Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, August 28, 1902, Image 4

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Itching Skin
Distrene by day and night—
That’s the complaint of thooe who era
so unfortunate as to be sffiicted with
F'csema or Salt Rheum—and outward
applications do not cure. They can’t.
The aouree of the trouble in in the
blood— make that pure and thia scaling,
burning, itching skin disease will disap­
pear. Accept no subetitute.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
night. The mnn whom you held In
jour hnnds 1» the mnn who hold» th«
view of thin mystery, and whom we
are seeking. There 1» no use of argil
Ing about It now; I tell you that It 1»
so. Come along, doctor ”
We started off for the cab together,
leaving our Informant Incredulous, but
obviously uncomfortable
''The blundertux fool!” Holme* »»Id
bitterly, an we drove back to our lodg
Ings. "Just to think of hl» having such
nn Incomparable bit of good luck, and
not taking advantage of It.”
“! am rather in the dark still. It 1»
true that the description of this man
tallies with your Idea of the second
party In this mystery But why should
ho come back to the house after leav­
ing It? That It not thu way of crimi­
"The ring, man the ring' That was
what he came back for If we have no
olher way of patching him we can al­
ways halt our line with the ring. I
shall have him. doctor I'll lay you
two to one that I have him. I must
thank you for It all. I might not have
gone but for you. and so have missed
the finest study I ever came across; a
study In scarlet, ch? Why shouldn't
we use a little art Jargon? There's
the scarlet thread of murder running
through the colorless skein of life, and
our duty la to unravel It and Isolate It.
i.nd expose everjr Inch of It. And now
for lunch.and then for Norman Neruda
Her attack and her bowing are splen­
did. What's that little thing of Chop­
in's she playa so magnificently; Tra in
laltra lira lay r
Leaning back In the cab. thia nma- i
tcur bloodhound caroled away like a (
lark, while I meditated upon the
many- sidetines« of the human mind.
said pointing to a narrow »lit In th«
It was 1 o'clock when we left 3 line of dead colored brick
Lauriston Gardens. Sherlock Holmes find me here when you conte back.”
Audley Court was not an attractive
led me to the nearest telegraph offic»,
B«« Exh Bit at W«ri<i fair.
when he dispatched a long telegram. I locality. The narrow passage led ua
a quadrangle paved with flag» and
Mayor Swink, of Rocky Eord, Colo.,
He then hailed a cah and ordered the
who has perhaps tlie largest bee plant driver to take ua to the address given lined by sordid dwellings.
We picked our way among groups of
in Ameriaa. is going to take hi» bees us by Lestrade.
"There's nothing like first hand evi­ dirty children and through Uno» of dis­
to the World’s Fair at St. Louis. and
colored linen until we camo to No. 4S.
they will work there from the time the dence.” he remarked: "as a matter of the door of which was decorated with
exposition opens until it closes. Mr. f ut my mind I* entnely made up up­ >« small slip of bra»«, on which the
Swink is willing to construct of bee on the case, but still we may as well name Rance wa« engraved.
hive» a miniature of the Colorado State learn all that la to be learned.”
On Inquiry we found that the Con-
“You amaie me. Holmes." said I.
House at Iteuver.
This will require "Surely you are not as sure as you pre- »table was In bad. and wo were shown
about 640 hives, and in all about tend to be of all those particulars into a little front parlor to await his
5,500,000 bee» will work.
which you gave."
He appeared presently, looking a lit-
"There is no room for mistake.” he
Mothers will nna Mrs. Winslow's 8ooth 1 answered. "The very first thing which tl Irritable at bin* disturbed la his
•ng Byrup the best remedy to use tor tbeir I observed on arriving there was that slumber*.
"I made tuy report at the office.'
Shlldren during th» uetning period.
a cab had made two ruts with Its
wheels close to the curb. Now. up to he said.
Holmes took _
___ from
a half ____
last night we have had no rain for a
Ids pocket, and played with It pen­
A correspondent of the Boston Jour­ such a deep Impression, must have sively.
nal declares that he heard of a young ’ been made there during the night,
"We thought that we should like to
clergyman the other day who startled j There were the marks of the horse's hear it all from your own lips,” he
his hearers by tieginning his address ; hoofs, too, the outline of one of which said.
at a funeral thus: “While there has I was far more clearly cut than that of
"I shall be most happy to tell you
been something discovered to relieve the other three, showing that there anything I can,” the constable an-
the ¡>ain of having teeth extracted, was a new shoe. Since the cah was »■wered. with hia eyea upon the little
there has been nothing discovered as yet there after the rain began, and was golden disk.
