f H KLAMATH REPUBLICAN. x,"", ... . ......... ""I be Interesting. ■•reusing faciliiics for li<)3 the -niedl'ins will I m * Buckingham and Hecht Wurenton 1 *111 lie hot less I hail 250 0U0,(M,(), rill’KSDAY. OCTOBER umn Sl"‘d'y nlghl Henry straw g.,t of dramatic eu- hoots, shoes and fella, at Excelsior, means of Improvements yet to dim uhv .. ............. week, la-ginning, '"‘"‘y- «»"X""- i ' ' ■ 1 l>n-en the face of tilings at this end town by C'hitwixxl A Co. 2<>0 sheep to Sheriff Summers for »n-assured by thou.- who claim to of Hie line, everything Heeined satis­ Tuesday. »3.25 per head. If you are in need of a pair of chaps | know that the rush of investment factory, In fad satisfactory every­ Miss Dora Fish came up from Mer­ The telephone line had reached lile call on Bradley A Gunther, who make «"•'kers into tills county is small now where except witli certain parties rill Sunday. Henley ranch the first of the week on tiie best chap made cither in black or jCompared with wlmt it wnl |R.X, at Ashland, who we understand Gilbert I). Brown of Crystal was at yellowAngorago.it skin, and if you its way to Merrill. («PHug. claimed t hat lie was a "failing con­ the Fails Monday. have no use for a pair of chaps you A. Castel reports Hint ha will have 1 Mlles and staff thought tractor" (whatever Hint may I m -) ami O. T. Conner of Merrill was a certainly can use a gor< inlneiitly In tiie attack. visitor at tills place Monday. amount of »150 being provided. should remember the dates and call They asked I hit ro to quit tiie line, J. W. McCoy and Fred Hoyt were A new building is being erected on Hon of the invitation to make t he trip on her. and one adversely interested man down from Fort Klamath on Tues ­ In I liere. Capt. Applegate .ays he will Main street just west of H. F. Mur­ For reliable Information concern­ doch’s building, and will be occupied I try and Induce President’ Roosevelt the east wrote Inin that unless he day to secure winter supplies. would quit lie would be declared a ing public lands go to J. W. Hama- lu Visit Crater lake next summer. John 8. Shook of Dairy was by Miss Magilton, dentist. • failing contractor." He refused to town the fore part of the week. kar; get the benefit of thirty years Nate High wlm lives near Spcnci-r Rev. C. A. Stockwell who Is so­ quit. Squire Parker of Ashland was at experience. journing here on a visit, will preach < reek, met with a severe accident on Mr. Dutro tells us, as a sample of All kinds of syrups, dried fruit, in the M> K. Church next Sunday Monday. He was driving along with the war which ensued, that on O-t- tills place Tuesday and Wednesday. fresli ham, bacon and lard and sor­ a horse hitched behind Ills wagon, A. C. Griffith of Odessa wan at. the evening. Everybody Is invited. I I and coming to a telephone pole bls ober I, McIntire notified postmasters Falls on business Monday and Tues- ghum, at the Excelsor, Dairy, Or. I Noah Etter cut an ugly gash In Hint lie (McIntire) represented Du- ! his right foot with an ax while work­ wagon passed on one side of it and tro's bondsmen and not to give Dutro day. Ids rear horse on the other, breaking C'apt. O. C. Applegate wan down ing on the fair grounds Monday. Dr. tiie mall. All of the postmasters did It- lading, the pole struck Mr. from Klamath Agency yesterday on A TTORNEY-A T-LA W, Rcames had to take several stitches not at once comply. However, Mc­ High on the top ,,f the head. lie business. in the wound. Intire and Dutro met at Shake post- GENERAL PRACTITIONER. wns brought to town In an uncons­ I Frank Fish arrived Monday front C. P. I»orun, the popular Insur­ cious condition, but h<- mmiu revived, offiee on tiie 3rd Inst, and each de­ Riparian and all water rights, will» ance man, has succeeded in catching and it was found on examination by manded the mail from Postmaster Merrill wftli John Alexander's run­ and general probate business S|>ecinlt>ea. Opposite Court House, Klamath a new variety of trout from the river Dr. Hargus that he was not serious­ Hart, who yielded to the former! H'ng horse, Dutro Mrs. Kinkaid of Josephine county Falls, Or. here -a spaclm with ears like those ly hurt. There was 110 fracture, lint under protest from Dutro. returned Saturday and started out Is here visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo. of a Jack rabbit. J. O. HAMAKER, some bad bruises. again with Hie imiil Sunday morning, T. Baldwin. Rev. A. K. Glover, an Episcopal Fred Collins, a young man aged and Monday morning Dutro’s driver W. A. Liston, the well known fire minister of Portland, will preach in ¡about 17 ycais, was arrested at Hly left with the mall, On that day, be- Insurance agent from Salem, arrived Hie Presbyterian church al this place Monday by Sheriff Summers and tween