i tollWÍ • j'.JtlW í,. KLAMATH REPUBLICAN SUPPLEMENT. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGTST 14, 1902. NO. 18. PERSONAL trip to the south end of the county family here. Let the town council the Juggler; Mlle Zora, the win and into California. see that we have gixx) streets and j walker; the Carlons, in an acrobatic <-'. F. Tu|l arrived from Medford II. V. Gates of Hillsboro, Or., ar­ our city will brighten up somewhat. I sketch; Professor Donar. a card and Monday. rived here Sunday to inspect the new Dr. Domorest has gone to Dallas, coin manipulator; the Middleton W. B. Simpson of Naylox was in telephone line built from Ashland to He returns September I, to complete ¡marionette, in new business; the thib place and which is now lieing • own Tuesday. his work at this place. Pfell trio of Tyrolean warblers; extended to Bonanza. S. B. Low of Lost river was at the | Miss Gladys Nelson is visiting Streets of Cairo, with native Arabs, On Sunday Judge and Mrs. Geo. T. Falls Saturday. Baldwin went to Merrill where the friends in Bonanza. We are glad to camels and donkeys; a troupe of mar- John Hogelstein of Naylox was in | Judge performed Ills initial marriage : sec her so much improved in health. ineluke Arabian acrobats, whirling town Saturday. ceremony, lieing the wedding of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Davis of Medford Dervishes, gun spinners, headed by have erected a photograph gallery Hedji-el-CharifT, who was brought to J. P. Hazen of P«s- Valley was in Adams and Miss Cardwell. town yesterday. On Tuesday Maj. Worden closed a near the Morine Hotel and are pre­ this country by Barnum; Hindoo John Friese was in from his Long deal for the purchase of W. A. Mor­ pared to do your work. Give them fakiers, Russian fire-eaters and sword rison’s ranch of 180 acres on Anna Lake ranch Tuesday, 1 swallowers, a Mexican village, with . creek. Maj. Worden already owned a tfial.- Mrs. Cljas. Walker, daughter of I seven lady singers and dancers, with < >. Short was in from his Spring an adjoining quarter section. Lake ra/icli Monday. Miss Allee Applegate has accepted Frank Swingle, who has been serious­ an incidental imitation bullfight; a L. B. Applegate of Swan lake was the position of teacher at the Plevna ly ill, is a little better.at this time, menagerie of 50 animals, Katool’s a visitor here Tuesday. district school about four miles out but her life is yet hanging on a bal­ j traiped leopards, two sensational acts on the Ashland road near Steam's ance. " ' in a lion’s cage, a performing ele­ F. A. Gregory of Yreka was an ar­ ranch. She will ride and go irotn Rev. Summerville returned to Bo­ phant and a bear that has mastered rival at the Falls Saturday- home during the entire term. nanza last Tuesday -from Klamath the alluring intricacies of the hooch- R. M. C. Brown of Round Lake Capt. Applegate was down from Fails to meet Miss Rose . Fielder of | ie-coochie. was a Fails visitor Saturday. Klamath Agency Saturday Io meet ------------------- ——i Mtc Cleland Is reported convalesc­ Congressman Tongue and accompany Medfotd who wilbaccompany him to My boy wiien four years old was ing from a severe spell of'illness. him to t’tafer lake. The latter. how­ Aahland. Miss Fielder is making taken with colic and cramps in his ever, did not ■ nine here, instead tak­ tier first trip through this part of the County Commissioner N. S. Mer­ stomach. 1 sent for the doctor and country,* In company with Rev. he Injected morphine, but the child rill ot Merril' was in town on busi­ ing the route via Pelican Bay. ness Tuesday. Miss Elva Galloway who was a Summerville, she made a tour of the kept getting worse. 1 then gave teacher in t he Klamath Falls school Reservation the latter part of July ! him half a teaspixmful of Chamber­ Attorney C. C. Brower expects to last winter, and since taught at Round lain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea II obo . soon make a trip to Prineville on Lake, started to-day for Douglas on their Wav to Lakeview. Remedy, and in half an hour he was legul business. City. Alaska, where she has awaiting A Necessary Precaution. sleeping and soon recovered.—F. L. W ilkens , Shell Laki, Wis. Mr. C. H. Dutro. of the Abhland-Klam- her a position In the school at that Don't neglect a cold. It is worse Wilkins is book-keeper for the Shell alii Fails stage line, left for Ashland place. For sale by Chlt- the lirst ol tiie week. It is dangerous. I Lake Lumber Co. Rev. Shields, newly chosen Presby­ than unpleasant. 1 wood & Co. Geis-Owen and W. W. Erb of Ash­ terian pastor, did not return to By using One Minute Cough -Cure Allays in­ land were here Iasi Friday to prove Klamath Falls as was expected last you can i»urt> it at once. Get a free sample of Chamberlain’s week. He was unexpectedly detain­ up on ,t lull er claims. ed hi Situ Francisco, but will probab­ flammation, dear* the head, sisithes ! Stomach and Liver Tablets at Chit- They are Mrs. Alex Martin Jr. gave an en­ ly tie here in t ime to preach and strengthens the mucus mem­ wixxi & Co’s drug store. i easier to take and more pleasant in joyable tea party to a number of lady Sunday. brane. Cures Roughs, croup, throat effect than pills. Then their use is iriends last Thursday. Absolutely safe. not followed by constipation as is C. P. Dorian of Portland, who is a and lung troubles. A. Kinney and wife of Lost river j traveling representative of the Mu- Acts immediately. Regular Children like it. ' often the case with pills. started Saturday on a hunting trip; tual Life Ins. Co. of New York, ar- j size 