Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, August 14, 1902, Image 3

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    pari tier In crime, Du vid f-
M'-nill. .
were placed In the <......
frf-I W I h
w i
'Wr. i
Harvesting of grain Is well under
Way und thrashing will commence
III about a week.
Superintendent De Lap has bean
holding a teuchcm* examination this
week, a large number lielng examin­
The ranchers have finished putting
bp their first crop bf alfulfa, and
have nearly finished their wild hay
We understand there Is a dearth of
carpenters at this place, the number
litre being unuble to meet the de­
J. F. Goeller is making prepara-
tlona to build a large, stylish new
dwelling on Ills lots In West Klamath
A few mild and peaceable peals of
thunder rolled along the sky on Mon­
They were the first beard
since hut year.
John Andre«», a newspaper man
from Osage, Iowa, arrived here Sun­
day to get acquainted with the re-
sou reca of Klamath couhty.
Carpenters began th« work of re-
modeling and Improving Maj. Wor­
den’s dwelling on Tuesday.
Improvements will cost »1,000.
Mr. John Cole and Miss Hattie
llarkley were married al the resi­
dence of Mrs Bell« Miller last even­
ing, Judge Baldwin officiating.
Mosquitoes have been thicker and
more voracious than usual here dur-
Ing the ; wist week, carrying a new
and more diabolical kind of virus.
The addition to the Store of Reatn-
es ft Jennings was finished Monday.
The Improvement adds a large, com­
modious room to tile rear of their
Dick Payne, brother of Mrs. Theo­
dore Kinsman of Bonanza, was killed
by lightning at Phoenix, seven miles
from Ashland, Thursday afternoon
at 5 o'clock.
The l^tkrvlew Examiner reports
that when the Chewsucan was di­
verted Into the new canal near Pais­
ley tons of fish were left on the
marsh to die.
Large crowds of timber seekers
continue to arrive nearly every day.
We learn that about 735 timber
claims have been taken in thia land
district thus far tills year.
A party of eighteen young people
of this place enjoyed a picnic on
Judge Baldwin's Island Saturday
afternoon and evening.
They ate
supper there, and had a merry time,
returning by moon-llglit.
Henry Vaughn, an aged negro,
who marie a living for a number of
years by selling fruit to passengers
at the Ashland railway statl'm, was
found dead in a creek near Jackson-
v’.lfe on the 2nd Inst, lie had suicid­
The Olene Land and Livestock
Company has Imported two of tile
celebrated sheep-heelers of Baaqtie,
Switzerland. They eat, drlhk, sleep
and herd sheep in English, but do
their thinking and talking In “Bas­
This section was visited by a heavy
dvwnpour of rain Tuesday afternoon,
accompanied by some thunder and
lightning. According to reports, the
storm, especially the electrical dis­
play, was greater In the Rogue river
valley than here.
A thusder shower In the moun­
tains cooled the atmosphere here
Monday afternoon. The past week
has witnessed the longest spell of hot
weather within the memory of the
oldest settler, and the change In the
elements was much of a relief.
The proposer) new county high
achool building will not be erected
until next spring.
For room during
the coming school year, the county
court, will endeavor to arrange with
the local achool txiard to usr part ot
the building belonging to this dis­
A horse fell with Jas. Wilson Mon­
day In the eastern end of town, caus­
ing a badly «pralncd wrist and a par­
tial dislocation of the wrist bones.
Wo understand the horse fell as the
result of a defect In the bridge cross­
ing the Irrigating ditch. Dr. Har-
gus was called.
Chas. Anderson of Merrill caught
the third finger of his left hand In
11 header on Tuesday «nd crushed It
so badly that amputation was found
He carne to Klamath
Full« and yesterday morning Dr.
Reame« removed the Anger and
dressed tho hand.
A party of visitors from Portland,
among whom were Gov. Geer, Con­
gressman Tongue and other distin­
guished citizens and officials, arrived
at Crater Lake on Saturday to re­
main u few days.