“Just let ua hear It all In your own
to allay the pain of parting with friends not there at any time during the morn-
Ing—I have Gregson's word for that— way. as It occurred."
by death.
Rance sat down on the horsehair Fully Equipped Stumer Kelt* on Sends Bor.
It follows that It must have been there
during the night, and. therefore, that rofa and knitted his brows, as though
dennq th. Colorado River.
It brought those two Individuals to tbe tietermlned not to omit anything In
There doe» not seem’ to 1 h < much use
his narrative."
. house."
“1'11 tell it ye from the beginning,” for a ship in the desert country of Cal­
“That seems simple enough." said I:
“but how about the other man's he said. "My time Is from eight at ifornia, wlii<h Ixinii-ro on the Colorado
Filth in Public Placu.
n'ght to alx In the morning At eleven river, yet traveler» in that region may
A wri.er declare« that there is more
“Why, the height of a man. In nine there was a fight nt the White Hart: see there a veritable “»Lip of the des­
filth, squalor and general slovenliness cases ont of ten can be told from the but. bar that, all was quiet enough on ert.’’ Far from any body ot water ca­
in public places and works, in streets, length of his stride. It Is a simple cal­ the beat. At one o’clock It beean to pable of floating even a mud-cow, may bo
squares, river-side», docks, roads and culation enough, though there Is no tain and I met Harrv Murcher—him found a big »tern-wheel steamer, accus­
bridges iu tbe United States than in use my boring you with figures. I who has the Holland Grove boat—and tomed to ply up ami down th« river,
any other country of the first or even this fellow’s stride, both on the clay we stood together at tho corner of carrying paaaengera and freight. She
Henrietta street a-talkln'. Presently
the second rank. He says thdt in thia outside and the dust within. Then I —
maybe about two, or a little after—I haa been lying there »inc« lust tteptein-
respect we rank with Turkey rstber had a wav of checking my calcu'a- thought 1 would take a look round and her, xtrunded high ami dry on the
than with England or Germany.
his instinct leads him to write about see that al! was right down tho Brix­ sand, a mile and a half from the
the level of his own eyes. Now. that ton road. It was precious dirty and stream's prevent course.
Shake Into Tour Simes
Thia strange condition of affn ira H an
writing was Just over six feet from lonely. Not a soul did I meet nil
Allen's Foot>Ease. A powder. It makes tight
the way down though a cab or two come about »imply liecauxe the Colre
or new shoes feel easy, it is a certain cure for the ground. It was child's play."
went past me. I was a strollin' down, ra<lo, a mighty stream, but one of th«
sweating, callous and hot. tired, aching feet.
“And his age?” I asked.
Sold by all Druggists. Price 25c. Trial package
“Well, If a man can stride four and thinkin' between ourselves how tin- mo»t tieacherou» of river», ciio-e to cTil
mailed PR EK. Addreet Allen 8. Olmsted. Le-
a half feet without the smallest effort, ' common handy a four of gin hot would a new channel for It.-ell early in the fall
Roy, N- Y.
he can't be quite In the «ere and yel­ be, when suddenly a glint of lljht w ithout notice or warning.
low. That was the breadth of a pud­ 1 caught my eye In the window of that
Met Their F»U.
One night last September the Alviao
on the garden walk which he had same house. Now. I know that th> m
Ate you ready?” asked the first dle
walked across.
Patent two houses In I-aurlston Gardens wns tied up to the »bore a couple oi mile»
leather boots had gone around and empty on account of him that own« above Needles, awaiting telegraphic
“I am.” came the answer in a firm square toes had hopped over. There them, who wont have the drains seed order». She wav loaded with passen­
Is 00 mystery about ft at all. I am to. though the very last tenant that ger» and itipplie«, and ax travel is
“Then come. We may a» well know simply appyling to ordinary life a f°w lived In on* o' them died o’ tynhold sometimes leisurely pursued on the
the wont.”
cf those precepts of observation and- fever. I was knocked all In a henp. Colorado, all hands turned in for a
Closing the door behind them, they deduction which I advocated In that therefore, at seeing a light In the win- g<*xl night’s sleep. Between 3 and I
article. Is there anything else that dow. and I snsnected as something o'clock, Captain Rabson was arou-ed
resolutely descended the stairs.
was wrong. When wo got to the
When they rose from tbe boarding nuzzles you?"