25c. per box. TO ny 'Friends. io Lake of the Woods. rived I ere last week on his return A full line of groceries- Patent Judge H. L. Benson and family re­ i from a trip to Lakeview, where he It is with joy 1 tell you what Ko- I medicines of all kinds—enough to turned Tuesday iroiu their month's was very successful in his business, dol did foe me. 1 was troubled with kill you if sick, make you sick if not, lie is here to remain several days. outing at Spring creek. my stomach for ^several months. continually on hand at the Excelsior. KLAriATH AGENCY ITEMS. C. A. Bunting, one of the promt-| Upon being advised to use Kodol. I Dairy. Or.’ bent stis kiiieii ol Sprague liver, was Capt. Applegate and W. W. Nick­ did so, and w,ords cannot tell the It Needs a Tonic. a Falls visitor yesterday. good it lias, done me. A neighbor Mm. W. D. Weeks, Mrs. R. Hutch­ elson returned Sunday from a busi­ There are times when your liver had dyspepsia so that he had tried ison uhd Mis. W. L. Churchill of Bly ness trip to Klamath Falls. needs a tonic. Don’t give purga­ were, at the Falls "i uesdav. R, C. Spink of Yainax. with his most everythjng. 1 told him to use tives that gripe and weaken. De­ Kodol. Words of gratitude have Jas, Riley of Ashland arrived here wife and little daughter, stayed lieie Witt’s Little Early Risers expel all this week to accept employment in I Monday night on his way to the come to me from him because I re­ poison from the system and act as tue store ol Yeo, .»tiller A Co. W. Scott, 531 Duck Valley Indian reservation commended It.—Geo. W. Fry. Viola, tonic to the liver. Highland ave.. Milton, Pa., says: Iowa. Health and strength, of mind W. F. Arant, lately appointed where he has been appointed to a ••1 have carried DeWitt's Little superintendent ol i rater Lase na- and body, depend on the stomach, position its clerk. Mr. Spink leaves Early Risers with me for several uouuT park, departid Sunday morn- his store at Yainax in charge of and normal activity of the digestive years and would not be without nigior the park. organs. Kodol. the great recon­ them.” Small and easy to take. Frank L. Applegate. .*». L. McNaughton, former pro- structive tonic, cures al) stomach and Purely vegetable. They never gripe A party who went to Crater Lake pi ictor of the Ager-Lakeview stage or distn ss. bowel troubles, indigestion, dyspep­ une. stqpped al Hus place the fore on Tuesday consists of Capt. Apple­ sia. Kislol digests any good food |ull ot the week. gate and family, Superintendent W. you eat. Take a dose after meals. .1. L. Yaden, proprietor of the F. Arant and wife. Geo. Butler and Klamath Falls-Lakeview stage line, wife. Miss Emily Staiger, Geo. W. PORTLAND EuKS’ CARNIVAL. ____ , . < icllirued yesieinay from a trip to the Loosley. .1. R. Elliott and Winfield The Portland E1ÜS* ("arrival in the Ifogde river valley. Jackson. They will meet distin­ metropolis of the Wrtliirn j-ttie, Septeui; Makes daily trips each way by Bai I.VO. II. Ayers, Frank B. Evans ren. Soda Springs, Shake, l’okegt .uni A. ►. Tonningsoii of Lakeview guished parties from Salem and Port­ ber 1 to 13. will ’ W» a rtftwpendous ma, (Logging Camp.) Keno, I arrived here Thursday from Ashland land while there and will likely be stieet exposition v this year Klamath Falls. accompanied back to the Agency by larger than any’ 'ftfne’r city In .the on then way home. Representative Thus. II. Tongue on C. R. DeLap arrived home Tuesday West has ever seen. It is easier to It is the direct line from Ashlait Irvin Ashland where lie was called by Thursday or Friday. and all Northwest Oregon to Klan say what cannot be seen within its I lie illuess ol Ills Chilli, lie left the L eathkk S tix kinu . ath Falls, Merrill, Bonanza. B walls than to enumerate what will ’ tittle one much improved. and Lakeview, and also Indit lx1 seen. The great feature will be BONANZA "SQUIBS.” Agency and Ft. Klamath. Henry Stout and family of Lost the .labour Oriental Circus and Men ­ river passed through town Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Hosmer Fuller have agerie Company, which comes fresh Leave Klamath Falls daily at on their way to the Lake ot the gone to Lakeview to visit friends. a. m. and arrives by 7 p. m., a W ikh I s to enjoy an outing. from New York at one jump. .lab­ makes the trip to and from Ai James Morton came over from our's Midway Includes some of the R. W. Beach closed his schi ol in land in 14 hours. pis- valley Iasi Friday. He started Rogue River Valley this week with best things seen lit the Pan-American .»lorfdav tor California where he will a load of fruit and vegetables to feed Fair at Buffalo. Some ten shows are Good Stock and Equi; enter t’lie state university at Berkley. the hungry of our town. Come every given under tents, and every one of meat V\. E. Worden, formerly principal week Jim. them is worth seeing. In the Ger­ of the Klamatli Falls schools, is ex-1 Careful Attention Giv Rev. Ketcheson has a new single man village a continuous vaudeville iiecled to arrive here Horn Delta, Traveling Public. performance will be given, 30 artists i mm, the lirst ol Hie week to lis tile. harness and a call for sale. appearing. These Include the Sigu- W. M. COCKERELU ‘ C. L DITRI II. L. Clopton has a tine growth Messrs. Armstrong and Applegate mehto troupe of Japanese head and of the Diene Land and Livestock Co. of shade trees around his building, S'jperinlendenL Contn reltii ued yesterday tioui a live days which should I k - imitated by every fix’ll balancersand acrobats, Halder, ®—- ■ ' ■ BB-——=—!———H Ashland and Klamath Fall: Stage Line.