stations, Mclntire's driver here last week. Do a General lj»nd Locating Busl- next Sunday morning at 11 o’clock brought to this place, charged with substituted another McIntire driver J. O. Hamaker rtf Bonanza stopped I nera. Surveying and Conveyancing and evening at 7 o'clock. stealing a horse from Joe Dervln, a for I hit ro's driver Monday morning here today en route to Forest to ac- a Specialty. All Business Promptly Tiie Indian war veterans of Oregon saddle from Mike Galarneau and a tiie local past master received orders Attended to. Office In City Hall. cept timber proofs. have decided to aak the next legisla­ pair of spurs from another man. un- from tiie Asli land postmaster tiiat BONANZA, OREGON. Paul Breitenstein returned Satur- ture to appropriate »300.000 to In­ i known. All of the property men- lie had employed McIntire to perform day from Tule lake where he flnisbed detnnify them for losses during ti te .tfoned was stolen near Merrill. The special service on the line. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE3, 1878, At this Ids building contract. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, early Indian wars in this state. 1 young man's father Ilves ut Talent stage of the game, Dutro wired the Last week Maj. Worden bought of The mercantile partnership of J. and was notiHed of his son s unfor­ department at Washington. U nitbo R tatks L amp Omcs,) Lakeview,Oregon, August 4, 19i)2.f lf Mr. Dutro’s statement is true, A. L. Leavitt and Sheriff Summers L. Padgett A Son dissolved last tunate plight. Tiie fattier said he 210 front feel on Main street. Notice is hereby given that in coin- week, the former selling ins Interest would come here at opc<*. A prelimi­ viz, that he was and is the contract­ John Holmes and Mr. Zevely of Cliance witli the provisions of tiie act of to^he latter, Sam Padgett, who will nary hea-ing will take place before or, and that lie and his bondsmen are ongress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An Justice Graves tomorrow. now liable for tiie safe delivery of Merrill will be here next Saturday ■ A- t for the sale of timlier land in the hereafter conduct the business. ' states ol California, Oregon, Nevada, N. S. Merrill of Merrill was in the mail, and that lie has been un­ with a couple of running hones. Th# r-ninty clerk's office Is rushed and Washington Territory” as extend- ** lawfully Interfered with in various W. J. Miller of Portland has been j ed to all tiie Public Lind Mates by act with business these days, There towii Tuesday, lie assures us that I of August 4, 1892, (he following permiriH have been more legal documents to the project to build a big irrigating waysand linally the mall unlawfully I here tills week Investigating the re­ have this «lay Hltsl tn this office their taken from him, and a deputy sheriff sources and possibilities of the coun- '«•anal from Upper Klamath lake is ■worn statements to-wit: record of late than at any previous George i'otras, far from dead. He says steps lu k- sent for to arrest him, it looks as try. time in the history of Hie county. of Airlie. county of Polk, state of Ore­ ing to tiie furtherance of the enter­ though the case needs the curative A. F. Lewis of Sacramento arrived gon, sworn statement No. 1117, for the The Southern Stock Co., advertis­ prise are Ix-ing taken as fast as pos­ attention of a United Htatea marshal Sunday to visit old friends at this ; purchase of the Lot 1, section 2, town­ ed to appear here this week, did not sible and that in time the ditch will more than that of a Jackson county place. He lived here a number of ship 37, 8., range 9 E. Edward Patras, Pome and instead turned northwest materialize. A large canal, like the I deputy sheriff. years ago. <>f Alflie, county of Polk, state of Ore- for Eugene, where they are to Join The Ashland Tidings of Monday one proposed, carrying a sufficient Rev. J. B. Griffith of Lost river I gon, sworn statement, No. 1118, for the another company on the 13th Inst. purchase ol the Lot 3, section 1, town- volume of water to irrigate all Hie Ims a statement probably furnished! will preach In the M. E. church here I i ship 37, S., range 9 E. Earnest Shattuck, non of S. O. land between here and Merrill, is by McIntire. It corroborates Dutro I next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. 'That they will offer proof U) show Nliattuck of Fort Klamath, died Rat- eminently n- ded to properly develop in saving that McIntire nutitied thc| EvoryN>dy Invited. i that the land sought is more valuable fu« its timber or stuuo than for agricnl ueday evening at 7 o’clock after a the agricultural resources of this part different stations "along the line to | : turul pnr|M)ses, and to establish their J. M. Moore arrived Sunday from brief illness, aged about 14 years, of the county. It is an enterprise of refuse the use of the company’s’ claim to said land before J. O. Iiama- Ager with four big wagon loads of ker, U. 8. Commissioner, at Forest. 