by Indians, who warned him that (or
door----- ••
house table, they agreed that the meal
some reason the river wax falling rap­
bad been no worse than usual.—Judge. oly,” I suggested.
to the garden gate.” my companion In­ idly, and advised him to pull out into
“The writing on the wall was done terrupted. “What did you do that midstream av quickly as pov-ibfa.
with a man's forefinger dipped In for’"
This the captain tried to do, but the
I am sure Piao'a Cur« for Consumption blood. My glass allowed me to ob­
Rance gave a violent Jump and water had already gone down so low
raved my life three years ago.—Mu. T ho «. serve that the plaster was slightly
Rossi««. Maple st reel, Norwich, N. Y„ scratched In doing It. which would not stared at Sherlock Holmes with the ut­ that hi» prow stuck fast in the mud
Feb. 17, lb«).
most amazement upon his features.
when he got up steam and tried to
have been the case If the man’s nail
"Why. that's true, sir.” be said,
had been trimmed. I gathered up “though how you come to know It. turn the ¡uiddle wheel« and move out
And them he
some scattered ash from the floor. It Heaven only knows' You see. when I into navigable water.
Uncle Hcxckiah on Golf.
'I don’t see why they call golf a roy­ was dark in color and flaky—such in got up to the floor, ft was so still and has stuck ever since, becoming resigned
al and ancient game,” remarked the ash as Is only made by a Trlchonopoly. so lonesome that T thought I’d be non« to hi» situation perforce and hopefully
I bare made a special study of cignr
Coboee philosopher.
“I never heard ashes—in fact. I have written a mono­ the worse for some one with mo. I awiating the tinxi water that come»
of it till two month, ago, an' my folk, graph upon the subject. I flatter my­ ain't afeared of nothing on this side down at the times of the melting of the
hae lived right in thia here country for self that I can distinguish at a glance o' the grave: but I thought mavbe It Colorado and Wyoming snows.
sixty years. An’ an fer ita bein’ royal the ash of any known brand of cigar was him that died o' typhoid Inspect­
—it ain't played in a court like tennis or of tobacco. It Is in Just such de­ ing the drains what killed him. The
thought gave me a kind o' turn, and
— I don't see where thet come« in. An’ tails that the skilled detective differs I walked back to the gate to see If I
if it is, it’s agin the constitntion and from the Gregson and I.estrade type.” could see Murcher’s lantern, but there
“And the florid face?” I asked.
the flag.—Judge.
wasn't no sign of him nor any one
“Ah. that was a more daring shot. else’”
It is said that the flint that forms
thongh I have no doubt that I was
“There was no one In the street?"
Aa Infallible Prescription.
right. You must not ask me that at
“Not a livin' soul, sir. nor as much the substratum of Landon is nothing
Patient—Doctor, tell me something the present state of the affair.”
ar a dog. Then I pulled myself to­ but petrified sponges An examination
to make the time pass more quickly.
I passed my hand over my brow.
eether and went back and pushed the of the L axil sponge show, it» structure.
Just now it drags so that I havs noth­
“My head Is In a whirl.” I remarked: door open, All was quiet Inside, so I
Several Kruger Sovereigns, the last
ing to think of except myself.
"the more one thinks of it. the more went Into the room where the light
Doctor—Indorsee note, falling due mysterious It grows. How came those was a-burnfn'. There was a candle issued by the ex-presiilentoi the Trans­
in three months for a bit more than two men—If there wore two men—in­ flickerin’ on the mantel-plec« -a red vaal. anil struck in his train noar Ma-
to an empty house? What has become wax on' and by Its light I saw----- ” chadodorp in 1800, are now on view in
your income affords.
of the cabman who drove them? How
“Yes. I know all that you saw. You Lausanne.
could one man compel another to take walked round the room several times,
On. on George.
John Philip Sousa has sent to King
“And now, George,” said the blush­ poison? Where did the blood come and yon knelt down by the body, and Edward a copy of his march, “Imperial
from? What was the object of the then you walked through and tried the
ing and practical maiden, “since every­ murderer, since robbery had no part kitchen door, and then------”
Edward." lieautifully illuminated on
thing is settled and I have consented to In ft? How came the woman’s ring
John Rance sprang to his feet with vellum in antique fashion and enclosed
share your lot—”
there? Above all, why should the sec­ a frightened face and suspicion In his in a gold-mounted morocco case.
“Yes, darling!’’
ond man write up the German word eyes.