Full particulars
of their visit wo hope to obtain for
publication In next week's paper.
The body of Outlaw Tracy was de­
livered st the Salem penitentiary on
Saturday and after identification was
burled beside the remains of bls
!)„. laIl. A R s<haaf. I
' recent decision In the circuit court limber Land, Act June 3, 1878—
- coffin ka many years ago, going three miles ¡of Klamath county, in the suit of the I
j to dcatroy the tiudy «nd ||,UH defeat
Notice for Publication,
to'tiler up than the former survey Summit Lake Irrigation ft power
any possible attempt to ateul It.
| on the I’lcard road. The present work
If some man wishes to make u • Is rather heavy and will be for the lec­ | Co., plaintiff, vs. Hayes nod Scliw.ir-
O bicuox . June 1«, 1'JW I
This was a suit Notice lussvisw,
good «peculation for blmaelt and do tion around Fall creek, In order to I tz, defendants:
It hereby Riven that, in compliance
with the provision» of the act of CongreM of
a good thing tor the town, let him get upon the tableland back of Shovel brought by plaintiff against defen­ June 3, 1M78. entitled "Au act for the aale of
timber landa In the atatea of California, Ore­
build a dozen or twenty neat, stylish creek on the west side. After reach­
gon, Nevada, ai d Washington Territory,” aa
to all the Public Land Mtateh by act
and comfortable cottages for renting ing the table land above Fall creek | the head-waters of J. L. Wright extended
August 4, 1892. Ixniia K. Stanosheck of Fort
creek In this county, plaintiff claim­ of
Klaujath, County of Klamath, Htate of Oregon,
purpoaes. Houaea to rent are what the road can lx: build much easier to
hied in thia office hia sworn state­
ing a prior appropriation of the wat­ haathisday
ment, No. 764, for the purchase of the 8W*4 of
arc now anxiously looked after by the Oregon line and Klamath lake.
No. 5, in Township No. 32, 8,, Range
ers of the stream The case having Meetion
No 7U, E. W. M , and will offer proof to »how
many new comer» who bare no place
The drilling plant of the Southern been tried at the last November term that the land sought la more valuable for Its
to lay their head«.
limber or atone than for acricnitural pur­
Oregon Oil Co., near Ashland, was of the circuit court, and being sub­ poses, and to establish his claim to said land
We learn from Dr. Hargus that totally destioyed by fire Saturday mitted to the court for decision In before Jas. H. Driscoll, County Clerk, at Klam­
ath Falla, Oregon, on Friday, the 5ch day of
County Clerk Driscoll met with a afternoon, together with a large barn vacation, upon the written argu­ September 1902. He names as witnesses:
Jacob Isler, of Klamatbon, Calif.; Keith A.
•cvere accident on Sunday at Bly in the neighborhood. The fire start­ ments of Leavitt ft Mills for plaintiff Porter of Fort Klamath, Oregon; L. C. Drake,
of Fort Klamath, Oregon; J. Wallace Dickey,
where he was visiting relatives.
He ed In an adjacent blacksmith shop, and II. W. Keesee and A. 8. Ham­ of Fort Klamath, Oregon. Any and all per­
sons claiming adversely the above-describ­
wa« riding a horse, when It fell, but the cause Is not known.
The mond for defendants, and Judge Ben­ ed lands are requested to hie their claims in
this office on or before said 5th day of Sep­
throwing him off and breaking two oll-drilllng plant was the largest In son having fully considered the case, tember
E. M RRATTAtS Rr|tla(<*r.
or three riba. The result wus not a« the state, costing about »5,000. filed with the county clerk his find­
serious ss was at first feared, and he Drilling for oil had reached a depth ings of fact, conclusions of law and TIMBERLAND, ACT JUNE 3,1878,
will be ail right in a few days.
of nearly 2,000 feet, but work had the decree dismissing the suit of
Wild fruits of all kinds will be been suspended for some time owing plaintiff, dissolving the temporary
UxrrsD S tates L and OrricE,
Lakeview, Oregon, July 17, 1902.
