KLAMATH REPUBLICAN —"-4 VOL. VII. KLAMA1II PALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, OCTOBER 2, 1902. EVENTS OF THE DAV RIOriNO AT MINES. IH.lurta.nc«. Extend (>v«r KM, Mil.. In • he Itard Coal District. GATHERED I ROM ALL PARTS 01 Till TWO HEMISPHERES. NEWS OF OREGON Hilladelphl., Kept. 26.-OI the 10 •nlhraeit« ,.oa| proi bops oops wore were H»me manner as other passengeis. Indianapolis, ccul Sent. . came to an that the situation was such that he pa toil. cents |>er pound. could not cope with it, and sent a call Press is in a position to announce that guarded also by naval force in the untimely end in this city yesterday. Hanie mannor uh other freight. for troops. Adjutant General Stewart diplomatic relations between (ireat ■ A lone highwayman ■mar The assessment roll of Columbia' He was found to be suffering from a McLEAN. ” called the sheriff by telephone, and had Britain and Venezuela are on tho verge Idaho, held up a slug« and county shows the total taxable proper- ! swelling of the left leg, between the A belief, which lias grown so strong , (500. a long talk with him. The adjutant of being severed. ty to be worth (1,597,840. that it can no longer be disregarded, knee and the ankle, that required im- general suggested a posse of citizens be Any day, almost anv hour, may bring Henry Phipps, a New York steel Oregon City schools are in a very is held j» Central and South American ’ mediate surgical attention, and instead the announcement that the British magnate, ha» given (100,000 for the crowded condition, the enrollment be­ diplomatic centers here, and it should of being taken to his train to continu- called upon for assistance. While the minister at Caracas has been given bis relief of Bo«rs. sheriff was preparing to act upon this passports, with corresponding action MUty, tonigl.t u-ke( H hill over­ employed at the Raymond washery of itants of the island have recently been The Salem commercial club has quiet along tlie strip from Panama shot or otherwise endangered through Another «all has been made on the looking Shenandoah ; one battalion of Pittsfield, Mass., when a trolley car the Ontario & Western company, while the action of Venezuela, whether by taken steps to distribute 80,000 pam­ , to Colon, which, by the terms of the governor of Pennsylvania lor trmips in the | welfth ami Governor’» troops is in phlets through the East in the interest j i prospective treaty, the United States is crashed into his carriage, is responsible tlie men were at work, and then meet­ government or revolutionary partisans, tlie strike district. for the eudden ending of the presi­ ing with the men as they were return­ the Panther creek valley, and one bat­ of the Willamette valley. to control. dent ’s trip, and his being compelled to ing, drove them back to the refuge of is not known. For purposes of protec­ talion of the Twelfth is preserving order | J. I*. Morgan is opposed to tlie re­ undergo the operation. In that acci­ the washery. The mob then returned tion the local West Indian authorities A free rural mail route has been rec ­ in the city of I,ebanon, where tlie iron nomination of RiMMH'velt, ami is work­ timber can be saved . dent his knee was badly bruised and an to the colliery proper, drove out the ordered the British flag to be promi­ ommended out of Forest Grove, but ami steel workers are situated. If the ing bard to defeat him. ... . I abscess quickly formed which gave him engineers, firemen, pumpmen and nently displayed on the island, hence disorder continues, Goveinoi Stone there will be some delay on account of „ T A hair ami feather factory in Chicago will be coiii|H*lled to call out additional being no map of Washington county If Taken Out of Burnt District and Used some trouble, but not enough at first guards and took possession oi the the protest which the foreign office says is only one of many. Within Three Year». to interfere with his plans. Dr. Lung, was dmtroyed by tire. Several |i«r»iins soldiers. roads. breaker. The plant of the electric light An exceptionally prominent official were overcome by smoke. Inins, (7,00(1. Portland, Sept. 25.—J, A. Bucidy, offiical physician, together witbJDr. company, which is supplied with steam W Idle there lias been no ing general The Oregon blind school at Salem who control« a large amount of timber ^*e^iar^son» who accompanied him on said to a representative of the Associ­ from the breaker, had to shut down, ated Press this evening: Hail in Slew Mexico stripped tree» of riot, the disturbances have l>een of such opened with 32 students, the san e as and tlie whole region around was left fruit and lightning set tire to th« capi­ a serious nature an to cause the autho­ last year. This institution costs tlie ...... ' «• «•....... . ......... . Affairs in Venezuela are so hope­ Every In the attack on the lessly tal, which was saved after a hard light. rities much apprehen ion. state about (7,000 a year, or (220 for in the region so recently devastated by Dre. Olivet and Cook were called to the in darkness. muddled that we can get nothing effort is being made by tlie sheriffs oi each pupil. breaker, two men were shot, one a done. I here is no concealing the fact the forest fires, has just returned from Columbia club, where the president striker and the other a workman. The Colombian revolution lias broken the several counties affected and the that the V enezuelan