The statue of the late Governor Ros­
“Perhaps you’d bettet see about hav­ Rache before decamping? I confess
“Where was you hid to see all
that I cannot see any possible way of that?” he cried. “It seema to me that well P. Flower is to lie unveiled in
ing a bouse on it.”
reconciling all these facts.”
you know a deal more than you Watertow n. N. Y., on lalxir day, Sept.
1. The statute is the work of St. Gau-
My companion smiled approvingly. should.”
Enormoui Consumption of Chtoc
dens, one of the world's most famous
“You sum up the difficulties of the
Great Britain and Ireland import situation succinctly and well.” he said. across the table to the constable.
about 265,000,000 pounds of cheese an­ "There Is much that Is still obscure,
“Don't get arresting me for the mur-
As many as 7,287 men have Iieen
nually. Canxia supplies about 60 per toough I have quite made up my mind der.” he said, “I am one of the hounds,
cent of tbe whole.
on the main facts. As to poor Le- and not the wolf; Mr. Gregson or Mr. elected to the national house since the
»trade’s dlsovery. it was simply a Lestrade will answer for that. Go on. American congress was organised. The
numtier does not include those who
blind Intended to put the police upon though. What did you do next?”
a wrong track, by suggesting social­
Rance resumed his seat, without, have occupier! seats and been thrown
ism and secret societies.
It was however, losing his mystified expres­ out on contests.
done by a German. The A. sion.
Father Hartman, the young Austrian
If you noticed, was printed some­
“I went back to the gate and sound­
Mczetna is caused by an acid humor lx what after the German fashion. ed my whistle. That brought Mur­ monk who composed in his monastery
cell an oration which European critics
the blood coming in contact with the Now a real Gorman Invariably prints cher and two more to the spot.”
pronounce a masterpiece, has been
"Was the street empty, then’”
skin and producing great redness and in­ In the I^tln character, so that we may
“Well, ft was. so far as anybody that feted in Rome and M. Petersburg, and
flammation ; little pustular eruption» tom safely say that this was not written bv
and discharge a thin, sticky fluid, which one. but by a clumsy Imitator, who could be of any good goes.”
is now the lion of the hour at Vienna.
dries and scales off; sometimes the »kin is overdid his part. It was simply a
“What do you mean?”
Sir George While, who would, in the
hard, dry and fissured. Eczema in any ruse, to divert inquiry Into a wrong
The constable's features broadened
ordinary course, have been retired from
form is a tormenting, stubborn disease, channel. I’m not going to tell vou into a grin.
and the itching and burning at times are much more of the case, doctor. You
'Tve seen many a drunk chap In my the British army this month, has Iieen
almost unbearable; tbe acid burning know a conjurer gets no credit when time,” he said, "but never any one so given an extension, and will retain the
humor seems to ooze out and set the skin once he has explained hfs trick, and cryin’ drunk as that cove. He was at governorship and comman<ler-in chief,
on fixe. Salves, washes nor other exter­ If I show you too much of my method the gate when T came out. a-leanln’ up ship at Gibraltar until July 6, 1D05.
nal applications do any real good, for as of working you will come to the con­ agin the railin’» and a Ringin' at. the
long as the poison remains in th« blood clusion that I am a very ordinary Indi­ pitch of hfs lungs about Columbine's
Jonathan Littlefield, of Biddeford,
it will keep the skin irritated.
vidual after all.”
New fangled Banner, or some such Me., is one of the most persistent
“I shall never do that,” I answered; stuff. He couldn’t stand, far less souvenir hunters in the United States.
“you have-brought detection as near help.”
When Prince Henry i wax here he
"For three year« I
an exact science as ft ever will be
had Tetter on my
"What sort of a mnn was he?" secured his autograph, ,
which was
heads, whieh caused
brought In this world.”
asked Sherlock Holmes.
written directly iimier that of I’resi-
them to »well to twice
their natural site. Part
John Rance appeared to be some­ dent McKinley in hi» collect on, arid
ure at my words and the earnest way what irritated at this digression.
of the time the diaeaae
he has also splinters of the floor where
wea in the form cf run­
In which I uttered them. I had al­
“He was an uncommon drunk sort o’
ning aorea, very pain­
ready observed that he was ag sensi­ flan.” he said. “He's ha' found hisself the president stood when he was shot.
ful, »nd cauaing me
tive to flattery on the score of his art In the station If we hadn’t been so
much discomfort Four
The announcement that King Oscar
doctor, aoid the Tetter
as any girl could be of her beauty.
took up.”
had progressed too far
of Sweden is writing his memoirs
"I’ll tell you one other thing,” he
to be cured, and they
"His face—hfs dress—didn’t you no­ hardly comes as a surprise, for tho
could dr nothing for
said. "Patent-leather» and Square tice them?” Holmes broke In, impati­
me. I look oniy three
reason that he ha» so frequently and
toes came in the same cab and they ently,
bottles of S. S. S. r.nd
walked down the pathway together as
so successfully ventured into literature
was completely cured.
