Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, October 09, 1902, Image 3

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NO. 27.
lions and machines In general use, that In* must its a farmer deal with. f
visiting with Horn, and Illa wife foi
III our hollies, llclds and factories'
"There is no cause for wonder t hat
need to I m * explained in elementary the drift of our population Is away a few week*.
science lessons
One of f |l(.
from farms to the cities. To I m * Ig­
Miss Kittle Campbell who haa been
striking characteristics of the physi- norant of the stones and clays and
cal world, Is the multiplex utilities the simplest operations of nature, is making her home at the Goss Hotel
I One-half mile dash for 2-ycar- Of tile natural sciences.
in all the to deaden farm life lM*yond endur­ for a abort time paid, baa been called
dally . ....... .
or all Classes of people, ance. Tin* surest and wholesoinest home by the lllneaa of her mother.
L free f"r all. purse, ♦ 100.
., Half-mile flash, saddle horst* It forms a most Important part. way of widening tin* horizon of life, Mra. Llndaey.
Wherever there is progress In the Is to multiply Interests and keep
t y
... free for all Klamath
Mrs. A. D. Ilarpold lias returned
world, there you will find men seek­ | them fresh and eager. To this end,
purse. ♦ 75.
ing to understand ami utilize nature. there Is no stronger contributory In­ from Granta Pass and reporta a fim
for all Il has come to I m * one of the import­ fluence than nature-study.
trip ami in love with Hogue River
J. Trot ting, one mile, free
ant functions of education, to give
"Why, by our neglect of his early Valley.
(ImnatIt comity horses, lies! 2 out
children an understanding ami mas- years, do we insure that the former
I i lirais; purse, »75.
We understand that Erl. Terwilli-
teiy of till* physical Conditions of lile, loses, as he rises into manhoiMl, the
4, One-fourth
ami of Hie many and varied utilities delight witli which In fresh infancy, ger haa sold Ids river ranch to a «inl­
p.r all Klamath county horses; of nature.
lie could live a companion of the panv of land speculators, and that
"In all nature study much alien- Howers? Why, by reckless disregard other ranches have been
ltargai neri
«W. »......
Hon should I m * given to function. of the emotions that lM*long to all
Five-eighth mile dash. free for
The pupils should I m * set to timilnq humanity, allow Ills heart to grow
II, Mildlc mules; purse. ♦ _’.■*.
out as much IIS tjiey can for them­ steeled to tile gotgeousness of tile
.1. it. Ilamakerist.be busiest man
SKI fisti» l»AV, <M-roMKIl 17.
selves. The horizontal |*ositlon of sky. to the appeal of the vast ocean, in the county locating timber men.
a. Five-eight lis lllile flash. free leaves oil plants, they will readilv see
Mr. Chas. Hoagland will move a
as the I h * s I for giving shade.
The or to midnight. 'The lM*auty of form,
.rail: purse. •7.’»,
One mile Imt, free for Klamath heii|H> of decayed or decaying leaves color and proport Ions on the flower, residence from liis ranch into our
i,unt v horses, liest 2 out of 3 heats; ill Hie wihw I s will suggest tile Vallie bird. his>*ct. cloud, etc., furnish lim­ town in a couple of days.
itless opport unities for aesthetic cul­
of mulch or soil enrichment.
What ture.”
uns*. 4100.
Geo. McDonald and family return­
X. One-quart er mili* |smy race for lea tea are used as fiHMl for animals
Then the relation lietween science ed from Medford last Tuesday where
„lijes owned In Klamath county, and men; how they arc prepared ami
,,nlrs to tie lindel II hands high: en- how they may I m * protected from the and religion and their intcr-depen- they went for fruit and supplies.
d< n *e was carefully traced,
LaiH-e to this free; purse, ♦25.
ravages of Insects. It not only en-
H obo .