fiofiffllHindant than usual this year. to a luck of funds. Lately arrange­ Injunction heretofore granted, and
ments had been made with a capital­ giving defendants judgment for
Notice is hereby given that in com­
pliance with the provisions of the act of
fruits In Klamath, Including plum«, ist to continue the drill to a depth of their costs aud disbursements of the Congress
of June 3, 1878, entitled “An
2,500 or 3,000 feet.
fwcWeberrles, tblmhleberrles,
act for the sale of timber lands in the
atatea of California, Oregon, Nevada,
Capt. Oliver C. Applegate has sug­
berries, gooseberries, elderberries,
and Waahington Territory," aa extend­
hawberries, cherries,
raspberries, gested the appropriateness of Klam-
ed to ali the Public Land Htatea by act
Rev. E. R. Ketchenson, Methodist of
Auguat4,1892, James H. Driscoll, of
sarvlsbsrrles and blackberries.
Few ate Falls inviting Congressman Ton­
gue to return this way from Crater minister at Bonanza, and Miss Lulu Klamath Falls, County of Klamath,
counties can make such a showing.
State of Oregon, has July 7,1902, filed in
Lake and Inspect the natural local M. Ilarpold of that place, were unit­ this office hie aworn statement No. 948,
Jno. V. Houston has this week re­
tor the purchase of the KEJ-« of Section
conditions here which offer a splendid
ceived a letter, dated at Susanville,
14, in Township No. 40 8., Range
opportunity to the Government to bride’s uncle, A. D. Harpold, In Bo­ No.
No.7, E. W. M., and will offor proof to
Calif., from Fred Moore who, with
show that the land sought is more val­
demonstrate the practicability of irri­
his dramatic company, Is headed this
gation in Klamath county.
Big o’clock, the ceremony being per­ uable for its timber or atone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish
way, via Alturas and Lakeview. He
Klamath Lake Is a great natural formed by Rev. N. J. liarbit of
claim to said land before the Coun­
says he has made some changes In reservoir and there aie hundreds of Klamath Falls, assisted by Presiding his
ty Judge of Klamath county, Oregon, at
Ills company and hu enjoyed sucr<*ss. thousands of acres of “dry ranches” Elder Summerville.
Klamath Falls, Oregon, on .Monday,
lie may be here at the time of the under it, or susceptible of being irri­
A large number ot invited guests the 29th day of September. 1902. He
names as witnesses: John Connolly, of
fair, and the people of Klamath Falls gated by It.
The cost of a reservoir attended, and after the ceremony a Keno, Oregon; Harry B. Hargus, of
will be glad to meet him and his would thus be saved and a splendid sumptuous wedding supper was serv­ Klamath Falls. Oregon; Fred L. Hous­
ton, of Klamath Falls, Oregon; Hiram
company again.
object lesson given the West in this ed. Floral decorations were profuse H. Wescott, of Klamath Falls, Oregon.
and beautiful. The newly wedded Any and all persons claiming adverse­
Alturas Plaindealer:
Mrs. John all important industry.
couple have a host of friends and ly the above described lands are re­
Doten left Alturas last week tor
The Reno State Journal says that
quested to file their claims in this of­
Klamath Fallsand Yreka to secure it is Informed by General Manager well-wishers who bespeak for them
fice on or before said 29th day of Sep­
tember, 1902.
evidence In her claims against the Dunaway that the N. C. O. railroad happy journey through life.
E. M. B battain , Register.
government for depredations com­ will soon tie extended from Madeline,
mitted by the Indians during the Its present northern terminus, to
The marriage of Mr. J. F. Adams
Modoc war. The losses of Doton, Lakeview, a distance of 95 miles, and
Fairchild and Dorris Bros, were very that if possible, a portion of the to Miss Martha Cardwell took place
U nited S tates L and O ffice , I
at the residence of Mr. Adams near
heavy, their herds affording the grading will be done this fall.