government has. out in a new plsi-e. Condition» ar« troops to preient disturances from entertained at lunch. They Chief Deputy Sheriff Miles Mc­ Tiie session of the Methodist confer- an inspection oi the damage wrought was to much disturbed on th» north coast, grow ing to hik ’I i an extent as to cansi* < nee just held in Grants Pass proved to by the destructive blaze. Mr. Bueklv decided ‘hat 8n operation was neces- Andrew was attacked and shot at by a made heated protests to our minister. ' «ary, and that it should be performed m<>b at Oliphant. The steam pipes of The chief grievance appears t> be the m-ar the mouth of the .Magdalena river. IdiMstshed, Reports are coming in be tlie best ever held in the state. ' t at once. This decision wan arrived at the 1 ennsylvania Coal company’s col­ allegation that the British government A Sacra men to t i ver steamer burned non every netton of nonunion men Over 151) members and delegates were “The fire worked eastward from before luncheon, but was not allowed liery at Old Forge were blown up with is aiding tie revolutionary army. It is and other» being either shot or clubbed. in attendance. at her din k in San Francisco. Several needless to say this is perfectly base­ Wind river to the Lewis river country, to interfere with the meal. dynamite tonight. Two colored cooks pasnengers were more or lens severely Houses of workmen have bten either We only wish the United States burning a strip of territory from 10 The announcement came as a thun- at the colliery were rescued by deputy less •The registration at the agricultural biirm-d or dynamited, and attempts injured. to 15 miles wide all the way. This I derclap out of a clear sky. The presi- would take over the who*e country, and college is much larger than last year. sheriffs from a crowd that was hasten­ then perhaps we could get some peace. have l»««n made to hold up coal trains A Now York man is suing » street ■>r derail them. Both dormitories are full and every strip is about 10 miles back from the I .lent appeared in such good health ing to lynch them. Of all the disturbances of the last de­ river and lies in nearly an easterly and I otherwise that it was hard to believe car company for (5,000 on account of Coal is being shipped from many available private boarding house in westerly direction. cade, the present ap|>ears to lie the The timber on that he was about to undergo an opera­ ail accident which coni|Mf 30 persons. a»M*rt that very little of the coal is “fhe fires were started bj* careless and many comments were made during portion of Coloradc, beginning with a mistaken notion that Washington will A movement has been started in settlers and campers, who build a blaze the early part of the day on how well Fire al Birmingham, Ala., destroyed freshly mined, ami that it is mostly protect them from the results of their cos I washed front the culm banks or Albany to print 75,000 pamphlets for up against a big cedar log, and then .go he looked. It was noticed, however, heavy precipitation last night at 8 folly, however inimical that might be property to the value of (220,000. lias lN*en stored at various points since advertising Linn county in the Middle away and leave it burning. o’clock and continuing until about to the lives and property of British It soon that he walked with a slight limp. Roosevelt is In-ing urgi«l to announce the Htrike liegsn. I West. noon today in a milder form, has saved subjects and those of other Europeans. spreads and then all Hie surrounding an extra session of congress in 1903. the late crops and placed the ranges in As we understand Monroeism, Vene­ The Salem school lioard has fixed the country becomes involved. Such fires BIO FIRE IN ISLAND CITY. Postal receipts of Oreogn and Wash- splendid condition for the grazing, of zuela is quite mistaken in this matter, salaiies of all tea-hers in that city, were started near Stevenson and Wash­ ingtoti for t he pant year »bow a good other than principals, at (40 par ougal, and they were, I think, the main Destroyed Mills, Wheat and Houses, and cattle during the coming winter. All though apparently the impression has fears of a shortage of water, both for much to do with her present action.” Objects to United States Removing Cuban month. iiii-rease. causes for the forest fires that fol­ Threatened Entire City. human and animal use, are allayed War Rccorda. lowed.” Cholera hau broken out again in Fruit growers in Polk county say La Grande, Or., Sept. 25.—Fire in Reports from different places in the MILLMEN ASK EIGHT HOURS. Havana, Sept. 26.—One month ago that the prune crop will not only be Egypt ami many cuse» are being re- Islam! City, yesterday afternoon, mountains are to the effect that snow­ PINS HIS FAITH ON PUBLIC. President Palma wrote a letter to light this year, but that brown rot han [mrt<* and other injuries as a result of a gas mal exchange of treaties between Ar­ Cuba. mus. The confidence of foreigners on rived from the nerth today, and in a explosion at a coal shaft located at gentina and Chile, providing for arbi ­ report made to the h eat representatives The death list of the Alabama the isthmus has been restored in a large barrel;‘"graham, (2.953 3*20. Says America Is Prying. Stafford, this county, today. In ad­ tration and limitation of armaments, Ona measure by the arrival of American of tlie company states that a feasible w... u.v.. _ ______ — church