[#, squaw race, fine mile, free for livens tile pupil In Ills oilier Studies, quoted from I’rof. Iluxely that t rue
p Indian women to ride; purse ♦25. hut is tile iH'glnillng of economic
sisters and the separation of either
rullili i»*v, m-romcn is,
from the other, is sure to prove the
(Ashland Tidings:
in Thrcc-ctglith mile ami rc|w*at,
"Lead tile pupil to oltserve the <ieal li of I h >I I). "
There seems no end in sight to the
p<* Im all; purse, ♦ loo.
t ransform.il ion of t he cabliage worm
He also dwelt on the profound I re-
11. One mile slow race, each horse Into the cabliage butterfly; the value
s|Ms*t for underlying law, which scl- coming of timlsT land locators. One
|n change riders: purse. ♦25.
of the toad us a garden protector; the cnee study generates.
might I m * led to believe from the
That "the
12. < hie mile flash, free for all; Importance of the slug as a garden
scientist sees that In virtue Of tllCHC number who have already arrived in
destroyer; the habitat ami value of
nrsc. ♦lòti.
laws, t I k * process Is ever toward a Ashland and crossed the divide of
the wild animals and birds.
Squaw race, on finit. loo yards. will not only have laid the founda­ greater reward ami higher happiness. the Cascades Into Klamath and Its
Thus does In*. by asserting tin* eter­
tion for a better and mure contented nal principle of tilings, prove him­ yellow pine belt, that all the avail-
iirw* ♦In.
Infilali f'Hit i,n*e. one-fourth mili*; citizen, but an excellent foundation
able land had been tiled on.
self intrinsically religious."
for zoology.
iinx* ♦Io.
lie trac<<1 the progress of civiliza­ apparently not so. Next week, as a
hirses. 70 pel cent to 1st horse;
■■By leading the child to oliserve tion as dm* to science. How flic rec­
U prr cent to 2ll<l horse.
properly the formation of soil from ognition ami establishment of natur­ change from the small sets of front
bitrance fee l<t |s*r cent of pulse tile decomposed rocks. how tile roots al laws, lias emancipated humanity four to eight locators who have here-
I .ill races except pony race: three to of the forest trees disintegrate the from superstitions, and made it pos­ tofore been going out at one time,
liter anti t wo to tun.
rocks ami tIms aid in the formation sible for millions to live In comfort
then* is to be a large crowd of no less
no. T B xi . iiwin , President.
of soil, lie will easily infer that the where previously but thousands eked
than forty members arrive in Ash­
.1. G. PiKiifK, Secretary. destruction of forests retards soil out a scanty existence.
land and make the trip across the
formation and promotes rocky de* -
............... uni In tlx* indictment
LECTURE, erts. as well as many other a
mountains to the Sprague River sec­
ponying evils.
sch<s>l, is that tin* teacher is t<s> tion where so much tiling lias already
"Iler<* again, we have not only
In ins lecturi* oli "Nature as ln- laid a foundation for a class of IHit s prom* to feel that lie has no vital co i- ls*en done. They come all the way
Ldnctory to thè Sciences." Prof, ami girls that will I m - coiiic tarn anil cent witli his pupils except to sliar »- from the state of Iowa and make the
en their wits. That It is no affair of
iillxit trscerl thè mtture-stiidv move- country loving citizens: a cl.
his. if Iliey turn out quick wilted excursion for the especial purpose.
triti through ttic fllffcrcnl stages of Is>ys and girls whom the deci
rascals. On the other hand, there Among the number with the crowd
pelopnient : Ist. thè iMMtkmakcrs' attractions of city life will not
to Is* a tendency oil tile part is a man that will make a location
Iratif preseti!Itlg thè wondci fui tlie lure.
of Hie home, to turn over all the who is rated by Bradstreet’s as count­
iHit.rinal. or priMllglous in nature,
Many teachers complain tliat the
im'liers alno feti III with tlils notlon curieulum dees not allow t ime for training of children to the school, ing his wealth by $3,000,000.