Lakeview, Oregon, August 4, 1902.j
The Merrill last Sunday, the ceremony
Indians food tor six months. Their I Journal also states that “the right
Notice is hereby given that in com-
being performed by Judge Geo. T. Eliance with the provisions of the act of
claims are just and should be paid. •
of way from Madeline to Lakeview Baldwin.
ongresa of June 3, 1878, entitled “An
Ad for the sale of timber land in the
G. Grant Crarey, who tor several will lead through a country much
The bride was for several years a states
of California, Oregon, Nevada,
years was the well known manager ¡more thickly settled than lire
coun- successful teacher in the Klamath and Washington
Territory’’ aa extend­
of the summer resort at Pelican Bay try the road already traver8es. Falls schools, and ¡s well and favor­ ed to all the Public Land States by act
Lodge, on Upper Klamath lake, died Thcre are a number of prosperous ably known. Mr. Adams is one of of August 4, 1892, the following persons
have this day filed fn thia office their
last Friday at his home in Ashland villages and the country is full of the leading stockmen of the county, aworn statements to-wit:
George Pot res,
after a lingering Illness.
Funeral cattle and horses and other stock. and is highly respected by a large
When the circle of friends. Their numerous of Airlie. county of Polk, atafe of Ore­
services were held at the family resi­ It is also better wooded.
gon, aworn statement No. 1117, for the
dence Sunday afternoon. M r. Crary extension Is completed the earnings friends will join the R epublican in purchase of the Lot 1, section 2, town­
had been In ill health tor eight years, of the N. C. O. should be more than extending congratulations and best ship 37, 8., range 9 E.
Edward Patras,
and last winter went to Southern doubled.”
of Airlie. county of Polk, state of Ore­
gon, aworn statement, No. 1118, for the
California, hoping to be benefited by
Grants Pass Courier: Land Com­
Dr. J. G. Goble the Optician will be purchase of the Lot 3, section 1, town­
the change of climate.
missioner Hermann, Forest Superin­ at Klamath Fails soon.
Watch this ship 37, 8., range 9 E.
That they will offer proof to show
N. 8. Merrill tells us that he will tendent Ormsby and the Geological paper for the date of his arrival.
If that the land sought is more valuable
united in recom- your eyes need attention do not for its timber or stone tlian for agricul­
be here next Monday with engineers j survey have
to investigate proposed routes for the mending to the secretary of the in- fail to consult him. He treats all tural purposes, and to establish their
to said land before J. O. Ilama-
Irrlgatlng cans), to be built from, tei lor the temporary withdrawal of eases of defective vision that the claim
ker, U. 8. Commissioner, at Forest.
Upper Klamath lake, and ascertain , three tracts of land In Crook, Grant, scientific fitting of glasses will rem­ Oregon, on Saturday, the 18th day of
October, 1902.
the moat feasible one to adopt. This Harney, Baker, Malheur, Umatilla, edy. Examination free of charge.
They name aa witnesses: George E.
Is one of the biggest and most bene-1 Union and Wallowa counties, em-
Macaulay, of Independence, Oregon;
W. F. Arant, of Klamath Falls, Oregon;
fleial enterprises In process of devel- »»dying the peaks and heavily tim-
Eugene B. Henry, of Klamath Falls,
opment In Klamath county and we I be red regions of the Strawberry,
The Baldwin Studio, under the Oregon ; George Potras, of Airlie, Ore­
are glad to learn that the promoters Blue and Powder river mountains, artistic supervision of Miss Maude gon ; Edward Tatras, of Airlie, Oregon.
Any and all persona claiming adverse­
are determined and confident that ibe total area being approximately Baldwin, has, since it was opened a
ly the above-described lands are re­
; (1000 square uiilcs. The withdrawal, few months ago, justly acquired a quested
success will follow their efforts.
to file their claims in this office
Ashland Tidings: The rush for If made will be tie the first 6tep in most enviable reputation and popu­ cn or before said 18th day of October,
■ the direction of creating a vast forest larity.