Thia was fifteen years
friendly as possible—arm In arm, In seeing that I had to prop him up—me that he might reasonably la* expected
ago, and I have never
all probability. When they got inside and Marcher between us. He was a to try hix hand at state chronicles and
mice seen any sign of my old trouble.**—Maa.
L,. B. J ackbqk , 1414 McGee BL, Kansas City, Mo. they walked up and down the room— long chap with a red face, the lower personal reminiscences.
8. 8. 8. neutralize* this acid poison, or rather, Patent-leathers stood still, part muffled round------”
William Biair of River Edge, New
tools the blood and restores it to a healthy, while Square-toes walked up and
“That will do.” cried Holmes,” What
Jersey, celebrated his ninetieth birth­
natural state, and the rough, unhealthy down. I could read all that In the became of him?”
dust; and I could read that, as he
tkin becomes soft, smooth and clexi.
"We’d enough to do without lookin’ day on July 4. He wa* an intimate
or«» Tetter, Ery- walked, he grew more and more er- after him,” the policeman said. In an friend of General Winfield Scott, for
nelaa. Psoriasis, Salt cited. That Is shown by the increased aggrieved voice. “I'll wager he found whom he made a hammock to lie used
heum and all akin length of hfs strides. lie was talking hl» way home all right.”
on his trip to Mexico, ami paid Com­
diseases due to a txris- all the while, and working himself up,
“How was he dressed?”
modore Vanderbilt 25 cents to row him
oned condition of the no doubt, Into a fury. Then the trag­
“A brown overcoat.”
across the Hudson when the latter »as
blood. Send for our book and write us edy occurred. I’ve told you all I know
"Had he a whip In his hand?”
a ferryman.
about your case. Our physicians have rjyself, now for the rest Is mere sttr-
“A whip—no.”
made these diseases a life study, aad can mlse and conjecture. We have a good
No one looking at fxird Charles
help you by their advica; re make no working basis, however, on which to tcred my companfon. "You didn’t Beresford today would imagine that in
charge for this service. All correspondency start. We must hury up. for I want happen to see or hoar a cab after
1860, when he first went to sea, he
to go to Halle's concert to hear Nor­ that?”
b conducted in stricteat confidence.
was a delicate la«l and was in fact put
on board the warship Marlborough for
This conversation had occurred
his health. When he first set ftsit on
while our cab had been threading Its
companion said, standing up and board he heard a sailor say “Poor little
way through a long succr-ssfon of l my
dingy streets and dreary by ways.
chap, he ain’t long for this world.”
In the dingiest, and dreariest of them that you will never rise In the force. Ixvrrl “Charlie’’ ha» reen many lively
That h«ad of yours should be for use
our driver suddenly came to a stand.
times «ime then and is still lively an<*
~*hat'» Audley Court In there,” he as well as ornament. You might have vigorous-
rids tiie blood of all impurities and cures
all eruptions.
Lost II
Cured byPe-ni na of Catarrh of the
Stomach After Doctors Failed.
’>•1. .nd tl e X’ï1”'’'" h.nl
‘"•Ptn. llrl.,d7y,hr’ ,?lbfV'"‘*
•nd it stopped ,|,/ -
,lj‘i Vigor,
•'"I »nt .„J re. "r.d
«ffeing s‘ud 1,'luasure i"
was till» uhichvu
Waller- We don’t furnish dale» with
chlck.u. air. Only bread aud butter.
Ttew Flare I«» MI auw II.
Teas I auppoae ahe'll go to m» nwua
tain» this summer, as usual
J»»» Ob. no! Hha has become quite
plump, aud has davvUpud a good fl(
T«ae Well?
J m . She'll go to th. ••ootiore, of
cvura«. -Philadelphia Prraa.
Crw»l Cw. lioa.