1 presclit log thè lliarveloiis to pupils nut lire study. Vet we believe that and t heir ..... trol to our few ordi­ wife accompanies him and will also
ivirile thelr curlosit v. Tlils prlm- time could I m * made at least once or
■■In this evasion of reaponsibilitv avail herself of the generosity of
jvi* Impulse to teerl oli forclgli curi- twice a week for some definite basic
lies a very grave danger, not only to Uncle Samuel’s land laws.
iillvs and wonders. was mhiii forniti work In nat lire st udy.
tin* Individual but the community.
Besides those who have been go­
i tic coni rary to thè mttsf luqiortaiit
"If the attempt I m * earnest ly maiie The sc I iihi I should strengthen and ex­
k|iilieiiients of nature-studv.
ing into Klamath county via Ash­
ulti slmiild 1 m * tanghi thè common
land, a large number have gone from
»1 fainlllar t tilngs ii I mhi I iiis homi*, I m * found that the Interest av, akened acter building. if tills is neglected
by tile new work, will re-act as a,i in tile home, then more than ever is the south. The liverv men of Klam­
e shiiuld Icaro to sce wonderh
wmidcrs in
incentive u | h > i > all other sclnnil work. It true that the integrity of the re- ath Falls and other points have been
le coinmirtlcsl olijis'ts. instead of
The mental activity induced. Hie public is in tile keeping of I he
niiig t<> thè world’s enti to lind
taxed to their utmost capacity to
rangv llilngs wtiicli he has no quickened [MTCept Ions, the concrete w*h<H>ls.”
furnish rigs and teams to carry the
reasoning from effect to cause and
iuiifl.it lon for understandlng and
locators out to the timlier land and
the facchic:.
tili'li cali I h * ntudied only t h rough
and give the child a practical inter-
they have done a thriving and moot
Died, daughter of Peter Betel si oili­
est in Ids surroundings ami habitu­
profitable trade as a result of tin*
'Hi * vaine of t Ile si udy from tile
ates him to inquiry into the useful­ er. October 1, aged 3 years. Remains
lllitarian istilli of view. was flis-
ness of each objis-t in Ills environ­ were interred in the Bonanza ceme­ movement.
issisi al grcat lengt li.
Thc prac-
A prominent Klamath caunty orti-
ral valile of tlils stmlv to thè aver- ment.
estimates that the timber land
"No study Is worth anything tiiat
[t* man or ìmiv . was wcli lirouglil
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. .1. A. Stcw- that will I m * proved upon duri.tg tile
ti. Ile salii in pari :
For this, nature ait, a son, <October 4.
present year will increase Klamath
lt is certalnly wortli wlille lo lite of the student.
i**w tlic uscfiil or buri lui tlilngs ili study is pre-eminently adapted. Even
Born, to Mr. anil Mrs. A. D. Slack. : county's assessment roll by S500,000.
il un*. The studv of plants lu lngs at its |MM>rest. it cannot fall to add a daughter, OctolM*r 5.
|This will help ibe county's finances
il tlw* medichisi or |Milsomius qiiali- much to the resources within tile tn-,
very materially.
rs. some plants ami animala are
is nearing completion and is an orna-1
'tlally lise lo mali for totsl. clotli- it saves.
a ,,luck,n*i’i‘'," “"1
••There is nothing in our common ' moot to our town.
ig or shelter. Siine of thè slmplcst
| Hecht >Mits and shoes—men’s and
SMiiis t/f physics, cliemlatry ami hc I iimi I culture to make a child fa­
Mrs. Fuller, mother of Hosmer ladies'—for winter wear al the Ex-
ivslology ha ve lo ilo vvitli comfort miliar wit h I lie cart li. the soil, the
xlliealth, vv lille Ila* eoniimni Inveii- forces of life animal or vegetable— Fuller, our young harness maker, is celsior. Dairy, Oi.
¡Uiiiatli 'Agricultural Asso­
lutimi, three rlays, commencing
yifflMT i«th, IIMtk’i