The studio itself is as per- 1902.
timber lands is as rushing in North­
E. M. BRATTAIN, Register.
reserve in Eastern Oregon, where in 1 ’ feet and up to date in all its arrang e-
ern California as In Oregon and the .
tile opinion of the survey and land ments and appointments as the best Timber Land, Act June 3. 1878—
Redding U. 8. land office has had its
Notice for Publication.
office there is a crying need for pro­ photograph establishments in San
capacities taxed to accommodate J
tection of timber and water supply, Francisco or Portland, and the beau­
business. An extra man has been
L akeview , O regon , July 30, 1902.)
especially as it is contemplated to ty and elegance of the photographic
added, and yet the whole force Is
Notice is hereby given that, in com­
construct storage reservoirs In these work produced, every day brings ad­ pliance
with the provisions of the act of
«vfirwurked and working overtime.
miring crowds of visitors.
We had Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “An
Since the first of January the busi­
act for the sale of timber lands in the
Saturday's Oregonian gives new the pleasure this week of seeing a states of California, Oregon, Nevada and
ness has doubled. During that time
Washington Territory,’’ as extended
more than 400 timber land applica­ facts in relation to the proposed
to all the Public Land States by
tions have been filed.
The home­ railroad from Coos Bay to Salt Lake ographs and certainly never saw more act of Angust 4, 1892, Jesse W. Church
stead business has not bjen so large City. It publishes extracts from a perfect work, or more to attract and ill, oi Picard, county ot Siskiyou, state
circular Issued by New York bankers delight the eye. Miss Baldwin has, of California, has this day filed in
In four years.
1 Indeed, every reason to feel proud this office bis sworn statement, No. 1075,
Ashland Tidings:
M. U rbain, and brokers, showing that the line of ber splendid studio and of the for the pnrchase of the NE^ of Section
No. 11, in Township No. 41. S., Range
Gohler, an eminent Parlsan journal­ is backed and promoted by the Gould , reputation she is acquiring as a first No. 7 E. W’. M., and will offer proof to
system, which seeks to touch the [
ist, who recently lectured before the
class artist. Those wishing to see show that the land sought is more val­
University on his “Impressions of j Pacific ocean and at the same time the finest collection on the coast of uable for its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish
America." is expected In Ashland in shorten the transcontinental route. photographic portraits and views, his claim to said land before Jas. H.
Driscoll, county clerk, at Klamath Falls,
a few day» to start for the Crater
will do well to visit the studio. None Oregon, on Thursday, the 16th day of
Lake National Park.
Monsieur than any other line from Salt Lake but the blind can fall to appreciate October, 1902. He names as witnesses:
It would pass
Gohler has been a well known figure City to the ocean.
it, nor fail to hope that the faces of I. J. Straw, of Picard, California; H.
In Paris for many years as a man of through Klamath county and will their own families and friends may 8. Mathews, of Picard, California;
Henry W. Straw, ot Picard, California;
s@~Shop near Duffy’s Store.
letter», publicist, and student of po­ naturally hasten operations on the also be thus beautifully portrayed Eugene B. Henry, of Klamath Falls,
Oregon. Any and all persons claim­
litical Institution*. He is at present
and perpetuated.
ing adversely
the above-described
traveling through the United .States the one from Laird's, building up
the Klamath river, and the Columbia
When in need of anything in the lands are requested to file their claims
as journalist and student of econom­
in this office on or betöre said 16tli day
Southern, building down from Shani­ stationery line remember Chitwood of October, 1902.
ics and politics.
E. M. BRATTAIN, Register.
Though Klamath Falls and ft Co. have the best.
Lesley and Emery Davis, aged 6 Klamath county might be satisfied
A full line of Buckingham
and 3 years respectively, were burned with one railroad at present, there Is
Hecht boots and shoes—men’s
to death at Kiamathon on Wednes­ reasonable assurance that three, in­
A choice lot of 25-cent novels at ladies*—for winter wear at the
The Klamath County Live Stock
day of last week. The children were stead of one, will be built here with­
CniTwooD & Co’s.
celsior, Dairy, Oi.
