical ehaiigesnf which Mr. Piller . ives .1 brief outline, enum­ erating t lit-events in their s«i|ii«-nce and designating the more important t 1h<- sjxi ial features as they devel­ oped. Tiles«- geological features in­ cluded «Iriatni lx-aches along the seaward Ixirder of the Klamath pene­ plain. marine deposits, earlier val­ ley«. giaciatK-n of Liter i.ilh-ys and »itl».iiieli.-e along the l >n gon 1 oast are j iiM'UBMli ill detail. The bulletin is illustrated by thirteen s and M-ien nguii-s. i»'ii thr Ih-nmxrk ««Lows n gniu n trn y rnrs of w t/rrlat <1 of '6 ot» ? In the gtil-JOil \ • n r m I *. v i ! h r w r * î r r n »ame t« con tinen t ha» gt • • d Hi. ’O in imputa- lion and Brazil !»’,1«»T • •>, *hilr I’m- . thr n.t% in tiMib’r «• di’ on. th« *■ i r\ hail to tirr it otT «•«tch night. Lhrrr is no 1 s..,Tct.iri. r«ma 1 k* il. il r uiill.rrak ut iluriiig th» tank ti., ti of ». I’li slll« lit. .1. G. I'll ib I a gi.wt uiur. tu), agra et t)|‘hold In geean. I'urs«-s, 70 per cent to 1st bon* .0 |x-r cent to 2nd horse. Entrance tri- 10 per cent of pills.* in all r.ic. s except |xmy race: thr«-e to «■liter mid t wo to 1 on. —ni Hai «spr. -«»» Ih» «iiiutUu, 01atv th« Mielorlrt of Ti .1 !n>’rtr. < « pri** . x . l fo-malmn. hid are 11 re reliable. In the incantino, more rare haw l«r«-n taken in th. cidhctu-n of population ly too li ph * are p • ' dr to show the fol . or w.-rra. mili collar «>f th«* tailor's jmnprr coinuirin mg au - i»iributiiig ni rate Ilv l'.'Ull« lari that. « Vb«>ii * I'tirse »10. witru an lui'uruii«u l 1 S» . aiu| . mi tMiivr bv< 11 i<(niiirra ar« uud thr broad bhir At 111 nr ti'clt ck meh tiijfht ihrsrnlrr in r'rrj sh p hi harlmr tlrr» «»fT hi* rirtr. For th«* origin of this ruatom f rhi f explored rcgH-rs were uniform mp. .irdv A Britiih .lark knot* aruiltid hi* I hr*.it sa\s th«- London Fanv.lji I In aid , SI'KCI Xl.TIF.s flirt not gruviiilly known 1« that black »ilk li 110I lo i chic f wh.i'h where their ire 1. -■»> aua »1 at «Iica. Twenty thr yea • ago the ratiiiNitra t lance In I his fi ee; purs, . tt s (li.iw r ice. “lie mile. spiaw race, on h«>t. I11 purse *10. Indian find race, one-fourth A ,h« At, rii n lh»u . Quii thry ai « rqua lj tu /rd count ru > n Euro|H- and America, and III han w >m n tu rule; purse A-1’- rniKD div . sym­ bol hr rrowsrd hitnsrlf quarter drek riti», howeter. hn« l>»en p.unt. d ut u« itlxurtl. aa il. thoer day* »cartel wn» not u rovai lirery ut all Olir tlong empiri ha« an area of U.S’ ¡..53* w|iiare ular for thoee who hunt rrg'ihirly \nd il rii'iat li» confi »»ed that tt adda picture>i|uenea* lo thè «cene I he i|iie«tion of color ,»rnia lo tir trrv and deyierdenclea an area . f 4.371.MS rtiuch 11 mailer of tante; il in looked wpiarc m l.» and a population of 94,-1 upon ■» mi indication uf social posi 7*1.1*3; Japan and Fortm-aa 181,19* tlon. In thr aitato*' t auyotir rati don ««piafe m les an«’ 1 p«-| 'I'.iti. n of 48,- thr pini*, if «o ileatred. but il i* con- 35«.297; -hr Foiled «tate», including , «idrrril out of tasi» for atiyonr io I’.rto Kirn, the I’h ' pp n»« and Guam, aditpt that color if hr dora not lilu-rai haa an area of 11 755.310 «qiurr mile« ly loiliscnitr lo thè hunt fumi. Thr an«! a popolati, n of «S.