'I lx- funeral and interment took place inestimable value.‘ directly or Indi­ ' horses and stages to him." freight, which aggregated a weight Oregon, on Raturday, the 18th day ot Sunday. Again: "McIntire then took sum-1 rectly, to every property owner I Octolwr, 1902. ' of 18,800 pounds. Reordered the horses' They name as witnesses: Geprge E. Houston Bros, have an up-to-date I11 the county, and it Is hoped its tnary action. Rev. W. F. Shields left Monday , Macaulay, of Independence, Oregon; detached from the stage couch and cafe — coiniiHMliotis and neatly and success w ill not be long delayed. morning for Grants Pass to attend W. F. Arant, of Klamath Falls, Oregon ; generously furnished. It is in ’ • > Judge Geo. T. Baldwin arrived hitched to another wagon, he re-1 the Presbyterian synod In session Eugene B. Henry, of Klamath Falls, Oregon : George Potras, of Airlie, Ore­ charge <»f experienced hands, and . home last Friday from Ills trip to' moved the mall from one wagon to there this week. gon; F.dwaid Patras, of Airlie, Oregon. most fastidious appetites can Und San Francisco and the Rogue River another and started both stage and Any and all persona claiming adverse­ Mrs. T. D. Humphry, who sold ly the above-described lands are re­ "The post­ satisfaction there. valley. Hi1 reports that he met Mr. ' mail out for Ashland. master at Hart's telephoned to Post­ her residence here last week to Mrs. quested to tile their claims in this office on or before said 18th day of October, The Lake county court has order» d Mason, one of the promoters of tile master Engle that Dutro had refused E. J. Boyd, has removed to Ashland 1902. receipt and payment of bounty on railroad into Klamath county, and ' where she will locate. E. M. BRATTAIN, Register. to carry the mail from that place to covote scalps discontinued, and m '- says that gentleman had just return-■ Hon. II. E. Ankeny arrived Sun­ Ashland. ” cordlngly among the sheep men of ,ed from Portland where he had la.-en . Land, Act June 3. 1878— It thus seems to appear that after day from Eugene and will remain in Timber Notice for Publication. tiiat county there is •* roar of com­ gathering workmen for the line, making every effort to force Dutro the county about a week looking lie ha<) promises of 100 men from I plaint over the action taken. UNITED NT ATER LAND OFFICE ) to not carry the mail, bls enemies after the welfare of his large intcr- Scarcity of laborers L akevikw , O kkoon , July 30, 1903.) M. F. Orr of lxirella was In town that source. has retarded progress of building, but I going so far as to take it away from eats here. Notice is hereby given that, in cona- Monday, lie Informs 11« that Ids him, theyclalmtti.it Dutro iirfused Ben Van Brimmer arrived home tiliance with the provisions of the act of proa- it Is thought the force can lx: greatly brother, Jubge Orr, Is doing a to carry the mail. And on this con­ Saturday from Oakland, Calif., where Congress of J line 3, 1878, entitled "An IS THE PLACE TO GET perous legal practice In Ills new )oses, and to establish his claim to said land before Jas. H. opera house telegraphed Mr. Moore have a well-grounded kick at the denomination« The Klamath County Live StM*i Driscoll, coanty clerk, at Klamath Falls, to secure his company for this place government for the objectionable ser­ among relatives and friends in the Oregon, on Thursday, the IBtli day of Immense ...... Association will pay the above r»> will visit, his East. In Indiana he Oregon will roll Up <*n the crop I <»"r,nK the * falr ' . - Here Is what the vice now rendeied. Postoffice pa­ October, 1902. He names as witnesses: ward for the arrest and conviction of 00 years, and I. J. Straw, of Picard, California; H. mother, who Is aged wheat harvest thia Beason, Alturas New Era says of Mr. Moore's trons from Keno to Lakeview want any per« arsons found guilty ot on his return will stop in Missouri R. Mathews, of Picard, California; being estimated at flftWH million company: Fred Moore and his the line from Ager re established, Henry W. Straw, oi Picard, California; stealing where he used to live. bushels, of which one county, Sher­ troupe of comedians arrived here with the same schedule as that in Eugene B. Henry, of Klamath Falls, brands | man, produces nearly one-sixth. from Susanville Tuesday, and will re­ force prior to its abandonment. Rev. N. J. Ilarblt who occupied Oregon. Any and all persons claim­ membel ing adversely the above-descritied Addìi Sherman Is a small county in rfro.a, main Io entertain the