"Ah. Miss Hr...».” |l0B.n ,he ron|ao
lie young man. ”1 adore th» b»»iltlful
I am ■ lover of poetry. I »ui a—”
"Cuckoo!“ lulemtpted ■ .mall vole»
Captain O. Bertolollo of the Italian la th» clock. Ami thru th. romantic
Barque “Lincei I«»,’’ in a recent letter young mnn bit hl» lotigae
from the chief office of the Italian
Barque I.incolle»,
Peimacola, Ha.,
••I have suffered for se serai year»
with chronk catarrh of the atomach.
I he doctors prescribed tor me Without
my receiving the lea-t benefit. I hrough
one of your pamphlet. I began the use
of Perlina, and two bottle* base en­
tirely cured me. I rctommend Peruns
to all my friends.” O. Itertulelto.
In catarrh of the stomach, a. well
► a 'HCiot.t r
as cactarrh of any other |>»rl <d the
body, Penina i* the remedy. A. ba.
often been said, if Benina will cure
l'nrstilx Assiri»« n.-ms tnrluo,,.««, twalln,ui
catarrh in one part, it will cur» catarrh •urrvundlnfs.
psooet »limata, «arwlui aU|«r
iu any other part of the tssly.
vislon, u<l lh"r<>u»h insntal. mur»l •„ I i.hv.
tholr boss, wlll Sud all thxsa
Catarrh i» catarrh ahetever il I» lo­ requlrsmoui» tuli»
ma« »1 HoUI's »ohool. Msolu
cated, and the remedy that will cut» it r»rt. san Mala» tVruniy, Cai
«sud tur C»talo«u*
any where a ill cure it ever» » hern.
ieoiia r»»’ imstu» Ausuoc irti»
If you do not receive prompt »nd rat-
HOUT. re. U. rriuetpaL
¡.factory result« from the uroot Perun»,
write at one* to I'r. Hat Iman, giving
a full «tatement of your case, and h.i
will be pleased to give you hi» valuable
advice gratia.
Address l>r. Hartman, President of
BoirdiRt Schei far Ttoaf Mia
th« Hartman bamtarium, Columbus,
Finte* all nailon nn Farrlfle
re!leni Facully. ! argeet lnd«*ot oulloge
------------------------ L**’*'1’
•'ll'ply y„,
- mom
you »tetti..
U < <>, t
Took Him Up
Sandy Pike. — What did de lady
any when yer told her yer was au old
Billy Coalgate—She told me to go out
to do woodpile and do de split.
'' 4
You don't know wh«t
• ...............................................
: Columbia University
et bielle Ael l In thè wuiM,
Over bali
au acre under au arebed ruo*.
Cntaloguca I ree.
Ai!<1 reca
«I:V. M. A. QVINLAN, C. S. C.
InUeraity Parie. Oregon
S3 &
a l 0t»«*9'e» fi*«*»* «f fB«r gr.f. 1.1,4
W. I, tRougla* mali» «n4 *ol4 e»«r» bmb ’« <»« o 4.
F*ar Well llda-l *uw«4 Frew** »hur* le th* Hr«*
•1« moetb« of lw.' ih«N aer ulbrr Rw«ffirUr*r.
nnnh> *u4h ni ’•
Little Liver Pills.
11 .lots’ii
C«/f iwxim«/. fi » fu f. Calf, fin
Knot < «ilur 1 yb I v I* u **«I.
Caution ! T*1- •**' ’*• h’v" w ’ ikjvulat
NdMiiuu 4
aik I urite *t«i »pad < t»
JlAxW« ty MM«l.
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W. L. IMMOLA!!, HMOub fon. MAWk
Mutt Bear Signatura of
He. 14-IMI,
*l|.ly u tt.TN.s liKsroan.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FOR THECOMPUIIOR
( OMMUINH dvtiwi
.<ZiBl»wety V»*»takte./<4te^-i^««<
.... — 1 in ■» 1 rr
begins in the bowels. It’s the unclean
places that breed infectious epidemics,
and it’s the unclean body unclean in­
side—that “catches” the disease. A
person whose stomach and bowels
are kept clean and whose liver is live­
ly, and blood pure, is safe against yel­
low fever, or any other of the dread­
ful diseases that desolate our beautiful
land. Some of the cleanest people
outside are filthiest inside, and they
are the ones who not only catch
the infections, but endanger the lives
of all their friends and relatives. There’s only one certain way of kcePj”ii
clean inside so as to prevent disease and that is to take CASCARli 1
Perfect disinfectant and bowel strengthened. All diseases are
25c. 50c.
Pain» art»r »»ling "
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