ífí uiD blark coni i* conaidrrrd lo conir nell The X>-th« r¡ai <’» n d colonie, hare in «orlai |H>aition. and thè ordmary an arra of 7if>.«<«i -»piar, mile, and a muftì garmriit for thoee whoae *ub’ popn'«-:«-: if 34 o-«o tg)O .eluded In «crtpUou la »ery amali ludrad I nibir the French cohmie« are I .AM.001) aqua re 1 and Cattar rallen of the Sahnra region. The Chi­ timber |antf. Nolk, lor Poi ■■vaatloM ». aa ■ ■••■latra Karl. >11 ti,-- Tu ... I4 • i \u.- 1-1 . b'.‘ Jq lll, «>l 1‘iear.l, ci.nuly iC <>i Caliturma, lia» ihu t ■ • ..« ■ . ■ X . ’ l . I ■» !l..ll|. \« \ I \l M .1 I i.-t - ■ ‘i «■ , , . 1 i-!.i> el . ■ . - -: II. >U | I ~tr,.« »I Tifani. I « Mi-I..«« I I’/, líente* -ira«. «Ti Eugvne B. Il'i'» Or, g-'ii ■ Ase a1** 11 ing ailveriel.r th» lai .l.a* «wjntwiri I 111 tlii, «>th-' **'• ni < >« t..l«-r. I’"*’-’- I M. T.K W! near emp r. « giren an irea of 4.2’14 The cari of Wrrnjra, and March ha« 910 «uñar» mile, ard a n. pulation of invruted ali implement which ha* I wen 399 r,«nixai an«! th- Turi «h -nip re an 1 adopted liy thr war office, and which area of 1.115,048 « miles nnrf a can li» u»rd a* a *|*ade. pirkal or *aw p .-»ii .ition of 24 - ’ orsi r. inchid ng and alao a* a bullet shield The in- tributary Mate«. Etrept and th» Sou- geiiiotia inai rumeni, *ay* thè )lriti«A dan. an area of i.StS.OW) • miare mal». Weekly, wil| become pari of m»ry uri and a population of 49.211 000. dÀer'a kit Mraico ha« increaeed n population in ,ii year, from 12.491 573 to 13.570,- '.4'.; Itali «ii< gold leaf, say* the ('hicaffo Tribun*. from 4 «13 Í59 to 5.33«.««3 Th«- rd enable ncreaae Foiled again! In Canada ha, beet in Rritiah Columbia, Mani- toba ani! the territori»« where the ratio of increa«» it about the aame at in Alaaka. M»xic<> ah wi about the •amr ratio of increate a, Argentina, not «0 large a, that of Braai), larger than that f Australia. but « • . I \tri l'sTAIEsl.V TW» H»4 H„llM < Mt l.mvin ti»,.. \ ¡ The origin of th- r«-«t e.uit 1» a my, Xotie» 1» hru-hr »ive» tery. Tto-rr ¡, a story told *'t|mt un» 1 phaiu'c with iliv prwtai of thè early Henry, wn* • o vnniuorvd 1 . iigic« «>l June 3. 1-Cj with thè «pori of foa hutituig *> tu n. l |or tlu- «»1«. o| timi« ordain il lo I h - a rotai «pori, and thè ’ -tule« o| Caiitoriiia,ilrra r»d eoat wa» aera in roiia«*«|uetie,-" 1 \X .«»iúngtoii Tarrttmp lm a- i a p. pula-on f "OOOO.iaiO; Germany and colonica n» depi ndenclee hue an area of 1.2’17.Vi ••mare mile, 2i'<4; France .... Out of that hn* gr »«Alt ’hr custom of ««luting the there cali l-e no doiilit niuiut, unii that 1« that ilo «carici coat I» tery p..p and a popn ation of 71 1 ,.f all m»*‘ »nd ulh,f lar y ' ■'•«'-•cliBc , Mi-»»« *"h r •>■», M pi . , . r» «■ 1 »bmh ih« in --!! Ut* •••■’ l»rfc_ Ih» Hi « l’‘1,-‘i»l) wuu no-,t , tn,..,, • * ' 1 1 '4'11! fur nu.mb,, è Lor ScwMioithc World iBfne* twidl’ig • tiarti qui8*1? ••*•»«*••« <•«» I. tLomMentiM H ••«i fr—. • •!<»••« MiW-n TW fsMs« thr-M'i I •«MlMk«, woUnraabM Scientific fl ---------- I ICe.ul ih>- San Franeisco Bulletin., handsomely lltuetrstel • Fifty cents per month. Including, , utali-.n ■ t afiT •• ir^r t uf large -’■'-page edition. Send niBm for sample -py I > Tile Bulletin, kJJ. Í |Wx h »»rss. >eo. • irn. Kearney st. s. n Francisco. MUNN Co.”