disaster is growing, Millstuffs — X^Brau, I 17 per ton; New York, Sept. 24. — The Croroio dition to these, seven more men are has taken place amid great .ceremony incn-of-war and the landing of troops route has been found from the Tanana hundred and ten 'lead are re|s>rted. lis; missing. This evening a force of men at the government house in the pres­ da Manha, a newspaper, complains of river to the summit of the Alaskan in that locality, and the guarding of middlings, (21.SQ; shortB, Explorer Baldwin, who has just re­ trains by tho soldiers. are searching the mines for the lost ence of President Riesco, the Argentina the United States battle ship Iowa's range. Other reports received from chop, (17. turned from an Arctic expedition, ■itinera. The disaster was caused by minister, Senor Portella and delegates visit to Brazilian waters, cables the Rio Oats—No. 1 white, (1.00@1.02S . the gas from a leaking pipe being ig­ from the diplomatic corps and the local Janeiro correspondent of the Herald. parties in the field are that the former holds the old idea.of an open jiolar sea Panic at a Wedding. proposed route from Resurrection bay gray, 95@$1. nited from a lamp carried by one of authorities. It is reported that a It says the warship is making surveys to the Tanana has lieen ^lightly as baseless. London, Sept. 26.—A special dis­ Hay — Timothy, (10311; clover, the miners now lying dead. prompt settlement of the questions in of the Rio Janeiro bay, especially ob­ changed and the line will now extend An Ohio school teacher has lost bis patch from St* Petersburg says that dispute with Bolivia, is likely, and serving the strategical points and tak­ due north. Atwood also reports a big position because be made white gir s while 400 |Miasants were attending a (7.50; cheat, (8 pel ton. The coal field on;the CatwelJ river, about 30 Oil Fuel on Atlantic Liner. that it will result in stability to this ing photographs of the forts. ami colored girls who had been quar-j wedding celebration yesterday in a Potatoes — Best Burbanks, 60365c newspaper asks the government to stop miles south of the Tanana, fully 200 New York, Sept 25. —The Ameri an part of the world. ruling kiss. ' barn at Werba, near Moscow, a fire was percental; ordinary, 50355c per cen­ the Iowa's actions, characterizing them miles square. Along the hanks of the Ten thousand people attended an started front a cigarette and a panic en­ tal, growers prices; sweets, (2.00 line steamer Kensington arrived today as “prying.” Coal Miner» Make an Offer. from Southampton. The Kensington 32.25 par cental. river the veins extend to a depth of sued. Women and children were trod­ open air ihiihh meeting in Now o Pottsville, Pa., Sept. 25.—A delega­ 1,000 teet. He reports detiosits of fire Butter—Creamery, 253 27)£c; dairy lias been laid up at Newcastle, Eng­ den under foot. The tire spread rap- organized in sympathy with t io s ri Telegraphers Organize. land, for some time, overhauling ami tion of mineworkeis called at theoffieea clay between the veins. Copper sul­ 17H@20c; store, 12i®315c. I Idly, ami within a quarter of an hour ing cjii I miner«. Chicago, Sept. 24. — The Internation ­ installing a pl er dozen. Boxers Continue Operations. Tamaqua, *Pa., Sept. 25.—Strikers’ which to mak« thk r . , Mining word Mutton—Gross, 2*^®3c per pound c< nvention and agreed to recognize the uetit. ................................. (rK,X/'T“ United Mineworkers of America. This pickets patrolled the Panther creek London, Sept. 24.—In a dispatch profiia will prohabL bo imprinted on the dressed, 6c per pound. b red 10 per colliery today in an effort to prevent from Shanghai, th« correspondent of cent more that. will put about 500 men to work. Manehurii. tlia! ..„„toms import stamp attached to the g before the Hogs—Gross, 6 lic; dressed, 73756c nonunion men from going to work, but the Standard declares that Boxerism in war, and Kb obtained per pound. Major Powell Dead. | no violence is reported. Those in a tlie province 4 Rzechuen has not yet by grajrfi l^satona. Haven, Me., Sept. 25. — Major J. W. Veal—7@8c per pound. position to knew sav that if a break oc­ been subdued. The premises of the Macedonian Insurrection Orowlng. Bee!—Grose, cows, 33356c; steers. Powell, director of the bureau of eth- curs in. the strikers’ ranks here it will China inland mission at Meichou have Collapsed. ba» written ¿entnry- She* I Hofla, Bulgarin, Sept. 2(1.—Advictfs nologv of the Smithsonian institute at be due to the small amount of relief heen destroyed, but no lives were IMI r o Sept 21.—The post- . ... m .,iv ' from Macedonia show that the insur- 356@<56c; dressed, 637c per pound. to appear serially in rhe ( mgny Washington, died at his summer home being distributed. It is claimed that The Boxers, according to the y movement there is increas- Hope—16317c; new crop 20@22c. U*»« coltapiwwl Hi is even- calls it “Ixivoy Mary, and r "i" the be mai here. Hn had been critically ill for . (2 a week is the largest amount a mar- spondent, ar« threatan’ng g ™“°nTahI rai|r0R(1 and telegraph lines a total wreck. Wool — Valley, 1256315 ¡Eastern Ore ­ About admirers of Mrs. "’88* ' ried striker can s«cura. I Taulian, Hung Y«n and UR m ’«rsons wer« buried in tbe nini. gon, 831456c: mohair. 25 3 26c pound. some days. to know that this optimisti. « Lh,r*t’er are'damaged in '»»ny places. reHppcars in the new story. * fl I » ,.,;..... OF THE STATE.