public during I They want It done becatise they can the pastorate of the Ji. E. church lands are -eqnested to file their claims or J. O. Hamakef? here the past year, has been assigned In this office on or before said 16th day Ixit is big in wheat production. get their San Francisco mall twenty- the fair week. His troupe has re- to the charge at Wilbur, Or. Rev. of October, 1902. E. M. BRATTAIN, Register. Yesterday A. Castel brought UM ieently been strengt hened by the addi­ four hours or more earlier than un­ C. A. Stockwell, another former I samples of the choice variety Of tion of several excellent actors direct der the present arrangement, be­ pastor here, will have charge of a peaches he has raised oil hls„ place in from the East, ear 11 oi whom is a cause their dealings are mainly with church at Marguam, Or. California and because there is less They West Klamath Falls. "" “r are true artist In his line. Several per­ likelihood of snow blockades and de ­ sons who saw thia company play at W. W. Hazen, proprietor of the fairly Crawfords, are large, luscious lays In winter on the Ager road than East End Stables, will run carriages Susanville last week Inform us that and free from defects. Fh* y «" ir’for'in qtfallty and "lze ,n tz’ their performance is equal 10 that to on the Ashland road. Two years ago to and from the fair grounds each Eastern Hats, Waistings, Flannels, Ready-mad« superior In quality «•« Easy lies raised west of the mountains. ()e found ln the first-class theatre of c. next January wc were bottled up for day of the fair next week. Gowns and Skirts. Full line of Children's Hoods and peaci several days by an unusual downfall rigs, quick time and reasonable price. The Examiner reports that W'J* a c,t-r* Jackotc; also Cushion Covers, Embroidery Silk, Linen*. A portion of the land mentioned in of snow. Of t he two lines then run­ LOST: A paif of silver-mounted Childers, a Lake county young J1”"’ ning to the railroad, the Ager came _____ fez.m 1 spins, between Hilderbrand and forged a’ check 0« Innes * the Mowing from th« Battenburgs, eto. forged a check oil F to the relief of the county in supply­ Dairy. Finder will return them to Chewaucanfof ttOO add pawed llr Lakevb:w Examiner lh-s In h a Now Open ing mail a considerable time befote Sheriff Summers and receive a re­ CENTRAL MILLINERY STORE, ty: The the Ashland road could be opened on Ahlstfnn Bros, merchants of|(ioan now owner of the million acres of the ward of «2.50. Lakeview. Childers confesses gtillt and rnnde passable. The latter road For a pleasant physic Oregon Central Military Wagon Look Out tor Fever. from prosecu- CARD OF THANKS. and asks exemption fto.il Company lands, will develop Its Is more mountalnbtuf and hence more her Iain’s Stomach bod LI tlon on his pratnlttc to make gtxxl th liable to be blocked by deep snow. Biliousness and liver disorders at Easy to taka. Through the coulmns of your paper PI smm ncw possessions and did not purchase If only one mall line to the. rtlilroad we desire to express our heartfelt tills season may be prevented by For sale by Chitwood « Ob, low. |tfor speculative purposes. This can be had, people generally would thanks to our neighbors and friends cleansing the system with DeWitt’s Next week will be marfc * Company at ^e present time pays AYul) line of prefer one to Ager. Little Early Riseni. These famous Week In Klamath Fall« by the county for their sympathy and assistance at little pills do not gripe. They move madklnas oh all the death and burial of our loved eon fair which should and will attract lf gers and logging contractors 170,- MOORE’S COrtBDIANS COMINO. A. O. U. W. BUILDING, the bowels gently, but copiously, and kWyoutfsfck, m and brother, Earnest. hither people from »» ^^¿wdav ** •• 'fhe compaoy s by reason of the tonic propertie«, *stinually on hai M b . and M bs . S. O. S hattuck According to a telegram received ’P1' 4" ; , Tb„nd., OM . •»■>«»■ Zcut’during the last twelve months ie glaud«g glands^.} Dairy, Or. Klamath Falls give tone and strength to the „Lrt« «re««*» county, ’.ur.-- --- ahd F am ilv . on i X mwoooo feet, and with in- from Fred Moore bv Mr. Houston .nd Mt three de,s. and ♦ he numlier of horses In train 1., 1 I * * & ! I i I I s ELECTRIC CASH STORE. £ Dry Goods, Clothing and Groceries The Best Assortment We Have Ever Shown C. C. BROWER, New Stock Now Arriving. U. S. Commissioner and and Attorney. L. F. WILLITS, Proprietor *^^<49te*)i(**** i -o- THIS SPACE BELONGS" TO THE I. F. Davies, Prop. DAIRY, KLAMATH COUNTY, ORE Klamath Falls Marble Yard First Class Work of all Kinds in Stone. fi. D. GRIZZLE, Pray. $250.00 REWARD THE BALDWIN STUDIO tco UP-TO-DATE PHOTOS And Ready for Business. Developing and Printing for Amateurs a Specialty. new FALL GOODS