Association will pay the above re­
playing In the yard at the rear of in the next few years.
ward for the arrest and conviction of
Fastidious people use Crown Toilet
We have some nice patterns Jap-
their home with some parlor match­
person or persons found guilty of
Oregon Stato Journal: H. C. Per­
es, and near by was a five-gallon can
stealing or altering the marks or
Save money by making your home­
of coal oil. The oil became ignited
brands of any stock belonging to any
member of this association.
and exploded, covering the 11 ttle ones, last week to do some U. S. surveying to the most delicate skin and de­ stead, timber and other filings with
Address Chas. Horton, President,
with the blaze.
Their outcries
or J. O. IIamaker,Secretary.
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
brought assistance, but before the reservation along tho line of the sell it.
fire could be extinguished they were eastern slope of the Cascade moun­
so Beverly burned that death resulted tains. The money to pay for the
Milk and stock cows, 2-ycar-old
surveying Is furnished by the Booth-
a few hours later.
Kelly Company to bo appropriated and yearlings, and calves, one mile
Henry Watterson the Southern
by congress and repaid on the proper south of Klamath Falls.
orator and editor, during his recent
L. M. R hodbs .
vouchers in accordance with a law
tour through Oregon, said:
“If 1
passed many years ago. The Booth-
Latest styles mens and boys hats.
were a young man I would come to
Kelly Company has purchased or has
D ufky C o .
Oregon to Hve. I cannot see how any
an option to purchase the Military
young man with any sense at all cun
Rubber boots with leather soles at
Road grant from the California com­ tbe Excelsior, Dairy, Or.
fail to become rich In five years In this
pany that purchased It from the
MRS. E. J. BOYD, Proprietor.
country. 1 predict that within ten
Call in and see our mens »9.00
Now Open
I’engra company many years ago.
Trimmed and Walking Hats, Undershirts, Stockings«
years there will be 30,000,000 people
suits._________ D uffy C o .
By having the land surveyed, inside
west of the Bncky Mountain«. The
Shirtwaists, Ribbons, Etc., Etc.
For reliable information concern­
of the government reservation, and
Isthmaln canal will revolutionize
deeding it to the United States, scrip ing public lands go to J. W. Hama-
this country. The Pacific Ocean will
Latest styles ladies’, genta, niâtes,
Summer coats and vests; nice, styl­
will be issued in lieu of It which can kar; get the benefit of thirty years
«oon become what the Atlantic is
boys and childrens shoes.
be exelmuged for any other govern­ experience.
ish goods at little money.
now and the Atlantic will be relegat­
D cttt C o .
D uffy C o .
ment land which is now worth •<> per
Fresh confectionary, nuts, etc.,
ed to the rear.”
acre or more for timber, and fn some etc.
i vt
D uffy Co.
Buckingham and Hecht Warent«»
------ i-n—r -..... -
Ashland Tidings: The Klamath places more for farming or grazing
All kinds of syrup«, dried fruit,
New line of chinaware, «emi-por- A. O. U. W. BUILDING, fresh ham, bacon and lard and sor­ boots, shoes and felts, at EsoeNMdr«
Lake R. B- •" D0W *>e,nK hu,,t
celaln and glassware. Prices lowest.
ly, since making a new survey at
ghum, at the Excelsor, Dairy, Or. Dairy, Oregon.
Klamath Falls.
D uffy C o .
Fall creek, which b along an old
Dry Goods,
Clothing and Groceries.
The Best Assortment We
Have Ever Shown
New Stock Now Arriving.
L. F. WILLITS, Proprietor.
I.F. Davies, Prop.
Klamath Falls Marble Yard
First Class Work of all Kinds in Stone,
G. D. GRIZZLE, Prop.
$250.00 REWARD
And Ready for Business.
Developing and Printing for
Amateurs a Specialty.